HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2002-09-11, Page 17Scott Hilgendorff photo
Cranking out some rope
Ken Connelly of Mitchell brought his antique rope making equipment to Ciderfest at the Van
Edmond House in Egmondville Sunday where Desiree Mason gave it a try as her sister,
Brittney watches the rope take shape.
Grey man
• •
A 38 -year-old Grey man
was charged with
impaired driving and
driving a motor vehicle
with over 80 mgs of
alcohol in his blood after
he was found by police
with his 1988 Ford in a
Huron OPP were
contacted on Sept. 26 at
approximately 9 p.m. by a
woman whose car had
almost been hit on
Brownstown Rd., east of
County Road # 12 in
The impaired driver
then drove into the ditch
and became stuck in the
When police
approached the vehicle,
the driver was asleep
behind the wheel and
couldn't be stirred until he
was physically shaken.
Breath tests in
Wingham showed the man
to be just under two times
the legal limit. He is
scheduled to attend court
in Wingham on Oct. 18.
Police seeking grant for night vision glasses
and the
By Susan Hundertmark
Expositor Staff
A new community -directed patrol of
the Huron OPP may have new
resources, such as bicycles, night vision
glasses and a lap top computer, if a
provincial grant for $11,305.47 is
received this January to combat youth
crime and violence.
Huron East council moved to support
the grant application at its Sept. 18
meeting, joining the municipalities of
Central Huron and Goderich with its
Huron OPP administrative supervisor
Sgt. Shawn Johnson, who made the
application, said in a recent phone
interview that the police are in the
process of creating a two -officer unit
which will travel throughout Huron
County, concentrating on specific
communities whenever they need a
greater police presence.
While the community -directed patrol
has been approved and will be up and
running by Dec. I, Johnson said he
won't know if the youth crime and
violence initiative grant will be
approved until Jan. 1. •
"We'll still continue with the
community -directed patrols no matter
what," he said.
The grant money, if approved, will
give the patrol additional resources,
such as the night vision glasses, that are
not available to Huron OPP unless
special units come into the area.
"This isn't new stuff. We have used it
in the past because specialty units can
give us access to it. But, the grant will
allow us everyday use of it," he said.
While many police offices already
have bicycles for the officers working in
those offices to use, Johnson said the
bicycles and bike rack being applied for
will allow the two -officer patrol to take
the bicycles to whichever community
they're working in.
The lap top computer will allow the
patrol to do paper work without
returning to the office
vision glasses will
And, while Johnson said Huron
County is not experiencing an
"epidemic" of youth crime, he said
recent statistics show that local youth
crime is on the rise with mischiefs,
assaults, possession of stolen property
and weapon -related offences on the
"We don't have any more youth crime
than any other community but we have
some issues locally and we want to
work towar s eliminating some of
them," he sai .
Johnson id the new twaaofficer
patrol is an effort to create more police
visibility when it's needed in a
particular community and a support to
front-line policing.
"This is an opportunity to be pro-
active and better serve all the people in
Huron County," he said.
to do
Thank you to all who donated prizes, bought tickets and helped at the sale and draw during
the fair and congratulations to all of the following who won prizes.
Rona Cashway, Seaforth - Pine Outdoor Chair - Mark Jansen;
McKillop Mutual Insurance - Fire Extinguisher - Don Nigh; Pete's
Paper Clip - CD Holder - Matt O'Rourke; Petc's Paper Clip - Stapler -
Judy Thornton; Town of Seaforth - Town Of Seaforth Game -
