HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-4-29, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-APVQ.CATE
po:aot of
begins Tuesday April l3,tht
Our "PRA.CTi;GiAL BUSINESS TRAINING ,will fit you for the
HIGHEST paid positions In the BUSINESS WORLD,. where 'stork
is ,,always REWARDED in proportion to the SERVICE rendered.
Teachers,Civivl Service and Special Courses
for Ito and
Special Classes Hensall Exeter Students
4 weeks' :additionaltiner given to students on an 8 ,months' course.
For Information apply to
M. A. STONE 3S B. F. WARD; B, A.
Oom. Specialist,Vice Principal
Principal, Phone • 198
Starting on Monday, April 19th,
the Hensall chopping mill will grind
'very forenoon and only Saturday
all day.
A New ' Roof
Having the agency for the Galt
4 Art Metal Co.'s Goods for the past
"tour years I am still on the job and
can supply you with the very highest
Quality -of galvanized metal_ roofing
on the market, either corrugated
sheets or their Famous steel Shingle.
at Standard prices, and laid if you
We also have the agency for the
Toronto Pure Copper Lightning Rod.
and will be glad to attend to your
ants. Pour years roofing and rod-
ding should help all concerned.
Prices lower than in the past year
and always the Lowest. If any infor
ination or assistance , is required,
apply to
John Elder;, .'
Wall Paper
n the Latest Desi g ns
Prices from• 10c. to $1.50
J. J Sangster, Hensall
=odor graduate of Faculty of
ediche, and Master of Science,'
paiyersity of Western Ontario:
Member of College of Physicians
pit Surgeons of Ontario. Office
pro doors east of Post Office.
clone (se Residence 114
Honor Graduate Carey Jonen' 'Au
$t1on School, Special course taken in
tgiatered Live Stock` (all Breeds,)
ietchandise, Real ' Estate, Farm
*ilea, etc. Mites in keeping with
prevailing prices. Satisfaction as-
sured; write Oscar Klopp; Zurich, or
Arne 1443, Zurich i .. .4
�� lzf, ► matchad dressed en both
sides at
'$50PER M.
• ,
Head Officer Farquhar, Ont:
;President, -‘ JOHN ALLISON
Vice -President, JAS. McKENZIE
;.01:111 p,,pi�pl11R , Centralia, Agent for
lShortie AndBiddulph'.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent tot
Uthbert, Fullartotr and Logan.
Secretary -Treasurer
pox 98 .Exeter, Ontario.
P11011 011%, Enetert -
HensTile, all Brick
Try our. National Light' Coal Oil in
your incubator. There is no smoke
or fumes and will burn till the last
drop is used and it only costs 3c. a
gallon more than the .ordinary, coal
oil. Also use it in your lamps, You
will have a better and cleaner light,
Get your supply from'
Hensall • Ontario
oi team harness with back bands
and nice ,brassmountedbridles, all
in good shape for $19 per set, also.
a dozen • good strong, well made
leather halters of good size for 1
and $1,25 each, -John Elder, Hen-
sail. "
HAY FOR SALE -Choice timothy
hay slightly mixed with clover
throughout at $18 per ton at the
premises, on Lot 25, Con. 1, Hay
Tp. Apply to Owen Geiger. & Son,
sail,. Ont.,phone 59
Misses M. and g. Johnston wish to
thank the many friends of Hensall
and vicinity for the many
of sympathy and acts of kindness
during the illness and at the death
of their dear father.
Mrs. C. Cook, is visiting relatives
in Toronto.
Mrs. Fred Simmons is visiting
friends in Toronto this week.
Mr. T. C. Joynt and son visited
in Toronto a few days last week.
Mr. Russell Bush, of London, vip
ited friends in town on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson vis-
ited in London, over the week -end:
;Mr. Sid Clark, of London, spent
the week -end with his family here.
Mr: and Mrs. Skinner and daugh-
ter; Eleanor, spent Monday in Lon-
don. •
.Mr. Robt. McArthur is visiting
his • daughter, Mrs. John Reid in
Mr. and ,Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill
are visiting for a few days this week
in Toronto.
Mr. R. J. Brodie, government
cream inspector, of London, -was in
town on Tuesday.
