HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-8-12, Page 3• FRUIT IN THE oKANAGAN VALLEY ehe Not long ago the statement was Made betne Dominion Fruit. Coantnis- , siener that the trait industry of the Dozniniert as a ,whole 1 it; better eien- (Wien than for' many Years past, and that it its Steadily imeraying thratlah tile -elimination of the nerelene grower . and the adoption of better Methods. He Kiesseina,ted, thait &olio ,Nrere 'novv 200,000 aeres, in Canada devoted to fruit cul- ture. 'Inio total value et fruit procion- tion in Canada in 1925, made 1.113 of essveeel varieties', 'is placed at $24,726,- 762, of which applee aceount for $20,- 057,417. Considerable 'attention has been di- rected lately to the trait producing dietriet of the Okanagan Valley in, Bri- . then Conembia, -yeeeee meet progress w apparent, Due to e revcilUtion in mar- Iteting methods, the Valleyain, 1925 had. a very AfaCceastal year with remunera- tive foturne x ruit growers,. The was '00.Ds4demb1'e marketing- of nalr' eery steck in the, •teagitery in the tiering rnonths, indicative of continued' expensiou, whilst earin •reports' fere- east 'ca` good fruit crop in the Valley in 1926. improvement In Marketing Conditions. As, the outcome ef deliberations be- tween Valley grower e and, officials and Agent's eff the Britten: Colagrabla distrlct of the CanatlianePaeifie further improvement has tien wrought In condition's etierouncling the market- ing -of Okanagan fruit. Services of the 001-nisaufe- Okanagan Lake vessels whicli run the /length ot ,the Valley,. Will be expedited, so that orders emit by buyers from the Prairie Provinces may he filled to go out on the following noning., New ventilated fruit cats • have been in,brocinfeed by the Dominion Einprese eageripany which a,11,eiv a cora• - peete change of air eirery three rein- ' titan through theecare by means of Ina proved drat:Cation, which are expected to result in the arrival of theproduct in yet beteer condition. • The provinces of .Alberta,. Sas- • katchewan and. Manitoba, lying across the Rockies, constitute the1 "argest and most important market foreOkanagan • Valley fruit, export statistics ineicat- ing that more tlaan half its exportable product etiSdestination. The Val- ley fruit is, however, going steadily Carillon And farther afield ea noted in the figures. of the•Associatecl glowers, the province's marketing argaailzablon. To the end of, January of the present year, in addition to satisfying . the • prairie market, 108 ears of apples wee sliipp.ed to Ontario and Quebee, 42 cars to Newfoundland, • 405 ;ears to Great Britain, 51, care to thentinited State % 65 care to See/aline 'Via, 29 cars to Germany, 18 ears 'to South. Africa, and 8 care to China. • It is interestieg to nate that actor& ing to easly indicat,ione the Okanagan • Valley will this year have an aPPin 'f;roat and that ale berry and tender e, equal to its Tweed one in the • fruit crops, indlcate, Considerable in- creases. in yields. In, particular, it is estimated that 225 acres have been planted ta cen.talcepee as compared with 125 item •last yeae. Women Regard Tears as •Obsolete "Weapons," •A gealiddaughtee of Sarah Bern- hardt recenitly reanaeked., in a Paris newsPaPer, that:women no longer al- • e- lowed themselves to be moved to tears im the theatres, as in her gra.ndmetbe er's day, 'writes Mary Horton in 'The Landon Mail." Is this, sheasites due to .eansicleration /VI' 'their appeaeance,, or to eliame for what: mealy, In ,these •dais of sex -equality, be thought an un- • Worthy wettlenese? 