HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-7-8, Page 1XDTER TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873 LL AMALGAMATED
EXETER ADVOCATE, 7ah5TAI33.1SHDD 1.887f JACE)/(131011 IMt, t924
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ouse �+� D S
Another Shipmentjust arrived
to sell at 980 each
Cleating of Wasb'Dress Goods
Many lines of Wash Dress Goods at
Raaf Price and less
Bathing Suits
We have a Fine Range of Bathing
Suits for Ladies, Men and Children
at very reasonable prices.
Black and White,•sweet, ready next
week. Leave your order now.
Free advice en your foot troubles
trained in the melt ds of
Dr.u sch+11 of C- Safer f!
will .e here
Saturday �
Pains, Cramps
or Callouses''.
--....-7.-: C HONE 32
" '
® t l; >�*e �..' <. r ` _- ,s •;; i exit it is not known just how serious-
•--. ly the lady is hurt. A court case
IIIIIII{I(II(I{I{I{I{III{{{IIIIII{III{I{III{I(III({I(lIIII{1(1(11{(1111{11(!11(1(1{111111{ • came up in. Goderich en Tuesday ac
if you have aching feet, pains,
cramps, c 11 :uses, burning
ser cation at the ban of the foot
or toes, fallen arches, painful heel,
week turning ankles, sore limbs,
corns, bu\ nions' or perspiring
Foot Specialist He will be pleased ,•,
to make recommendations, without
any. charge or obligation, as . to what
your trouble is and how to relieve it.
Major W. J. kloanian V. D. has.
lo r
i i r ^Go nQ1 }.i
been appointed Head Lie tt y ,lie
Canadian Militia awl will (enameled
the Huron rogirnent, He succeeds
Lieut. -Col., Il, C. Ditizlop, V. D„ of
Goderich, who is' aplroxu ,ed to .corn- li
wand the 2nd (Reserve" Battalion,
Dr, Ii,. I. P. Dougall, of Hensall, will
command the `D' Co. of the Huron
On Dominion Day at tiv'e p.m, the
marriage took place at', the James
St. United parsonage of,' Miss Hazel
Winnifred Kern ick; dangliter of
Frank .Kernick, of Usborne;, to Mr,
Herbert Leonard B.roo- ; son of Mr.
Bernard. Brown, ''of Orediton.. The
ceremony was perfarined` by Rev. D.
McTavish. The b -nidal •cieuple were
= attended by Mr. Amos Wright, of
Ailsa Craig, and Miss Ida L. rirown,
sister of the groom.. Mr. and Mrs,
Brown will reside in Tortonto, where
the groom has'a posi,ion on the
staff of one of the -banks,
s▪ ago
w▪ art
A. quiet wedding took.ylace at the
James St. United parsoncige on Sat-
urday, July 3rd, when; Miss Alice
Isabella Donaldson, de -tighter of Mi.
Wm.. Donaldson, of McGillivray, was
united in marriage to MY • Samuel
Frederick Xing,' son of ,Mr, Eli King,
of Crediton. The attendants were
Miss Lily Ding, sister orsthe groom
and Mr. John M. Donaldson, brother
of the bride, the ceremony being per-
formed by Rev. D. McTavish at 8
a.m. Mr. and Mrs. King left on the
morning train for a short honey-
moon in Detroit and an' ;their return
will reside at Crediton,
Mrs. Wni. Gardiner, of town, had
the misfortune to be knocked down
by an auto late Saturday evening
while in London and • she> was soiree-
what bruised although not seriously
injured. Mrs. Gardiner had just
got out of their own car and going
around behind she attein-pted to
cross a street when she was struck
by an auto which lifted -her off her ed to her. home an Stephen after furt1ie1'nore it. is the first condition
feet. Fortunately the', car that teaching school at Flint,:, New On- of real service, We only lift men
struck her was equipped;'with bump -
,tarso,' up as we are prepared to reit =,-
ers and was not traveling fast, Mr. illelvin Wein, of Pt, Huron, selves on a le-s*el with thine. 'nee
E otherwise the accident ,may have z He iv'- i 1
spent S�tinclav anfl Moiitlzy With his 'wee. COd s tvgy mho,
been' more serious - She •eves brought
� - • •---- '
Local News X'IIEACHJas li �`,13.1.TOI.r,€1�9Ie il+ili;Vl0
Rev, D. 'ivr'c'ravisb, the new p tar
Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Lewis aid of the Jainee St. United church ,,vlxo
Thelma, spent ;Sunday at I3rinsiey. has come to 13:xotor Froin 'Crediton.,
n a to occupied i
lViissas Margaret end Je not c upied tl e pulpit of James 5t.