Mr. R. E. Cook and; daughter,
Dorothy, of Ridgetown, .,were in
town op Thursday.
Mr`, "George 'Howard, of Exeter,
wasin town onTuesday, visiting his
brothers and°Sister: ,
Miss . Helen French, of Seaforth,
supervisor for the California Per-
fume Co., was in town last week on
business. '<
On Sunday, "bray 9th, Mothers'
Day will ,,,be observed in the - lnite�i.
church, A mothers' choir will lead.
in the service of. 'tong.: `
Mr. Alvin 'Warm* 'who recently
underwent .an operation i a !Lon-
don hospital for appendicitib, arri *
ed home again, Moi day ev;euinh. ,'
Congratulations : tb Mr, tared, Mrs.
Herb I ercher ; on, 'the arrival of,
twins, ayoung'son and daughter at
their home on:Sunday morning.
On May 23rd the anniversary ser-
vices of the United` church wili.�•be
held, Rey. W. D. McDonald of Eg-
mondvilie will h . the speciar'speak
Miss. Elva Shaddock, Miss Zetta
Passmore,. ,Mrs.: Wm.. Dougall and
Rev. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, attended
the Presbytery, in, Clinton on Tues-
Next Sunday the evening
will be withdrawn in the United
church because of the special anni-
versary service in the Presbyterian
The many friends here of Mr. .NT,
W. Trewartha, ` M.P.P., will be sorry
to hear of the death of his mother,
which occurred at the residence 'bf
her daughter, Mrs, Cox, of Goderich
Township, on Saturday morning.
The old Methodist church at Kip-
pen, which was recently purchased
by Dr., Moir, of Hensall, is being
torn down and the material brought
to Hensall, where Dr. Moir intends
erectingan addition to this brick
block on Main St. 'We understand
the• doctor intends putting in an
X-ray machine and other equipment
for his large medical practice.
The many friends of TVXrs. Vaster
Richardson will be sorry to hear.
that she is confined .to her room
through serious illness, Mrs. Chas.
Perkins of Exeter, is nursing her.
The services at the United church
en S al I_
ed.' The day being somewhat cold
and st:Qrmy, The pastor, Rev. A,
Sinclair preached 'at both services,
The play put on. Friday evening
last in the town hall by the young
people of Beniniller
titled, "The e
VillageLawYer," wasbig success
and greatlyenjoyed bthe large
audience present. AU the mem-
bers of the caste played their parts
well, and we hope to welcome the
young people of Beniniller ; back to
Hensel), • again. The play was put
on under the auspices of the Ladies'
Aid of the Uyniteda church.
Tho anniversary service of the
Presbyterian church will be held on
Sunday, May '2nd. Rev F. W. Gil-
mour of London will preach both
`morning and evening, On Monday
evening Rev S. B. Nelson, of Ham-
ilton, will •givehis popular-- lecture,
"The Open Windows of the British
Empire," We understand .the Pres-
byterian church will have' its own
minister in a couple of weeks.
The regular meeting of the Young
People's, League of _ the United
church was held on Monday evening,
The •meeting, was in form of- a
social evening. Miss L. Simpson
had -charge of the meeting. The
meeting was opened by the singing
of a hymn, after which • sentence
prayers were given by Clarence
Smillie, Harry Cook and Jean' Elder.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read by�,the secretary. The
scripture lesson ,was read by Miss
Nellie Boyle. A reading by Miss
Viola Higgins, solo by Miss Nellie
Boyles and an instrumental by Miss
Gladys Laker. A contest was put
on, "The Floral Lovestory," which
was greatly enjoyed. A group's of
ten young boys got the prize which
consisted of a box of choclolates,.
after which lunch was served and
an hour spent in a social way. The
admission fee being a handkerchief
which is to go towards a bazaar in
the near future.
The funeral of the late Andrew
Johnson took .place on Friday after-
noon last. The pall bearers being:
'Messrs. J. Dewar, E. Johnston, R.
Johnston, R..Nicholson, G. Nichol-
son. The floral tributes were: A
"pillow, Mary, Emma and Hattie.
(daughters of the deceased); sheaf,
Mrs. Shortt, Miss Shortt and Mrs,.
