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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-7-29, Page 1
.191101. UNION tstwoor EXETER TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873AMALGAMATED +1TJ9l: ADVOCATE, ESTAELIS,aED 1.887.DZCEMBER let, 1934, EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 29th 1926, FITS `I'Y-TSSIRD YEAR NO. 2739 I�tPlIIIIIIIll1i1111111111111111111 111111111111(IIIIIIIIillllillllllllllllillllllllllll�illlill111I111lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllilllll�'-`-`' IDSUMME Shoe Sale Men's Work Boots Black or Brown, good wearing solid leather boots, special $2:95 pair • Men's Tan Elk Work Boots, Williams friake, about 12 pairsot $3.50 a pair. Men's Tan or Black Oxfords on Sale at' $3.50 a pair Table Women's, Slippers some real bar- gains at $2.00 a pair. Table Women's Turn -Sole Slippers McFarlane make, a most comfortable slipper at $2.75 pr. Table Women's Slippers n,ot all sizes in each line, a clean up of odd lines of high grade slippers at $3.50 a pair. Women's Rubber Sole Slippers for everyday wear at 98c. a pair. Boys' Running Shoes sizes from one to five on sale at $125 a pair: Assortment Sandals, Slippers, ers etc., children's sizes. MEN'S STRAW HATS Clearing Sale of Men's Straw Hats, reg price up to 3:. ,at $1.50 and $1.75. MEN'S FINE CLOTHING New arrivals of Men's .Shits in the very latest stripe - and mixed pattern at moderate prices. PHONE 32 PHONE 32 gamma mamma na▪ howa 1.010.6 ANIMO IMEMM umpool wawa N UMMI Swami alsamal Irmo lamfl Itami looms uaman Vevale sumo Imam litanirM vaimadO Monde NmMIN '^'- ;-CE,TER COUNCIL Monday, duly 26, 1926 A regular meeting of the Muni- cipal council held in the town hall with all members praseia:t. The minutes of the Meeting hold July 12th were read and approved. A letter from the Dow Chemical Company with copy of account as requested was read and the account ordered paid. On . request the Reeve declared Monday, August 2nd, 1926, as Civic Holiday for the municipality. Mr. Esti Heywood addressed the council asking for a drain outlet to a cellar for a new dwelling to be erected on Laughail street, The council will investigate A by-law to provide for the Safety of the public in regards to vehicular traffic, on the streets and roads of the municipality was -read. That Main street be known and shall be a through street, that all stroets, roads, lanes or intersect`ons leading onto or across Main sti': et shall be designed as stop streets .or all auto- mobiles, trucks and horse drawn vehicles. The by-law was given the necessary number of reading and passed on motion. of Danis and Gil- lespie. • Carried. '. The following accounts were react and ordered paid: Joh tNorry, lab - ler, $20.40; John Parsons, labor, $16.25; Geo. Ford, labor, $11.87; Clyde Heyood, labor, $38.00; Thos. Sanders, labor $15.00; Rich. Quance, labor, $8.75;; Peter Coleman labor $22.00; R. E, Davis labor $11.00; Cemetery accounts, William Smith, labor $27.50, passed on .notion of Davis and Coultis. Carried, Adjourned by Gillespie, Jos. Senior, Clerk, ATTWOOD—STEVEN WEAVER—STEVEN The home of Mr. and Mrs. Root. Steven, Cannarnore, was the scene of at very pretty double wedding, on the afternoon '.of July! 15th, 'alien their daughter., Nettie Rachael was united in. marriagewine Mr. Cecil Ernest Weaver, son of .Mrs. Martha Weaver, of Williamsburg, Ont. and their youngest daughter, Jessie J. with William Cecil Attwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Attwood, of Neepawa Man. To the strain of Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Mrs. R. P. Stafford, .'the brides :elect entered the drawing room on the .arms of their brother, Jay and Orvis Steven, by whom 'they were given ire Marriage. The 'Rev. R. P. Stafford, Morelood United church, officiated. The,room was tastefully decorated with ,Carnetio: sancl>. peon- ies. 'Miss Nettie •Rachaele wore a gown of pale rose georgette while Miss Jessie was attired in a gown of powder blue georgette. The only guests were the close relatives cf the young couples. Supper was served and immediately•, after the young couples Ieft by motor for Brockville, amid showers of confetti and good wishes. 