'I'lle.exolanation is naore Mk -elite lie • bethe fact 'tliat the aniajoritas of' WoMeue ba-ves: in. the last twelve years or 50, a.cquired too intimate an acquaintance with real tragedy to be moved by the • ma.kehelief, however well portrayed. Leeckil.y for herself, the modern glen's • gaining. does not encourage weeeilla ove.r trines. Like her, brothee, she has learned to keep a Stiff upper, lip and bete on the bullet •in silence. And hen „ nealthy, Opensalei, life makes her still less • &idiotcl to tat iiieraterious lux- ury,, born of :overwrought nerves, • known to earlier genetationse a$ 'fa, gooa Cry." ' Le/glen orb. popularly supposeente be in- eggar2.rly dissurneel by a woman'sntears- 'indeed,- a frobous, judge one,e publicly owned himself paralyzed by them. But 14 19 to be feared that the young man of te-day is more likely to pe irritated than moved by, the crystal drops, that , fell from hie. lealyeleiviee eyes , and to. • beg her, unsympe.thetioalay; • not, 'ter makenn as,z, of herself. • ' •, So It is not altogether sursieising if . . woman has come to the tanclusion , that these one-time "biggest guns in her arni:oryn are obsolete Weasions, to be scrapped in favor of atherel:More effective, • Damascus. e Pink' were. the prem.!, pomegranates, a rosy eloted to the eight, " ahd the fluttering biome of the orange evae white in thezenith light; And sudden, Or over we dreamed it, did ,the orchards eve apart, And there was the bowered city with the flood of Its Orient Iteaitt; There'. was the ervness pageant that surged threugh the arching gate; , There was the slim Bride's Minaret* and the ancient "street called Straight'' -Clinton Soollard, in "Songs of Sun- rise 0 EN OF • MIDDLE AGE Need Rich, Red 1310Od to 1140,iit " tain Good' Health. After peeeing tne ego' of forty every woman has reason to grow anxious about ber health. This time of tries], With its attacks of faintness aed fits Cif delaraseion, Its often violent head - Relies and hack eaten is rightly dread- ed by women; but it reasonable eteps are taken to sareguaed the health, no serieuellleffects wili arise, • At this turning point in life Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have given a helping hand to thoeeends ot slifterjag women Who were, fighting a nopelese battla against oor lieaith and wanig strengthi I The very best help tor any woman ' by Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills, These pills reirrterce the blood supply, en- riching and purifyitig it. In doieg this they nourish the sterved ' and Over- 1, taxe nerves nd glye nw strength and vitality to tne wttole System. By , this• natural process -Dr. 'Williams' Pink Rills completely diapel all pains and i weaknises, and a, better, happier condi- tion of he,alth And spirits arises. . I , Every woman of middle ago should , take advantege now ainthe wonderful; health-belp of Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. ! They are sold by all medicine dealers I or will he sent by mail at 50 cents a I box, by The Dr. Williaine' •Medielne Co., 13rodkville, Ont. Gaud:ding- With Ice Crearn., In nearly all the small towns, • in Spain the buying of loe cream from a street venderhis, made the opportunitY for a gamble: ' On the tep of the tine pail that holds the cream!' is a small wooden plate above which is poised a revolving stiok. Round the edges of the plate, whien is gaily colored, graded numbers from ten to offs; hundred are painted. The intending purchaser pays the ven- der a penny, ,which entitles him to one twist of the stick. If the pointer indi- cates 'a 'number higher than that made by the stall -holder, the winner is en- titled to an ice cream free' of charge and another twist of the stick. With luck, and provided the game le played fairly, tree can have a succes- sion of ices for the original penny. "If the veedorwins in the first in- stance the penny is lost and the eus- teener receives nothing: These bar- rows are a source of interest to etu- dents, who spend most of their spare oash in attempts to defeat the ice cream man.