HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-5-6, Page 3STORIES OF WELL- KNOWN PEOPLE Suspeeted in His Home Town., Tile prophet le not the only Person gLEM1SHED SKIN Canna be Relieved by Salves and Ointments. Irriteting •spree, pimples, eczema, alilt ileum and other skin disorderS are all signals of distress, telling 'diet Who lEi Without honor altucmg hia your blooj is weah or impure. You eonntrymen. The writer of fict.lon, , eafinot get rid of eczema aud other clams. Mr. literati MiteGrath, one ,ot trOubles with, olatinente ana.eat, othe moat polealar of Paling American wara applicaalone, because the tronale story -writers., la in the- same class. Not ie rooted la the blood and can ,onlY be long ago, lie says, hie Wife was, cloing removed by DUrifYing and enriching some shopping in their home town or the blood. Dr. Williame' •Pink Pale Syracuse. An old lady stunding beide b„enlele--- these troubles because theY IVIa,cGreith heard' ber give her parity and blind up the impoverished name in, charging aeveral purelfases. aIs that Harold IVIacGratli., •the auth- or?" asked the old lady. eynn.e "And are you his wife?" "Well, wlieia writes his bookS for "He writes them himself, of course. Why?" amebtfully replied the old lady. "it may, be true, but any two boys went to e•chool with him, and they are pnly boaklesepers now, and they • 'ogay. tleat lie wasn't none too einart „. then," . What Our Oceans i Most ef Us thielt Of lelatale" Oa piece§ Of lana eurrouncled by water. So they are; hut they are =tech more thau thet. ' 1 K I lat..MAN, . Variatiens--Killmata Chliman, Kiel- Racial oogi6e„..1.1Dapect-nEesTar. They are, ot course, the exmovered summits of vast m.ountaine, • whose, ma"' Source --A locality. Recial Origin-Engifeta German and erelap Sidee slope down to the sea bot - Dutch, Here is a family name, which, a. you etnanttl'aeNverigtiatiel;14/e'r;ebeetle.tyat. t" Alaall: eeeeee---n given name, might snepect, is derived- from ibe Here is 0. family name which looks In"u" f•.) fl.' Pl°ce: * . We are apt to forget that beneath ' the Swirling surface of the oceans of as though it aliaht well 'lave been de, The nrinelaa.i haeation for You, If ' the world are ' concealea vast eon- railed from a word descriptive of an your name happeae to be alidalleton, is tinents very much like those upou occupation. •,But it is not, "wbieb place?" •PQr it eohappene, that ,- which animal life livee and flourishes. Soar as its Engl5tileilwi itlyeVelopment ie there are alatieks called Miadletoe ia, treat Dieppe to explore the Atlantic. and, that we start out hy leiataa_ear Norman period,_aad represents, one et saire, Westmoreland anti, in fact, vir- Sappose tae oceans to liave gone (ley coacerned, it traces. becle to the pre- CuMberland, Leieestershao, Stafford, tee old 0,1100.:aaxen given • names Wally every county in England. In the atone a e•tudy over again. Among those who have- . . 1.11 t wide,bellow doinivation that powerefutlheinNfitluremnacue ' so'Qfuttlillearinnalp)a'r:av.°:aril;,n104131Ide's$ than 'thirty - We should etert runaing smoothly whiah 11111110g ea tO a gentle bleed- Thls has been proved over and this benefited is. Mrs. Chris. F. Hum- _valley -the Chennel Valley -and so which affected, nomenclature as well .0.0nouni1tiee bearing this na-Me, ' The Floor of tile Sea. troubled with, eczema for IAA Castor, Alta., who says:-"I:wee ler nines , ye4rs , and with the valleys on 40 northern vide- i The Anglo-Saxha form of this given family name of Middleton, indicating! drift; . we ,s•hould travel pantile], as language anti political development. It Ia not 'strange, therefore, that the TiAlenfidonotiili•teiys ospfneosawar;iish, ellikies sthveartn:ntthaine although I tried many...remedies I did the cliffs of Englaml, until on our right na,me was "Ooelaanan," the meanMg of that the oalaieal bearer carne from a I not find permanent relief until I used we ahold 4410cm:the range a moan-, which was. aohip-prolector." place of that name, is a rather wide - the southerie exia,sa. of Ire,' So many Eng,11-Sh and German names SIM esti• one. , From coral -rocks. the sea -plants lift ie and Tbeir Origin It Keeps Him Fit. Prom a friend of Mi11,6 •Wilin knows Mr. Thomas„ A.. Edioen .avell, I learn • that the great 'inVentor aittribatee' his unfailing hea•lth-rto hie diet,' Which. n.ever vattei- It •eensineeexclueively , , o dry. toast„ a' g:121,S,S, , of milli, .a table- ',Epponful of cooked .bar, and elie sar- dine.. • land.wogld.prese-nt .to. ne. . I (i t • 1,h ' din 1 " ." . . • . Th•eir bows', where tidee zioa billowe Dr, Willaame' Pink' Pills.. „Whenever taillS W4iel?