HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-6-17, Page 8ERNEST ELLIOT . Conveyancer, Investments Insurance' Office one door south Times" OHI"ce THE EXETER TIME AT VACATE, ti4 et Your Share Every Article Advertised Here Is A Genuine Money Sayer. Read and Profit. Ladies' Roleproof Sills Stockings, the new shades for only 98c. White Jackit? Caps, very popular for sports weer only 25e. Men's English Broadcloth, shirts with separate collar $2.48 Alk linen towelling, for roller or dish towels per yd. 25c. Rayon Silk Stockings for Ladies and girls, special at 40v. Dress gisethnms, full width, fast colors, now only 29c. Yurd wide figured Chintz for over -curtains, per`yd. 28c. Stockings ,•s for Children, biaek or sand --u11 sizes for 25e. Our best slippers; satin, Blonde or patent for $4.95. Motor rugs, MI wool, large size, real value at $5.50.. Sand or black stockings for ladies or girls for 25e. Men's odd tweed pants -sizes up to 46 for $2.98 Pretty gingbams tub -fast colors per yard' 30c. Frilled curtains with tiebacks, a pair for $1.50 Bordered r r,i D es.s Lengths prided as low as $1.95 Men's work shirts, sizes 14 to 17 1-2 for 98e. Men's Eahki drill overalls --all sizes for $1.98 Men's fine print shirts -good cloths for $1,49 Summer vests for ladies and girls for 25e • Men'i work sox -3 and 4 pair for $1.00 Ladies' swnmer weight corsets for, 98e. . $24.95 DINNER SETS $24.95 We offer a choice of twenty patterns in complete 97 -niece dinner sets. Some of these sets are genuine china the others be- ing best quality semi -porcelain, We have selected seven of these dinnerware patterns and priced them specially at $24.95. If you are considering a set of dishes we would suggest that you see our display at once. This is the Headquarters for Wedding.'Gifts la Grocery Specials. Choice corn, 2 tins for 25c Crisp soda biscuits 15c lb. Quality rice, 3 lbs " for 25c 2 tins choice seaman for 35e Bordeaux walnuts, halves 59c 2 lb. mixed cookies for 35c 2 lb. ginger snaps for .... 25c 3 pkgs. ammonia powder 25c 3 boxes matches for 29c 4 bars laundry soap for• 25c J. A. Stewart ttk 14. tg ■ valonomrsi dor The June Bride THE JUNE BRIDE THAT SELECTS HER FURNITURT AT THIS STORE CAN REST ASSURED THAT SHE WILL• HAVri HER CHOICE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST' UP-TO-DATE STOCK OF THE FINEST FURNITURE OF THE LATEST DESIGNS AND FINISHES AT THE USUAL LOW PRICES. DON'T FORGET TO CAL<I, AND SEE US "THE HOME i"' UKNISMER" M. E.GARDINER LONG Phone FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION 74j OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ' Night. Call 74w ■ Exeter Maikets Wheat $1.37, Oats 500, Barley 60c,. Manitoba Flour $4SQi,. Blended Flour $4.30. Pastry Flour $3.80, Peed Flour $1.90 •, Shorts $1.60, Bran $1.60. Creamery butter '40c. Dairy butter 32-35e, Eggs, extras 40c. Eggs, seconds 24c Potatoes $1,35 to. $1.65. Lard 20e Hogs $1.4,25' Hugs, selects, $1465 !g LOCAL t`�I Try Grant's Bakery, _ You will like it. The South Huron District Annual Meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at Crediton in the In- stitute Hall, on Monday, June 21st, at 2.30 p.m. Each branch is re- quested to send a delegation: mfrs. H. K. Silber; Sec'y, Crediton. Mrs. Jas. Lutton, of London, vis- ited in town: onTuesday. • Miss 1\L McKay, of Seaforth, is visiting -with Mrs, G. Manson. Mr. Gerald Fitton, of Detroit, vis- ited at his hone over Sunday, Mr. Wilfrid Turnbull, of Stratford spent Saturday with his mother in town. Mr. Wm. Fee, of Hensall, has purchased a new Chrysler Six from. Mr. C. C. Pilon. - Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Woods and .family have moved to their summer home at GrandBend. The Mitchell family will hold their annual family picnic at Spingbank, on Friday, June 25th. Mr. C: F. Hooper's many friends are pleased to see him out again after his recent illness. a Miss Gladys Harvey visited for several days with her brother, Rev. L. C. Harvey, of Bervie. 