HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-7-29, Page 8THE EXETER T1MES.ADVOCA,TE .��%\� �,�\u ,ntl,..\\,'•. �\�l``' ..�G� .,��v` 1CS�\� ..ave. ,a'�i .��. .4`4'..P x,14 4 4 Foot ether Ladies Summer Weight Corsets, any size for 08c Mayon Silk Stockings, the popular shales .for 49e Odd tweed pants for sten, sizes Up to 46 for $2.98 A clearance of men's fine Shirts, a good range at $1.49 A clearance of Men's overalls and work pants at $1.95 Holeproof Silk Stockings, the best buy in town at. 9Se Summer Work Shirts, sires 14 to 17 1-2, our price 98c /. clearance of Summer Dress Lengths reduced to $2.95 • All otu• best Slipper; 1)01 Oxfords now selling for $4.49 A cleaza:ance of ladies House Dresses, very special at 98c 'i'1'liite Canvas footwear, ladies or children's, a pair 49c Men's Iiuttonless Athletic Combinations, reduced to 98c Summer weight vests for ladies and children for only 25 A clearance of any of our best Ginghams, per yd. now 29c Several ladies' and misses' spring and fall coats for $9.95 Ladies' Cotton Stockings, sand, grey or black, now only 22'50.Cotton Stockings for children, sand or black a Bair for 25c Li Dotted voiles for children's or ladies' dresses, a yard for 59c Broadcloth Shirts, checks, stripes and plain shades now $2.49 Men's Summer Work Sox, union or cotton S and 4 pair for $1.00 f 4 Visit ` ur China Display PI We invite you to visit our China display and to bring a- long your out of town visitors. Many beautiful novelties suit-• able for gifts or souvenirs and all at attractive prices. Why Pay Fancy Prices for Groceries? Laundry Soaps now 8 bars 49c 3 boxes silent matches for 29c 2 lbs crisp ginger snaps for 25c Special Soda Biscuits 150 lb 6 rolls toilet paper only 25c 7 cakes castile soap for 250 Large water glasses only 5c - 3 dozen jar. rubbers for 25c 1.1.0147, 3 Kellogg's corn flakes 3 far 29c ShrecldeddWheat 2 pkgs for 25c Fresh Royal Yeast Cakes 5c 3 lbs qualty rice for 25c 2 large tins salmon 35c P. & G. soap chips 2 lb for 2.5c Jelly powders, 3 pkgs for 25e Canned Tomatoes, 2 tins 25c 4 tGrG, f 4 ti Le ow About Some New Furniture Something Needed IF THERE IS, YOU COULDN'T STRIDE THIS STORE AT A TER TIME. WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF THE EST FURNITURE, AND OUR PRICES ARE VERY REASON - E. r. a IT W U L PAY YOU TO BUY HERE "THE HOME le iteE NISHER" 14. INE 18 FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE t LONG DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION - OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Phone 74j Night Call -e4w if Men's)Store Phone 81w Markets Wheat $L30 Oats 60c. Marley 60c, Manitoba Floor $4,$0. Blended Flour $4.30. Paetry Flour $$,S0.. Feed. Flour $1.90 Shorts ),Jran $1.60. Creamery butter 88c Dairy butter 32-35e. Eggs Extras 27c, Eggs, seconds 21c. Potatoes $1..60 Lard 20o Hogs $13.00 Hogs, sele-cts $14.00 C`' Men's Store SALE DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE END OF THE SEASON FOR BAR- GAIiNS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS. WE ARE OFFERING WORTH- WHILE BARGAINS RIGHT NOW. COME IN AND BE CON- VINCED. Made -to -Measure and Ready -tom Wear Clothing Sport Trousers, Flannels, Etc. Straw Hats ' in all the. latest Models W. Tf-lM r 4oa1s The annual Flower Show of the Horticultural Society will be held on Friday and Saturday, August 27 and 2Sth. 'Buy a hat at your own price at Miss Yella.ncl's Millinery Shop. See advt. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN O1Tii11;CH Rev. James Foote, B.A.., Minister 10 aauee-Suiedezy 5411ac1I 11 a,zn.---ltev, Alfred dllactarlane; B•A„ B.D. will preach, • Evening servici) withdrawn,. JAMES ST. UNITEDOF'�CHURCH O CANADA Rev. D. M9T'avish,• Pastor W. R. Goulding, 4.T,C.M. Organist and Choir -Leader 11 :a,rn. ----"The ,Cup of Sa vaition. 3 p.m.—Sunday School. '7 p.m,—Thronging or ' Touching Christ." Mr. A. Rumford, of Watford, has purchased the • shoe business of the late Geo: Manson. Mr. Rumford has installed some up-to-date ma- chinery for repair work and is' also adding .a complete stock in all lines of boots and shoes. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Prices reasonable. A/call solicited. TIICi•R,SDAY, JULY 29, 192 ll I ! I !I 1!111 Illlllill11l111u1111l1111111111a ., __ I I { I!I I !q III 1{! ! {{1111{III ({I{111!1! 1111111111{IIIl111111111{111111 Alla..1 1 IIlI!{11111111111111 l III I I 1 I I ..._.1111 l � Dresses! Dresses! Dresses! E Clearing sale of balance of our. Simmer DressIN - es. Your opportunity to buy a Season- able Dress at a greatly reduced Every garment must go this Specia!lyPricedfor Ladies Summer Vests Ladies Cotton Hose ..». 410.11. 01.11111 11.111.1 11.1.11 The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be administered at the morning and evening. services. You are invited. Trivitt :Memorial Church 3 p.m.—Sunday School. Services as Usual MAIN STREET UNITED °B UIWH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 0101.1 • Misses Ethel and Marion Bissett, are visiting in Waterloo. " Miss Ellen Rice, of Wyoming, is' visiting 'with friends in gown. Next Monday will be Civic Holi-' day. All stores will be closed. Mr. Silas Reed spent the week -end in Windsor visiting his mother. Miss E. Seed, of Chicago,• is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. W. F. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Comm spent Sunday with friends iu "Stratford. Miss Mineretta Horney, • R, N. of Chicago, is visiting relatives here. Mr, W. H. 14loriock, of Aurora, Ili. is visiting his sister, Mrs. Sweitzer. Miss Fern. Short, of London, vis- ited under the paretnal roof during the past week. Miss Lillian Payne has returned home after holidaying for a couple of weeks in London. Mr. B. M. Francis, visited over the week -end with Mr. and 'firs. W. W. Rice, of Wyoming, Mr. J. C. Horton, wife and family, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with his mother and sisters. Dr. S. J. Gibson, of Brandon, Man., visited for a fed€ days with his brother, Dr, A. B. Gibson, of town. , Mrs. Hillery Horton returned home from London hospital Thurs- day last and is getting along nicely. Mr. Jos. Grant, Miss Betty Grant and Miss Florence Walter visited in Glencoe on Wednesday of last week. Dr. N. S. and Mrs: Coyne and two sons, oL Toronto, were week -end visitors with Dr. G. S. and Mrs. Roulston. Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter Phone 194 Phone 194 s SouthSr n e.Vce Store Store Ourh phone is:inetalled. Your phone is your best errand boy. Use it often: s Leave-, Your Order :For CHERRIES . Our Ice CreamxsIIler FORD CHASW F RD e s Serv3eo, Pres* Oeede and a Ciotti Store. ►/a Misses Agnes and Beatrice Dun- can, have returned to their home in London after visiting for two weeks with their cousin, Miss Verdi Row- cliffe. Miss Roweliffe and the Mis- sesDuncan visited for a few days In Seaforth, The two-storey brick hotel build. ing and large frame garage adjoin - big at the village of St. Johns, five miles north of London, Were corn- pletely destroyed by fire on Thi»' day night of last week. The cam - billed loss totalled about $17,000. Mr. and 11Trs, T. 3. Lockhart; of Kingston, announce the engagement of their daughter, Leona Kathleen, to Vernon Chester\ Jones, B.Sc., of, Montreal, son of 'Mrs, W. E. Jones, Jordan Station, and the late W. E. Jenes, the marriage is to takep lace the early part ot August. ktr. S. B,, Stothers, who has been the agricultural representative Huron. Bounty ,tor the 'Dalt eight Years, with officeI at Clinton,:alinton a re- signed signed to tape a similar poition in 11 a.m.—Service as usual. 3 p.m.—Sunday school. 7 p.m.—Service as usual. Hats at your own price at Miss Yelland's on Friday and Saturday next, July 30th and 31st. Miss Es- sery in charge. Miss Elia Link, of town, Mrs. Bertrand and two daughters, Millie and Mary, of Detroit, are holiday- ing at,•YGrand Bend. Miss Pearl Kestle, of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kestle, Lloyd and Leda, or Ingersoll, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kestle. Messrs. Geo. Anderson,, George Snell and R. G. Seldon were winners of the bowling tourney on the local greens on. Friday evening last. Mrs. W. J. Hedden and daughters, Muriel and Ella, of Crystal