HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-6-24, Page 5MONARCH Green
Stripe—$1. Pure
thread silk — smooth and
beautiful; reinforced with
fibre silk, to prolong the
wear; every newest shade;
and doubly protected
against "runs". A typical
instance of the kind of
values in all Monarch -Knit
Hosiery, from 75c to $2.00.
At all good dealers.
'*a ! N .: -KNI .ro,
Head Office
Deauville, Oat,
grtjoot Tonne
Spring Terrnbegins Tuesday April 13th, 192626
Our. PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING will fit you for the
HIGHEST paid positions in the . BUSINESS WORLD, where -work•
it always REWARDED in proportion to the SERVICE rendered.
Teachers, Civivl Service and Special Courses
Special Classes for Hensall and Exeter Students
4 weeks' additional time given to students on an 8 months' course.
For Information apply to
Cons. Specialist, -Vice Principal Principal,''Phone 198
Concrete Tile, Bricks
and Blocks
We also have a fresh supply of
Try our
National Light Coal Oi1
for incubators and Lamps
W. . E. 1 FAFF
$ervic Station ' Phone 7
Wall Paper.
In the. Latest Designs!
Prices from iQc, to:$1.59
. Sangster, Hensall
Honor graduate of Faculty of
cine, and Master ' of Science,
sanity of Western Ontario.
her of College of Physicians
1641, Surgeons of Ontario. Office
bra doors east of Post Office.
Mona le Residence 114
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' An -
Won School, Special course taken in
$isistered Live Stock (all Breads,)
erciandiie, Real Estate, Farm
es, etc. Rates in keeping with
Tailing prices. Satisfaction -as-
pired, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or
ire 18-9Z, Zurich:
y matched dressed on both
aides at
50 PER M,
i . c PRICE
_'Ae . J.
'lead Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President, • JOHN ALLISON
,ll'1Ce-President, JAS. McICENZIE
. dENTs
Centralia, Agent for
'Osborne and Biddulph
Oi.VFIR HARRIS, Munro, Agent for
" u
bn and
Secretary -Treasurer
boa 98, Exeter, Ontario,
Solicitors, Exeter
Sanitary Inspector George Hudson
is making his rounds this week,
Miss Florence Welsh, of London,
spent Sunday with her parents here.
Mr. Ferris Cantelon, of Onondaga
is spending the holidays at his home
Mr. Lloyd Hoggartli has accepted
a position with T. Drummond &
Mr. Gerald Warrener, of Pontiac,
Mich., spent Sunday in town with
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, of Crom-
arty, visited friends in town on
Next Wednesday the stores will
remain open and be closed on Thurs-
day, July 1st..
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kennings and
family spent Sunday visiting friends
at Crediton.
Mr. Mervin Brown; of Toronto,
visited over the week -end with his
parents here,
A number 'from Hensall attend -
the baseball match at Crediton on
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Webber and
daughter, of London, were visitors
in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson and
family spent Sunday visiting rex
latives at St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Humeston and
daughter Helena, spent Sunday vis-
iting relatives in town.
Miss Lucille Pybus, of Windsor,
visited over the week -end with rela-
tives in and around Hensall.
• A number from Hensall took in
the ,strawberry wherry .festival' at Thames
Road on Monday evening last.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Price on the arrival of a
young daughter on Sunday last.
Mr. Win Webber and grand-
daughter, Miss,, Thelma Hudson, vis-
ited friends in London last week.
Messrs. Wm. Fairburn and Lad
McEwen drove two new Ford cars
from Windsor for Cook Bros. last
A large number from here attend-
ed the Liberal -Conservative picnic
at Bayfield, on. Wednesday after-
Mr. Skinner was taken to a Lon -
den Hospital on Thursday last. His
many •friends hope for a speedy re-
We are sorry to report that Mr.
Skinner, who was taken to a London
hospital last week, still continues
quite ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Case and
daughter of St. Catherines spent the
week -end the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Case.
The Hensall orchestra provided'
excellent music at the garden party
held at Thames Rd. United church
Monday evening last.
Don't 'forget the baseball game on
Thursday evening when Zurich ;will
be the ' attraction. A fast game is
assured. Plan to attend.
Mr, Basey Hudson, who was de-
livering. for T. Drummond.. & Son
has accepted a position with M. J.
