HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-7-8, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATt ilENSALL SOrT/441,1,Eliiwille gttpovi igoonnercg e:•• CLINTON., ONTARIA ee COURSES:• ColteniZraial, Skehographie, eceetarial, Teachers. „ The Remington irypowriter co., during the school yeer, closing Inne, 1926, granted to our students, from their Sehoo. Depertment at Toronto thG following awards; • ' mica, owl ICATES to E. Jane Hogartn, Exeter 37 Doris Clegborn, Guelpe, 30 'Gertrude Heist, Crediton 31 ,Lula Crich, Clinton, 30 Evelyn. Cook, Brussels 35 • Mae Simpson., Hensa,11 31 Gladys Wren, Cromarty 30 Nellie Cook, Seaforth 36 13RONEE MEDAL '1;i0 Marie Graville, Goderich 33 C. Boeeenberry, Grand Bend 40 Courtland Kerr, Betimilier g4 Mary Collyer, Clinton 83 Nellie "Cook, Seafoeth 40 Elsie Seers, Exeter 35 Courtland Kerr, Benmiller 44 Cleve Lamprey, Goderich 40 Elsie Lowery, Seaforth 34 Loretta Kinahan, DungannKenneth Hunt,' Clinton 40 Mable Wright bn 30 , „Gertrude Brydges, Belgrave 30 Lonesboro • 41 Pearl Taylor, Auburn 34 , Mae Hamilton, Londesboro 40 Clifford Vanstone, Benmiller 32 SILVER MEDAL TO • Annie Simmons.' Exeter 81 Courtland Kerr, 62 Evelyn Reed, Goderich 31 Evelyn, Reed, 52 . Florence Knox, Londesboro 23 Mable Wright 54 • Robert Leiper, Blythe 32 Alma Blake, Dungannon 36 GOLD MEDAL TO Nora Follicle, Hensel]. 32 Ernest Barker 61 We want jQ gold medals in school year 1920-7. Will you win ono? For Inform.ation. Write to IL E. WARD, B.A., M.Accts. , ' Principal. none 198 Mr. Skinner, who has, been at a London Hospitalfor a number of -weeks returned home on Saturday !evening much impreved in health. Mist Dorothy Welsh who taught -.school on the Parr Line, Hay, this 'last year has been re-engaged by the trustees -with an increase in salary. 031 Tuesday morning while playing mear Mr. T. Sherritt's milk wagon, :Master Johnnie Farquhar had. the aneisfortane to have his leg and ankle badly cut and scraped when tbe'rear wheel of the milk wagon ran over it.. le is a nasty and painful wound and will take some time to heal. PRODUCTS RED SEAL GAS •WHITE ROSE GAS Concrete Tile, Bricks and Blocks We also have a fresh supply of PORTLAND CEMENT • Try OUT National Light Coal 1011: for incubators and Lamps DUNLOP, TIRES AND TUBES FREE leeR BICYCLES AND REPAIRS Hensall Nutt Dorothy Welsh is visiting Detroit this week. The local flax mill is running two shifts just at present. in. W. E. PFAFF and IVIre, J. PaeentOre and fitmilY 'spent Don:anion...Day at Port Steriley. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Elliott, of Cen- tralia, Vieited friends in town on Tueedayt Dr.and Mre. 3% • A.. Mann, of Seeforth, visited relatives in toWrt on Sunday, • Don't forget the baseball match, Crediton at Hensall, on Friday even- ing. Plan to be there. • The animal United church e. S. Picnic will be held on WednesdaY, julY lith to Bayfield. Miss Mary Ann Hoggarth is hav- ing the roof of her house on,_ Queen Stre-shingled this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Coxwoth and child, of Loudon, visited for a few daye in town this week. Mr. George Harburn, of Flint, Mich., and a Hensa,11 Old Boy, visit- ed friends in town last week.; Mr. Ferris Cantelon left for To- ronto on Monday where he will take a short summer course in art. Masters, Bruce and Dennis Hog- garth, of Norich, aye this week visit- ing their granelparetts, Mr. and Mrs. T. -Murdock. _Mrs. Wm. Henry, spent the week- end with -relatives at Cromarty. Misses Vioia and Flora .Higgins visited friends in Goderieh Sunday, Mrs. A. Scrueon ane family visited on Sunday with reratives in Strath- roy. ,1111r.' Milton Ortwein, of Loudon, 'vis- ited °vex the week -end with relatives - , in town. Miss Mattie Ellis visited on Thurs- day wth her aunt, Mrs. Mew, of Go- derich. . Mr. Wm. Hoffman, of Detroit, vis- ited ;ever the week -end with Meads in to*n. • • Mr. Clarence -Munn, of Bay •City, is visiting 'his parents, Mr: and Mrs.' Alex Mann.. Miss Hattie McQueen, R.N. 