HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-7-8, Page 4111r. i3'nt: Ward continues quite in Local News ; 11is14 Mypt1e Wiliert, of Detroit, 'visited relatives °ver the Nceelz- nd, Mrs, Norman Han, of Norwich,. is Visiting at the haute of Mr Stile, �I,ari�t: r ve- n p zu t 1 41X1@ 11h til s b p ti � al ilau 1s t inept, au' . , Mr, and Mrs. Norman Ford, of Is(i. trop, visitedwith relatives i1t, towii recently, : ,• The veterans of I.1uro11 Count' are 0 t GIV G D SALE ` T� 'OF E YEA. FE'S ..; We have 32 dependable cars to choose fxStut anal fa e willing ,to lose $1000,00 to move this Stook `in.'tea days',• of re -conditioned -and priced: All ears have been carefully lower for this sale. Terms arranged tosuit purchaser. Ch'`ome earlyand liave•the beat chola). SALE HELD AT. The Clinton arage Open ever.intes till 1Q o'clock: pan. W. J. Chisholm DODGE BROTHERS. DEALER 70 York Street London, Ont, THE ;EXETER. TIMES -ADVOCATE .. AMR planning for their annual IAenie at LOCAL 11,10X ma, ING .GOO» Beytield e ii\" SCIENCE^' Mrs, Skelton was out wedueswlav illness, �. ler '•'t time si co t. • he:i int n for t f1 S 1 Mr: ,I,I, . Spat -span and Miss Susie Wee~;s, of uelT h, spent se veral Idays::with relatives in town. ,Ar, aud Mrs. F. I. Neil a4d• Mr, itlton Neil, oi;•Lo}non, spent Sunday 1•111,urieo R 1 've)', well �,:lioVelt' ;I7:rptei• ISo1x I" erf°rIning Prost Graduate Ito, Search ; tt St, ,4 idrow's joiogical, ,S"tationt..- luta .,, Narrow Es tie from Acci4lit, 4 ile itis Pursuit of his Work. with 1\1r. and Mrs. X. II, Joxxes. Miss Olive ;r w, l'lao Vitas been in .call residents and well wiehers of t"�ovM the town of Exeter will be interest - 1 -Victoria Hospital, 1{o'ndon, Or ei'a1 weeks, returned aaat Bailie "elaty. 1 Mr, Kenneth inetli Staubury is attend- ing the "Eller" Scott lea©i's trap- Be,a tl lug camp nasi 1 n . ,,srd ger nen days. Mr. and Mrs. D klald I -ail, of .ue troit, visited re'l,eiAly with the form- 's parents, 1r, and WITS I, Hall, sof Ext!;.', No?� G ' 14Irs,, i2 Browning and two child- erer"., 'of Peterboro, are visiting with ssr. and Mrs, J. W. :Browning, Mr Browning .was here for a day. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald: Browning and Sen, of Detroit,, visited the for- nier's grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Browning over the week -end, Mr. A11an; Myers and two sous,.; of Detroit, visited . Miss M. Sanders over the weekend, Miss Vosper ac- companied «him to Lyndon to visit for a couple of weeks. Mr. W, M. Baynham and three children, Emma, Marian and Alvin, d M visited with Mi ed to 'know of the sucoess of- her sons. Mr. alauriee Harvey, who has been doing post graduate work at Toronto TJniversity, receiving his Master' of Arts degree this spring, is spending the slimmer at the Marine Biological' Station, St. Andrews; N,B, engaged in research work. He is interested in 'finding the effect that light has ;on small marine organisms called Co'pyods. While in pursuit of biological material for his investi- gations he recently had a narrow escape from, what might have re, stilted in a'serious mishap. Out in a small boat with another worker, busily ertgagecl at his �v"ork, he fail- ed .to .notice the onset of one, of those treacherous fogs for which this region of the Atlantic coast is noted. The shore vanished from sight and the two investigators were. unable . to ;. find their way to the station till far along in the night. when the fog lifted. Their continu- ed me little anxiety. ed absence caused s Y R-�. WILL aoll' •MORI f i gig F ; :t Clean to handle, Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores AUCTION SALE —of _ TIMMY . ACRS OF HAY The 'undersigned has received in structions to still by . public auction two and a half miles south and two' and a half miles west of Exeter, on' the old WILLIAM HUNTER FAR,IVT SATUT{DAX, Amy folk . ., Brandon, an„ r at ten o'clock in the `forenoon of and search parties were sent out in (01.4 }y.- 9, xllo d «aynlialn! The child- , �-.-�•- .---�•,---� =--a An effort to locate thein', One.may • ren will spend the summer here anu readily •'imagine the relief which • Mr. