HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-6-10, Page 5THE EXETER TUNES -ADVOCATE
News From Hensa
gictiooi of Commerce
Spring Term begins Tuesday April 13th, 1926
Our PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING grill fit you for the
HIGHEST paid positions is the BUSINESS WORLD, where work
le always REWARDED in proportion to the SERVICE rendered.
Teachers, Civivl Service and Special Courses
Special Classes for Hensall and Exeter Students
4 weeks' additional thine given to students on an 8 amntha' course.
For Infornatlon apply to
Com Specialist, Vice Principal Principal, Phone 118
Concrete Tile, Bricks
and Blocks
We also have a fresh supply of
Try our
National Light Coal Oil]
for incubators and Lamps
Sonic Station Phone 7
Wall Paper,
In the Latest Designs
Prices from lOc. to$1.50
Jo Sangster, Hensall
Honor graduate of Faculty of
s4ioine, and Master of Science,
atvarsity of Western Ontario.
ember of College of Physicians
d Surgeons of Ontario. Office
two. doors east of Poet Office.
pone 11 Residence 114
' Honor Graduate Carey Jones' An -
Mien School, Special course taken in
Reglatered Live Stock (all Breods,)
Kerchaadise, Real Estate, Faro
Oalw, etc. Rates in keeping with
prevailing prices. Satisfaction &s-
pared, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or
Kr. 18-93, Zurich:
1=i, • matched dressed on both
sides at
50 PER M.
Mice, Varquhar, Ont.
resident, JOHN ALLISOI''
"file—President, JAS. McICENZIr
WIN ESSI!l1RY, Ceistraiia, Agent for
- l5eborne and Biddulph.
PLUME R HARRIS, Munro, Agent fol
Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
Secretary -Treasurer
Piet RN Eixeter, Ontario.
0o111oitdrn, Xotfi t
Notice to Farmers
Beginning Tuesday, June 8th the
Hensall Chopping Mill will run
Tuesday and Thursday forenoons
and Saturday all day.
Mrs. Geo. E. McIntyre, of De-
troit, is here visiting her motker,
Mrs. James Sparks.
Mrs. Ed. • Taylor of Fillmore,
Sask., is visiting her sisters, Mrs. J.
Murdock and Mrs. J. B. Dinsdale.
Mrs. John Murdock, and sister,
Mrs. Taylor, visited with Mrs. (Dr.)
Sweet, of Exeter on Saturday last.
Mrs. Samuel Steacy and daughter,
Lillian, visited with relatives and
friends over the week -end at Crom-
Quite a number of our villagers
have been purchasing new cars and
others making exchanges for better
Mr. Hugh McDonald, lately of Til-
lsonburg has arrived, home and will
spend the summer here.
The Misses Helen and Jean Elder,
of London, spent the week -end here
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Elder.
Miss Edna McDonald, of the Bank
of Toronto staff, of London, spent
Wednesday last here with relatives
and friends.
Miss Margaret R. Hobkirk, of
London, spent the ween -end here
with her parents, Mn. and Mrs.
Walter Hobkirk.
Mr. Kirkwood, of Toronto, is here
at present visiting his son-in-law,
Rev. Mr. H. Naylor, of St. Paul's
Anglican church.
Mr. Ernest and Mr. Hubert Nutt,
of St. Marys, spent the week -end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyde
of the London Road.
Miss Margaret Buchanan, R. N.,
is ,here from the States spending a
few days at the home of her father,
Mr. Alexander Buchanan.
Mrs. Wm. Buchanan and Mrs. J.
S. McDonald, her daughter and little
granddaughter, Florence left this
week for Toronto, where they will
spend the summer with relatives. "
The beautiful cool rains of the
past weekor so have been most
beneficial to the crops and every-
thing is now looking very promis-
Mr. Kenneth Magnall, Mrs. Wm.
Magnall, Beachville, Mrs. G. F. Scott
and Mrs. A. H. Arnold of Woodstock
visited with Mr: and Mrs. Geo. Hud-
son on Sunday.
We are pleased to report that Mr.
J. W. Skinner, who has been so ser-
iously ill for the past two or three
weeks is now improving a little and
his many friends hope his recovery
will soon be very rapid.
Next. Sunday morning, Mr.` J. M.
Conner, of London, will give an ad-
dress in he United church in the in-
terest of prohibition.* Mr. Sinclair
will occupy his own pulpit in the
Mr. Frederick Bengough has been
awarded the contract of caretaker
of Carmel Presbyterian church in •
response to tenders called for. He
will no doubt prove the right pian
in the right place for the position.
