HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-5-6, Page 1Th71i ' TIME$ :ESTABLi8H!D 1878 t AMALGAMATED TGR ADVOCATE, ESTAtiL:.!'ilHED 1887J DECEMBER lst, 1924 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 6th, 1926. FIFTY I IIID AR NO. 81`2.5A II III 111111 �.II11111IIIII III I I I I I III III II 11111111111111111111111111_._1111111 I 11.11.1111111.111111.1111111NI11111111,111.1111 1111111111111111111111IIII111111....11.1...... � 1 .,_., Ladies' & Misses' Sp' Spriqg Coats Reduced In Price '' r • MINIM 41101.1.1. plum We are offering the balance of our ladies' a rid .:misses spring coats_ at reduced prices. , We in l .have man fine Coat to :select .from _ c u.din.., ._ a fine range of navyarid black ctothes. 0000110 Ammo Supersilk Hosiery We are local selling agents for Supersilk hosiery, the best value in • pure silk hosiery we have ever seen. We• have eighteen different shades including white and black. Price $1,50 per ,pair. Boys' 'Golf Hose - Bay's all wool golf hose, in grey heather, etc„ sizes up to 10 1-2 at 75 cents and $1.25 per pair. Linoleum and Congoleur. Rugs ,Etc. It will pay you to see our stock of Wilton, Axinister, Tapestry, Con- goleum and Linoleum -Rugs. We can save .you'considerably on these lines. We have the extra.large sizes in Congoleum and Linoleum digs, WINDOW BLINDS- S?acial 3 fioz.sirghtlYimperfect blinds at 85 cents each. • TABLE LINEN -Special 1 pieee only pure• linen, unbleached. 'A reol bargain at 98 cents a yard, ' SUMMER. DRESS GOODS -New exclusive dress lengths are arriving every few days. A beautiful range to' choose from, Newest Slippers forSpiing in colors BLONDE GREY SATIN PATENT BLACK BROWN KID Boy's :B/s.. Bl • oom. er Suits" ON. SALE AT $8.00 EACH All Sizes from 28 to 35 R. PHONE 3? ennui donee & Ma PHONE 32, 444 EXETER SCHOOL REPORT Tie Jt3ollowing is the April Report ROOK VI Sr. I', -Honors, Mary Welis 80, Willie Ellerington 79•, Mable Snell 78, -Helen Penhale 77, Gladys Hun- kin' 75; pees, Willie" Barkwjil 74, Russell Coliingwood ' 73, Clarence Boyle 70, Russell Snell 69, Lillian Payne 69, Willie Lee" 4.9, Violet Gazn`brill ,*63; below paes, Clifford Lamport 59, Geraldine 3urke *40. Jr, IV. -Honors, Marvin. Rice 86, Madeline Stewart 85, Joe Creech 85 Ray Pryde "82, Merna Sims • 79, G. Hutchinson 79, Joe Jackson 77, Rosie Jennings 76; Justin Kuhn 75; pass, Olive Lawson 74, Ruth Balk - will *74, Gerald Skinner. 73, Graf- ton Cochrane 73,, Grace' Christie 73, Wallace , Seldon 73, Melville Sim- mons 72, Richard Trumper. 72, Geo.' Andrew 71, Jean Sheere 71, Oswald Hamblyn 67, Dorothy Cox 64; be- low pass, Margaret Martin *49, Mena Kestle *42, Number -•on roll 38,". average aLt tendance 35.7. • e G. S. Howard, Principal ROOM V Jr. IV. -Harry Cole I7, Thelma Lewis, 86, Ruby Stone 85, -Helen Stanbury 80, Jean Penhale 79,. Ruth Coilingwood 77, Connie Jennings 76 Muriel Kay 75, Dorothy: Davis 75; ▪ pass, Utah Clark 74, Marg: Ellering- ▪ ton' 74, Cecil Laing 74, Helen Hey- 'Wood '74, Marion Davis '73, Allen Fraser:. 72, Tom. Ellerington 69, Florence Cornish ,69, Teddy Wethey. 68, Lloyd Freckleton 67, Lorne Wal - per 60, Billie Nelson 60, Marg. Cann 60; •.below pass,` Marg:. 3loomfield 54 (missed -2 testes), 'Hugh Walper 51, Billie e Burke 40 (missed 5 tests), Helen Vale, absent.' Sr, ,III, -Hon- ors, Thelma Baker 85, Billie Cham- bers 85, Ruth Fraser'.8+, Adeline Stone 83, Florence St.' art 82, Edith Clyedale 82, Marjo,ie Comp- We ma lin 80, Kenneth Hockey?? 