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. una , Lind and two daughters, -of Brock- port, N.Y:, motored over and spent RESULTS OF ?11USICAL CONTEST Sunday and Monday with Dr, and Mrs. E. S. Steiner. Miss L. Wallace who has been visiting Dere, returned With them. e Mr, and Airs. J. S. Harvey and Dr. and Mrs. Roulston were last Sunday the gaiests of Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Donnely of Stratfoqrd and in the morn lug attended a very unique Rose Fes- tival service. in the Central United Church in that city. ;IIRTY ACREIS OF HAY' at Centralia,, thcii safe houieco11u11b af}�rded. Terms -6 monilia', credit. on fur- at inusical contest and festival •vas held at Main St. Church on Wednes- day evening, June 30th, „To a very` appreciative audience a .lenghty and; well organized program was rendered arranged' - from the primary gran -e8 up, each, grade being •repress ted to, the final acquisition of a c finpositiou required for graduatio''; ' The con- test was held in tli 'afternoon and the highest marl- ed selections of the nishing approved joint notes. WM. DOIG, Pi:dprietor F. TAYLOR,Auot. , • Rev. F. E. Clysdale is holidaying contest were " interspersed in the eve- during Ju13' and is taking the ser- Hing by the fullotiving: saxaphane a � �� Recommend ��� vices in the open air auditorium at solo,"rendered in a capable and pleas - Six Grand Bend Mr. W. H. Johnston i` { manner by Miss Nola Gasser, pu- took the service in Main St. chuleli it of Robt. Grambrill; 'saxa hone morning,the evening ' Hern is on Sunday z Hein Morley, Mil i � t�'' vsextet by 1lessrs, HIMiERIE DE a - i i sea Y� 'stet b Ms e as y ,s las arc 1?i -- e Mrs. 1 W nu -0,405- h' h d d and trust funds. They are issued by an institution that is "OLD DOMINION." This 62 -year-old financial institution is Government Chart- ered.P to ins eotion at any time without notice by Dominion Gov- ernment Officials. The paid up capital and reserve fund of The Old Huron & -' Erie affords surplus security totalling $6,8550.000.° G. Owners of these debentures ,together with savings depositors have FIRST claim upon every dollar of Huron & Erie as- sets totalling over $31,000,000: 5 per cent. per annum is payable half yearly upon _$100 or more for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years.0 CHOOSE THIS TRUSTEE SECURITY FOR YOUsi•. HARD EARN- ED SAVINGS vice being withdrawn. Truemner and Grambriil; piano Trio 11'li' an an son which was 1 ' 9 y , tb P. Wood, and I. Stewart; two splen - R. than the of did selections by the Presbyterian � I� They are authorized 'by leavi as an investment tits estates Eluron Et Erie books,securities and accounts. are subject CARLING .& M.ORLEY BARRISTER &e., Local Agent fiir The Huron & to whom -applications for i`T EXETER, OT rie, Mortgage ;;Corporation. debentures may be made. 'nd Billy, of Wha? on; M�•, MV •E $, Gor- B. and M. 'Medd, H. Dignan; 0, and don taol`.z .and son Francis Menne , arratfoi d aisited the formers R mother, Mrs. Prank Morley, who has Orchestra. The reading of the prize been quite ill but,,is improving • slow- essay --written by Miss Lula Moilock, ilyr Many friends wish for a , He iii n_ speedy recovery. w sex r» ^a DIED IN SABNLL - .A. very sad death took place ,at 128 Napier St, Sarnia, on June 28th of Helen Margaret:Snell, eight-year old daughter of Mrs. George Kerr, her death being due to sleeping sick- ness. The little girl contracted pneu- monia a week before and according to her doctor, made full recovery from this only to be attacked by a- cute sleeping sickness. She was ill only two days with this until •she passed ,-away. She is survived by_ mother, her 'step -fattier, who is an employee of the Imperial Oil Co., two brothers Harold and Stanley and one half-sister Mildred. The funer- al took place Wednesday from, the family residence to Lakeview Ceme- tery. ..