-„ , , , . . . .1 • Its a,s Ose en. ,. g 11 ei are cone- Nor l E. it ' Y OFY 411010111I to see, in the . a I did a little work my hands pained me • aow • greatly, especially my fingers and. 1 alien as we travelled weetwa.rd a terminating' In "Mari" or "man" aro light of English hiStery how so many , marvelloug vieW would, spread Iteele t really eminently 'of the word 'Mena I different- places egme to bear this .. ' this Wb "water Is eel= and still' „beam, joints, which were s-wolIen and crack- For the winds and waves are absent groand between us pounds of -aacient word "Were" name.. 'When the SaXone came to E'ng- there: ed, so that I,could scarcely move them: it our feet, for the ai which also meant a "man") that this lend and drove .the Britons .before Pinally as the result of a statement. I: east .e.aiiao.y. opme Lear pines. bow sort of endiag is. one to which the them ifito Wales, Cerhwall anal Scot, - would be seen. to shelve down, into And •thieh,theanels ate bright as, the eters i . read, I. decided to try Dr. Williams' , . - . 1 -tongue naturally gravitates in pro- land, they eamee not in a great -united In ere- a''''atiwe less pp r taking aur car. Pink Pills and I. bad not been ' . • ' I . r a given- or a family name arm of con n st a did the Orman. mo n fleldei of u e masa-1mm them . very long when I found they a, four five liatere.we should ,be on rouneing the floor of tbe Atlentio Naturally, as .Anglo-Saxon . speech host but in small bands for the most ' — L -i miEn." "pa 13`42414" "4" 3)"1"'" t "Jars s Beaut " " , ` A 011 ' ' . ' 7 43- e ' ' s N ' air ' • ' ' Q '2- DANK,- la,D1,0(10 El 1 B . were helping nee, 1 then got a dozen e-- . . , , . . There, with a light and easy motion, Y., Pot:smoke " "Glen Mary, ' ,& A enter 'd. lineal through the overlayer part, eaoli lan operating se earateel Stopping the .cea and loolting. back 1 . ge , . Y a . , I Y. boxes, mid. betties) they were all .gone . we should see vast mountains, standing of the Normen tongue,. there was a It was.. some hundred yeare ox• more tendency to spell this memo as, it Was beaore they .began to mix. With Onean- pronounced, and it became K114114.11 in- other to any great extent.It was mast stead of "Coelmund." The doubled natural that nearly every one of these "n" termination, ;where found, intil- clan& should name the eentral town in cates a German development, while the territory in which it settled 'Slid- . the form Kleiman conies, from Holland. dletona .. . ' . Classified Advertisements,. LlIMCTItIC MOTORS BOI/GBT AND sone. Alf &Viten, Erederlon St., Toronto. J./ JUBT02u--7 IT'S MADE, or leaser" WS have it. Write us and mentioA YOur Mitts' "lnlora Sunni)/ Co.. Dept. AV, 13ox 2704, htentroal. PALE HELP WANTED, el 0 IbITO BUSINESS VOIL TOTIUSED.E. $00 lee kat omit. to 500 per rent. tarot% painting Itutoe by eur Pi00011. Ile:name old paint -puts on leeeituo lustrous Petah In a tew hours. Big ttinieren raint own ear, Free Instructions. WrIto Ittworters. 1014 King Beat, nominee, Ont. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, .every trace of the trouble- had disap- peared. :Had I known of Dr. Williams' out against the ekyline-Mount Ire - Pink Pills earlier, I might have been lancl and Matint.-England, and the con - spared the suffeeing I endured, and tine•nt-Moantain Europe.' - saved„the moaeY spent for other treat- There is, a en•evalent notion that the ments thatalid not relieve me. I hope floor o tbe Atlantic ts 'more, or less some otaer safferer wilabenefit by my fiat. Mite is not so. . experience," If we steeeour car south eve eball If your 'blood is out of order begin same see on the horizon, vast- memo Tae Prince as a Plumber. . taking Dr. Williams" Pink Pills to -day tains, higher than any we have seen, At the recent <limier of the Institute' and -note t hell • d .