HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-5-20, Page 4A, MA7' got PrHE EXETER TIM ES ADVOCATE CASINO at RAND etatsuo opens with a dance i .A`.1<.` 7`iilDAY, MAY 2' , L926 also Victoria Da' .11,LNCING lu the EVENING 8:$0 to Midnight Buesohar Boys' 8 piece Band Meaux the best in new music Come and make your week -end "Best yet." Ouion Seed WHITE PORTUGAL for picklers & 'White Sets. YELLOW STRASBURG .for sets ask for prices YOUNG & MURDOCK 1187 Hing St. London, Ont. Mount " Carmel Rev. Frs, Millett and Goldin of+ Redeauptarist order .:are conducting. a mission in the. Church of Our Lady here this week. Miss Kathleen M`iilligan, of Dub- lin is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Charles Rater Ragaela this week.. .Or, and Mrs. Milton Shirley, ac- compauied by Miss TresaHalf, and friend of Grantor, visited Mrs. Mil - tons parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall on Sunday. A number from hero attended the play, at Zurich on Friday evening. Miss Eileen O'Rourke, of Detroit, spent Sunday et her home near Khiva. A play will be put on in the parish hall by the u young people. lt Z rich oun Advt. on front page. WHALEN Mrs. Tiffany and daughters, of Detroit, spent the end :of the week with her Heise Mrs. Will Morley. Mr. and..Mrs.. George Millson, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson, of Lucan, spent Sunday in London and Lame both. Mr. Mervin Johnsou left on Mon- day to accept a position in Ford Six Reasons Why 1 Recon�nend HURON& ERIE DEBENTURES 1. They are authorized by law as an investment for estates. and trust funds. 2. They are issued by an institution that is "OLDER than the DOMINION." 3. This 62 -year-old financial institution is ..Government Chart- ered. .4. Huron & Erie books, securities and accounts are subject to inspection at any time without notice by Dominion Gov- t;` ernment Officials. • 5 The paid up capital and reserve fund of The. Old Huron & Erie affords surplus security totalling $6;850.000. 6 Owners of these debentures together with savings depositors have FIRST claim upon every dollar of Huron & Erie as- sets totalling over $31,000,000. 5 per cent. per annum is payable half yearly upon $100 or more for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years. CHOOSE THIS TRUSTEE E� ,CUBITY OR YOUR, RBD EARN - ISAAC R. CARLING BARRISTER &c., EXETER, ONT. Local .Agent for The Huron & Erie p Mortgage Corporation. to whom. applications for debentures may be made..�.,=..m...-,-. --- City, We wish him success. Little Miss Jetterene Joues is quite ill with, pueumouia. Mr, and Mrs, Russell Skinner and Wed- Mrs. Tdodgson, Sr., spent last uesday with lVir. and Mee. J. N. alodg- ecu. The neighbors and friends of Mr. Joe Powe gathered on Monday and put in kis crop for him. Mr. Powe has been ill with the flu for some weeks. Mrs. .L N. Hodgson who was coil- fined to her bed with the flu is able to be around again. The May meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Morley on Thursday last, The first \rice lyresident Mrs. A. .Gunniugs was in the chair and had an excel- lent lent ro ram among the numbers was a solo with harp accompani- ment by Mrs. J. Stevenson, also a duet by Mrs. J. Stevenson and Mrs. F. Squire, after which the Treasur- er, Mrs H Squire and President Mrs. F. Gunning read an address and presented Mrs. Hilton Ogden, their recording secretary for the past five years with a life membership certif- icate as an appreciation of her splen- dd York. After the program about thirty enjoyed the Missionary lunch. The following is the address: Whalen, May 13, 1926 Mrs. Hilton Ogden Dear Fellow -Workers: We the members of the Whalen Women's Missionary Society, desire to express to you, our sincere bp- preciation of your five years of ser- vice to us as our Recording