'of New York is visiting relatives in to ern this week. • • • . Mrs. (Rev.) Sinclair and'BIrs. M. J. Drysdale motored to London on Tuesday: Miss Ferrol Higgins, of Clinton, visited her grandmother, Mrs. Els- ton, on Frday, • Miss,Nellie Carenichael spent - the week -end in Detroit visiting her bro- ther, John. - . -- • Mr. Bert Horton left Monday ev- ening for Detroit -where he has se - Mr. Robert Green, of Detroit, Sris- car in time to avert a, collision. rs. and Kathleen Brubacker, of Kitchen - cured a position. ' ,art the Snider and Misses Myrta Hoffman ited over the holiday with his part Alexander is being cared for spent Sueday at Kettle Point and ents east of the village. - • „ home of a friend in Kippene Lon- ee IpPerwash. , Mr. A. J. Sweitzer and Mr. Wm. don Free Press. We are sorry to report that Miss Simpson,. of Detroit, -visited over the DECORATION SERVICE Freida Talbot .ot.S. S. No. 15, Hay, . Mr. Lorne Zuefle; of Detroit,. vis- The annual decoration servific Of People of her . 'Community held a week -end with friends in town. ' • has resigned her, school. The yonng ited over the holiday with his par- Heusall Lodge No. 223, I.O.O.Er. was two 'beach party on June 28th the even- ents Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Zuefle. held on Sunday afternoon at ing preceeding her departure. All Mr. Alvin Warrener, of Pontaic, o'clock. The brethren accompanier , who were present report an enjoy-. Mich., visited for a few days this by a nuinber of the citizens nest at i able time, , • week with friends in. town. • the town hall ill ,order. to decorate Miss Helen Smith, who has been ' the monument erected to the niemory of the fallen heroes'. After a selec- I DASHWOOD SCHOOL REPORT'''' over the holiday at her home here.' tion from the etizen'shand Mr. Robt. pr"omotion .examinations for Dash - The following is the report of the attending London Norma). is visitug . Mrs. Percy Southen; of Windsor, D. Bell, master teof ceremonies called receetly .spent a few days at the ttiopon Bast Noble Grand Win. McKay wood public school. The namee art arranged in order of merit. -Pro - home of her mother Mrs. X. Pope. give a short address relative to Dr. and Mrs. Wilson and children, this fallen heroes and the noble re- moted to Sr. IV. -Greta Nacliger, of Bay 'City," de visiting Mrs. Wil- sponse they made to the call of King Sadie Held, Wallace Wein, Edna son's parents, Mr. and .m,rs. Alex and Country, and after another •a,p- propriate selection `from the. band Mr. Louis Smithe of Detroit, visit- brethren a,ccompanied by a large Munn. ed over the weekend 'with' Mr. end number of the citizens, motored to Mr. Robt. Higgins and Mr. and Mrs. Hensall Union ceinetery for the pur- led. McQueen. pose, of continuing the service and LONDON ROAD, DENSALL •Bervie Station • Phone 7 In the Latest Designs Prices from 10c to $1.50 ' PER ROLL See the broa,d.smile. on the Angli- can minister's face: you don't know why just read the birth nn, nouncements. , ,Dominion Day with Mr. and Mrs. and Ferrol ,Hartleile of London spent Q a number from Hensall` D H ib On WfoledaY eveuing tile Chleels hurst girre eeftball team aetoo,C04 Heneall team 30 to 31, The garnet displayed muck heavy hitting and was full a exciterneet. • elensa,11 young meu'e sOftbell team defeated KinPell heenIe„teaM 30 to '0, .eieneall TeesdaY evening, LOOSe'fielding by. the visitors and slugging by, the benne teen). aecou.nt- ed for tee large ;wore. On Thurs- day evening of this week the Exeter Main St, men's team play ia Hensel/. Disb.wood Dr. 1-1.1-1. Cowen, L. D. S. D. D. S. • DiNTIAL suRGEow • At office le Hartleib Block, Dash - Weed, first tlaree days of week and at office ever the Pot Office, in Zurich tart teree days of week. Don't forget the Strawberry So- cial on the Evaugelical church lawn 031 Thursday evening. •,Miss Laura Reid spent a few (lays in Bayfield last week. Messrs. Wm. Musser, A. Merrier and.P. Kleinstiver, of Detroit, spent the week -end town. Mrs. Jack Lippert, of Burling, Mich., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Lippert. Miss Hazel Snell, of Detroit, spent the week -end at her home here, Dr. and Mrs. E. Brolighton, of Po - Tonto, visited with Mr. and Ms. J. Kellerman last week. Misses Reta and Vera Crawford HARD -WOOD FLOORING LAID AND POLISI-IED J. Sangster, Hensall DR. R. P. L DOUGAL. L