1-i"'Ir. Verne Roulston has been con- fined to his home for several days. suffering from rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. A. Nash, of Sarnia, spent the week -end with their daughter, Mrs. Willis Powell. The annual Hern reunion will be held at the farm of Henry Henn, tis - borne, die Wednesday, July 7th. The Huron County Promotion ex- aminations will be held on. Friday 25th and Monday 28th of June. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Colborne and family of Goderich, visited with Mr. and Mrs J. Willis Po,w ell Sunday. Quite a number fifone Exeter at- tended the funeral of the late John B. Dinsdale, of Hensall, on Monday. The baseball game for Monday evening between Hensall and Ekoter had to be postponed on account of rail. and Mrs. Jos. Maty have mov- ed into their new hone on John. St: from their farm on the London Rd. south. Messrs T. 0. Southcott and C. Sweet are in Toronto this week at- tending the Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F. C Messrs. D. Stewart and G. Butters of Windsor are spending a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. A. McTavish, Mra. R. H. Collins and Mrs. Ross, of Kit- chener, spent Sunday with Mr. and b"ela.•-sem . , - Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mrs. Frank Morley is confined to her bed under the care of Dr. Gra- ham for a two months rest owing to leakage of the heart. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer, Mrs. Jas. Beer and Mrs. G. Hill motored to London Sunday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Young. Master Wm. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilsorf,W who has been ill with pneumonia, is getting along nicely and is able to be out. Ross, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, who has been crit- ically ill, is somewhat improved 'al_ - though he is still a very sick child. Mr. Geo. Hawkins has movd into his new residence on William St. and Dr. H. J. Browning has moved into the residence vacated by 113r. Hawkins. Mr. A. J. Rollins and son Fred, of Detroit, the latter being one of the leading merchants of the automobile city, visited for a couple of days with relatives in town. • Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Michie, of +Little Fails, Minn., (formerly Miss Francis King) spent Monday and fel),a Men's Store Phone 81w SEVERAL NEW LINES S di'EATERS- from $3.50 to $7. Men's Store For Men and Boys Who Wish To Be Well Dressed A swell new line of up -to -date -. Sweaters that are very attractiv e, have been placed on sale et a special price 50. ALSO A FINE NEW LINE OF BELTS. SUMMER UNDERWEAR We have something new. in a buttonless combination suit of underwear . that is selling at a ,special price of $1.00 , We are:making a big drive on Ready -to -Wear Suits in the 1 ^,newisport shades and patterns. Pries $18 and $20., HATS andj CAPS, SHIRTS' and TIES W. W. R Merchant Tailor and ftents' Outfitter e GOVERNMENT E ND ALWAYS ON BALE ALWAYS SALEABLE O TROUBLE -QM T INTER .. EST MORTGAGE LOAN", SF,Esmaics HIGHER INTEREST COLLECTION MADE, WE mum 1W'O OIEi'AIteal FOR TICE SAFE -KEEPING 016' TOUR "PAPERS IN out VA1JIJ.p Gladnnan gi Stanbury EXI T: HENSALL Tuesday visiting Mrs. Thos. Sweet and other relatives. Mr. Jos.av' D rs, of Chatham, who was called home owing to the ser- ious, illness of his little son William returned to his duties on Friday last. The little lad is improving. Mr. and Mrs. 3. T. Westcott, Mr, Ea B. Westcott and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Westcott, of Hamilton visited with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Easterbrook Huron St., on Sunday and Monday. Rev. Canon Gunn, of London, con- ducted the services in . Trivitt Mem- orial church on Sunday and deliver- ed" two very fine sermons. Rev. Mr. Trumper conducted anniversary ser- vices at Pt. Edward. Mrs. H. Terrington has returned to her hone in Detroit after spend- ing some time with her sister, -Mrs. R. G. Reid, of Varna, who was quite ill the result of an accident, Mrs. Reid is improving. Mrs. J. Wanles, of Duluth, who has spent the past couple of weeks' with her mother, Mrs. L. Hardy, left Tuesday for her home. Idea daughter, Miss Agnes Wanlae, vis- ited here •this week: returning with her. Rev, H. E. Livingstone, of Elim- ville, occupied the pulpit .of the Main St. charch on Sunday and preached two splendid sermons, . Rev. P. E. Clyedale conducted Sunday school anniversary y services at Zion.