City, Man., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fraser and other relatives. Miss Zelia Lamport and friend, Miss Eloise Stephenson, of Johnson City, N.Y., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lamport at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Mason and daughter Marjorie and Mrs. McGregor, of Lon- don., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Treble on. Wednesday last. Mr. annd Mrs. Gordon Davis and san Robert, of Toronto, are holi- daying, here and attended the Mc- Donald picnic at Springbank • on Friday._ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clipson and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Collins, of Ingersoll, motored up and spent the k d with Mr and Mrs D wee --en • Davis. Mr. Gibbs Yelland returned to Windsor Monday and Mr. Samson Yelland to Pt. Perry on Tuesday, after holidaying withtheir sisters in town. Mr. and Mrs. Morey, and Mr. and Mrs. Clendening and son Ross, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Treble over the week-end'on their return from,Mus- koka to Toronto. h'iss Mary Gill, Miss C. Krueger, of Rochester, N.Y., and Miss Gladys Craghorn, of Tonawanda, N.Y., vis- ited a few days last week with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner. Mr. and Mrs. J. Malone and son Mr. John Malone, and Mrs. 3: Rich - arch; of Yonkers, N.Y., are visiting with kir. and Mrs. Rd, Coates, of Us - borne, and other relatives. Miss A. Yelland left Tuesday for Hartley, Iowa, to visit her uncle, Mr. Samson Yelland. Mise Bessie Yelland accompanied her - as far as Windsor where she will • visit. Mr. and ` Mrs. Wnl. ,Bradt and family, at London and Mr, and Mrs. Win. McAlister and fatally, of Mt. Brydges, visited over the week -end With Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Jewell. A new cement sidewalk Is being laid on the south side of John St., just north of Jones & May's store, The walk on the west side of An- drew street , Is being extended one Block north. Mrs. W. AMY, and daughter, Vial. Carter and the latter's little daugh- ter, of Grande Valley, and Mise I udson, of 'Victoria, B,C„ are visit- ing the''fornler'e brother, Mr. W. W. Tainan in Exeter and .at Grand End, e A' Mrs. le, R, Hagerman and three children, Douglas, Gloria and Get- a,idiiie, of Elbow Park, Calgary, are P®well's -Variety Store Plain Price Store NEW ARRIVALS:— Good Brooms Fancy Whisks Bath Towels Hand .Towels, Toy Brooms Small Washboards 6 More Sets Dinnerware Stockings for the whole family at saving prices. You'll find the best assortment of pretty chinaware here. Conte here" firstbring your our meq �•:':; nee eeK :?a:iti::.: r �:�:F:i vVii' e' - ver. im , visitors to the Variety Store. outhcott Bros.. 0/00116 IMMO IMIMM WINN A new shipment of ladies vests, fine mesh, cunify cut. SPECIAL VALUE 25e You will need these for hot weather. Sand or Black. PER PAIR 25c Hatchway No -Button Underwear This is the underwear, the boys and men like. It is cool and comfortable .and is made try fit as well as wear well. BOY'S $1.00, MEN'S '$1.50 Pure, Linen\` Tea Towels 12 Dozen Pure Linen Tea Towels, d good size, good duality and. pure linen. SPECIAL AT EACH 25c, 4 for $1.00 Beys' Summer Blouses A new shipment of new blouses in sizes 12 1-2 to 13 1-2, made from good washing materials. $1.00 AND $1.25 25 prs. Men's Harvest Shoes at $2.75 This shoe should meet the demand of men who want 'a light weight leather shoe for summer wear. GOOD VALUES AT PER PAIR $2,75 SEE 1.11E, NEW PRINCESS PAT SHINGLE NET, 8 FOR 25 CENTS FOR SAT:1i OR RENT The Following Properties Brick Store on Main St., Exeter Commodious Brick dwelling, fur- nace heated, and wired for Electric lighting, etc. with fixtures in place, John St. Six and a half acres of choice land suitable for market garden, running through from Huron St. to John St. Choice Saskatchewan farms in the Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty and Fro - beaker districts. - For price and'teiiins on above see ROBERT E. PICKARD, John Street EXETER. Agent for Great West Life As'ce Co. 11IUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Saxophones, Violins or any music cal instruments used and new. Easy payments arranged.: Two lessons free with every new instrument purchased Last moment engagements accepted for Anniversaries, -Festivals' of any occasion, suitable music supplied. ROBERT GAMBRILL concert Pianist, Violinist & Saxophonist Phone 161, Exeter FOR SALE -1923 Ford touring. in good condition. Apply to Lillian Walker, Hay P.O., two doors north of store. 