HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-7-29, Page 4an A b to vast number of — d wha pxtri►oses it serves! it is intilspen- tble to anY town for fairs, trade '13xettrstons, public Ihclidaye, garden parties and festivities of every kind. A. band dratt'e the public to these ,gatherings and iustille the spirit that is so necessary to make the event ft eueeess.. it brings the'toWn,3- pgopie togetherand is a powerful gactor in unifying the Comnttinity, Of course it boo: is the town` i',s an advertiser it is reeogui ed every- ieThere that a baud is one of the best asset;' a muuicipality can knave, A band is a real character build fie for the young men who largely. 'comprise it. The daily practise and frequent, regular ' rehgrsals which make the existence of a band pos-' eib1ee/ie�teach then' discipline, e.o-op eirnti6n and exactness, as wen as providing excellent - musical training Sand genuine enjoyment. Bandsmen stand out as: leading public-spirited citizens. They tee well -Justified pride in t eir or ani, 4ation and on public occasions are Willing to be on hand from • early until late,, heading processions zein giving g conter s in'tite hot sun, wwhilet others look on and enjoy the merri- ment. Surely such men work towards the best civic interest, and are real "town builders. "Many of. Canada's most successful and prileo tsa men had as a training school town band. It is a well recognized and ac- cepted feet that performers of Music i ind their keenest enjoymeut and in- centive towards greater achievement 'in ensemble work. The comrade- ship and friendly rivalry and the feeling of mutual aid and support can only be appreciated by those en- toying such work as can be had in a band. .If there is a band the young men cease to long to go to the city and ssre willing to stay at home and work in their own municipal Indus- tries., ndus-tries., Thus the band does much. to stabilize industry. Surely a band is one Of the Test valuable assets a town Can Have and worth many titres the cost of We upkeep,. BE 7TIit L I4 LARKSPURS RS The first of the Saturday display of fiowers being arranged by the i3 a. l ortit;ttltttral Society was made estl week and was much appreciate) by the public. The stately bloom of the Delphinium or Larkspur filled the north window of Mr. B. W. P. Beavers' hardware store and all day attracted many admirers. The col: ors ranged from the deep shades of purple and blue to that rare bloom found only intownn in the Central Park Pict, the white larkspur with all the lnterviening tints of mauve and heliotrope tlaiid lighten blues. Besides the beautiful stalks front Central Park there wore some splen- did specimens from the gardens of the President of the Society, Mr, J. ;a Harvey: Next week Southcott Brea. have kindly 'volunteered one of their windows for the weekly dis- play and Mr. M. R. Complin of the Canadian. Bank of Commerce will be in 'Charge. Every flower grower is invited to contribute of their bloom. HURON PRESBYTERY SOFTBALL Semi -Finals and Finals • .A. very interesting event will take place in Victoria Park, c oderich, on Wednesday, August 4th, when the semi-finals and finals of the Huron Presbytery. Young Peoples' Softball League will 'be played. The games will start at two o'clock. In the semifinals the north plays the. thee east and the south plays the west and the winnersla off the finals. The P y four districts will be represented by both boy's and girl's teams. Young people from most of the charges, perhaps from all of them will he present to enjoy the games and the social time. At five o'clock the young people will: have their picnic TH .EXETER TIMES. »VOCATE Nilotffgapi Best of adKillers-10c and l: i,1� �' 25c per packet at all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. ANDREW 11 Oleil r.. a CONSERVATIVES CHOICE lunch, provided in the usual picnic way, the young people of each charge bringing their own good things to eat, Two beautiful cups= it b pre- sented e ecu•dadti have been secured n p n not yet seated to the winners. It is known what teams will compete at Godericlh, but the following places are among the leaders, Centralia, Hensall, Chiselhurst, Brucefield, Londesboro, Wroxeter, Goderich, Ashfield, St. Helnenes, Blyth, .1.131011.6 IrIONMAIII141.9...MentlEf11163.M011.0.11.50101011.112110..11=4"4 AUCTION SALE —.