HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2002-05-08, Page 11News Doctor Rodney honoured Operating room dedictated to doctor after 25 years of service By Scott Hilgendorff Expositor Editor A conference room was packed to overflowing with past and present staff and patients who carne to see the Seaforth Community Hospital operating room dedicated to Dr. Ken Rodney. Looking at the crowd, hospital administrator Andrew Williams said, "It certainly sends a strong message about how important you are to the community.' Rodney has been a long- term surgeon with .the hospital and- a 15 -year member of the medical community. "Ken has been absolutely wonderful in our community," said current chief of staff. Carolin Shepherd. She related some stories of her experiences with Dr. Rodney, a past chief of staff, since she came to the hospital in 1981. She said Rodney was always available to staff, 24 hours a day if an emergency surgery occurred and that he always made time to help in obstetrics. When there was trouble and a Caesarean section was necessary, she said, "We could count on Ken to be there and get that baby out safe and sound." "I have always found Ken Scott Hilgendorff photo Dr. Carolin Shepherd presents a plaque to Dr. Ken Rodney and his wife Pat. The plaque dedicates Seaforth Community Hospitals' operating room to Dr. Rodney. was a wonderful teacher," she said, adding he has strived for decades to bring medical students into the rural area to experience and learn what being a doctor was like in a small community. "I know personally he has always been patient and kind in teaching," she said, adding one of his many gifts as a doctor is his ability to problem solve in a diagnosis of a patient's trouble. And he was a favourite among patients. Shepherd said she could be on-call in the emergency department and find a patient very upset to learn Rodney wasn't there to treat them. But when he did have time off, she said it was also common to find him making house calls. "Ken's patients have always loved and admired him," she said. Shepherd also highlighted Rodney's involvement in hospital fundraising and the formation of the Seaforth Medical Clinic, partneced with the hospital and where his practice is located. "I can honestly say we love you. You've done so much for us," she said. "It's just overwhelming to see so many faces," said Rodney after being presented with a plaque that will hang in the operating room. He was amazed at the number of people who turned out for the dedication last Wednesday afternoon. "Probably I can thank you by the work I continue to do," he said. He assured people that although he might seem like a "dinosaur" because of his history. that he has and continues to keep up with medical changes and advancements. "I wouldn't call myself and dinosaur." he said. While it was unfortunate to learn this week doctors' practices arc currently closed to new patients because of a shortage of doctors. he said he has been involved in a system for attracting new physicians and. said until now. they have been able to service the community. "I know we arc working on this." he said. While no longer doing surgeries. Rodney continues to operate his medical practice and said. "I still hope to serve you as hest I can." Photo. radar debate resurfaces at Huron East By Scott Hilgendorff Expositor Editor After debating the merits of photo radar, Huron EaSt council deferred a motion to support the Township of Essa's push to see the radar units restored to provincial highways. McKillop Ward Coun. Ferg Kelly was the first to express concerns about the use of photo radar, disagreeing that the program sees tickets sent to the owner of the vehicle, not the person who was actually driving and committed the speeding offence. • Photo radar was tried on major highways such as the 401 and received a huge backlash before the provincial government removed the system after about a year of use about five years ago. The units can be set to a minimum speed to photograph the front licence plate of any vehicles reaching that level or beyond. From there, tickets are sent to the drivers in the mail. Tuckersmith Coun. Larry McGrath said he also disagreed with photo radar because only people in Ontario receive the tickets. He said people outside the province and from the United States are not given tickets for speeding. Many American travellers do not have licence plates on the front of their vehicles and could not be identified