Forester; spray, Mr, and Mrs. M. J.
Shortt; sheaf,. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dun-
can and ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid.
Among those who attended the fun
eral from a distance were: Mrs. R.
J.-Fer uson Minniapolis; Mrs. x oli
p , S. S.
Johnston, Flint, Mich.; Mrs. J. E.
Shortt, Miss Greta Shortt and Mrs.
A. Foester, Windsor; Mi. -M J Shortt
Toronto; Mr, R. Nicholson, Belgrave
Mrs. J. Mutch, Auburn Mr., Mrs.
and Miss Johnston, of Clinton; Mrs.
J. Johnston and son, Brucefieid; Mr
and Mrs. Dewar, Bayfield; Mr. and
Mrs. R. Johnston, Blake;. Mrs., E.
Widow, Zurich;. Mr. G. Nicholson.
and Mrs. W. Mack, Crediton; Mrs.
M. Nicholson; London; Mr. and Mrs
R. J. Nicholson, Wyoming also Mrs.
R. Nicholson, of Brandon, .Man., who
has been with the family for the
past year.
The names arc,given in order of
merit standing in per cent.
Foriih I. -Margaret. McLaren 78,
Gertrude Higgins 77, Marjorie,
Pearce67, Marie Bell 66, Etta Bell
64, Jeanne Bonthron 59, Isobel; Al.
exander 59, Edwin Dick 58; Pearl
Elder 58, B ryle Pfaff 56, Scott
Welsh 56, - Lousle Drummond ' 54,
Clare Way X50, Stewart. Blackwell 50
.Grace Tinney 47, Duncan Cooper 41,
Earl. Dick 28, Benjamin .• Tinney,
botany 67; Roy Bell geog. 56, hist.
52. .
Form 'IL Jeanne Stone 71, Avis
Lindenfield 70, Charles ,Pearce 69,
Alice . Walker 69, Ruth 'Chapman 67,
Mildred Bunton 66, Erma Higgins
61, Harvey' Hyde 60, Mildred Mc-
Donnell 58,cLorne Foster 57, Marie
Dick 57,. Thomas,Simpson 56, Nor-
man. Alexander 44, Milton Boyle 43.
A pretty wedding was . solemniz-
ed at the home of .-Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Rogers, 1019; Church street,
Windsor, on WB,dnedsday,: April 14th
when. the former''s sister, 1•Charlotte
Helen Rogers (Dollie) only daugh-
ter of .Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers; of,
the. Huron road near Mitchell, was
United- in marriage •to ,Elmore John
Kleinfeldt, son of Mr. and Mrs.' John
Kleinfeldt, Cromarty. Miss Ethel
Kleinfeldt, sister of the groom, play-
ed the wedding music and the cere-
mony was performed beneath a\
large wedding bell by Rev. A. J.
Thomas, Central United church,
Windsor. The bride wore a becom-
ing gown of bole de' rose canton
crepe with hat and shoes to match
and carried a bouquet of Ophelia
roses and maiden' hair fern. After
the ceremony . the guests partook of
a dainty repast the dining room and
tables being tastefully decorated in
a color 'scheme of pink and. white.
Amid showers of confetti and good
wishes Mr. and Mrs. Kleinfeldt left
on the evening train for Mitchell.
Arriving at the home of the bride
they found about -50 friends and re-
lativee gathered who partook of a
sumptuous dinner and spent a merry„
evening. The bride received some
handsome presents including several
substantial cheques.: Mr. and Mrs,
Kleinfeldt , intend to make their
home In Detroit
A process has been discovered for
securing drugs from old boots. The
next iiiovb 'will be to pickle _the
St. Marys had an increase ino -
ulation of 40 last ear and can no
.boast of 4,030, The total assess -
last Sunday were fairly well attend-, molt is $,490,335,
Miss P1411n01 Zwieher, of London,
has returned house after visiting
With Mi, and Mrs, Clias.
' a few da.s.
Geiald fol y
Mrs. Lewis Wein has returned
home from London after spending
the winter„inonths with Mr, and Mrs
Fred James and family,
Miss Kate Zwicber, of London, is
spending a few days with Mr. and
Ms. Chas, Zwicher and Gerald,
Rev, MatthMork, Eira
I11., is vislrg large with hisiocmotofher, uroMrs.