78, Lucy Pomfret 77 pass, Helen iSalter 74, '- Howard 'Kerslake 73, Edith Kestle 61, Stella Little - ab., Ruth Hedden, absent. ; r Number on. roll 40, average at- tendance 36.7. . M. Horton, Teacher ROOM' IV.' • MIMS INNIM vomel Imam mama ..1111111. MINIM a r1111111111111111111111111111111IIIIiIINIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIoIIIIIII HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIII11111oo,oium111 LOWE BROS. PAINTS ANA VARNISHES COVER. MORE, , LAST LONG- , ER, ALL,/COLORS PROTEcTO READY MIXED PAINTbi 6 . Standard Colors $1.00 qts; $1.90 1-2• gallon $3.50 in Gallons Duco Duco A FAST DRYING BRUSHING. ENAMEL SUITABLE FOR USE ON 'WOODWORK, NEW OR- OLD FURNITURE, FLOORS, WALLS AND MEDALWORIs. 'GET A'COLOR CARD vion, COLORS Y TO PAINT YOUR CAR., , L AR AUGHS AT TIME DRIES FAST AND LASTS WAX SA'`CIA.L FOR r - Thu� sda_... ,Frida and Saturday ;JOHNSON'S WAX, per gountd 7r"ie.. 4 POUND TIN $2.90 'ti'AVE:13MM WAX 47c. C,and 13 WAX. 49c. JOHNSON'S LIQUID WAX IN BOTTLES 45, $5c, and .$1.50 JOHNSON'S -I';LE(`TRIC FLOOR POLISHER $40.00" (WE RENT „THIS POLISHER AT $2.00 PER DAY) eaman's Hardware & Paint: Store 'REV. J. I[, COLLING ACCEPTS �. INVITATION TO GRAND ' BEND ANI) GREE11WAt The Trustee • board of the United ohiirches of Gr, �;nd Bend and Green- -way. have received 'word, that, the Bev; 3, M. Coiling of 1Vlelbouene has accepted a call to this limited pastor- al astor•`id charge. Up to the. prasent the •"'two chu'redies have been in Charge of • WWo clergymen, the Rev. Mr, Grant ,Having , charge of the former Pres- byterian . congregation " at Grand Bend andthe R ev.J'. lVr. Mathes of the Methodist charge at. Greenway.''° CARD OF TUAN1 S • Mr. and i4rs. Nelson Stanlake and family desire to thank.. the neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses shon during the recent illness and subsequent death of their son, and also for floral tributes. To -morrow (Friday) is Arbor Day. The parks committee" of the Agricul- tural society are planning to do some additional, work on the town parks and are asking for the assis- tance of any who . may be able to lend a helping hand.. The people of Exeter are proud of then parks, es- pecially Central park which is so in- viting and the flowers last year ware very attractive. This we owe to the parks committee and we trust that on Friday many will lend a' hand to further extend the work. BIRTHS BROWN -In Dr. Hyndinan's"hospit- al, Exeter, on April -29th to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown, Stephen, a daughter, (Stillborn.) TAPP-At Bethesda Hospital, on Monday, April 26th, to Mr: and Mrs, Robt. Tapp, London, (nee Gladys Beclfo`rd) -a daughter; Dor- t; :. othy Bernice. DOW --In Hibbert, "on April 25th, to Mr; and lVTrs. Stanley Doty; a 'dau- ghter. . BOX -In Seefortir, bn Wednesday,. Aprn' 21st to Mr. andn Mrs. E. L. Box, a son. . SWITZER-In Stanley Township, on Aril 2 5 , • April th , to iVTi . and Mrs: C. Switzer, a daughter, DEATHS , TAMAN-Ina. Exeter. ons Wednesdacy, May 5th, Cora Bell Powell, be- loved, wife of W. W. Taman,,, h,ged 45 years. WALLS In Biddulpli Tp., oft Fri- day, April 30th,, at lot 15, con. 5, Thomas, beloved 'husband of Mar- garet 'Jane Walls, in his 7311 year. -fURK-On. the 13th con.,//of Usborne on May -let, William Kirk, in his 79t1i year. LEWIS-414n Biddulph, on. ,Bandar, May 2nd, . Mary Jane, widow of the late A o bb tt Lewis, hi her 65 Year. GILMOUR-In Clinton, on April 28th, Maegaret Isabella McElwan, wife v.: Mr. Hugh GiImnour• of Stanley, aged 46 years and 2 monthe, PARKINSON -4n Granton on Wed- nesday, d- nesday, April 29th, ,5Hiz ,beth Ae.r. Grinning, relict of' the late John T. Parkinson, eged+ 75 years and 4 days. March and April Sr. 3rd promoted .to Room V, in order of ' merit Florence Stewart, Adeline Stone, Kenneth" Hockey, Marjorie Complin, Lucy" Pomfret, Ruth Fraser, Howard Eerslalc'e and Edith Clysdale. Jr. III :Class C., Honors, Jean Pilon 77;as s Ra Creech 74, n y r Nora McInnis . 