Taman are visiting with friends at church for the first time oli Suirl�t.y
St. Johns. last, ,A. largo, congregation was, •hut
James. St, Sunday School picpic at the morning serytice to gree ,lie
Will be held at Grand i3end orx July new pastor, who preached a very
the 21st. eloquent and inspiring sermon and
1Vir, and Mrs: A. Nash, of Sarnia, who created a very favorable itri-
are visiting their datightei', ]\hs, J. Izression ou lits hearers.
w Powell. Tavist.:also addressed "the sabbath:
Mr. Andrew 3amilton, of Detroit, school in the afternoon.
:spent' the week -end in town with Ta din„ his text frcirs lazelcie1 ei :15'
his mother. the lixeaekor des;Iaied. "ive have }acre'
Mrs, S. Atkinson is visiting with the story of a new rixinister` to a xiow.
Tp. r,
• ati Loudon I~ c for twoorI
relatives in x p,he prophet commission-
three weeks. ed to the people pf the' exile had
Mise May Elworthy, of Detroit, gone determined to pour forth the
spent Sunday and Monday under the truth like burning lava their
parental roof. heads Instead of launching forth
Mr•s. Dobson, of Milverton, visited.
her neice, Mrs, Roelston on Tues.
day of this week.
Miss Annie Strang, wlio -has been
teaching school in Northeru. Ontario,
has returned home,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Percy Gillies end
family, ' of Detroit; visited -in town
over the- week -end. •
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Beavers, of
Detroit, spent Monday with Mr. sand
Mrs.:i3.: 'W. F. Beavers.
Mr. and Mrs. ' J. L. Lewis anc1.
Thelma spent the holiday at Hay-
field and Grand Bend•
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Harness end
family, of Clinton, visited with re-
latives in town Sunday.
Mr, and. Mrs. N. Coxwortli and son
Elgin, of. London, spent, Sunday with
1VIr. and . Mrs, E. Heideman.
Miss 'Betty Brown, of London,
',pent several days iii town last week:
visiting with Miss.S. Southcott.
Messrs,: Harold and Johne Kuntz;
of Windsor, visited 'Loi ,several days
under the parental roof in town. man's nature if we use it." To do
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin and as Ezekiel- slid would be to give 'n a
family, of Putnam, spent Dominion more accurate judgment of our fel-
Day with Mr, and Mrs, D. Davis, low man and remove 'intrch of the
Mr. Orby I%estle, of Detroit, unfair criticism so often Heade
spent the holidays with his peewee'', through- ignorance. It Would dis-
Mr, and 'Mrs. E. L,estle, of Usborne. peral the, antogonisr# s that so often
Mr. 'Wen Bruce, of •Winnipeg, exist in society, uniting those who
fornier•ly, of Hibbert, called on have many common interests but
friends in Exeter Satti.rd"a•.y eveain • who through lack of mutual earn Id-
Miss Vera Mawhinney has retina).- oration appear as enemies ;.ted
Med of glasses is wlaly zany e
ren axe backward at school,
Little eye . troubles neglected. tea
b upon _ ie r day beoanlp the 'blg eye troub1esl tae
in fierce thuliderbolts p1, condentnst-. 'T'emporar'y use o!1 glasses now mgr
tion the prophet sat down with his save per>:niunent use enter,
people and as he listened to their Qui• examination Will tell whether•
conversation, saw the mania cr° of or not you need glasses,
their life, and appreciated their ,Iif-
ficu.lties and 'temptations his whale
programme was alttired, and when
-S. Fitton
he spoke it was not the etteranee of I,it 7 -Tv, OPTOMIt PRtli �
one who.was preacliing to n horde o e.
of rebels, but rather; the message of
a man who had e -apt'-into the lives
of the people he had come to serge,
Continuing the preacher "went en
to say that society was in need of
more sympathy and mutual under-
standing. Ori every hand are div-.
ersities of fortune, race and religion
which separated alien into cl t4:,es.