Matthew M'orloek anti relatives.
Beginning with the first Wednes-
day of May the stores will be closed
every Wednesday afternoon during
May, • June, July,, August and Sep-
Mrs. •Stock has returned to Tavi-
stock, accompanied by her daughter,
Mrs, Herb Young and Shirley.
Mr. JohnYoung has returned home
after spending the winter • months
with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lankin and
family, of Duran.
A meeting of the Crediton Branch
of the Women's, Institute will be
held in the Institute Hail next Tues-
day afternoon. The topic will be,
given by Mrs. Elmer Lawson "A
Girl's Rights, Duties'and Possiblity
in the Home," also election of of-
ficers. A good attendance is re-
The subject at the Evangelical
church next Sabbath, will be "Echoes
fromthe annual conference," held
at Kitchener, Ont
Christian anHoffpan, born August
1st; 1862 on the Hoffman homestead`
departed this life April 14th, 1926
after an illness covering nearly three
year's duration, aged 63 years, 8
months and 14 days. Hewas very
patient and resigned in leis afflic-
tion, though he would gladly have
lived a while longer in the beloved
family circle, Ise was united in
marriage to Hannah Balsden, Jan.
35th, 1893, A sou and a daughter
were given them. During a series
of evangelisticservices in the Meth-
odist church, Crediton, he began the
Christian life. Later on he and the
family became associated with the
Evangelichl church. The departed
was of a kindly unassuming disposi-
tion and won for himself a host of
friends. He was a devoted husband
and loving father. He leaves a sor-
rowing companion, a son and daugh-
ter two brothers, Charles, at Hur-
onville, Sask.; Wm. at Zurich and a
sister, Mrs. Arthur Benedict, at Kit-
chener and nniany other friends and
relatives. Interment and memorial
service at Crediton, Saturday after-
noon, Rei. W. Y. Dreier in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pairhali; of
Windsor, are visitors with the for-
iner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas..
hall this week.
Mrs. E. Abbott who has been 111
for some time ,past is somewhat im-
proved. -
Mr, and Mrs., Res gills, of Wyom-
ing spent the wecksend with Mr. and
Mrs. 1=1. Mills,
Mrs'.' Davids, of Clinton, spent the
Week -end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A, Brooks.
Rev. Mr. ICiteley)who took i11 last
Tuesday morning is at present in the
Exeter Hospital. We hope for a
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Geo, Essery who has
quite i11 for some weeks, is improv-
ing. • •
Rev.. Mr. Garbutt; of London, spoke
last Sunday morning in the church
here in the interests of the Western
Ontario Bible Society..
The death took place last Sunday
morning of Mrs. John Barry, at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Bo-
land. Mrs, Barry' contracted pluer-
isy last Thursday, her Inoue too ro-
bust constitution proved too delicate:
for the attack. She leaves to mourn
hk loss her husband, two daughters
and three sons. The remains' were
interred on Tuesday morning in St.
Patrick's cemetery.
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S.
At office in Hartleib Block, 'Dash-
wood, first three days .of week and
at office over the Post; `Office, in
Zu1'ich, last three days of week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stade, of Zurih
spent Sunday with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. "Stade.
Messrs Lorne and Herb- Pfile; of
Detroit, spent the week -end at then'
home here.
Mr. Addison Tiernan made a busi-
ness trip to London"-on`Tuesday.
Mr. W. Musser, of•_Detroit,- spent
theweek-end in town. • .
"11lrs. Witwer, of Exeter, visited
in town last week. --
Mrs. Pilkie, of Sarnia, is ,visiting
her .mother, Mrs. 3. Link, on the
Misa N. Sinclair, 19 visiting her
Sister, Mrs. P. B. Moffat.
The death took' place on Tuesday,
April 20th, of Alex. Wilds, a highly
respected resident of Stephens. town-
ship. Mr. Wilds reached the age of
74 years, and 1. month. Tnterment
was made .in Grand Bend cemetery.
The business men of the town.
have decided to hold their. usual
half holiday Wednesday afternoons
during June, July; August and Sep-
tember. The stores will be open
Tuesday evenings.
