HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-6-3, Page 8dour Windows To make them up-to-date and' presentable from both inside and outside See Our New Display We now have on display a complete stook of everything required to fit up your windows in, the very latest style. Cur- tain materials of every description priced from 20c a yard up. Materialsfor overcurtains in beautiful colors and designs 3a inches to 50 inches wide priced from. 28c yard up. Ready-made curtains the new styles with tie -backs priced from $1.50 a pair up; alsothe popular panel effects in lace or rayon silk at reasonable prices. Blinds in any size or color combination and brass curtain rods to fit any size. window, A New Coat at Your Own Price We are determined to clear out every ladies' spring coat and suit so if you can make use of one you will be wise if you come in at once and see if we have a garment that snits you. Some of this „season's best coats are still on our racks and we can guarantee you a genuine bargain. Money Saving Prices On Articles Most People Need to Buy, Men's English Broadcloth shirts with separate collar $2.49 Black Stockings for children -plain or ribbed for 25c. Sand or black stockings for ladies or girls for 25c. Men's odd tweed pants -sizes up to 46 for $2:98 Pretty ginghams-tub-fast colors per yard SOc. Men's work.shirts, sizes 14 to 17 1-2 for 98c. Men's I abki drill overalls -all sizes for $1.98 Men's fine print shirts -good cloths for $1.49 Simmer vests for ladies and girls for 25c Ladies' Boleproof silk stockings for 98c. Men's work sox -3 and 4 pair for $1.00 Rayon sill;, stockings new shades for 49c. Ladies'• summer weight corsets for 98c. 2 lb. ginger snaps for .... 3 boxes matches for 25c 29c 3 pkgs. 4 bars ammonia powder laundry soap for 25c 25c J. A. Stewa.rt s 1 For The June Bride THE JUNE BRIDE THAT SELECTS HER FURNITURT AT THIS STORE CAN REST ASSURED THAT SHE WILL HAVE HER CHOICEOF THE LARGEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE STOCK OF THE FINEST FURNITURE OF THE LATEST DESIGNS AND FINISti.CS AT THE USUAL LOW PRICES. DON'T FORGET TO CALL AND SEE US "THE HOME FURNISHER" M. E. 6AD1NER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE LONG DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT Phone 74j OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ATTENTION Night Can 'i 4w THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE Exeter Markets Wheat $1.82 Oats 50c. Barley 60e. Manitoba Flour $4,50. Blended Flour $4.30. Pastry Flour $3,80: Feed Flour $2.40. .Bran $1.70 Shorts $1.70 Creamery Butter 39c. Dairy Butter 34-37c. Eggs, ext •as 28c, Eggs, sec lids 240 Maple Syrup $2.25, Lard 20c. Potatoes $2.50 and $2,75. Hogs $14.00. Hogs, selects '$15.40. LOCAL t +++++44 ++++++++ Special curtain week sale at' Mrs. W. D. Yeo's from June 4th .to the 12th. All curtains and curtain goods reduced. ,r, 1 Phone Grant' Bakery and Cir der your Saturday baking. p, (,1N PRESBYTERIAN OIIURCII Rev. Tames (Foote, 'B;A„ Minister 10 a.m.- Sunday School Every Presbyterian go to church Sunday 11 a.m.---"The Unfailing Design." The Minister 7 p.m. -"At the Break of Day." The Minister Miss. Fern Short, of London, spent. Sunday at her .home here. Mr, F. M, Boyle has installed a telephone n. Iris barber shop. ;Miss Vera Rowe has resigned her position with Gladman & Stanbury. Mr. Wm. Mitchell has taken the agency for the Common Sense Fan- ning Mill. Mr. Joshua Johns has purchased a new Chrysler Six sedan from Mr. C. 0. Pilon. Mr. Geo. Hind has taken a posi- tion for the summer with the Public Utilities Commission. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowers and i\Ir. Berry, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. U. Blood and family, of Detroit, Mich., called on friends in town on Monday. Messrs. Roy and Gordon Perkins, of Detroit, spent the week -end in town under the parental roof. Miss Carrie Davis has taken a position at the postoffice in place of Miss Alice Pfaff, who has resigned. Street Commissioner W. J. Bissett is this week having ,calcium chloride placed on the principal streets of town to lay the dust. = Messrs. Stanley and Norval Shep- pard of Pt. Huron, visited over the week -end with their parents at the James St. parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. C. Zuefle and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, of Flint, Mich., spent the week -end with relatives here. Mrs. R. Huston, of London, and Mr. Ed. Taylor, of Glencoe, visited their sister, Mrs. Mabel Burke, who has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hurdon and daughter, of Detroit, motored over Saturday and spent the week -end with relatives. Monday was Decoration Day in. the United States and during the week -end a great many American cars passed through town. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gillies and family, of Detroit, spent Sunday and Monday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gillies. Mrs. J. Welsh, of Clandeboye, Man., says, "the Times -Advocate is a welcome visitor to our home though it brings sad news at times." Mr. Thos. Phair, of Blane, Wash., and Mr. Wesley Phair, of Battle Creek, Mich., called on old friends in Exeter the latter part of last week Mr. Bruce Medd returned home last week having graduated from the O.A.C., Guelph, with the degree of B.S.A. He will assist his father at the creamery. Among the young men ordained by the London Conference in Strat- ford on Sunday were Mr. Lorne W. Brown, M.A., of Crediton and Mr. Andrew Boa, of Hensali. Mr. Jos. Grant and Miss' Mary Grant, nurse -in -training at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Myers and three children, of Detroit; Mrs. In- wood and daughter, ,Katherine,• of London, spent Sunday with IIiss Vosper and Miss Sanders. Speeding has become prevalent on the Main St. and unless more pre- caution is taken, especially through the business section there is going to be a°serious accident one of these days. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Patterson • motored over from Detroit and spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Quance. They were accom- panied home by Mrs. D. Russell, who has been visiting here. Rev. Harold Wright,..a former or- ganist of the James St. church was ordained by the Toronto conference and has been stationed at Cobalt. 1-je will assume his new pastorate July lst. At present he is visiting with friends in Exeter. Mr: W. H. Johnston conducted the service in Main St. church on Sun- day morning last and in the even- ing Rev. Mr. Sheppard spoke in the interests of the Ontario Prohibition Union, The pastor, Rev. F. E. Clys- dale was at conference. Jack the Peeper has been seen prawling around and peeping into windows late at night. In sones sections the people are quite agitat- ed and if the thing continues meas- ures will be taken to put a stop to it. A fairly good description has been obtained of the person, The ice went out at Grand Bend on Monday and the residents there hope they have seen the last of it for this season, On Sunday it was about a mile and a half out. The ice remained longer this veer than any year in the memory of the old- est inhabitants. It has meant e, very great loss to the fishermen. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA , Rev. E. Sheppard, Pastor W. R, Moulding, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.m. "What are you Most Thankful for? An opportunity to join the church. 3 p.m. -Learn how to make up. 7 p.m -"Trying to go Opposite Ways at the same time, Never tell evil of a person, if you do not know if for cetainty, and if you know it for a certainty, then ask yourself, "Why should I tell it?" "Friend, all ,the world's a little queer, excepting thee and me; and sometimes I think thee a trifle peculiar." LET. US BE ONE IN CHRIST' Men's Store Phone 81w Men's Store `SEVERAL NEW LINES For Men and Boys Who Wish To Be Well Dressed SWEATERS -A swell new line of up-to-date- sweaters that are very attractive, have been placed on sale at a special price from"$3.50 to $7.50. ALSO A FINE NEW LINE OF BELTS. SUMMER UNDERWEAR We have something new in a buttonless combination suit of underwear that is selling at a special price of $1.00 We are:malting a big drive on Ready -to -Wear Suits in the rInewisport shades and patterns. Prices $18 and $20.1 HATS'and CAPS, SHIRTS and TIES . ThMfkN Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter G1U .y,. i"�l �+SO).h'%.:r41IIMtkantillevtabsatlelaStrialiatentg 's Trivitt Memorial Church 3 p.m. -Sunday School. Service as usual. T1UTI1vSDA , MUNE 8i'd, ,92if JI 1 ! ill:. 1 I I i ! ! II , !! I!, 1111 I!I ,I II, II 1111!11, ,111! 11!1111 II ,1 !!11 I II II 111,1 I �:�. ._-,.II1 IIll,lilll LN I Illllllll Illll I Iillll I N II Ili I I! N! ! I Il ! 111.1111 1!111.111 11l111l11,111-..... Smart Styles In Men's Clothes at Popular :... Prices 1 C MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Ciysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.-"A Life Story Told." 3 p.m. -Sunday School. 'Brothers Estrayed and Reunited." 7 p.m. -"Jesus Forever." A final message on "Jesus the Master Man." Every service profitable -Join with others who worship. 