.The Rev. Mr. Campbell, at pre-
sent of Toronto, preached as an ap-
plicant for the pastorate of Carmel
Presbyterian church on Sunday last accident happened to Mr. George C.
morning and evening, delivering Petty of this village, who, accom-
abre discourses on both occasions: panied by Mr. William Consitt, Mr.
The recent. improvements 'made to
our baseball diamond and park in
the way of doubling the seating and
providing wire netting to protect the
spectators from any stray balls, are
much appreciated and were most
favorably commented upon at the
game held between Crediton and
our hometeam on Monday evening
The marriage of Mr. Thos. Wren
to Miss Beatrice Petty, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Loche Petty, of
Hay, took place at the rectory on
Saturday morning last at one o'clock
Rev. Mr. Naylor officiating. After
a short honeymoon trip they will
return to +Hensall to reside. Their
many friends here wish them life-
long happiness.
Mr. William Gram, of Lansing,
Mich., and brother Percy and his
wife of the same place motored over
to spend Decoration holidays with
their parents, Mr. • and Mrs. George
Gram, and were accompanied by
their sister, Miss Ada Gram, of De-
troit and also by Mr. William But-
tler, of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Schelak, of Detroit were also visit-
ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.
H. Gram, their relatives.
A mass meeting will be held in
the Town Hall at 3.3'0 p.m, on Sun-
day, June 13th, when Commandant
H. A. Hurd, financial representative
of Western Ontario from London ac-
companied by three of the leading
musicians will deliver his lecture en-
titled "The Light that has Never
Failed." The best local talent
from all churches will be called
upon. The chair,•will be taken by
Mr. J. G. Sutherland supported by
the Reeve and council. See the
program. Book the date. Come in
your thousands.
A number of our villagers learn-
ing that the Rev."E. F. Mc. L. Smith
of Weston, and for many years past-
or of Carmel Presbyterian church,
before the years of the Union, was
to conduct services in the United
church at Bayfield on ',Sunday last,
drove over to hear and meet him
again, and report most excellent ser-
mons. The Rev. gentleman was
looking very well, and was delight-
ed to meet former members of his
congregation here.
Mr. S. L. Peppier, the genial and
capable accountant of the Bank of
Montreal, left here the first of this
week to spend some three weeks
holidays and we believe intends im-
proving the opportunity of taking
to himself a life partner. 'Ile has
already provided a neat home here
and has a nice garden coming on
which adds so much to a home, and
in another issue we will no doubt be
able to give more particulars as to
the taking of a help -mate.
Mrs. Robert Paterson, Sr., of the
Hensall Private Hospital, left here
on Tuesday morning last for an ex-
tended trip and visit and will likely
be away for a few months as she in-
tends visiting relatives in Manitoba
and Western States and also. in
Vancouver and along the coast:
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Simpson also
left on the same train to visit rela-
tives and friends in different parts
of the West, while Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Ewen also left for a several months'
trip to the coast and will also visit_
in different parts of the West where
she ha many relatives. '
Dr. Alex. Moir has got nicely set-
tled in his new home on the London
Road a little South of our village
and has certainly a neat, very up-to-
date home, with many of the mod.-
Nern conveniences, :and within a few
rods of the fine spring creek that
runs along the western side, the
doctor having lased his fine home-
stead farm a little over a mile
northwest of our village on the 3rd
concession of the Township of Hay,
has moved onto the fine farm prem-
ises he purchased a year or so ago
from Mr. John M. Bell and which
he has improved so much including
a very tasty bungalow and we ' o-
lieve in the near future contenplates
having a nice little water stretch
which thecreek will afford him by
making certain changes in its course.
What might have been a very bad
Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill is having
a cement driveway put in from the
street to the rear ofhis dwelling,
and also intends erecting a neat
garage. Mr. Taylor, assisted by his
right hand man, Mr. James Robert-
son, is doing the cement work.
The Women's Missionary .Society
of Carmel Presbyterian church, in-
tend holding a birthday party in the
school room on Friday, June llth,
at 3 o'clock p.m. and we understand
a good program is being arranged,
and a good social hour or so is con-
fidently looked forward to.
