HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2002-06-19, Page 610 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Juno 27, 2001 27 Wanted General ANTIQUE VENDORS wanted for antique .Market, Neustadt, Ontario. Phone 519-364-3553. 27-14xtfcc WANTED Restaurant Vendor or french fry wagon for antique mar- ket, Neustadt Phone 519-364- 3553. 27-14xtfcc NOSTALGIC SALVAGE INC., a safe, professional insured disman- tling company is looking for old barns for salvage. Call Danny Farrow 1-888-643-8410. Mount Forest. 27-45xtfcc 20 Business Opportunity ACCESS TO A COMPUTER, work at home online $500.00 - $1,500.00 part-tirne, to $5,000.00 plus full time. Call 1-877-420-8017. 28- 12xtfcc THE HURON EXPOSITOR urges our readers to use caution before sending money for business oppor- tunity or employment advertise- ments. 28-49xtf 29. Tenders RAISE CHINCHILLAS as a prof- itable full or part time business. Obtain a tax deduction for 2001. We provide animals, supplies, instruc- tion, insurance, delivery, market, financing. Consignment herd avail- able. Start in basement, garage, spare room or barn. Ekcellent home based business. Canadian Chinchilla, P.O. Box 1684, St. Marys, On. N4X 1C1. 519-229- 6117., Fax: 519-229-6622. 29- 26x2cc 30 Employment \'Janted MAN WILLING TO DO PAINTING or carpentry. Reasonable rates. Phone 519-527-0409. 30-25x3 31. Service Directory REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques, handstripping, also custom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR #1, Seaforth. Phone 519-527-0786. 31- 35-tf PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth 8' x 11 copies - .25 cents per sheet, 81/2 x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 519-527-0240. 31-01-tfnxe BRIAN ULCH Welding. Custom Welding and Repairs. Portable welding. Farm and Industrial. Custom made trailers and hitches. Reasonable rates. 519-345-2643. 31-26xtfcc eraser CONTRACTING LTD. •TRUCKING 'GRAVEL 'SAND 8 STONE • BULLDOZING • EXCAVATING • TOPSOIL • SEPTIC SYSTEMS SHOP....482-9926 RR3 Clinton Res. 482-9212 32. Babysitting EXPERIENCED MOM willing to babysit. Nutritious meals, snacks, activities, crafts, walks, all provided with lots of TLC. With or without receipts. Call today 519-345-2643. 32-26xtfcc 34. Personal A.A. IF YOU THINK you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for mil- lions. Call 519-527-1650 or toll free 1-800-706-9833. 34-24x1 LET US help you. Talk to our accu- rate psychics. Honest answers to all your questions. Problems with spouse, boss. money? 97% accura- cy. Cdns. rated. Evanly Rays #1 In the Nation. Call now 1-900-451- 4055. 18+ $2.99/min. 24 hrs. for you. 34-15x12cc 35. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of ANNIE LOUISE HODGINS All persons having claims against the Estate of Annie Louise Hodgins of the Town of Seaforth, who died on or about the 6th day of March, 2001, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of July, 2001, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 11th day of June, 2001. DEVEREAUX MURRAY LLP, Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO Solicitors for the Estate Trustee(s) 37. Mortgages MORTGAGES For A-1 Clients/Residential 5 yr mortgage rales now 6't or 5°, rel mortgage cash back 8*in turned down for a mortgage? Institutional and pnvate money ava'lab'a Gary Walden 482-7675 Toll flee 866-623.0589 Mortgage Network www.garywatden.com 1" & 2ne Mortgage Money Absolutely No UPfrori reps Available as low as 7.0` Interest Personal Loans If Xou quakfy, payments Amt. Dpsox, Mo. Pavement ' 5.000 ' 41.66 '10.000 ' 83.33 '15,000 '125.00 Consokdate your debti -We speaakre in problem mortgages Call (519) 364-04501.800-357-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 37 .':'ortgagc s PERSONALIZED SERVICE and best rates! We will save you money on your mortgage, business loan, etc. Don at Rea Capital 519-291- 2600. 