HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-4-15, Page 4t APRIL 1,114, 1926
Local. News .
The fire alarm sOunded 41)00
$01,even o'clock Wednesday ,morning
and a great many people were soon
On the street inquiring for the tire,
The Occasloa svas the visit a Mr, L,
D. 1A'a13ter, insPector for the Fire
Underwriters AsSociation.
The maple syrup season is turn
tag oat fairly good, Some have re-
ported an average season while oth-
ers have ha.d the best season. in
Years. The sap ran well on Satur-
day in most bushes. Early morning
and .late at night has been the or-
der Ler those With many trees tap-
The Official Board of the IVIain. St,
United church held their fourth
quarterly meeting on Monday even-
ing' to wind up the conference year.
Excellent reports Were received froni
the various organizations. The
amount raised for. the Maintenatce
and Extension fund is $1,600.000.
A congregational tea will be held on
the 23rd and reports will be receiv-
ed from the various organizations of
the church. .
Mr. C. C. Pilon, authorized deal-
er for the Chevrolet auto, has sold
several ears during the past week.
Ifir. 'Francis Clarke, of Crediton 'and
Mr. John Thompson, of Stephen have
purelaased Landau sedans; Mr. G. G.
Maynard, of Crediton, a coach; Mr.
Frank Taylor, a coach; Mr. Wm. Pol-
len, of Farquhar, a coach; Mr. Geo.
Jaques, of Winchelsea and Mr. Wm.
Mills. o Woodham,• one -ton trucks.
This community has been exper-
iencing some of the fine pring days
that we have been -looking forward
to for so long. The snow has prac-
tically. all disappeared and the roads
are drying up. Motor cars are be-
ing used more and, more although
the roads are not in good condition
as yet. There has been a great de-
mand for auto licenses during the
week, The farmers are anxiously
waiting to get on the land.
Creameries in this district are
preparing to introduce the new sys-
tem of- grading cream made neces-
sary by government regulations.
Each patron will receive a small
cream can aird the cream will be
graded and paid for on its merits
. The grades are special, first second
and third. The Centralia Creamery
adopted the individual system a
year ago and Exeter, Winchelsea and
Dashwood are now preparing for it.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. of Main St. United church
was held on Thursday afternoon of
last week. After the devotional
half hour which was led b3i- the
president, Mrs. Banes, Rev. Mr.
Olysdale took charge of the meet!
ing for the purpose of electing a 3rd
+rice president, owing to the continu-
ed Illness of Mrs. A. J. Ford. • The
choice of the meeting was Mrs.
Mollard. The fifth chapter of the
Study Book, "Building with India,"
was very. ably taken by . Mrs. Rat-
eec 4,7 R rrt
I 1 et was
0 -
given by Mrs. Mollard entitlect,"
Transforming Power of Prayer."
The watch tower heraldswere then,
appointed for Home Missions, Mrs.
• Skinner, Mrs. (Rev.) Clysdale, Mrs.
K. J. Simms; foreign work, Miss
Connor, Mrs. Fowler; temperance,
Mrs. Aldworth. Mrs: Fowell and
Mrs. Ratcliffe were appointed dele-
gates to attend the Presbyterial
which is to be held in Clinton, April
27t1t for the election of officers for
the County of Huron.
, <
• The, P. Saele:tY of Maia $t. Up-
ited cliureh be1 1t annnai ineetlaK
last Tuesday evening when reports
were received frentlie varioue de-
partments show iag a thriving Or-
galliZation. The eefficers of the
Sedety have all shown great inter-
est to make the work a success. The
weekly meetingk'ot•the Society have
been well attended and interest in
the meetinge has been maintained
throughout the iyear. The treasury
showed an income, of $378, which is
an increase ofe over $300 ,over the
preceding ear..x•The missienary de-
partment also stews an increase of
•$15 over last year preatenting a total
of $125 to the Maintenance and Ex-
tension Fund. The .•membership has
increased to 72., , The officers elect-
ed. are as folloWs: President, W. E.
