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7l`1EMRS1.l4% ', 111A'
ws From Hensa
1 of .o f Commerce
Spring Term begins Tuesday April 13th, 1926.
Our PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING will fit you for ;lie
HIGHEST paid position,•^ in the BUSINESS WORLD, where •i6ork
L always REWARDED, in proportion to the SERVICE rendered.
Teachers, Civivl Service and Special Courses
Special Classes for Hensall and Exeter Students
4 week.' additional time given to students on an 8 months' course.
For Information apply to
Com. Specialist, VIce Principal Principal, Phone 108
Starting on Monday, April. 19th,
i chopping mill will grind
.the Hensel pp ng
Avery forenoon and only Saturday
all day.
jA New Roof
Having the . agency for the Galt
:Art Metal Co.'s Goods for the past
four years I am still on the job and
an supply you with the very highest
quality of galvanized metal roofing
on the market, either corrugated
sheets or their Famous steel Shingle
at Standard Prices, and laid if you
We also have the agency for the
Toronto Pure Copper Lightning Rod
and will be glad to attend to your
mints. Four years roofing and rod
ping should help all concerned.
Prices lower than in the past year
and always the Lowest. If any infor-
mation er assistance is required,.
apply to
John Elder
Wall Paper
ht the Latest Designs
Prices from '10c. to $1.501
�. Sangster, Hensall
' Manor graduate of Faculty of
eine, and Master of Science,
varsity of Western Ontario.
ber of College of Physicians
jild Surgeons of Ontario. Office
Iwo doors east of Post Office.
bona 11 Residence 114
lsonor Graduate Carey Jones' Au -
n 8ghool, Special course taken in
ogistweed Live Stock (ail Breeds,)
Wsrokandise, Real Estate, . Farm
iles, etc. Rates in keeping with
)revailing prices. Satisfaction as-
ared, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or
/ lie 18-93, Zurich:
1• iii, y matched dressed on both
sides at
$50 PERM
Stead Ofilce, Farquhar, Ont.
?resident, JOHN ALLISON
743e -President, JAS. McKENZIK
*DM IS8ERY, Cextraiif, Agent for
'Osborne and Biddulph.
pLrVER HARRIS, I tl fro; Ageat tot
1 Hibbert, FullartOC sad Logan.
fill W. e. TURNBULIJ
Pm 91 Exeter, Ontario.
rim" PBeltii'II, 111e*j1, .
Hensall Tile, Brick
and Block Yardj1
Try our National Light Coal' Oil in
your incubator. There is no smoke
or fumes and will burn till the last.
drop is used and it only costs 3c. a
gallon more than the ordinary coal
oil. • Also. use it in your lamps. You
will have a better and cleaner light.
Get your supply from
of team harness with back bands
and nice brassmounted bridles, all
in , good shape for $19 per set, also
a dozen good strong, well made
leather halters of good size for $1
and $1.25 each. -John. Elder, Hen-
HAY FOR SALE -Choice timothy
hay slightly mixed with clover
throughout at. $18 per ton at the
premises, on Lot 25, Con. 1, Hay
Tp. Apply to Owen Geiger & Son,
Hensall, Ont•, phone 59. '
Quite a. number from here spent
Sunday at the Bend.
'Mr. John Fisher is confined to his
home through illness.
Miss M. Ellis visited' on Sunday
with relatives in Goderich. •
Mrs. E. Fines, of Clinton visited
friends in town on Tuesday.
Mrs. Thos. -Sherritt, Sr„, suffered
a severe stroke on Sunday last.
Mrs. John Zuefle has been confin-
ed to her room with La Grippe.
Mrs.' Alice ' Joynt is confined to
her home with a serious attack of
Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London,
visited on Sunday with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. John Penhale of the
Lake Road, Hay, were in town on
Saturday: .
Miss Evelyn Hefferman visited
over Sunday with Miss Bertha Cor-
bett of Hay.
Mr..Lee Hedden left Tuesday ev-
ening for St. Catherines where, he
will work, for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber are
spending a few days this week vis-
iting friends in Detroit.