7-8-tf HOUSE FOR SALE—Solid brick residence on Huron St., West, Ex- eter. All conveniences, large gar- den, fruit trees. Good water hard and soft. Apply at Times -Advo- cate. 7-15 -tf INSURANCE { L. V. Hogarth E. C. 'Harvey Agents Mutual Life of Canada • EXETER AND ST. MARYS Address all correspondence • to Box 190, Exeter MisS Isabelle Turnbull is holiday- ing with relatives at Glencoe. Miss Maida Hera has returned to Norwich after visiting with relatives in town. Misses LaBelle and Genevieve Hawkins, of.Seaforth, are visiting their rand arents Mr.Mrs. 3. grandparents, ,nd Hawkins. Mr. W. J. Beer and Mr. 3. M. Southcott spent a couple of day. at Part Rowen, on Lake Erie this week. Miss Maicla Hern, who has been .vis iting Mr. and Mrs. W. J " Beer for the past three weeks returned with them as far as Norwich. Mr. Beer also took his mother Mrs. J. Beer - as far as London. The Exeter bail team went to Hensall on Thursday evening of last week and defeated the Hensall teain 6 to 2. There was a big crowd pre- sent. A dispute occurred in the fifth innings and Hensall protested the game. The protest was allowed and the game will be played Over again. Zurich also protested the game played at Thames ,Road owing to the lateness of the hour'' when the game started. This protest was also allowed. The regular monthly • melting of the Women's Christian Temperance •onion was held on ,Monday after- noon last, at the home of the Presi. dent, Mrs. J, T. Miners. Devotion- al exercises were led by M'rs. I'. Skinner. Interesting reports were given by the .delegates who attend- ed the recentCounty Convention held at Winghain, Exeter Union having secured the liglest number of new 'Members in the County for the past year, Wiagharn corning se- ond, Mrs,. B. a c M . W. P. Beavers was a orated u eri. L. S mend L the ell ,Essex County. His c i M spending the summer with her moth pp n t o 4 n s su ,Censor s r "cry Mrs. Margaret Horton and sisters I`. L. with Mrs. (I#,ev.) 1neTavish as G. R. Patterson, J3.S.A.,M,S., who, 8 has aireacler taken over the everk. M>re.• M. J. Hornet', and Miss M. A, assistant. A number of neve Reface ;were enrolled followed beo a recept-w 1tn service. .11.11 A111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/11111111111MIIIIIMIIIIMMIUMIM Haire Your Eyes Examined To -day There is nothing to be gained by delaying that eye examination. There is much to be lost. Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis- factoey glasses • You will be surprised at the thor- oughness of our methods—and will be pleased with the glasses. Call today and learn the truth about your eyes. John Ward CIIIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST: EXETER. ONT. PHOE 70 IF IT IS FURNITURE You Want It will pay you to inspect our up- to-date stock. Our Prices areYright R. N. ROWE Funeral Director & Embalmer. Phone 20W Night 203 FOUND—At Grand Bend, a la- dies' wrist watch. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing for this advertisement. Apply to this office. PUBLIC NOTICE To whom it may concern. Please take notice that parties in future depositing, refuse on the highways of the Township of Usborne or re- moving soil therefrom by digging holes on the side of, the road, thus endangering life and property will be prosecuted according to law. By, Order of the Council. 7-8-4t Henry Strang Clerk FOR SALE -Ten acres of good timothy hay, to be sold in lots as desired. Apply to ` Fred Parsons, Exeter P. 0. Dr. Atkinson wishes to announce that his dental office will be closod from the 14th to the 21st. WANTED -A good general .:.maid. Wages $30.00 per month. Apply to box 36, Goderich. 7-22-trc A good home will be given to any middle aged person to live with a Widow. Home and board and $3.00 per week. Address ki18 Elizabeth St., London. 