Mr. Oliver, Capt.' of the Salvation
Army of Exeter, occupied the pulpit
of the Evangelical church on Sun-
day morning, in the absence of the
pastor and delivered a Splendid
gospel sernton. In the evening a
saored play, "The Challenge. of the
Cross," was given by • solus of the
young ladies of the congregation;
assisted by the choir. The excel-
lent attention ,of the audience, be-
spoke for the high quality': of the
play,and the able manner in *Web.
it was rendered, -
Parlchill merchants will • observe
the Wednesday half -holiday during
May, Juno, July and Attgnst
'i'Yilltlttil) Y, 1PtIII4 1), 1
A. special meeting of the coli cil
Of the township. ok Stephen, was heli.
Iin thec1etk'aoffice,
Crediton, editon,
at the
call on the reeve, on' Wednesday, the
21st of April, 1926 at 2 pan. "All
members' were present,
.A, communication was read iron).
the Hydro Electric •PowersConimis-
sion of Ontario withi reference 'to
trimming trees .on the higli'w;aysin
r :
the township for the Pu pose of ex-
xtending their power line trout Ex-
eter to Grand Bend requesting
the municipality- to . appoint some
,vise the t m nin
person to supe a. he r i g of
the trees along the line to, be con-
Moved by Mr, Goetz, se o G z, de c n d by
l\Pr, Tetreau: That Charles Stein
hagan, of Dashwood, be appointed to
oversee the proper _trimming of all
necessary trees and that the clerk.
notify the Hydro Electrie Commis-
sion and Mr. Steinliagen of his ap-
pointment. Carried...
Moved by Mr. Hayes, seconded by
Mr. Mawhinney: That by-law No,
343 being a by-law to authorize the
Township.: Clerk to sign individual
contracts with the Hydro Electric
Power Commission of Ontario, hav-
ing been read three times, be passed
and signed by the Reeve and Clerk
and the seal of corporation the or oration at-
tached thereto: Carried..•
The meeting then adjourned.
,; H. Either, Clerk.'
the death
place at -
eession ,
April 2 e
deceased -
posed during
serious o
his death
trouble, 1
skill, he ;
Mr. M s
he died t
man of
telligen -
deuce a e
of friers s
he soref
the tow d
good ju d
as well
was fol'e..
same t0 s.
and very unexpected)
of Mr, Elmer Murdy took
his home on the 2nd con
of McGillivray, on Saturday
4th, in his 54th: year. Th
had been somewhat indis-
posed the winter but his con-
dition in nowise considered
until the, night previous t
when he was taken down
o1 bowel and stomas
and despite best medico
passed away in a few hours
urdy was a native o1 this
born on the Yarm on whirl
and was among the most
of its citizens, being
more than the average in-
telligence and • enjoyed the, confi
red good will of a large circle
1s, For, a number o1 year
ed on the council board o
ns'hip and his foresight an
figment was always regarded
matured and worthy of con
on, He leaves a wife, wh
menu Miss Pears Neil of.th
township, but no fainly., Hi
• were interred. in S1. James
Lucan, on Mondaa,yy th
being very largely attended.
Master. 'Gerald and Margaret
Glenn are spending a few days with•
their grandmother in Exeter, Mrs.
Peter McTaggart.
Mrs. J. Rennie is attending the
Sunday School convention in Clin-
ton this week.
The many friends of Mrs. Fred
Stewart . of the east end of the
boundary are pleased to know there
is 'a slight improvement for the.
better after being seriously ill with
pneumonia. Mrs. Stewart used to
be a girl in the neighborhood, nee
Beclie Kerslake.
Misses .Bernice Webb and Marjor-
ie Jennisan, of London, spent "the
week -end at their homes here
Rev. Coiling, of Melbourne, occupied.
the pulpit in the United church here
ohs Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Brenner and Mr.
and Mrs. Ezra Brenner attendedthe
funeral of the late Mr. Ouelette in
Windsor last week.
• Mrs. Sol. Pollock,, is in Parkhill
at the bedside of .her sister, Mrs.
Wilson who is very ill...