- of — Choice Cattle The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public auction at • • KELLERMAN'S 'HOTEL DASHWOOD ' — on— SATURDAY, arum- 31st, 1926 at two o'clock sharp 32 Heifers and 15 steers weighing g from 450 to '750... lbs. TERMS—CASH A. WEBER, Auctioneer. cT. GRAYBEIL, Clerk HY. W. MCWILLIAMS, Proprietor HARVESTERS VTA NT E3 5. TO WINNI Plus half a cent per mile beyond to ail points in Mani- toba, Sasirsitchewan, Alberta,—Edmonton, Tennis, Calgary, MacLeod and East, veerrai:aag—Half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00 to destination. ugh special ti mins e'er -Jinnipeg via Canadian National Rya. will leave as follows; (Standard Time) : FE©del TORONTO (UnionSta• ign)12.O1A.M.Aug 18 (midnight Aug.17); 12.30P.IvM.Aug. 18; 10,45 P.M. Aug. 18; 12.30 P.M. Aug. 20; 10.46 P.M. Aug. 20; 12.30 P.M. Aug. 31; 9.00 P.M. Aug. 31; 12.30 P.M. Sept. 8; 9.00 P.M, Sept. 8. FROM OTTAWA 12.01 A.M. Aug. 18 (Midnight Aug. 17); 12.01 noon Aug. 18; 1.35 A.M. Aug. 31; 12,11 noon Aug. $1. FROM WIN DSO In 12.01 A.T. Aug. 20 (n,idnightAug.19), via Chatham, London, Hamilton and Inglewood. PROM PALMe"ii TON 9.00 A.M. Aug. 20, via Guelph, Georgetown and Inglewood. Spedal through cars from other principal paints connecting with above special trains. For details consult local Canadian National Agents.,,.. THROUGH TRAINS—COMFORTABLE COLONIST CARS—SPECIAL CARS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN rrixchase your ticket to Win,'ipeg via Certerelan National Railways, whether or not your final destination in the est is a point ma tune re;vadan National. Tickets and all information from nearest Agent. Travel CANADIAN NATIONAL L 4±iT. .n'_t:eor.,J^',a^"!' :"F. ....'grF4-Ynett !rY'•!,+�,Uyl. i ' 'a,W=..,,±v; -TeSe'rn MOM One of the most enthusiastic Lib- oral -Conservatives Conventions' ever held in this riding was that held in Housall on Thursday of last week. Rt.epresentatives were present Amu all ,parts of the riding. A large number of ladies were present Six. Candidates were nominated. viz: W. R. Elliott, H. Horton, Alex Neeb, W. W. Trewartha, Hy. ]Haber and. Andrew Hicks. All of the above declined the acceptance of the nom- 'Hinaolion twith the acception of Mr, t,s. , Mr. Hicks, who, at the season of the Legislature in1923, repudiated the leadership of Premier Drury and hastened the election, at which the U. I;. 0, Labor Government met its downfall, reviewed that historic in- cident, reminding the audience that he hacl gong through with an un- pleasant task from a sense of duty to the prgvince. "From that day on," he said, "what �ch n ed my attitude was this: On the floor of the 1*Ionse, sitting as a private member, Ho- ward Ferguson said, 'Let me be- hind the scene for two months and I; will pat men in jail who ought to be in jail, and clean house from top to bottom.' What could Ie do bat cast in my lot with the party that had a leafier bold enough to come out like that, when the Liberal lead- er,, instead of saying ho would do the same if in power, used every ef- fort to hush things up and harass the remnant of the Conservatives in the House? 'I said there that day, `I will throw my alleganee with the Conservative party.' Promises Unfulfilled "Ther arce 'nen who will come -to you, better advocates in. polities in- vite le than I, buta. as long as the people me to take a platform and I am accorded a hearing, like I am accorded to -day, I will do anything that falls to,.my lot and duty to de- fend the honor and good namd of this Canada of ours" "When I retired from politics, I meant it—up to Monday of this week, - but representations were brought to .ins by prominent when throughout the riding, not only ivherenI live, but the fartherest cor- ners of this riding, and they said, 'Hicks, you . owe a duty to your pro- vince and the Dominion, and ought to allow your naive to go to the convention.' I said, 'Gentlemen, if it is a 'natter of duty, I will recon- sider,' and I am here to -day on re consideration that as a matter of duty that I ought to ,allow