HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-7-1, Page 1EXETEIR M13S,Belt43DISHED 1873' .1." AlidAXAGAMATIOD • ZIEMER ADVOCATE, IISTABLISHED /887J =CAMBER it 11114 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY ist,1,920- FIFTY-THIRD YEAR NO. 2723 illmomommummuumpommiummonommononummmumllomommoimmomumumll000mmomoot Local News a Mr. Frank Taylor hes taken a a position as salesman with Mr. 1VIllo = Snell, Ford, dealer. = The two effect cent postal rate °eines •••••il = into to -day, There is no ses" change in the rate for pesteards. 4111111011114 AMMON 41=1114114. • .1.1•110 41•1111111 41111.11•• .1=1•1• MIMI= .1111•0101 MUNN Wfr ‘1.. Mr. Mris . and . .A. E. Buswellnd. a Hot weather = Lucknow, spent the yeek-ead at the family and Miss OrarY Johnston, of = home of Mr. and MT'S. T. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. H. Shapton, Miss L. Hicks and 1VIr. Floyd Chowen, the ]atter from Onaway, motored to Bryanston where they visited Mr. and Mrs, Boyce Powell for the week- end. Mrs. Hillery Horton was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, last week ncl as soon as -she is a little strong- = er she will undergo an operatton. = Miss Hildred Horton, of Toronto, is visiting at her homes here, while her sister, Miss Alberta Horton, is with her mother in London; Clearing Odd Lines of Dresses Eighteen only ladies' slimmer wash dresses in crepes, linens and voiles, regularly up ito, $1.0. values. On account of these being last sea- soe's styles we are offering the at $3.95 eaoh. Odd Lines of Wash Dress 'Goods , We are offering this week many lines of bordered and figured wash chess goods in voiles, crepes, relines, etc.,. at real bargain prices. Come look them over. Black Duchess Dress Silk at $1.50 We have two exceptional values in blank' Duchess dress silk this week, both 36 incites wide, excellent qualities -in two weights one at $1.50 a yard and the other at $1.75 a yard. • Hosiery and Underwear We have a complete stock of ladies hosiery, corsets, underwear, etc., for the hot. weather. We handle standard makes in these lines such as Watson's, Turnbull's, Penman's, etc., insuring lines that will give you satisfaction. Ask to see our special $1.00 silk hosiery in all popular shades, • Men's Natural Wool Underwear at $1.35 gar. We are offering this week men's "Natural" wool underwear, which is really wool and cotton mixed. A fine garment fpr 'those who do not want a real light weight, regularly 11.75 per garment, at $1.35 for either shirts or drawers. Dr. Scholl's root xpprat will be at this store SAT., JUL17 17 OMMI•10=••••••••••••! ALL DAT: MEN'S STRAW HATS: -All the new shapes at reasonable prices. LADIES -Get a free sample package of Kotex at our hosiery counter. For washing silk hosiery -Olive Green Soap 10c per cake. :70- PHONE 32 Jones & ilay PHONE 32 011/ MON MINIM 01,111.1. MOM; .••••1111. ••••••• 41011•11M, 1•011•11, 014111•11 1••••410 ••••••11 ••••••Ir OMENS •••••• ememe ••••••• 111•10•44 Mr, and Mrs. Fred McDonald, of Galt, visited with relatives in town over the week -end on their honey- moon. The bride was Miss Viola Rowe, elder daughter of Mr. S. W. Rowe, of Galt, the wedding taking place in that city en Saturday. The Main St. United Church held a successful strawberry social and garden party Tuesday evening. A very sumptuous repast was served lala••• on the lawn by the ladies, followed by a fine program in the basement of the church. Nine reels of mo- tion pictures were shown. ••••••• Nom. Yon.. omomat votom 10.4m• •IMMI ammo rum sm. ••••••• .14Mcs. .444 sm. 4 %ma 4. mar swam umr, mira• .444.4 •••••• 44444 •••••• DAWSON-ANDERSON A quiet wedding took place at Bloor Street United church, Toronto Saturday, June 26th, when Margaret Ellen, younger daughter of Mr. Henry Anderson, of Usborne was united in marriage -to, Mr. James Frederick Dawson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dawson, Bailieboro', Ont. . Rev. Dr. Pidgeon conducted the ceremony' immediate- ly after which Mr. and Mrs. Dawso left by train for Muskoka. GILLESPIE-WICKIS , A quiet wedding took place Caven Presbyterian manse on Sa urday evenine* when Miss Freetla •••••• Bertha EdithWickee daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Wicke, of Mit- chell, and Mr. Wilbert James Gillespie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gillespie, of town, were unitedin marriage by Rev. James Foote. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie left Monday = morning for a wedding"trie to Ham- ilton, Niagara Falls-acteuffale and on their return will 'mein& Exeter. Their many friends will join in ex- tending congratulations. 'LARGE CROWD AT CEMETERY FOR DECORATION DAY m••••• Sunday was Decoration Day at the Exeter cemetery when the Oddfel- REV. E. SEIEPPAltD Retiring Pastor of James St. W.C.T.U, MAKE F'RESENTATIONS 1 The June meeting of the W. C. T. II. was held in the scampi room of Jannee St, Church at 3 p.m. on Mon- day, June .28th with Mrs. Wickwire, retiring President in the chair. The Devotional exercises were condueted thy Mrs. S. Skinner; Dvang Supt., Mrs. Freekleton read a leaflet en- . titled "Love's Sweetest Secret". Mrs Wickwire conducted the installation , service of the new officers for the 1 cbming year. Prayer was offered by Mrs. S. Skinner, Mrs. J. T. Min- ers then occupied the chair. -A. hearty vote of appreciation was ten- dered Mrs. Wickwire for her .faith- ful services as President during her term of office. Miss Horton was ap- pointed Supt. of L. T. L. Fruit and delicacies, Mrs. Geo. Kerslake; Temp. in S, S., Mrs. B. W. F. Beav- ers; Press, Mesdames Stone and Wickwire; Travellers' Aids Mrs. Yeo; parlor meetings, Mesdames Berney and Taylor; narcotics, Miss Banes; scientific tenni., Miss 1W• Ross; asst.,Mrs. Freckleton, The following dlegates were appointed to attend the Colinty Conventiou at Wingham on July 8th. Mesdemes On Sunday last Rev. E. Sheppard le/organ, Harvey, Wickwire, Beavers, preached his farewell sermons as Stone and Miss Hogarth. Mrs. Shap - pastor of the James St. 'United pard and Miss Murray were then church. Large congregations were called forward, and addresses of up. present botb morning and evening preciation were read by Mrs. Miners to hear two inspiring sermons, A ' and Mrs. Follick, after which Mrs. year ago Mr. Sheppard came to Ex- !Beavers presented each with a gift eter from Thorold in the Hamilton , front the union in the form of a gold conference and during his shortanaY I coin. Mrs. Sheppard and. Miss Mur - here he and Mrs. sheppard have ray each replied in appreciative made many warm friends., TheY1terrA The meeting closed by sing - have taken an .active interest in the ing and prayer by Mrs. Sheppard, various organizations of the church.The following Is the address to Miss The Young People's League expres-!Murtay: sed their appreciation by presenting -1 Exeter, Ont., June 23, 1926. them with a very handsome dish. 'Dear Miss 1Viurray: On Friday evening last the Young We wish to express our appreeia- Ladies' Bible Class of which Mrs., tion of your earnest, faithful ser - Sheppard was teacher and the Com- vices in the work of the W.C.T.U. rades' elass of which Mr. Sheppard Years ago when our society was so was fnacher, held a social.eVening M weak that some advised disbanding, the church and each class made a you were one of the few who stood presentation of a purse of money A b • o carry on, and n most pleasant evening was spent bY throughout the years you have given all. On Sunday the congregation of 00 freely of your time, your talents, the church expressed their apprecia- :your money, never thinking of your - tion in the gift of a purse contain- . self but only of the cause you wire at tug $64.50. Shortly after coming .aerving. Not only have you helped t_ to Exeter M. Sheppard was unfor- in every good cause, but have al- tunately taken 111 and while b ways given so willingly and cheer - practically regained his health. onfully to the relief of the needy end the advice of his physician he is take; the suffering in- our- own and other ing a year's rest from the active ,lands. To the recognition of this ministry and is moving to Hamilton splendid service we must add a Crib - to reside. On Monday at a meeting ute to the influence of your tem - of the W.C.T.U. Mrs. Sheppard was presented with an address express- perance, moral and religious train- ing appreciation of her services and ing of the boys and girls of our en - also with a tive-Uollar gold piece, liatgtlee. or7lieo fveaelluethwtheoclautcaatitobiot r oiso: of glp the address beilig read by Mrs. Min- training in these essentials and ers and the presentation being made year by year you have trained our by Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. ; youth in the finest ideals of rrue • citizenship. This work that you Mee. Goodspeed is confined to her have done could not be paid for with home through illness. money -the