HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2002-11-06, Page 17News TNN HURON EXPOIIIITOS. Norionsbor Slo lN1-11 Citizens ofthe year named and honoured BY Scott Higendorff Expoaibr Edllor The citizens of the year have been announced for 2001, continuing to represent the Seaforth area this year while it will expand to all of Huron East next. Receiving the Service to Sports Award is Bill Weber; Civic Service Award is Bev Coleman and Humanitarian Service Award is Gail Hugill and Helen McKellar. Their stories will be featured in an upcoming issue of The Huron Expositor. The awards were presented at the Nov. 24 Business Improvement Area's annual banquet. Also being honoured this year is the Seaforth Fire Department through a new award: The Mayor's Award for a person or group who contributes significantly to the quality of life in Huron East. Steffler said she had been considering offering an award like that when Graham Nesbitt, facilities manager, said the committee deciding on the citizen of the year awards had wanted to offer a one-time special award that year to the fire department. The idea of giving them an award was because of the firefighters' involvement in the series of arson fires that took place last spring. The department was called out numerous times and successfully prevented significant damage to several buildings in Seaforth's downtown core. Nesbitt told council at its Nov. 20 meeting, where the award recipients were announced, that the fire department did not fit any of the three specific categories but had been nominated for an award. Steffler said it would make sense to go ahead and offer the Mayor's Award this year and offer that to the department. "I believe it is a group that needs to be recognized for Huron East council what they went through in May and June," she said. Regardless of the Mayor's Award, Steffler said she wanted a way to recognize the department for its efforts. Home owners awarded While a formal Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee no longer exists in Seaforth, awards are being given out for architectural conservation at least one more time in Seaforth. Walter Armes remains as the Seaforth LACAC advisor to council, making recommendations to Huron East on Seaforth architectural heritage concerns and asked that council consider offering awards again this year. Receiving plaques this year are Ralph and Wendy Currie and Gary Bettles. The Curries received the Residential Property Improvement Award for their efforts in preserving the exterior of their 123 James Street home. They had replaced sections of the wood siding, repointed • the stone foundation and replaced the roof and repainted the outside in historic colours. Betties received the Commercial (Heritage Conservation District) Property Improvement Award by expanding his business into an outdoor patio that improved a neighbouring vacant lot, the remains of a fire from several years ago. The patio, enclosed in an iron fence, helped complement the architecture of the building. Acre T severance approved Huron East council has approved the severance of a lot on Conc. 11, Lot 25 in Grey. The 150 metre by 100 metre, 1.5 hectare piece of land will be taken from land used for crops and used for the construction of a warehouse. The warehouse will store large feeding equipment. Councillors were worried the land could later be used for a pig barn or feed mill, forwarding concerns from neighbours. But Administrator Jack McLachlan said there is no indication Acre T was going ahead with any plans it once had for a feed mill and that before construction of a mill or pig barn could take place, a site plan amendment would have to be approved. Vanastra pool needs paint What to do about the peeling paint at the Vanastra pool is being investigated by Facilities Manager Graham Nesbitt. The issue was raised by Tuckersmith Counc. Larry McGrath, who heard the paint on the pool had started peeling just a few months after the work had been done. It was handled in-house and McGrath was concerned the effort to save money by doing it with municipal staff was going to be more costly if the indoor pool had to be drained and painted again. Deputy Mayor Bernie MacLellan asked what the cost would be to go with a pool liner instead. ' It would cost about $4,200 but Nesbitt said they need to use a special padding as well to compensate for how slippery a lining is. Nesbitt said the pool had been painted in June and by the beginning of September, it had been brought to his attention that some of the paint had started peeling in a few different areas. "We don't know how far it will go or how fast it will go," he said, adding the concern is that the,peeling paint would clog' up the filtration system. Mayor Lin Steffler said they would leave it to Nesbitt to price alternatives and include it in the budget for next year. MARION'S PAINTING Free Estimates •Interior/Exterior Painting •Drywall Repair Call Mike Marion 527-0707 (Evenings) *I WOOD 'Watt ELECTRIC •Agricultural • Commercial • Residential CALL SEAFORTH 527-0448 Seaforth Agricultural Society • BANQUET & MEETING FACILITIES • 10,000 sq. feet of indoor show area See what we have to offer Call 527-1321 Today! t. RON/l0 cWAY 198 Main St. Phone 527-0770 Seaforth Fax 527-2600 SEE US TODAY FOR YOUR RENTAL EQUIPMENT! 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