my =lame to go before the conention, and I will allow it to go. (Applause.) "If you ask why I digress from the local House to the Dominion, let vie tell you I have viewed taw actions and record of the Macken- zie King Government from au un- biased standpiont, and had they been clean and fair, and lived up to their promises and been an honor to our country, I would never have taken the platform against them. But we find at Exeter on Labor Day one of the Largest concourses that even listened to a prime minister, and he spent most of the time on a plea, the' burden /of which was, `I fail to see how 1 can carry an. I have appealed to the people, and unless I get a working majority will not carry on.' And what was the og. -'t 4 L\,` • �...�.,ir,'`•s�xi;�..•::",'.�""��v`rr` �-''' �'�'."�'kw,�'���t+,'�—�c.s� —.`J"" '441i ° Public Buys 18 Million Dollars' Worth of New Lower -Priced Lighter Six, Chrysler "60" in First 60 Days In the first sixty days following its Sixty mi'ies, and more, per hour;�in- in.troduction an enthusiastic motor• precedented acceleration:; extraordi ingpublichaspaidmorethan.eighteen. nary gas economy, easily exceeding 26 millions of dollars for the new est . miles Chrysler, the new lighter six, Chrysler of Chrysler dynamic symmetry --- "60". -"60". Astonishing riding ease and roads. Unfilled orders for many millions more are being rapidly met by vastly expanded production facilities. This overwhelming success was inn evitable. For no other car approximating these low prices can match combination'of We are eager to demonstrate these noteworthy features— and scores of other superiorities. Chrysler Model Numbers Mean Miles Per Hour Chrysler dealers are in position to extend the convenience of low est available tinte•paytnenta. Ask about Chrysler's attractive plan. 'c USkixi Cstsr $1546 Itmc.s terq. 61605 CItlsh C zugne, $11665 P, ii. B. Windsor, Ontario (freight oraay go Cs ach, $176 be added). ',£i4 above /niece include alt saxes, bumyers front anti rear, share tire, fire cover, • anti tank felt of gasoline.. bility; the safety of Chrysler four- wheel hydraulic brakes; oil -filter and air -cleaner; bull pressure lubrication; 7 -beating crank -shaft; impulse . neu- tralizer; road levelizers front and rear; roomy and luxurious bodies. Sedans,, $2.900 C. C. ;lL Huron Garage Exeter, Ont, Barn Equipment We have a full line of ,hay Car goods, rope, sling ro,ge, 11u11ey's,etc. If you are remodeling let us figure on your Job for stalls, stanchions, Pelle, water bowls, litter carriers.' As it ,is nearing the' time for plow- ing for fall wheat, let us meet your requirements in a plow. The Quebec sulky plow is light in draught and is easy to operate. FOR 'SALE; -Second hand spread- er, two seed drills and several second hand binders all In good repair, verdict of the people? Bight Cab- inet ministers defeated at the polls, and the prime minister included, and instead of playing the states- man's part he immediately started to peddle and deal, and goes to the govenor of this, country and says, `By certain agreements I have made with other parties in the House I can carry on business and I ask you to allow me the chance.' Lord Byng, hero of...the British nation that lie is (applause), said, 'All right, Mr. King the business of the country must go on,' and from that day until the. closing scenes, which were disreputable in the history of any country, that ishan has, been ped- dling from pillar to post, and we had nothing at last but a peddling premier that did not know where he Was going. • • "When the . found the Minister of Customs and Excise was wrong per- sonally, his system tad gone wrong, and his department was filled with anything but respectable people,- he could have done like other leaders, said, `nlr. Bureau, T want your res- ignation,' but no, he elevates him to the Senate. The Senate is no place for that kind of man. We have in- stitutions, but not the Senate. "I am content to let nay name stand as a candidate and I will tell you this: In the hour of Canada's need, Canada's people never failed her and Canada never needed clean living and thinking people as badly as to -day. " Sitting hack and taking a