• • e The vendors elscr sell a every popular drink. For a penny one 'can obtain a glass full of a white liquid reeembling miIk.' It is made from water,' sugar, crushed ale:tends and orange uices 11Theu served, it is icy cold and makes an excellent "cooler." • If a. window rattles, take an ordin- ary clothes peg and 'break off one of the prongs. The prong :eft makes an effective wedge when slipped between the window and the frame. aWa are satisfying hundreds • of shippers with. our cream prices, tests, grades, ,dally 'payments. We are paying to- , Clay. Special '35c• No.1 34c• ,Ne. 2e 31c. ,We pay Exprese 'Charges. Shiphis your Cream: • teeth aie ot coUtil- . rifts which rriaketrAiernhold • their keen nutting edge un- • der every Usage. ISIMONOS CANADA BAH/ CO, LTD. MONTHRAL .vmscouyee, sr. JOHN. N.B.,' , TORONTO c Radio. in Canada. Prodlictiou in Celled% a radio ale palates including sets,, parts and at tertes yil,aened a tOttll yoe or $5,,•549,,- 659 1/1 1226, oecording te•-a recent State, went Issued by the Oa ban Govern- ment Bureau of Stattsticis at Qttawa. 131x pat lii Callaoda were engaged se1ely in the otaarefaeture et redie,sets or parts, ri,irbe other concerns matle sets end parts in cenjunction with the Mannfactureof other eplectrical ap- parittas and :12 of the ixianufacturere of batteries in Canada reported en out- put for radio purposes. Statistics for 1926 Show a ,enbstan. tlei growth, in the radio industry dur- Mg that year and' also reveal a ten- dency toward' the production of celo- plate selts, rabey.than the manameture of separate parts! In 1925 the number of complete. • sets raan.ufaCtured' by these, compartiee was 48498 and the eelling value, hob. works, woes givea as•$2,196,044. Produetion of vaeuurri tubes amounted In value to $1;299,624 and wan double that of* the *Previous year. • Radio aiceases were issuen., by the Department of Marine and Fisheries. during the twelve nsnouths ending IVIaroh 1926 to 134,486 penmen. On,- tarioeled, aU erovince,s •With a total .of 60,110; Quebec was next with 21,141, Registrations in.the other' areas were an folio:wee Saskatohee&n, 15,944; Menitolse, 14,503; 13rirtish Columbia, 9,494; _Alberta, 7,152; Nova .Seeltia, 3,288; „New Brunswick, 2,612; Prince Bdweael Island; 202; Yukon, 23; and, the Nortivivest 'I'erritarlea 17. Licensed broadeastine stations; not including amateurs, minsbered 55, distributed as fogey's! Ontario, 24; British Colean- bia, 10; Suleatelegwen, 7; Alberta, 6; wick and. Prince, Baward, Island, I Quebec, a 2; New Bruns - each. , CHOLERA INFANTUM Cholera infant:dm is one of the fatal ailments of childhood. It is a trouble that comes on. suddenly, especially dur- ing the sumnue months, and unless prompt action is taken the little one may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets are an ideal medicine in ward- ing off thi% trouble. They regulate the bowela and sweeten the stomach and thus prevent the dreaded summer com- plaints. They are an absolute safe medicine, being guaranteed to contain. neither opiates nor narcotics ex other harmful drugs.. They cannot possibly do harm -They always de good._ The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a. box from The Dr. Mediciue Co, Brock- ville, Oet. • The Game of "What O'clock." In the game et "What O'clock Is It?" two of „the players Must be in the re- cret One of the test; is sent out of the room, and while he is, gone. the corn- , pany fix upon S'eme• particular hour. When he returns, the atlas* boyeor girl in the secret must aek the question. Now the secret IS that the one who remains, in the roomreveals to the one who was out the hour fixen upon, by means Of the first letter of the word used in the question. "A" stands for one o'clock; "B" for two; "O" for three; "D" for four; "B' for nye, and eo on down the alphabet to "le" which stands for twelve o'clock, -heing.the twelfth letter. For instance, if the question was: "Be gelded as to tele nes what o'clock it is?" the -answer would be: Two o'clock"; ,or if the question was: "Do you Imo* what o'clock it ie?" the an- swer would be, "Four o'clock"; or "Everybody wants to . know what o'clock it is," the answer would be, "Five o'oloclan and so to."Let us know the time, please"- Which Would bring the auswer-"Twelve o'clock." - AGENTS WANTED . Men and women wanted In unrepresented territories with sales, ability_ and good community etbsridinc to represent a most extensive -range of knitted goods • snld direct