HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-7-22, Page 6artial Experts is the finest `modePekoe* sold. - THE STOL BEGIN HERE TO -DAY. A novelist, seeking nocturnal ad- O'enture, offers to give a girl a lift n a taxi. They go from Paddington Recreation Ground to a poor part of London. The girl informs him that her sister is sick in a . hospital and that she is on her way to fetch her Sister's baby from her sister's home. The .seeker of adventure takes the girl and the baby to Elgin Avenue, and, as the girl alights, he notices a coat- ef-arms worked on the baby's coat. Slow at following the girl he loses track of her. He returns to the place where the girl went for the baby and. finds it a rear entrance to a nursing home. He tells the matron that a baby has been kidnapped. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. "Kidnapped!" repeated the black silk colossus in a tone of horror. r`Un- thinkable !" "But I'm afraid it's happened." "Unthinkable! You are evidently unaware of our system. None of our night nurses may for one moment leave the lady mother and her infant. Every infant is registered. At birth ' the infant is attributed a reference card with counterfoil. No person may remove the infant without producing the counterfoil." I jumped up, furious: "I can assure you that my little friend Rhodadidn't wait to hand in the counterfoil. I tell you, she's got one of your babies. She wasn't the sort of girl to he entitled to a baby with a coronet on its "Alil Oh! A coronet." "Yes. Haven't you- got a lady of title in the home?" The night matron raised her eye- brows. "We have, I think, three pa- tients who are not a title." "Well, anyhow, there- was a cor- onet." "Now you mention it," said the ma- tron, "this is an interesting fact. Do fou happen to remember the coronet?" "Well, yes. There was more than a coronet, there was -a coat of arms. Of course, I didn't see it properly in the hurry, but on one side there were thrum castles," The night matron jumped up, quiv- ering like an extensive jelly. Her usually purple countenance assumed a dirty brown tint, which was her way of growing pale. "Three castles !"..she murmured, and tottered out of her chair toward the bookcase, from which she drew Debrett. Her sausage -like ;lingers trembled; she found the page she wanted, and reeled back against a cupboard of which the doors creaked: "It's impossible ..." she was gasping "The Duchess . . oh, nonsense." She grew calmer. "Look here, don't you remember the rest? Wasn't there also, in the upper corner, three Iions?" "Well, now you mention it, there was something like three crouching cats." The night matron sat down with a crash, Then, in a whisper, she said: "Her grace the duchess- of Farnshire .. his lordship John Asdruhal. Peter • r^ Mark Redvers Mervv-n . born a week ago ... stolen. Oh,what are g Ove going to do?" For a moment she That del cioura flavor of fresh itit gives a new rill to every bite. Wrigley's � s is good t,�yt i' I and good, for you. EN BABY buried her. face in her hands. Then, suddenly, she looked up, and I saw that Mrs. Gold's. Nursing Home was properly organized for the night ma- tron brightly . remarked: "After all, I'm only indirectly responsible. The. night sister has charge of her grace's floor. I will ring for her." We waited fo} some. minutes, dur- ing which I kept silence, and the night matron read "The Morning Post," which had just arrived, so as to con- vey that she was not going to stay on my level.. " The night sister was a. tall, gaunt, Scotch -looking woman, in hos- pital garb. She closed the door be- soon stopped that. She, thereupon, -well; she said Hampstead, As I hap - hind her, stood in front of the desk, burst into tears, and I resumed pos- k pen to know that Nurse Harden's par= expressing no surprise at having been sent for. "Oh, by the way, Sister," said the night matron, "I suppose you have no- thing to report?" exodi "This gentleman conies to me with was proposed to exchange