7-22-1tc amoomminsomminner If yeti want your clothes' pressed or repaired , dry cleaned or dyed Phone 193 IT MEANS SERVICE AND.. SATIS- FACTOION N4,. T. H. ELLIOTT B. M FSR ,A► N C I S Agent for CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phonic �134c X7xeter ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments Insurance Office one. door south Times Office We R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instrucction an Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted. h Studio Ann' St. Box 57 Phone 192 • EXETER, : ONT. )6., FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or"RING 1138 JAMES W. -WATSON Licensed Auctioiieer. Sales conducted in any locality, Farm Stock sales a specialty. Satis- faction guaranteed. Charges miod crate. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended te. R.R. Nc, 1, Kitkton. Phone . Kirktoa 14r8. DR. M. C. G. FLETCBER Graduate of I{aculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Mem- ber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons'of Ontario; Member of the British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The oilfice of the late Dr. H. • K. Hyndman ) Safety Razor Blades Sharpened ( any make SINGLE EDGE 8c DOUBLE EDGE 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist Sylvester , B. Taylor Jeweller, --= Exeter Fitton's Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING GUARANTEED FIREINSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST" LOSS BY FIRE, WITH E. J CHRI TIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and John J.14, LEWIS BUILDING and CONTRACTING Houaep and Barns ESTIMATES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY FURNISHED Phone 152w John St. East, Exeter WE HAVE STARTED OUR LON DoN EXPRESS HEADQUARTERS: 103 KING PHONE 1.1.05 WE WILL ALSO SECURE YOUR YOU . OR LICDNSI7 FOR MOTOR (� H. Bags CARLING & MORLEY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN- SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street ' Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN & ST l.NBZIRY Barristers , Solicitors &o. • Money to Loan, Investments Maw Insurance. Sale -deposit Vault for use of eat; Clients without charge. Exeter •' London • ligeaagE• Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D. ,D.D. 1 DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrict Dental Wiest It- Military District, Number One. Lags don, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 343 Main Street, Exeter, Oaf. Office Closed Every Wednesday Dr. G. F. •Roulston. L.D.S..,D.D.S.I DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's La* office. - Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. Dr. A. R. Kinsman, L.L.D..D.D.,'K' ,,. DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univeral . sity. Office over Gladman & Stanbu y1 office, Main Street, Exeter. DR. HARRY J. BROWNING ,4 M.D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F,P.&S. Glasgow r" • Physician & Surgeon - Office over Browning's Drug Stord Phones ' Residence 30 effiee is DR. W. E. WEEHES Physician and Surgeon :1 Late Chief Interne Vancouver • General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTY Office removed to the former Fora garage • building corner of Main and Ann St. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 Pail Phone: Office 67W, Residence Sir DR. E. S. '. STEINER VETERINARY 'SURGEON , ' Graduate of the Ontario Vete-tiiia J College DAY AND • NIGHT CALLS PROMTT LY ATTENDED TO - ' i Office, old Ford GarageBuiidin Corners of Main and Ann Streets Telephones`: Office 158,;'Hosea 158f EXETER,. ONT. - Dr. Adrian B.Gibson, ` ► so 1�1 11, V.S. Graduate of the' Ontario Vete: tido" f . College .All calls promptly attended- to ' Office --prank Taylor's Stiles sfeibliii Phone 99W' 4 Residence --Jesse St.,Phone EXETER._ ONT r. ARTHUR -WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER, ' T. For Huron County FARM SALES A. SPECIALTY 8 Years s E xe ri pencs , Prices R e ae. o nt-r able, Satisfaction Guaranteed ,nit na charge. •1' Phot5743 Dashwood IL Aa toits1 oOD, °Nae,