McDonald in the garage.
The ladies' Aid of the Hensall
united church are holding a Straw-
berry festival and concert on the
church grounds on July 5th.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKenzie and
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Chesney, of
Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. Patterson.
Dr. Dougall was at London a few
days this week having his tonsils re-
moved. His practise here was tak- 1
•en by Dr. Fletcher, of Exeter.
The Hensall orchestra and Miss
Ellis were . at the Thames Road
Strawberry festival on Monday even-
ing, assisting with the program.
Mr. Ernest Pepper,, of Sarnia,rwith
a friend, motored up on Sunday to
visit his relatives. Mr. Pepper has.
•a good position with the Sarnia Salt.
Company. `
Mrs. John Park, who has been in
a London hospital for a number of
weeks has returned home and is
greatly improved in health.
MiSs Greta, Laramie accompanied-
by Miss Gladys Slay and Miss -Cath-
erine Sells are giving concerst in
Motherwell, Highgate and Dungan -
pp, this week.
Mrs. Thos +'lston; who is fesiding
with her son, Mr. Robt. Higgins and
who has been in poor health for
some tiine 'Suffered another stroke
on Saturday last, and is now con-
fined to her room:
The committee appointed by the
council a few weeks ago to look in-
to the .natter of better fire protec-"
tion? aro going to Ingersoll and
Woodstock' 'on Thursday, to see a
chemical fire - engine dencum9tration.
c .,meetingl of thb membersof the:
Prohibition' Union, of South Huron,
was held In Hensall • ' on Saturday
afternoon last to make arrange -
ants for a convention to nominate
a.,Prohibition°candidate for, the coni,
ing' Previnbial election.
Third form of the ', Continuation
School are trying their examinations
this week, Mr. Wethey, of Exeter,
presiding. The examinations of the
public school comunenees Thursday
morning of this week, and the en-
trance class 'chili start to write on
the following" Wednesday.
It was., stated 'Obese .columns that
Mr. 0. T, Taylor, of Zurich, had pur-
chased a new Essex coach but Mr.
Taylor informs us that it is not, cor-
The ladies of the Carmel Presby-
terian church willhold a strawberry
festival and garden party on the
lawn of Mr. Jas. A. Bell, just south
of town on Thursday July 8th. The
program will be furnished by the
Seaforth Paramount Quartette and
the church orchestra, Everyone
Our council are this week having
the streets oiled. The oil was bought
through the county engineer, and at
a rate so that -all the streets in town
could be 'oiled at about the same
cost as last year. There will be- no
extra frontage tax this year for oil,
the whole amount being paid out of
then. eneral funds of the town.
The services in the United church
on Sunday last were largely attend-
ed. Rev. Mr. Sinclair occupying
his own pulpit at both services..
Special parts in the singing of the
anthems were taken by Mrs. M.
Drysdale, and Miss Viola Higgins,
and Mr. W. O. Goodwin at the morn-
ing service and in the evening Miss
Greta Lammie, and Mr. Geo„ Follick.
On Thursday evening of last week
the ..Thames Roadi baseball team
came to Hensall to play a league
game with the Hensall team. Hen-
sall won 17 to 6. The prize of a
100 lb....bag of sugar was won by
Mr. E. Reid. On Monday, evening
the Hensall team went to Ciiediton
and defeated the Crediton team
4 to 3.
The Liberals of South Huron as
organized both for Federal and,,Pro-
vinci'al purposes will1
hold their' an-
nual meeting here at Hensall, on
Friday, June 25th. Nelson Parlia-
ment, provincial organizer •for the
Liberal party will be present and
address the meeting. We under-
stand the Liberals of South Huron
intend holding a convention shortly
to nominate a candidate for the
coming Provincial election
The League meeting of the United
church was held on Monday evening
with the president presiding. The
meeting was in charge of Mrs. L'ee
Hedden. The meeting was opened
by the singing of a hymn after .which
Mr. Ortwein led in prayer. The
scripture lesson was read respon-
sively. A reading by Miss Bertha
Corbett entitled "Curfew shall not
ring to -night," and an instrumntal
by Miss Mildred McDonald were well
rendered. The topic was very ably
given£ by Mrs. Chas. McDonald on
"When she -Was afraid." Mr: Jones`
closed the meeting With prayer. ,
A pretty wedding took place at
Coven Presbyterian Manse, Exeter,
on June 19th when Ethel V. Brod-
erick, daughter of Mr. and Mfrs.
