HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-5-13, Page 8Spring Goat Greatly Reduced Clearance of Ladies' Goats The balance of our stock of ladies' and misses' spring coats are now to be cleared at greatly reduced prices. Some of the best and smartest looking Coats we have shown this sea- son are now on our racksand you will be surprised at the prices which we are prepared to take for them as we are de- termined that every coat must be sold. Season'si4 ' Coats New Priced. This ., $9.95; $12.95; $16.95; $18.95; $22.95 r Seasonable Specials Holeproof Silk Stockings, all shades for 98c. Rayon Silk Stockings, new shades for only 49c. ;4' Cotton Stockings, ladies' or children -for 25c. Our best Patent or Satin Slippers for or>&ly $4.95 Bordered: Dress Lengths, priced from $1,95 up Ginghams, Nainsooks, & Victorian., Fabrics, 30c Pure Linen Towelling best quality 25c. a yard All Wool Motor Rugs, large size only $5.50 tei Men's Broadcloth Shirts, sep. or att. collar $2.49 Silk and Wool Crepe Neckties, now 95c. each Men's and Boy's Silk Knitted Ties only 45c. Men's Overalls and work pants, for only $1.95 THE EXETER TXNMESrADVQCATE, . a p4 •y Exeter Markets Wheat $L32 Oats 50c. Barley 60c Manitoba Flour $4.80. Blended Flour $4.30, Pastry Flour $3.80.. Feed Flour $2.00. Bran $1.70 Shorts $1,70 Creamery Butter 40c.. Dairy Butter 34-37c. Eggs, extras 27c, Eggs, seconds 22o. Maple Syrup $2.2'5. Lard. 20c Potatoes $2.50 and $2.75. Hogs $12.50 Hogs selects $13.75 .1. a + `1' •.++++.+++ Mr, Thos. Md dy has been ill for a week but is improving. Mr. S. Powell and Mr.. J. W. L Powell spent Sunday in ucan. Rev, A. A. Trumper fs 'in London this week attending the Synod, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and son, Gordon, spent Sunday in Mitchell. Miss Viola Hodgert is visiting her sister, Mrs, Roy Coward, of Usborne, Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Donnelly, of Stratford, were in town on Friday last. , �. OCAL C4 VEN ;E�RE$B 'TERIAN Cl mRCH mes trgs 13 ReT. Jaote,A., Minister 10 a.m.-Suuday School 1 a.na,--""Tbe Doctrine of Qhristain. Salvation." The Minister COMMUNION SERVICE 7 p.m• Rev. A, .MacFarlane, B,D., will preach. Miss Jessie Manson, of London, N. spent Sunday •under the parental roof. Mr. Bert. Kernick has been suf- fering froin an attack .,of•,rheuma tism. Mr. Mervin Cann, of Loudon, mot- ored up and spent Friday evening at k his home. Mr. Wni. Pfaff, of the Lake Road, P lost a valuable horse from lockjaw, on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. N. Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner were in Lon - JAMES ST. 'UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. E. Sheppard, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.m.-Is the Lord's 'Day Worth Preserving? "Remember the Sab- bath Day to Keep it Holy." 3 p.m. 'Get your blessing from Abraham, 7 P,111. -"And the Iron DID Swim," Free pews. Obliging ushers, Help- ful singing. God's word explained, A blessing for your soul waiting\in His courts to -day. The glad hand extended. COME t , don Saturday. 0 Miss Helen Dignan spent the s''< week -end with Miss Lucille Mc- Namee, of Lucan. i J. A. Stewar� ., nd Mrs. Sid. Sanders and Aljoe and Mrs. T, Creech visited in t. Stratford on Sunday:` ' 4 Mrs. Nelson Vale and family left /a '01:0:07a, �0a, �a.', �. . �ir• this week for St. Marys, where she J will, keep house for her father. ■ Mr. Wilfred Turnbull, of Strat- Spring Renovating Is keeping the housekeepers pretty busy these days. it's sort of a stvcktaL-iug time in the home, and it is almost sure to re- veal a need for something new in Furniture. .. We carry the largest and most up-to-date of furniture. keeping the these days.` It's a sort of a stocktaking time in the and is almost to a need for new in Furniture. We carry largest and up-to-date, stock, of furniture. And our prices are the lowest. "TILE HONE FURNISHER"' And our are the lowest. ""T i N: HOME FURNISHER" M. E. GARDINER.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED, DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 1 LONG DISTANCE CALLS 'RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Phone 74j OPERA HOUSE BLOCK _ Night Call 74w ford, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Alex. Turnbull. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Nicklin and daughter Mary, of Guelph, visited at the Kinsman home on Sunday. Irrs. John Snell returned Satur- day, after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Smith, of Windsor. The Plymouth Brethren held ser- vice on the Main St. Saturday even-. ing. This,was their first appearance this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knightly and: daughter, May,' of London, vis- itedand Mrs. over Mr. Sunday with Frank Triebner, Tr. Mr. H. Spackman, of Guelph, vis- ited in town for a few days and at- tended the funeral sof. the late Mrs. Taman on Saturday. M}s. C. W. Balfour, of Mitchell, visited 'her cousin, Mrs. Geo. Wil- liams during the week, also her sister, Mrs. W. B. Elder of Hen - sail. unntis SAY, MAY :lath, 1920 III II III if Nll NNI N 1 f 1l N N iIIINN N 1 11 N J 1111I11NNNll Ill lfl 11 N 1 1 fl If1 if f 1 I N _� � ...,.. 