Mrs. • Cecik Simpson spent -Sunday
last at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Bell, London Rd.
Mr. and Mrs: Albert Whiteside and
Miss , .Jean, ., of ` Goderich, visited
friends : in town on . Sunday.
Miss Anna 'Richardson, of Lon-,
don, . visited over the week -end with
her parents west of the village.
Miss Florence Welsh, of London,
visited over the week -end with her
parents, 'Mr .and -Mrs. Thos. Welsh.
The dance held in the town hall
on Friday evening last was largely
attended and all report a good time.
Mr. Orville Twichell was taken to
Seaforth hospital on Saturday even-
ing where he was operated on for
..The many friends .,;of Mrs Alex.
Sparks will be sorry 'to hear' that
she' had a stroke last week,' but at
time of writing iS somewhat improv-
On Friday evening a preparatory
service will be held in the United
church. Re`v. Aieclrew Boa will give
the..address. The Elders will 'street
at 7.30.
At time of writing we are inform-
ed that on Tuesday evening while
working on his farm, Mr. Stewart
McQueen was hurt in a runawaw
Mr. John McDougall, who has
been conducting a tailoring busi-
ness here this last year intends dos-
ing up his shop, and moving _with his
family to Hamilton, where he in-
tends gong into business.
Mrs. Abraham, who..Jras been here
for several years looking after her
aunt, Mrs. McKay, and since Mrs.
Mc a r death been straightening htening up
her estate, left on Tuesday morning
for her home in Portland, Oregon,
Mr. and Mrs . Jas. • Logan, who
spent last winter in Florida have re-
turned home and are spending -a
short time visiting friends here. The
weather was very warm when they
left"''Florida,' and they find quite a
change here. •
The meeting of the Y. IP. League
of the United church was held on
Monday `evening with Miss Elva
Shaddock presiding. The meeting
was opened by the singing of a
hymn, after which 141'r. Ort -Rein led
in prayer, T11,e scripture lesson was
read alternately, after whichthe
secretary read the minutes of the
last ineeting:_,, Mrs. Hugh. McEwan
in a very able manner gave .the topic
on "Influence." A solo by Mrs, L.
Hedden and a reading by Miss viola,
Higgins were greatly enjoyed 'y all
The Odd Fellows of Hensall Lodge
No 223 will hold theirannual ser-
vice this year in the. Presbyterian
church on the coming Sunday even-
ing and invitations were sent to
several of the surrounding local
The church services on Sunday
last were largely attended. At the
United church in the morning a
large congregation was present. Rev.
Sinclair occupied his own pulpit. On
account of the anniversary service
in the Presbyterian church the even-
ing service in the United church and
Anglican churches were withdrawn.
At the Presbyterian church Rev. Mr.
Gilmour of London preached anni-
versary sermons both morning and
evening to large congregations and
on Monday evening Rev. Mr. Nelson
of Hamilton, gave his lecture entitl-
ed, "The Open Windows of the
British Empire."
An amusing accident occurred •- to
a well known resident of the 2nd
con. of Hay while in town on Friday
last. - He - was talking to Reeve
Geiger down near. the' Globe bill
board, and was most likely discus-
sing the customs scandals at Ottawa,
when in his excitement he put his
pipe in his hip pocket. Presently,
smoke .began to -appear, and the
reeve noticed the fire. Mr. Geiger
went to put the fire out with tlie.
same energy that` he puts into a•
municipal election in January and
succeeded, apparently, in putting it
out. But as our friend from Hay.
was going across to the New Com-
mercial sheds to get his horse it was
noticed that he was still smoking
away making about as much smoke
as the C.N.R. engines coming up the
railway track, and trying to keep
face to face with all the ladies 'he
met. °
Next Sunday is Motliers' Day in
the United church. A mothers choir
will lead the singing. The sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper will be
administered at the morning service.
Next Tuesday the congregational
meeting will be held in the United
church at which reports of all, the
departments of the church will be
given. The anniversary of the church
will be held on May 23rd, Rev. W.
D. McDonald, of Egmondville, will
be the special speaker.