from manufacturer: Dresses, sport sults. somaters, . bathing -suits. silk lingerie, hosiery, under- wear and woolens, equal to the' highest gradim• 111oty rl:rf dI I nreommw l' All l'i 1 nTite,. L itriso mriandls°a° MCC t611): . th '10111°111111reSi°0WOni b rrGonflu::bleY4:hlieZICtlinon °Illeitflatran'tuePePdi.led.P16a Ourre:pirnegd sanatno. tives make good and stay With- us. -Write for fell . particulars ot-annee, , BRITISH 'KNITWEAR COMPANY,- . , 5.1_ntooe, Ontario. . ••••••••••....41.1. ../O1 _ ,.., , TOURIST CAMPS _. • . . , ,o, OntarioarsnomPw$ aldepReectferedb Refreshment theenttooths alongthe highways and roads Department of Health and each pro- prietor who maintains his premises and the necessary equipment in a , sanitery manner is granted an Approval eign. .. . ., _ • When you are motoring, look for this sign; 1 MOTOR TOURIST CAMP . APPROVED Ontario Department of Health It will hen; yototo locale water sate to drink and proper accommoda- tign for rest and camOing. • Away froin home, you cannot afford to take chances with your food and drink. An ettsch or typhoid fever following the use ot infected water or milk or seelratning in a polluted stream will ,oeetainly spoil the effect of the hapPlest-holiclay. Milk: Oli'now your Millanat"-eat least try to ecure pasteurized milk. The saexebeet is milk that is milked dean and kept clean and cold. Meat, Buy Meat kept on. lee. You wouldn't think of eating "not dowse", which has been heated and re -heated. for a week, if you were home -then tusiet onniayitig you]; wether e taken oft the 'inc and bdiledfreeb. 'foe you. • Water! - Secure your drinkleg water at APpreved Canlee aria Refresh - nicht 13ooths; they have sate water supPlies, _ Bathing; Theri lite plenty of mite places to Werifti. Bathe only in Water which is free from cootamintetion. Safety Filet! A little miehap in any of the above may Melee eicknees, PYSTOTitIOn IS the best plan for motor tourists -get innoculated agaillet typhoid revel, before yon start tm yonir motor holiday. Vaccine is, supplied free for use of Ontario reeldenter by the Depaitreent of Health. ornaines CAMBRIDGE Variation--Comford. Theso two farally mimes, Cambridge and Camford, are not, strIttly epealc- Ing, variation's of Rach other, but they 'clIlofseuaslIsie4,'s,i:jdttc)gpenTipearrist'o7n,pbuortil)tolLsirlf lhlustrntiva otthuvgazuler In ovIlleh a certain old Sa4o.Uword, abgelete to day except in the d1.3cusslon or me ellinikal in:040GO has bad an Influence on our nomenclature, Tlie ,anerage person would see no connection between the word "cam" and the name CaMbridge, even if he dug a little, in the origin of surnames, , for it would become (near to him that else family mime of Cambridge original- ly indicated a residenc.e in the town of that name. LikOWISO the family naane of Carferd traces directly beck to tee town of that name. But how did these two place nanaes get the element of "cam" in their for - ;cation? It's easy to see where "bridoe"and "ford" came from, be- teoe,,,eear,etheee are bOth words which have survived the centuries and are in use d Nam" eonveye1 the meaning of winding. And the word is used to -day to denote, a mechanism that produces an irregular or winding motion. If we. translated theee, two names into mod- ern phraseology they would be "Wind- ingtridge° and "Windingford." 08LER. Racial OrigiteenEnellsb, YO'atiree-Arl OCOLIPAtion. Hero is a name which desservee Men, tion, perhapss not because it is so wide-, spread as because It is widely known as a result .of the notoriety achieved Several Years ago by a Member of the medical] profession for his peetaiar sue- gestion for the use or -chloroform, The family name of Osier appears te have token Ite ttrigIla trOni an occupe- tion, that et 'ast•lor," which, however, gelte a different Position of ino portance in the miaale agee from -that which is accorded 10 It noW. COMeS, 111 fact, from the sante word that 'hot" does. The medieval "Leosterrer" was macs whose especial On dee was the-eare of the only means of Land