�w9 Total Newlosices Savings Phaeton . $2035 $ 65 Coach r ° = 2035 160 Roadster • > `2195 330 Royal Coupe 2470 240 Brorizhaan • 2540 275 Sedan .2260 300 Royal Sedan 2615 405 Crown Sedan 2760 410 P.0.B.IVinritsay,Ontario(f g'htonlytobe solicit). The above prices include all taxes, bumpers front and rear, spare tie, tine cover, anal tank hallo! gasoline. der dealets ate in position to ex, tree rbc eonvenicuae of lowest available bane pora.tats� Ask bout Chrysler's 4t. rrnctive plan. Ckrysl er Model Numbers Measi Mites Per Hour slope 155 r S -der' u � d � 6'41 Unchangedep m price se 9. Toile y's Chrysler"70"—changed. in no way except • new lower prices.which save you$65 to $4:10— is more than ever the car of world-wide preference. We knew thatthe Chrysler "70" would sweep its w ayf to pre-eminence, but we did not anticipate the tide public favor which makes possible,these sensational values rong >; lived -characteristic Chrysler beauty; designed to ineet'today's traffic needs; roomy for comfort and luxury; easiest to handle; flashing pick-up; 70 miles plus; safe— Little that none of, its more than a hundred • thousand owners who have enjoyed uninterrupted satisfaction from their Chrysler 70 s for thousands upon thousands of miles, will ever willingly go back to the less modern type of cars. , We are eager to prove to you why the Chrysler "70" with its savings of, $65 to, $41.0 ---the identical car whoseperformance and endu.tauee havewon such Uni vefsal preference—is beytond all doubt the preferred motor car investment at theselower prices in its class. • ce¢c. PILON: r.,• 589 Exeter, Oat. of Ford City, concluded with the ren- dering of the Moonlight Sonata ay Miss Gaiser and Robt. Grambrill. Although the hour was late the inter- pretation of the renowned sonata was heard with rapt attention, the kennest interest following the play- ers throught all the differnt move- ments. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers acted as chairman.. The following are the marks .a- warded at the afternoon contest: Elementary, memory, Florence' Mitchell 29; Ruth'' Collingwood 28; Mavis Spencer 27; Violet Stone 25 Piano duet—Violet Skinner and Margaret Ellerington 28. Primary piano (A) Florence Mit- shell 29; Reba Simmonds 2.5. Primary (B) max. 30., Beruice Horton 28; Violet Stone 27. - Advanced Primary—Mavis Seen- cer28. '_ ' Elementary—Ruth Collingwood 28 Viola Skinner 27, Marguerite Eller- ington 27. Junior --Bertha Corbett 2.9. Fingering Contest—Viola Skinner 27, Ruth Collingwood 26, Marguerite Ellerington 20. Scales—Ruth Collingwood 25,..M. Elleriugton 21. Intermediate Maximum. 100—(1) A. Kathleen Reid 68, ,(b) Elsie Reed - 66. Senior—Laverne Morley 73, (b) Helen Dignan 78,, (b) Irene Stewart 76, Vivian Hogarth 74 Advanced Intermediate-- Luella Stanlake 73. Senior, Pearl Wood 73 Diploma. Adeline Geiser 87, Ro- bert Gambrill 79. Piano Duet—Irene - Stewart and Robert Gambrill 87;• Eleanor Medd aid Helen' Dignan , 82; Olive Wood and Pearl Wood 72. . Piano Trio—Marjorie Medd, .E-1131- en Dignan, Eleanor Medd 86, Irene Stewart, Pbari Wood:, Olive Wood 86, Adeline G-aiser, Violet Gambrill, R. Gambrill 82. . Piano Duet—Lila Feist Clara Gei- ser 73. Ii1XECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE colvmsvr>zgrx�Ioly , .. AUCTION SALE h , `1'O the k7i�eter Tinley -Advocate Is' k: r.al e � o When the Hor leukin. �^ d + bit IN USISOIiNJi doing such a good work In the way' - ACRE FAR town woxiji1 it'. i !rO1vNSHIP of r beautifying the av t i The Executors of the Estate of not be * good move to have an the‘' .the late Frank Oawa1'd, w111 offer weeds growing on vacant lots,, Pallas • for sale bw •public auction ;on or - cut? It is unfeasible 'to ' keelx• ' at 2,30 Y, JULY 13th, 1926 clean gardens or lawns• if on'sither• 2,8.0 o'clock on the' lirelaiises side o`f you are to be found euQh, ilia following patellas Q1' weeds as are see a ab zit,: The South Half. of Lot Noumber town. If this work does riot 15 and North Half of Lot Number to the• Horticultural Soolety t1 vil- 14 i a the 6th concession of the lage Council should see to it, Citizen( Township of Usborne in the county - A. Ci i e or Huron, ,containing 100 acres •more ....-:.