HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-7-8, Page 8*a'P\\'\. i''' .a\ »a\ • v .•r ,w \ \dui\.a\i*? No ;\ '«i \. 4,.p% are5 Specials for July This Seasons Dress Lengths c A' clearance of complete sun raer ta' p dress lengths in voiles, broadcloths, rayons and linens. Bordered figur ta ed to striped. i ed. Our Best Slipper's and Oxfords k $4.49 We offer you the choice of our best slippers and oxfords for oulY $ 4.49. Patent; kid, blonde, satin and calf, „,12 .49 vA $1.95 9Sc 1,4 $24.95 Men's English Broadcloth Shirts These shirts are well made of first quality English Broadcloth and have separate soft collars to inateli. See the new cheeks and stripes also all the plain shades iu stock. 6 $2.95 $4.49 G $2.49 49c Men's Straw Sailors and Fedoras A _clearance of all our. best straw hats for men including all this sea- son's neweststyle sailors and pane rias, We still have 'a good range of . sizes, Ladies & Misses Rayon Silk Dose These are good serviceable stock- ings made of rayon silk., We have the popular shades in sizes 8 1-2 to 10 for 49c a pair. $1.95 49c V 4 Men's Buttonless Underwear We have the -popular buttonless style combinations for' men . in the cool athletic cut. These are macre of good serviceable nainsook :and are a genuine bargain at 98c each. 98c iaummismaseemnawangsyszaeasliwa 97 -piece Diilnter Sets We offer a choice of six patterns in complete 97 -piece dinner sets for only $24.95. Two of these sets are genuine china the others are semi- porcelain. SWAMI. 4.M1P2091.7.1UrtiallemeROMMI $ 24.95 54 Y "S fi 2 Mrs. J. Thompson and' two child- ren of Carnduff, are visiting, with Mrs. Wm. Walker, of Exeter. Mrs. McLellan• is dangerously ill fjy>' with, pneumonia at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Nelson Sheere. Miss Ada Willis, who has been teaching school near Chatham, has Xi returned home for the holidays. Mrs. Hopper and Mr.ri C. H. Mc- Avoy, of Wingham were visitors in town with relatives over Sunday. Miss Mae Ford, of Oshawa, re- turned Tuesday, evening to spend she. summer vacation at her home here. Mr. John Taylor and Mrs. Pray, of Detroit, spent Sunday and Monday with the former's brother,. Mr. Frank Taylor. ter arts.. 'Wheat $1,20• Oats 500 Bailey 00Q. Manitoba Flour $:1,50. Blended Flour $4.80, Pastry Flour $3.80, Feed Flour $1.,90 Shorts $1,60. Bran $1,60. Creamery Butter 40e. Dairy butter 32 -Ste, Eggs,, Extras 2$e, Eggs; Seconds 22c. Potatoes $1.50 to $1.75. Lard 20e Hogs $14.00 Hogs, Selects $15,40 THEE ITER `TIMESADVOCATE• ~J • llllllllllll6llllllllllillllllll! llI Illl1!!!1!l!!I!! 1l1lllllllllllllli!!l!!1M ! ll I l llillli(!!!!ll llllla!!!!!! !.!!!! ,., . ! l 11111!! lll!!!!l!!!!!!!!. !II !l !! OE TIIC S1DAY,r its 84111 1:920 Ota 4 (I.AVEN i'RP1S$3rTE.RLAN C) JACK Rey, jaineft i! elPta,; I3,4., Mlniater 10 a. it. ---Sunday School Services at 11 ant and ? pan. The Rev, R, W. Taylor, D.D., Sec - rotary ,of the Pr eebytertan Synod .o'f Nebraska, will preach. if 4:444444 4444+4444 The Twelfth of. July will be cele- brated at Clinton en Monday, Mr. Roy Perkins spent' the_ Amer - can holiday with his parents in town ]1rs. N. Jarrott, of . Toronto, is visiting her brother, Dir. C. Upsliall. Mr. Jas. Barr, of Stratford, is holt daying with friends in this commun- ity. Mrs. John Pedlar is critically ill at her home suffering from pneu- monia. Mr. Leonard Pfaff left Monda3f :for St, Thomas to attend the, summer school. Mr. Jas. Penrice; who was so ser- iously ill, was able to enjoy a motor JAMES ST., UIV1' D Cl'i [JEOf OF i CANADA Rev. D:-McTavis14, 1'astox' W. R.:Goulding, A,T.C.M, Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.m.—"The Charm of Super- abundance.” 3 p,m.--Sunday School „Review. 7 'pan.—"Waste Places." 1L Sp nd d Values i Voiles rnd Silk aid; tt r pe Dr=,. seg rzvitt Me ori l Church 11 a,ni.•--•"A Model of Christain Courtesy,,, 3 p,m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—"Christ in the State." MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F: E. (3ly sdale, Pastor 7 p.m.—Services as Usual. 8 ,p,m.—Sunday `Senool, 11 a.m.-Servicesas' Usual. Powell's Variety Store NEW GOODS'. NEW GOODS I ! hi = ~ • • -' ,_ Ts week W e offer a fine showing ®f cool B.