reward is in the char - The condition. of Mr. Wm. Ward fluenced. of those whom you have in- still remains about the same. fluenced. Nor could we in any pec- uniary- way express our gratitude, Tug LATE MRS, W. D. SANDERS but we want to give you a little tok- en to remind you of our loving ap- Laet week announcement was preciation of your work for as. made of the death of Mrs. W. D. The Exeter W. C. T. U. Sanders which took place on Wed- i nesday following a bad turn with the heart the previous evening. The Rev. and Mrs. Fulton Irwin, who have maiden name of the deceased ,vas moved to Centrala from Sea - Elizabeth Ann Welsh, aged 62 years forth, were recently the guest s of and 8 months. She was born on the honor at a congregational social 2nd con. of 'Usborne-Tp., and was a evening under the auspices of the resident of this community all her Epworth League at Seaforth. They life. She was a member of the were presented with an address that ••••••• •••••• 1•11! .14=••• .11••••• •••••• 7 "Wear Ever" Specials Buy "Wear Ever" Utensils to Brighten your Kitchen DOUBLE BOILERS R . $ 2.00, s p . .. $e1.-40 TEAKETTLES Reg. $4.00, special $3.49 Omelet pans $3.25 PRESERVING KETTLES Reg. $2.10, special $1.79 Reg. $2.40, special $1.98 Reg. $3.00, special $2.39 WEAR EVER POTATO POTS Reg. $1.70, special $1.39 Special prices on Johnston's • Wax. 1 lb. tin reg. 85c for 75c. 2 ib. tan, reg. $1.65 for 1.50 4 lb. tin, reg. $3.25 for $3.00 1 .pt. tin liquid wax, reg 85c. Special 75.c. 1 qt. tin liquid wex, reg. $1.50 Special ..... .... ... $1.26 Galvanized Poultry Netting All sizes from 5c. a yard up. Screen wire from 20e. a yd. up Screen Doors complete at $2.45 ' Screen windows 45c op. Lawn mowers $9.00 up. Step Ladders, $2.6$ up Hanunocks, $3.50 up Electric Polisher to Rent S2.00 per day Heaman's Hardware & Paint Store Store will be open Wednesday, Jame 30th and closed Jailfy 1 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Dearing and tiss Madeleine desire to expreee their sinter() thanks to the neigh. . goers and friends for the many kind- :nesses shown and.the beautiful flow - sere sent during the latter'S CARD OF THANKS Mr. W. D. Sanders and ainii swish to express their sincere thanks no the many neighbors and friende ;for the kindness and sympathy ex- tended to them in their recent ber- eavement; ',also to the Civic bodges for their beautiful floral offerings and to those who have sent letters of eympather. BIRTHS EARL -In Ilsborne, on Tuesday, June 22nd, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs'. James A. Earl, a datighter, ENGLANI)-In Stephen, on Steaday, nine 27, to Mr. and Urn Wesley England, a dangleter, lows lodge paid a loving tribute to the memory of their deceased breth- ren. The weather was ideal and the cemetery never looked better than it did that day with its beautiful green trees, well -kept plots and decorated graves. While the occasion is prim- arily an Oddeellows celebration, a great many took advantage of the occasion to place flowers -eon, the graves of loved ones. Hundreds of autos lined the roadside, while with - The trustees calling a meet- . in the city of the dead there must ing of the ratepayers of S S. No. 2e are have been between 1500 and 2000 Usborne, on Monday July gm at 8 people who silently moved among the tombstones that carried the p.m. for the purpose of considering memories back to friends ofother repairs to the school-houtie days. The I.O.O.F, formed in pro - Wesley Johns, Secy cession and as they marched aro and Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Goulding re- the cemetery here and there they turned home from their wedding trip stopped to deposit a flowering plan on. Thursday evening of last week on the grave of a deceased brother. and a very warm reeeption was ten- Following the impressive ceremony dered them at the home of the short addresses were delivered by bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. God- ex -warden B. W. F. Beavers, Rev. free- Wein, of Stephen. About 125 A. A. Trumper and Rev. Jas. Foote. guests were present and a very soc- Mr. Beavers, among other things, sable and enjoyable time was spent. paid tribute to those who have laid A dainty lunch was served. Mr. and out and those who care for the Exe- Mrs. Goulding were the recipients ter cemetery and emphasized the im- portance of having the loth placed of many beautiful presents. The under perpetual care. Mr. Trum- groom's gift to the bride was a cab- per