• eficial re- rising from the undulating country sults. y ben g sults. .Sold medicine dealers or about us, • St. Helena and Ascension, to our vision to -day but little islaads, • Will stand revealed as the tips of vast mountain ranges, so steep, as to defy even a modern car find comparable to tha-vast 'ranges of the Himalayas. • If we turu and traerel north until we reach the -northern Atlantic we shall see yet another vast range of moim- tai-the ' King Edward ar,11. range, only recently diseovered by ocean°. grapher& and se high that their sum - mite, if a little higher, would have heen ielande ana probably inhabited by the human race,! of Civil Phigineers .Iii London the Prirree of Wales. amulet' us when' he k stated that he is a rnechanica.I en- gineer. •• • "What is more," he exclaimed, "t 'am proud of the lact---but don't call on me if a gas pipe leaksor a water main. bursts V' All for Two Fish!. I asked that great artillery expert', aeajor-General Sir Desmond O'Callag- han, who recently eeaebratea his - eighty-fourth birthday, „why at ,his ad- vanced 'ago lie was setting off on a thousand mites 'joieraey up the River Amazon, involving a trip, of 14,000 miles in all. "I want to °etch a couple of fist," he rather startled me by -relying. Theithe explaineethat the , fish he hoped- to secure arelf.nown els Piraya,, very- rare and extremely ferocious creatures, ---- Her Fight for a Fortune. ."Titles are rather a joke," , Lady Cynthia Moeley, daughter of the late Lord Curzon and. Wife of Mr. Oswald Mosley, ex-aP.P., for Harrow, is repert- . el to have remarked recently. e-- Lady Cynthia and lier husband,, of conese. are now working in the Social- ist eause, aud. have, justeetuned from 'a tour of various, fozelgn industrial centres. ' Not anconnected with Lady Cynthia's visit abroad, I believe, is the great lawsuit that has been raging round the, affairs of her garandfather, t.he late - Mr. Levi Leiter, of Chicago, whe left a fortune of R,6,000,a00. ' . . , • .,Lorci Curzon fell in love evbth his, beautiful daughter Mary, but the hit- ter's brother, Mr. Joseph Leiter, it is isalra, was strongly opposed to the match. The lawsuit, which has ex- tended over many months and is still unsettled, is likely to rank as one of the most costly of recent years. * A Plea for Strength. am net certain of the fight, -But olearly marked Se wrong; Andaso I make thts prayer at night; "Lord, help me to be strong." I grope for truth and seek to find Some fact amid the doubt, But if with sin 1 stay behind," hope inusit flicker out. To dare to be -the thing 1 dream! How. easyatis to Saarl Yet 1 might fight for It, and seem, Still males and milee away. , - And none can tell me awl lt,end . In victory oi despair. *Shall I this way my spl,rit e,end? If so what watt* the therie? Yet if, when tempted, I tun weak And luta, shathe deacend, If only tjleiesure her -0,1 eek, I know how thee will end. That way villa lead me to despair, folly'e treesic,goal; .A10. to ofethat I must beware If 1 wow. save my soul. 'Tie bard to know the path of right, But clearly, marked Je wrong; And so I make this prayer at night: Lord, help trre, to be strong." --Edgar A. atuese- Tozmorrows. To -morrows, l'aimblefooting down aegreen road et hope, • Unighiltig.f aced, red -ch oak° d To -me r- rowe, You will sober latch Into a dulata,eed To -day. -Benoit]. Gordon. „ A lew power'lOng range radio sot is 'being deeigned tor the Byrd eorpedl., tion to tile NOrth POle. 