Evelyn Broderick became the bride
of Robert D. Mousseau. The' bride
was charming in a gown of .aize
crepe de chene, with hat to match.
Rev. J. Foote officiated. The bride
was -supported -by her sister, Mrs.
Orville Smith, while the bridegroom
was supported by Mr. Orville Smith.
The happy couple' left on the even-
ing train for Detroit and - other.
points in Michigan. On their return
they will reside on the groom's
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McLeod,
who lived in this neighborhood for
a number of years before moving to
Parkhill last spring, where they now
live were around calling 011 friends
who were pleased to see them again
as they were considered good resi-
dents while living here.
The many friends o,f Mr. and Mrs.
Bert. Selves were very -sorry to hear
of the accident he met with on Sat-
urday last while cutting wood with
the circular saw at Mr. Roy Mc-
DonaId's. He had`' the misfortune
to have part of his first finger am-
Mrs. ' John McQueen returned
home on Sunday from Thamesford
where she had been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Percy, Bartlette for
a couple of weeks.
On Friday evening, lune 11th the
members of the former Methodist
congregation motored to Corbett and
spent a social evening with Rev. W.
J. and Mrs. Maines and -presented the
former with a club bag and the lat-
ter with an: electric iron accompan-
ied by the following address:
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maines
Dear Friends:',
As you see it has pleased the con-
gregation of the little. White church
to gather here to show their appreci-
ation in, some small way of the great
work you have done in ministering
to us froth time to time. Your ser-
vices have been inspiring and help-
ful and have beenenjoyed by all.
You have been niore than a friend.
In time of oursorrows and have
helped us to share our joy. As you
aro Soon to leave us to go to a new
field of labour in the Master's vine-
yard our prayer is that Gbd's tiles -
sing may go,, with you sv'hereyer you
nay by called to ,go;,aired we•. would
ask,you,:Mr,+ and Nfhs�r 1Iaines�:.to ac-
cept these small,;gifts,,not for their
Worth, • but,.as;,a;.token of love -to you
and as . ou,:s' .by
your fir
May y
ion,thi7lbac to;Annie of/ the good
times.c�4'e �hada40 i.I�, The
Little Wl{e'`thurth, Signed
Fern GM
Gertrude Lovie
I. W. Holt,
Miss Lillian Stahl, of London,; is
home to spend. the summer,
Mrs. Isaac Sims and children, of
Exeter, spent the week -end here vis-
iting relatives.
Mrs, Bedford's many friends are
sorryto learn that she is still con-
fined to herMmelied,
and . Dafernar, of Lans-
ing, Mich., visited Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs, O, R. Brown.
Mr. and -Mxs, Charlie Dark and
daughter, of >London, spent Sunday
with Mrs, Chris Hoffman.
Rev. W. Y, Dreier will exchange
pulpits, with Rev. F. B. Myers, of
Dashwood, next. Sunday.
Miss Freda Schlender, of Naper-
ville, Ill., was the guest of •Miss
Beatrice Hoist last week,
Mr. ,and. Mrs. Jos, Hanna, of De-:
troit, are spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Silber,
Mrs. Samuel Silber, of Ubly.
Mich., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs,
Henry Silber and other relatives.
Miss Gertrude Hoist lett on Tues-
day for Toronto where she has ac-
cepted a position as stenographer.
Miss Birdie. Wilson, of Petrolia, Is
spending her holidays with her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz.
Mr. Ed. "''Valuer of the Central
Hotel is installing a S
upestest gas -
filling station . in front of his prop-
erty on Main 'St.
Mrs. Harry Wind and Mrs, Jack
Moir and daughter Jean are visiting
with their father, Mr. Charles Wolfe
and relatives.
Mrs. T. J. .Wilson and daughters;
Ruby and Eva, of London, spent
Thursday with Mrs. Bedford and
Mrs. J Woodall.