stpor graduate' of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, 2vers1t1 of Western Ontario. Member of College of Phymiciane, SO Surgeone of Ontario. Office 4wo dooes eaet of Pose Office. ries. „ R'efildence414 Mr. and Mrs. Barnett, who ave, `PLENSALL, ONT spent Wednesday out of town, some taking in the baseball tournament at the boundary, others. attending the Ford picnie .at Bayfield. On Wednesday evening east the Seatorth Senior Baseball Toni were defeated at Eensall by a wide mar- gin. • The Seafortli boys are contem- plating entering a team in the South Huron League next year. The strawberry feetival held in the United church on Monday even- ing, Supper in the basement of the chttrch to nearly 500 people; aftev which an entertainmeiat was given on the church lawn by the Goulding Orchestra, of Exeter, several milli- bars of • solos, duets, instrumentals and violin' solos, were rendered, and a number of humorous readings were .1V1r. and 'Mrs, M. lecIsaac, of Dee troit, spent t the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Pa McIsaae. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade spent a few days in New Hamburg. Mrs. L. Hamacher and Eddie and Mrs Clayton Wildfong, o; Detroit, spent the week -end in town. •-Rev. and Mrs. Eiferrand son, of. Detroit, spent the • week -end with friends in this vicinity. . Mr. kaid Mrs. H. Harris, of Sarni, are visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kraft and Miss Cathern Finkbeiner spent the week- end in •Sarnia. `.111r..- and Mrs. H. Mosher, of Pon- taic, Mich., 'visited with Ms. Mary Neel) over the week -end. - The Evangelical SundaY school picnic will •be held on July 14th at 1VIessrs. Amos end R. Stephene af Detreit, visited, their brothere oVer Little Done JOhnetore, of, Toronto, holidnying with her aunt, Mrs, P.. March Mr, John Cornish's femily visited 1;1 Loudon, on Sueday, Mr• Wellington Bell of Detroit is visiting •at tile parental home, Mr. aaicl. 111es. Bert BaileY, 0,f 3,.?e- trait, Mr, and Mrs. Joe 1VIcisaughlin, 1VIiss Elsie and Mr, elartrey 1VIcLan- Foedwieln Visited at Mr. Ed. Johns' on Tuesday oti tilts week, Me, -Gordon Dunca,u, of Detroit, Called on friends in this vicinity on. Sunday. Rev, Smith preached a splendid sermon to a large' congregatin en Sunday evening last. Rev. A. E. Johns assisted with the eerviee, al- so with the sacramental service at the close. Quite a large crowd assembled in Mr, E. Johns orchard on July the lst and had an very enjoyable time, this being the annual Sue.day School pic- nic clay. • Ila,ying has commenced but rain is badly needed to bring along the hee crop and grain, Mrs. Richard Rams spent a few days visiting friends in London dar- ing the past week. The induction of the new pastor Rev. Smith will take place on Theirs - evening. Rev. • D. 1VIcTavish, of Ex- eter, and Rev. G. M. Chidley, of the Thames Road, will take part in the services. given, by .Mre Francis Abbott. e Grand Bentd. proceeds amounted to $210.00. Miss Margaret Merner, of Detroit, TWO ARE INJURED IN COLLISION is visiting her parents. AT RTPPEN -Mrs. William Alexander suffered a dislocated hip and cuts and bruis- es, and one of her young daughters received a -scalp wound when the 3a,r in which they, with Mr. Alexander' and other members of the feeinly were returning from church at Kip - pen On Sunday evening, was struck on the London road,ber another auto- mobile. Traffic was heavy at the time, and it is stated the cra,sh was purely accidental, the' other car be- ing unable to see Mr. Alexander's • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Noll, of Milver- ton, visited in town on Sunday. Miss Clara Kuntz, of Lansing, Mich., is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuntz on the 14th. Mrs. H. Elsie returned on Satur- day after speeding several weeks in Sarnia. Mr, Vernon Schatz is spending his vacation in Detroit and other place.e. • Ruth Kleinstiver is visiting in De- toit. Mildred Kipfer is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Messrs. Win. Bergey and Edward Usborne Council Spent the weels-0110, with her Mother. Mr. Andrew lVforreeSeY, of Bre°le" ville,.is spendieg the holidays el his leente here. • Missee Martha Morreespyr Mery errieen, of St. Jegiephes nursing S aft, LoDelen, tipent the holiday with the fermer'a neeehts here, • cnr.prroi• v Mr, and Mr. T, Westeott, of Hamilten; Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Hill o4fadelleVivre'laainisia, 1\le1;le'sliteirurirclaally and MoA- day the gusts Of Mrs. Grace Hill. The sableat 'upon whion Rev'. W. Y. Dreier will discaurse next Sabbeell "The Fact of TeraPtation, its or. igin, nature, wastrel, adjustment and eeeape." 