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Huron Expositor, 2002-10-16, Page 15
? peal Estate for Sale 12 Real Estate for Sale Clinton 1 Albert Street Prudential519-482-3400 Heartland Realty Broker/Owner: Fred R. Lobb www.prudendalheardand.com 5118,000. I I MILL STREET, SEAFOICTH fNtaoir Mil or moment Mom. 3 k luipior ed bad mow a de Wares b tore Wigan et Coon w bras room r hi fn brat. km win rer decks. .b a fee p;draila* Cal 11rdr Um* Zee ((Jerry Zak S I F 11-412 r tai free a 1Yf gager I ISLM2.3M1. DISu 811 NORTHU NE RD. (Near drop) Very private setting just 8 km. N. of Seaforth. 3 br. brick bungalow w/newer carpets. newer windows and roof. 12' x 18' wood deck. detached single garage 08518 Serving Seaforth and Area Lorie Zulauf, Sales Representative 519-522-0575 (res.) email: revealon@tcc.on.ca Fax: 522-2131 (res.) 26. Help Wanted SHIPPER/RECEIVER ASSISTANT: Mitchell Mill Systems Canada Ltd. requires an experienced shipper receiver to help with the loading and unloading of incoming and out- going goods. Forklift experience would be beneficial. Please apply in person at our Main St. Newton office or mail resume to P.O. Box 10, Newton, Ont. NOK 1R0 or e- mail resume to mms@mitchellmill- systems.com 26-4lxtfcc 26. Help Wanted OLUNTEERS NEEDED "Just For You" Companion Program" Alzheimer Huron will be training volunteers, Sat. Nov. 17th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at BCMC, Clinton. For info and to register, please call 482-1482 or 1-800-561-5012 PART-TIME HELP WANTED Internet Access Assistant The Seaforth Community Access Program requires a part-time youth worker to start immediately and work until February 2002. Approximately 10 hours per week, usually evenings and Saturdays. Mature high school student or recent graduate. You must be between 15 and 30 years old. The rate of pay is $8.00 per hour. Duties will include: • hands-on training for individuals on using the Internet; • preparing local community information to develop an Internet presence for the community. The successful applicants will : • have demonstrated computer and Internet skills, including web page develop- ment using HTML; • have excellent oral and written communication skills • be mature and able to work productively both alone and with others. Application process: Send a resume including your preferred location and three references to: Seaforth Community Access Program, c/o Seaforth Branch Library Box 490, 108 Main Street, Seaforth, ON NOK 1W0 or e-mail Dross@huroncao.org Your application must be received no later than November 16, 2001. COUNTY OF HURON Huron County Library Board The County of Huron invites applications for the position of library trustee on the Huron County Library Board. This is a two-year appointment commencing December 2001 to fill a vacancy. The position is voluntary, but receives a small honorarium and expenses. During this term, the Library Board will be involved in developing a Library Strategic Plan. Candidates must be at least 18 years old, Canadian citizens, and residents of Huron County. Please submit a written application by November 23, 2001 to: Office of the Clerk -Administrator • Corporation of the County of Huron 1 Court House Square Goderich, ON N7A 1M2 The Municipality of Central Huron is now accepting applications for the following position: ROADS FOREPERSON WARD 1 Full time 40 hours per week Employment to commence immediately Duties to include: providing on the job, day to day leadership and guidance to the Ward 1 Road crew. To provide a variety of construction duties, snow/ice removal, roads maintenance for the safety and convenience of the public. Required knowledge, abilities and skills: - Applicants must have a rninirnwn of five years work experience in municipal road maintenance, road construction methods and procedures and operation and maintenance of municipal owned equipment. Holder of a Class "A" or "I)" Ontario driver's licence with air brakes endorsement. Good communication and leadership skills are an asset. A complete job description is available at the Municipal Office (address below). Applicants are asked to submit a detailed resume in confidence to the undersigned by 4:00 p.rn. Wednesday, November 14, 2(01 . Clerk, Richard Harding Box 400, 23 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM ILO (519) 482-3997, Fax: (519) 482-9183 Terms and conditions of employment as per collective agreement, Local Union 636 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Comprehensive wage and benefit package. Only those applicants receiving an interview will be contacted. Call 527.0240 and place your classified ad today! 