37-26xlcc 47 Cards of hanks TUCHLINSKY/BLACK On behalf of our family we would like to say thank you for your expres- sions of sympathy upon the death of Brian's father, Don Black. A special thank you to the congregations of Bluevale United and Duff's United, Walton for their care and support. - Joan and Brian 47-26x1 42 Deaths NEWNHAM Many thanks to the nurses at the Seatorth Clinic and the Emergency Department at the Seaforth Community Hospital. Thank you to Dr. Hillyer and Dr. Gonser for their skill and care during my surgery at the Stratford General Hospital and to Dr. Rodney and Dr. VanWalraven. The, cards and good wishes and especially the prayers helped me during that time. Thank you to Bob for his care before, during and after the surgery. Support from friends and neighbours mean so much. - Vivienne 47-26x1 42 Deaths AfterLosr laereiy ia• kir aye Vtlioriel Q. What are some of the `normal' signs and symptoms of grief? A. Everyone experiences grief differently and there are very wide ranges of "normal" behaviours. Some report feelings of distress and deep emotional suffering. Others refer to longing and loneliness as primary symptoms. *Questions asked during bereavement classes are answered here by the editor. of AfterLoss, the monthly grief -recovery HelpLetter. For your free copy of AfterLoss or one of our other helpful booklets about grief recovery, please write, call or stop by. Questions & Answers about grief recovery* Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home 87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth - 527-1390 A member of The AJterlou Family of Funeral Homes dedicated to helping those they serve with 411614nrc in grief recovery. 01997 Mellon Inc. • 800-263-9572 38. Auction Sale 38 Auction stile *******************************I************* ESTATE AUCTION * * * At the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell THURSDAY JUNE 28 AT 3:30 P.M. INCLUDING: Cherry dining room suite with buffet -hutch; chesterfield and chair (like new); maple round table and 6 chairs; modern 5 piece dinette suite; several bedroom suites; captain's bed; computer desk; maple living room suite; oak three section stacking bookcase; Eastlake parlor table; washstand and dresser; wicker rocker; trunks; colour TVs with remotes; microwaves; VCR; fridge; Woods upright freezer; chest freezer, Maytag automatic washer and dryer; Caloric 30 inch gas range; Inglis gas dryer; Kelvinator 24 inch electric stove; collectible dishes including Germany, pressed glass, Cornflower, cheese boat, moustache cups; cups and saucers etc; usual clean housewares; breakfast nook; desks; old Beaver table saw; Beaver bench; top lathe; old Beaver 24 inch scroll saw; 11 inch bandsaw; 12 inch metal lathe; drill press; hand and power tools; Pioneer P-38 chain saw; gas mowers; Canadiana 8 hp. snowblower (like new); Lawnflite 8 hp riding mower; Chrysler 3 1/2 hp. boat motor; live traps; 3 rolls new barb wire; cross -cut saws; circle saw blades; and much more. ESTATE CAR: 1991 Buick Regal GS with 141,500 km. Sold Certified at 7:00 P.M. Prop: Estate of the Late Stephen and Mary Sempson of Sebringville with additions AUCTIONEER: Doug Jacob 519-271-7894 ******************************************** EWOITI IISUIDATION AIID 11.1 INC. Business Hours: Fridays 10-6 Saturdays 9-4 p.m. New 211111PIMIT EVERY weep OFFERING: All our regular inventory plus a NEW SECOND SHOW ROOM Now open and featuring patio furniture, air conditioners, kids play equipment AND MORE!!! TERMS: Cash, Interact, Visa Turn off Hwy. #4 at 7th Ave. VANASTRA LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Lobb Auction Building in Clinton for the Estate of Jean Bell of Bayfield, Doug Papple of Grand Bend and Melinda Johnston of Brussels Saturday, June 30 at 9:00 A.M. COINS: Approx. 