ROOM II, March and April • . -
Jr. IIL-Alice Higgins $5., Marion
Mackay 81, Aldon Appleton 74, B-
Smale .72,. Eleanor Bell • 71, .Norman
MacKay 6"6, Roy. Brock 63-, Harold
Appleton 56. Sr. II. Harold Sher-
ritt 79; Ray Paterson 73, Mabel' Fee
70, Lorne Elder 67,John McKay 67,
Lloyd Lindenfield' 66, Jack 'oung
63, Mary Hemphill '63, Hugh Mac;
Dougall -63, Helen Glenn 62, Harvey
Hudson 61, John Farquhar 60,
Edith Wolf 58, Robert Passmore 58,
Stewart Bell 57, Viola Hildebrand
56, Margaret Kennings 52, Kornelis
Feber 45, Tom Smale 33.
M. A. Ellis, Teacher
A well attended meeting of Hen-
sall baseball enthusiasts. was held at
the Commercial Hotel on Thursday
evening last for the purpose of elect-
ing officers for this season. After
a few minutes of free discussion the
meeting., was called to order and Mr.
L. Mickle appointed chairman for
the evening. The following is a list
of the newly elected officers: Hon.
Pres:, Mr. Owen Geiger; Pres., Mr.
E. Drummond; Vice -Pres., Mr. J.
Passmore; Sec'y, Mr. H. Scruton;
Treas., Mr. I. McLaughlan; Manager
Mr. L. Mickle; Coach, Dr. G. Knapp
Mascot, Scott Welsh. In addition
to the above named officers an ex-
ecutive_ committe of 5 was elected
consisting of Messrs. J. Bolton, D.
Brintnell, Dr. Campbell, D. McKin-
non and N. Reichart. A grounds
committee, whose duty it is to get
thetbail park put in shape was also
elected. Those on said committee
are Messrs. Owen Geiger, T. Welsh,
N. Shaffer, T Shaddock and C.
Moore. Mr. Fleming, 'Dr. Knapp
and the president were elected dele-
gates to the league convention. Mr.
J. Paterson's generous offer of a
locker in which to store the teams
property was accepted. The meet-
ing then adjourned.-
The regular monthly meeting of
the village council was held in the
council chamber on Tuesday even-
ing. All nlembers were present
with the Reeve in the chair.. The
minutes of the last meeting were
read and adopted on motion of
Campbell and Higgins. Mrs. Bul-
lard appeared before the council
and asked for a rebate. of $8.72,
that she paid on the Queen Street
drain. _It seems that two years ago
solne ofthe ratepayers oft Queen
street .asked permission from the
council to dig a drain on the north
side of Queen street, the council
1 thetile and the ratepayers
to su
to do the work, Which was agreed
to. Some of the ratepayers helped
dig the drain 'themselves, . others
paid in their share and Mrs. Bul-
lard paid in $8.72 under protest,
that the drain was doing her no
good whatever, and that she could.
not drain -into it, and has been
threatening to take action against
the. town •for dainages. Strictly
speaking it was up to the ratepayers
of Qtieen street to pay back this
Money to Mrs.'- Bullard, but as it
would open the whole • question
again, it was decided that it would
be better for the council to makd the
rebate. Mr. Colin ,Hudson, the as-
sessor of the village, returned, the
World Famous. Indian Elocutionist
will give her Dramatic and I-lurnor-
ons Readings, in
Wednesday, May 12th
at 8 o'clock p.m.
Under the auspices of the Young
People's League
With not one dull moment, Miss Nickawa holds young and
old entranced.
Program interspersed with musical numbers
'The opportunity of a life time.
Children 20c.
assessment roll, which was accepted
by the council and the. assessor or-
dered to be paid.,It was moyed by
Robt. Higgins, seconded by Chris.
Campbell that a Court of Revision
be held on Tuesday evening, May
25th, at eight o'clock, to hear any
appeals against the assessment roll.