and Mr. Foote in very eloquent inet of Community sliver. The bale. adresses spoke of the importance of PY couple have taken up house -keep- the occasion and stressed the sigui- ing on. Ann street and are receiving ficance of the fatherland of God the congratulations of many friends. iand s the brotherhood of man. MARRIAGES fluBEDEAATI: WILL PLACE CANDI. IN FIELD JULY 21st GiLLESI4E-WICKE - At Caven i Presbyarian affense, on Saturday At the anneal meeting of the evening, by,e Rev. ' James Foote, South Huron Liberals held in Hen- efiss Freeda Bertha Edith Wicke, ;salt on Friday of last week it .was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. decided'to hold a conventiou on Wicke, of Mitchell, to Mr. Wilbert •July 21 to place a candidate in the James Gillespie, sox of Mr. i field for the next provincial election. and Mrs. William Gilleepie, f Nelson Parliament, provincial organ- and 0- izer, and Mrs. Zoe Stephens, of To - JOHNS - BANNERMAN -- In St. r ronto, representing the Ontario Marys on June 23rd by Rev. Mr. 1Women.'s Liberal Association, deliv- Barnett, Miss, Gladys Pearl Ban- ered stirring addresses during the nerman to Mr. Henry Lloyd Jeans ,afternoon in upholding Liberal of Usborne, , principles and in scoring Conserve - ...t tive polictes. Dr. Shaw of Clinton, DAWSON-ANDERSON - On Sat urdajr, June 26th, at Bloor Street occupied the chair and offieers for United church, Toronto, Margaret the provincial Milli executive were Ell Anderson,named as follows: Hon. pies., J. ns - of Mr. Henry Aidensett'on, ofg Us-rsery, Centralia; pres., W.• J. Heaman ThoniaS G. borne, to James Frederick Dawson Exeter; vice-presidents, Shillinglaw, Seaforth; Andrew Hess, Thomas Dawson, Bailieboroa- Ont. Zurich, Mrs. McIsaac, Crediton; BECK -WILSON -On Tuesday, June se"' John hf. Govenlock, ex-M.P. 22nd at the "Little Church Seaforth; treas., Charles Fritz, Around the Corrier," New York Zurich' Officers for the Federal oCtityoe, MnsaarkareotntH.,amtoiltmionintejamilsese: riding lows: Hon. presidents, E. Smith, Ex- exeeutive were named as fel- eter • .T. Kellermen Dashwood, Beck, of Yonkers, N.Y. ' . ' DEATHS Michael Murdie, Seaforth; pres., Dr. J. W. Shaer, Clihton a viceneresidents , Owen Geiger, Hansen, Mrs. Zwieker, )3ANTING-At 1,ot 24, concession 4, Crediton ; W. J. Heaman, Exeter; McGillivray Township, Thonaas treasurer, Charles Fritz, Zurich; Banting, beloved husband of Mary see'y, 3. A. lVfeelleran, Stanley To., Basting, in his 90th year. Chairmeh end chairwomen on the REDDEN -In Brantford, on Thee- several mfinicipalities were re -elect - clay, June 29th, 1926, William ed for the federal riding and were Hedden, aged 72 years, 8 months named also to act for the proVincial and 17 days. The funeral, pH- riditig, A resolution of sympathy ovate, from the home of his son, for Mr, Thee, McMillan, M.P., in hie R. Hedden, Exeter, on Therssley, bereavemerit and also to the family' July let, at 10 a.m. of the late S. T. Morgan, was passed. spoke in high terms of their faithful James St. church and the funeral on service and also a purse of moneY. Friday was conducted by her pester Luncheon was served. Rev. E. Sheppard. Besides her eer- eaved husband she is survived bYn three daughters, May, at home; Mrs. Rufus Kestle, of Usborne and Mrs. W. W. Hodgins, of Liman; also one Mrs. D. Brintnell returned home t siker, Mrs. Thos. Jones and one after spending a few days visiting Lumley youngest sonf Mr. and - Mr. Rd. Welsh. Among the her brothe,r, Mr. Wm. Drover, of beautiful floral tributes was a McKillop. wreath from the Council; a wreath 1 Mr. Bert. Selves, who ' had his from the Public Utilities Commission hand so badly cut while operating a and one from the Library Board. circular saw is now improving. Those who attended the funeral Mr. Pullyplank, of Eliniville, is from a distance were Mrs. Fuller, now .on the line decorating Mr. Mr. Ray Eacrett and Mr. Charles Stewart McQueen's house. Eacrett, of Sarnia; Mr. Jas. A. and Mr. and Hrs. Henry Horton visit - Mr. D. B. Sanders, of Woodstock. 1 ed the former's sister, _Mrs. James Broadfoot, on Sunday last. BASEBALL STANDING 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerslake and Hensel). Lon - Won Ler P.C.87 Miss Hellen Miller motored to don and spent a day last week. Zurich 5 2 715 ' Gospel services are being held in Exeter Crediton . 