HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-7-22, Page 4p, b MAX ;tile " ` `AIt . 1: THE EX] TER TINIES.,A VOCAT 14iz s, NV, T. England, of OM,. ocai ATOWS " ,Alta., arrived iii Exeter with four 1Vladeline Dearing is Holiday- it her parents, Mr. and 1Vrrs. children on Tuesday: ri*orniii ' to iu radon this week. ;s:llllips, of Detroit, is visiting rien s in Exeter. Thos, Herten, of London, vis - with friends in town. Mrs. Hagg'erinan of the wast is *slung her nriother, Mrs. Horton. The Main Street United Sunday lir. Czar farness has taken a pos. School picnic was held on Wednes- as barber with Mr. F. M. Boyle. Miss Shirley O'Connor, of Detroit, 1s visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rich. avis.. Mr. Hy. Huston, of New York is Visiting with his father and sisters The usual Main street lunch baskets xvt,Grand Bend. ivere in evidence and the meal gods Month* . Tuesd W and WednesdaY: down as one long to be remembered Taylor for several. weeks. They will motor. to Shakespeare to .spend t ie Week -end with Mrs. Mc'fav'ish and Mrs. England will remain for a, few days. day of last week to Grand Bend and was well attended. Those who ar- rived early employed them- selves in group' games and- sett ball until the tables were set for .coon. were particularly : hot days, bile ;Warmest experienced this season. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, of Atelaide, by those present. ,The afternoon was started by a list of sports whieh were run off in fine shape. Mrs. Ec- 9ppent the week -end with Mr, and clestone produced some real prizes bra, SP, EI. Dearing+. for a number of special events, which. iVsiss Josephine Davis has returned were hotly contested. The feature. after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs, of the "utternoon was a soft ball D. McInnes, of Paisley. game, played between the Grand IVIr. John Medd, of Nobleford, Al- Casino orchestra players and Main ta,, visited his father and brother, street's picked team. The result was a win for the S. S. boys by a lobsid- during file hast week. The local tourney on the bowling ed score. Bathing was indulged in green Friday evening was won by R. by many, although the water was a dt3. Beldon, Geo, Thompson and W. bit cold. Supper was served to an �Y. Taluaa, . increased crowd who had driven over Mr, S.anrsen Yellend, of Pt, Perry after dinner. Officials, claims it one 'anti Yelland, of Windsor, of the best picnics in years. sire spending their holidays with their sisters Lin town and L R6Y. L. G. wand Mrs. Harvie- boliHURON COUNTYltiie son George, of Bervie, a W C. U. CONVENTIQN laying with the taxlriex's parents. -The annual Coiivention of The Hu- ron County Women's Christian Tem- perance Union was held on July 8th in the United Church, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. ITaryet', Mr. .and Mrs, John Orienian and. family of Pittsburg, are visiting with - Mrs. John Lawson, of Stephen and Will kill many times more hies. for the money thasaany other 'bitchier. Each pad will kill flies all day, every day, for three weeks. At all Grocers, Drug- gists and General Stores XOc and 25c per package. GRAND BEND Gasino PROGRAMME MONDAY JULY 26th GRAND A1AS- QUERADE, , 8.30 p.m. At 8 ,p.m. Special prizes for the prettiest costume, the funniest cos- tume and the most original costume. WEDNESDAY, J 'LY 28th, Fc*IW PICNIC* . 70' ATTRACTIONS `i''" Candy eating contest, swiming races pillow tight, cracker eating contest, boxing in barrel Contest, Charleston dancing contest ladies and gentle - other relatives during the week. The morning session was opened men indidi.•vually. Big baby shoal Mrs. Robt, Tapp, Gordon and with devotional exercises conducted special prize for the best looking Miss Bernice, of London, are visiting by Mrs. J. Anderson while the aftel•- baby -with mother. A big entertain- with Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Heywood noon devotional exercises were taken went by the GILMOUR 'DANCING and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Armstrong. by Mrs. Bennett. The reports of the troupe in Charleston and fancy dant- Mrs. Chas, Isaac and Mrs. Archie three Sec't's.; Cor. Sec'y, "Y" Secy. es. Babe Roberts the child wonder obinson and little son Glenn, of and "L. T. L." Sec'y, were most en- in dances. Grand Bend Soft Ball London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. couraging, Exeter leadifig•with 90 League (Girl's)„ double header; Ail- ,, A. Essery and other relatives last new members. Last year the County sa Craig and Thedford 2 p.m. Ar-, 1 4 p.m. 