-•' - , or less. On the farm. there are a good brick house' and bank barn. It is good Fquiprnnf te: Barn ' slay ;soil, well drained. The fences are good, : there are two wells of good water, 22 •acres, in grass, and We have a full line of hay car 10 acres , freshly seeded dawn and goods, rope, sling rope, pulleys,etc. about 8 acres of bush. The farm is If you are remodeling let vs figure convenient to•church and school, on yoixr job for stalls, stanchion‘ and is one of tele choice farms' in Us- pens; water bowls, litter carriers. ; borne Township. As it is nearing the tine• for plow -- The purchaser has the privilege ing for fall wheat, let us meet your' bf- doing the, fall plowing• Full pos- requirements in a plow, The' Quebec, a 'c will• be •ivlen on the 1st of sulky ulk plow js light in draught an awes , . Furth r 'articul-ars y rate. March, 1927. e ' la is. easy" to ops will be made known on day of sale, • . •-. eeoud "Band 'slread-' on application' to FOR S;A.LE. S or can be had pper, two sacci drills and several seeainc)t. FRANK TAYLOIL, Exeter,' ha ick binders all in good repair.. Auctioneer JOEi J. COWARD, JQHN E. FLET-' ' CHEF{,, Woodham, . Executors. GLANDMAN & STANBURY, Solicit- ors, Exeter and London,. The 7l*xecutor of the estate of the late Tobias Ryckman will offer for sale by public auction, , on - FRIDAY, JULY 23rd, 1906 . at 1.30 o'clock p.m. at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, flENSALL The farm property . known as the East, %, of Lot 29, Con. 14, Hibbert Township, containing 75 acres, • more or less. ' On the farm there is a good frame house with kitchen and woodshed, barn 3'6 x' 54, shed 28. x 50, and drive shed 14 x 18. Steel track and car, 1 1-2 acres `orchard, 12 acres good hardwood bush and 36 acres under • cultivation this year., remain- der hay and pasture. Never failing spring about centre of farm, good draining - and fencing_ Located 1 1-2 miles from Chiselhurst, and 4 miles fvrnn Hensen market. ,',,I?urchaser may sow fall wheat t and full possession March. 1st; 1927.• For further particulars apply to J. W. WATSON Auctioneer FRANK •RYCKMAN, Executor GL'ADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors ee Exeter and Hensel]. MORTGAGE SALE ` -- of 25 ACRES IN TTSBORNE Under and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in a certain mortgage which Wil1'be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public -auction on -. TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1926 at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. on the premises, the •following property, namely: The Easterly twenty-five acres of Lot Number Eight abutting on. the South'West-Boixndary of the 'Town- ship of. Usborne in the County of Huron. This is a good piece of land with some buildings on it. • TERMS 20, per contof, thepurchase money at the time of sale and the balance in 90 days thereafter. Tin- -mediate possession call be' given. `Further particulars and . condi-. tions of sale will be made known on day of sale or . can - be had on appli- cation. to FRANK. TAYLOR, Exeter, Auctioneer GLADMAN"&-STANBURY, .Solicitors Exeter. and London. VOCAL Soprano Solo—Pearl Wood 72. •- Mezzo Soprano Solo•—Mary Dick- ens 65, Tenor Solo—Wm. C. Davis 66, Harold Hern 66.Fred Baritone Solo -S. Rennie ::76,_• Feist 74, Frank Wildfong 70. Vocal Duet—Soprano and .Ten., Alina Hern and Harold Hern 70; Contral- to and baritone, Eulalinel . Geiger, S. Rennie 72; baritone and bass G. Beavers and R. Gambrill 66. Vocal Solo—Edith Cann 76. VIOLIN • intermediate---Frauk Wildfong R0 Ada Mitchell 53. Eleinentay—Willie Stanlake 58, Russell Mills 54, Roy Freccleton 3,9, Laverne Stone 36, Allen Quance 36. Prize. Essay won by Miss Lulu. Morlock,,, Ford City. Should popular opinion favor''the plan -tile question of an annual ;con- test would• be considered., ,Sugges- tions will be welcomed. S. S. NO. 3, ITSBOENJll The following Is the report of S. 5, No. 3, Usborne. The names are in order of merit: Promoted to Sr. IV. --Honors, M. Gardiner, Roy 13allantyne; pass Ella Clarke, Colin Gilfillan, Gerald Neil. promoted to Sr. IV. -Honors, B. Gardiner, Wesley Ballantyne; Pass Laverne Stone, Doris' Simpson,' F. Brock, Elsie' Heywood, Violet Sto)ie• Promoted to Jr. III. --Honors, E.. Moistly; Pass, Jean Ballantyne, Wes- ley Neil, Promoted . to Jr, II,-1Vlelvin Gar- diner (h.) Promoted to Jr, I.