•,, _ summer : resses in smart styles alt reason., ver •Y ably priced at drive on Monday. The past week was an active one in this Store. Fancy Bandeans, Mr, and Mrs. Austin Ford are Sport Combs, Fancy Purses, Pocket Spending their vacation with the Perfumes, Ladies' Vests, Bath fornler's parents. Towels, Children's Play Suits, Socks and Stockings at affordable prices. Miss M: Lewis,' who has been ill SATURDAY SPECIALS for a number of mouths, is at pres- ent in a critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hodgins, of Detroit, visited \Tr.• and" Mrs. W. J. Ford over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Jos.. Follick end daughter, of Hamilton, are holiday- ing with relatives in. town. H w About Some New Furniture S mething eeded IF THERE IS, YOU COULDN'T STRIKE THIS STORE AT A BETTER TIME. WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF THE .FINEST •FURNITURE, AND OUR PRICES ARE VERY REASON- ABLE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO I3UY H w1RE "Taal HOME FURNISHER" D 0 FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND linfDALIVIER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT. ,,,e FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 0. LONG DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Phone 74j OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Night Call 74w Men's Store Phone 81w Men's Store SEVERAT J NEW LINES For Men and Boys Who Wish To Be Well Dressed SWEATERS --A swell new line of up-to-date- sweaters that are very attractive, have been placed on sale ut a special price from yS3.5O to. $7,59. a s. ALSO A FINE NEW LIRE OF BELTS. SUMMER UNDERWEAR We have something new in a. buttonless combination suit of underwear that is selling at a special price of $1..00 150 pairs ladies' stocking, white black, grey, (first quality,) 49c. 100 lb. Faincy Chcoiates at 33c lb.. Conte looking for Bargains, this is a Variety Store e Mrs. Win. A. Davis and Miss Vina Fisher are ‘visiting for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates and `other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred . Parsons and son Orville.. Mrs. Wass and 'Miss Wass, of Si. Marys spent Dominion Day with Mr. and Mrs. -C. F. Hooper • The residence of, the late Miss E. Shute (Harding) on Andrew St. was sold by auction on Tuesday after- noon to Mrs. J. II: Howard, for $750. Ma Cannji 141 FRO gins and three daughters, Edna, Doreenand1Jyrntu- of Luean,are spending a week with the fornier's sister, Mrs. Frank Coates. - Mrs. Geo. H. Smith, of Gilbert Plains, Dian., formerly Miss Hattie Willis, is visiting wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wills, of Stephen, and other relatives. Mr, John Kilborn, of Owen Sound, spent -a few days with Mrs. Kilborn at the home of Jas. Jeckell. Miss Jeckell, who has been i11 for several months, is improving slowly. f Mr. Hy. Willis and Miss Merle Willis, of. Detroit, spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. Jas. Willis and other relatives. Miss Marie Willis returned wth them 021. a visit. ..Mr. Jas. Morrow, ex -M. P. P., of Winnipeg, formerly a resident of Stephen Tp., visited ..with Mr. C. H. _Sanders and with Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe the latter part of the week. , IMMO MONO MAIMS umMial MOROI ••••••- • • $5.00 $7.50 -.$10:010 $12.'95 ABERLEY WOOL JERSEYS For Boys and Girls are just the thing for the cool evenings. We are showing the new colore MEN'S FINE SHIRTS 5 dozen Men's Fiiie Shirts, regular, $2.00, Values nearly all sizes in this assortment clearing at $1.50 each $ 1.75 $2.00 $2.25 25 pairs .of Ruffled Curtains per pr. 98c 25 PAIRS ONLY 0? RUFFLED CURTAINS VERY SUITABLE FOR BED- ROOMS AND KITCHENS, THESE ARE EXTRA VALUE, WHILE THEY LAST 98c. 98c. HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR For ''Men and Boys. We are sole. agents for Exeter for this popular Un- derwear. For Boys and Men. Boys $1`00, Men's $x.050 NEW STRAW HATS In 'all the new straws and shapee. You will find a style you like. $2000 $2.50 $3.00 Linoleum& and Congoletons WE HAVE A FINE SHOWING OF THESE `SANITARY FLOOR COVERINGS IN THE NEW PATTERNS FOR THIS SEASON. BRING IN THE SIZE OF YOUR' ROOM AND GET OUR PRICES. FOR, SALE OR RENT -ellite=ealMi-M IsMeMclime W;: ME a . —_,moi lee 1s►.