The attendance at the sale of
home-made cooking held under the
auspices of the Women's Guild of
St. Paul's Anglican church on Sat-
urday afternoon last was quite large
Robert Higgins, Mr. Louis Clark
and Mr. William E. Pfaff on Friday
evening last While returning from
a meeting at Clinton, were run into
by another car. Mr. Petty, who
was driving his own car, saw the
car coming and pulled over to his
own side of the road as far as he
could, when the other car driven by
two young men deliberately crossed
the road, and ran into Mr. Petty's
car and made off into the darkness
before anyone in the Petty Car was
able to get their number. Mr.
Petty's car was badly damaged, and
had to be left at the scene of the
until the next morning
when Mr. Petty and.• Mr. Higgins
went up and repaired it sufficiently
to enable them to bring it home:
and the ladies report good liberal ,Fortunately no one in the car was
patronage, and a pleasant time hurt but received a bad shaking up.
Right after the accident Mra Geo.
fickle came alongand
got in with him and went to Hen-
sall and got his car and retur ned-
ing: to Clinton brought the rest
home. Two young men Were seen
just north of Clinton about half
hour after the accident;" fixing ' a
wheel. They were no doubt the
same parties who had caused the
trouble, The adcident happened
just north of the r.aiiwa,y track at
Clinton where the •other car had
plenty of room both on the driveway
and the driveway into Gunn tzk
Langlois building. It was an 'ac-
cident of extreme carelessness by
the driver .of the other car and ',,,y
running 'away and not staying to
see what damage they had done they
committed a, most serious offense
are being or;elered direct from Hol- `against the law.
spent. Tea was served to any de,
the .
siring irLn e
Our business men were taxed
the utmost on Saturday evening last
to give service to the large crowds
that had assembled here to do busi-
ness and enjoy the evening on our
Main Street which was more like a
city than village street with the
great concourse of people and autos
parked in almost countless numbers.
Some of the ladies of our horti-
cultural society very kindly during
the past weeks decorated the sol-
diers' monument at our Town Hall
by a number of fine geranium plants
which will soon make a very fine
appearance. The secretary of the
Society would be pleased to receive
orders as early as possible for tulips
and etc., for fall planting as they
'ou will want.:some real choice
feed for those hogs. Try feed flour
and tankage, The price of ' feed
flour liar been reduced to $1.90, the
price of bran and shorts has been
reduced, also. These are the feeds
you require tQ give you the select
hogs. We have 'a stock of Western.
oats, corn, oil "cake, bone meal for
cattle, etc., ground lime stone, meat
scrap. For best results rise Harvey's
Don't forget the Heusall baseball
team plays In Zurich on Friday even-
ing next, Plan tobe there.
Mrs. Dr. G. Knapp, who was op-
erated on for appendtctis some time
ago in Seaforth, is recovering nicely.
A large number from town attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mrs. S.
Dilling on . Monday last. A report
of the death will be found on the
front page.
Mr. E. Rannie is holding special
sales every Wednesday morning.
All stores in town close every Wed-
nesday afternoon.
The death occurred in Hensall on
Tuesday of Mrs. Alexander Sparks,
in her 61st year. The deceased had
been in very poor health for some
time. The funeral will be held on
etery. Further particulars next"
A number of our citizens have
purchased new cars lately among
others Mr. A. L. Case a new Buick
coupe, E. Rennie a new Essex coach,
Mr. H. Arnold a new Chrysler. Six
coach, Mr. Orville Taylor a new Es-
sex coach, while Mr. W, H. Pfile and
Mr. Alfred Smith have exchanged
their touring cars for coupes.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sullins and his
brother and wife, W. Sullins, of De-
troit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Hudson..
Mr. Mervyn Brown, of Toronto,
is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madge I in-
tend leaving this weeks for a motor
trip to Michigan where they will vis-
it relatives and friends.
Rev. Father Ford, of Woodslee, is
visiting relatives and friends in
The many friends of Mr. John
Dinsdale, who has been in poor
health for a number of years will
be sorry to hear he is slowly sink-
The services in the United church
were well attended last Sunday. Rev.
Arthur Sinclair occuyping his own
pulpit at both services.
The league meeting of the United
church which is usually held on
Monday evening was postponed till
Thursday eyeing. The prayer meet-
ing and league meeting will be com-
bined. Mr. Elgin Rowcliffe will
give the address,
The first 'and second forms of the
Continuation school start their mid-
summer examinations on Friday of
this week and will finish on Thurs-
day June 17th.- The entrance ex-
aminations will start oe June 28th
A medicine troop was in town
Thursday evening last and gave a
street entertainment, but did not do
much business.
The girl's junior soft ball team
played the Exeter juniors in Exeter
on Tuesday evening.