Secre- tary. We, do appreciate, very Hench, your excellent reports each month, and although we know that work so well and cheerfully performed brings its own reward, yet we .ask you to accept as a slight token of our love and gratitude to you, this "Life Membership Certificate." May it always suggest to you, not merely our love and esteem, but the "Greater and Deeper Blessing" of God's approval of yotee good work. Our best wishes as a Society are for God's best bounties and bless- ings rest •always on you and yours. We hope that many more years, we will meet together in this pleas- ant intercourse of our society meet- ings. Signed: Mrs. F. Cunnings, Pres. Mrs. Harvey Squire, Treas. ni Alonzo, three aim a half year old adopted son of Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Lloyd, of St. Marys, was drowned in a cistern while at play on Friday afternoon. The body was found' in the evening, SOUTH HURQN 13ASEBALU LEAGUE IS ORGANIZED On Friday eyenieg last rep- resentatives from Exeter Crediton Thames .Road, Zurich and Hensall met� in Hensen at the Commercial Hotel where a South Huron Base- ball League. was formed, consisting of the abova named towns. Rules and regulations for the league were drawn up and ale() a schedule, The following league officers were elect- ed: President, Mr, Fleiniug, Hensall viae -,pies„ Mr, F. Kerr, Crediton‘ seo'y-troas,, Mr. F. Anderson, Ex- eter. The above officers together with Mr. Bray of Thames Road and. Mr. Lee Hofto.an of Zurich, go to form thee...league exeo ►tine. The rules are being printed and copies of thesewillb m a ailed tb each c 1 ub _ The 'frist game at the season will be between ;Hensall and Exeter at Hen- sel], on May 27th. There are quite a number of good ball players in this league and these games will, no d'oubt prove very interesting and help to keep the sporting spirit of our district alive. The schedule: MAY 27—Exeter at Hensall. 27—Thames Road at Zurich. 31—Crediton. at Exeter. 31—Hensall at Thames Road. J1TaN' E 4—Thames Road at Exeter. 4—Zurich at\ Crediton. 1 ---Crediton at Hensall. 7—Exeter -at Thames Road. 1Q—Thames Road at Crediton. • 11—Hensall at Zurich. 14—Crediton at Zurich. 14--Hensall at Exeter. 17—Thames Road at Hensall. 18.—Zurich at Exeter. 21—Zurich at Thames Road. 21—Hensall at Crediton. 24—Zurich at Hensall. 25—Exeter at Crediton. 28—Crediton at Thames Road. 28—Exeter at Zurich. JULY 5—Exeter at Crediton. 5—Thames Road at Zurich. 9—Crediton at Hensall. 9—Exeter at Thames Road. 12—Zurich at Crediton. 13—Thames Road at Hensall. 16—Crediton at Exeter. 16—Hensall at Zurich. 19—Hensall at Exeter. 19—Zurich at Thames Road. 22—Exeter`•at Hensall. 23—Thames Road at Crediton. 26—Crediton at Zurich. 26—Hensall at Thames Road: 29—Thames Road at Exeter. 30---Hensall at Crediton. AUGUST 2—Crediton at Thames Road. 2—Zurich at Exeter. 6—Exeter at Zurich. 9—Zurich at Hensall. agealaVaaar 41110.. A sin Chrysler Quality and Perfor unee—New Lower o Priced Six Walter P.Chrysler, manufac- turer of the famous Chrysler "70", the superfine. Imperial "80"and the preferred four, Chrysler "58", now presen'ts the new Chrysler `‘60"—the latest sensational product of Chrysler engineering --the first Chrysler Six at so low a price. At last, all of the supreme value and performance you naturally expect from. Chry- sler, in a size and at a price that revolutionize values and quality among. lower - priced sixes. •s?"� ass , Chrysler Quality --without aal equal in the whole indus- try — in the new "60" now completes Ch'rysleCr.31 / domi- nation of the three great fields in which sixes are pre-emi- nent. Chrysler Performance al- ways sensational, always superior—measured by the Chrysler model numbers- 458"60"-"70"-Imperial umbers Chrysler 0"-"'0"-imperial "80". And in this newest Chrysler --the six -cylinder "60"—all of the Chrysler superiorities, features and new results com bi led its a quality six which upsets all previous standards in the lower-priced field. Never before such a six at such a price as the Chrysler " "lVrilji 60 . See the new Chrysler "60". Drive it. Don't be satisfied with anything less than value, - t Chrysler"60" and° performance. 