4 r� GOVERNMENT BONDS ALWAYS ON SALE ALWAYS SALEABLE NO TROUBLE kI3OUT INTEREST MORTGAGE LOANS SELECTED D .FARMS HIGHER INTEREST COLLECTION MADE vv.w. mAIDE NO CHARGE FOR TIM SAFE -KEEPING OP yOUB PAIPERS IN OUR VAULT Gladman & Stanbury torn 'IiIR 'HENS Powell's Bazaar The -Big Variety Store 101.11. Eventually you will buy NAME- LESS Cold Remedy, It is the proper treatment -for this prevailing cold that seems to be griping the coun- try. Everyone should carry a bot- tle of NAMELESS and at the first approach of a cold use it_ freely up the nose and on the glands of the throat, back of the neck and in the ears. Don't wait until you are all it, it may then be too late. NAME- LESS costs but 25c, postpaid 30c. If there is no Dealer near you, send to us. ENJOYME Tooth Paste is the best tooth cleaner we know of and sells at 19c. Try one•tube and be con- vinced of what we say -and, look at the Saving. A good article in a plain package at an afordable price. lee Bream and candy at Grant's Bakery and confectionery. Mr. Garnet Frayne has purchased ff the hog business i!ronl Mr. H. El - worthy I� ! and will ship each lVfonday art until further notice. ('hone 151, Exeter Mr. Hy. Willis, of, Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. a?:: N. Creech over the week -end. FOR SALE-Pipeless Furnace, medium size, also several stoves, heaters, nearly new, frame stable about 25x35 ft. and some lumber. Apply to C. Lee at the Central Hotel. WANTED Energetic man ever 25, with car, to represent a large growing con- cern; experience unnecessary. We train you. Apply Box M, Exeter. WARNING -Unless the shrub taken from my property on Friday night last is returned at once there will be further trouble. Jas. Jewell. LOST -LA small, brown ladies' pin with a. ring on the top. Finder please leave at Times -Advocate. We are showing a smart range of new Tweeds in the newest styles and models and Worsteds at prices that will please you Good values at $14.95; $18.50; $25 to $35 HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR -No button underwear for boys and men. Fits better than any other un- derwear because it is tailored in every curve and seam. Boys $1:00, Men's $1.50 SMART STRAW HATS All the newest shapes in different kinds of straws to suit any face or pocket book. Priced at $2.25 to $3.50 New Hot Weather Dresses In crepes, voiles, bordered crepes and other new materials. Every week we have new styles to show you. This> week we are showing snappy voile dresses in Large Sizes at $9.75 $11.00 $12,50 BOY SCOUT RUNNING SHOES They stand the hard wear, and rough usage that Boys and Girls . give them. We carry a full range of this popular footwear. HOUSE DRESSES These are made of extra quality ging- ham in full sizes with embroidered trimmings. Priced at $1.25 to $1.69 White Canvas Footwear at Clearing Prices This week we place on our counters 100 pairs of Misses', Children and Women's white Footwear that sold as high as $3.50 a pair. Quick sale price 98c �q. .:ri/ =y-�/•�. t % -c i �:::F i `-:'moi tw �r-.zi•� wt tea•' `�:.. i :..;.:.- �v;s�.i �sa�r�.ab��'�i.�m=`-€��ic�=� �i�=� ��y...: ���iiM �% ��i�r •� ��i.�����i..cw'�\�►�f�.r••-.��� outhcott B. ,..,„„111111111„H„,t11,11111IlIIIIIII„,„,111,1111!11111111„,„,IIIIII1111,111,1111111Rl „„„,,III„„„„,II,IAIIIIIIIIIIIII!l111,1111,„.; 98c =• aMMI MOM FOR SALE OR RENT The Following Properties Brick Store on Main St., Exeter Commodious Brick dwelling, fur- nace heated, and .wired for Electric lighting, etc7 with fixtures in place, John St. Six and a half acres of choice land suitable for market garden, running through from Huron St. to John St. Choice Saskatchewan farms in the Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty and Fro+ besher districts. For price and terms on,above see ROBERT. E. PICKARD, John Street EXETER. Agent for Great West Life As'ce Co. PLANTS FOR SALE -Tomato, celery, cabbage, cauliflower, asters, canna, snap dragon, petunia, vincia, begonia, _geraniums; foliage, dusty miller, cirecina, salvia, peppers, ferns stocks, French marigolds, straw plant, gladioli, dallies. Veranda boxes and hanging baskets filled to order. L. DAY & SON, Florists. WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY The following have agreed to close their places of business at twelve o'clock noon each. Wednesday dur- ing the months of June, July and August; W. J. Beer, W. J. Heaman, Miss Yellancl, H. S. Walter, B. W..F. Beavers, Jones & May, Grigg Stat- ionery Co., M. Hodgert, H. Rivers, M. E. Gardiner, Mrs, Yeo, N. Hock- ey, T. Elliott, Southcott. Bron, J. A. Stewart, Dr. Kinsman, G. A. Haw- kins, S. Martin & Son, W. W. Taman, J. Lawson, Dr, Atkinson, Dr. Roul- ston, Miss Armstrong, F. M. (Boyle, S. B. Taylor, S. Fitton, Len. Heist, R. N. Rowe. Have Your Eyes Examined To -day 1VIUSICAL INSTRUJM]ENTS Saxophones, Violins or any musi- cal instrusnents used and new. Bast' payments arranged. Two lessons free With every new instrument purchased Last inoinent en,gagenients accepted for Anniversaries, Festivals of any occasion. suitable music sunp1ied. ROBERT GA5/1I3RITJL Concert Pianist, 'Violinist & Saxophonist There is nothing to be gained by delaying that eye examination. There is much to be lost. Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis- factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor- oughness of our methods -and will be pleased with the glasses. Call today and learn the truth about your eyes. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST, EXETER. ONT. PHOE 70 House -Cleaning Time Has Come ✓ Again AND WE ARE HERE WITH ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE IN THE NEW STYLES AND NEW FINISHES AT THE USUAL LOW PRICES. CALL AND SEE •US R. N. ROWE • Funeral Director & Embalmer Phone 20W Night 203 FOR SALE -Second hand buggy in good repair; also cream separat- or. Apply at the Times Advocate. 