111111 1 11 11 INi 1 11111 1 111 i I i 1f11111 N1NI N N ilI fII I 1N NN N ! 11 INN 1N11N I NN N N N i 1 N� N N N N N NN Linoleum, Congoleum� . aand O'� �lclothRugs Trivitt Memorial Church 3 p.m. -Sunday School. SERVICES AS USUAL, MAIN STREET UNITED CHLTRCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale. Pastor 11 'a.m.-"Father and His Son:" Every father- and every boy of the congregation specially urged 3 p.m. -Sunday School, 7 p.m. -The Second Sermon on "Jesus,- the World's Master Man," (2) "Jesus, the Master Man of To -day." We are glad to see the congrega- tion increasing. Always a place for another. Comealong. 11 Mr. and IVirs. W. J. Statham and family, of St. Thomas, motored up. and spent Sunday with friends. Mrs. Albert Spencer returned with thein on a visit. Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Bradt and family, of London. and Mr. and Mrs. Wna. McAllister and family, of Mt. Brydges, spent the week -end with Mr. and 1Vrrs. Jas. Jewell. Mrs. -Ernest Armstrong, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Lamport, was called to Detroit on business. Her little daughter Edith is remaining for a while.. Frequently we receive an item of news enclosed in an envelope with a three -cent stamp on it. Items for publication it sent in an unsealed envelope require only a one cent stamp. The brick work of the old Verity foundry has been torn down and the bricks 'are being used for the erection of an additional 125 feet to the storeroom of the Exeter Can- ning factory. Mr. G. C. Petty, of Hensall,' was elected D.D.G.M. at the district meeting of the Oddfellows held in Clinton on Monday. Mr, Bowey, of Kippen,'was elected vice-D.D.G.M. Mr. R. N. Creech was the delegate from Exeter lodge. A very interesting program will be given in Main St. United church on Wednesday evening, May- 19t1a, when Rev. A. E. Johns will show a number of lantern slides of the "Hill Country of China," under the auspices of Main St. and -James St. Sunday schools. Admission 25 anis 15 cents. Men's Store Phone 81w Men's Store SEVERAL NEW LINES For Men and Boys Who Wish To Be Well Dressed'. SWEATERS -A swell new line of up-to-date- sweaters that are very ,attractive, have been placed on sale at a special price from $3.50 to $7.50. ALSO A FINE NEW LINE OF BELTS. ' SUMMER UNDERWEAR We have something new in- a buttonless combination suit of underwear that is selling at a special price of $1.00 We are:making a big drive on Ready -to -Wear Suits in the vYrsnew.sport shades and patterns.. Prices' $18 and $20., HATS and CAPS, SHIRTS and TIES W. W. ThNFi 4 ,6 �y N.7 Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter ›-AW IkA80.5nossamaist mmormairparta GOVERNMENT BONDS ALWAYS ON SALE ALWAYS SALEABLE NO TROUBLE &BOUT INTERESTI4 MORTGAGE LOANS SELECTED FARMS HIGHER INTEREST COLLECTION MADE WE MAKE NO CHARGE BOR T111 SAFE- EEPING OP YOUR RAPERS IN OUR VAULT . Stanbury lam G �. EXETER, HENSA?.,i. This week we have received two new : pat terns in Linoleums. We also carry in stock all the new patterns in Congoleum Rugs and Lino' leum Rugs. Bring in the size of your room and - and get our prices. memmini IMMO emmmi KIRSCH CURTAIN RODS Finished in beautiful Stippletone suitable for any window in. your home.. Regular window size 25c. 'WINDOW BLINDS This is a regular $1.50 value. They are seconds, you can hardly detect the defects, While they last. 98c. • Curtain Nets, Scrims and. Panels You will be needing these this month. We offer a fine range of patterns and weaves at very popular prices. • 20c., 25c. 35c. 40c.- 50c., 75c. to $1.25 LADIES' SILK VESTS. Inpeach, and -mauve. A. beautiful silk vest, good weight and fine quality. Extra special, each $1.00 HATCHWAY- UNDERWEAR Hatchway , no button underwear. The popular underwear for men and boys. Boys' $1.00, Men.'s $1.50 GEORGETTE SCARFS: In plain, figured, and hand painted, very popular this season. Priced at $2.50; $3.75; $4.25 MEN'S SUITS AT $14.95 We have a few suits left. The regu- • lar prices were as high as $25.00. -Priced for quick sale $14.95 PowelPs Bazaar Powell's Bazaar E. hcott Bros. The Big Variety Store Brooms are expensive these days, WIMMOP momO- W WOMMP elibMW ovilmO VOMIX WOOM ivim▪ mO E MINIM MEMO MINIM .111/16 e have• a device that sells for a nickel that actually saves the broom