the babies." arrested at five minutes past one." a singular tale. I suppose you would 'By Jove!" I cried,' "now I see,1 After Rhoda had been sentenced to like to hear it." The Sister's features Look bete, I told you I saw the giri.itwelve months' imprisonment, a chit/ - did not move. Then, in less words meet somebody: That person gave her alveus -Hari of some fortune made her than I had myself used, and with the baby_" The matron looked' at met: a proposal; She is now married and greater dignity, the night matron re- with lesser contempt. . - 1 well established. His lordship grew cited the story which I have already "Possibly yo u are right. Please- go iup,to dissipate, with the assistance of • on, Sister. ' What did you do?" I wine and women, the remainder of the iii .} If]Tsr� It " • a iii 1#11i111) Icons -d red the situation. It is; Farnshire estates. The Duchess bene- oe never well to act in hurry. So I; fitcd by eight hundred and forty-four locked them into the room while 1. columns of publicity. On the whole, went out into the corridor to th;nk.1I have done no harm. However, I retained possession -of his lordship. He was fortunately dsleeP, 1 Another . story of -midnight adven- , Then, deciding upon my course, I went tore Ly W. L. George, "The Slipper into the room and obtained from the :or Ped'. Brocade," wi:1 start in our next young person a complete confession. issue. Her sister is very undesirable, and, bad proposed to send her own child to a baby farni to he done away with, as • is usual. It seems, however, that she did not have the heart to go on with this. So she entered into a plot with the young . person and with Nurse!, Marden, since they are three sisters. t The intention was to substitute that other -.baby for his lordship, and to send his lordship .to the baby fn"rm.." I felt a lump in -my throat as she recited this story.. It was tragic to l think of the poor young mother, un- j gb:e to keen her child, and resorting. to a desperate expedient to give it a' Ran With the Swells. chance in life, The Sister..went on "And what makes that common sail - told. She ended,,by: "That as this pitilessly.- After a while the matron. or •so proud aril haughty?" gentleman's story, Sister- Evidently stopped :her. _ °' ' "Long association with the swells." it is perfectly ridiculous." Very well, Sister, I see. But tell.' "Not at all," said the Sister, me what happened at last." Mieard's Liniment to:: Rheumatism. "How do you mean? I thought you1 brought his lordship back into said that you had nothing to report" the room. took his clothes off, put liim.• �i a �$sl Fvclting. This is Prebendary Wiisou Carlile, :D:D., C.H. (lett),'talking to Captain B. P. Mountford on. board the Cunardei• Ascania: The -distinguished cleric, who has just -concluded an evangelical tour oL a part of the. Lifted States and Eastern Ca4tada, is head and foundee of the Church Army, Who are con- ducting a crusade in Canada during the summer. session of his lordship.. As for the ents live near Elgin: Ave., I was' car - other baby ..." t? in that• -tile young person would re - "The other baby!" shrieked. the ma- i turn there, with the baby. I there' trona "How do you mean? Do you • fore te_ePhened the police, who were mean to say there was another baby?"' waiting for the _young person when "Naturally," aid the Sister. "It' she reached her doorstep. She was 1p, - Slur= "She was arrested at five minutes past one." • 0 you know that 'Jvhousands of (ljards of Fabrics are destroved early by iMplire 30418 ? -Made by Lever Brothers Limited Toronto. Sold Everywhere Ni5 it's all so needless. There is one soap that is dependable— that is , Sun- light, the all -pure soap backed by - a $5,000 guarantee. Sunlight Soap prolongs the life of fabrics. _ 111111101111111111111111111111111111111' The Lar g t Sellin Lauu d� Soap in theworrd. S8le Af tie istris,, Y c.