Mrs.a G. Holtzhauser and son and
Mrs. Willert, of Pittsburgh, U.S.A.
are visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Wein.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Guenther and
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bender, of Kitch-
ener, spent the week -end wit
and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Heatheney and
daughter, Thelma and Miss Pears
Motz, all of London spent S
with Mr.. and Mrs. H. Metz..
,Mrs. John Sandercock and
ter Vera, of Clearwater, Man are
visiting the fornier's sister, M
Schroeder and other friends.
The Sacrament of the Lord'
per will be administered at Zion Ev-
angelical church next Sabbath and
the subjects will be in keepin
the occasion.
Mr. Dick Hill is erecting
brick dwelling on King St on a well
chosen location. Crediton is g. Wonder if the real estatemen
are aware of it?
Rev H. A. Kellerman, pre
Elder of the Strathroy district vas
present last Tuesday evenin
took charge of the preparator
Quarterly Conference service.
Mrs. • Chris. Hoffman and Verdi
and Mr.and Mrs. Chas.
Dark and daughter of London visit -
the former s sister; Mrs. Allen
in Ailsa Craig's on, Sunday.
Mr. and "Mr's. Wm. Wilson ilson and
two daughters.. Gladys and
and Mr. • John. Fern, all of Petrolia,
motored 'up and spent the we
with Mrs. Wilson's -sister, M
Mrs. Wm. Motz.
'Confessions; of a Failure' or
Opportunity" will be the subject in
the United Church next Sund
ening. This will be the farewell
message of Rev. Mr.. McTavis
eryone is cordially invited.
Crediton is showing signs of grow
John and improvement. Mr.
Morlock has moved one of the
ing on his town property to s new
location on the lot and will
as a car shed and in the near
he will begin to remodel the house
on King St. north into a be
buugalo dwelling.
The Children's. Day exercis
served at Zion Evangelical c
last Sunday were a great s
Large audiences filled. the chu
the morning and evening.
morning service the pastor pe
ed the rite of holy baptism upon 6
babies. The Missionary offering
totalled nearly $100. The boys and
girls 'brought credit to themsel
rendering a very acceptable pro
h Mr.
rs. C.
s Sup-
a fine
g and
y and
and Charles
r. and
ay cv-
h. Ev-
build -
use it
es ob-
rch in
At the
vas in
The Sunday school of the United
church -held their annual picnic at
Grand Bend last Saturday. The
weather was ideal and there was a
good crowd in attendance. Every-
one entered into the games ,and
sports and made them a real success.
The dinner and supper were served
in the pavilion where the tables
were -laden with the very choicest of
foods to which all did ample justice.
Mr. Thos. Chambers and family
very pleasantly entertained about..
fifty of the young people of the ;Un-
ited church on Wednesday evening
last. The earlier part of the even-
ing was spent by the playing of ball
and games, while later a short pro-
gram of contests and singing was
enjoyed by all. A very bounteous
lunch was then served by the hos-
tess and a hearty vote of thanks
Was tendered by Mr. J. Mawhiney to
which Mr. Thos. Chambers make a
very suitable reply.
The annualmeeting of the South
Huron Branch of the Women's In-
stitute was held in Crediton on
Monday afternoon. The meeting
opened with Mrs. Hey, vice-presi-
dent in the chair. After singing the
Institute ode the Lord's prayer was
repeated in unison followed by com-
ommunity singing, an instrumental by
Miss Harvey, of Exeter, a reading
by' Mrs. (Dr.) McKinnon, of Zurich,
entitled "Sharing with Others;" Mrs.
Beavers, of Exeter read an item by
Dr. Peck on "Our 'Province.'' A
Solo by Miss Rowe, of Exeter, a solo
With ukulile acconipaniement by
Miss . Clara Oestreicher. The titin-
thtes of the last annual meeting were
read and approved, reports from the
different branches were given, New
business being disposed of the elec-
tion of officers followed, the result
being; Mrs. S. Hey, of Zuriclh, presi-
dent; Miss N. L Reddy, Hurondale,
1st vice-president; Mrs. W. D. Yeo,
Exeter, 2nd vice-president; secretary
Mrs. I1. K. Either; delegate be con -
'Outten, Mrs. J. Hey,: Mrs. It frown-
ing, alternate Mrs. W, D. Yeo; and
'tors, Mrs. J. W. Orme, Mrs, C.
Zwkeker. Refreshments *ere serv-
ed by the Crediten 1adieS.