Aldworth; 1.s.k vieg pree.,. (Christian
Fellowship)eeBeatrige Howey; 2nd
vice pres., (MissionarY), Eleanor
Medd; 3rd vice pres„, (Literary and
Recreat1onalle.Gordo4. Fowler; 4th
vice pres., , T,(Citigetehip), Eugene
Howey; recording seey, Helen Dig-
nan; cor, see'y Margterite Aldworth
treas., WalterSpencer;,planist, Ruth
Wildfong; asst, planeat, Helen Dig-
nan. The flaw aexecutive meets on
Friday next te alraft committees and
make full arraagements for the
work of the year,
Parcel post rates, which wore
changed on October 24, have been
cancelled, and the lower rates which
were in effect previous to that date
will again prevail on and after April
12. Instructions to the effect have
been issued to all postmasters, but
no reason for the change has been
given, • -lit, ,re,
HAS Sixpegstui, YEAR
The final f obit of the Methodist
Section of the W. M. S. of the United
church of ihr Eketer District.
As the annual District Convention
has been withdrawn, the officers sub-
mit the following summary of the
work done during the peat year. This
brings the 'jerk, ef the separate sec-
tions to a close.' With April 1, 1926
the NWomen unite in all their endea-
vours in Missionary activity.
Auxiliaries Circles Bands
Ailsa Craig 137.35 57.00
Anderson 116.19 • 47.00
Centenary 78.00 22.85
Centralia. • 185.00
Chiselhurst • "35.19
Clandeboye '11'0.00
Cooper's , 65.00
Crediton . 110-0.00 •••• 4.25
Elingille 182.00 .104.25 63.05
James St. '347.78 215.00 35.00
Main St. 306.24 _137.00 17.94
Grand Bend • 89.00 2.50
Granton 240.82 44.63
Greenway 162.01 12.45 38.74
Hensel' 4122.25 ' 40.00
Kirkton • 144.71
Lucan , 90.25
Mt. Pleasant 3.8.57 16.70
Parkhill ' 240.33 89.22 51.00
Sunshine 158.33
Wesley. • 139.00
Whalen • 104.55
Woodhana 195.00 74.00 50.00
(Eliraville) 204.00
(Woodhara) 113.00 3049--
---TOtals..2.9":02 423.
Grand Total $4,812.16
The banner organizations for the
year are Parkhill Auxiliary, Green-
-way Circle and Anderson Band.
An auxiliary was organized at
Brinsley on March 4th ready to be-
gin work in. April.
Mrs. V: Millard, Dist. Supt. ,
Mrs. J. H. McKay, Asst. Supt.
Miss A. Consitt, Secretary.
Allierta, has been enloyiug
weather this 74111ter, SO 11111011 SO
that` "011ie/MOS were lAtchecl 111 the
open in FebruarY, apcording te the
following, clipping taken from the
Pincher Creek. Ileb.o. "The house -
held at the Al. Hammond ranch at
Tennessee Coulee were surprised to
find oue of their hens .with three
flue healthy chiekens on February
3rd, • Investigation showed that in
a neat by the slough in the brash
the hen had hatched. One egg re-
in.ained and the shells from whence
the chickens lia,d just ventured
forth. NatnisallY, Kr,' Hammond,
and all Pincher Creek folks are
proud of these early outdoor (birds)
There died in the IVIiserecordia
Hospital, Winnipeg on Friday morn-
ing, March 26th at 2 o'clock a much
respected resident of this community
in the person of Mr. Charles E. Dew.
1Vir, Dew was born here on' the farm
of his father Mr. Robert Dew, half -
mile west of Snowflake, nearly 35
years ago. He resided with his par-
ents until six years ago when he was
united in raarriage to Miss Mary
Milljour, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Milljour also of this vicinity and
resided on his farm one mile south
of here, He resided there up to the
time Of his death. Mr. Dew took
sick ear?), in January, but did not
think much of it, being young and
strong he thought he would. be able
to work it off, but getting worse all
the time, he decided to get medical
advice. In January he consulted
local doctors and for a time was
thought to be improving, later gett-
ing worse he decided to go to Win-
nipeg for treatment. He went to
the'city on March 5th and was found
to be suffering from typhoid fever
and an abcess„,of the liver. An Op-
eration was performed and for a
time he seemeal to be improving or
at least holding his own, but last
week he began to sink and passed
away Friday morning. The body
was brought home for interment in
the Snowflake cemetery. The fun-
eral too k place from the Union
church on Sunday at 2 o'clock, Rev.