� Phone in your,,, �•order for Satur- day's baking -pie, cake, buns, tarts, jelly. roll, etc. Delivered right to Your door. --Grant's " 1:alcery. and Confeetionery, C4VEN PRESB'rTIORXAN CJ VRO 1 Rev. Ja1ea Foote 13,A.,, Minioter 10 a.m.,---Sunday School 11 a.m.-"Christian Evidences." The Minister 7 p.m, -Service withdrawn in favor of the ,Masonic serviee in James St. church. JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rex. E. Sheppard, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.m.--Tlie Law of Christ -fol- lowing Give up`, take up, walk up. 3 p.m -Learn frons Joseph's way. 7 pan. -What are you building?.- When uilding?.When did you get the plan? Is the Great Architect pleased? Let Us look it over! ALL MASON'S INVITED We are building our home onx. E. S• heppashore, While we dwell in our structure of clay, We are shipping materials onward' before, • With the close of ,each hastening day. Trivitt Memorial Church 3 p.ni.-Sunday School. 11 a.m.--"The Miracles in the Book of Denied." 7 p.m. -"Pursued through Life." MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.-"The Word Made Flesh.". Bible Society Service. 3 p.m. -Sunday School Classes. 7 p.m. -"Life's Power Cast Away." Some believed the world was flat, Now we know it is round., Some still: claim it is crooked, If so, who's to blame? Hear these addresses next Sunday Come and worship. Powell's Variety Store GIGANTIC SALE OF HOSIERY We put on sale several hundred pairs of Hosiery this week, many colors and sizes. Ladies' silk, 29c pair up. Ladies' cotton, 25c pair up. Children's roll top 29c pair. Chifdren's ribbed 25c pair. Men's silk and cotton. We save you money on Hosiery' • FOR SALE OR RENT The Following Properties 'Brick Store on. Main. St., Exeter Commodious Brick dwelling, fur=' nace heated, and wired for Electric lighting, etc. With, fixtures in place, John St. Six and a half acres of choice land suitable for market=garden, running through from Huron St. fro John St. Choice Saskatchewan farms in the Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty and Fra besher districts. termsFor price and on ROBERT E. PI CKARRD,John Street EXETER. Agent for Great West Life As'ce Co. Good Barn for Sale. Apply Box 69, Exeter. 6-10-2t LOST -A ladies' small brown pen with ring on the top.. Finder please leave at Times -Advocate. FOR SALE OR RENT -Modern brick house on John St. Apply to C. B. Snell. 6-17-2't MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Saxophones, Vienns or any musi- cal ir.truments used and new. Easy payments arranged: Two lessons free with every new instrument purchased Last moment engagements accepted for Anniversaries, Festivals of any occasion, 'suitable music supplied. ROBERT ' GAMBRILL Concert Pianist, Violinist & Saxophonist Phone 161, Exeter FOR SALE OR RENT -General store at Motherwell, north of St Marys; two-storey brick building, store and dwelling combined, drive - shed with cement foundation, all in good repair, doing good business. Owing to death of owner this must be disposed of. M. J. Gill, Adminis tratrix. J 640-2t APPRENTICE TIC>J WANTED. -Apply to Cochrane Machine Works, Exeter. Ont. Mr. Wm. Mitchell has securest the agency for the Common Sence fan- ning ni11 and will also rewire sieves. or screens of any other make. Musical Contest and Festival June 30th._ See advt. front page. 2 Airdoor candy jars. • 100 chance Gladiola bulbs. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hedley May re- Three comfortable homes inlx- turned hone on Thursday last from eter, suitable for retired families. their wedding trip to Niagara Falls Hardware display rack for store. and Toronto. J' ✓ Use our Service for selling -and Mns. Rousom, of 'xoronte, was cal- locating. Inquire led home last week owing to the ill- ness of her father, Mr. W. J. Bissett who has been i11 with the flu. Mr. Bissett is improving. Mrs. Bissett, . A .conversation between Thomas who has been ailing for time some , and '.GVilliam, is not so, well. Where did' you get. that nice fitting suit you' had on Mr. H. E. Keddy,..of Melfort, Sask. Sunday William'?' In renewing his stibeeription to the T. H. Elliott made it for me Times -Advocate says: "We are eel-- Tkomas. '.. Toying wonderful weather in the It sure looked 'like a Tailor.made, West this year, almost 'ideal' and Suit.' . LET T. IL ELLIOTT UE YOUlit TAILOR ' PRANC1s Agent for t t. THURSDAIraaiNE 17tH; 1928 ' illo IIIINHIIH11111111mI1MIII11111N 11111111111111111111111111111111mmoollINII111111 IIiIwp ollo1111111111111N1111111n1n Smart Styles in Mel at'o-Clothes� _ .�1c e•S -� We are showing a smart range 1Tweeds ng o n.eW - and Worsteds in the newest styles and models • at prices that will piease you C �. Good Values at $14.95; 1.8.50• 25 to $35 mommIO NEM. 1.11110Y11111111111111111101••••• = HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR .11114111 .111 MONIIM Immo MINIMM WEEMS NUNES No button underwear for boys and Hien. Fits better than any .other . un- derwear because it is tailored in every - curve and" seam.. : Boys $1.00, Men's $1.50 SMART STRAW HATS • AU the newest shapes ' in different kinds of straws to suit any face or pocket book. Priced at $2.25 to $3.50 In have new New 1-lot.Weather Dresses crepes, voiles, bordered crepes and other new materials. Every week we styles to show you. This week we are :showing snappy voile dt•essei-in Large Sizes at $9.75 $11.00 $12.50 BOY SCOUT RUNNING SHOES HOUSE` DRESSES They stand the hard wear and rough usage that Boys and Girls give them. We carry a full range of this popular footwear. These are made of extra quality ging- ham in full sizes with embroidered trimmings. Priced at $1.25 to $1.69 White Canvas Footwear at Clearing_ Prices This week we, place on our counters 100 pairs of Misses', Children and Women's white Footwear that sold. as \high as $3.50 a pair., Quick sale price ommel 98c 98c rSo:uthottos. g1 I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 l l l l N I I I I I I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n Have Your Eyes Examined To -day There is nothing to be gained by delaying that eye examination. There -is -much t9 be lost. Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis- factory glasses ,, You will 1'e surprised at the thor- oughness of our methods -and' will be pleased with the glasses. "Call today and learn the truth about your eyes. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN'S'''. EXETER. ONT., PHOS 70 IF IT- IS FURNITURE - You Want It will pay you to inspect 'our up- to-date stock. Our Prices are right R. N. R O WE Funeral Director -& Embaliner Phone 2OW Night 20d WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY The following have agreed to close their places of business at twelve o'clock noon each Wednesday dur- ing the months of June, July and August; W. J. Beer, W. J. Neaman, Miss Yelland, H. S. Walter, B. W. F. Beavers, Jones & May, Grigg Stat- ionery Co., M. Hodgert, H. 'Rivers, M. E. Gardiner, Mrs.- Yee, N. Hock- ey, T." -Elliott, Southcott Bros., J. A. Stewart, Dr. Kinsman, G. A. Haw- kins, s S. Martin tiir & Son, W. W. Taman, J. Lawson, Dr. Atkinson, Dr. Roul- stop, Miss Armstrong, F. M. Boyle, S. B. Taylor, S, Fitton, Len. Heist, R. N. Rowe. t • For Sale POWELL'S BAZAAR, EXETER the growth is good. Crop conditions were never better and business is good." 