^s'r i ' •.eg-"\; - ^adthca The Following Properties. . ' Brick Store on Maui St., Exeter Commodious Brick dwelling, fur- nace heated,' and wired for. Electric lighting, etc. with ...features in place, S. ariVOlt John x and a half acres of choice land X 1111111111111111111111111111111111411111111II11111111111111111111111111lli11111i1111111111111111111[Ill[«111111lll1111111i1Illll11111111111111111111 . suitable for market garden, running through from Huron St. to..John St. Choice Saskatchewan farms in the Carnduff, Fillmore,,• Plenty and Fro- beshe'r districts. • • For price and terms on above see ROBERT "E. PICKARD, John Street EXETER. Agent for Great West Life As'ce Co. MUSICAL INSTRIA \ TS k/ We are making a big drive on Ready -to -Wear Suits in the new sport shades and patterns. Prices $18 and $26. HATS and CAPS, SHIRTS and TIES T M Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter of the few ' wasan ' e Dominionbay hot days we have batt this season. The day was quietly spent in town. The automobile traffic was heavy, Many spent the day at Grand Bend, while . quite a number took in the baseball tournament at 'Tha'mee Rd. Miss Verna Walker, tit New Tor- onto and Miss Lillian Walker, of Burlington, are visiting their par- ents, Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Walker. Dr. Jas. Walker, of Burlington; Mies Sadie, of Toronto and Mildred, of Weston also visited here recently: Since penny hostage watt introdhlc- oia Dominion Day many lettere and p osteards have .been niailed with in- sufficient postage and the recipients have had to pay double the shortage. The rate on drop letters and post cards is -two cents, the same' as for letters.,' - Bert. Gidlee lie re- turned end ° Mrs.I turned.. Sunday from a honeymoon to Niagara Palley 'Buffalo and Rochester, N.Y. On Monday even- ing a titimber of yoking people char- ivaried then and: -presented them with a wicker chair and ; a serving tray. a rdturned to' Mrs. Claxton haS returned home in Detroit after visiting her brother, Mr. W. W. Taman. Mn. Ted. Tanlan returned with her to visit for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Keddy and daughter Miss. Lois,and friends Mr: and Mrs. McLeod, of Detroit, Motor- ed over and spent the week -end at the home of Mr. W C..Keddy. ;Miss Lois will remain.on: a visit isor a couple of w2eke, Mrs. Egan hoe :been critically 111• suffering from pneunlonia. • Her sisters, Mrs. 1vI¢dadlulii, of London, and Mrs.*G. Ferguson, of Toronto, have been in attendance: On Mon- day her brothers rtobt. and ?rank Sweet, of Sarnia, were here to see her. Mr. McCalltt2i and two sons, of London, were up on. Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Laing, of Oak Lake, Man., accompanied by their daughter, Mrs, Bell and the latter's little daughter, of Wjnnipegr .also their son Ben., of Detroit, spent Tuesday wi°tlx Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Gibson. They motored frons Morrie from the car and but for the prompt, toba coming down through the mi. ,applibatioi2 of Water the car would ited States: doubtless have gone ftp in a blaze, Saxophones, VioIlns or any musi- cal instruments used and new. Easy payments arranged. Two lessons free with every new Inst uinent purchased Last moment engagements accepted for Anniversaries, Festivals of any occasion, suitable iihusic sulkplied. ROBERT GAMBRILL Concert Pianist, Violinist & Saxophonist Phone 161, Exeter Have Your Eyes Examined To -day There is nothing to be gained by delaying that eye examination. There is much to be lost. Each day that your eyes are under a -strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis- factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor- oughness of our methods—and will be pleased with the glasses. 1 Call today and learn the truth about- your eyes. ' FOR SALE—The residential prop- erty -of the late B. V. Elliot, adjoin- ing the village of Exeter and'situate t in the Township of Stephen, con- taining two acres of land upon which is situate" a ileo' story;; =cottage. roofed brick residence well planned and in good repair and with hard and soft water. The grounds are well laid out and planted with the best kinds of fruit, nut and ornamental trees. This is a most desirable property .and is an ideal home. For; further particulars apply to :, Carling & Morley, Barristers, E:eter, Ont. 6-24-6tc FOR SALE -1923 Ford touring to -date stock. in good condition. Apply to. Lillian Walker, Hay. P.O., two doors north of store. 