Mr. Win. McLaren asked permis-
sion to erect a gas pump in front
of his store on Main St. Perris-
sion was granted, the work to be
done under the supervision of Camp-
bell and Higgins. The council de-
cided to make a tour of the streets
on Thursday afternoon to see what
was needed to be done for the sum-
mer months. A communication was
read from the clerk of Colborne Tp.
asking the council to petition the,
Government to raise the gasoline tax
for highway purposes to six cents a
gallon, instead of three and to low-
er the licence. fee 30 per cent. Some
one seems to•be boosting this move-
ment through. the province, but the
council decided to take no action.
The total assessment for the village
for 1926 is $419,683. The popula-
tion 786 or 17 less than last year,
and there are 28 dogs in the village.
Before the meeting closed Mr. Hig-
gins brought up the matter for bet-
ter fire protection for the village,
claiming that a village like Hensall
with over half' a million dollars of
valuable property was at the mercy
of every fire, and especially on the
back streets where there is no water.
In case of a fire here, there is no
way :of protecting the village, the
owner loses the building and the
chances are it would not be rebuilt,
and the town also loses its revenue
in the way of taxation. The village
of Hensall ..has made itself respon-
sible, 'for a large sum of money
which it has Spent in the way of
public improvements, and every-
thing should be done to protect the
property of the village, as every
building that is burnt down and not
rebuilt, just makes the burden that
much higher on the rest of the vil-
lage. Mr. Higgins was in . favor of
a chemical engine, as the most econ-
omical way of protecting the village
and moved, seconded by Robt Mc-
Arthur that a committe be appoint-
ed, composed of Reeve Geiger,
Councillor. Priest and Clerk Murdock
to take up the ,matter and report to
the council at its first meeting in
June. It is claimed` that a suitable
engine can be purchased and the
money borrowed and spread over a
term of five years, and it would
never be noticed in our tax rate, and
it would make our village reason-
ably safe from large fires. A num-
ber of accounts were presented and•
ordered paid. The meeting finally
adjourned to meet again on the ev-
ening of May 25th as the Court of
Keep May 12th in mind and come
to Elimville church to hear Miss
Francis Nickawa.
Mr, Wellington Bell, of Detroit,
was visiting at his home here over
the week -end.
Mr. Bruce Cooper, Miss Lavona
and Master Alvin spent Sunday with
relatives near Seaforth.
Mrs. Herdman, Sr. is ill at her
home in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johns and
Bessie are recovering from their re-
cent illness.
Miss Lena Pym went to Hensall
on Monday where she will remain
for a couple weeks.
Mr. Ed. Johns has improved the
appearance of his residence by hav-
ing it repainted. -
Elimville United pastoral charge
reports one of the Most successful
.years in its history. There was re-
corded a membership of 249 at the
close of the year, and during the
year there were. 29 baptisms, 6
deaths, one marriage. The full ap-
pointment of $1,600 was raised for
the Maintenance and Extension Fund
W.M.S., Circle and Band raised a
total of $711; the Sunday Schools
$447 for local expenses and the field
a total of more than $5,000 for all
purposes. These figures are a tang-
ible expression of the keen interest
and deepening religious life mani-
fested throughout the charge during
the year. The Sunday Schools were
well attended,' a vigorous
People's Society was 'organized at
Elimville; and nineteen joined the
church on profession of faith on the
Mrs. Wm. Lewis held a very pleas-
ant birthday celebration at her
home in the village on April 27th.'
Among the guests from a distance
were Mrs. W. Brownlee and Mrs, T.
Hindmarsh both of Ailsa Craig.
Mr, and Mrs. C. Williams and
Meredith Bice, all of Detroit, are
guests of Mrs. Williams' parents, Mr,
and Mrs. E. Mee, of Clandeboye.
Mr. Fred, Waghorne is all smiles.
ono the arrival' of a fine boy at his
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards are
all smiles, its a boy, on Sunday,
May 2nd.
The Sheardown brothers, of. Gode-
rich spent Sunday with their mother
Mrs. H. Sheardown.
Mrs. Valentine Ratz, of New Ham-
burg, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Zwicker and Gerald.
Mrs. B. Brown, Sr., left Monday
for New York, where she will visit
sonic time with her son Lorne.