'A brass -andParklu report one annual eel:. Thelz} w raised 2747:16. Dr. L. T. Girl and ed Gill, of of the fourteen department Super -band will be in attendance( all day., er's Ohio, visited the form- intendents gave evidence that•splen- All of the above attractions- will be er's father, Mr. F. Gill a few days. did work and satisfactory progress staged on open platform absolutely` Mr. F. Gill has not been as well,has been accomplished., free of charge. lately.fail Mrs. Fred. Knr e , Mrs. King an Goderieh; wire, Brus- HUGO D'IPPOLiTO'S I3UESCH R sols, vice-pres., mer' Mr. Clinton; cor. see'y. . Miss E. Mur and 'Mrs. Geo. Clarke, 1V%r�, EVERY EVENING Robinson and two daughters, jean dock, Hensall; rec. sec'y, Miss A. E. with a special dance program Ford and Fay, of Regina, Sask., and Mrs. Consitt, Hensall;. treas., Miss M. Thompson, of Thedford, spent Fri-Baiiie, Goderich; "Y" sec'y, Mrs. A. ,Picnic day in the afternoon. day with iVIr. and Mrs. T. Boyes. E. Lloyd, Wingham; "L:T.L." sec't, Ford PICNICS were organized at Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gibson,. of Mrs. Johnson; Goderich; Grand Bend and we have tal�en,par- Melfort, Sask.,. spent a couple of The following department super -titular pains to give you anextra days last week with Mr. W. C. intendents were' appointed: Evangel- an good list of attractions for Keddy of Hurondale; They made istic, Mrs. Wni McDougall; anti nar- the day. the trip by auto and visited -with cotic, Mrs. -Beavers; Canadian marine So get out' the basket come- and relatives at Guelph. Miss+Davidson; citizenship,-- Mrs. have a real day's outing, and. then Nediger; flower, fruit and delicacy, after that stay until the wee sma' hours of the morn. GRQS'T, swam. About Midnight on Suxdal even- ing , when ..s young oou4)11 :rain. around Exeter were driving' slowly through :iia`. Swaiup, they were slid- denly o'�e1 taken by a ghost. After whipping up . their horse and rune ring it two or three miles, they ie - turned. home a badly scared young couple, N,, The executive for the owing Miss Marion King, l of Detroit, mot- year was elected as follows. Aon. A ..NCI 1 N G D ored over and are visiting for a few President, Mrs. Davidson, • days with 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trieb- President, Mrs. A. McQ Mrs. A. T. Cooper, v BOYS A few of the ladies of the. James St. Exeter, W. M. S. met at the house Mrs. and Miss Davidson; law en of Mr.,and Mrs. Wilbert Dining, of forcement and legistation, Mr. A. T. "Hensall, and presented her with a Cooper; medal contest, Mrs. R. J. neat. slim of money in appreciation Tindall; scientific temperence, Miss of. bar services in. the Auxiliary. Banes; moral education and mothers meetings,` Mrs. C. J Wallace; press, Mrs. Proctor; temperance and Sun- day schools Mrs. Lowery; railway employees, Mrs. Lyon; travellers aid Mrs. Yeo; parlor meetings, Mrs. Tel- ford. - An invitation from Clinton Union for next year's Convention was ac- cepted. A pleasing feature of the afternoon session was the presenta- tion of a County Life membership pin to Mrs. J. Joynt, Wingham. The speaker of the afternoon was Miss Isobel : McCorkindale, of Australia,. whose subject was "Women's Out- look." She poiinted, out that public life tended towards the greater de- velopment of women's influence for good of the country. She also said that women in politics stood by principle ratherthan party and that the personal life of women proved that her influence is always roc the good. w. Mrs. Robt. Gibson, of Linwood, is visiting her son, Dr. A. B. Gibson. Mrs. Robt. Mundel, who spent two weeks here witk her brother return- ed to Linwood taking with her Mast- er David Gibson for a few holidays. Rev. Mr. Stevenson, of Stratford, e;occupied the Main St. pulpit on Sun - " day morning in the interests of the Lord's Day Alliance. In• the even - 1 a_ i 1 • ing Mr. Medd conducted the service. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sheere re- turned home last Friday after spending the week at Stayner where they accompanied . the remains of the latter's mother, Mrs. McLellan, for interment. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Tapp, of Virden, Man., arrived in Exeter last week and .will make their •-- home for a time with Mrs. Tapp's sister, Mrs. H. Goulds.` Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Tapp of ,Chesley, visited with his parents during the week. Mr. and 1VIrs. Ed. Colwell and sons Mervin and Douglas and daughters Cella and Winnifred, of Lawson, Sask., motored down and are 'visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. John Colwili and other relatives. They visited in Gdderich the forepart of the week. Mr. Lawrence (Sandy) Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hill,"of Stephen, was rushed told Victoria Hospital, London, an Monday by Dr. W. E. Weekes, where he underwent an op- eration for appendicitis. Latest re- ports state he is getting along nice- ly. The tourist camp in Victoria Park is being well patronized," parties of tourists availing themselves of the comfort and convenience of this beauty spot in;our town. A very at- tractive sign on 'tEe corner of Main and Huron streets directs the .travel- lers to the camp. Mr. Geo. Beavers and his mother, Mrs. Wm. Beavers, of Blanshard, at- place • principle before party, we tended the Senn re -union at Cdle- _would also urge our women to use gonia on Wednesday of last week. This is an annual event and much enjoyed by the large connection. Mins. Beavers was the oldest person present at the celebration, ' The following resolutions were a- dopted: , 1. Whereas the - W.C,T.U. as- sembled at; Wingbiam are convinced that the present methed of teaching scientific .temperence in public schools is not as complete as we would desire,- therefore we -would recommend that it become a com- pulsory subject. on our school curri- culum and, that it become a subject for examination for High School en- trance. • 2. Whereas we deplore the revela- tions that haverbeen-made at Ottawa in connection with the 'customs in- vestigation, • in which both great partes have been influenced by the iniquitious liquor traffic, we there- fore recommend that Prohibitionists make' united effort to secure total prohibitions. it 3. Also we realize the necessity, of electing representatives to our legis- lature and parliament who will Rev. A. 3. I(estle accompanied "by his wife and three daughters motor- ed from Beilefontaine, Ohio, and are holidaying with the former's father, Rev. J. D. Kestle, Mrs. Ready,' of London, and Miss Marie Kestle, of. Edmonton, Alta., are also visiting with Mr. ' and Mrs. Kestle. Mr. Win. J. Carling, of, town, has been -appointed returning officer for South Huron forthe coming election North Huron, John Montgomery, a R. 2, Clifford East Middlesex, Il. J. IVicMartiu, R. R. 4, Thorndaie; South. Perth, Jasper Walkem, St. Marys; North Perth, Thos, "Magwood, Strat- ford. The field of Essex Crystal Dwarf sweet clover belonging to Mr. Frank Taylor on the farm, of Mr. Wilson Anderson, third concession of 'Stephen; is attracting considerable attention ;and on Sunday last a large number of people -visited ilio Mon, It is the first field of its hind ever grown in Canada and a their personal'ieffort to influence the electors to- exercise their fran- chise accordingly. 4. That this convention" place on record our appreciation of. the pre- sence of Miss McCorkindale. We realize that much will be— accomp-lished as a result- of her inspiring address. E �'CUTOR.% AUCTIONSALE The Executor of the estate of -the late 'Vedas i ,yckman will offer for sale by public auction, on FRIDAY, JULY 23rd, 1920 at 1,30 o'clock p.m. at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HENSALL The farm .property, known as the East '4,, of Lot 29, Con. 14, Hibbert Township, containing 75 acres, more or less. ee On the farm there is a good frame house with kitchen and woodshed, 3628 x 50,and barn x 54,d he drive shed 14 .-18. Steel tracand car, 1; 1-2 acres orchard, 12"acres good hard wood bush and 36 acres ander cultivation this year., remain- der ha•'' and:"pasture. Never failing spring about centre of farm, good draining and fencing. Located 1 1-2 miles from Chiselkurst, and 4 miles from Hensall market. Purchaser may sow fall wheat and full possession 'March 1st, 1927. For further particulars apply to J. W.WATSON, Auctioneer FRANCIS R'YCI(MAN, .'Executor GLADMAN' & STANBURY, Solicitors Exeter and HensaH MR. McMILLAN'S REPLY Seaforth, July, 1926 To the Editor, the Times -Advocate: The statement' appearing in cer- tain issues of the Tory press, includ- ing the Seaforth News, that I had disregarded a pair or pairs :nade with any other Members of the House, and had voted, is absolutely false. Every pair I made was carried out to the letter; and so incensed was Mr. T. L. Church, M.P., for Toronto Northwest, when he heard of the treatment being given me, that_ he came at once and arranged a person- al pair with me, thereby enabling my return home to be present at my wife's funeral. Yours, . etc., THOMAS IVIcMILLAN. MORTGAGE SALE 25 ACRES. IN USBORNE Under and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in•a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on: Y TUESDA" , JULY 27, -1920 at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. on the premises, the following property, namely: The Easterly'' twenty-five acres of Lot Number Eight abutting on the South West Boundary of the Town- ship