Linton conducting the •service. The
large attendance at the funeral
showed the respect and esteem the
deceased held in ths community.
The floral tributes were many and
beautiful. He leaves to mourn his
loss besides his sorrowing widow,
one son Jimmie, 3 years old and an
infant son born the night following
his death. He is also survived by
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Dew, two sisters, Amy at home. and
,Mrs. B. C. Bennett, of Palmer, Sask.
all of whom were present at tilt
funeral with the- exception of Mrs.
Bonnett. • The deepest sympathy is
felt for Mrs. Dew Jr., and Mr. and
Mrs. R. Dew.
Plans are now said to be nearly
complete for.the big drainage work
covering an: area of 60,000 acres
and affecting the townships of Mc-
Gillivray, Bosanquet, East Williams
and Stephen ,and the town of Park-
hill. The Work calls for the deep-
ening of the Aur able river up to
Grand Betd. A.bout 1,600 rate-
payers willaahe caSsessed for the
drain,. which .will cost about $45,-
0,00. '
Reports on
If.'3.c! •
-71;t2.41kAs' OW- .evo. , •
• .../7! elteeece,
se* .• •
At frequent intervals throughout
the season the Bank of Montreal
issues reports on th-' 'Prolgress of
the crops in Canada. These re-
ports, telegraphed tockeOdquarters
front the Managers of the Banles
600 Branches, cover every Prov -
Ince and form a reliable index of
crop COtidifi0/16.
The reports are furnished free.
• Upon request at any Branch of the
Bank your name will hePlaced on
our mailitik list. ,•,
Total Assets- it1 EXCeS8 Of .$750,006,000.06
yir. Wesley Nichol, of •Kii)P,,,,n#
has 'moved onto the farm et Atr•
Feancis Ityckman, recently vacated
b3t Mr., K. McLeod, who moved
Mr, Latta, of Grand Bend, has
Ineved ento ho farin of Mr„, Geo.
W. Wren. ,
Mao. Thos. Harris and daughter
Miss Pearl, spent the week -end in
Hxeter with the former's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Squire. "
Miss Bella Brintnell, of Stratford,
wasehome for the Easter bOlidaY.
Qeo. T. Wren who has been
in Toronto,_for a few weeks, was
operated on la a private hospital on
Wednesday of last week,. Mr. Wren
who was in Toronto, returned 'wine
Mr. R. Kinsman, who brought
down a load of horses from the West
and has been visiting with his par-
ents, left Friday for his home.
Miss Evelyn Wilkinson -visited for
a few days in London.
(Too late for last week.)
Mrs. Geo, Millison has aeturned
home after spending a couple of
weeks with, friends in Exeter, Lu -
can and Granton.
Miss Jessie Brooks is spending a
few days :with Mrs. John Foster
near Granton.
Mr. Clifford Shipley, of lateen(
visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Duf-
field on Sunday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock, ",o,f
Zion, visited with Mr. ancleMrs. T.
Morley on Wednesday. •.
.Miss Elva Morley sent a few days
with Miss Dorothy Stevenson,
away on April 8th at the home of
her son Frank on the 4th concession
of McGillivray, following a week's
illness with pneunionia. Her maid-
en name was Mary Jane Carter. She
was born on the 2nd concession. of
McGillivray and in 1888 moved to
the 4th concession. She was united
in marriage to the late Thomas Cun-
ningham, who predeceased her in
• 1911. Five sons and three daugh-
ters survive, Williara James of Clan-
deboye; Mrs. Chas. Lewis, Frank
and Robert, of IVInGillivray; Walter
of Exeter; Mrs. Wm. 1VIcWill1ame, of
Clandeboye; Benjamin, of London
and Mrs. Frank Tilley, of Leaming-
ton. ...She is also survived by seven
sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Wm.