0 come let us worship and praise the God of our Salvation." The strawberry social at the Evan- gelical church, Monday evening was a happy event, The strawberries were Inset -ens, refreshments were sumptuous, the attendance was splendid and the moving pictures on "The Stream of Life," as well oe the brief musicial prelude by tile 1Vlisses Addileen and Nola Geiser and Clara Morlock were all very enjoy- able. Proceeds amounted te $126. ' Miss Pearl Holtzman and Miss V. Holtzma,n, R. N, of Chicago, Din are spendiug a mouths' vacation at their parental home Crediton. The Doreas Band Class, of the „Evangelical sunday school are stag- ing a class picnic on Friday aftee- 'noon on a well adapted location near the home of Mr, and Mr. IL Kuhn.. All members and friends ‘ewho are taking in this pleasurable event will please meet at the church at 1;30 Pane sharp and transportation will be provided if necessary. Clinton Morlock, Fred Feist, La- vine Smith and Alma Smith motored up to the Carrick Camp Grounds, near Mildway, Ont, on Monday hav- ing been appointed as delegates to represent the Junior and Seeior Evangelical League of Christain En- deavour at the Canada Conference Branch Convention which was in session July 5th to 8th. This beauti- ful camp was the home of the suuday school and young peoples' conven- tion as well B.S of the Annual Camp meeting of which gathering Rev. F. Ballinger of Minneapolis, Mitua., was the outstanding speaker and evan- gelist. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Baker and family, of Toronto are spending their holidays with Mr. Christ. Beaver and relatives. Miss Emma Orme and Miss Ruth Lenny, of Buffalo, ave visiting with. Dr. and Mrs. Orme, who are at their summer home at Grand Bend. Miss Matilda Oestreicher, of Hum- berstone, is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oestreicher. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Heist, of Pig- eon, Mich., spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hill. Mr. Murray Holtzmann, of Detroit was home with his mother, Mrs. Geo. Holtzmann, over the week -end. Mr. ger)). Fahner, who spent the week -end et bis home has returned. to'Detroit.'e Mr. and Mrs. H. K. EiIber and Bernice, spent the week -end with friends at Amlierstburg. Miss Maynard, of London, Eng., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. May- nard for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Ambuch and Mrs. Otto .A.inpuch, of Waterloo, vis- ited at tlie home of Mrs. Levi Stahl The Municipal , Council of the Township of Usborne met ou Satur- day, July 3rd Pursuant to adjourn- ment. All menibers were present. The minutes of the meeting of May 29th were reace a,nd approved on relation of Skinner -Berry. •- Letter from the Workniens Com- pensation Board. Dew -Berry: That the clerk notify the Board of the DraM Contract nonf in -operation in ,the township. 'tar- ried •?Application was made -by Robert McDonald, La 11, N.T.R. for re- muneration for extension of Farm Bridge rendered necessary by the deepening and widening of the An- derson DraM. . Ballantyne -Skinner: That Engine- er Patterson be coneulted in the matter. Dew -Berry: That a notice of warning ebe inserted in the Times - Advocate concerning the depositing of. -refuse on the highways of the township or removing soil there- from. Carried. Ballantyne -Berry: That the clerk be instructed to .• apportimi the sur- plus on the Prance Drain Seheme to the parties interested. Carried. Ballantyne-Sitinner:• That the eol- lowing bills be passed and orders is- sued for the pa,yment of, same, viz.: W. Comaelly, advance on Anderson Drain 3850; J. Whellhan, dragging 13id. BO., our share 39.30, 343.62- $52.92; G. Kellett, cutt1n4 weeds $3; Corrugated Pipe Co., 15-131. 