transportation known to the popu- lations of those days, and the "leos- teley" got, its name from the fact that it was a horee station more than from any connection with supplying the bodily comforts ef man. The innkeep- er w,as not kuown as a "host" or a "lees- tellee" at first, but as a ''herberjour," Gradually, through the joining of the Iwo services, to horse and man, in the same establishments the name -"host" was applied to the proprietor of the two, which is good evidenee that In those days the service to the horse twraasvecloeiri:icltheraendttiaotr elute alirao retdantto btyh ethme. eaves. ' Pneu to Him. Prefeseor-"Ever had pneumatics'?" Student -"What kind of lung dist- ease is that?" To An 'Empty Nest. Who 'knows what far, uncharted path- • 'ways claim • The guest who laarvered here? What sky has flung Its blue enchantment over him who came e A -serenading when the year 'wee • young? • Who listens now td that soft -throated • hymn That stayed the twilight in the fad- . ing west, ee., Or walked in lyric eaten* the dim • Uncertain throbbing of a troubled breast? His place is empty now, but I have heard Beyond the hedgerow, when the moon was big, The ghostly flutter of a housing bird, Where scarlet fiame was kindled on kiirgra%telving,O- w to other- landsbelong- To-me his glint of sunshine and his song. -W. H. McCreary* in New York Times. Fireplace Constructed to Use 1 When Needed. 1 Tetanus. Lockjaw is, something we have all feared since the days when as small cnildren we Were warned to tell moth- er eery time we ran a rusty nail, into our foot., And the, fright the whole family got if any: One cut. his hand be- tween the thumb .and first finger! We are till anxioas when a little foot has a rusty nail run into, it. WhY? Because we are' afraid of what ,may nappeu-meaning poisoning of the whole system and perhaps death. We have particular reason to fear any wound which has touched any .culti- vated soil or road dust. The chief, rea- siin for our fear is that the spore of tetanus, or the germ causing lockjaw, mighe have, entered with the soil or dust M which nsanure was present*at some time. This is true, too, of any injuries from fireworks, firearms, etc. When, therefore, any one in your family is suffering from a wound into which there is the slightest chance that this germ of lockjaw may have entered, Jake no ottances-ask the doctor to use,teejteus anti -toxin, wise& is a sure preventive. Tetanus anti- toxin is supplied free for use of per- sons living in the Provinee by the De- pax:talent of Health et Ontario. Improve YOUr Atm. "I see you have a sign in your store,. 'We Aim to Please,' " remarked the irritated customer. "Certainly," replied the proprietor, "thatwelisl.,0„urrtoetmorotted.'t'h e I. C., "you ought to take a little time off for target practice." What if a fireplace isn't usable =all . Year round: for heating? It deservega place 10 your home just fol. the times and 'occasions when it is used: But did You ever ,stop , to realize that there is no better means for ventilation- at all times than the open flue? It helps to keep Your heuee cool in summer be- cause it encourages the •circulation of the air 10 the room. Don't let -the question of .fue1 deter you from enjoying the comfort, cheer and beauty of a fireplace in your home, The French peasants, for whom the fuel -problem is much more serious -than with Canadians, think so much of their fireplaces that in order to get backlogs they save all , their Waate paper, sweepings, orange peat and , .such, pile them on a nevespaperewhich they th,en roll up, twist at the ends axed tie with a string and call a ' backlog. And they love its warmth and cheer! The Wonder of Water. The wonder Of water. . . Think of It as the source of all the changefule ness and beauty WiliCh Kre have seen In ,clouds; then as the instrument by which the earth . . . was ;modeled inte symmetry, and Its crags, into grace; Miele as, in the form of snoses it • robes the mountains; then As it Was in the forni of the torrent, in the iris