So pronounced. are the diversities
that ' it would seem almost impos-
sible to find 'a common ground on
'which to meet.. Yet in the bt a ed-
er -places of human. experience we
ell have much in ;common. "We
are all of one clay and in our na-
ture may be: found the key to every
home the same en'' 1 elite, xsir azul �11i's, G Wein, of render the greatest°serine *o Ii;
_ Miss Ballantyne, R.N.,` left Wed- was anode flesh The Trfinitt l y
An auto accident occurred at the
North End cprner on .Sunday niorn-
ing when two 'cess collided. Mr,
=: Arthur Vogelsang and . party were'
motoring from Stratford to Grand
=.Bend-•^dxr. °=a^Wi12ysel�x';1xt "iouriiig
car and Mr. P. Blake ; .anei several
'children, of Detroit, were on their
way to Clinton in a Ford sedan. The
two cars met at the corner enclrs,he
Forel sedan crashed into the Strata
ford car striking it broadside near
-; the rear �tee1. The car was. over-
-turned landing against a telephone
= pole. Several of the occupants were
thrown out and a lady and a.'men
• were taken into a nearby residence
and . given medical attention. They
'- ' were able to be.taken to their home
a in Stratford that night but at pres-
ev evening.
Stephen He • heceate man to do it. The Word t
.` = 3A'i AUTOS COoLLrDt1:
n▪ eOMIO
tion . for damages being entered
against the driver of the American
D.D.G.M. Bro. G. C. Petty, of Hen-
sell with his installing team 'evil
"Wear ,9� " visit Exeter Lodge No, 67, I.0.0 F.
�1 Specials ' next Tuesday evening and install the
newlygelected officers.
' 1 An interacting event took place at
the Iionre of Mr. and Mrs,• John‘Beil
on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 p,m.,
when their: ori y c aug er, Ana ! .
e Canning factory have started tKarl r
• to work on ,their pea hack, Dining, son of Samuel Dining and
u Wear Ever" Utensils e to r 1 1 ht A P
�T Ch C f t became the bride of Charles
Wilkie t
Brighten our Kitchen
'Beg: $2.00, special $1.49
Reg.. $4.00, .special......,$3.19
Omelet.. pane, .... . .......,.$3.25
Reg. $2.11, special $1.79.
Reg. $2.40, special $1.98
Reg. $3.00, special $2,39
Reg. $1.70, special ..... $1.39
Twine and Rope
are unequaled. Get our low prices
on Hay. Fork Rope Slings, etc. Gold
Medal Twine now here;:
� & Paint �
Hardware dWa.r ..
flits stiore"will be open Wednesday, Jure SOth and closed July 1
We have been soinetii><iee"disconee
:aged with thelatenessof the ;cast
l thin e are looking
•rsl5xiiig but lately g , .
Those' who .had . the tour-
arigh•tei*; Chas •,
t .early have batt good reL
Age. to -plan
snits,I' e i
There are• many 'fide veae-
;:(�ihl,e r
n town. " One of the
Mr. J. J.
that o
f lUl .
.earliest of first riew-
Brien. They 28th of June and on.
otatoas on t}ia
't of July they, lied new pot�ee
°the first !meta
,4} d green_peas, Since he A
.. acs ani g ::
,ed his potatoes there has not beena
severe front.
The -Dominion p.arliaurent was dis-
solved on. Friday last -and it is ex-
pectecl. that- the date of a new elec-
tion will be announced at any time.
Dr. M. "Bray, of Toronto, ancLher
friend, Dr. M. E. Johnston, of Ham-
ilton, spent the week -end with the
Tatter's parentsa Mr. and fairs. W. H.
Mr:. Reg.'Parsons, who has been
teaching school at:tales i, spent the
week -end with his parents, Mr. and
fears. S. Parlsons. Mr. !,arsons as
taking a summer course at Western
Mrs A. E. Hodgert •and daughter, the late Mrs. Dining, of Hensall; Rev.
Beatrice, are spending a few• days in Mr,. Sinclair; of Hensall, officiated.