7-8-tf OurPrices are ijght John Ward G lit OPRACTOR ' A OPTICIAN MAIN , ST, EXETER. ONT. PHOE 70 IF IT IS FURNITURE You Wati3 1. It will pay you to inspect mil- up- -•, FOR ' SALE—Ten •acres of good timothy hay, to be sold in lots ae desired. Apply to Fred" Parsons, Exeter P. 0. Dr. Atkinson wishes to announce that his dental office will be closed Mrs. H. Horton underwent an op- from the 14th to the 21st.- enation in Victoria Hospital, London on Tuesday and is doing as well as can be expected.' Miss Hildred Hor- ton has returned to Tordnto and Miss Alberta Horton is visiting here. Mrs. Mooney,, of town, accompan- ied by Mr, and Mrs. Vanhdrne, of Clinton, left this week to spend a couple of months with relatives at Moose Jaw, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Vanhorne intend going as far as the coast. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Kydd and Mr. anct Mrs. J. T. Allison motored to Shallow Lake and spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rydall, Mas- ter Jack Rydall ,returned with, them and will spend the summer iolidays with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Kydd. Miss Ann Allison, who recently underwent an operation in a New York hospital returned home on Thursday last much iniproved in health. Her brother Will, Mrs. Ali- 'lison and „Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd motored to St, Thoinas to meet her. The deal for the "Midget" a fast racing gelding owned by Roy Me- Oran, of Clandehoyo, mentioned in the Times-Advocatea few :weeks ago, fell through and the horse ]las since been sold to Walter Duniart, of Kitchener, for a handsome figure,, The Midget won fir place in the rece lit race meet at Oven Sound. , Member ' i The Hon.Hon. V I , loin u em l . , for Toledo and Lucus County, in the Ohio , legislature, accompanied, by two children, metered here • and vis - heti the former's eisters, Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet and the Misses Tom. He is at present visiting his brother, J, E. Tom, of'Goderieh,On Sunday afternoon Mr. Tom; S car narro%•v1y escaped being destroyed by fire.• It was standing beside th.e • James St,' r t Started sar cilllrell when shortChctit a blaze. Smoke was seen. issuing R. N. ROWE Funeral Director & Embalmer Phone 20W Night 20J ERNI3IST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments • Insurance Office one door south Times Office WEDNESDAY RALF Ii07,IIlAY The following have agreed'to close their places of business at twelve HAY FOR SALE—Between 7 and o'clock noon each Wednesday dur- 8 acres of first class timothy and ing the months of June, July aifd red clover in the village of Exeter. August; W. J. Beer, W. J. Heaman, Apply to Carling & Morley. • • Miss Yellaud, H. S. Waiter, B. W. F. Beavers,' Jones & May, Grigg Stat- ionery Co., M. Hodgert, H, Rivers, M. E. Gardiner„ Mrs. Yeo, N. Hock- ey, T. Elliott, Southcott Bros., J. A. Stewart, Dr. Kinsman, G. A. Haw- kins, S. Martin & Son, W: -W. Taman, J. Lawson, Dr. Atkinson, Dr, Rout-. sten, Miss Armstrong, F. M. Boyle, S. B. Taylor, S. Fitton, Len. Hoist, it N. Rowe. FOR SALE—:k quantity, of boiler PUBLIC NOTICE To whom it may concern. Please take notice that" paitiee in future depositing refuse on the highways of the Township of 'I7sborne or re- moving sell tleerefrom by digging holes on the side of the road, thus, endangering life and property wail be prosecuted according to law. By Order of the, Council, • flues, suitable for fence braces, or 7-8-4t Henry Strang Clerk gangway for bank barns, 12 and 14 Contractor Lewis is bury at Mr.feet long. Apply to Geo. Ford, Ex - N. J. Dore's new home. eter 'North, Box 192, I•iay 6-24-3t Several important '•a,nction sales' • are being advertised on page four, ' *iia. and faniil Mrs. Luther Reynolds,„ -of 'Usher -tie, 111."".14.. Ratcliffey, have spent the winter in town, have entertained a number of children and moved -back' to their farm on the friends on iV3onclay, the occasion be Thames' Road. ing a birthday party for Masters . Billy and . Lloyd whose birthday.: - comes on the same day. A very joky time was spent on the lawn: followed by a sumptuous supper. Mr. F: Taylor has 'a fine crop of sweet clover hay on con. 2, -Stephen, that is attracting wide. attention. It is a new variety known' as EaseX Crystal Dwarf white blossom. sweet clover and is being grown„ for the first time in this part of Ontario, Tt ATIS- AND S : n rower, IT MEANS SERVICE. is a vigorous,. early seaso g ,, beginning to leaf out just aboi-e the FACTOION ground land maturing 'to ,about the same height as alfalfa, The say yields On an average from three to .._... :. three' and a half tons ;..per acre- In pit A "CJS addition it is a tremen.dously.heavy seed-proditcer. • Yields of fifteen .to Agent for,. , twenty bus. and sonee as hl.gh ,10 ` twent. -five' bits. have beei2'reported, .. r. 