5-20-tf IVIHOLM t'ARM BABY CHICKS -Barred Rocks, Anemias and Minorcas. Flocks cul- led. Potato planting done. Also some choice strawberry plants for sale at $1 per 10.0 ' L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, phone Crediton 18-31. For Sale Bed springs, cost $11, take $5. Gerhard-Heintzman %piano. Three comfortable homes in Ex- eter, suitable for retired families. Good organ, cheap. Several cabinet phonographs, half price. Hardware display rack for store. Pansy and Aster plants by the dozen or hundred. Use our Service for selling and locating. Inquire POWELL'S BAZAAR, EXETER LET T. II. ELLIOTT - Save you money this spring. Just' let him make your suits, or let him clean, press and repair your old ones, Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Deno by • M. F 'RArki Cif Agent fel' CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 164, Exeter ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments Insurance, Office one door south Times Office W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Cnoirmaster James St. United Church Instrucction in Piano Vocal Organ ,, Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. Box 57 EXETER, ONT. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality. Fara Stock sales a specialty. Satin faction guaranteed. Charges mod erate. Orders left at this office wit' be promptly attended to. R.R. No 1, Kirkta®. Phoma Eirittes 54r2. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Mem- ber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the British Medical Council. Phone 6 -(The office of the Iate Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make SINGLE EDGE DOUBLE EDGE Perfect Edge W. S. COLE, 3c 4c Guaranteed Druggist • Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, - Exeter Fitton's Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING GUARANTEED FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF .AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, WITH .J.�;�TIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and John J ll...a. Ltd BUILDING and CONTRACTING Houses and Barns ESTIMATES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY 'FURNISHED Phone 15 2w John St. East, Exeter ren cremeeminnantelum WE HAVE STARTED 01111 LON- DON EXPRESS READ('lTARTEItS:, 103 RING ST., PHONE 1105 WE WTLI, ALSO SECURE TOUR MOTOR LICENSE FOR YOU He Bagshaw 1. R. CARLING B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR= LTC Loans, Investments, Insuranes Office,Carling B1ock,Main St. Exeter GLAUMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors ala. Money to Loan, Investments Mad* -Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for use of our, Clients without charge. Exeter London Hernia Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S‘ DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrict Dental Officers se Military District, Number One, Lona don, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 84J Be open Wednesday afternoons till April 7th Main Street, Exeter, Ont. • ' Office Closed Every Wednesday Dr. G. F. Roulston. L.D.S..D.D.S. DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's Law. office. Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. Dr. A. R. Kinsman, L.L.D.,D.D.c. - DENTIST >i Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer,-- sity. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's office, Main Street, Exeter.. DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M.D.C.M., Toronto L•.R:C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P.&S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office over Browning's Drug Storij Phones Residence 30 Office 24 DR. W. E. WEEKES Physician and Surgeon Late Chief Interne Vancouver General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTY Office removed to the former Ford" garagebuilding corner `of Main an Ann St. Office hpurs 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.mt. Phone: Office 67W, Residence 67J DR. E. S, STEINER- VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of. the Ontario Veterinary; College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMT LY ATTENDED TO Office, old Ford Garage Building Corners of Main and Ann Street Telephones: Office 158w, Ilouse .15Si EXETER, ONT. Dr. Adrian B. Gibson, 17.S«. Graduate of the Ontario V'eterinnrlf, College All calls promptly ‚attended to Office --Frank Taylor's Sales Stahl* I'hono 09W Residence--Janres St., Phone K EXETER ONTARIO ARTHJJ.R. WEBER LICENSE() AUCTIONEER For Enron. County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY.' 8 Years Experience. Prices Reason. able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge. Phone 117.18 Dawhrvood R. It. 1, 1)ASHWOOD, 011T'..