i7111111111111l1111111111111111111(11111111111111111111111111III11111111ilAlllf11111111111111111((11111(1if111111ii11lIIfllifiiililillf111111111111111111!'r and keeps it in proper shape: On sale 5 cents each. This week we- have Gladioli Bulbs in assorted. colors, bulbs that should grow strong and healthy, two sizes 5c. and 10c. each. 117E WILL HAVE CARNATIONS AND SWEETPEAS THURSDAY Rev, M. J. Wilson, of California, former pastor of the James St. Un- ited church, was in town on Monday renewing old acquaintances. Mr. Wilson is looking fine and states that Mrs. Wilson is enjoying good health. He is much impressed with California and expects to reside there in future. • Dr. Roulston wishes to announce that he will be absent from his of- fice next week from the 17th to the 21st, whilst attending the annual Dental Convention. NOTICE Next Sunday, May 17t1i, will mark the tenth anniversary of the coming of the Rev. A. A. Trumper, L,Th., to Exeter as rector of Trivitt Mem- orial church. It is hoped" that as marry as possible will avail them- selves of this opportunity to be Pre- sent at both services. In this way a well earned tribute can be paid a faithful worker, A. cordial invita- tion is extended to Mr, Trumper's many friends who are not members of the parish: --The Wardens. FOR SALE OR RENT The Following Properties Brick Store on Main St., Exeter Commodiousf.iBrick dwelling, fur- nace heated, and wired for Electric lighting, etc. with fixtures in place, John. St. Six and 'a half -acres of choice land suitable for m&Pkat garden, running through from Huron. St. to John St. Choice Saskatche?t'an ;farms in the Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty and Fra° besher districts -k For -price and, terms on 'above see ROBERT E. PICK'ARD, John Street EXETER. Agent for Great West Life AAs'ce Co. FOR SALE..OR RENT Two farms, 100 acres each, choice land; Lot 5, Concession 3, McGill- vray. Good water supply on both. If not sold by June first; *i11 be rented. See owner after May 15th for few days af„Bete Doyle's. Thos. Glavin, 9000 Quin'y Ave., Detroit, Mich. 4-29-3t WANTED -An, assistant an.atron for the `Huron County Home at Clin- ton, 'Ontario. Duties to commence June, 1st or as :soon as possible. thereafter. Appiicatio» received by the undersigned until. May 26th. ,Personal application preferred. John Torrence, Inspector, Clinton, - Ont. CHAIN LOST -A logging chain between •,Exeter and Andrew Gib - son's. Finder rewarded by leaving at Times -Advocate. LOST -An end gate of stock rack, painted green. Finder please noti- fy Dan. Dew, phone 177r11; Exeter. The Thames Road Club will hold their regular meeting Monday even- ing. 'Anyone interested in hard or soft coal should be present or phone their order to the secretary, Percy Passmore. Have Your Eye's Examined With the short days and•the nec- essity of continued use -of artificial light -one, needs to watch closer than ever for signs of eye strain. If youare not wearing glasses, make sure that you do not need them. It's well .to remember power of vision changes and yotteglasses need to be adjusted to meet the change. Mr. John Ward enjoys an enviable repu- tation• for expert treatment and hon - opinions. Come in and satisfy your - Jaen everything . is in 'order. John Ward, omlioPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST., ESTER. ONT. PHQE 70 Mr. Cecil Ford and Miss Emily Dinney, of London, visited in town Sunday. htr. C. H. MVicAvoy and "Scotty" Forbes, of Winghana; spent the week- end in town. Mr. Morris Neil, of Detroit, is spending a few -days at his home near, Centralia. Dr. and Mrs. Gibson and family spent Sunday with the 'former`s mother at Linwood. Mr. • and Sirs, O. H. Becker and. family, of New Hamburg, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Browning. Mr. and iVlrs. Ingram and Mr. Newman Hardy of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. S.. Hardy. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Kydd and family, of Detroit, spent the week- end 'with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kydd. Mr. and Mrs. 3. L. Lewis and daughter Thelma, • were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Sholdice,- Brins- ley, on Sunday. Mr. Alva Belly, of Bay City, Mich., is visiting with Mr. Luther Reynolds of USborne, for an indef- inate time. Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Rice and son. Marvin. spent the week -end in Wyom- ing. Mrs. Rice is remaining for a few days owing to the illness of her mother. House -Cleaning Time Has Come Again AND WE ARE HERE WITH ALL HINDS Q7,+. FURNITURE IN THE NEW STYLES AND NEW FINISHES AT THE USUAL LOW WitICES. CALL AND SEE US R. N. ROWE Funeral Director & Embalmer Phone 20W Night 20J For Sale Good gent's Bicycle. Mahogany Piano, cheap Set single helms and togs. Portable phonograph and records Comfortable home, brick- house, frame stable, 7lots. Farmers Rest Home, 11 acres, good brick house, good stable and other buildings, cheap. � rin cost$11,take . 