, ..Zurich
Mrs. Lee W. Hoffman isvisitiik
her sister, Mrs. W. F. Braun at
Mrs. E. E. Wuerth left for Kit
chener where she • will visit for a
The death took place on Tuesday
April 20th, of Alex. Wilds, an old
and highly respected resident of.
Stephen Township.
Mr. Jacob Ortwein, of the Bron-
son Line, was called to Sebwaing,
Mich., owing to the sudden 'death.
of his sister, Miss Ida Ortwein, who
died last ''Wednesday ands was bur-
ried on Sunday. She had been
staying with her sister, Mrs. Tietz
of that place. The late Miss Ort-
wein was well and favorably known
in Zurich having spelt most of her
time here.
After a serious illness, exteifding{
for over a period of two years, the
death took place at his home here
April 14th of Mr. Ferdinand M. Hess
aged 56 years, 2 months and 5 days.
The late Mr. Hess was a welt known
business man of Zurich, having con-
ducted the carriage and wagon, busi-
ness With which he was connected
froth his youth, He was born in
Zurich. He 15 survivedby his ber-
eaved widow, and two daughters,
Mrs. (Rev.) Kalbfleisch of Elmira
and Miss Ethel at home, besides five
sisters and five brothers.
Mr. Clayton Hoffman of Galt
spent the weekend at his home
Miss Suzanne Smith, who has
been Home for some time has re-
turned to Detroit.
,Mrs. C. Rupp, who spent the
winter in Detroit, returned to Zur-
ich last week,
Mrs. Hy, Eiekineier left last week
for St. Marys where she was called
owing to the illness of her father.
Mrs, (Rev.) S. R. ICiechtel of
New Hamburg and Mrs,, Frank Mc-
Catchebn, of Landon, who have been
visiting at the home of Mrs. S. Rens
nie, have returned to their It espec-
tive homes,
Quite a number around here are
laid up witlx the. Grippe,
ecoi Toni,
of God rio
ed tiescboa1 heraonWe nesda .
Master Alex Dietrich, who wader -
Went an operation for. appedieltis zit
St. d'opli s Hospital, London, re-
house on'Sund strand is getting along
as well as can be expected.
Miss. Erna,, Neel) returned to St.
Marys on Tuesday having spent the
past couple of weeks: at her} Bowe
liege: ,
Mr. /van Lippert° ' of Dashwood,
spent Sunday with. ivlr. Harry Lip-
Mr, Wm-,. ,Mason, and. Mr, Ernie
Hutchinson spent the week -end with
friends in London,
Mrs, 3. "Hanover entertained a
number .of "her friends to a quilting
bee on Tuesday.
Mr_ and Mrs. J. Ziller" spent Wed-
nesday with 1V1r., and Mrs, Alex Vol
sin, at Zurich•
Miss Ester Neeb, is spending a few
days with her aunt, Mrs. E. Lam-
port, of Crediton,
Mrs. L. Gratton, ,of Grand Bend,
visited her daughter, Mrs. E. Hotson
a few days last week.
Mr. Edmund McPherson and Mr,
Lawrence Pollock were in London
last week.
Miss Mary McGregor had a pleas-
ant visit at Shipka with her aunt,
rs A. Finkb
M beiner.
Mr. Smith and Miss Laura matt
ram were "married et the parsonage
last Wednesday and will make their
home here 4�pn the house owned by
Mi'. W. T. Mens. We extend con-
gratulations and best wishes for a
happy future.
Rev. M. Colling, of Melbourne,
preached in the United church on
Sunday. Special music was fur-
nished by the United choir.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gardiner an-
nounce the birth of a son last week.
Seeding is being, delayed by the
cold weather.
Mount: Carmel
The sad news was received here
of the death of Mrs John Barry,
which took place do Sunday morn-
ing at the "hone or; her daughter,
Nrrs. Edward Boland, of Centralia:
Mrs. o. Boland and family were sick
with thepflu and Mrs. Barry went to
take care of them and also contract -
the flu which developed pneumonia;
Mrs. Barry formerly lived in this
Mr. Gus Morrissey purchased the
100 acre farm formerly owned by
Pat. O'Hara in the 14th concession
McGillivray for the sum of $4,.500.
.on Friday.