Ryan, of Killarney, Man.; Mrs. Wm.
Scott, of London Tp.; Mrs. Wm,
Turner, Mrs. Thos.:Armitage and
Mrs. F. J. Davis, of Biddulph; Geo.
CarteraMrs. Jos. Armitage and Miss
Carrie Carter, of Clandeboye and W.
J. Carter of Detroit. The funeral
was held Saturday afternoon, inter-
ment in St. James cemetery.
On Monday evening the Young
People's League met in the basemen(
of the church. The meeting was op-
ened by the singing of a hymn, fol-
lowed by prayer. The scripture read-
ing was given by Ewart Cornish.
The topic, "Worship as a Steward-
ship," was splendidly given by Miss
Lena Eym and enjoyed by all pre-
sent, After the usual program a de-
bate, resolved "That the farmer's
wife 'has fewer .opportunities to en-
joy life than has the farmer'.' was
given. The affirmative side was
supported 4r, Miss Vera. ::Reywobd
and Miss •Mae 41arke5tjae. #cigative
side:by MrccI-loyace apalbridge and
Mr. AlvinPy. Th&lluclged Mrs„ J.
Brock, Miss McKellar and Mr. Liv-
ingstone gave their decision in fav-
or of the affirmative.
A quiet wedding took place •in
Christ Church Cathedral, Hamilton,
when Eva Bernice Billington, of
Peterboro, was united in marriage to
Wilfred Jefferson Dow, of Stratford
son of Mr. and Mrs. Simmon Dow of
Cromarty." Rev. W. B. Broughall per-
formed the eeremony. Mr. and Mrs.
• Dow will make their home in Strat-
1VIrs. A. Robertson has returned
home after visiting for a year Nvith
friends in the West alai) at Toronto
and other plaoes. She spent the
wintee with her daughter, Mrs Chit -
tie, of Granton.
Miss Mary McKellar spent Easter
weak with her sister Mrs, Sallies
Barbour who is ill in St. .ToSeph'sr
Hospital, London,
Mrs. S. Ttobertson left recently to
spend; the snit/trier visiting friends
in the West.
We are pleased to see Mr. Sohn
Scott is able to be around again
• after a severe attack of sciatica.
lWlss.1Viildred Routly, of USborrte
spent the week-ead With her cousin
Miss Mary Allen And other friends
at Croinarty,
The coancil ofq the TownshiP of
Stephen cOnvened in the town hall,
Crediton, on Monday, April 5th, 1026
at 1 p.m. 'All members were pre-
sent. Minutes of previous meeting
were read and adopted.
The clerk ,informed the council
that he had given due notice to the
trustees ef school section's Nos. 6
and 11 in reference to the applica-
tion of Mrs. Josephine Dietrick to
have herlands taken from S. S. No.
6 and added to S. S. No. 11. After
hearing the •representative for Mrs.
Dietaieh and the trustees present, it
was moved by Mr. Goetz, seconded
by Mr. Hayes: "That the prayer of
the petitioner Mrs. Josephine Diet-
rich be granted and that a by-law be
passed, altering the boundaries of S.
S. Nos. 6 and 11 so that lot number
18 in ,the 12th concession of the
Township . of Stephen be assessed to
S. S. No. 11 instead of S. S. No. 6.
Moved by Mr. Tetreau, seconded
by Mr. Mawhinney: "That by-law
No. 342 being a by-law to alter the
boutdaries of S. S. Nos. 6 and 11
laving beep. read three times be pas-
sed and sieed by the Reeve- and
Clerk and the seal of the Corpora-
tion attached thereto." Carried
Mr. I. R. Carling -waited on the
council in reference to an accident
Mrs. Mollard had onathe 4th and 5th
concessions in November last.