5. Bed sp gs, $ One burner oil stove.. Ditching by machine, contracts none too large or small. ; 15 jewel wrist watch, alarm clock 1000 Rug brick, red, black. Good cream 'separator. Electric range, cheat , Use our Service ° for selling and locating. Inquire, • , POWELL'S BAZAAR, EXETER LET T. H. ELLIOTT Save you money this spring. Just let him make your suits, or let him clean, . press and repair your old ones'. Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Done by T H. Elliott ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments Insurance Office one door south Mmes Office W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Cnoirmaster James St. United Church Instruection Piano 'Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of 'Music in . Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. Box L 7 .,.EXET14R, ONT. „ FOR SALE -bark red registered Shorthorn bull,. 14 months old`, test- ed for T.B.. Dam' Lady Victor, 149,090`; produced 7,033 lbs milk, in 305 days; tested 4.26. Sire, Vic- tor Champion, 155,449, His,- dam produced over 8,000 lbs. milk with over four test, This Is a real bull, Apply to Geo: W. Hunter, R. R. 1, Centralia; phone 39r3, Kfrkton. . 1i-fi-2tp. L R. CARLING B.A..' BARRISTER, SOLICITOR; LTO, Loans, Investments, Insurance Of$ce,Carling Block,Main St. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors &c.. • Money to Loan, Investments. Mats Insurance. Sate -deposit Vault for use of oar. Clients without charge. Eieter London HeasvI Dr. G., S. Atkinson,_ L.D.S.,D.D4; DENTAL SURGEON FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Iluren and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satiafactior: guaranteed EXETER r. O. or RING 18$ JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality Farm Stock sales a specialty. Batts (actio= guaranteed. Charges mod erste. Orders. left -at this office Wil be promptly attended to. R.R. No I, Kirktoa.. Phone Kirktoa 14r2. SDR. M. C. G. FLETCHER Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western' Ontario, Mem- ber of,the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the British Medical Council._ Phone 6 -(The office of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make SINGLE - EDGE, 3c DOUBLE EDGE 40 Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, - Exeter -- Fitton's Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAUUNG CxUARANTEED FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, WITH . J. 0H11RI PIi Ot+ ICE: North of Elliott and Johns .�� �..�. LEWIS BUILDING ING and CONTRACTING C'JCING Houses and Barns ESTIMATES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY FURNISHED Phone 152w John St. East, Exeter 1,17E HAVE STARTED OUR LON- DON EXPRESS HEADQUARTERS: 1013 KING .ST., .:PHONE 1f05 • WE WILL ALSO SECURE 1:'0UR MOTOR LICENSE FOR YOU Bagsha Late Listrict Dental, Officer aIR Military District, Number One, Lofikt don, Ont. - Office Phone 34W • Residence Phone 34,1 Be open Wednesday afternoons till April 7th Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Closed Every Wednesday Dr. G. F. Roulston. DENTIST Office" over. I. R. Carling's Law office. Extractions Under Oxygen ,Gas. Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D..D.D. 'DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity. Office over .Gladman & Stanbury's office, Main Street, Exeter. DR.. HARRY J. BROWNING • M.D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P: & S. Edinburgh L.F.P.&S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office over Browning's Drug Store) Phones Residence 30 Office 21 DR. W. E. WEEEES Physician and Surgeon Late Chief Interne Vancouver, General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTY Office removed to the former F„ garage building corner of Main Ann St. 92 d Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Phone: Office 67W, Residence 871 DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinart College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPT-. LY ATTENDED TO Office, old Ford. Garage Building Corners of Main and Ann Streets Telephones: Office 158w, House 158$ EXETER, ONT. Dr. Adrian B. Gibson, V.S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinarl College. All calls promptly attended to, Office --Frank Taylor's Sales Stabil, Phone 99W Residence --frames St., Phone O9$ EXETER --- ONTARIO ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY' 8 Years Experience. Prices Reston.- able, eston .-able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge. Phone 57-10 Dashwood R. U. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT.,