Brendan Ryan; Town of Seaforth - Flag - Andrea Rowe; Town of
Seaforth - ToWn of Seaforth Game - Ida Earle; Diva Graphics - T-shirt
& Cap - Joyce Ridden; Dorothy Hays - 3 pc. mixing bowl set - Mary
Craig; The investment Centre - Set of 3 books "Fun Projects for Kids
to Do" - Tanya Oliver; Teatero Motors - Free grease, oil & filter -
Susan Dick; Teatcro Motors - Free Grease, oil & filter - Marilyn
Horne; Jackie's Hair Aesthetics & Electrolysis - Manicure and fridge
magnet - Rita Kelly; Tasty Nu Bakery & Cheese House - One lunch
Special - Kim Steep; Tasty Nu Bakery & Cheese House - Onc Dozen
Donuts - Ashley Thompson; Pizza Train - One large Pizza - Cheryl
Fehr; Pizza Train - One large Pizza - Bertha Taylor; Sally's Closet -
$15 Gift Certificate - Juliet Edwards; UPI Archie's Service Centre -
Oil change & Check over - Hunter Kennedy; Sparky's Place - $15
Gift Certificate - Pat Ryan; Beechwood Pottery - Jewell Jar - Beth
Motz; Cheryl Rock - Navy Afghan - Sara Leppington; Tremeer
Commercial Printers - The Story of Hibbert Township (1962) - Peter
Bisback; Christina Doyle - CD, "1 Wouldn't Change A Single Day" -
Sara Moore; W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. Seaforth - 4 packages of
Microwave Popcorn - Morgan Flanagan; W.G. Thompson & Sons
Ltd. Seaforth - 4 packages of Microwave Popcorn - Andrea Rowe;
W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. Seaforth - 4 Packages of Microwave
Popcorn - Sherri Forde; Nifty Korners - Halloween Costume,
Decorations, Party Supplies etc. - Susan McLaughlin; Nifty Korners -
Halloween Costume, Decorations, Party supplies etc. - Gerry
McLaughlin; Anonymous - Draw & Colour Art Desk - Abegail
Nyerscnigh; Total Image II - Cut & Style - Pam Lovell; Total Image II
- Manicure - Sara Leppington; Dens and Friends - $20 Gift
Certificate - Dan Stimp; Seaforth Sewing Centre - $20 Gift Certificate
Coleen Devereaux; The Huron Expositor - One year Subscription -
Cecelia Ryan; New Orleans Pizza - One Anyway Pizza - Sara Moore;
Janet's Country Donut Cafe - One Breakfast for two - Mary Craig;
Janet's Country Donut Cafe - Breakfast for Two - Ted Conway;
Keatings Pharmacy - $30 Gift Certificate - Marion Gordon; Cardno's
Men's Wear - $25 Gift Certificate - Logan Bruxer; Seaforth
Agricultural Society (Homecraft) - Mug & Hasty Notes - Ruth
Campbell; Seaforth Agricultural Society (Homecraft) - Plate'- Leota
Johnson; Seaforth Agricultural Society (Homecraft) - Mug & Hasty
Notes - Pat O'Reilly; The Looking Glass - Gift Variety Pack - I,aurie
Myerscough; Downie Mutual Fire Insurance (Lynda Vincent) -
Carbon Monoxide Detector - Bill Brown; Jane Vincent - Decorative
Tea Pot - Nicole Moore; Seaforth Automotive & Industrial Supply -
Folding Trunk Cart - Marie Hicknell; Vincent Farm Equipment - 1955
Case Pickup Truck Bank - Irene Finlayson; Grace Corbett - Mary Kay
Products - Mary Craig; Team Vincent - Toy Ski Doo - Patricia
McKinnon; Culligan Real Estate - Fireplace Candle Holder - Dorothy
Hayes; Forbes Flower Magic - Mctalic Lantern with Candles - Sharon
Conway; Out Back Card Shack - Hockey Cards - Austin McClure;
Out Back Card Shack - Hockey Cards = Marg Van Bakel; Seaforth
Signs - Stuffed Animal - Doris Rock; Lois Moore - Angel Food Cake -
Scott Vandborne; Lois Moore - Angel Food Cake - Elaine Haney;
Home & Hearth 13 & 13, Becky Campbell - Pamper Basket - Nancy
Kale; T.C. Motors - Pat Melady; Hildebrand Paint & Paper - Onc
gallon white ceiling paint - Faye Albert; Trailcorp Inc. - $25 Cash
Prize - (:reg Bowers; Gray Insurance (Allan Carter) - $25 Certificate
for Millington's Bniceficld - Beth Pryce; Angela Smith Photography -
$45 Gift Certificate for a Family Portrait Sesssion - Astrid
Guntensperger; Ice Dreams & 2nd Period Sports - $25 gift certificate
- Mary Lou Ricard; Bee's Ladies' & Men's Fashions - $25 Gift