50 lots including US, Canadian, plus other countries, uncirculated coin sets, US obsolete coin collections etc. Good variety. Call for list. APPLIANCES: GE side by side fridge freezer, 1 yr. old; Hot Point 30" stove, 6 yrs. old, like new; Woods upright freezer; Inglis washer; Hot Point dryer, both 6 yrs. old; microwave; Hoover vacuum cleaner w/power head; dehumidifier; Toshiba 26" colour TV on swivel stand; chest freezer plus other appliances. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, ETC.: 2 upright pianos; watercolour work of J.A. McDonald, old mill on river flats and Thompson house north of Mill; antique hanging oil lamp; large antique pine corner cupboard with wooden doors; pine blanket box w/drawer; small blanket box; handmade quilts; gingerbread clock; antique round dining table w/splitting centre pedestal, 6 leaves and 6 matching chairs; old wooden dining table w/3 leaves; 6 matching wooden chairs; dining table, 6 matching chairs and china cabinet, like new; glass front china cabinet; small china cabinet; Central Park Goderich picture (old) by James F. Thompson; tea wagon, 2 curio cabinets; cedar chest; fancy parlour tables; wicker chairs; press back rocking chairs; caned seat chairs; washstands; antique dresser w/mirror; bedroom furniture; floor model radio; chesterfield and chair; glider rocker; vinyl couch; 2 large curved glass doors from old store; nail scale; milk cans; bedding linens; lanterns. GLASSWARE, DISHES, ETC.: 12 place settings "Nanette" Tuscan bone china; 11 pieces of cranberry; crystal; cups and saucers include Shelly, Royal Albert, Crown Derby plus Austria and Germany pieces, handpainted plates by Jean Bell, crock, butter bowl, butter print, pictures, small appliances etc. NOTE: VIEWING 3 PM TILL 5:30 PM FRIDAY JUNE 29. 2 AUCTIONEERS START SELLING AT 9 AM. Auctioneers: Richard and Ben Lobb (519) 482-7898 Clinton www.lobbauction.on.ca SAT., JULY 7 AT 9 AM: Large auction appliances, furniture, tools at Lobb Auction Clinton. SAT., JULY 14 AT 10 AM: Tractors, tools, household contents for estate of Katherine Becker, 151 Fried St. in Dashwood. :if "hcink' WILBEE I would like to thanks Drs. Percival and Edwards for the fine job they performed on me. Also to the nurses and staff for their care while I was in the hospital. Also 1 would like to thank my neighbours and friends for all the phone calls, visits and cards I received. - Bill Wilbee 47-26x1 CHESNEY I would like to thank family and friends for cards, phone calls, treats, prayers and visits while I was in London and Seaforth Hospitals. Thank you to the doctors and kitchen staff and also to the nurses for putting up with me. Thank you. - Pearson "Perk" 47-26x1 McLACHLAN 'Wasn't that a party!' Thank you to all our friends for all the good wishes, lovely cards and the gifts we received on the occasion of our 60th Wedding Anniversary. To our chil- dren for organizing the party, our grandchildren for the decorations, Grace for the lovely dinner and Graham for our ride. To all of you 'Thank You' for the memories. - Bob and Muriel 47-26x1 SEAFORTH CO-OPERATIVE CHILDREN'S CENTRE Hats off to John McFadzean, Randy Brooker, Andy Van Dorp, Sun North, Doug McGregor, Smith Construction, Dave McCowan and Bob Leeming for their contributions of time and labour to refurbish the playground at Seaforth Co - Operative Children's Centre. A sin- cere thank you. It has been a com- munity project. 