5 2 715 a tent in the park on Huron street Thames Road 2 5 286' each night in the week except Satur- 0 8 000 day Game played klonday, June 28th.,1 • Exeter at Zurich, protested. On Friday last the Exeter ball team went to Crediton and in a very, close game added another win, the score being 6-3. On Monday even- ing they played at Zurich and in a game that was full or errors, due largely to a strong wind that was blowing, they lost to the home team, the score being 14-13. In one in- nings with three men on bases, the ball was lost in soineatall grass be- neath a platform and four funs were ecored by Zurich. As the ground rules provided for only two bases the Exeter team are protesting the g me. SOFTBALL The boys' softball team of Main You've Tried The Rest - Now Get The Best Grant's Excel read Rich in Vitamines. kWholesome and Delicious. Bread is Your Best Food -Bat More of It. Buns and Fancy Cakes Grant's Bakery - Exeter St. church went to Thames Road on Thursday evening last and won from the home team by the score of 10 to 8, On Friday evening the Main St. girls went to Thames Road and were beaten by the store of 21 to 19. On Monday evening the girls from Brinsley came to Exeter and ad- ministered a bad defeat to the James St. girls. The James St. Boys Visited Brinsley Tuesday even- ing and Won the genie by the score of 16-15, Hensall men's softball team lost to Main St. Exeter, at Exeter, on Tuesday evening 10-11, ' Thames Road boys' team eVere at Kippen Tuesday evening and won trent Kiloton. by one run The girls will plaY Wain St. Friday evening. Your Headlights! Are they as bright as they should be? Conte in and let`us show YOtu how to re -silver 'wetly reflectors at a very small cost. WILLARD BATTERIES., GOOD. VIDAR TIRES, RADIO ANI) AXITOMODILID AMOS. SoliaCES, W. J. BEER txi-EmEn -t- PV04.4.0 LET US HELP YOU TO SEE BETTER Need of glasses is why many 4111114 ren are backward at seheol. Little eye troubleneglected tee day become the big eye troubles te4 morrow. Temporary use of glasses now malt • save permanent use later. Our examination will tell whetheal or not you need glasses. S. Fitton Phone 75w. OPTOMETRIlrif ..moloarareamom, Speaking of Bread Here's everybody's guaran- tee of a "square meal." Plen- ty of Bread sustains, satisfies, energizes. No other food can compare with Bread. It is the most prac- tical and economical of foods, and makes an ideal side -part ner for every other food. The more fussy you are about honest -to -goodness Bread, the better you will like Lockwood's Better Bread It has a rich Bready .flavor and always delights. W. H. LOCKWOOD BAKER EXETER " ONTARIO '77 THE COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN evenanee.. o e Theatre FRIDAY and -SATURDAY JULY 2nd AND 3rd The Midshipman Comedy Drama WITH RAMON NAVARRO, AND WESTRY BARRY and All Stae Caste All the lure of the Sea in this gripping film of Annapolis Naval Acddemy Life. A story of boistroua pranks of the making of real men. It's different. It's exciting. It's funny. USUAL ADMISSION 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t MONSTER GARDEN PARTY AND CONCERT Will be held at Centralia - on - WED., JULY 7tn STRAWBERRY SUPPER WLL BE SERVED FROM 5 TO 8 2 SOFTBALL GAMES First game called at 3:30 o'clock PICKED TEAM vs. CENTRALIA. League game called at 6:30 o'clock EXETER JAS. ST. vs. CENTRALIA. Followed by •a Grand Concert IMPERIAL MALE QUenetatEssig of London Imperial Male Quartette, of Lon- don, is composed of Wm. Letchford, First Tenor; George E. Matthew, Second Tenor, Lloy Buller, Baritone Russel Gidley, Basso; Miss Isabel Mortimer, Reader; Fred. J. Fitz- geral, Director and Manager, The Imperial Male Quartette personnel has been slightly changed for 1926. The present Imperial Quartette en- joy the reputation of being the - strongest organization in Western Ontario. Messrs Letchford and Bul- ler won the prize for duet work at the Toronto Musical Cempotition during the past winter. They will feature duet numbers in this con- cert. The ens,emble work of tae Quartette will satisfy the keenest musical critics. Miss Isabel Morti- mer as a reader and- entertainer iet unexcelled. This concert will be the best of the season and is given in connection with the Centralia, Gar- den Party. The public WU' know the reputation of Centralia United (turn when they aclvertise this con- cert, We will please you es WOlat the evening of July 7th, 1926. Admission to Supper and Coneert, Adults 60.. Children 30c. 11111111100111111111II•IMIMIM11011110111101 dr. r. Armstrong is again oonft*I‘ d to hie be oArottgb, illneee, •