'sent by instil at 50 -cents a box by writ- ing The Dr. Williame' Medicine 06., Brockville, Ont. • A Song of 1 -lope. "These Things -.Shall kael" John Addington Symonds was a man i'of very high ideals. Ile died in 1893 at the age of fifty:three. He lived Much In Italy ated la one of the great- est etitliorities on art, aeweI as both Italian and English literature. These things shall be: 'a loftier race Than e'er the world hath ImoWn shall riee With flame of -freedom in their souls , And light of knowledge in their eyes. They shall be seeable, 14ave, and strong 'l%. spill no drop of blood; but dare AU that may plant manslordehip finn. On earth, and. fir, and sea, anti air. Nation with nation, land -with land, Unarmed shall liv.e as comrs.dos free; .a Iii evelaelteart and brain s.hall throb The -pulse of one fraternity. - Man 'shall love Mark with heart as pure And fervent as the young -eyed joys 11.9m th,ant, their ,heavenly Psalms be- - . foie . . God's face with andiscordent noise.. New arts :shall bloom of loftier mould,. And mightier inus.ic Will the skiee,. And every life shall be a song When all the earth is paradise. When Thread Gives Out. Wheausing a sewing machine and. the spool of thread of some special ,coler glyesout with just a few more inches to be sewed, tie the end of the colored thread onto any other spool cif thread, and sew slowly -8 nd carerully. With cdre thelnat will pass through ail the machine openings except the eye of the needle, so that practically eyery blt of the tbread can be utilized. If ten inebes of thread remains and It: Is tied as soon as it comes off the spool, one canal° about live 'fiches more sew- ing. Cross Crossings Cautiously. To eyelet that run-down feeling, Cross croseliage,cantiouely, urges David Van Schaack, vice-president of the Na- tional Safety, Council. Aol,P.4.F.,bc.444.bfight eyes, an alert mind, a body full of healthful vigor -you can have them, all every.day If yoU are ' a normal being stnd keepyour system cicar af clogging poisons. How?' A spoonful Sal' Lithofos In a glass of water daily before breakfast and at bed.* A MEDICINE THAT ALL MOTHERS PRAISE Baby's amiu Tablets Banish Babyhood arid Childhood • Ailments. -!Of.;-kes, Sarnia, Ont., says: 'e have used Baba's Own Tablets In my home fdr the past fifteen yeersand believe the gOod health My children enjoy is dae entirely to thisthedicine. The Tablets, are h,elptil, at teething time;- relieve colds and are always' beneficial in the minor 'ailments. Of little' ones. .•1 havaa-recoMmended Baby's' Own Tablets to other mOthers whose experienee with thene has been as eatisfaetory tsniy own." ' Baby'Own Tablets do °tie thing m1 -, but they dolt well. They act as a gentle laxative which thoroughly regulates the bowels and. sweeten the' stomach, thus banishing cone:tat-On and incligeation;:'-.•)colde aria siii»l6 tevere aad tern the orose,..slekly baby 'into It well, happy, langliMa Baby's Owri lablets are sold by Medicine dealers or, direct by mail at - 25 cents a box .from- The Dra-Williame ,Medi eine-. Go.. Bre e kville, Ont. Home Refrigerator to Make Its`Owri. Ice .A. clever. invention, bar -which the or- dinary household will be able to have its: own refrigerating plant, and pro- duce US own lee at a cost Of a few Pence per day, haslifsi beat placed on th'e Landon market, A Press repre- sentative was shown a handsome wbite enameled cabinet fitted with shelves like the usual .refrigerator. On one side was a..tier of small troughs .in which block ice could be made. - All the machinery neceseary Is con- tained ha a small eoireparttnett, partly in and alertly outside the cabinet. There are no levers, swatches., valves or machinery to be 'watched,. One handle starts the neceasitarY flow of water and turns on 'the heat, which may be 'raised by electricty, gas or oil, whichever may be most eenVedient, and ecenomicar The -.cooling a.ppare a tus is made of welded steel,' &attain, ing compounds of liquid and gases hermetically sealed. - The generation of cold is by the evanoratiot-i of liquid astamenie, and enriousay- . enough, to the anitiated, heat is uzed, to ceinin•eate with, to raise •the strong lhutzld arnmonia, lu the, apparatus. The heat transferms tam liquid. into gas. This later condenses into liquid again after attch hydirogen is introduced tx)'bula.nce the high pres- sure evaporation, kt Is this evapora, tion Which caus•es the generation, of intense raid The inVent1011 is the work of two Sevedieli student& Platen and Mun- tenia who sold the patent rightsto one of their countrymen, who has, in turn, dispOsed of the American rights for a large cum, Moderii.faelliotas are reepolisible for the feet tho.t anuch leas aeveing cotton le 'tieing sold, ete beet frocks' end un- derwear &ill