47-26-1 EISLER I would like to thank all my friends and relatives for flowers, cards, etc. while I was a patient in Stratford and Seaforth Hospitals. Special thanks to my children and grandchildren and to Norma Eisler, doctors and nurses at both hospitals. - Doreen 47-26x1 HOME AND GARDEN TOUR The Seaforth and Area Museum Committee and the Seaforth and District Horticultural Society wish to publicly thank the homeowners who so graciously opened their homes and gardens to the public; Margaret and Dick DeJong, Kathy and Don Pletsch, Helen and Bob McNaughton, Mary Beth and Ken Larone, and Joan and Paul Spittal. The winners of the draws were: gar- den stone, donated by Merv's Patios - Gloria Racho; garden bench donat- ed by Stewart Acres - Fred Leitch; use of rototilter - Connie Gibbings and use of aerator - Eleanor Saxton; both donated by Rona Cashway; perennial package donated by the Lawn Master - Elsie Beuermann. Thank you to the donors for their generosity and the following busi- nesses and individuals who gave in various ways: Seaforth Food Market, Egmondville Store, Forbes Flower Magic, Box Furniture, Seaforth Plumbing and Heating, Doug Procter, Jean Durst, Gwen Scott, Art Burns, Kyle Rea and the Van Egmond Foundation. Finally, thank you to the public for supporting this venture. 47-26-1 43 Births CAMPBELL Doug and Vicki Campbell (Peck) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their baby girl, Natalie Sue on Sat. May 26, 2001 at Stratford General Hospital, weighing in at 9 lbs. 6 oz. Natalie's off to a healthy start. Proud grandparents are Jack and Marion Peck of Clinton and Bob and Ruth Campbell of Winthrop. 43-26x1 46 In Memoriam ELGIE: In loving memory of my par- ents, Robert J. Elgie in 1961, Violet Elgie in 1992, my sister E. Frances McKnight in 1994 and my husband, father and grandfather, Gerald R. Fisher in 1996. Tenderly we treasure the past with memories that will always last. - Sadly missed and always loved by Eleanor (nee Elgie) Fisher and fami- ly of Kitchener and Waterloo. 46- 26x1 42. Deaths MCCORMACK, David R.: of R.F. #2, Dublin passed away at Seaforth Community Hospital on Tuesday, June 19, 2001 in his 54th year. Surviving is his best friend Darlene McBride, sons David McCormack of Newfoundland, William Blackwood of Stratford, a daughter Kelly Squires and husband Bruce of Mitchell, 2 grandchildren Jennifer and Johnathon Squires. Sisters and brothers, Margie Warren, Jim, Ernest and Eric McCormack, Sue Anne Kehoe. Predeceased by par- ents William McCormack and the former Mary Kelly and one brother Bill McCormack. There was no funeral home visitation or service. Cremation has taken place. Arrangements were entrusted to the Peebles Funeral Home, 141 John St. Atwood. 42-26-1 •i-' )coths LEIPER, Thomas Thomson: of Clinton and formerly of Hullett Twp., on Sunday, June 24, 2001 in his 87th year. Mr. Leiper was born on January 23, 1915 and is the son of the late James and Annie (Hamilton) Leiper. Mr. Leiper farmed in Hullett Twp., he judged horses at local fairs for over 50 years and received his 50 year pin from the Huron Central Agricultural Society. He served on Hullett Twp., Council for 10 years, 7 years as Reeve. Mr. Leiper is survived by his sister-in-law Jean Leiper of Toronto. Loving uncle of Margaret, Jim, Ken and Bill Leiper. Predeceased by 2 sisters Agnes and Jean Leiper and 4 brothers John (Jack), Guy, Robert and William Leiper. Friends were received at the Beattie -Falconer Funeral Home Ltd., 153 High Street, Clinton on Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where funeral service will be held Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 2 o'clock. Interment Burns Cemetery, Hullett Twp. Pallbearers will be Robert Hoggarth, Murray Reid, Ed Salverda, Jack Lee, Bili Flynn, Lloyd Josling. Reverend Paul Ross will officiate. Donations to the Clinton Public