Mr.: Joseph Glavin completed the
foundation of his . new house last
The funeral o - the late Mrs.
Anna Mitchell, of Harrison, Mich.,
took place to R: 0. cemetery here on
Wednesday last at 9.30 .ani wish
quem 'mass.. She issurvived by
one brother, Mr. John Hall of De-
troit. •
The death of Mrs Mary Boland
took place on Wednesday, April 21
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Joseph McCarthy of the. 14 conces-
sion, McGillivray, aged 85 years, of
pneumonia. She is survived by three
sons, Edward of Centralia, John and
James of McGillivray, and .two
daughters, ° Mrs. Arthur O'Neil ' of
Clandeboye and - Mrs. Joseph Mc-
Carthy with whom she lived. Messrs.
Edward and T. I. Hall are l rothers,.
The funeral took place on Friday at
10• a.m. with Requien mass celebrat-
ed by Rev. Fr, Corcoran.
A number from this neighborhood
attended the funeral cif the late Mrs.
Barry which took place to St. Pat-
rick's ce:maet`ry,;Bidduiph, on Tues-
Mr, '1'lionxas Walls,. who leas be<)ii
seriously W for sometime, we tire.
sorry to Pay
rentanas very law.
Mi•, llatiy Carroll liar ,puiclta,secl
a Ford coupe,
4 very enjoyable evening was
spent at the honi;e,•o'f Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Dickens, wlien a large nuoi.
ber of friends passed the hours with
flying feet, in time to the music of
o s, Coffe i
tw violin d ea4ve in
abundance nia•kixiet; a ain a-ts1 eveernln;;
A very pleasant surprise tools
place at the lionie?of Mr, and Mrs.
F, A.Dobbs, when forty-five of the
near relatives assembled to celebrate
their forty-fifth wefiding :annivers-
ary, Dinner, wasserved at 6.30,
the tables nicely decorated with,,
candles and flowers and the ainibg
room corresponding.The bride and
groom. were the recipients of many
beautiful gifts, among which was a
gold -headed ebony cane and a ;gold
handled unmrella from the fainily.
The remainder of the evening was
spent in playing cards and dancing.
Qne of the oldest citizens of .Blyth
died on Friday morning.•in the per-
son of Joseph Ardell in his 81st
year. Mr. Ardell, who was a native
of Ireland, farmed fora great many
years in Morris township and moved
to Blyth about six years. ago. Be-
sides his widow be leaves a family,
of three sons and one dauglito
James in London, Joseph in Alberta,
John in Saskatchewan and Mrs.'Win,
Cantelon in Red Deer, Alberta.
Here are
the facts
When 3 telephone orders
can be'taken.in the time
required for one order
over the counter - as
has been proven - and
the amount of a telephone
sale averages almost a
third more, as it does,
„. can there be any doubt
in your mind ;that the
merchant -who uses' the
telephone consistently
will vi'tin out over the
rivalan ywhoou does not?
Cafford to over-
Irh a;p diy4 . e cu-
ing importance- of the
telephone in your busi-
ness for increasing sales
and reduding the cost of,
; elling ...
Be open-minded. Try it
-- not spasmodically, but
consistently, and judge
for yourself.
is Course in, Public Health and Bac.
2. Course in French Conversation.
34 Review. Coarse in High. School Algebra
to Matriculation.
Also thirty other courees in Astronomy,
Botany, English, French, Geology, Ger-
man, Gree History, Latin, Library
Science, .Matleriiatics and .
Physics. ,
A splendid social and ath:.
letic program throughout
the entire six weeks.
''Beautiful new University
Start on a 13: A. Course
nowt Six delightfil weeks•
of tautly and' recroation.
Summer School
JULY 5th to
AUGUST 14th.
For Information
write the Director, Dr.
H. R. Kingston, or Dr.
K. P. R. Nevi le,Regie..
an example of the
values of Monarch -Knit
Hosiery presents at every
price from 75c to $2.00, take
Monarch Green Stripe et $1.
Made of pure silk, for the.
sheen and smoothness wo-
men lovi- reinforced with
fibre silly for long servieee
Every newest color. And
eeramsei that start never show:
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second "stop run" a few
barbel below, stops them.
Double safety.