even if tickets were sent out of province. TENNIS LESSONS with Hank Dinnentk Tennis Instructor at Bonita Beach Tennis Club, Bonita Springs Florida. Member of Greenhills Tennis Club, Lambeth, Ont. The Huron East Recreation Department will once again be offering tennis lessons for Youth and Adults. EARLY BIRD - every Wednesday evening beginning May 30, 2001 at 7::00-8:30 p.m. Adults 16 and up, 5 lessons for $25.00. YOUTH BEGINNER - every Thursday moming from 9:00-10:30 a.m. for 10 weeks. YOUTH ADVANCED - every Thursday moming from 10:30-12 noon for 10 weeks. All begin Thursday, June 28, 2001. Registration Fee for the Youth Lessons will be $40.00. ADULT BEGINNER - every Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:00 p.m. for 10 weeks. ADULT ADVANCED - every Wednesday evening from 8:00-9:30 p.m. for 10 weeks. All begin Wednesday, July 4, 2001. Registration Fee for the Adult Lesson will be $50.00. REGISTRATION OR INFORMATION CAN DE OBTAINED DY CALLING THE HVRON EAST RECREATION OFFICE AT 527-1272 "I tind it disheartening that it's just me they want the money from," he said, calling its use "a cash cow." Seaforth Ward Coun. Dick Burgess also opposed its use because it is a fine against the owner and not the actual speeder. "It's a tax on Ontario drivers," he said. He also pointed out the technology had its limits, sometimes reading a "six" as an "eight" for example, resulting in the wrong vehicle owner receiving a fine. McGrath said Essa Township wanted photo radar to help reduce speeds for the sake of safety but doesn't believe the units work that way. "The safety issue is when you see the police cruiser." he said. adding that is when a driver will slow down. "I don't think it's going to make the highways any safer." he said. "The very simple answer to all of this is. just slow down." said Grey Ward Coun. Alvin MacLellan. Council decided to defer making a decision until they had more information about where the money from tickets is distributed and whether or not any of it comes hack to the municipalities. ,00T CLINIC TUESDAY MAY 29, 2001 10 AMto2:00PM Registered Nurse on site fors ecialty care in CORNS 4. CALLUSES 416 TOENAILS FREE 15 MINUTE CONSULTATION . Please call to book your appointment Guardian Keating's Pharmacy PHARM 67 Main St., Seaforth 527-1990 TNI HURON EXPOSITOR. May 23, 2001-5 Lb Thanks to administration and staff of Seaforth Community Hospital and lo Seaforth Medical Clinic, Seaforth Manor and my many friends and patients for helping me celebrate 25 years of service. Thanks for a day I'll always remember 2r. —Xen Kocine, Brussels, Morris & Grey POOL OPEN HOUSE, SWIMMING LESSON REGISTRATION & FUNDRAISING HOT DOG SALE (for pool heater) l ` Saturday, June 2 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the pool in Brussels Free Family Swimming - 12:00 to 4:00 - Aqua Tots (for children who can't touch the bottom will be offered In June as well due to the high interest last year). There will be swim team sign up as well. For real peace of mind,. loot: tor this symbol (,I protection. We provide insurance protection that lets you sleep at night. That's because the collective strength of our 50 community based mutual insurers makes us among the most financially secure insurance networks in the world. For you,,it means friendly knowledgeable service from people who understand your needs and provide the protection and service you want. 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APPRECIATION is extended to Joan Chesney, Denise & Anita Kreutzwiser, Pam Kaufman, Erin Flanagan & Jason Von Eau for the vital roles they carried out in the recent Trauma Nursing Centre. Congratulations to registrants who successfully completed certification. Many thanks to Hospital Board members, Foundation, staff and volunteers who capably flipped pancakes and served breakfast at Rona Cashway Mother's Day weekend. Our appreciation to all who supported the Breakfast with proceeds of $510.85 to the Foundation. Your support to Dr. Kenneth Rodney's 25th Anniversary of medical & surgical practice to Seaforth and surrounding communities is overwhelming. A commemorative plaque will be displayed on wall entrance to the Operating Suite. NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY wEEK was celebrated May 14 - 19th, appreciation to Linda Bailey for organizing the educational displays on Back Care, Prevention of Needlestick Injuries and Chemical Spills. 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