Exeter with Mr and Mrs. Wm, Hod- The young couple were 'unattended.
gent, They are leaving shortly in The bride, who Was given ein. mar-
company with Mrs, Mary.Larnon&, of dam by her father, looked charnaba.g
Cromarty, for e, trip to Europe, and in a gown of perverse blue colored
will tour Holland, Belgium, France , georgette, with wreath of orange`
and the British Isles.
needay evening ;for New York after became a human. experience The
visiting for a couple of months with Pity of God had fo become -the
relatives here. liathy of a man." Jesus' can #o
Mr. R. E. Davis, oi'. the Canadian !'earn the life that men live have y
Bang, of Commerce staff. Blenheim, living that life, that 'thug He fight
is holidaying with. le ..a pnr: ate VI T.- be tole . to 511'rcolit 77,!17'y
anal Mrs, S. Davie. f,i,..3 of need and eharr„, them .a du
Misses Charlotte and Ethel Sweet even as He had done.
of Tillsonburg, are visiting for a Concluding the speaker made a
couple of weeks with Mrs. T. Sweet strong appeal for pastor and people
and Mr, and Mss. S. Sweet, to translate into their lives the eeirit
Mr, Czar harness, who has been of Jesus, by sittog as Ezekiel, where
working in Granton, has re-engaged l the other fellow sits, an'," thus create
with Mr. F. M. Boyle and will com- a fellowship worthy of the churchr of
mence his new duties next week. `Jesus Christ.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sandests,
Mis's Pearl. Sanders and Mr. Harry L. O. L. ATTEND CHURCH Id
Howard, all ° of Detroit, are visiting LARGE BODY
at the home of Mr. Robt .Sanders. s
Mr. and Mrs. T. Cookson, Mr. and
Mrs. Jonathan Hornsby, 1i'r•. and
Mrs.:iL Sanders and family, Mr. 'arid
Mrs. Fred: Mills, all of Detroit,spent
part of last . week visiting with , re-
latives in Exeter North.
blossoms, and carried a.,shower` bone
quet of roses, MY -of -the -valley, and
fern. The wedding music was • play-
ed by Miss Gladys Duncan, cousin of
the bride, and during the_ signing of
the register Mrs. Wm. Gardiner sang
very sweetly, :"All Joy Be Thine."
After the. oereinony the guests retir-
ed to thie ;dining room where dinner
was served:' by six girl Cousins' of the
bride. The „house vas` prettily de-
WEEIS.ES—In 54; Josephes Hospital
ted with roses and peonies. The
London, on Dominion; Day„ to Dr, PPy couple left on a trip ;to Loli-
and• Mrs: ` W. E. Weekes, a son. don, and Detroit, the 'bride travel-
(William Henry.) t of navy blue twill, grey
MITCHELL—In Exeter, on'Doinin- ling ill a'sui y.
ion Day, to Air, and adrs. Berman kid pumps with hose to snatch aad
•iViiteheil; of Stephen, a daughter. a grey picture fiat. On their ..e -
(Audrey Elizabeth.) turn. they will reside on the groom's
'NAYLOR—On July 2nd, at G-raee farm east of Hensall.
Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs. Naylor,
Hensall, Ont,, a daughter, Eliza-
-beth Margaret.. •
D'LLING—BELL—In Exeter, July6th, at the •home. df the bride's
parents, Anna E., daughiler of Mr.
and Mrs. John Bell, to Mr. Charles
Wilbert billing, son et Samuel and
the late Mrs. Dining, of Hensall,
by Rev. A. Sinclair. `'
St, United parsonage, on Dominion
May, by Rev, D. McTavish, Miss
Hazel Winnifred 3erniclt, daugh-
ter of Mr. %'rank I<ernielt,`�of 'lis -
borne, to Mr, Herbert Leonard'
Brown, of Toronto, son of Mr. Ber-
nard Brown, pf Crectiton.
St. United parsonage on July 3rd,
by Rev, D. 11 cTavish, MiseAlice
Isabelle, daughter e £ •l;V
r �t r o Mr.
Donaldson, of McGillivray, to Mr.