'cul- vert pipe 24 ft.,•con. 4, $42.00; Joe. Feeguson, tile and ditching, 'con. 4, $5.75; Stewart McQueen, tile on Rd. 11, 312.00; Wickwire Print Shoe stationary and order books $7.50. Gravelling acconnt, Luther Reynolds $33.75, Joe. Kernick Wm. decorating the graves. • The pro - The First of July passed quietly in gram for the afternothe was first a town,, quite a number. going t� Go- selection freeze the band after which derich, Bayfield, Grand 'Bend and Past Noble Grands Wm. Mclea,y 'and ,Thames Road. G. J. Sutb.erlancl gave the opening Miss Hazel toxworth who leas services and then 'followed iddresses been teaching school near Essex, is by Rev.., A. Sinclaie, Past District visiting over the holiday with her Deputy Grand.Master,.Brother Moore m.othee here. •, • • of Clinton and. Brother Wm. Doig, • On tb.e front ,page ,of this issue barrister, now of Port Huron. The Hern 335, W. Batten $52.50, G. *will be found a report of the wed- Rosie, Witten:, Lorna. Kraft; Brock 374.16, R. Delloridge 374.16, ding, of Mr; Wilbur Dilling to -Miss addresses were well delivered, deal- land, ingewith the aims, objects and ac- Laurette Witmer, Hubert RestaineY- F. Horn $135, N. Clark 358,32, T. Bell, of Exetete complishments by. the -order. After er, Sheldon Wein, Thelma Fisber, Johns 3110, J. T. Hern $114.15, G. Mr. and Mrs; E. Kenneclye of -- the service at the Hensall Union Eller etta Witmer, ' Gladys Maier, Ferguson , $69, W. Stephen $76.66, 'Windier visited over the week-ead cemetery the brethren motored to Leonard Restaineyer, 1Vrelvin &bloat Sher. Brock 378.32, • .A. Penwarden -with the latter's parents,. Mr. and , McTaggart's cemetery where the de- Melvin Mason. • $102.50, J. Brock 3104, E. Skinner Mrs. Owen Geiger. . ceased brothers' and sister Rebecca's . . L. R. Guenther, teacher $112.50, N. Coultis $60, F. Ford .• Mr. Angus Robertson, who has been graves were decorated. ,The closing epeet the Weekeetni whit M cud Mre. Penwielt,, their aunt eed ;mole, John returellig teleedayn Mr, and. Mrs. Kidd, scconipamed by Mrs, T, Allieon, Motored to Shallow Lake on SatuedaY ter a ewe claye, Mies Meeior10 Gollinee, of Strat- ford, Wee honee Per a clay or two laet week, The W. eille S. meets et the. home ot Mrs, Norman Paesraore Thareday. Stibject for roll cail, Mr. Pellen leas returned to Woodstock'. Sim has a position with thu Bell Teleplicnie Co., eft eVoodStock• Wit', John McCullough eas pureb- ased Fordson tractor, We are glad to learn Mrs. Robt, Robinson is able to be home again, Mrs. R01311.1$011 has been sufferiug from, cataracts on the eyes. Miss Mabel Neil. of London, waS home for the week -end, Miss Violet Stewart, oe Lisgard, Is 1101idaYill at her home here. Mr. Deere Brown and Mr, A. Campbell were in London Monday. GREENWAY • e lawn social at the United ehurch. on Wednesday evening WaS well attended. The bazaar and ice • Cream booths were well patronized. The gross receipts amounted to 3165, Tee program given by the . Goulding Coneert Co, of Exeter was of high class nature and very well received and enjoyed by all present. All were pleased with the few words of greetings from Rev, J. M. Coiling the new pastor. At the close of the program Mr. W. T. Ulens made a tew remarks and then. called on Elton Curtis and Russell Pollock to come forward. They read, the foie lowing 'address and presented Rev. and Mrs. Maines with a purse. Mr. Maines replied in his usual gracious manner and thanked the congrega- • tion not only for their kindness now but through all his pastorate, Mrs. Annie Bilt, of Detroit, visit- ed with Mr. and MTS. H. Bellings over the week -end, , Mr. Harvey Gillespie, of Detroit, . spent a few days with Mrs. Gilles- pie and Mr. E. alcPlierson. Mr. and Mrs. A. • Gollen spent a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kerns in DeAtroit. large truck loaded with fruits and ices came to grief in the ditch opposite S. S. No. 10 last week. Mr. Erwin Eggert had a bee shiln41.1nRg uthnegiriaOhofhaosf liis returnede. o m a six -weeks' tour to Seattle. He says Greenway is the best place on the inap. • • Mr. and Mrs. D. Shenk and daughter, of Detroit, spent the holi- - day with his brothers here. Westlake 385.00, Jas. Oke $82.e0, and family oyer the week -end. Chas. Reddy 340.00, G. Oke 540.00, Mr. and Mrs, Haumiller, of Det - R. Squire 512.50, Alvin Moir 339.16 rolt, are visiting with the. former's P. Down 580.83, H. Strang, Jr, parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. Either. 