Mrs. C. Black and daughter Mar-
ion, of London, are visiting with Mrs
C. Hoffman for a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Sheardown who has been ill
was taken to the home of her son
Aylmer, in God_erch, to visit for a
Mrs. J. McKenzie has returned to
her home in Kincardine after visit-
ing some weeks with Mrs. Charles
Hoff man.
Mrs. Louisa Fahner, of Detroit, is
visiting for some time with her
mother, Mrs. Matthew Morlock and
other relatives.
Mr. Chap. Sheardown, of Wind-
sor,\spent the week -end with his
mother and Earl. Earl returning
with him to Windsor to reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Lewis spent Sunday
in Dashwood with Mrs. Motz's bro-
ther, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Messner.
We are glad to report that Arnold
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gaiser,
of Shipka, who is at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London,•,wherp he has nn-
dergone an operation for appendi-
citis, is doing nicely and will no
doubt be .able to return home again
this week.
Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier have
returned from the Conference Ses-
sion at Kitchener and report that
the Canada Conference of the Evan-
gelical church has had one of the
most prosperous years in its history.
They ,have again been stationed on
the Crediton field of labor.
The subject that will receive sup-
reme recognition at the Evangelical
church next Sabbath is that of
motherhood. The subject is well
nigh inexhaustible. At the morning
service the pastor will speak on
"Motherhood the Greatest Nation -al
Asset," and in the evening, "Mother
the mightiest constructive force for
an ideal world. If we will truly
mother the world we will save the
A charming Mothers' Day program
will be rendered at the Evangelical
Sunday School on. Sunday morning.
Mothers' Day will be observed in
the United church here next Sunday
morning and evening. In the morn-
ing the Sunday School will abserve
"Go -to -Sunday -School Day," by pre-
senting a special programme includ-
ing a pagent, "Mothers of the Bible."
Public worship in the evening, sub-
ject, "Rebekah, the Girl, Wife and
Mother." Baptism service will also
be conducted. Everyone is urged
to be present at both services if pos-
The regular meeting of the Cred-
iton Women's Institute was held
in the Institute Hall on the after-
noon of Tuesday, May ,4th.
vice-president, Mrs. H. K. Eilber oc-
cupied the chair. The meeting open-
ed by the singing of "0, Canada,"
followed by the Lord's Prayer, re-
peated in unison. The roll call was
answered by the payment of dues -
for the new year. The talk on cur-
rent events was taken by Mrs. Wm:
Oestreicher, who spoke on the pro-
posed deepening of. the St. Lawrence
The reports of the committees for
the past year were then given. The
treasurer, Mrs. C. Heist, reported a
balance on hand of $154.79. Mrs.
E. Heist reported a balance on hand
of $18.44 for the flower committee.
Miss Clara Morlock then gave 'a
piano solo which was much enjoyed.
The topic, "A Girl's Rights, Duties
and Possibilities at Home," was very
ably given by Mrs. Elmer Lawson
and was much appreciated by all
present, The election of officers
for the coming year then took place
with the following results: Pres.,
Zwicker; • lst vice, C. vi Mrs. H.
K. Eilber; 2nd vice, Mrs. H. Young;
sec'y, Mrs. G. Maynard; treas., Mrs.
J. W. Orme; pianist, Miss Clara
Moriock; assist. ,1 ianist, Mrs. Ehler
Lawson; dist. director, Mrs. D. Me -
Isaac; branch directors, Mrs. J.
Holtzman, Mrs, W. Oestreicher, Miss
Mabel Fahner, Mrs. C. Haist, Mrs.
Elmer Lawson; dist, representatives,
Mrs. I;'. W. Clark, Mrs. Lloyd Eng-
land, Mrs. Harry Beaver, Mrs. T.
Trevethick; reporters, Miss E: Mac-
kay, Mrs, L. England, Mrs, G, E.
Wenzel; 'auditors, Miss A. )Gaiser,
Miss Merle Clark. The meeting
closed by the singing of God Save
the King,
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S.