„. "I did not propose to report any- back in his cot, and caused. the young ` thing for the moment." person to dress up the baby she had When the inmate stirs, the birds re - Excitement invaded me. Something brought in his :l'ordship's clothes. Then tire discreetly „ ,•., had happened, ,then. "blow- do you she took hini away." From the window ledge, whereon they mean?" said the matron acidly. "Yo a"What!" shouted the matron: "You ; report anything that happens. whistled sweetly know quite well you are .supposed to gave her his lordship's -. ? You And on the seep of the door, made them dress up that baby in his In the ,misty morning hoar "Yes. In due course." ` lordship's elothes? But~., . but =why?" But now the dwe'' er i up' they See rr " . The Sister again smiled her grim! To the crooked neighboring- codlin- Now, look here, Siltex, said. the , matron, standing up, "no complaint smile. "Matron,,' she- said, "as you tree; 3 p - l And..when be come'• Bill' -f forth they has everbean made against you, and know, we always avoid scandal, so 3 .� r 3 0 y I. do not want to make one now, but far as -we can in a business such as seek the garelen,' ours, but when I am in charge T am" And 'dome from the -lofty costard, as there are limits to what you may keep to ourself: There arelam -entitled to do what I think for the pleading pardon. y limits e the ' For shouting which you are allowed to best. Most `ladies, you will agree, � so near„�liefore In their t o at b, � i. . with - show. This gentleman. suggests that would have preferred. that I should joy ting, tti ve.-„- 'the Duchess of I+'ar , h• e' baby has dismiss the young person and hero Iearrwilile the hammering clock vvith- n9 it s a been kidnapped. You know something baby, and say no more about it But, ;- in goes five. about it: You will please report it, as you always know, her, grace the:: and forthwith.” Evidently the matron had a strong character, far the Scotch • wornali was forced to talk: `About twenty-five minutes to one, last night,” • she began it an evert monotone, I was engaged on my last round upon the first floor. In so doing I entered the bathroom. The blind having been„pulled up, I was able. to notice, across the well, that a Light was learning in. the dressing room at- tached to the duchess' room,This be. ing against orders, or unusual, I: was about .to proceed to that room, when I observed on the blind the shadow ef ,r tevo per;ons. ” "Who is _ in charge of her'grader asked the matron. a. "Nurse Harden. She is single- handed: I therfore proceeded• to; that room and found Nurse Marden' eat - gaged in clothing a baby for' the• street. A. young; person was in: the room." "There!" I shouted, "I told you so." "Go on," said the matfett, "please " p "I asked for an ex'la ation " said la , the Sister.. "The young person first. attempted to run out of the roof i, hut', , ," a. grins smile for the first time covered the Scottish features. "1 Duchess isnot only young and popu I knew a.domicile of brown and green, lax,' but very food of 'social advertise- ment I felt that she would be very grateful to the.home if we could pro- cure for her an opportunity of figur- ing in the. newspapers,`' -if we could, give her 1' chance to appear in the wit - tees box,as the heroine of a sensa- tional case," "I don't understand,," said the ma- tron, "Don't you see," said the Sister, "that with my evidence, and with the fact that the young person ' carried away the baby in his lordship's clothes, the case is complete. 