Certificate - Earl Rock; McIntosh Poultry Farms - 5 doz. eggs -
Randy McClure; McIntosh Poultry Farms - 5 dozen eggs - Edna
Storey; Anna's Dress Shoppe - $20 Gift Certificate - Linken Deckert;
Janet's Country Donut Cafe - Breakfast for two - Ben Vandenakker;
Janet's Country Donut Cafe - Breakfast for two - Michael Kale; The
Apple Core - Gift Basket - Donna Lawton; Hannah Miller - Purr -Cat
Beanie Baby - Jennifer McKenzie; Stedman's - Teletubby - Leana
Goldsworthy; Stedman's - Pooh - Jacob De Jong; Winthrop Store -
Sweat Pants - Penny Breen; Middegaal Pools - Swim Board - Glen
Devereaux; Seaforth Horticultural Society - Ready, Set, Grow Book -
Austin McClure; Kevin & Nancy Kale - Metal Vase - Joan Whyte;
Linda O'Rourke - Ceramic Millenium Santa - Neilene Harefeld; Linda
O'Rourke - Ceramic Planter - Nora Eckert; MGM Townsend Tire -
Shirt - Diane I,eston; Plant Paradise - Potted Mum - Juliet Edwards;
Marjorie Broadfoot - Maria Doll - Ann Bosman; Marjorie Broadfoot -
Mustang Hardtop Model - Lyle Haney; Dejong Auto Service - 4 litres
anti -freeze - Ruth Nolan; Delong Auto Service - 4 litres of
Windshield Wash - Bill Craig; Donna Broadfoot - Honey Bear Garden
Sign - Marian Vogels; Province of Ontario Savings Office - Sun Visor,
Mug, Notepad, Pen, 3 golf balls & candies - Patricia McKinnon;
Province of Ontario Savings Office - Sun visor, Mug, Notepad, Pen, 3
golf halls & Candies - Don Dupee; Seaforth Veterinary Clinic -
Animal Cage - Barb Dalrymple; Tremeer Commercial Printers - A
Ribbert Review, County of Perth 1953 - Glen Devereaux; Stewart
Acres - Potted Mum - Pauline Bennett; Anne Marie McGregor - 3
Children's Books - Darin Dick; Ann Marie McGregor - 3 Children's
Books - Kevin Hunking; Milton J. Dietz, Ltd. - Pro Plan Dog Food 7
Biscuits - Ann Powell; Triangle Discount - Candle and Stand - Lyle
Haney; Triangle Discount - Roller Hockey Knee Pads - Terry
Johnston; Edwards Fuels, Seaforth Shell - Thermos - Florence
Devereaux; Seaforth Golf & Country Club - 2 green fees and Power
Cart voucher - Lyle Haney; Elza's Hair Design - Shampoo & Set -
Jane Golding; Kelly's Auto Service - Gift Voucher for Lube, oil &
filter, check all fluids and tires - Shirley Brugger; TD Canada Trust -
$25 cash - Cathy Regele; Seaforth Food Market - $20 Gift Certificate
- Charlotte McKercher; Seaforth Foodmarket - $20 Gift Certificate -
Kim Quirie; Elza's Hair Design - Design Freedom Mousse - Doug
Hugill; State Farm Insurance (K.l. Etue) - Road Atlas - Bill Brown;
Brian E. Wightman (CGA) - Pen - Lyle Haney; CIBC Seaforth Branch
- Pen Set - Phyllis Mitchell; Ker -Mal Kreations - Placcmat set &
matching coasters - Joyce Bean; Coldwell Banker (Sandra Dale) -
Golf Shirt - Don McKercher; Brian E. Wightman (CGA) - Golfing
Pocket Knife - Terry Thompson; Anonymous - Fold up chair - Donna
Mitchell; Glen Saws - Fire xtinguisher - Sheri Forde; Jean Drager -
Baby Quilt - Carol Henderson; Betty Glanville - Ag Societies District
Cook Book & Mini Serving Spatula - Carolyn Somerville; Whitney
Ribey Funeral Home - Robert Munsch Book MMM Cookies - Brodie
Cairns; Whitney Ribey Funeral Home - Ontario Road Atlas - Mary
Craig; Main St. Video - Alec to the Rescue - Bertha Thylor; Main St.
Video - Floating Candles - Marlen Vincent; Vern Robson - Pottery
Dishes - Kevin Hart; Sumthing Special - Pink Vase - Ferne McClure;
Sumthing Special - Weeds Be Gone - Joan Whyte; Sumthing Special -
Mechanical Cash Register - Carol Carter; Sumthing Special - Picture
Frame - Brenna Vincent; Sumthing Special - Huggy Buggy Plane -
Helen Clysdale.
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, October 3, 2001-3
Tha4Ja 1au/
The Board of Directors of the Seaforth Agricultural
Society would like to thank absolutely everyone
whose participation contributed to the success of
our 2001 Fall Fair. Thanks to those who donated
their time, a prize or brought a food item for the
food bank.