'h ichi :r. Taylor got his eed ro 1VI Seed CANADA lVI y . .,.`.. gan ,and it was first introduced into that state in 1944 coining thererfroni; California. W"® Re Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and 4siioii•master James St. United Chards Instrucction Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Ann St. Box 5'7 Phone 192 EXETER, ONT. ERNEST C. HARVEY Agent — bruTUAL LIFE OF CANADA Exeter Ontario If you want your elegies pressed or repaired ,• dry cleaned .or dyed Phone 103_ T. H. ELLIOi ASS1URANCE COMPANY phone 1.04, Exeter FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED . AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 JAMES W. WATSON Licensed .Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality. Farin Stock sales a specialty. Satla- faction guaranteed. Charges mod orate. Orders left at this office: wil be prosaptly attended to. R.R. Ne 1, Kirk a. Phone Melton goira. DR. ISL C. G. FLETCHE R Graduate .bf Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Mem- her of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the British Medical Council. Plione 6—(The office of the late Dr. II. I . Hyndman) Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make SINGLE EDGE 8 DOUBLE EDGE 4 Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, . Druggis Sylvester B. Taylor Jewetlel , -- Exete Fitton's Old Stand, WATCH AND CLOCK EEPAIRINi GUARANTEED SIRE •R N `E PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, WITH E. J. Clall • TIE OF FICI is Nora of Eltiott and Jo J. Le. 11....xmo i I EUI1LDING and CONTRACTING Houses and Barns 1;TI11iAA',ES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY FURNISHED, Phone 152w John St. East, Exeter ti 3 HAVE STARTED 0t1 M' LON- DON EXPRESS HEADQUABTDRS: 103 G ST.,• PHONE 1105 • Wl WILL SECUREYOUR1VIOTOR LICENSE • FOP, YOU Bagshaw CARLING & MORLEY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN- SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN .:STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors ao. Money to Loan, Investments Vii§ Insurance. Saxe -deposit Vault for use of met Clients without charge. -- Exeter London ,, Reuss Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S.t DENTAL SURGEON Late Li.atrict Dental. Officeii At Military District, Number' One, Le don; Ont. Office Phone 34W,,, Residence Phone 343 Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Closed Every Wednesday Dr. G. F. Roulston, I..D. s:.D.D.S - DENTIST Office •--over, I. R. Carling's Lai.' office. Extractions Under Oxygen Gas: Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L•L.D.,D.D.S.0 DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Unive>ti- sity. Office over Giadman •& Stanbury'i>A office, klain' Street, Exeter. DR. HARRY 3. BR.OWNtNQ M.D.C.M., Toronto ' L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P.&S. GIasgow Physician & Surgeon Office over Browning's Drug Ston s' Phones. Residence 30 ' Office Zit DR. W. E. INEETi1•IS Physician and Surgeon • ' Late Chief Interne Vancouver General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTY: Office removed to the former Forel garage building corner of Main and; Ann St. Office hours 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 •p.z ' Phone: Office 67W, Residence '671; DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON ' Graduate of the Ontario Veterinaril College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMIK1 LY ATTENDED TO Dffiee, old `Ford Garage Building' Corners of Main and Ann Street Telephones: Office 158w, House 15S EXhimat, ONT. • Dr. t' Adrian B.'(-s1SOri V.rtsfi Graduate of the Ontario Veterinari College , t All calla promptly attended to p y Office --Prank Taylor's Sales Stlrb' Phone 99W Reis done o---d'nnitee St., I'hatnti, 9•7; EXETER . ..- ON-TARRE:If ARTHU It. WLlBER LICIENSEI) AUCTIONEER rARMFoStATlESrA CPEmiCtyIA T 4g.tears EXperjence. Prices Itaasozie able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or n o Charge. Phone ti7..13' Dashwood,_ R. R: 1, DASHtVOoile OOV•P Td . : ;ssw;x:.r, ;, c