Which Spane it, in the. Morning mist Which rises from It, in the. deep crys- Leanne pools which mirror its, Imaging shorn, in the broad lake and glancing river; tinallY, in . . the Wilenevari- ous, fantastic, tamen it unity oe the wea:. what eball we -Compare to this . universal element for glory and for beauty? , There IS hardly a roadside pond or pool which has •flot as Muth landscape in it tte above it. It is not the brown, muddy,' dull thing woenppose it to be; It has a heart like aurselvee, and ih the bottont of that there are the boughs of the tall trees, and the blades of the sbaltieg grase, and all manner at variable pleasant belts out of tlie sity,-Ituskin, "Modern Painters." ittilnarres Liniment for Coene arid Warts enesseeoe Paris Perfume. 10 ble old street, as in a world apart_ little ilower-maker piles her art; ke some rare campoln a •oWeled sot - The ilight of time and seasons quite , tergettiregl The heaped-up ahlaing silver of her hair - Orowning a face roost ,delicatelY fair. Her dieek hen eaheirt the bloom of Iran renoroses, Iler band the grace of what it oft in - closes ; The lovely s.yraenetrY of bud and • dower , Are here ineenertaNzed, tio hour' by hour Her beauty grONirs by what leer skin leas wrouglet. Her visionbroadena as she dwells in o thought , T/Pen the joy her artistry Unto a worldwhieh has forgot to live' As simpey and as patiently as elle- Turning the prose of work to poetry., Loving the labor lather then the gaine- It buys, her flowers -their perfume nere remainet -Amy Sinith, in Cbrietian Science Monitor. Keep Minard's Liniment handy, A Visitor. • Look, nove at this new companion of his, In the perfeet stillness of sea and sky sued land, end While lile eyes are far away, some quick movement near at hand tells him that he 10aot alone. A small rabbit, the very tiniest of baby rebbetes a beI4 of brown fur, hu come quietly along, all unconscious of his presenee until it is Within three Yards of him. It trots here and there, with a leisurely, ungainly tripping, nib- bling the grease now and again, never looking up. And then suddenly it stands Mill' and the fat little ball of fur, thee great Staring eyes -staring with ,observation, not fright, for very likely it has never beheldi a human be- ing before. The big, fiat, gray eyes regard Wm unwinking; there is no raovement. Then, with a little forward jerk of the heexl, up go the long ears; and again the motionless staring. Then up goes the baby rabbit iteelf on its hind -legs, the -fore-paws comically drooping; and again the steadfast etare at this immovable strange crea- ture seated on the rock. Then by .some adeident he inEudvertently stirs a hand or foot -the ejghth of an inch will ,do it -and at the very same in- stant the earth is left e.mptY; there is. only a glimmer of white disappearing into the brackens e dozen yards away. -From "Shandan Bells," by William Black. Run a line a machine stitching round the tops of new stockings, just below where the s-uspenders fasten. This will pre -vent ladders. PSORIASIS, ECZEMA and Other Skin Troubles yield to this new, scientific akin treat- ' ment. It is a comnination treatment of ointment for external use and tab- lets for purifying the blood. In the ointment, the active ingredients of SOREMA are combined with an oint- ment base thane readily absorbed into the third and fourth layers of the skin with gentle rubbing: It is in these under layers of the skin that the dis- ease germs work. •Thus, SOREMA. at- tacks skin troubles at their source. SOREMA the New Skin Remedy is the discovery of a Canadion Drug- gist of thirty -live years' experience, who was, for fourteen years, a sufferer from Psoriasis. After all the usual treatments (including X-ray) had tail- ed be began experimenting with vari- ous combinations of drugs used in cases of Chronic Skin Diseases awl de- veloped a formula with which he FREED HIS SKIN of the DISEASE SOREMA. bas, eince, been used with equal success nin a large uumber at long-standing eases of Psoriasis, Ecze- ma, etc. Numbers