cold-blooded„ view of the whole matter, I believe when the 14th of September conies -Arthur Meighen will lead and we will have ee Clean- up the sane' as we had in Ontario." (Applause.) When Mr. Eilber announced that he would not be a candidate he mov- ed that the choice of Mr. Hicks be made unanimous.. This was prong 'ptly ,seconded by W. R. Elliott and: approved by the meeting with ap-: plause. "There will be the bitterest fight you ever saw between now and the ldth of September," said --Mr. Hicks in a few remarks of acknowledgement "and the most fun you ever saw (laughter and applause) and any of you ladies and gentlemen that don't get into the fight are going to mins half your life. When a man goes around talking about the constitu- tionality of what Lord, Byng diel let us reflect that the pian who stood between the empire and peril at Vihny iscriticized by ,a mail nursed in tbe lap of luxury, of everytlhng Rockerfeller money could buy hint .during the war," Hon.. Hugh Guthrie, the prinoihal speaker of th'e clay dealt With many of the greater shortcoinings ' of the late 'Mackenzie King Government. and »solicited the ttudiridect support of the Conservative Marty for Mr. Hicks. • At the election of officers Wm. Consitt was elected President with. a few rnhwr changes in the other officers, i,' . ARTHUR JONES V R DiASSEY+HARRIS GRAND BEND Casino PROGRAMME AUGUST the 2nd, CIVIC HOLIDAY Double header softball games—Kip- pen vs.: Forest and Parkhill vs. Ail- sa Craig. 'These games have a big bearing on the championship. DANCING CONTEST in the even- ing in the Casino. Prizes for the best fox trot, charleston and waltz- ing. AUGUST the 9th, MONDAY NIGHT FIDDLERS CONTEST open to all, no charge for entry. Silver Cup to the winner, no restrictions as to district. All other evenings regular C program in ` the Casino. HUGO D'IPPOLITO'S BUESCHER BOYS will play at all Casino entertain- ments The finest 8 -piece Orchestra in. West ern Ontario. NOTICE, TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims •against the estate of EMMA M. SHUTE, late of the Village of Exeter, spinister, *ho died at the City of London, on May 31st, 1926, are squired to for- ward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of August, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Exe- cutor • will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims .of which he then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 12th day of July, 1926., GLADMAN AND STANBURY Solicitors for Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of METCALF T. ALDER - SON, late of the Township of Step- hen, farmer, who died in the Town- ship of West Williams, in the County of Middlesex, on July 1st, 1926 are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned 011 or before the 2nd day of August, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 12th day of July, 1926. GLADMAN & STANBURY Executors' Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons halting claims against the estate of CATHEIR.INE SPARKS, late of the Village of Hensall, anar- tied woman,»who died on June 8th, 1926, are required to forward their .claims duly proven to the undersign- ed on orbe h th fo •e 2ndof e day August 1926, AND NOTICE -IS FURTHER GIV- 19N that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 12th, "day of July, 1926, ` GLADMAN & 51T 41N1iUR Y Executors' Solicitars - NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM HENRY KESTLE, late of the Township . of Stephen, farmer, deceased, who died March 29th, 1926, are required to forward their claims duly proven to either the undersigned executors or H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or be- fore the .3rd day of August, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice, Dated at Crediton, this 19th day of July, A. D. 1926. ALBERT KESTLE HORATIO NELSON KESTLE ETHEL MARY ANN KESTLE Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all . persons having claims against the estate of JOHN B. DINSDALE, late of the Village of Hensel', who. died June, 11th, 1926,.are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of August, 1926.,' AND NOTICE IS FIIRTCIER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutrix will proceed to distribute' the estate having regard only to the claims of Which she then shall have notice: Dated at Exeter this 12th day of July, 1926. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executrix QSI3ORN1i1 & HII3BERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Read Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, JOHN Vice-PrN Vice -President, JAS, 1d KEN I E -.,., DIRECTORS PRANK McCONNELL,'sIMoN DOW ROBT NORRIS, W1VI. BROOK AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for i1eborne and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, 'Fullerton and Logan W. A. TURNBTJLL Secretary -Treasurer Box 98, Exeter, Ontario. • GLAD AN . c S7'ANBV RY Solicitors, Exeter NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against IDDDEN the estate of WILLL41Y1' F , Exetergentle- man, Village late of 1 of 1. l geg man, who died in the City of Brant- ford, on June 29th, 1926, are re- quired to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or be- fore the 2nd day of August, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutor will .proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice, t r Dated at •Dae q this s 12th day or July, 1926. GI.,ADIVIAN • STANRURY Executor's Solicitor NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all poisons having Claims agailnat the. estate of MARY EMMA LING, late of the 1 ownship of Tucltersinth, married woman, who died en June 4th, 1926, are required,. to forward their claims duly pro ti< to the, undersigned ned on or'before i$, e 2nd day of August, 1926.• AND NOTICE IS FURTHER. G•IV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the• claims of whigh they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this ,12th day of- "AIME", f'' July, 1926. GLAD' i.N. & SBURY ExecutoTANrs' Solicitors GRAND BEND DISTRI( IM.' GIB.L'S. SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDING AS AT ;JULY 26th Won„ Lost Parkhill 2 0 Tliedford, 2 0 Ailsa Craig 2 0 Arkona 1 1 Forest 0 3 Kippers 0 3 To Play',, .. , , 7 7 7 T 6 6 •A saw co liar a Sandwiches withoi:t mustard are insipid. Open , the filling . 1 them and spread S�eeii i'I-atstzrt. on _i_llny and —what a difference! 4t Mustard is always at its best waken freshly mixed with cold water. � �� s,'. � 433M. digestion ". .�:� - �*.:..-:Y:G�>.w•;_�'''2i..�N..�:'"v'E.c_..�n.K..e;:izw�.`i'�... ��t�=t,. :".c eeseemaeieeeelter It beautifies /% and protects your floors In the sleeping porch, hall, chamber, bathroom -where ever wear and water attack your floors—preserve and beautify them with Car - mote Floor Enamel. Its color and finish bring new beauty to every room, and it will stand extreme wear. CARMOTE FLOOR ENAMEL Made in nine permanent cgiors. Can be used, on Wood; Metal, Cemedt or Linoleum. Made by Carpenter -Moron Compasy, Boston, Mara . W..1. Heaman, Exeter. Bonthron & Drysdale, llensall The McPhillips Pians' We have had unique success with these, beautiful] Pianos during the,,past twoyears and the reason iS BECAUSE theyyare BUILT L,T to LAST., Theyhave a beautiful TONE and TOUCH. ! Everything ,re- quired rc..guired to make a GQOD . PIANO is put into them and above all they are built to uphold the RE' PUTATION and GOOD name behind then'. THE FOLLOWING LETTER UNSOLICITED AND WRITTEN TOA PROMINENT TI+ACIIEE. OF MUSIC. It was with pleasure that fI heard the work of your pupils at the.exam�inations in July -last, their work was very good and quits mupany to thecentstares.ndard of the better centres and better than we he ` in I was alse very much pleased with the McPhillips Pianos whit we used and played on at the time. Their tone is good,, they seem- ed to be Of excellent construction, the action is good and I consider .h that they compare very favorably, in every respect, with any of our Canadian Pianos. I think the prices asked for them was very, reasonable and I ant, sure they will give satisfaction to anyone, with reasonable care and attention. wishing you every success in all your work and that your osnet- nese will continue: to grow. ` `Yours faithfully Examiner, London. (Eng.) College of Ni:tnela Distributing Agent, MRS, GAMBRILL, EKlE`TEP, ONT.