of Usborne in the County of Huron:- -- This is a good piece of land with some buildings on it. TERMS , 20 per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance i -n 90 days thereafter. Im- mediate possession can be given. Further particulars and condi- tions of..sale:will be made known on day of sale or can be had on appli- cation to FRANK TAYLOR, Exeter, z, Auctioneer ' - GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors Exeter and , London THE MADGE • PICNIC Wednesday, July 7th, the Madge clan gathered at "Park house" farm to honor Rev. A. E. Johns, wife and family, missionaries to China who are home en furlough and expect to return to their field of labor in September. "Park House" being the birthplace of Mrs. Johns, wasthrown open to the Madge clan, who gather- ed from north, south, east and west tot the number of about sixty, . guests being present from Lethbridge, Alta Clinton, Brantford, Mitchell, St. Marys, Exeter, Hensall, Willow Grove, Motherwell. Several cars brought three generations • in thein, Letters were received from those who -were unable to be present from' Los Angeles, Gal.; Flagstone, B.C., and Miik River. Alta. . The weather was all that might be desired. Two very interesting ball games were played 1 theumpire being Yroni s Lethbridge, Alta., bowls, horse shoes and some old time games were heartily enjoyed. Dinner' and tea were served :,ort the lawn. The park planted by Mrs. Johns' father was enjoyed by those who Wished to chat about old times and past ex- periences on the old homestead.` There was something doing every minute for everybody and the happy event was brought to a close with three cheers and a tiger. 5. That the -thanks' of this eoit vention be -extended to the ladies of Wingliain, Union for their -entertain= ment and•. to the official board of the United Church for the use of their church. Special music. added much to"' the morning and afternoon Sessions. An appetizing dinner and supper was served by the ladies of the Wingham Union. After dinner addresses of welcome were delivered by Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Wasdell and Mrs. Henderson and was heartily respond- ed to by Mrs, W N. Glenn,. Hensall. tr A, public nieetn� was held .in, .l e evening.which was. the climax of .the convention and- to" a large and ap-. preolative audience Miss McCorkin- dale in bee pleasing manner told of her native land; Australia. Besides entative from thethis address, t'nusical numbers and Tenses.. i r department recitations. from each.of the 'Unioiis• of :Agriculture, Toronto,; claims the in, the County delighted the audi- ere t be a articular) va:tiab1 ,.. IS o particularly t e once, while the Junior choir of tl,e. a one. Mr. Taylor has already taken ,convention church sang a. nuteber several orders for seed: se choruses. AUCTION SALE sof — HOUSE1IbD EFFECTS r' . . • The =undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public .;action, HURON STREET, EXETER — on — SATURDAY, JULY 24th, 1926 at 2 o'clock p.m., the following 1 bed, springs and mattress; 3 feather beds and pillows, 1 drop. leaf 'table, 2 kitchen tables, parlor table, 3 rockers, a number of, cushions, 6 dining room chairs, 2 arm chairs, 12 kitchen chairs, glass cupboard, sideboard, 2 kitchen cupboards, 2 lounges, washstands, stands, coal oil heater, coal oil stove, stove, 5 lamps lantern, pictures, siarpet sweeper, lawn mower, teakettle, washing ma- chine, dishes of all kinds, sealers, crocks, pans, kitchen utensils, seep ladder, long ladder, quilts, blankets - mats, 3 ton ofcoal, a quantity of wood, wheelbarrow, and other art - pies too numerous to mention. TERMS, CASH. JAMES BROOK; Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. on Baru Equipinent We have a full line , of hay ear goods, rope, sling rope, pullays,etc It you' are remodeling let its figure alp your job for stalls, stanghiori s, pens, water bowls, litter, carriers. ...As it is nearing. the time for plow- ing *or fall whet, let us ri et your requirements in a plow. The Quebec sulky plow is light in draught and is easy to operate. FOR SALE: -Second, hand spread- er, two seed drills and several second band binders all in good repair. ARTHUR JONES` MASSEY•HA1UIIS estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall hare notice. - Dated at Exeter this 18th day of July, 1926. GLADMAN ,& , STANBURY Executor's Solicitors NOTICE TO -CREDITORS NOTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN that all - persons having claims against the estate of MARY EMMA .DIL- LING, late of the Township of Tuckersmth, married woman, who died on June 4th, 1926, are required to forwariLtheir claims duly? proven to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of August, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. r Dated at Exeter this 12th • day of July, 1926. GLADMAN & STANBURY Executors' Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE ISG VEN that all persons having claims against the estate of EMMA M. SHUTE, late of the Village of Exeter, spiniater, who died at the City of London, on May 31st,_ 1926, are required to for- ward their claires duly proven to the undersigned on or'before the 2nd day of August, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Exe- cutor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. - Dated at Exeter this 12th day of July, 1926. 