'Thence they wont by boat to Montreal by way of the St. Lawrence rapids. On their re- turnn Mr. and Mrs. Weaver went to their home in Williamsburg and Dlr. and Mrs. Attwood spent a few days E with the bride's parents before com- a ing to Exeter where they will reside. Mr: Attwood came to Exeter about a year ago, be�'ang engaged on. . the Government survey work being done through this district, and early this I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111llllllllllll111111IIIIl111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110llllllft Lone_ Bros. High Standard Paint 5.50 gal Protecto ,Shingle Paintrj3.50v al.,, Elephant Lead and Pure`Linseed Oil Plymouth Binder : , l Twine Gold Medal, 650' feetper lb. Superior, 600 feet per lb. In Large and Small Balls Plymouth Hay Fork Ropes Plymouth Sling Ropes Hay Fork Pulleys 900. AUG-K.ILLERS Climax Bug Killer $1.25 a' bag Pure Paris Green 45c. a Ib. Arsinate of Lead 40c. a lb. Sprayers ' 75c. and $1.00 eamansHardware .&Pa nt Store re lits store will be open. Wednesday, June 80th and closedl ,duly 1 MED OF THANKS - 'The nieces and nephews of the latwe Miss 1Vtartha Lewis, desire "to e a �faress their .gratef grateful ppreeiattoii to . herp astor, Rev'. D. McTavish for ie kindly interest in leer, and to her friends ' and neighbors for their .many inan1festatians of kindness and sympathy, and for their beauti- ' 2ul floral tributes, also to those who rendered such sweet service in song. 11tru, H. McLeod,, Detroit; Mr. and 1Vlydn. S. Lamport and Mr. and Mrs, ,.e1. Lamport of Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins, of. St. Thomas have been visiting in "Exet- er and Goderich. MisSes May . Belle and Jean.Carnie ,. ,�, of Bayfielcl, 0,re' Vieitinn •their cousin Miss Evelyn Howard thih week. Mr. -and Mrs, Jos. Lampert and Mrs. Will. Henderson, of Detroit vis- ited with Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Lamport. ' Mager J ack and Mise MayHow- ard, st i ard, of Goderich,and Mise Cather- ine Drysdale, of Hensa]1 visited with Miss Evelyn Haward thio weak, BOY DROWNS AT BAYPIELD A drowning accident took place at Bayfield on Wednesday afternoon of last week the' victim being Elgin Routledge, aged 22, son of George )3.outledge, who lives north of Goderich. The young, man was eau ployed as a barber at Clinton: He 1 was in bathing with a number of others but apparently was not miss- ed until sometime had elapsed and a search in the vicinity where he had last been noticed revealed the body. Apparently half an hour had elapsed -from the time he was notic- ed until the body was found, and efforts at resuscitation failed. An- other lad, aged 15, had a narrow escape the same day. Local News Mr, W. 3. Folland, of Royal Oak, Mich., is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Boyes, Mr. Allan Pickard, of Regina, Sask., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Pickard. Mr. Prank Melville, of Los Angel- es, Cal., visited for a week with his brother, Mr. Wm. Melville. Mrs. Norris, of Brantford, visited for a couple of days last week with Mrs.. E. A. Amy,of town. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Williams, of Hamilton, are visiting with the Harvey connection in this community, Mr. Harry Bieriing's •store will close every Wednesday night at' 6.00, o'clock during the month oe August. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood return- ed home last week after a motor' trip to Sudbury whew- they visited their Son, Dr. C. Wood. Mr. Jos, Andrew, Municipal See'y Treas. and County Connell Clerk, of Hamiota, Man., with .1Vfrs. Andrew, are spending a few days in town. Ott August 1st Bali' cute in Toron- to will be raised to 50c and 25c for a shave: ''In Detroit .hair cuts are going: up to 75e and shaves to 35e. MARRIAGES 'RaJIThI I'LOi.'D--Til Los Angeles, Cal,, oh Tilly :28th Miss Halsie' Pearl, only ddaughter of Mr. John Floyd, of Exeter, to Mr, Albert R. White, MATHS LIEWIs - In Exeter, on. Thursday Jul y 22nd Martha Alin Lewis, . Y L w aged 65 years,' N months and i'2 days. e spring returned to Exeter and join- ed partners with Chambers