58.33, M. Beckler $73.33,,J E. Mit.- Mrs. Jack Marr, of Cleveland, 0., chel 331,66, R. Kestle 355: T. Fergus is spending the summer with her par - on $50, A. Etherington. 330, Jas. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber . Etherington '330, L. !eke 348.75, Mrs..Redfern, of Torontoeis spend - Wm. Moodie $10, E. Westcott $35,• ing a few weeks with her mother, A. Ford $83.75, R. Jolla $29, Ben. Mrs. August Ewald and relatives. Williams $75, Roy Coward 335, S.1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mallett and son Coward 519.16, Verne Pinconibe 'Kenneth, of Londa,n are Visiting with $46.00, W. Johns $940, H. Hunter $40.50, J. 'Hunter $7.50, W. Smith Fisher, Oneida Restameyer, Margar- 376.25, G. Mclealls 342, Percy Me- et Willert, Ervin Guenther, Reta Fang 530, A. sleerslake 553, C. Sweet 334, Edward johns 32.50, J. Cottle $21.75, L. • Rowcliffe $9, G. West- cott $12, C. Fisher 537, C. Fisher $20, H. Coates $24.60, M. Coates $51, W, Coates $50, J. Woods $1.25 L. Fletcher $37.50, A. McCurdy 535, 0. McCurdy 337:50, C. Smith $31.25 G. Duncan $36.66, N. Roach 336.25, W. Doupe 530, Lloyd Shier 531, S. Heywood 56, F. Skinner 56.2.5, II. Taylor $55, M. Brock $40, M. Hern $40, W. Hern $40, P. Hem $30, E. Hayter, Selma Genttner. • P. B. Moffat, teacher To Jr. IV.--Gentie Hoffman, Flor- ence Baker, Ethylda Held, Pearl Schade, Melvin Restameyer, Addison Mason, Victor Kraft, • Maurice Klumpp. Verna Kraft. To Sr. III - Ruth Tiernan, Amelia Willert, Harry Miller, Ralph Genttner, Stuart Wol- fe, Kathleen •Mernater. Earl Zimmer, Howard Shenck, 111.7.7ein Stade, Ger- ald Mason, Oliver ,Staubus, Ierne Genttner. To. Jr. III.-Arnetta Eve- $15,E. Prout $117.50, C. Johns J. Hicks $47.50, N. Hicks, on the staff of the Bank of Mont- ceremony was given at MeTaggart's Promoted to Sr. IL -Milton Wil- $67.50, real here for a numbereof years, has letery by Past Noble Grands Wm. lert, Evangeline Helde'Regina Mill- $42.50, E. Herdman $45,W. Brooks been transferred to Paisley. , $50, R. D. Hunter $102.50, A. Viet- Mrs7 Thos. Simpson, and son Tom, cher 340, Harry Ford, superinten- who have been visiting relatives in dance $85.68, H. Ford, team, gravel - London and Woodstock, returned to ling* $31.25. Carried their home on 1VIonday. August 7th at 1 o'clock. • Berry: That we adjourn .to meet Henry Strang, Clerk McKay and Or. J. Sutherland. • HENSALL SCHOOL REPORT Sr. to ,e3% II1.-Marion MacKay 90 Alice Higgins _88, Aldon Apeo•leton. 73 Bella Smale • 710 'Eleanor Bell 69, Roy Brock 66, Harold Appleton 66, Norman MacKa,y 64. ' • . Sr. II. to Jr. III. -Harold Sher- ritt 82, leaye Petersen 81, Lorne Elder 81, John MacKay* 74, Mary Hemphill 74, Emma Warne 72, Mabeleree 70, Lloyd Lindeblield 70, Helen Glenn 68, Jack Young 07, Edith Wolf 65, Robert Passmore 62, er, Howard Kluinpp, Ella Evelanc, Mary Meyer, Phyllis 'Reid, Ila Mason, Lorne Genttner, Albert Goetz, Mar- vgaret Restemeyer, Mervyn Willert, Harold ICraft, Harryt Rinker. PC IL -Maida Wein; Reta Fassold, John Meyer, Carl Maier, Eileen Beaver; Leonard Shenck. Jr. I. -Edna Mai- er, Alice' Beaver, Douglas Sheelek, Mabel Bender, Verde Rinker.' Class A.-,-.1V1yrtle Geiser, Murray Wolfe, Mildred Kipfere Percy Atkinson, 1M - leen Willert, Ward Kraft, Alvin Wil- lert, Tema Wein, Lloyd Guenther. G. Kellerman, teacher • been visiting Mrs. Barnett's pareale ?"'"Iee"weet""tee""eee""teet'"e"te"tee'"'""et'''' Mr. and Mrs. W. ThompsOn, of town, AUCTIONEER - rettlened to their home in Torpedo, on MondaY. _ ' leskeeese, °O'Clill 'C'L°13'13 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Henry who have been visiting relatives in and around 'Riser Graduate Carey Jones' Ane Hensall-sfor the past two weeks re - Oen Scheel, Special course taken in turned to their home in Cass City, WilsgIstered Live Stock (all Breedge) Mich., on Tuesday. alsreltandiee, 'teal Estate, Farm Mr. Sant. Rennie, accompanied by , Viola Hildebrandt 62, John Parque gales, etc. Retes in keeping with ilia Mother and Miss Doris Chapman i ear 62, Harvey Hudson 60, Kernelle •sravaillag prides. Satisfaction as- retlirlied on Monday from a very en- Faber 60, Margaret Kennings 58, flexed, wrfte Near Klapp, `Zririeh, or jeyable 'rotor trip to Orillia and Stewart Bell 52, ' Tom Sinale 83. mire 18-93. Zurich: •other points adjacent. M. A. Ellis, Teacher lverS. Lou elinpeen who has been on Peinutry Raoln ..............e....e......e.e....e....e...