69 Doro iy. • Luker 69` (1), Eric Main 67,;"nbk`Stan- bury ' 66, Eileen Snell 66, Lois Mc- Donald '.6.5 (3),, Chester Cornish 6.4 (3), Helen Wainer 61 (3), .Dorene Caldwell 60 (1), Vera Ke5tle 57 (2), 'lean Ross 57 (4), Dorothy Walper 53 (2), Viola Hodgson 52,. Alien Quance 50, Rowe Dinney 42 (6). Class. B. - Honors, Helen Trumper 76; pass, Eddie 'Ward 73, Margaret Taman - 71 (2), Mervin Siins 67 (2), Ray Hutchinson 66, Irene Mooney 65, Reba Simmons 61, Mavis Spencer 61 (1), Dorothy Sims 58, Mack Ratcliffe 54 (4), Eldon Fading 52, Abner Hunkin 48 , (4), Dorothy Main 44, Janos Br intnell 28 (4). Number in brackets indicates mis- sed tests. Number on roll 39 in April, aver- age attendance 35.4. Number on roll 40 in. March, average •attendance 36.5. J. S. Murray, Teacher ROOM III March and April Prgnoted to Room IV on three months' standing, May Sims, Edith Cafin, Orval Lawson, *Ivy Bacon, Fred Ellerington, Clifford Heywood, Allen Nelson, Myrtle Lee. • Sr. II: Ivy Bacon 84, Hazel Clark 79, Stanley Ward 79, .Hazel Lockwood 77; pass, Charlie Comp - lin 72, Billie Walter 69, May Quance 68, Jack Pryde 65. Jr. II.-1-Ionors Harold Ross 88, Gordon Appleton 86, Jean Stanbury 85, Norval _Jones 84, Jeannette Taman 83, Phyllis Bierling• 79, Warren Sanders '73, Gordon May 77; pass, Elizabeth Foote 74; Doreen Campbell 72, Verdun Welts (.8, Vivian Elliott 67, Harry Penhale 64, Vyrnd Smith 61, Charlie Cox 61. Number ori' roll' in 1Vrarch 37, aver- age attendance 33.65. Number on roll in April 36, average attendance 32,2. ' It was thought best far Ivy to remain in the room because she has attended school in Canada eo short a time: H. M. Kinsman, Teacher r 'ROOM II Promoted to �R.o„om III -Honors: Bernice Delbridge 86, Winnifred Walper 80, Paley Martin 78, )3ett CompIin 76, Jessie Jennings 75; pass, Mary '• Van Canip 74, Gladys Stone 72, Georgina Anderson( 70; retained: Gerald Bagshaw 59. lioiv- arcl Leverity 51, Harry Kestle 51r Promoted to Jr. IL -Honors, Mil- dred Quance 94,-Marjarie Kernick. 93, Lorne Howey 88, David Gibson 85, Annie Coi 81, Orville Redden 'V, Marjorie Foote 79, Gordon Hew- lett 76; on trial, Thos. Campbell 50. Sr. I, A -=-Honors, Freci Simmons 84 Charlie Snell 77, Eldon Caldwell 75 pass, Raymond Smith 72, Billie. Periale•70-Ivan Webber 69, Jack k Isernick 62. Promoted to Sr. I. 13 -Honors, Eileen Situs 93, Marieli Wainer ..92, Florence McDonald 88,. Ola. Reicl 82, Donald Goodspeed 79, Violet Luker 75i pass, Cecil."Smith 70, Florence Snell absent for tests. Jr. I. -Honors, Irene Van •Camp 80, Robena Hunkin 75; pass,. Orville blubber ` 65, Lloyd ` Stanla.ke 62, Lloyd. O'uenther 60, Gertrude Comp - lin missed tests. Promoted from Roans I to Room IT, Jr, I.