'Moved by arr.. Goetz, seconded by
Mr. Hayes: "That in reference to
• the claim of Mrs. Vinetta Mollard
as presented by her solicitor for
damages caused by her car slipping
off -the road, be it resolved that no
action be taken in the matter and
that the clerk forward a notice to
Mrs. Mollard's solicitor to that ef-
fect." Carried.
The clerk informed the council
that in accordance with the request
of the, public meeting held in the
town hall some time ago in referen-
ce to the Bill re: Township School
Boards, before' the Ontario Legisla-
tire, he had mailed copies of the re-
solution passed at said meeting to
the Minister of Education and Mr.
Nelson Trewartha, 1VI.P.P. As the
Bill had been withdrawn and the
order discharged he Considered it
Would not be necessary for him te
attend the convention held in Toron-
to commencing on the 6'th of April
and therefore did not intend to go
to Toronto to which the council
agreed. •'
Moved by Mr. Hayes, seconded by
Mr. Goetz: "That the clerk write
Mr. G. A. 1VIcCubbin, TownShip En-
gineer, that if he considers it ad-
visable or necessary to re -stake the
Walker Drain for the purpose of giv-
ing an estimate of the work requir-
ed to finish the drain according to
plans ,and specifications, he shall' do
rio as soon' aivilf?freatlier ' is 'fearer -
able." Carried. ,•
The following oraere were passed:.
j. 'Williams account re Alma Wil-
liams '819.50 • ilyitro. Power Cog::
account $11.19; Deat Brown, cora r,
8114. TI, 'lar S. Rd. $68.001, DeMoS'
StebbenS, gravel $11..35; Jas. Hod-
gins, grant re statute labor. $78.00;
Herman Powe, removing sitow con.
2 and Fairfield "Rd. $28.00; Kerr,
McNevin & Kerr, sol. fees re county
taxes $15.00; H. Finkbeiner, repair -
plow $14.5* Ed. Fahner, woad for
town hall $47.15. •,
The council adjourned to meet
again in tbe town hall, Crediton, on
Monday, May 3icl, 1926, at 1 p.m.
Henry Either, Clerk
Is. special meeting of the Council
of the Township of Stephen was held
in the Clerk's oftice, Crediton ou
Tuesc142- the 6th of April at 2 p.rn.
at the call of the -Reeve. Absent
Councillor Tetrean,
An application Was read from the
Trustees of Public School Section
No. 10 asking the council to pasS
a by-law to issue debenteres tor the
sum of $4,000 'for a term of ten
years for the .parpose of erecting a
school house and equiping the same.
Moved by Mr. Ilaares, seconded by
MI'. G001,2; "That by-law No. 341
being a by-law to borrow the stun of
$4,000 upon debentures to pay for
the erection f a 00110°1 house and
equiping the same in S. 8, No. 10, �f
the TOWnShip of Stephen, having
been read three times be passed and.
adopted by the Reeve and Clerk and
the „seal of the corporation attaehed
thereto„." Carried, ee„,, k,
-The ,:xneetieVadjeurned tei Meet
at the next regular meeting to be
held 1Vlay ''ard, 1926.
Henry Eilber, Clerk,
Usborne Council
The Municipal 'Council of the
Township of Ushorne met at the
township hall, Elimville, on Satur-
day, April 3rd, pursuant to adjourn-
ment,. All the members .were .pre-
sent with Reeve Reline, in the chair.
The minutes of the meeting of
March 6th were read. and approved
on motion of Skinner -Dew.
Re matter of closing William St.
The delegation appointed at the
March meeting reported that our so-
licitor's advice was that if was ad-
visable to close the street, but that
it was necessary to follow all the
steps prescribe& by the surveyors
and municipal acts in the matter.
Ballantyne -Berry: That the clerk
be instructed to have the necessary
notices printed and posted and in-
serted in the Times -Advocate the
necessary number of times. Carried.
Correspondence—The new sheep
and dog act noted and filed.
In, the matter of a M. 0. H. for
the Township.
The council in appointing a M. 0.
H. regrets the lamented death of
the late Dr., H. K. Hyndman and
evould appoint Dr.'1VI. G. Graham as
•Medical Officer 'of Health .in his
Place On montion of 'Berry -Dew.