Bros., of whom he is a boyhood chum, in the Ford garage and service. Oil Mon- day evening of this week, a number of tlie young people of town ahiv areed thein, reading an address of welcome and presenting them with a handsome wicker chair and serve ing tray, after which lunch .was serv- ed and a social time spent. RODGINS--Srs1NNER One of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized ; at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. William Skin- ner, of Lambeth, when their eldest daughter, Gladys Mary Janet, was•; united in marriage to Cecil. Hodgins of Liman, son 'of Mr, Chas. Hodgins. Rev. W. Conway, of Lambeth United Church,.., officiated. Before the cer- emony Miss Viola Skinner, sister of the bride, gowned in mauve georg- ette, played "Love's Greeting," by Eiger, after which the bridal party entered to the strains of the ,Lohe,n.- grin bridal chorus and took their places beneath a arch of. 'roses, orange blossoms and ferns. The bride was given away by her fattier. The bride was charming in a gown of beige georgette, with long bodi''ee and full skirt, the hem appliqued with roses of the same material. al. Slue carried, a shower bouciuet of white rose -buds and lillies of the valley. The bridesmaid was Miss Alice Skin- ner, --sister of the bride, who wore a lovely frock of pale green georgette and; -carried a colonial bouquet of Ophelia roses, sweet peas and fern. Little Miss Hhelma Skinner of St. Marys, niece of the, bride, in came - tion pink chiffon taffeta. acted as flower -girl and carried a dainty bas ket of sweet peas and roses. Mr. Hodgins was attended by fobt, Clark Following the ceremony the wedding luncheon was served. The rooms were beautifully cidcorated with bas- kets of sweetheart roses, orange blossoms, sweet peas and lillies. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome clock; to the bridesmaid, a silver barpiii; to the 'pianist a Sil- ver barpiiu to the flower girl, a gold bracelet.; and to the best man a 'pair a green bold engraved elft links. The pi.'ese1its wture nutnerotts and beauti- flit and iseltuied eitbetantial eheecics. Mr. and Mrs.. Hodgins left later 031 a motor trip to 'Niagara Valls and points, east. The bride travelled in a smart costume of navy French 6.D - M -tire, with beige -colored hat and' shoes. On their return they will re- side on the groom's farm ItieZion. I( STOP WINS , ON 1-'01:1 STill']E'd'S The Exeter council are having stop signs placed on several of the streets leading onto the Main St,. ; This action .is being taken tosafe- guard the traffic on the Main street uud to eliminate accidents such as have occurred in the past few weeks.' The Main. Street is a ;through thor- oughfare ; and a great many tourists are passing through town these 'lays. At the same time this does not '•Wean that speeding will be permitted, The stet. is a wise precaution and should be ,v, ,omed by all. A by-law has been `passed and the penalty for breaking . the by-law is a fine from $5 to $10, FOUR IVORE FINES H7 O.T.A. OLEAN-UP Four more, cases were tried in Goderich on Friday of last week the final in the round -up of O.T.A. of- fenders in Huron county. David Crawford, of the , Graham House, Clinton, was fined $1,000 and two months in jail, and in default of the fine four months' additional. Mowat McDougall and Harvey Beattie, of Goderich Tp., and Dan Johnston, of Seaforth, were each given one month and fined 9200, with two. nichiths additional in default. HAY TOWVNSII_IP ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS The Township of Hay H. S. En- trance Scholarships tor 1926 have been won as follows: The first scholarship of 927.50 was won by Lorne Chapman (aged 12) of S. -S, No. 10, Hay, with 600 marks_ The second scholarship of $16,50 goes to 'EXETEg. Mildred Johnston (aged 13). of S. S. No. 14, Hay, 596 marks. The third " Where Quality Counts- We Win" GRA' T Ask For' It— Rich with Vitalizing Vitamines Wholesome and Delicious, Bread Is Your Best Food—Eat More Of It. Pies and Fancy Cakes, Etc. Phone in Your'Orders GRANT'S BAKERY . EXETER Goodyear Tires Reduced in Price A wonderful tire at a real price. ' SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY W. J. BEER ONTARIO scholarship of $11.00 was captured LECTURE by Gordon Troyer (aged 12) of S. S. 14, Hay, 575 marks, The establish- Rev. A. E. Johns will give an incer- ment of these scholarships has cans- estiug lecture on ed a healthy,perenniai rivalry among TIBET the pupils and the teachers of the accompanied by lantern slides of township. The competition is open China an to all pupils residing Hay. We FRIDAY, JULY 30th congrgratulateethe winners of 1926 on their success and the handsome re- — at — wards they receive. Who will pick THAMES .OAT) i7FILTCIi the winners of these prizes for 1927? To be in the running they must get • at 8:00 o'clock p.m. First Class Honors. ' This has been reported. as 'a very highly interesting lecture. PP PF RE -UNION Admission 25c and 15c The fifth annual re -union of the Under the auspices of the Thames Pfaff family was field over the Road Missionary Society week -end at Port Huron, Mich., Music Furnished by local talent A cordial invitation is extended to ail. when 135 members of the fancily met at Lighthouse Park. While the majority came from different points in Michigan, there was a large con- tingent from Canada. Exeter and GODERICH HORSE RACES district was represented by Mr, and p The ar atest zorse' meet la, Mrs. Wm: 'Pfaff --and -Mr. Leonard l torn Ontario will be held at GOA - Pfaff, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy, Mi. rich next Monday, August 2. 2,25 and Mrs. Hedley May, Mr. and 11rrs.1Golden Gate Stake Race, Purse $1. Robert Love, Mr. and firs. A. A. In- 000; 2.16 Blue Water Stake knee, gram, Mr. and Mrs. W./E, Pfaff and !Purse 91,000; . 2.30 Open Class Race, family, Mr. and Mrs, Jno. H. Pfaff ,Purse 9400. Follow the crowd to and family, Mr. and Mrs. George • Goderich. Pfaff and fancily, Henry Pfaff, John 1 Pfaff son and daughter, Mr. and ,THE LATE •IflSS LEWISMrs. J. G. Stanbury and family. Mrs. ( The funeral of the late Miss Mar- son George Sthe e airs. Caroline their 'tha Ann Lewis took place to the Ex - families. and three daughters with. their : eter cemetery on Saturday after- fanlilies, noon last. Miss Lewis, passed away McDON;�T,D RE -UNION ' �on Thursday, July 22nd, at the age of 65 years, 5 months and 13 days. Friday, July 23rd the McDonald•The deceased had been ill for over clan numbering 68 met at Spring- a year and in June last year under - bank, to . enjoy another day of get- ; went an operation. She was born in to-gether of which there was a great the township of Stephen, one and a deal of hand shaking, relatives gath- quarter miles south of Crediton, be- ering from north, south, east and, ing 'a daughter of the late George west.. After a sumptuous dinner Lewis. She moved to Exeter with everyone enloyecl themselves in ,her father - and had been a resident sports which included racing, tug- here for over thirty years. Miss of -war, etc. One of the biggest Lewis was a valued member of the events was the ball. game between. James St. church, for years being a the wgqttl-be-farmers and has-beens, I member of the choir and a teacher of whi§h the would-be won by a in the Sunday school She is the score of 16 to 12. After the after- , last of the family., two sisters hay - noon of sports alley were all a ,ing predeceased. her. Among those hungry looking bunch and again who attended the funeral were Mr. partook of a hearty meal which was Samuel G. Lamport, of Crediton; certainly well looked after by the Mr,. Edward Lamport, of Shipka, ladies. Then all bid adieu .for -an- nephews, and their families, and a other year.niece,• Mrs. H. C. McLeod, of Detroit A SUCCESSFUL PICNIC Mrch. -sorrow, GARDENS JUDGED The James St. Sunday school pic-.� ` The school gardens were judged nic was held at Grand. Bend on Wed- on Friday and Saturday last, the nesday of last week. In spite of the exceedingly, fret weather a large ' judges: being Messrs. G. Mawson and number were present and enjoyed a S. J. Hogarth. The gardens are in good shape, t splendid opting. Races and sports he judges stating that in the afternoon were keenly con.