Hospital Foundation or charity of one's choice would be greatly appreciat- ed. 42-26x1cc l2 I)eathS HOORNAERT, Rodger Robert: of Seaforth at Seaforth Community Hospital on Sunday, June 24, 2001 in his 73rd year. Beloved husband of Wilhelmina (Van Loon) Hoomaert. Dear father of Richard and his wife Catherine of Dublin, Susan Bazinet and her fiance Mike Dupuis of Lucan and Lisa and her husband Randy Lake of Brantford. Loving grandfather of Erin, Angela, Aimee, Deveney, Russell, Tyler and Sean. Dear brother-in-law and uncle to Helma and Ken Wright and family, Rieny and Shirley Van Loon and family and Tony and Jeanine Van Loon and family. Predeceased by his parents Octaff and Maria Hoornaert. Friends were received at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich St. W., Seaforth on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Mass of the Christian Burial will be held at St. James R.C. Church, Seaforth on Wednesday, June 27 at 11:00 a.m. Fr. Dino Salvador will officiate. Interment St. James Cemetery, Seaforth. Parish prayers at the funeral home on Tuesday at 3:45 p.m. Expressions of sympathy may be made to the Children's Hospital of Western Ontario. Pallbearers were Jerry Wright, Bob Van Valkengoed, Mike Van Loon, Tony Van Loon, Dan Van Loon, Michael Van Loon. 42-26-1 Community Calendar WED., JUNE 27 MON.; JULY 2 9:30-10:30 a.m. - Preschool Playgroup at Northside United Church 10:30-11:00 a.m. - Toylending Library at Northside United Church 1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Community Centres 6:30-7:00 p.m. - Junior Soccer at the Optimist Park (Seaforth Houseleague) 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Intermediate Soccer at the Optimist Park (Seaforth Houseleague) 7:30-8:30 p.m. - Senior Soccer at the Optimist Park (Seaforth Houseleague) THURS., JUNE 28 9:00-10:30 a.m. - Youth Beginner Tennis Lessons at Tennis Courts 10:30-12:00 noon - Youth Advanced Tennis Lessons at the Tennis Courts 6:45-7:45 p.m. - T -Ball at the Highschool North Diamond FRI., JUNE 29 SAT., JUNE 30 SUN., JULY 1 7:00-11:00 a.m. - Firemen's Breakfast at the Firehall Dark-? - Fireworks Display at the Highschool 12 noon -1:00 p.m. - Aquatic Fitness at Seaforth Lions Pool 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Houseleague Ball at the Highschool North Diamond 7:15 p.m. - Minor Sports Council Bingo at the Seaforth Arena TUES., JULY 3 9:00 a.m. - Junior Golf Morning at Seaforth Golf Club 9:00-10:00 a.m. - Fitness is Fun with Drusilla Leitch at the Arena 7:30-8:30 p.m. - Ladies' Ball Hockey at the Community Centres WED, JULY 4 12 noon -1:00 p.m. - Aquatic Fitness at Seaforth Lions Pool 1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Community Centres 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Adult Beginner Tennis Lessons at the Tennis Courts 6:30-7:00 p.m. - Junior Soccer at the Optimist Park (Seaforth Houseleague) 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Intermediate Soccer at the Optimist Park (Seaforth Houseleague) 7:30-8:30 p.m. - Senior Soccer at the Optimist Park (Seaforth Houseleague) 8:00-9:30 p.m. - Adult Advanced Tennis Lessons at the Tennis Courts If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation office 527-0882 or the Expositor et 527-0240, or mail the information to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes date, time, name of event and location only. Space for the Community Calendar is donated by The Huron Expositor. "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" KENNY ROGERSI Chevy Truck Pre- sents! HAVELOCK COUNTRY JAM- BOREE. August 18 - 19. Camping - Ricky Suggs - Paul Brandt - Ian Tyson - John Berry - Suzy Bogguse - Billy Dean - Nashville's Bill Anderson. Buy your tickets belor• June 15th and SAVE! Info 1.800.539-3353. www.have- lockjamboree.com ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM. Visit Canada's largest museum and discover our world-renowned collections. Don't miss our special exhibition: Gift of the Gods: The Art of Wine and Revelry, on through October 21. 