A number from here took in the
moonlight excursion on the White
Star Steamboat at Goderich on
Monday evening.
On Sunday afternoon last Mr. 3.
McAllister of the Parr Line, accom-
panied by his father and step -mother
Mrs. Wm. McAllister, while autoing
near Exeter, and when making a
turn on the road were ran into by a
heavy car going at quite a lively
rate of speed with the result of
overturning McAllister's car and
damaging it very much while Mrs.
McAllister suffered injuries to her
foot, requiring a number of stitches
which were put in by Dr. Graham of
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Glenn, of
the London Road, a couple miles
north of our village, accompanied by
Mrs. Glenn and children motored to
Brussels on Sunday. lastto spend -the
day with relatives and friends.
Mrs. William Coleman, of the
Township of Hay visited her mother
Mrs. J. Consitt, during the past
Mrs. R. Bonthron and son-in-law,
Mr. T. C. Joynt have engaged a sum-
mer cottage at Bayfield where they
intend spending the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Elder, of
the Township of Tuckersmith, are
for the present visiting at the home
of Mrs. Elder's mother, Mrs. Robert
Stewart, Sr., of our village.
Reeve Owen Geiger has returned
from attending the County Council -
meeting at Goderich, and will no
doubt give the matter of improved
fire protection the attention be
promised on his return from Gode-
rich, as it is a matter of supreme im-
Mrs. Fells and Mrs. Beilby who
were for a number of weeks visiting
their sister, Mrs. 3. McKenzie, have
returned to their homes in the West.
Our bowlers are and have for the
past couple of weeks been making
good use• of their fine green Ind
have an excellent caretaker in Mt.
Thomas Farquhar, who has so 'well
attended to it for several years now.
Musical Contest and Festival
June 30th. See advt. front page .
A number from here attended the
play and
dance at West McGillivray
on Friday night. ,
Miss Louise Flanagan, of De-
troit, is spending a few weeks at
the home of her brother, Pat Flana-
Miss Winnifred Keogh is visiting
friends at Detroit.
Mrs. Finnegan, of Parkhill is vis-
iting at the home of her nephew,
Mr. James Breen.
We are pleased to state that the
infant son of hfr. and Mrs. Henry
Pfaff is improving after the serious
attack of pneumonia.
After spending two months in De-
troit, Mrs. M. O'Brien returned to
her home hero on Saturday.
Miss Eileen O'Rourke, of Detroit
spent tiLe week -end with friends
Dr. H.11. Cowen, I, D. S�
D. D. elle
At office in Hargett) Block, Dash-
wpod, first three days of week and
at office e ver the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
You will want some real choice`
feed forthose hogs, Try feed flour
and tankage, The price ""of teed
flour has been reduced to $1.90. The
price of bran and :shorts has been
reduced also.. These are the feeds
you require to give you the select
hogs. We have a stock of western
oats, corn,` oil cake, bone meal for
cattle, etc., ground lime stone,: meat
scrap. For best results use. Harvey's`
The business menof the town
have agreed to observe half holiday
on Wednesday afternoon during the
months of June, July, August and
September. The stores will, be.
open Tuesday and Saturday even-
Mr. Czar' Steinhagen of the Can-
adian Bank of Commerce of Wood-
stock is spending his holidays at his
home here
Mrs:' heatie Toronto y, of spent
the week -end with Mr. Jonas Hart-
Mr. and Mrs. John Elligsen, of
Mitchell, called on friends in town
on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kellerman
and family attended the funeral of
the late Mr. Taylor in Sarnia • on
Mr. R. Heideman has returned
after spending the past few weeks
in Stratford and Toronto.
Mrs. Chas. Stephen has
after spending the past
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ehlers and
Addie and Mr. S. Schaah, of •Kitch-
ener, spent the week -end in town.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Schultz, of De-
troit, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. L. Rader on the town line.
J. C. Reid & Co. are shipping
beans from Bayfield. Mr. Reid is
remaining in Bayfield °this week.
Mr. Ira Tiernan, /of New Ham-
burg, spent Sunday with his par-
Mr. Clarence Kellerman is at-
tending the jury in Goderich this
Last Friday evening Rev. Dengis,
of Zurich, favored the Young
People's League of the Evangelical
church with an address. On Friday
evening of this week another treat
is in store for old and young. One
of our ' aged residents, Mr. Snider,
will recite some poems in his able
manner. We will also be favored
with a cornet solo and other musical
numbers. P "How rs. The topic to Get
Things Done" will be taken by four
members. Come Friday night and
tell us your way.