Frederick. King, soar of• 'Mr. .t lin
Xing, of Cre ciiton.
on 2
SQ1T1Itl�5S---Tn .'si, July ,
Louise, Augusta Gunning,belov-
edaged wife6J S'ofeat's; Mr,a ni., orntg Squires,
The bowling tourney on the local
greens on Friday evening last' was
NY -011 by B. J. Wetlrey, Geo. Ander-
son and W. J. Heaman.
The draw was made Monday even-
Mr. Win. Hogg, sept. of the .Ont-
ario branches of the Canadian ,Dank
of Commerce; was the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. M. R. Coniplin on Friday
Mr, Alex McFalls, • of Usborne, who
has just recovered from a serious
Bread Goodness
The Orangemen from South Huron
paraded to Gaven Presbyterian
church Sunday evening for their .33.1 -
rine" service of divine worship.'
There was' a goodly number in the
line of march : headed by Marshall
attack of pneumonia, was in.town Howard Dignan. They occupied the
Tuesday for the first time since his centre'}vs of the church and lis -
illness. toned to an inspiring sermon by the
- Repairs are being madeto the County Chaplain, Rev. Jas. Foote,
flooring. of the bridge on. Main St. pastor of the church. The choir
During the day the street is closed' furnished special music and at the
and traffic goes through the river close ofthe sermon the Sunday
one block east of Main St. School orchestra delighted all pres
Alis. - J. W. Powell and Marion . ent with some excellent selections.
were in St, Thomas over the .week-fh
ere was a Large crowd present.
end attending the silver wedding an- a subject of the speaker was "The
niveisary of the former's cousins, Altar and` the Throne." His ;ext
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowden, was.taken from Gen. 85:7; Rev. 20:
Mr. W. J. Stewart, and mother, ; spoke of the occasion of this annual
Mrs. J. A. Stewart, accompanied by' service of the Orange Brotherhood
alis. D. Shirray, of Hensall, motor- as recalling how tilt the Prince of
ed to 17etroit and spent a few days; Orange landed in Devonshire, Dug -
returning on Friday last laud,; and marching to Exeter, spent
'his first Sabbath
Mie. and Mrs. Wm. Amy and EarnSabbath on English soil in
ily of Burford, spent the week-end'that town, and went to hear inc
with Mrs. Atny'o mother, Mrs. E. friend, Gilbert Burnet, preach on the
Joey, Mrs, C. P. Harvey and child faith. Burnet was a Scotchman,
een returned with them to visit for : :
a few days. erated with the Prince and Parlia-
and a Whig, and afterwards c0 -0p -
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers merit, and acted as chairman of the
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs: C. , committee which drew up the final
Johns, of Usborne., Mrs. Beavers craft of the Bill of Rights.
gave an interesting address at the Entering upon the subject of the
g everting he said that from the cim-
Eliruville Sunday school on W. C. T.
U. work Sunday afternoon. most ages of our religion it has rest
Mr. Thos. Chambers and son Ed -
upon the ideas of sovereignty and
w arc!, i :' S74 codall Rdaughf- devotion and that the relation be-
ar, of LVTCredJos.iton andt, Mi'. John
iitl C11am- { tween the two is a living ' relation
hers, of town, motored to Woodstock lucidly seen and described by the
on July 1st to attend the annexal' poets, prophets, and law givers of
Chambers re -union picnic. 'the ages, and supremely, and final
Mrs. A. Dearing;. Sr., of !inion Sea, ilY shown in their blended nature in
is seriously ill at her home. On,Jesus Christ, In Him the have the
Suuclay Mrs. Dearing tanderweut ern i throne and the altar, the sovereign -
operation taerfornted by. Dr. E. 'Wil- ty and devotion, in the highest e.
lias,iof London ancl�. Dr. Graham, of ;Pression of relationship. Without
town. Her condition is critical. i Christ the world had not known the
A loaf of good Bread coritaina
I the elements that guarantee•
health, vigor and a satisfied.
Ours is just the sere to make
you realise that Bread is a Food
Foods -the moat sustaining
delicious and economical that
Ines to your table.
There's speeiaT Bread -flavour
and deliciousness in everyv Ioaf
ivk�roOd'sBetter Bread
It's made from all -pure mat-
erials which assure you a loaf
superlative goodness.