for iratele fewer etitaltee. "Some say it's only the old birds 'who go in for laee fitting.' Here's one only eighteen. years old who's had her's lifted hundreds of times, and with no ill effect." • "Cupid, R.A." Te man whq eell in love with the girl on a Poster, and, atter tracing the model from Europe to A.merIca, found her Already maetied, has reason to teel disgruntled with Cupid, who, when he has turned artist before, has Usual- ly arranged things better. There is the happier ease of Carl Haag ene Queen Victoria's favorite painters. He was looking through the photograph album of a London friend, and suddenly came across the picture of a girl whose face fascinated him to the Bible to learn the truth about greatly. Haag obtained, her address inan. In the first chapter of Genesis and a letter of introduction to her, father, whica he utilized at the first epportunity. Acquaiutance only confirmed the at- , traction „which proved mutual, and .within a year of his first sight of the photo the couple were married. A picture by G. P. Watts, that of Miss Virginia, laittle, as she then was, is also said to have led to wedding bells.. Viscount latieton fell in love with the winsome face on the canvas, and lae, too, found that the Fates were on his ide. 15 to so drops of Seigel 's Syrup relieves all forms of indigestion and cnwepsia. You'll swear by It once you have tried R. Any drug store. Bible Foundation of 'Christian Science Teaching The lecture on. Chricitian Science giVen in Massey Music Hall, Toronto, last Sunday afternoon, and radio.cast train st4tioa C.K.C.L. as advertised in thee _columns last week, reached a lease audience. The lecturer, Mrs. Nelvia E. Ritchie, C.S., of Sewickley, Pa., a member of the Christian, Science Board oe Lec- tureship, said in .part: In the Bible we' are taught to work, watch, and pray, and Xesus. said, "The works that I do;shall he do also." To work out the probleins of life accord- ing to divine law E1114 to be able to prove our way step by step, we must understand not' only the law, but the divine Principle from which all real law emanates Christian Science teaches that the fundamental Prin- ciple the first and God .In Cause, is Go. In the Bible we read, in Genesis. "And God saw everything that he had made, and beholdait was very good!: Does It not therefore follow that the law gov- erning God's perfect creation tenet, of necessity, be exact, unfailing geed? Cheietian ,Science makes clear to us that God, is the same yesterday, and to -day, and forever." ,It also makes clear to us the availability or this changeless God who is infinite good, this first Cause ‘vho is the -maker, sus- tainer, and ruler of the aniverse, for- ever the same, bestowing all good up- on His Perfect, spiritual 'creation. Now the question is, •How may we understand man? We need only turn .Should Easter Ile Fixed? Since the opening of this century Baster Sunday has fallen six ties in" March and,tweety times in. April, and the ques-tion constaatly anises wheth- er it would not be advisable to select a •convenient Sunday--preferabli the second...in April-- mid 1-t Easter fan one that day every year, just as Christmas falls on December 251an. The ..controvensf on dile subject starte.d as early as the close of the second. century of the 0.1eris•tian era, and if the present generation, after seventeen centuries of argument and controversy, adopts the. fixed Easter, neither OlIffreh nor laity will lay them- selves open to the charge oa having acted With unseenily MInard's Liniment Kiog of Pain. Future of Brazil.' The Germans, h•ritatect at being blocked froth the beaatte of Nations -by Brazil's action, have allnded scornfully to that eountry as a "jugle." There is now -an inni»ense quantity of' jungle within Ito bounder/ear but a Gertnan geograpber, Professor Penek. predicte that Brazil will one day be the mot populous country in the world. Ile says that the great Atnrizonian repub- lie owl sustain a population 6t 1,200- 000,000. 411110Et ILS many people as there- are in the whole World to -day. Ile believes that eventually ,Africa and South America will coletabe sabre than hale the people of the globe. She Aired Them. "Nora, tlicl 1 Zia toll -Yon to air these blankets? why are they still damp?" 