7 Chrysler "60" Quality Features 1 6 -Cylinder Chrysler Motor. 2 54 brake horse -power. 3 4 5 6 7 60 miles per hour and more. 5 to 25 miles in.73/4 seconds. Easily 26 miles to the gallon. 7 -bearing crankshaft. Aluminum alloy pistons balanced to sixteen one -hundredths of an ounce. 8 Impulse Neutralizer—Not a balancer, but a device that absorbs the natural impulse re -actions common to all inter. nal corubusdon engines. 9 Purolator --filters all crankcase oiL • 10 Centrifugal air cleaner—protects elfin., dere and pistons from road duet and grit. 11 Full pressure oiling system—a film of oil for all bearings, insuring long life. 12 Semi-automatic plus manual spark control. 13 Manifold heat control 14 Chrysler roadability --easy to steer, east to handle t;t all speeds, always safe • 15 Chrysler hydraulic four-wheel brakes. 16 Levelizers, which eliminate road shocks, et both front and rear, . 17 Chrysler dynamic symmetry of body design. 18 Great roominess combined with Clue ter compactness for easy parking. 1q Duos finish in striking color cora.. binations. 20 Pull balloon 30 x 5.25 tires. ! We are eager to demonstrate the above few. tures In the new Chrysler "60". Arrange drive this sensational ear yourself. lc1a GARAGE C. C. PILON PRONE 155 EXETER, ONT, ,CREAM SE -ARATORS We are Malting a special offer for the exohauge of your ole cream Sep- arator 011 a new one for the next few weeks only. The Massey -Harris separator is one of the closest skim- ming and easiest running on the market to -day, Try one .of these .na- chines, a trial will convince you and the price is right.We new have to offer for the trade a iiower lift tractor plow specially designed, for use with Portion tractors and per- fect in construction. Call on us when in need of any new machinery, stable, equipment, hay ` car, outfits, barn door track, rope, twine, pumps, windmills, etc. Give us a call.. ARTHUR JONES MASSEY-HARRIS GIRL'S SOFT BALL AT GRAND BEND Teams from. Exeter, Forest, Hen- sall, Zurich, Dashwood, Lucan, Park- hill, Ailsa Craig, Thedford, Crediton Centralia and surrounding centres, are invited to enter. Represents; Lives from' each team will meet at Grand Bend Casino, May 24th, Vic- toria Day at 5 p.m. A large silver cup will be offered for competition, and she winning team will play in Ontario championships. Full par- ticulars from Geo. E. Ecclestone, 304B King St., London. SOUTH PERTH U.F.O. LEAGUE The dispute between the Fuller- ton Baseball Club and the executive of the South Perth U.F.O. Baseball League, which arose over the poses- sion of the Peter Smith Trophy, held by the Fullerton team, has been settled out of court. Both par- ties had engaged legal talent to present their claims, but at the last meeting of the executive the -latter was settled amicably, and now every- thing is running • smoothly. The cup has beenhanded oyer to the Boundary team, which won it. At the annual meeting officers were elected as follows: Harry Stewart, president; Dan. Brintnell, vice-pres. E. Selbes, sec'y-treas; Tom Hay, A. Campbell, William Nairn, Harold Bradd and J. E. Turner, executive committee, togegther with three rep- resentatives f>''om each club. This season's schedule is as follows: MAY 20—Motherwell at Avonton. 21—Fuilarton at Carlingford; Mt. -- Pleasant at Boundary. 25—Avonton at Salem. 28—Fullerton at Motherwell 29—Avonton at Mt. Pleasant; at Carlingford. JUNE 1—Boundary et Avonton. 