5 26 Help Planted ATTENTION MOMS and Dads: Access to a computer, work at home on line $500-51500 part time, 51500 plus Lull time. 1-888-522- 5980 www.thefreedom101.com 26- 44x2cc IT'S CHRISTMAS AT AVON Make Extra $$$, work from halo. No Pro -paling, of iawatary, part-time Of fill -titan. for a free brochure aaUar free if.. Coll 887-6305 Free gift with first order. STAFF ACCOUNTANT/ BOOKKEEPER POSMON Accounting office is looking for a person with experience in accounting/bookkeeping. Applicant must have experience in preparation of personal tax retums. Applicant should have 2-4 years experience with computerized accounting programs. This position is part-time/sea- sonal. Salary to be discussed, based on experien.:e. Submit resume and cover letter to: Drawer #4154 c/o The Huron Expositor P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1WO Closing date Nov. 16/01. 27. Wanted General NOSTALGIC SALVAGE INC., a safe, professional insured disman- tling company is looking for old barns for salvage. Call Danny Farrow 1-888-643-8410. Mount Forest. 27-45xtfcc 28 Business Opportunity THE HURON EXPOSITOR urges our readers to use caution before sending money for business oppor- tunity or employment advertise- ments. 28-49xtf 29. Tenders 32 Babysitting EXPERIENCED MOM willing to babysit. Nutritious meals, snacks, activities, crafts, walks, all provided with lots of TLC. With or without receipts. Call today 519-345-2643. 32-26xtfcc 34 Personal ARE YOU LIVING with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. Phone 519-527-1650. 34-45-1 35 ". otice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Claims against the estate of DAVID RONALD McCORMACK late of the Township of West Perth, in the County of Perth, who died on 19 June 2001 must be in my hands by 14 November 2001 after which date the estate will be distributed. LAW OFFICE of RALPH SMITH, B.A. LL.B., CFP Lawyer & Certified Financial Planner 20 Gouinlock Street PO. Box 159 Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO Lawyer for the Estate Trustee with a Will DON'T just let a few people know what is happening in your store. Tell everyone in your community... ADVERTISE u��inn�the �l MMJ11��,V J -t10 N GJ�II)©81V©:I�1 "Your Community Newspaper„ County of Huron Highways Department 2001 Quotations SEALED BIDS will be accepted until 12:00 noon local time on: Friday, November 23, 2001 For the following: 3 - r Ton Pickups 1 - Grader 1 - Cargo Van 1 - Backhoe Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. County_Engineer Court House, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 Tel: (519) 524-74121 Fax: (519) 524-9291 30. Employment Wanted MAN WILLING TO do painting or carpentry. Reasonable rates. Phone 519-527-0409. 30-45x4 31. Service Directory Photo Restoration. People, back- grounds added, removed, old faded, damaged photos made new, affordable by computer. Custom Picture Framing. See huge selec- tion. Christmas Portraits by com- puter, printer on artist canvas, watercolor, or photo paper. Book for Christmas now. Scrapbook come see 12 feet of supplies. Never Again Have to Guess the DATE of Your Pictures! Ask for dated bor- ders option developing. Jervis Photo in house, Exeter across from Scotiabank, Clinton at the lights or by mail, phone for free postage paid mailer. 519-482-9494. 31-45x6cc BRIAN ULCH Welding. Custom Welding and Repairs. Portable welding. Farm and Industrial. Custom made trailers and hitches. Reasonable rates. 519-345-2643. 31-26xtfcc REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques, handstripping, also custom made fumiture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR #1, Seaforth. Phone 519-527-0786. 31- 35-tf PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth 81 x 11 copies - .25 cents per sheet, 81 x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 519-527-0240. 