• That a -by-law be drafted confirm-
ing the same and that the clerk noti-
fy the" :Provincial Board. of Health.
Skinner -Ballantyne, that two cul-
vert pipes 25 ft. x 12itches be order-
ed. Carried.
Berry -Ballantyne, that the follow-
ing bills be passed and orders issu-
ed for the payment of same, viz:
George Dunn, burying dog 50c.'Wm.
Stone, patrolman, snow work Rd. 9
$3.80 ; John Bern, patrolman, snow
work con 8, $5.10; Gilbert Dow
liVery hire re H. Culvert, $8.00; Do-
minion Rd. Machinery Co., repairs
to grader $10.00. Carried.
Ballantyne, that we adjoarn to
June ist, at 1 p.m.
• ' Henry Strang, Clerk
The undersigned has received in-
structions to sell by public auction
• on MAIN ST., EXETER, en
at 1.36 o'clock sharp the following:
1 rug 1I''1-2 ft. by 13 1-2 ft.;
carpets, 2 bedroom suites, 2 mat-
tresses, 3 set bed spriligs, 2 bedroom
sets, side board, cupboard, 'table,
walnut table, 2 small tables, couch
rockers, pair door curtains, dining
room 'chairs, high chair, baby car-
riage, pictures, mirrors, coal oil
stove, 4 burners; washing machine,
copper boiler, scales 240 lbs., set
single harness, 40 gal. gasoline drum
5 gal gas can, grain bags, , etsilage
fork, scythe, spade, lawn mower,
scoop shvel and other articles too
numerous to mention.
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
— of —
The undersigned has been instruct-
ed to sell by public auction on the
1 1-2 mile North of the Lake Road
071 —
at 1 p.m. sharp the following:
CATTLE—Cow due at time of sale
pure bred Holstein cow due in May,
fresh cow with calf at foot, cow sup-
posed to be in calf, 6 No. 1 year-
PIGS—Pure bred York boar? 9
bacon York sows in pig due in. May,
brood sow with litter at foot, 5
weeks old, 20 stocker pigs weighing
from 160 to 170 lbs, all genuine
bacon type, all Yorks; 15 York pigs
6 weeks old.
Viking cream separator, 600 lbs
capacity, slightly used; 2 cutting
5 months credit :Trill be glien on
furnishing approved joint motes,
with -a discount of 6 per cent,
•straight. off tor eaeh on. . credit
Anlatilate. ••• a., a r ;
Everything advertise&ASY'Fillig
be .sold.r,,
A1JJE'WEBER; 'Aitoticnieer
The amazing feeding process that
„cuts feeding costs in half. By this
method you 'can convert all rbaigh-
ages, such as sweet clover, alfalfa,
corn fodder, cloNer and tithOthy,
millet, etc:, or any of these crops
after they have. been threshed into
a more palatable state and have
stock thrive on one half the amount
of feed Whieh they ordinarily con-
sume& Call at the Massey -Harris
shop and inquire.
• Are you it need of any repairs for
spring? A full line of genuine Mas-
sey -Harris repairs always kept ilk
stock, Plow POintS for all general
purpose plows. Tudhope, Anderson
& Wilkinson agency. We also
handle stable fittings, barn door
track, hay track, garages, 'roofing,
buggies, windmills, washing inachin-
es, punips, etc. We can save you
money on roofing. Let •us quote
Mortgage Sale
, Under and by ,virtne of the pow-
ers oontaiued int ertait mortgage
which will be ProduCed at Unto of
sale, there will be 'offered for sale
by Public auction, on
: Friday, AFRIL 23rd, 1920
at 2.30 o'cloch ha the afternoon at
in the village' of Crediton,, by Frank
Taylor, • auctioneer, , the following
property, namely:
in the county of Middlesex, contain-
ing one hundred acres more or, less.