4—Carlingford at Boundary; Moth - well at Salem, Avonton at Ful- larton. • 8—Fullarton at Mt. Pleasant; Car- lingford at Avonton; Selam at Boundary. 11—Mount Pleasatnt at Motherwell; Avonton at Carlingford. 12—Fullarton at Salem. 16—Fuilarton at Boundary; Salem_ at Avonton; Carlingford at Mt. Pleasant. 19—Motherwell at Fullerton; Boun- dary at Carlingford; Mount Pleasant at Salem.. 22—Avonton at Motherwell; Boun- dary at Mt. Pleasant. 23—Carlingford at Salem. 26—Motherwell at Boundary; Mt. Pleasant at Avonton; Salem at Fullerton. 29—Boundary at Salem; Carling- ford at Fullerton. JULY 1—Salem at Motherwell; Carling- ford at Motherwell. 2—Boundary at Fullerton 3—Motherwell at Mount Pleasant. 5—Avonton at Boundary. 6—Salem at Mount Pleasant. 8—Fullarton at Avonton; Boun- dary\ at Motherwell. 9—Mt. Pleasant at Carling#ord. 13—Mt. Pleasant at Fullerton. Salem agent,any. Person who claimse that ills ° land will be prejudicially affect, ed by the by-law and who applies to be heard Dated tills 22nd' day of April A.D. 1926. HENRY STRANG Clerk of the Township of Usborne TENDERS WAN".f'.Ell Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen up to Wednes- day May 26th, 1926 at two p.m. for the completion of the Walker drain situated on Cons. L.R.S. and L.R. W. according to plans, profiles and specifications prepared by . Geo. A. M:cCubbin, O.L.S.,M.E.I.C., dated March 26th, 1925. Estimates show- ing the amount of work required to complete the drain can be seen at the Clerk's office, Crediton, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.• Alex. H. Nees, Reeve .Hy. Bilber, Clerk of the Township of Stephen AUCTION SALE HOUSE AND LOTS .AND HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction, on MAIN STREET, EXETER —on— THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1926 at 1 o'clock sharp the following HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Parlor suit of black mohair, oak centre table, stand, hanging lamp, parlor pictures, mats, 2 settees, 2 -burner new oil stove, couch, bedroom suite, commode, chair, 6 rag carpets 2 wool carpets, wall screen, all kinds of bed cloths, cupboard, mirror, Pandora range, heater, couch, or- gan, 3 rockers, 12 chairs, sideboard, clock, lamps, extension table, wash stand and tubs, sewing machine, bread box, kitchen table, 6 chairs, spinning wheel, quilting frames, table, stove pipes, ladders, pots and pans and all kinds of dishes. Car, 1918 model. REAL\ ESTATE—Brick dwelling on Main St., Exeter, good house and stable and three lots numbers' 365, 366, 368, a good well on the place. TERMS Chattels, Cash. Terms of house and lots made known on day of sale. The estate of the late Mrs. R. • Poplcstone. Mrs. J•. A. Welsh, • S. A. Poplcstone FRANK TAYLOR, . Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD I+TURNITU1 E The undersigned has . been In- structed to sell by public auction;,. o' GIDLEY . STREET, EXETER 1 1-2 Blocks West of Anglican. church on SATURDAY, lIAY 22, 1926 m. the following: at 2 p FURNITURE—Sideboard, glass cup -- board, extension • table, hanging: lamp, bureau, parlor suite,chairs,. incubator and brooders, fruit jars and kitchen utensils and other articles too numerous to mention.. TERMS CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer MRS, CATZOLTNI;r FORD, - Proprietress NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE -IS HEREBY GIVEN; that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate. .of RICHARD, GIDLEY, late of the Village of Ex- eter, who died op the 17th day or April, 1926, are required to for- ward their claims duly proven to. the undersigned on or before the 3/.. day of May, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex-• ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate haying regard only to ths> claims of which they then shall have. notice. Dated at Exeter, this 7th day of. May, 1926. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executors' Solicitor NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREB1 GIVEN that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of ANDREWt JOHNSTON, late of the Village of.- Hensall, who died on the 20th day- of April, 1926, are required to for- ward their claims duly proven to the understgned on or before the 31st day of May, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutrices will proceed to distribute• the estate having regard only to the claims which they then shall have. notice Dated at Exeter this 8th day or May, 1926. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall • Executrices' Solicitors COURT OF REVISION Township of Usborne NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of Us - borne will hold its first meeting in the Township Hall, Elimville, on Saturday, May 29th, 1926, at three o'clock p.m. HENRY STRANG, Tp. Clerk R. R. No. 1, Hensall Ont. Pure Bred Percheron Stallion JEFFRO [119821 (173364) Monday morning, will leave his own stable, Lot 9, Con, 7, Stephen, and proceed to Wm. Hodgins', 12 Con., McGillivray, for noon; thence. to Robt. Allison's, for : night. Tues- day, to Len. Craven's, Brinsley, for noon; thence home till Wednesday. noon; thence to Samuel Jory's, 2nd Con., Stephen, for night. Thursday to Ed. Kestle's, 2nd Con., Usborne, for noon; thence to Lorne Sholdice's for night. Friday to Wm. Rollins', 4th Con., Stephen, for noon; thence home till Monday morning. TERMS $13.00 ELI` KING . Proprid or and Manager Crediton -- Ontario NOTICE --of-- PROPOSED BY-LAW FOR STOP. PINI UP AND SELLING 11GIRWAY Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township of Usborne will take into considera- tion and if approved of, will pane at its meeting to be held on SATURIA.AY MAY 20th, 1926 At' the hour of two o'clock rpr. at the • TOWNSHIP HALL, 'OSBORNE a by-law for stopping up and selling Williain. St, as shown on the regia'. tared plan of the eolith two-thirds of lot number thirteen in the first concession of the Township of 115- borte, in the County of Harem. The Bald council will at the aboi'e Men - tined time and plane hear any por- sort or by his counsel, solicitor or 11111111111 l!IIIIIIIIlll111111111111111111111111IIII11111III11111111111111MII1111!!IlllllllllllIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIl11111111111111111111111111111I1II1llllllllllll1111M1111lill1111111111111 Flax Land Wanted SEASOl! OF 1926 We wish to announce to the farmers in the district surround- ing Hensall and Exeter, that we are open to rent a limited arce- age of Flax Land, at either Hensall an Exeter. • FALL OR SPRING PLOWED SOD LAND PREFERRED Farmer will make the seed bed as directed, or if impossible to do the work, may arrange to have it done. We will do the sowing and guarantee that only Pure Seed, free from weed seed, will be sown. All -communications will receive our very prompt attention. Owen Geiger & Son HENSALL and EXETER, Phone -59 Hensall, or 13 r 12, Exeter 111111IHIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIiI l!IIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I1111111111111111111111111II I IIIIIIII IIIIII!III IIIIIIOIIII I IIF hI1111IIIIIpI 111 The Floor's Full Beauty Revealed! The natural beauty of the wood grain shows through the srntpoth' surface of your floor when CARNI OTE FLOOR VARN I SI I is used. It combines all the advantages of a transparent varnish with the decorative possibilities of natural wood Stain, Varnishes and stains at the same stroke of your gush. Dries hard and smooth—neither hot nor cold water cat harm it. Sold in eight true natural wood shades, and clear varnish. Equally good for woodwork or furniture. Made by Cai•lteate,-Motto- Company, Boston, Mass. W. J. :E .MAN, Exeter SONTHON & DRYSDALE HENSALL