'Mrs, Jolxn Ward had tile misfor- tune Monday morning to fail down stairs sustaining injury to her back and bruise, about the body:; . She was taken 'With a dizzy spell when the accident occar-ed. Fortunately no bones were broken and although sonrewhat stiff she is able . to 'be around„ , CANADA AD J`k LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 164; Exeter W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church' Instrucction �n Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. " • Boz 517 EXETER, ONT. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed ' EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 I. R. CARLI.NG B .'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR; LTG,, Loans, Investments, Insurance Office,Carling Block,Main St. '•1oaetse' GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors &c Money to Loan, Invesiments ¥at( Insurance. Sate -deposit Vault for use of ctr Clients without charge. Exeter London Hensel Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.14 DENTAL SURGEON 'a' Late Listrict Dental Officer .r Military District, Number One, Lotto don;''Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 843 Be open Wednesday afternoons till April 7th Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Closed Every Wednesday Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S. JAMES W. WATSON DENTIST Licensed Auctioneer office. Office over T. R. Carling's Law - Sales conducted in any locality. Far=t Stock sales a specialty. San faction guaranteed. Charges prod erste. Orders left, at this office wit be promptly attended te. R.A. No 1, Kirkton. Phone Kirkton 141, • DR. M. C. G. FLETC.IiER ' Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,. University of Western Ontario,. Mem- ber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the British Medical Council: Phone 6 -(The office of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make SINGLE EDGE 3c DOUBLE EDGE 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. tOLE, Druggist .Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, ' Exeter ' Fitton's Old Stand WATCH AND 'CLOCK REPAIRING GUARANTEED FIRE INSUKANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY -FIRE, WITH E. J, C%IIE�i TSE OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johne .i.L. 41EWIS BUILDING and CONTRACTING Bouses and Barns ESTIMATES AND $UGGESTIONS GLAD1,4Y FURNISHED ! • Phone 152w John St. East, Exeter se-1.�1sYs�s..,,,voiemimeorisunanamommiwo WE HAVE STARTED•'OUR LON- DON EXPRESS • HEA .Q D $. ' 9ItTEHS: 103 RING . ST., PHONE 11015 WIa7I ti W LL ALSO Sh.,CUItI1 YOUR MOTOR LICENSE FOR 'Y''QTJ Bagshaw Extractions Under O.sygen Gas. Wit" Dr. A, -R. Kinsman. L.L.D.,D.D.S, -_ DENTIST • Honor Graduate of Toronto ' Univer- sity. Office over Gladman &, Stanbury'i office; Main Street, Exeter. DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M.D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P.&S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office over Browning's Drug Ston Phones Residence 30 Office 28 DR. W. E. Wr,EKES Physician and Surgeon Late Chief Interne Vancouver. General Hospital CORONER FOR. HURON COUNTF! Office removed to the former Ford garage building corner of Main and. Ann St Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to '8 p.m. Phone: Office 67W, Residence 671 DR. E. S, STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College • DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMT- LY ATTENDED TO Office, old Ford Garage Building. Corners of Main and Ann Streets Telephones: Office 1.58w, House 158$ EXETER, ONT.' Dr: Adrian B. Gibson, v S Graduate of* the Ontario veterinary! college All . calls promptly attended to Office -..Prank Taylor's Sales Statue Phone 991V Residence --fames St., Phone 00 EXETER --, ONTARIO ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY 8 Years ,Experience. Prices'`Iteaeoa able, Satisfaction guaranteed or 8o Charge. Plume' 57.13 Dashwood ., t R. R. 11, 1DA61E[W0010, ONT. 1