—Beth I3allali- tyne, Jessie Heywood, Ross Fraacis, Clifford Scott. Primary --Willie BaIlantyne, V. Brock, Ray Clarke, Dorothy Mc- Curdy. E L. Tinning, Teacher • ARTHUR JONES __•:_._•_--, .,.,•. __ • MtLSSEY-HARRIS}:• j The . McPhiilips, Pianos We have 1: ad: unique success with these beautiffull Pianos during the past two years and the reason USE the are E>U i L l' to LAST., They have is l3ECli J and ^s- . �' a } � �� 4hYii a beautiful TONE ; r o1CH. Ev y i9 quired to make a GOOD PIANO is put Into them above all they are built to uphold the RE - and PUTATION and GOOD name .behind therm THE FOLLOWING LETTER UNSOLICITED AND WRITTEN TO A PIi0MINE;;T TEACHER OF MUSIC. • It was with pleasure that I heard the work of your pupils at the examinations in July list. their work was vary goon and quite up to'the,standard of the bet_tr coiitros and better than wee ar in many centres: I was also very much pleased with the 'McPhillips Pianos which we used and played on at the time. Their tone is good, they seem- ed to be of excellent eonstructiY,li, the orison is good and I: consider that they co npare very favorabty, in every respect, with any of our Canadian 'Milos. I think tho prices asked for them was very reasonable and I am sure they will give satisfaction to anyone, with reasonable care and attention. • Wishing you every. success in all your work and. tial ,our bus''- . Hess will continue to grew. • Examiner, Yoursµfaithfully - London Al?:1Iit:1, II; HOWELL (Ing.) College of lino u Distributing Agent, • MRS. GAM'BRILL, EXETER,, ONT.- 4.. wcarli i a. v c n,,,•t: AUTCTION SALE — o'f— VALUABLE ` FARM y y With or Without Crop: The undersigned has .received in- structions to. sell by public auction, • on • ..LOT 10, co-. 2, McGILLIVRAY.. — on — - WEDNESDAY, ,7t(JLY 14th, '1926 at 2 o'clock p.an. the following: Valuable • farm. containing 100 acres more or less, being lot con. 2, McGillivray Tp., two and one half miles north of Clandeboye and half mile West of Mooresville. On the farm is a good brick house, good bank barn 44 x 70 ft., drive shed, new hen hoose, new silo, water in baro. Thefarm-3s well fenced and drained.' There are 'two windmills. The farm will be sold with or without. crop which consists of 9 acres of wheat, 25 acres of oats, 13 acres of hay, balance in pasture. Positively no reserve. TERMS—Ten per cent. on day of sale. Balance in thirty. clays. ELMER FAULER Proprietor R. R. No. 1, Clandeboye FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. U8$QRNE & EMMERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY React Office, . Farquhar, Ont. President, JOHN ALLISON Vice -President; JAS.' McIlENZIE lomucTORS ' FRANK McCONNELL, 8IMON'DOW ROBT NORRIS, WM. BROCK • -'AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent fur TJsborne and Biddulph: OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullartott and Logan W. A. TU1tNBULti Secretary -Treasurer Box 98, Exeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBUR Solicitors, Exeter McCormick -Deering Triple Power Tractors Hundreds of farmers all over the country, ave .prov_ing that Tractor Fanning makes farming more profitable. It stands to reason that a power unit which saves the farmer the necessity of feeding a lot of horses, and which.will do a lot more work in a day,, is a paying proposition to the farmer. The amount of actual service you get from your tractor de- pends on the number ofways you can use it. . It is only natural then that the McCormie3t-Deering Triple Power Tractor will be of friore use to you than an ordinary make which .is only able to supply, power from belt and drawbar. . The Power Take Off which is the third unitof power on the McCormick -Deering 10-20 aud. 15-30 Tractors, is a shaft running from the engine, and operates t -e ma- chine it is drawing. ' It' operates very Much the same a.. -1k. . • pro- peller shaft, driving the mechanism of the pullud machine; a If you are interested in Tractors, or any other farm imple- ments, call and see 'y° aslifl 1 ' `r12• AIAYM A N Exete• . PHONE 172'r w,.. 4 . ,Y•. C • r"To Send Money .,. Orders 0 use t Money - *�,� sold at all branches of th.. Bank. ��„�, They are safe, cheap and` convenient, nvenient and are readily cashed in all parts of the world. t E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE C1 Paid Exeter Brandt Crediton Branch - Up $20,000,000 Restr ie Punc1"$20,000,000 M. It. Cotniplin, Manager G.G Maynard, Manager