of enthusiastic users testify to its amazing results. SOREMA. is sold at your Druggist's or write us direct. Sore= Ointment, 81.00 per box; Sorerna Blood Alterative Tablets, 75e per box. - FLASH PRODUCTS, LIMITED 1104 BAY ST. - TO RO N TO Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain ,' Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT. AFFECT THE HEART VONSIMR•IIRMIQWWW./M0511MOOMNINIIIMIWP1.1111.11.1 Acep.9.t1t "Bayer" package *Web contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of le tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 -Druggists. Anoiriti In the trade renirtr (recti8torod in Canad(s) Of nem Iiiiinefnoture of ktononeetle-. aeldester o SalicYlloaeld (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, ".A. .8. A."), Mlle, it is well known that Aspirin. menus Soyer manufacture, to anoint the ottene ogattio nn;, ft5nn. tbe Watileln ot Sayer Company will he ntemped with teeir warns trees nest, enesee game Catf.t Schee) arid oy- Oknnt deriartangette 1t,ve *tailed thocupauda en tbe road to omegas*, - Yon tax) MAY fou0004, Inike your firet step by writing Dept. "�". tor ooPY Of our catalogue to-daY. Eworr vostas sad Maxon& Sta., Toronto Satisfactory Settlemetit, • Hollingsworth ha Juat ran in aP4 everlastiugly smashed a wagon -load of , eggs, butter and other farm produce, "I am terribly sorry about this'," said lie" as he helped the farmer serape the butter and eggs' off, his clothes. "Now 1 8.2Xx. in a. great ltarry, and I'd like to settle with you right here and now. Will fifty dollars cover the dam- age?" "I think it will," said the fanner, as HoNingsworth counted out five crisp ten -dollar 10tlIe and handed them ever. Then, after a moment's heeltation, be added, "Coming hack this way?" "Yee. Toonoeraw night" ,"All right. Inl have another loed reedy for you on the 'same terEati." , . . YLB g Han Book Handsomely illustrated with plans of moderate priced homeaby Canadian Ar- chitects. MacLean Builders' • Guide will help you to decide on thetyo of home,exterior finish, materialkinterior ar- rangement and decoration. • Send.25c for a copy. , MacLean Buildera'aulae *44 Ade/aide L. Weak. foroate. eat. CORNS. RemoTe the bard flesh and' apply Minard's freely and often. Also splendid for bunions, ••••••pili.V-TVM:01.• DRAGOING-DOWN PAINS REL1EV. Woman Suffeied Nearly a Year. Lydia E. Pinkkam's Vegetable Compound Brought Her Health , Moose jaw, Sask. am going to try to tell you what Lydia B. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I suffered very badly with dragging -down pains and inflamma- tion, also pains m nip right side aver my hip and down my whole side into my leg. I had it nearly a year wliea I went to a doctor and he said I would have to have an operation. But, my mother said to take Igditt E. Pinkhare's Vegetable Compotmd as it saved her life years before. I took two bottles and I founcl I was -better, so I kept on taking it and also need Lydia Pinkham's Sanative Wasn. I have had two more children since then and am perfectly well, I used be have to Iie down two or three times a day,and now I do all my housework *without trouble. I al- ways keep the Vegetable Compound in the house as I find a close now mid then helps me. I am willing f or you • to use this letter any way you see fit and I will answer:atter-a If I can help any other woman I'd be only too glad • to try." -Mrs. ESTHER Hotrelarosse '712 Athabasca W., Moose Jaw, Sas- katchewan, Lydia Z. Pinkbam's 'Vegetable Compound is a dependable medicine for all women. For sale by druggists eyerywhere, ,..•••••• Relieve irritations By Using Ciitit.iira Bathe the affected. parts freely with Cuticura Soap tena hot water, dry without rubbing, then ripply Cutieura °int.:gent, trOt tusetrina, rashes, itchings, irritationt, ete,, they are wonderful. op daily to keep yam' skin deer., Emote Each Tart by Mit Address Critiadien Deptit: ''grehherse, 144., liotirrehV Pride, 800 (11tiniihe :aid 60e, Trlei.lrei 26e. mctri' Caticura Shavina Skiek 25e. . . ISSUE No. 82--E0,,