D. H.H. Cowen, L. D. S.
t)ENTA.K. 'sunor.ON
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash-
wood, first three days of week and
at office aver the Post Office, in.
Zurroh, Tart tlrr4e days of week,
Mr. Mark Brokenshire spent Sun-
day in St. Thomaswith liis brother
who is very ill.
M1'. and iVfrs. G. Edighoffer and
Blanche and Miss Luella Schatz, of
1Viitohell, spent Wednesday of *last
week in town.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Beaver of Bay-
port, Mich., spent a few days with
relatives in town.
Mr, Jack 'Ifrokenshire, of Atwood,
visited his brother, Mr. Mark Brok-
enshire on Saturday.
Miss Dora Murr, of Sebringville
visited with Rev. E. Bruer last
Mr, and Mrs. J. Bender and fam-
ily spent a few days at Niagara Falls
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Peters, of Detroit,
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bennett, Mrs,
C. Lucas and Mrs. L. Lucas, of 4t -
wood and Mrs. Sims, of Exeter, ' cal-
led on Mr. 1Vl'ark Brokenshire, on
Tuesday of last week. -
Mr, Wm, Musser, of Detroit, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Musser.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stadelbauer, of
London, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
P. Kraft on Sunday.
Mr. Milford,, of Detroit, is spend=
ing his holidays at his home Dere.
The hydro men who have been re-
building the hydro line from Exeter
to Dashwood arrived in town on
Monday and have begun the line
from Dashwood to Grand Bend.
The Dashwood band gave their
first open air concert on Saturday
evening • and was much enjoyed by
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert and
family of Detroit, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Hy. Ehlers on Sunday. Mrs.
Ehlers returned to Detroit with
What might have been a fatal ac-
cident occurred on Tuesday evening
of last week at the west end of town.
While Mr, and Mrs. G. Link were
driving home, a car coming from
the west, driven by Eddie Badour,
of Zurich, collided with the buggy,
the force throwing both occupants
out of the buggy. Mr. and Mrs.
Link saw the" car approaching, hold-
ing the north side of the road, and
they turned out as far as possible
without upsetting, and before they
could turn intothe ditch entirely
the car crashed into them. The shaft
went through the windshield and
the horse hung over the fender re-
ceiving a nasty cut on the body just
inside the thigh. The front wheel
ef, the buggy was smashed. All oc-
cupants escaped without serious in-
jury. Mr. and Mrs. Link had their
clothes badly torn. The latter landed.
on her head and received a nervous.
Miss Mary J. McGuire, of Pas-
cidena, Cal., ,visited with Mr. and
Mrs. F. O. Wilds over the week -end.
Mr, and Mrs. Jacob England, Miss
Evelyn Perry and Mr. Wesley Borth-
wick, of Thedford, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. R. French and iVlr. and
Mrs.G. Link on Sunday.
Mr, Isaiah Tetreau has returned
from the hospital where he under-
went an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Link attended
the wedding of the latter's sister,
Ethel Lovina Kleinfeldt, to Franklin
David Bruce on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Slyford and
son William, of London, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witzel.
Mr. Alex. Neeb. was in Goderich
on business on Saturday.
Mrs. Jas. Ziller, accompanied by
Miss M. Mosser, of Corbett, spent
a few days last week with friends
in London.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Lippert visited
Mr. and Mrs. I. Gower at Sunshine
on Sunday.
Mr. 'J. Eagleson and family,' of
Parkhill, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Willert.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Neeb and Mr.
and Mrs. D. Lippert attended the
Council picnic at Bayfield on Wed-
Byron Brown has completed his
Normal School course and is home
for the holidays.
Dawson Woodburn is holidaying
with his parents.
Next Sunday will be the Quarter-
ly Missionary Sunday in the United
church Sunday School.
Mrs. Gillespie is visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Ray Pollock of Kenwood.
Mrs. Banes and Mrs. Mollard, of
Exeter, visited Miss Mae Wilson last
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. C. H. Wson
who lived among us for many years.