-e-./.........e....,.. - ,,, oJ ynt's Staff for the past two years ' • WHITE 13/NE 1 haS resigned her positiori and Eater spending a • few Weeks holidayieg with frieude will, wth her daughter elX#. T Sdatolied dresee4 on both ' Mi'- Mae, go to Detroit to keside, 4s !titles st Ip 50 PER • TIIIS 15 TUE TIME TO, STOOR 000D COAL WJULE X013 CAN GET IT AT A tOly rItICE1 J. CL,ATIVORTHY G A.NT 'Ile services in the United 'church on Sundae' last were largele, attene - ed, Reee A. odeupying xhe pulpit both morning and evening. At the Morning service Mrs. Lee Heti- dell sang a solo in her useei, Pleas- ing manner, and at the evening 0�- • 'vice Mr, Smith, ef Detroit, sang a 0010, entitied,• "The Great 'White Throne." Mr. Smith is a :Hensel' old boy, and when visiting in Hera sail generally fakes a part with the ehoir.fli the ehurch service0,. atid his solos are greatly enloyed by those present. II.-Normeei Sinclair 89, eat. Sangster .87, IVIildre,d Pollick 85, Dorothy Drummond 88 , 13eesswax 79, Kathryn Drysdale 78, Olive r:Irock 77, Kenneth Mantle 74, Harold Higgine 71, Irene SmaIe 71, lefary Little 64, Myrna 'Hudson 64, Mietiel Hoskin. 44, 3t -Edgar Wurm 91, He.rold Bell 89, William •,Glenn 83, Harold tenthron • 81, Dorothy Deters- 80, genie Fee 79, Dorothy McQUeen 77. Sr. Pr. -Leonard Hogarth 91, Peanale Peck 89, Violet Beeswax 65; May Wolf (absent.) 3r. Pr. -Alvin Lindentield 00, Loretta Bell g9, Grace 'Warm 88, 'Robert Drysdale 85, Jean Foster S2, 'Lloyd lereck. Grand Bend Reit and Mrs. Grant molted to Thedfora Tuesday and 'en. Wednesday Rev. and Mr. moVed Into the manse here. Mr. and 1Virs. Walter England sent a few deee at Thedforcl. There wee a large crowd at the Beed for Doniinion Day. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard, of Sarnia, •Visited with relatives here. errs. 3. Gill, of Arkona, is visiting relatives around here. Mr. Ruesell Gill, who has been vis- iting his eerents for two weeks, left Wednesday o . Mr. Iven Greeen, of Detroit, visit- ed hie parents over the week -end. Miss t ernice Webb, of Loncmu, visitdd with her perente) Mr, Mid - Mrs. Stollen Webb, MT. CARMEL • Mr. and Mrs. Tt H. McGregor and' 1! family attended the annual reunion of the Love family in Bayfield en IVIonday. Mr. W. Curts4 of London was home for the holiday, Miss Frances Detloff, of Detroit, it holidaying with Mrs. Albert. Pol- lock. Members af L. 0. L. 21J will tend Divine worship in the United church next Sunday afternoon at 2.30 when. Rev. J. W. Coiling the new pastor will preach. CENTRALIA 1Ver. and Mrs. Wm. j. Smith and family spent the week -end visiting relatives in Detrot and Pontaic. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Folland and 3 sons, Clarence, Robt. and Rustell, accompanied by Mr. Crawford, of Royal Oaks., motded over and spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bowden. L. 0, L. ATTEND CHURCH IN' LARGE BODY • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pannier. (Continued from page one) Mr. and Mrs. Everett Heist and ier to the times. One plain pastor sum- babe,- of Detroit, are holidaying monecl to the assistance of other a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. .J'red congregations, became an advisee and wise friend whose influence in. Pietist and relatives. Messrs. Clarence and Russell Ell- the Councils was such that things ber, of Detroit, spent the week -end began to centralize about him. The with their parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. C. supposed necessity to humble 'tinge and governments led him into poli - Dorothy, • The more he entered these, Mrs. R. Hallman and daughter. ties. Dorothy, of Toronto, are the guests the' more the gospel faded. Ms ideals he deemed were hopeless, 'm- a Mr and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker. Mr. and Mrs, Merner Eilber and less he compromised in doctrine and substituted in principles of -faith. babe, of' Detroit; spent a few days etli. Mr. and Mits. C. Eilber and also at Zurich. • Word was received on Saturday, of the death of Dinnis Sutton, of Toronto, death being due to a para- lytic stroke, aged 40 years. Mr. Sutton. was unmarried and is sur- vived by one sister, Mrs. Yule, ef Belgrave. Mr. Daniel Barry is an uncle. The remains were interred here, in the R. C. Cemetery on Mob - day at 11 a.m. " Misses Louise O'Hara, of Guelph, Bernadatte Carey, of Simeoe; Win - alt 3/Tanen, Chatham; Marie Carey, of Windsor, arrived home last week - Wiles Annie Kerns, of Wallacetown Is spending a few days with her 518 - ter, Mrs. P. Sullivan. Mr. Pat O'Hara, of Detroit, spent the week -end with friends in the neigb orb ood. Mr. and Mrs. B. Gibbone and feel- ily accompanied by the latter's me- ther, Mrs. Thomas Glavin, of Detroit IS ViSiting at the home of Mr, Peter A fanlily re -union Was held last Week at the home of Mr. T. Collins. •Frielids were present from Dabble Detroit and ether points. IVIIse Marie Welke, of, Detroit; Mrs. Mary Rate, of New Hamburg is visiting with Mr..p,nd Mrs. Chas. Zwicleer and Gerald. Miss Cora Stahl, of London, has returned home to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. Levi Stahl. Mr. and Ms. Chris. Heist and Beatrice took a motor trip to differ- ent parts •of the U.S.A. over . the week -end. Mr. Herb Kobe and daughter, Ger- aldine, returned to their- home at Detroit,, after spending Saturday at the home of Mr. D. Oestreicher. Mr. Lorne. Young spent the week- end in. London.. • lVfiss Vera Mawhinney, of Flint, Out. is holicleering with her parents„ Mr. and Mrs, Thos. IVIawhinney. • Mr. and Mrs, .Cliff Buc,han.an and family, have returned to. Detroit af- ter visiting with Mr. and. Mrs. L. England. Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder and Gertrude and Harold, from Detroia, sPend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Sohn Schroeder. 1VIrs. P.eynolds and son Everett, of Dearborn., spent Stuiday with Mr. and 1VIrs. Sohn Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill and. family of Detroit, visited at the home of • th Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill e'en). Week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clarke, of Detrot, were the guests of Mr., and Mrs. Frencis. Clarke over the week- end. Mrs, Jack Moir and little Jean, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Jililber aaid relatives for a feev weekS, Doing so, he was able to reach Ins designs of controlling all states, a,ncl compelling the mightiest -emperor on the earth to cross the snews ot the Alps and stand bare headed it. the snow in this pastor's court yard day and night, and finally crawl be- fore him for eardon. This ideal of power became na• burden and not a • blessing. Men searched back into the first Chris- tianity for their ideals, and there sult was that Protestantism. Wee born. The joy of the Lord. awoko as at the first and went einging through the nations after beieg sup- pressed for a thousand years. Ty - valets were no longer feasted. Of- ficialdom heard its death knell, The altaf and the throne rose blended In the people after the pattern. of the Gospel. The people are !shown to. be the church, as they are shown to be the nation, and this is what our Orange Brotherhood signifies. THAIVIES ROAD Mists leketa Polletie and her friend, Mrs. • Galenby, of Mitchell, Were Week -week visitors With Me, and Mre, Pollee., Mr. Solm Brown and his brother, t • Da Brown of Detroit, INWeeleMaildRIRMIMOMmiesemneimealeaose GRAND BEND • asirio D5A1 N CWR EyEvijj with HUGO D'IPPOLITo'5(v•x-Nons BUESCHER HO% 8 -Piece Orchestra, Grand Bold Girle Soft Ball Lea - gee ganteS every Tuesday and Thtly. day 6 p m Special features at the , Casten MonclaY night, Wateli paper for epee- ial announcements., 1 et