--I•Ionor$, Bobbie Dinney 96, Borden Sanders 95, Billy Wilson 92, Seek' Jennings 90, Walter Davis 8,0, Number on roll 40, average at- tendance 3 4,2, N. Medd, Teacher ROOM I Promoted to Miss Medd's room - Borden. Sanders, Bobbie .. Diuney, Billie "Wilson,, Walter. Davis, Jack rennings. Class 10• --Helen Lock- wood; Doris Harvey, Jack' Doerr, Doris Greene, Evelyn Clysdale, Bar bare Atkinson, Reggie McDonald,. Ray Guenther. Class 9 -Warren May, Ethel Smith, Marion Powell, Bobbie Ellerington. Class 8 -Helen Bawdeu, Hazel Snell, Dorothy Quance,, Billie Kydd, Class 7 --Torn Wiiliard, David Kestle, Gerald Cor- nish. Class 6 -Jack Gibson, Hil- ton Sanders, Lillian McDonald, Irene Kerniek. Class 5• -Lorraine Arm- strong, 1\fary Taylor, Roy Campbell, John Collingwood. Class 4 -Elaine Stanbury, Barbara Dznney, Margaret Campbell, Class 2., -Leland ` Web- ber, Teddy Wilson Fred Lee, Lloyd. Browning, Class e ---Billy Pomfret, Bruce Cann, Clifford Quance Ver- non Heywood, Bruce Burke, 'Norman Sanders. Class 1 -Lillian Hod'gert, Doris McLean; Mildred ' Beavers, Lloyd Jones, Ray Jones, Isabelle. Appleton, M. Goodspeed, Teacher AIRS. . W. W. TAMAN PASSED AWAY WEDNESDAY A shadow of gloom has passed over•, the community ' by the sudden death of .Mrs. W . W. Taman which took place at her 'home Wednesday morning. '.Che deceased had been enjoying her accustomed health un- til .Monday.' when she was taken ill with spinal meningitis. On Tues- day morning Dr. McGregor, of Lon- don, • was called in consultation but he gave the family no hope and the deceased gradually grew weaker un- til slhe passed away. Mrs. Tamara's maiden name was Cora Powell being a daughter of the. late Harry and Mrs. Margaret Fowell. Most of her life was spent in Exeter and she was beloved, by a host of friends. pe - sides her bereaved husband and mother she is survived by three children, Edward, Margaret, and Jeannette, all at home, who have the sympathy of the whole commun- ity. Her only brother, Harry, of Regina, Sask., is on his way home Horticultural Societyand Mr. and Mrs. Edward Powell, of Detroit, are expected this evening. At the time of going to pressthe ar- rangements 'for the funeral have_not been completed. ed.. Dome Theatre MAY 7th and 8tie WM, DESOND IN The Meddler" (aWestern) 11IAY 14th tantl 15th LON CHA.NEY. TN 'The Uuholg�Three" J (Mystery) MAY 21st and 22nd REGINALD DEjNNY, IN OOh, Doctor (Comedy Drama) NAY 28th and 29th "Never the Twain Shall Meet" LETS US HELP YOU TO SEE BETTER Need of glasses is why many child - rot. are backward at school, Little eye troubles neglected to- day become the big eye troubles ta-• morrow. Temporary use of glasses now may; save permanent use later. Our examination will tell whether on not you need glasses. S. Fitton' Phone 75w,. OPTOMETRIST MORE BREAD 'You realize as a good house J keeper that Bread.° is your strongest ally - It heads the list as a. satisfying, food, Every member of. the `'•: family knowsjust what hits • the spot when hunger hits- rim ' -BREAD Lockwood's Better Bread -is the choice of the. ,discrim- discrim- inating housewife. Quality ex- plains why the route from our sales -racks to your kitchen is a quick one. The homey flavor and rich nourishment make its liberal use one of the most sensible' ways of fighting the high cost of living. W. H. LOCKWOOD • BAKER EXETER. ' ONTARIO • Members of the' Miss Pearl' 11.011fns,• of London, spent'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win.. May. . Mr. J. W. Walper is movng from Huron St. into one of Mrs. Cottle's houses on Ann St. Mr,, and Ws. Peter Robertson and son, of Stratford, motored over and spent Sunday with Mrs. T. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heaman,, of London, spent the week -end 'with the former's son, Mr. W. J. Heaman. Mr. John Lamport, of Detroit, and Mrs. McKitri•ck, of Toronto, visited their mother, Mrs. M. Lamport, .who is ill. • Janes Penrice, who has been ill withinflammatory rheumatism, has been threatened with complica- tions and is in a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe motored to Galt last week and visited the former's brother, Mr. S. W. Rowe. Mrs. Hoskin, who has been visiting. in Galt returned with them. While engaged in ,tearing down the old foundry biilding, Fred Smith was painfully injured when a brick bounced back and struck him a glancing blow on the side of the' head. A wound was inflicted, which required five •stitches to elbse. Messrs. R. N. Creech and H. 0. Southcott will represent Exeter lod- ge at the District Meeting of the I. 0. 0.'F. which meets in `Clinton next Monday. Messrs. Clinton Sweet and T. O. ' Southcott were elected to at tenet Grand dodge which meets in Toronto,. Impreesive services wer held ,en Sunday in Main St. United church. The installation of the nine newly elected elders stook . place, after' jwhich the sacrament was observed. Rev. A. E. chns, returned mission- ary .from China, took part in the services. • 1Vlr. and Mrs. David, who have made their home with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Birneyi moved on Thurs- day last back to Clinton, where they intend making their future' house. 14Ir. David has been an invalid for some years, having suffered a .stroke of paralysis from which he never 1 recovered. , Mrs. Campbell Wares and daugh- ter, Miss nus, Wares, left Saturday morning for their new home in Windsor where Mr. Wares has been for seine time. Mfrs Wares, who is being transferrp�d from the Canadian' Bank of Commerce in Exeter to the Windsor'branch.. was presented with an umbrella by the staff before her departure. FUNERAL O1' WILLIAM KIRK Mr. William ,Kirk, a resident of U'sbeene Township for a great many years, died at his home ,13th eon - cession, on Saturday .morning after a lengthy illness, Hewas in hie 79 z g y year and is "urvived by his widow and one brother, Joseph, of,Alberta, land three sisters, Mrs. Josi,li Shier, Vancouver; . Mrs. John Hanna, Us- borne and Mrs. E. N. ,Shier, of Kirk - ton. In Politics he was a Conserv- ?tile and was -a: constant member • of the United church (formerly Metho- dist.) The ,i`4aneral was held on Mon day, interment tak)n4 place in $.t. cemetgvy. • Please •call .or send for your Peen Surplus supply of English grown. named Roses and 'other plants will be sold at cost to members or others PLANT SOMETHING and make Exeter District more beautiful HORTIC ULTURAL SOCIETY J. G. Stanbury, Sec'y. The funeral of the late Mary Jane, widow of the late Abbott Lewis, of Biddelph, was held on Tuesday from the home,of her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Paton. Internient was made in St. James cemetery, "the service at the grave being under the auspices' of the L.O.B.A. The deeeased waa in her 65th year, Batteries, Genuine Willards 11 plate $i6.15 13' plate $18.60 All in rubber cases and we give you, real battery . service on these" fro. �"`� dome iia and • see them before you buy. W. J. BEER Willard Battery Man EXETER .. ONTARIO l FRANCES NICKAWA Celebrated Cree Indian Entertainer will be in MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH --en- "Tuesday, May 11 at8p.m. RECITALS ' IN COSTUME FROM PAULIN JOHNSTON, LONG - FELLOW AND OTHERS. • ARIVIISSION 50 ,cents • CHILDREN 25 cents. "Mere We 'Ar e Again" The Vernm Mini iC��e � . i s of 1926. ill play Art the Ton'•..'Hall, 'HENSALL Thursday, May 13 iA1J?1 'SONGS, ClfORUSES, JOIE'S, DANCING, 'COS ".hUmES AND SNE>1i,3,' ... GRAND STEtET I'ARACIJE 7'45 ADMISSION ADULT'S 50c,, C1iIL D11 N 8&144