Rev. W. J. Maines, B.A., will
preach in the United church neat
Sunday afternoon and will be assist-
ed in the service by Rev. J. M. Grant.
who with' the Corbett congregation
will join in the formal cementing of.
the Union of the two congregations,
to be in readiness for the new pastor
Rev. J. M. Coiling, who will be in.
charge the following Sunday. Let.
every member and adherent of these
uniting congregations be present'and
make this a memorable day in our,
church history.
The Ladies' Xid of the United
church will hold their annual 'lawn
social at the church on Tune 30th,
Strawberries and cream and other
good things served from .6 to 8 p.m.
In the booths ice cream and other
refreshments and many useful art-
icles will be sold in the bazaar. The
program will be varied orchestra
and vocal "music and readings by W.
ConcertCo.,1 i Co, of Exeter n
As this will be the first sodial event
after the formal union of the Cor-
bett and Greenway congregations we
are 'expecting this event to surpass
all others of a former nature. " Ad-
mission 40 and 20 cents,
Thames Road:
Thames RoadSunday school '.hack,
a successful anniversary en Sunday
followed by .a strawberry festival
and concert on Monday, On Snip-
day Rev.Il' . Jones, of Staffa, preach-
ed two fine setul.ous to large' 004-
gregations. The choir Provided
special music and were ably assisted
by 1v1145 Markley, of London. Rain
til;;eatened to seriously interfere
with the M'onda,y program but .clear
ed off fust before supper and there
was a splendid turn -out, The ladies
provided a sumptuous repast. A.
league .bail game was played between
Zurich and Thames Road and was
won by the former. A softball game.
was played between the girls of
Elimville and Thames Road, the lot-
ter winning. A fine concert was
given by the .Hensall orchestra as-
sisted by Miss Ellis, ' elocutionist.
Mr. Rennie sang a fine solo. .Ad-
dresses were given by Rev. E. Jones
and the Hon. James Gardiner,
Premier of Saskatchewan, who was
visiting the scenes of his youth. The
latter is an impressive speaker and
many of his old friends were de-
lighted to hear hien. He was pre-
sented with a very fine address
read by the pastor Rev. G. M.
Grand Tattoo at Goderieh, Thurs-
day evening, July lst (Dominion
Day) . Seven Bands—Mitchell, Clin-
ton, Zurich, Lucknow, Brodhagen,
Goderich, and the splendid C. N. R.
band of Stratford (35 men with tu-
bular chimes). Massed band of
175. players. Program to begin at
7 o'clock and to conclude with a
magnificent display of fire -works by
the famous Hand Co. of Hamilton.
All -day program commencing at 9
aen. Parade, games, etc., in the
morning. Soft -ball tournament in
the afternoon. 2 o'clock. No ad-
mission fee to morning and after-
noon programs.. A whole big day's
entertainment for you at the beauti-
ful town on the lake. ,
The annual meeting of the South
Huron Liberal Association, as con-
stituted for. both Provincial and
Federal purposes, will be held in the
at 1.30p .m.
Hon. Nelson Parliment, Mrs. Zoe.
Stevens and other speakers will ad-
dress the meeting.
A full attendance of the Liberals
in, the riding is' desired. -
C. FRITZ - Vice -Pres.
T. G. SHILLINGLAW - Secretary
Will kill many tintesnmol; a flies
"for the money than' any other
flykiller. Each pad will kill flies
all day, every day, for three,
weeks. At all Grocers, 'i Drug-
gists and General Stores —
1Oc and 25c, per package,
Here are
the facts
When 3 telephone orders
can be taken in the time
required for one order
over the counter — as
has been proven and
the amount of atelephone
sale averages almost a
third more,, as it does,
can there be any doubt
inyour mind that the
merchant who uses -the
telephone consistently
will win out over the
rival who does not?
Can you afford to over.
look the rapidly increas-
ing importance of the
telephone in your busi-
uskness for increasing sales
and reducing the cost of
Be open-minded. Try It
-- not spasmodically, but
consistently, and judge
for yourself.
Nr W
Rich, Soft Tones Of A Brantford Roof
Brantford Asphalt Slates harmonize with any style of archi-
tecture, and their rich, soft tones blend with their surroundings
at all times of the year.
They last for years, are fire resistant and give perfect protection from
all weather conditions. is
' BrnntfordrOntarla
Stock Carred, tnfotmationRoofing (rern Fundered ahed: and S�ervia*
Rossi Tay for Co., .Ltd.