• On the property is a goed frame
house and bank barn and frame
garage, about 10 acres or hardwood
bush and an orchard, good water,
supply, The land is well drained
and fenced and is convenient to both
Crediton and Parkhill. •'
• Ten ',per cent. of the • purchase'
price at the time of the sale i'and
balance within 30 days. ;,•.
For further particulars and ,aon-
ditions of sale apply to
• Exeter and Hensall '
Solicitors for Mortgagee
'Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain mortgage
which will be produced at time of
the sale, there will be offeredfor
sale by public auction,.un '
SATURDAY, APRIL 17th, 1926
at the hour of 2:30 o'clock in, the
afternoon, at the •• • ,
in the Village of Exeter, by Frank
Taylor, Auctioneeer, the "following
property namely,—
Parts of Lots numbers 24 and 25.
in the first Concession of the Town-
ship of Stephen, now in the Village
of Exeter, containing 53 and 1-2 ac-
res more or less. „
The land is well situated near Ex-
eter Station and immediately • nerth
of the Salt Well. On the property is
a good bank barn and the land is
well fenced and drained and in
condition for crops..
Ten per cent. of the purchase mot-
ey to be paid down at the time of
sale, balance within 30 days.
For further particulars and con-
ditions of sale, apply to -
Exeter and Hensall -
Solicitors for Mortgagee
— of —
• The undersigried has received in-
structions to sell by public auction,
on Ann Street, Exeter
at 1.30 p.m. the folloWing:
1 good range, china cabinet,
Stanley piano, brass bed, iron bed,
Wilton 'rug, velvet rug, dresser and
commode, chairs, kitchen t cabinet,
dining room set, davenport, nearly
new, congoleum rug, mats, !dishes,
phonopraph with 20 records, bird
house, washing machine, 6 .dining -
room chairs with leather seats, al-
umium cooking utensils, bedroom
suites, linoleum, upholstered wicker
chairs, cook stove, bureau, bed
springs, mattresses seVing machine,
rocking chair, night chair, feather
tick fable, chain clock, dishes, seal-
ers, lamps, books, carpets, curtains,
boxes, flour can, bedding, cushions,
oil stove, Sellers kitchen • cabinet,
hall stand, 3 chairs, auto :knitter,'
Good Cheer heater, stove, all, steel,
Universal, with water front; .bed-
room suite, lawn mower and other
articles too =nevus to mention:
At the same time and place there
will be offered for sale good houses
and lots on Ann St.
\ TERMS ' •
Household Effects---LCaih
Real Estate—Made known on day
of• sale.
MRS. J. COTTLE, Proprietress
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer •
irotice and in accordance,theieWith.
I)ATED at -Clinton, Qatar:14,4111a 22,
day of March A. D. 1926.
Clinton, Out.
Solicitor'fo'r the said Executor
all persons having,elaims against the
estate of PETER McGREGOR lft'0
the Township of ' Stephen, t
County of Huron, who died on Janu-
ary 5th, 1926, at the Township of
'Stephen, farmer deceased, are re-
qUired to forward their claims dulyr
proven to II. Haber & Sott, of Credie,
ton, on or before the 17th day of:
April, 1926. ,
EN that after the said date the Ad-
ministrator will proceed to distri-
bute the estate having regard onlyr
t0. the claims of which he then, sheik
have notice. • • :,
Dated at Crediton, this 291h day or
March, 1926. •
Administrator k
all ,persons having claims against.
the estate of THOMAS OLVER latee
of the Village of Centralia; in the
County of Huron gentleman; de-
ceased, who died February 21, 1926,
at the Village of Centralia, are re-
quired to forward their claims -duly:
proven to either the undersigned
Executrix or H. Either &,Son, Credi-
ton, on or before the 1.7th day or
April, 1926. ,
,EN that ',after the said date the -
Executrix will proceed to distributer
the estate having regard only to the -
claims of which she then shall have
Dated at Crediten, this 29th day
March, 1926. •
• Centralia:
all persons having claims a:gainst the
estate of JOHN SHARP, late of the -
Township of Stephen, in the County
of Huron, farmer deceased, who' died
on the 17th of February, 1926, at .
the Township of Stephen, are re-
quired to forward their claims duly -
proven to H. Eilber & Son, of Credi-
ton, on or before the 17th day, of
1. .. .