'It Viate reining when I aired them,' ' .We road, "God created man in his own image, in the linage of God created hp him;"., and that Gad gave man do- minion oyer all things. 'Reasoning from this true basis Win disclose to you, and to. all who seck salvation, that everything proceeding from God must be pd -like; good, complete, and per- fect. The real man, the mau of God's 'creatiag, n1ust forever manifest all the eternal, spiritual qualities of his Maker, and can never be deprived of this rich inheritance. . Then the natural eonclusion from the correct -'view of man is that he is Spiritual, becauet he is the reflection of his rather, Mother, Spirit. .Man. is intelligent, becalm the One Mind, God, Is supreme and eternal. Man reflects health. ;happiness, and hannon'y, be- cause he is the infinite expression of Soul or substance, which does not sin, suffer, or cause discord of any kind. . Promise. On a soaked .fenceaeost a little blue - backed bird, Opening her sWeet threat; has stirred A 'million ,music -ripples in the air That curl and circle everywhere. They break not Shallow at my ear, But quiver far within. • Warm days are near! -Max Eastman, in "March." The Travellers' Tree. ' The travelers' tree is a palm, zo called because the traveler can get The fan -coral sweeps through the clear deep sea; And the Yellow and scarlet tufts of• ocean Are bending, like corn on the up- land lea. . Then far below in the peaceful sea., The purple mullet and goldfleherove, Where the waters murmur' tranquilly Through the bending tarigs of the coral -grove. -J, G. Percival. • Use Minard's Liniment In the stables. A Difference. Little Johnny was just learning to read, and punctuation marks raeant very little in his young life. His fath- er was 'esithin earsbot, and overheard the little chap ,reading aloe, elowly, "This is a warra doughnut" -then pause for breath -"step on it." 021 investigation, the sentence proved to be: "Thie is a worm. Do not step on 0, The happiest peo-pIe are those who are too busy to notice it. sessiereeeearea•-•-e- eseameeemearmsnatessas CAN YOU SOLVE THIS? DIERFLA,G The above letters when properly arranged spell the name of a late President. Everyone sending in the correct solution will be awarded a beautiful lot 20x100 feet Free and Clear of All Encumbrances, in a sec- tion now open to colonization in New Jersey. Answer puzzle and mall to -day., This Offer Expires July 15. Beware of Imitators! 'We are the originators if this advertising pan. Maxim Development Corporation iic wot 40th Street - New York Dept. 1200 95s6.9912525115mumrownow2mooram hotolso•oorawoomK, ...o.tom000nottoesw000mos000n,00molt 1 Keeping Fit! I A Matter of Habit! 1 Good Health Is Within iReach Of All Who Obsezve 1 This Healthful Habit 7 . There is a very good reason why so many people find themselves subject to listlessness, headaches, biliotianess and weakened vitality. They have failed to acquire that healthful habit of regular daily bowel evacuation, with the result that they find themselves victims of constipation. , Modern living conditions tend to decrease the amount of natural lubri- cant in the intestines making regular easy elimination of the bowel contents difhcult. - 1.1nder such circumstances poisons from the waste matter that remains behind, are.picked up by the blood and absorbed by the.. system, remit - undermining the general health and vitality. *Idol, the scientific internal lubri- cant augments nature's lubricant, and makes elimination safe and easy. Nujol softensethe -waste- matter and permits thorough and regular elimina- tion,ivevsi.thout overtaxing the intestinal Neje/ is not a laxative, and may be taken for any length of.thrie without III effects. .At all druggists. perfect bearers: no matins required, 100 PIttlits, 51.251 600, $4,00; 1,000, 07.00. -rrogrosove" nrerbesens 'Strawberries, 96 plante, 51,00; 100, $2.76. "oral.