+ t
, nor the
lig for the singles and scotch dots Mrs. Gerald Hurdon and two inherent principles of the throne.
bias in tbe Dominion charnpioir's}iip children, of Buffalo, are visiting at 1 Before He came every altar was a
events and the games are now in pro- the home of Mr. D. McCurdy, rf poliettecl altar, and every throne
grese: `' • Stephen Mr. and Mrs. Eric Htrr•don held a tyrant.- But He came, and
A rink of bowlers comprising Ear. and daughter Lenora, of Detroit, Christianity spread like a summer
Christie, Ja A. Stewart, R. N. Cieeb)i spent Sunday and Monday here• breeze over a frozen -world; It'
in the Ridge- .,
and R. �.. Selclosi took a A. young iixan from Michigan ala went along the great military roads )
town tourney on Dominion. Day, peered 'before Magistrate -W D. San-' of Rome preeclring, the New '1:`cste-
Messrs,; Geo. Anderson and Win. Lars on Monday chargee. with 'reek- ; rent, trausfbrxniiig tyrants into
R'iver's; W. E.Sandors and C. B. less driving and was fined ten dol -1 lovers• of men, wife -beaters into
Snell took in • the Scotch doubles r and costs amounting to $18,35, wife protectors, slave -owners into
bowlingtournament at 'Seafor-th ,.on las iitesides . attemnptact to l ` lave liherators idolators Into
Constable tiVl s ,
Dominion . MY.. • pass the car when the latter :yes Christians, and forming conzinhrdt
ur Had hes
Are they as bright as they should
be? Come in and let us --show pelt
iso r to ie -silver 'your reflectors at ar
very small oast. '
= D. .kJ
Mr. Wni. Gr eenley }.las sold his
bungalowon Main St. to Mr. keoige
Etherington, -of Usborne, '
Mr: and .12is
. Monks,. and Mr. Gees.:
Bedford, of Detroit,
ford, of London, spent the week eui
with Mr. arse! Mrs: W. 1-1 'Armstrong
o xnston and (Tart h-
iGTr•. Il.cliai•cl J 1 (Tana
. -
ter, Miss Beryl, of Ashfield, motored
crown cm Saturday and visited in tett:
home of his brother, W. H. Johnston
and 'Mrs, Bed
speeded up, and in consequence the
charge was laid,. ".
Mr. • and, Mrs: Pattetrson, Me. Earl
Russell; Misses', Bertha and Edaa
13•ussell:, of Detroit, motored over
Saturday,' the latter three remaining
until alonclay.: Mr. and Mrs Pat-
terson went on to Hamilton return -
fee which were little worlds of hap-
piness within themselves. The
throne became transferred from
earth to •.Heaven, the altar (roll'
earthly stone`s to bunion hearts and
the whole world was beginnie,g .to
break out into happiness and
This early Christianity of wonder-
ingto town Mondaybefore leaving fill evangelical power and liberty
forr D i
pti'oit; Mrs. W. I. Beet ac- became overslxadow+td and pract c
Co p. ni anied therm to Detoit where she ally des%,.ro. ed by conditions siniple
will visit for a ween. (Continued on page 'four)
on the lawn of the
Owing to the induction servicf
supper commences at 5 p.m. Come'
Early. Under the auspices cd t'b
Ladies' Aid.
Admission 40c and 2&e.
To be followed by an
11,' i' E.
At 8 p.m. when Rev. D. McTaeielfe
the new Pastor, will be officially tee
ducted into his new charge.
Special efficers of the Presbyt
gill have charge of this very tiers.",,
pressive service and 'will deliver ad-
Everyone is Oordially Invited
, -:,. eeemore. sr
« Where
We win"
AsKFor It --
Rich with Vitalizing Vitamii es
Wholesome and Delicious.,
Bread Ts Your Best Food ---Bat
More Of It
Pies andFara¢ Cakes, Etc.
i ' rd r
Phone, n Your O e s,
$5.00 rew•atc€ for infoi`.taatfon
leading to the recovery of
alone*, �iserfar calf of ncttttal app e�ranee3"m
profusion of Witte markings patrf »
eularly on shoulders and back; abe tat
nine months old. Telephone Via tire
Glenn, Hensel" P. 0,