'GLADMAN AND STANBURY Solicitors for Execeitor NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 'all persons having claims against the estate of METCALF T. ALDER - SON, late of the Township of Step- hen, farmer, - who died in the Town- ship of West Williams; in the County' of Middlesex, on July lst, 1926'are required -td forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of August, 1926. AND'•NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have eotice. Dated at Exeter this 12th day of July, 1926. - GLADMAN & STANBURY , Executors' Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having, claims against' the estate of JOHN B. DINSDALE, late of the Village of Hensall, who died June 11th; 1926,, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of August, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutrix will proceed to distribute the estateregard having reg d onl to the Y claims of which she then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 12th day of July; 1926. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitorgs for Executrix Winchelsea Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Jaques visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner, of .Hensall, on Sunday. The many- friends of Mr. C.' Skinner will be pleased to know that he is Slowly recovering from his recent severe illness. Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Pulleyblank spent Sunday with friends in 'Gran- ton. Gran -ton. , Misses g Inez and Agues Creery spent a few days'arecently in Toroii-e Misses Betty and Muriel Peart, of .Rockwood and Miss Lorene Steven- son, of Devises, visited with their cousin, Miss Ina Jaques last week. Miss Eleanor Skinner, of Hensall, spent a few days with her cousin, Vinetta Routly, last week, 1V2isses Gwendolyn and . Lenon; Dou.pe and Mr. Vernon loupe, of London, visited with their uncle, Mr, Cecil Centre last week, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY .GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of MARY BOLAND late of the Township of McGillivray, in the County -of Huron, widow, deceas- ed, who died on April 21, 1926 are required to forward their claims duly proven to either the undersign- ed executors or H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, on oT before the 23rd dao of July. 1926. - AND NOTICE IS FURTHER MV - EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. - ' - Dated at Crediton, this 8th day of July, A. D. 1926. • _JOHN BOLAND H. K. EILBER Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS" HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of CATHERINE SPARKS, late of the Village of Hensall, mar- ried woman, who died on June 8th, 1926, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersign- ed on or before; the 2n • day of August 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after, the said date the..Ex ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regar4 only to the claims of which they then .shah have notice. . Dated at Exeter this 12th day of. July, 1926. • GLADMAN' & S EANBU4Y or ' Solicitors Ss s NOTICE. TO .CREDITORS R that NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN IS H all persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM REDDEN, late of the Village of Exeter gentle- nian, who died in the City of Brant- ford, on June 29th,. 1926, are re- quired to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or be- fore the and day, of August, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutor will proceed to distribute the NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having - claiins against the estate of WILLIAM HENRY KESTLE, late of tide Township of ,Stephen, farmer, deceased, who died March 2,9th, 1926, are required to forward their claims duly proven to either the undersigned -executors or H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or be- fore the 3rd day of August, 1926. AND NOTICE IS. FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. • ;