D. D. S.
At office in Har.tleib Block, Dash-
wood, first three days of week and
at 'office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Mr. and Mrs. B Flynn and Mr. 3'.
Wambold, of London, visited in
town over Sunday.
Miss Elva Richmond spent Sun-
day at her hone in Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Heywood, of Ex-
eter, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
P. Kraft,
Mr. and Mrs, P. B. Moffat and
family spent the week -end near Clin-
Mr, G. Witmer and Mrs. M. Wit-
mer, of Detroit, spent the week -end
with Mr. and 11'rrs. I. Witmer.
Mr. and Mrs.' D. Tiernan spent
Sunday in Thedford:
Miss Myrta Hoffman, of Kitchen-
er, spent the week -end at her hone.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Hess and family,
of Zurich, spent. Sunday with Mrs.
Matilda Kraft.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Ireland, of Strat-
ford spent the .week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Tiernan.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Mills and Mrs. F.
Willert,visited in Detroit last week.
Miss Rose Rader returned to De-
troit on Monday after spending the
past month with her parents.
Messrs. J. Elligsen and P. Mc
Isaac spent Monday in Woodstock.
Mrs. Thirteen Snider has returned
from St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
where she underwent several opera-
tions. We are pleased to report
that Mrs. Snider is getting along
Mr. Earl Guenther moved the
household effects of Mr. Clayton
Mr. Hy. PfiletmaD, ngo B-Rlou
Wildfong to Detroit on Friday. Mr.
Hy. Pfile accompanied Mr. Guenther.
Mr. Clarence Kellerman' has dis-
posed of his farm to Mr. Dan. Haugh
and Mr. Kellerman has purchased
the commercial hotel from Mr..J.
Elligsen, possession being taken
May 10th.
Calvary Evangelical S. School will
observe Go -To -Sunday -School and
Mothers' Day next Sunday. Besides
the •suggested program of the On-
tario Religious . Council, special
music will be rendered by the choir
and orchestra. A sermon to mothers
at 10 a,ln,, 3ible School and program
at 1.145-a.ni, and pageant: and sex',.
monette to lathers at 7,$0 p,na, will
be the order of the d4y, Come and
bring your'friends with you,
Sales ---$1233
Cost -$27.15
The difference between sa.
successful year and an
unsuccessful one is only
about 15%. Think how
easily you can increase
your sales 5%, 10% or
15 % thisyear by plan-
ning to go after business
systematically, by Long
Every day we receive
new evidence from mer-
chants in medium-sized
towns, who have tried it
for the first time and are
surprised at their suc-
Here is a recent case: -
"Number of sales, 17;
number who subsequent-
ly bought, 27; total
amount of sales, $1,233;
total cost of 44 calls
$27.15; percentage of
selling cost, 2.2.
Try Long Distance
selling - and con-
vince yourself.
Important Announcement . Regarding
Allan Aitken, Plastering Contractor of
Wishes 'to extend the advantages of High Class Stucco
operating between London and Kincardine, giving the
this territory a chance to have their property improved
er cost than. - otherwise possible.
. Stucco work is a
Good Investment
It saves continual painting.
Cuts cost of insurance. Pro-
tects you from the cold, and
Beautifies Your Home.
Work by
people of
at a- low -
If you desire to have your
Home, Garage of Office build-
ing stuccoed, you'll get Ser-
vice, Quality and Good Work-
manship from.
• Telephone 6269w
216 Emery St.
ore Flavus
Don't limit your enjoyment of Mustard to occasional use
arith Cold Meats. It gives more Savor to hot meats too--
shsirpens the appetite, neutralizes the Maness of fait footle
and makes them easier to digest.
SidideSii°11 439m
HE beautiful sheers and
silky smoothness of
Monarch Green. Stripe stay
to the Gast washing, because
it is made of pure silk -re-
inforced with fibre silk, for
wear's sake. And no "run"
can pass below the Green
Stripe, nor the second. "stop
run" a few inches Below it.
All the most wanted colors.
�1 a pair -an example of
e values Monarch -Knit
osiexy offers at every price
from 75c to 0100,