April, 1926.
EN that after the said date ithe Ad-
ministratrix will proceed to distri-
bute the estate having regard only -
to the claims of :which she then shall'
have notice.
Dated at Crediton, this 29th day of
March, 1926. . .
AdministratrIx _ay\
"-R...2., Dashwoo -
1, Farm. foriSale
Containing 100 acres less one ac-
re on which is a school house in the
Township of Usborne, being Lot 6,
Con. 3. The farm is ha a good state
ef„,caltivation, well drained and fere.'
ted with''8 acres sown in fall wheat.
,phin,ty of watek-at all seasons with
Wind' Milt pied Lit Wed supply of w
ter near theAlwelling',.also water in
the stable. The buildings are lime-
tically new and up-to-date, a large
hip -roof bank barn With stabling
coraplete, also good brick' dwellin'g,
and drive shed, hen, house etc. 3
and 1-4 miles from the village of Ex-
eter, in which village is a good mar-
ket as well as a canning factory. .A.
quantity of straw to be sold with
the farm. If not sold the farm will
be rented.
Apply to 'Andrew and William Doig
Jr., R, R. No. 3, Kippen, 'Qat.
all persons having claims against
the estate of JANE McKAY, late of
the Township of Tuckeramith, de-
ceased, who died on or about the
eight day of December, A. D.' 1925,
are required to deliver to W. Bry-
done, Solicitor for John Torrance,
Executor of the said estate, on or
before the 17th day of April A. De
192,6, a full • Statement of their
claims together with particulars
thereef, and the nature of the se-
curities, if any, held by them all
duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
tb.e said last Mentioned date the
said ohn Torranee will proceed to
distribute the estate Of the said de-
eeaSed aniengst the persona, entitled
thereto haling regard only to such
claims as he shall ha-ve receiVed the
all persons having claims again t the
estate of EZRA. WEIN, late of the
Township of Stephen, in the County
of Huron, farmer, deceased who died -
December 30th, 1925, at the Town-
ship of Stephen, are required to for-
ward their claims duly proven to
either the Administrator or H. Eil-
ber & Son, Crediton, on or before
the 17th day of April, 1926.
EN that after the 'said date the Ad-
ministrator will proceed to distri-
bute the estate having regard only
to the claims of which he then haR
have notice.
Dated at Crediton, this 29th d y of
March, 1926. .
Crediton P. O.
all persons having claims against
the estate 'of CHARLES E. WOOD,
late of the village of Exeter, gentle-
man who died April 4, 1926 are re,.
qiiired to forward their claims' dulr
proven to the undersigned on or be-
fore the 3rd day of May, 1926.
EN that after the said date the Ad-
ministrator will proceed , to distri-
bute the estate having regard only
to the claims of which' he then shall'
have notice. •• • , •
DATED at Exeter this. 12th of
April, 1926,
• Solicitors for Admini ator
rioticn IS RES BY GIVEN that
'all ,persons :having ,Oladms against
the estate of CAROLINE L. EARL,
late of the Township of Ueborne,
who died Mareh 30th, 1926, are re-
quired' to forward their claims duly
proven to the undersigned on or be-
fore the 3rd day .of May, 1926.
EN that after the said date the Exe-
cutor will proceed to distribute the -
estate having regard only to the
claims of which he then shall have
notice. , '
DATED at Exeter this 12th of
April, 192d, •
• Solicitors for Executor'
all persons having claims against
the estate of JOHN` TAYLOR,. lata
of the Township of Hay, fariner
who died on A-pril 2nd, 1926, are re-
quired to forward their claims duly
proven to the undersigned, on or be-
fore the 3rd clay of, 1V1ay, 1926.
EN that after the said date th.e Ilxe-
cuter will proceed to distribute the
hatate haViiig regard otly to the
claims ef which he then shall have\
DATED, at Exeter this 12th of
April, 1926,
Solicitors for Executor