HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2002-02-13, Page 10 (3)10 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 13, 2002 Sign Language Classes for Preverbal Infants 6 week class starting Feb. 20 to Mar. 27 Mitchell Medical Centre 1 hr/week each Wednesday 10-11 am $60.00 for 1 adult and 1 infant/toddler Classes limited to 10 call early to register. 345-2829 NOTICE OF (0 1 23R ANNUAL MEETING WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Company will be held at the: SALTFORD VALLEY HALL on Friday, March 8th, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. 1. To receive, consider and approve the Financial Statement and Auditor's -Report for the year ended December 31st, 2001. 2. To appoint auditors. 3. To elect two (2) Directors for a three-year term. 4. To transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting. The retiring Directors are Ken Farrell of the Grey/Bruce designated area and Glenn Coultes, Director At Large. Both are eligible for re-election. Any qualifying policyholder wishing to run as a Director for these areas must file their intention to run, in writing, along with a nomination form, with the Corporate Secretary or designate, no later than close of busi- ness, February 22, 2002. By order of the Board of Directors, West Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Company, Dungannon, Ont. Kenneth Cox Corporate Secretary Correspondents Horticultural Society to hear about new plants Hensall The Hensall shuffleboard scones for Feb. 5 are as follows: Carol Hillier 715, Tom Williams 654, Merle McLellan 584, Hazel McEwen 556, Ethel McMurtrie 542, Edna Dietz 500, Jim Davis 491, Jean Crerar 474. At Hensall United Church, Chuck Mallette was organist. Linda Firman was the greeter with tarry and Evelyn Elder looking after the ushering duties. Ross Kerrher attended the elevator. The Friendship Circle is hosting a dessert euchre on Feb. 14 at 1:30 p.m. Irish Stew will be available on March 14 from 11 am. to 1:30 p.m. Take-out orders will be available. There will be a Spring Fling supper on Friday, March 22. Adult confirmation classes will be held on Sunday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Youth confirmation supper meetings will be held on Sunday evenings at 5 p.m. At Hensall Cannel Presbyterian Church, Rev. Ken Knight was the guest minister, assisted by Tracy Whitson - Bahr °. Joyce Pepper was the organist with Al Hoggarth and Harry Smith receiving the offering. Communion was served by Bob Bell, John Baker, Al Hoggarth and Harry Moir. Gloria Taylor was in charge of the church school. The annual meeting followed the service. The Hensall and District Horticultural Society meets on Wednesday, Feb. 13 at 7:30 p.m. at Hensall United Church. Carol Steckle will speak briefly on what's new in the plant world for 2002. Come out and visit with your friends or make new friends at the Hensall and Area Community Drop -In. The next drop-in will be held on Thursday, Feb. 21 at the Hensall arena St. Patrick's to hold World Day of Prayer Dublin World Day of Prayer will be held on March 1 at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin at 11 a.m. Congratulations to Zackery Patrick Meagher, son of Barbara Dench and Patrick Meagher, who received the Sacrament of Baptism in our parish community. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to Donna and Jim Paratchek of Dublin and to their family, Beverley and Gregory on the recent death of Donna's mother, Doris F.M. Gregory who died at Stratford General Hospital on Feb. 5. A funeral service was held in St. Marys on Feb. 7. Congratulations to Don and Eileen MacRae of Dublin, who celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary, Feb. 14. Happy Birthday to David Dixon, son of Michelle and Ron Dixon, who celebrated his 4th birthday on Feb. 8. THOUGHT FOR TODAY True friends are like good books. You don't always use them, but you know where they are when you need them. Happy Valentines Day. By Dorothy Dillon 345-2883 ciw MARION'S PAINTING Free Estimates •Interior/Exterior Painting •Drywall Repair Call Mike Marion 527-0707 (Evenings) RALPH LWas.