7 asked -. the young person where she lived. Oft course, she lied, but being excited, her , imagination was not working very' Where for a hundred summers there have been • Just such enactments, just .such day. breaks seen, —Thomas I -Tardy: A Real Party. Johnny had been the guest"of honor at a' party tine Bay before, and itis lit, tie friend, 'Pommy, had .been hearing •'abo'ht it. "Have a good time?" asked Tommy. „Did I?" suss(red Johnny. "I'm not •ltungt'y yet.!" NURSES --� The rceoe't Ha•pitai for Inourahles, rn affiliation with Bellevue And Alike! Hospitals, New York City, offers n three yenri' Course of TrAlning to young women, having the required. tduontion,- and desirous of hecom,no anus, this Hospital hoe iddpted t1re tight. hour system. tho pundit receive untlernlr at Tho Soctect, w mdrtthily nliowante Aria fravlLlic exoensda to and from Nt, Ydrp:, Foe further rotator trop Write ttta Superintendent, 'New singly cylinder 1-1erle5'-bavidson Motorcycle, has just won a World's Re. cord for endurance. Less :titan bile. cent per mile to operate, and over 100` mites par gal:o:1 of gas. $97 Lash, bal- ance $20 -tier month,' Price $298. T'fl WALAhit'7iiIiWs Ltd, 346 Yerde St. Toronto SIMPLE YET ATTRACTIVE. „A dainty and summery frock is this model, made of dotted material on simple and youthful lines. There is a yoke effect suggested through the medium of shirrings on each. shoulder: Colman•Keen-(Canada)-'Limited, Dept. . is Then, there 'Ts a collar,; vestee; . and 1000 Amherst St., Montreal. 826, Fifty -Fifty. a,.."Oh,. George, dear," she whispered, when he slipped the engagement ring on, tier finger, "how sweet of -you to -re- -member lust the sort, of stone I pre- ferred! • None of the .others was ever so thoughtful," George was staggered for a moment. Then"he answered: "Not at ail, der:r- You see; this is the one:I always use " Mfinard's Linin;cnt for Sore Feet. Smart Boy. "Willie, :what's the first thing asked for. in business?" "If you got any pull with the school. board or th' aldermen." a oak of Recipes for Delicious Salads, Sandwiches, Egg Dishes,. Cheese Dishes, Pickles and Relishes. Write far a coy mailed Free. pockets of a plain matching fabric, ealculated'to.lend effectiveness. Plait's are the medium used to create fulness; and extend tt. d frotn the pockets to hem in front and in the side seams. Lastly, but ef great style importance, are the.. long sleeves which extend into.. the neck, and are caught into neat little- bands at the wrists. Abarrow sae' cores }lustard duds digestion starts from the pockets either side of MSSIEMMINSIMIMMOSIMOBS the front and ties' loosely in the back. No. 1375 is in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40,..42 I. THE HOTHOUSE IN- DUS?RY OF CANADA Certain"interest has been exhibited, lately•in the greenhouse and hothouse industry of Canada, and whtlrtdata on this subject is rather meagre it is ap- parent that it is., an activity which Is. making healthy strides in the Do- minion. Accordang , to the figures of the last Dominion census there was in 1921 a total of 9,957,243 square feet un- der glass in Canada, and 3426 •acres not under glass Of the former, 6,174,011 was in Ontario 1,664,823 in'• -Quebec 1,200,917 in British Columbia 1..423,079 in Alberta 195,473 in Manitoba; 141,- 822 in Nova Scotie; 82,776 in Sas katchewaia; 60,535 in New Brunswick,. and 7,807 in Prince Edward island,, Of the latter, 1,325 acres were in Quebec., 1,322 in Ontario; 181 in British Co-. lumbia; 223 in Manitoba; 41 in Al- berta; 19'in Nova Scotia;:. 9 in Sas- katchewan; and 6 in Prince Edward Island. 'net the industry is growing' is evident from: recent statistics, which show that the area under 'glass in Ora tario is now over 8,000,000 ft., .Mani- toba aver 200,000 ft., and British Co- lumbia at o-lumbia`at 2,31..7,356 ft, It would appear to be the general opinionamong official horticulturists: of thevarious provincial governments.. that followers of this ; industry are uni- formly prosperous end that returns, coMpare very favorably with other or- ders of investment. , . In 1921 oftioial figures show that receipts from the in- dustry totalled 44,026,427 for the Do- minion, made up of $2.778,4.73 from. flowers and -flowering plants and $1,- 247,954 from vegetables- and vegetable plants... 'Ontario accounted: for the heaviest share of revenue with„$2,518, 941, followed by Quebec with .