416-586.8000. www.rom.on.ca Don't forget to RECYCLE YOUR COM- MUNITY NEWSPAPER •very week In your Blue Boxmtl 111111111111111111111111111 LOW OVERHEAD TRAVEL sUSI- NESS. Turn key business from your home booking travel. We deliver the customer to you. Unlimited Income potential. CALL Toll•Fr.. 1.868-755- 0255. INVENTORS - PRODUCT IDEAS WANTEDI FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE. Develop & professionally present your new product idea to manu- facturers through Davison. •n award winning firm. Patent aasisiane• avail- abi.: 1-800-677.6382. H 6 R BLOCK HAS MADE BILLIONS. Beat them at their own game. Open this hottest new fax preparation franchise In North America. 1-877-707-3278. MLR Block is a registered trade name of HRB royalty Inc. offered by prospectus only. SSS BIO PROFITS U8$0,000 could have returned US$46,000♦ call for report today, find out what market is ready for the next Big Move call now 1- 888.394.7672 ATTENTION ALLI Work from home online! Eam excellent Income per month from horn.. My kids come to the office every dayll 1-877-262-3412 or visll www.123realblz.com 1000% RETURN ON INVESTMENT. Earn 111 each & every year? Strong eller sale support! Limited oppor. In each market? Min. Investment 59995...1 - 877-305-6913. 1111111111111111111111111111 LEARN AUCTIONEERING. CI held August 10-17. 2001. For Informa- tion contact: Southwestern School of Auctloneuring, R.R. 05, Woodstock. Ontario N48 7V9. 1-888-673-6999. WANTED. Full lima reports/photogra- pher in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Send ..sums and samples: Vernon O(ckle. Lighthouse Publishing 353 York Street. Bridgewater, N.B., B4V 3K2. (E -mall - editorial 0 lighthouse ns. ca) Exciting well paid careers: Computer programming/internal website design. Home Study Diploma. LinN.d lime No Charge oomput.r rentals. Student Loans available. Fre* enrollment kit 1- 800-477-9576 www.an.Vau Ing,00m COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE. Acor.d88d by PPSEC. Become • pro- fessional cowman. through on-cempus or oorr••pond•nee courses. Free cala- logw 1.800-065.7044 COPY EDITOR. Northern News 8.r- vtc•s ppublish•• five n•wapapers in NWTMunson/1 Ffvs veers reporting or editing experl•ro• required. Relocation, very competitive salary. Bruce Valpy, Managing Editor, Northern News Ser- vices Limited. Em•Il: vacornyOnnal co Telephone 1.867-873-4031. Fax 1-867- 873-8507. HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS. Finning. one o/ the world's largest Caterpillar dealers, hu a number o1 employment opportunities for experienced Jour- neyp•rson Heavy Duty Mechanics. There are positions for both shop and 11•Id mechanics at our branches in Northern Alberta, British Columbl• and the Northwest Territories. R•loc•tion usistanc• Is available. Interprovincial certification and experience with C•ler- pplllar. •qulpment would be an asset. PI•as• send resumes to: Human Resources, Finning (Canada) 18830 - 107 Ave., Edmonton. AB T5P 4C3. Fax 780-930-4810. Email: )obllneelfinning.ca For further informs'. bon about these positions, pleas* call 1- 866-930-3300. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN. Experi- enced licensed individual with excep- tional customer relations skills required by Bragg Creek Husky. Excellent pay plan for qualified applicant. If you'd enjoy working In small community only 20 minutes West of Calgary. 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