*3, WOOD `Mb ELECTRIC •Agricultural • Commercial • Residential CALL SEAFORTH 527-0448 Seaforth Agricultural Society • BANQUET & MEETING FACILITIES • 10,000 sq. feet of indoor show area See what we have to offer Call 527-1321 Today! EACH R RENTAL 3 Units apacity 22 WALK RON/� C,H WAY 198 Main St. Phone 527-0770 Seaforth Fax 527-2600 SEE US TODAY FOR YOUR RENTAL EQUIPMENT! ILLS HOME HARDWARE SUPPLIES FOR THE HANDYMAN Bottled Water Refill Station • Plumbing • Heating • Electrical • Paint CARPET CLEANER RENTAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER Service & Re -Charge Depot GLASS & SCREEN REPAIR For All Your Hardware Needs Main St., SEAFORTH 527-1620 Vba, MC, Home Card, AU Express, Interact McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Main St. South, Seaforth Office 527.0100 1.800-463-9204 Fax 527.2777 HOME, COMMERCIAL FARM, AUTO COVERAGES Bob McNaughton 527-1571 Graeme Craig 887-9381 Donald Taylor 482-9976 Banter. MacEwan & Feagan Insurance Brokers t.td 524-8376 Gaiser Kneale Insurance Brokers Inc. 482-3401 Thames Ins. Bmkers 235;2211 Cockwell Insurance Brokers Ltd. 156-22I6 ADVERTISING is not an expense IT'S AN INVESTMENT Advertise 365 Days a Year Call 527-0240 Box & SMITH FOUR SEASONS REALTY LTD. , REALTOR www.peakrealestate.com LIST AS LOW AS 2%%%! I Call us...(519) 565-5951 1 Highway #21, Bayfield (next to Harbour Restaurant) Jndependently Owned and Operated EMIL CORIUM Ltd.' R.R. 4 MOW 90' •Quality ready mix •Radio dispatched units .6 day delivery Please car in friday for Salurckry deh.ery Even ngs Cnrl LUKE 348-8303 or CLEM 348-9658 Bill MacLennan Broker HURON -PERTH Refrigeration and Appliance Service Lorry Home Repairs to most major appliances licensed for gas appliances 522.0330 or 1-800-363-3265 DAVTES UNTING SERVIG1 S ACCOUNTING & TAX PREPARATION Farm,Business, Personal & Corporate 527-1063. rI'111)` i S()N 11111?r1'11,1N1? SPRAY .S 1,111111?4;L ISS INSITLI'I'ION 1 i it „ lli Call Ron At 519-263-2319 Dr. L.J. Laplante OPTOMETRIST 527.1 240 87 Main St., Seaforth HOURS Monday CLOSED Tuesday 9:00 -12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Thursday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 6:30 - 9:00 Friday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Stit. & Sun. CLOSED B.W. SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGHING Siding, Soffit, Fascia Leaf Screening BARRY WILLERT ZURICH 236-7741 Hici e , forested .. Ellil!sen ELECTRIC LIMITED FARM • NOME • COMMERCIAL • POLE LINES • STANDBY SYSTEMS (519)345-2447 R.R#4 WALTON, ONT. FUNERAL CHAPEL "We are dedicated to your confidence" at 47 High St Seaforth 527-1142 - Office 522-0360 - Res. CHRISTOPHER M. SMITH Funeral Director KKN BUILDERS INC. ALL KINDS OF SITE WORK & CONCRETE WORK •Excavator 'Complete Foundations •6 -way Dozer •Slatted or solid floors •Trucking •Bunk silos •Float Service •Sandwich Walls •Demolition •Farm Work Renovations -Concrete Driveways Fritz Klaver Dublin 345-2042 WHITNEY•RIBEY FUNERAL HOME CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. RIBEY DIRECTOR - 87 Goderich St., Seaforth 527-1390 Pre -planned and Pre -Arranged Funeral Services Available Sincere and Courteous Service R'gpS,Al1�'" * Agricultural * Residential * Commercial * Pole Line Construction Ralf 14/400 ;7" Unusual Finds DOLLAR STORE & MORE 79 Main Street Seaforth 527-2363 MORE For Your DOLLAR HILDEBRAND PAINT & PAPER Expert... Interior and Exterior Decorators PAINTS & WALLCOVERINGS 527-1880 in main St. Sealorth L. McGRATH PLUMBING and HEATING Inc. SEAFORTH 522«0493 Larry McGrath Licenced Plumber & Llcenced Gas Fitter Call Today! Installation Service. Repairs thin ELECTRIC R.R. #4 Seaforth, Ont. NOK IWO 519 522-1556 W.D. HOPPER & SOtSw A ER WELL DRILUNG • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES • 5 MODERN ROTARY RIGS • LICENCED BY MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT. FREE ESTIMATES CALL COLLECT NEIL 522-1737 DURL 271-7860 "Where hopper goes the water flows" KEECON-PLUS DRYWALL SERVICES Drywalling - Taping - Texturing - Restorations MARK MELADY 527-2.799 SEW AND UE CENTRE LIMITED Sewing Machine and Serger Specialists Repairs to all makes .FREE ESTIMATES *ALL WORK GUARANTEED SALES Janome, Juki, Babytock, Omega Machines LOTS OF USED MACHINES ® 149 Downie St. (Beside Hudson's Dept. Store) STRATFORD 271-9660 Seaforth Veterinary Clinic Open Thursday Evenings by Appointment Only! Dr. Brian Nuhn • 5274760 Main St. North, Seaforth Office Hours MON. TO FRI. II AM to 5:30 PM THURS. EVENING BY APPY. ONLY SAT. 8 AM to 12 NOON