- borr •Intsaborrien, 25 'busbe0, 91.00; 100, 59.00. Datirered, charges prepaid. Cash with order, neulthr plants; splendid roots, freah dna vvell peened. Com• ploto cultural instreations supplied. Advertisement lope, but once, Shipping all through nay!. Order from 1201 Advertisement. mention Paper. Lorne CL Aylmer, Ontario. Although it costs thousands of pounds to maintain Pulharn Palace, , the Bishop cd 1.endoir's residence, only about two rooms are used by the Bish- op for his personal needs. el-s`t• Ancirews9PROS iToP'00TPIACHE , vvsrANTLV Temporary Fillings • --which Last a Long Time. 15c SOLD EVSRYWHERia Naar, • isinown S. Wriglit5 Co,, Limited, DIttributon. Toronto Apply Minard's freely and often. Also 'splendid for corns and bunione. Old Remedy Relieves ;Kidney Trouble' . A Grateful User Tells of HIs Thank- fulness for Warner's. cool water' to drink by tapping the _____ base 'of the les f_stalk_. - _ Wonciereel iocults have been obtain- 7-'-`"- I ed iot combating kidney trouble by Ina CHAMBERLAIN'S , lowing tertain rules, of diet end the i iuse of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver PAIN -BALM i Remedy., a preparation on the market 1 neAarglYra5t0efYnelttimiser writes:. "Yonr medl- ;eine is a miracle to ma MY weight I was redueed from 157 to 114- pounds I when. I left tbe bospltal in despair. 1 t, began to use Warher's Safe Kidney Better than before! 'and Liver Renietly ' and at once' coin- : meneed to improve. Now everyone i itsrueeey; tlo emahe tphisi.otvIe lei: kbybeitItitte:ath:a: ' ever. Every weed I ha.ve written is who !chew et my conditim," Warner's Safe Kidney and Liyer Remedy Is made For over fifty years it has been from herbs and has beeh a standard househeld remedy for sold for nearly 50 years, a spraies, bruises, rheumatic pains or trne indication or its -worth, muscular lameness from any cause. GatSold bbtlY6tIt'jsill td"rtiagyglets. price $1,25 Generous tube for 24$ cetste. Sold Everywhere, or by mall from per 'batte. • Warner's Safe Remedies Chambetlain Medicine Co,; Toronto Co,, Toronto, Ontario, . 1.,1•• mem, WWM on*. vw /0 ma 14 ILUMATIV a Ihe ol MI, A, Wetlor Ap0.1 issa 1.411Mmtltat ifeOlestati* •thr,tsmi'l 211.114. II. papa... 4 40441 jrov Yon r Avorife old LINIMENT is rum) being ojr6ted in TUBE FORM Easy to apply! Its well-known soothing* healing and penetrating qualities have been inten- tided in the new, compact form. TO- WOMElt- OF MIDDLE PE Mrs. Wilson's Experience a Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamilton, Ontario. - "I have taken several bottles of Lydia B.Pinkham 'a Vegetable Go m - pound and I can- not speak too highly of it as was at the Change of Life and was all run-down and had no appetite. I was very weak and sick, and the pains in my bach were so bad couldhardlymove. I got very sad at times and thought I had not a friend on earth. I did not.care if I lived or died. I was very nervous, *too, and did not go out very mitch. A frie.nd advised me to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compourid, so I did. I am a farmer's wife'and al- ways worked hard until lately, and was in bed for two months. I began to feel like anew •woman after the field bottle and 1 recommend it with great suctess, also Lydia E. Pink- bam's Liver Pills. 1 am willing to answer letters from women asking about your medicines, as I cannot speak too highly of them." -Mrs. EMMA WILSON, 471 Wilson Street, - Hamilton, Ontario. Sold by druggists everywhere. CI CUTICURA HEALS ECZEMA IN RASH On Scalp .Later on Limbs, Caused Much Suffering, " I had eczema which Made Its appearance on my scalp in a rash. It itehed terribly and when I scratch- ed it, blisters broke out. Later the eczema broke out on my limbs, which were badly sWollen and very 'red. It kept me awake at night and caused much pain and euffering. When 1 washed or went near the hot stere it Was very painful. " I read an advertisement fa Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free temple. I purchased more and in two or three months I wan completely healed." (Signed) Moe Emma C. Gibenn, R. 1, Box 71, Island Pond, Vt., Oct. 26, 1925, Use Cutieura for all to i letpurpose thenple Each Ttot, by Idi411, Adaroot Corodittn Noon .stouvaue, Ltd.,no80re4." Price, Snap Ele, Ointment 25 J1zili 00. Teleurn 16e. Mgr' Cittleura Shaving stiek 2Se. ISSUE 17Nio. ,-..11.1100111010 •