- ,they had never seen them better. tested. The water was ideal for Following were th prize -winners: bathing, Following were the re- , fourth class, Wm..wlleringtou, Joe. sults of the races: Primary classes, `Jackson, Grace :Christi's; third class Miss Coates' class Josie Kerslake, Dorothy Davis, Utah Clarice, Cecil Laing. The prize money is at Jack Anderson, Helen ,Westcott; Griggs bookstore: Mies Shapton's class, Ralph Del - bridge, Lavern Christie; Miss Hunt- er's class, Ruby Jory, Hazel Snell, Irene Remick; Miss Jones' class, Edith Horton, Dorothy Welsh.; Miss Soiithoott's class, Harry Freyae, R. Dinney; boys 10 and under, Harry Frayne, Harry Penhale, Ilen. Hock- ey; girls 10 and under, Hazel Clark, Adeline Stone, Gladys Stone; boy's 13 and under, Joe Creech., Howard Izerslake, Harry Frayne; girls 13 and under, Margaret Peuhale, Here d nice Horton, Ruby Stone; intertnedi= ate boys classes, Harold Horton, Ir- win Ford, Jack Horton Intermedi- ate girls, Doreen Westcott, 'Hazel Clark, Margaret Penhale; - boys on all fours, Jaelt Morton, H. Frayne, Harold Horton; girls backward, Doreen 'Westcott, Ruby Stone, Violet T'rayna; couple's race, men; ..back-. wards, Thelma Taylor and J. M. Southcott; Stella Soutlicott and. W. H. Harness, Gertie Francis and 1. H. -Tones; thread the needle, Theleia Taylor • and J. M. ,Southcott, ,Hazel Sanders and Gordon Appleton, Gor- don, Heywood and wife;; ladies, fifty. Yards,, Thelma Taylor, Ge1•tie '1''r,at1-. cis, Marjorie Clark; 100 yards .lash; W. H. 'farness, W. Shapton and S. D. Taylor,. boys diving for oranges,. Harold Horton, Jack Horton; :"Hoye. sick race, Harold Horton, Jack Hole - ton, Howard T<erslakce. . (;acne of softball was played between the. single and Married ,nen and result- ed in a tie 2 all. A ladies softball game was also flayed. LET US HELP YOU TO SEL BETTER GAR DRIVING IS HARD ON TIM EYES After driving do your eyes fees like "Two burnt holes in a blanket''. Particularly the day' following a long drive or after night driving? If so you may take it as a danger '+ signal from nature that your sight needs protection which if you are wise you will heed. Your eyesight' is the : most valuable sense you have Let us help you to take care of it. S. Fitton Phone 75w. ' OPTOMETRI MILLINERY BUY a hat at YOUR OWN Price Two Days Only FRIDAY AND SATURDAY July 301 and 81st Ar YELL ND Have You Tried Our N e Sadalnti We have installed a complete and up-to-date Soda Fountain with elec- tric refrigeration. During the hot days come in and refresh yourself. A complete line of up-to-date candies including "Smiles and Chuckles." J kwo id'8 Bette, Bread W. H. LOCK WOOD BAKER EXEleett . ONTA.i5,1O Convention will be. held in the TOWN HALL,. Hensall -- on �- Thurs.,:fAugast 5. 1926, at 2 o'clock p.m. For the purpose of nominating cane didates for the Federal and Pros3h dal Houses . of Parliament. W. G. Medd G. W. Layton. Pres. See'y GOD SAVE THETG Atsamextresmonentwa sasmeelvenvamearammvent eiteINSALL BASEBALL TOURNEY. Exeter won first money in the 'Hensel/ baseball tournament on: Wednesday afternoon. The fire gamewas between Hensen and Mt. Pleasant, the former. winning 8--6. Exeter then defeated Fullerton 12-8, and in the play-off Exeter defeated Hensall 13-12. �i Reasoi s W1134_, ERIE They are authorized by law as and trust funds. They are issued by an institution that is "OLDER than the DOMINION." This 62 -year-old financial institution is Government Chart- ered. .Huron & Erie Hooka securities andd ae catnts are subject to Inspection' at any time without notice by Dominion Gov- ernment Officials. • The paid up 'capital and reserve fund of The Old Huron Erie affords . surplus security totalling $6,850.000. , Owners of these debentures together with savings depositors -have FIRST claim upon every dollar of Huron & Erie aa - sets totalling over $31,000,000. 5 per cent, per"annum is payable halt ` yearly upon $100 or more for 1, 2,. 3, 4, or 5 years: CHOOSE THIS ;i BITS, TEE SEci TJ'HI'.ES' VOA YOB HARD 10X1 ' IA.COS 'eeco ..end ETR an investmentfor estatea CA SLING & MORL1 Y F�IS�`a BT;1z ="ON`s y a� e1. gen r ,1 .:. JGoca Agent Who k;Cnxrozn it El ri© Irir,Oefetager !y ��- to Whom appli+eation t 4ettetntlitte iay Ne Z ea •