31-01-tfnxe K & J Small Engln.s ifiti4tepain 8 Maintenance To All Makes 8 Models *Pick Up & Delivery Available Authorized dealer ler ioui//ed a EFCO Chan Saws 8 Lawn 8 Garden Equipment • Quality Service At AMordable Rates Kevin J Smith R R 15 Clinton sus : (519) 233-333 32 '3abysitting CHILD CARE REGISTRY: We are updating our files at Seaforth Co - Operative Children's Centre. If you babysit locally in the area and would like to have referrals made to you call 519-527-0682. Free ser- vice. 32-45-1 / 35. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of LOUIS MICHAEL ROWLAND All persons having claims against the Estate of Louis Michael Rowland, of the village of Dublin, who died on or about the 8th day of August, 2001, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of December, 2001, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 1st day of November, 2001. DEVEREAUX MURRAY LLP, Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO Solicitors for the Estate Trustee(s) 37. Mortgages NEED A MORTGAGE? •We specialize in 'Hard to Approve*ges +Consolidate debts. Mortgages up to 9 of appraised value. *Interest rates up to 11i% off posted rates 'Help with 5% down payment •Private money available Call 519-492-7675/1-666-623-0589 MORTGAGE NETWORK www.garywalden.com 1" & 2"i Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available as low as 7.0% Interest Personal Loans If you qualify, payments Amt. Approx, Mo. Payment ' 5,000 ' 41.66 '10,000 ' 83.33 '15,000 '125.00 Consolidate your debts 'We specialize in problem mortgages Can (519) 364-0450 1-800-387-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 40 lost & Found ANYONE WITH INFORMATION on 5 crossbred steers missing since Sept. from Lot 33 Conc. 2, Logan, please call Terry McCarthy at 519- 345-2393.40.45x1 cc \\I('(Ii(' \1('t -I THE HURON EXPOSITOR, November 7, 2001-11 43 Births ALEXANDER • Michael and Susan (nee Carter) Alexander of Brussels are proud to announce the birth of their son, Brent James, born October 30, 2001 at Stratford General Hospital weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. Proud grand- parents are Elsie Carter, Brussels and Bob and Joyce Alexander of Ethel. 43-45x 1 DRISCOLLJBECHARD Tina and Barry are thrilled to announce the arrival of their son Kyler James, born October 25, 2001 at Stratford General Hospital, weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. Proud grand- parents are John and Mary Lou Driscoll, Walton, Carol Anderson, Goderich and Bob Bechard, Dublin. 43-45x1 KUEPFER With joy, thankfulness and much love,'John David, Jane and Anna welcomed David James into their family on October 11, 2001. David was born at home in Wellesley and weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. He is a grand- son for Jim and Janet Papple and Bill and Anna Mae Kuepfer, and a great grandson for Olive Papple, John and Marian Turnbull, Andrew and Pearl Kuepfer, and Orlando and Violet Ruby. 43-45x1 COOMBS Shawn and Kerrie Coombs of Stratford are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Kody James. Kody was bom October 26, 2001 at Stratford General Hospital weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. Proud grandparents are Jean Thompson of Stratford and Ray and Rita Coombs of Egmondville. Kody is a great grand- son for Mary Coyne, Seaforth, 43- 45x1 46 In Memoriam SHOBBROOK, Leonard: In loving memory of a dear father, grandfather and great grandfather, who passed away November 6, 1995. There is a special place in our hearts that we keep just for you. Sadly missed and never forgotten. - Forever loved by Donna -Lynne and Ted, Doug and Family 46-45-1 47. Cards of Thanks HULLEY I wish to thank Dr. Kalos and nursing staff at Stratford General Hospital for their care at the time of my surgery. Thanks also to my family, neigh- bours and friends for the flowers, gifts, cards, visits and phone calls. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. - Betty Hulley 47-45x1 38 Auction Sale 46 In P:'lemoriam DENYS, Rachel: October 26, 1926 - November 5, 2000. When the warmth of the sun touches my face, I see your smile and feel your embrace, 1 hear the whisper of love in the wind, And I know that you are close to me again. The rain speaks of tears and the thunder of pain, But soon the sun comes the earth to reclaim, As the days come and go and the world moves on, I know you're still here, you'll never be gone. On the night the Angel came and took your hand, We cried as you lett for an unknown land, But Heaven rejoiced as you came into sight, For your soul was a diamond, shin- ing so bright, The memories and our history are with me forever, As I sit and reflect on the past shared together, Now 1 can truly say to you, every time that I cry, Is because those who live in the hearts of others never die. - Gone but not forgotten, with love always, Jeff 46-45-1 47. Cards of Thanks KEYS I would like to thank everyone that remembered me on my 90th birth- day with cards, flowers, treats and visits. To my family for the dinner and social evening. It was all greatly appreciated. - Jean 47-45x1 DRISCOLUBECHARD Kyler and I would like to thank Dr. Percival and Dr. Hillyer for their pre- natal care. We would also like to thank Dr. Kalos and the wonderful OB nurses at Stratford General Hospital for their excellent care dur- ing and after Kyler's birth. A special thank you to Daddy, Aunt Tammy and Grandma Driscoll for their love and support during the birth. Thank -you to family and friends for the cards, gifts, calls and visits. - Barry, Tina and Kyler 47-45x1 STAPLES Very special gratitude and thanks to the following: my family who were with me all the way from surgery at University Hospital to rehab at our home hospital. To Dr. Rodney and every nurse at S.C.H. To physio, O.T. Dietary, etc. Collectively you made me feel Tike a V.I.P. To caring friends for get well cards, flowers, visits and other acts of kindness. I have much to be thankful for. - Catherine Staples 47-45x1 38. Auction Sale sash wwwwwwwstar******************************** * . to A ■ ■ w�■ w. ■ * LAI1U RUIr 1 IUI * At the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St., in Mitchell • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 AT 3:30 P.M. * • PARTIAL UST: Unique oak upright combination secretary and bookcase with frosted glass doors; oak buffet with beveled glass mirror; matching * Victorian settee and chair; oak fem stands; 8 piece modern dining room * suite; 3 piece chesterfield, loveseat and chair in dusty rose; walnut tea * wagon; Sklar bedroom suite; sofa bed (like new); walnut china cabinet * and buffet; walnut side chairs; press back rocker and chairs; washstands; * two door cupboard with drawer; Karn upright piano; captain's chairs; * 4 piece bedroom suite; chesterfield suites; Yamaha electric organ; * Yamaha keyboard; loveseat; rattan lounge and tables; area rugs; recliner * chair; console table; four Victorian style chairs; collectible dishes * including Limoges, Depression, Iris, Cornflower, Royal Albert, Royal * Nippon dresser pieces, Pinwheel etc; Bridal Rose pieces; set of Johnson * Bros. Old English pattern; matching Inglis washer and dryer; Admiral * 24 inch electric stove; bar fridge; deep freeze; 3 yr. old natural gas dryer; * Maytag automatic washer; microwaves; Colour T.V.; Alexander Rattray * painting; hanging coal oil lamp; cranberry hall fixture; Featherlite sewing * machine; crocks; trunk; pot belly stove; milk and cream cans; tin dump * truck and tin Hubley tractor; wicker baby buggy; radio tubes; Supertest, * Shell & Esso pails; many old collectibles; gas mowers; drafting table; * 5 hp. tiller; power & hand tools; Beaver table top lathe; drill press; table saw; steel cable and much more. PROP: Barbara King; Dorothy Burton and Helen Wagner * * * * * * * * * ******************************************** AUCTIONEER: Doug Jacob 519-271-7894 * BbI�lOT1''s LINhDATION ANP AUCTIO1 INC Business Hours: Fridays 10-6 Saturdays 9-4 Sundays 12-4 (till Christmas only) Mew •pIN lUNDAYIU! 2 LARGE SHOWROOMS WITH A NEW SHIPMENT EVERY WEEK OF: Furniture, computer accessories, Digital Cameras, TVs, VCRs, tools, candy, toys, decorations, bedding, new kids and adult winter clothing, canned and dry goods, health products, pet food, movies, CDs and DVDs. TERMS: Cash, Interact, Visa Turn off Hwy. #4 at 7th Ave. VANASTRA 39 Educational / Lducahand YCSti\ al School of 11airh ling `j:` 11(111)11 Strft'l. '11,111(11(1 We are now accepting registrations for our Fall classes •Make -Up Artistry & Nail Technology offered at no extra charge Salon open to the public at discount rates. Financial assistance for those who qualify For further information call 519-271-9551