$659,012,. and British Columbia $350,667.. Ai-, berta's shale was $196,310; Manitoba. $106,264; Saskatchewan $54,536; Nova. Scotia $79,224; New Brunswick $18,-- 350; and Prince Edward Island 6.13,- 123. Ontario and British Columbia--` Lead. Ontario, which maintains a wide. lead in this intensive activity, has.: about 3,000,000' square feet of green- house space growing -vegetables and '5,000,000 feet growing , flowers. - In. British Columbia, where -the industry has been expanding remarkably; :the., principal greenhouse clops are flow- ers and such vegetables as tomatoes: acct cucumbers,” In 1924' the province: produced in this manner 314 tons or -' cuctunbers;valued at $168,84 per ton,, or a total of, .$53,016.00; Tomato cul- ture is increasing there. and frapni_,57, 800 crates grown in greenhouses in 1922 the figure rose to 78,400 crates m. 1924, and was greater in .1925, _ ' It is interesting•to note the position occupied .in this activity by the three Prairie..I?roavinees, which are popular, ly considered to be wholly engrossert"� in the major phases of the agricultural industry. The results of Western en • - terprise .ere, very pertinently illus traced In two :elaborate nurseries` -in the heart of the Western prairies; one situated at Medicine Hat, Alberta, and the other at Estevan, Saskatchewan, These hare not only expanded beyond' supplying local and prairie needs, and'. even shipping toy Eastern Canada, but. have built lip and developed a 1 refit able export trade with man; Ainoi:can:• cities of the Middle West. At Certain. seasons of the year hundreds or beau- teous blooms :,leave from these prairie' ceut:nes to add their, bright, note tt life. in many United States :points` which little suspect theirrrigin.. • - Laughter., I thank the -Lord for. 1aegltte,r and I'. thank the Lord- far trails, For who can start a chuckle sweeps. . the sorrows fromthe earth, 'though it may Ile but a• minute, swiftly brit and swiftly spent, The weight of care is lifted oii the flood of merriment; And for ,all -those sixty seconds pain and angu•isli disappear, For there's never any heartache in' the. laughter which you hear. Thereare times` when plan is solemn:. and isr bu denea�i down th care,. And you -know his heart is heavy, fo or life isn't 'always fair. r. Therm are countless disappointments, for us all along the way, Many doubts Lor eaelt to master, man Plans that go astray; But wheu hale and hearty laughter rushes` in and takes control, You would never guess; to see him, life' bad ever tried his soul. ; and 44 inches busk, Size 36 bust re- quires e quires 3% yards 80 -inch•-- figured nx:t- teria'.; i/c yard '36 -inch plain contrast ing; ribbon tie'1 yard five inches 'w;cle. • Price `1O cents.- Our ents.Our fashion Book, illustrating' the newest and most practical styles, will be of interest to every home dress maker. Prine,of the book 10 cents tha copy. ?1O ✓ TO OtU)i KK PATTE,II' S -V, rite your name eeu iu iresa paws, :y, giving number and size -of taxa patterns .as you cant, Enc ose,.20e in stamps or coin (coin pre erred; "wrap it carefull}.), for each dumber--an;1 .address your ceder to Pattern Dept, wi:son Publishing Co., 72 West Ade-` laide St„ Toronto, .Patterns sent rtturil A wildcat measuring 38 niches was 'caught at Loch L.ohnond. We under- stand that ft was decoyed by a bag- pipe e;elo, tinder the tinitratsto:1 that . score of its relatives -Were arguing, -•i'uneli. By the blessed gift of laughter pain is, -swiftly put to rout, From the mind of hint that-tnumont care Itud grief are driven grit.' Fate has lost the power to harm him,. add this hatreds are forgot; Lie's a' free span for -the moment,. though at: tidies he may be not. Here's onetlistfnctive,privilege that's; given man at birth, So 1 thank the Lord fol' laughter hull,. 1 thank the Lord for mirth. ,,,7---B]dger A. Guest. Mere Economy. 'i ws3 '5,otttlhs front oini of Limo inland - cities stood do Lite steric and rock hound New England" 1eec?, strrvc,}'ing time billows. "I'm in favor of a big navy,':.'at t 1,0111ce(1 one :sUrideely. "Tho bigger, 'the better." "I -10w conie?",iaquired the other. "Good 'fjord, nhatil 'Why trate All thio t:c{,.utm?"