The Ladies' Aid and E.L.C.E. of
Calvary Evangelical church are
making arrangements for a straw-
berry social to be held on June 28th.
Keep that date in mind and watch
for further announcements.
week in
The W. M. S. met at the home of
1VIrs. Andrew McLellan on Thursday,
June 3rd, Mrs. James Scott presid-
ing. The meeting opened by sing-
ing "Abide With Me." 1Vlrs. Oliver
read the Scripture lesson followed
by prayer. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted.
Mrs. Houghton read a chapter from
the study book on prayer; Psalm 28
was sung and Mrs. Thos. Scott led in
prayer. Mrs. Jas. Hill read a very
interesting paper and Mrs. Kerslake
read extracts from the Glad Tidings.
Hymn 591 was sung after which
Mrs. S. A. Miller closed with prayer
all joining in the Lord's prayer.
Lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. G:,rland Rice have
returned to ther home in Detroit
after spending a few days with the
former's parents of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Patterson
and Alvin Smith, all of Detroit,
spent a few days at the home of
Mrs. Patterson's mother, Mrs. Thos.
Mr. Morris Simpson `has return-
ed home from Windsor with a Ford
Mr. George Boreham has been en-
gaged as summer extra man on the
C.N.R. section here.
Mr. and Mrs. Moss Simpson have
returned home from Montreal where
they attended the funeral of the
latter's sister,' Mrs. Ross.
The highway from Clandeboye to
Centralia is receiving its yearly
coat of gravel and is being put in
A-1 condition. Several teams are
engaged in doing this work which is
overseen by W. H. Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lance. Cobleigh and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Armitage.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Atkinson have
returned hme afted a two weeks',
visit in Detroit.
Since the C.N.R. station here has
been made .a flag, business is de-
creasing fast, and very little ship-
ping is being realized, in fact it has
the appearance of being vacated.
The caretaker at Lucan Crossing
will be removed on July lst. We
understand one of the section men
from here Will occupy the dwelling
Mrs. Wallis was. in Loudon for a
few days last. week.
Mr. Will Hicks has purchased a
new car.
Mr. Wm. Humble of Ailsa CYaig
has been renewing acquaintances
The Union picnic for tills cein
munity 18 to be held at Grand Bend
June 19t11.
The Ladies' Aid of the United
church are planning for their lawn
social and bazaar on June 30th.
Miss Violet Sharpe supplied for
Miss Presley who was home for a
few days on account of her mothers
Oft.' in the stilly night What it those motors should
With motors humming round nye collide
I. wondez if they are insured X really feel 'a, tie terrified
ite> .
I'M glad X', net the guy iusida
As madly they surround me. And other tloughtd do hound me
Come men of vision near "end far
Get busy and insure Yottr car
The rush is on, it comes with Spring .,
Insure your safety—that's the thing
The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada
en eh
_A ...via
AAT every price, from 75c
to i$2.00, Monarch -Knit
Hosiery presents uncommon
value. Here's one example
—Monarch Green Stripe at
01.00. Pure silk, for rich
sheen and lasting smoothness
—reinforced with fibre silk
for long wear. Every newest
color—and if a "run" should
start it cannot pass the sec-
ond "stop run."
Head Office Dunnville, Ont.
4_ Course in Public Health and Bac- " ..JULY 5th to
teriology.�' AUGUST 14th
2. Course in French Conversation. ,p
3. Review Course in High School Algebra f For f n f or:nation
to Matriculation. zsrife the Director, Dr.
Also thirty other courses in Astronomy, r j 1 H. !2. Kingston, or Dr.
Botany, English, French, Geology, Ger- ! ' K. P. R. F.eailla,. egis-
ba tsar.
Library .
man, Greek, History, Latin, ry k traxy.
Science, Mathematics and
A splendid social and ath-
letic program throughout
the entire six weeks.
Beautiful new University.
Start on a B. A. Course
now! Six delightful weeks
of study and recreation.
"What an attractive
Floor you haver
The smooth glowing surface of a
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will stand long hard wear.
4. U 6 AT Ok'Ca' '
Made by Carpenter -Morton Company, Boston, Mast,
The Roof of Your Garage
Put a roof on your garage that will harmonize with
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Fire resistant, lasting and economical. 36
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este pills 9!!II •fill .".alla I-ISII
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on Brantford Roofing rendered 1»'
Ross -Taylor Co., Ltd.,- E titer