Pie by Mary Fotheringham - sold to Paul Linton
Pie by Ken Moore - sold to Darlene Menary
Pie by Gord Glen - sold to Christine Doyle
Pie by Dorothy Hayes - sold to Joe Steffler
Pie by Ross Ribey - sold.to Joe Steffler
Pie by Joanne Maloney Flanagan - sold to Doug Elliott
Pie by Robert Broadfoot - sold to Smith Peat Roofing
Pie by Jim Floyd - sold to Bob Fotheringham
Pie by Betty Glanville - sold to Townsend Tire
Bonnie Glanville & Bob McMillan gave cash donations.
Thank you to Richard Lobb and all bidders for their partici-
pation and generosity. We were pleased to donate nearly
$400.00 to the Seaforth Lions Park & Pool.
1st Prize: - Van Dooren Farms Ltd.
Purchased by Grand Valley Fortifiers
2nd Prize: - Ed Van Dyke
Purchased by Sills Hardware
3rd Prize: - H & B Farms
Purchased by Grand Valley Fortifiers
4th Prize: - Art Bolton
Purchased by McKillop Mutual
5th Prize: - Corgercrest Farms
Purchased by Rona Cashway
6th Prize: - Peckitt Farms
Purchased by Total Image
1st Place Senior Showman
Sponsored by The Ontario Hereford Assoc.
2nd Place Senior Showman
Sponsored by The Whitney Ribey Funeral Home
1st Place Junior Showman
Sponsored by The Ontario Hereford Assoc.
2nd Place Junior Showman
Sponsored by The Whitney Ribey Funeral Home
*Overall Grand Champion Showman
Sponsored by The Seaforth Agricultural Society
Overall Reserve Grand Champion Showman
Sponsored by Dauphin Feed & Supply
Brock Smith
Kim McKenzie
Matt Devereaux
Stephen Haney
Matt Devereaux
Kim McKenzie
Cash Prizes totalling $400.00 donated by the Seaforth Agricultural Society.
Grand Champion Finished Calf Sponsored by Milton J. Dietz Ltd.
Shown by Mike McClure
Purchased by O'Rourke Transport
Reserve Champion Finished Calf Sponsored by W.G. Thompson
Shown by Kaleigh Flynn
Purchased by McGavin FarmSupply
3rd Place in Finish Shown by Matt Devereaux
Purchased by Zurich Abattoir & Meat Market
4th Place in Finish Shown by Adam Haney
Purchased by O'Rourke Transport
5th Place in Finish Shown by Lindsey Haney
Purchased by Dauphin Feed & Supply
Owen O'Reilly's Calf was Purchased by
Zurich Abattoir & Meat Market
Martin Flanagan's Calf was Purchased by
Brussels Livestock
Joseph Flanagan's Calf was Purchased by
O'Rourke Transport
Stephanie Flynn's Calf was Purchased by
Hensall Cattle Co.
Gerard O'Reilly's Calf was Purchased by
Metzger Meats
Ian Gordon's Calf was Purchased by
Corsetti Meats, Toronto
Brock Smith's Calf was Purchased by
Ralph Smith Law Office
Kim McKenzie's Calf was Purchased by
Ontario Stockyards Inc.
Craig Nigh's Calf was Purchased by
McKillop Mutual Insurance
Steven Haney's Calf was Purchased by
Hay Mutual Insurance
4 Special Tita414 2/ais
�4uate !^*9,people
Tom Melady & friends Marie Flynn & MacKay
Choristers for their program on Saturday. It was enjoyed
by many people of all ages. Nearly $600 donated to
Cancer. Thank you to Christina Doyle, guest entertainer.
Old McDonald's Barn; Arnold Campbell & Family; Bill
Flynn; Lyle Haney; Gail Hoffman and Ann Marie
Bedard for their help at the Friday Fair Bingo at Seaforth
District Community Centres. Thank you to the Seaforth
Girls Band for their Fair Breakfast on Saturday. Rev. Vick
Vandermey for his words & prayers for our American
friends. Joan White for coordinating the food booth;
Queen of the Fair participants & sponsors of the Baby
Show & the Pet Show & all contestants; those who
participated in parade schools & teaching attendants.
As well we would like to extend our thanks to Hugh
Filson our Auctioneer, Paul McCallum our Judge,
O'Rourke Transport for the use of their facilities, all of
the bidders that came out to show their support, the
community for their support at our April Fool's
Breakfast and any other that have shown their support
over the last nine months.
Thanhs fi9esin
John Bennett Sharon Flanagan Gord Glen
Lyle Haney Winston Powell Brent & Ross Ribey