HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-4-15, Page 3„IV
HetSO Bad
Nerves Bad
onidet :Sleep
pri0e, 9atv weltes:—"I hese been 00
greatly benefited by using MIIbuidies
Heart mid Nerve pills 1 fedi that I
write you to tell yea how graee-
el I ain. for your splendid. remedy.
ISily heart has be bad for the at
flee years, und my uerves in slich a
state 1 could not sleep aeght.
I MIS tiraa afl tba 0110) ray appetite
was poor, and I had no courage to ao
anything, ana did not ore whether I
died or not, so one day I told my hus-
band that I was going to stop dostort
ine, as I might as well be dead as the
' wee I was, and that I would be better
Oh.l eo one Itnows what I suffered.
from my nerves, as I was afraid of
every noise and my heart would.
'jump ' at every sound.
All the remedies, and doctors, I had
tried did me no good, until One day
friced told sne about Beilburn
i-leart and Nerve l'ille_and after.tak-e
'leg the erst box I could see chenge,
and after taking six,- ant now com-
pletely rid of my troubles. •
feel that if it had not been for
par Pills I would have been dead an
buried, hy new."
IL and N, Pills are put up only by
The T. leilbtirn. Co., Lenited, Toronto,
Ont. grapesp
Tevo "of the Male teepee to eoesider
when Pleeting fenite and -Vegetables en
the home gei•dea are quality and etei-
sen. Produclivenees and color ere not
so important in these oducts if
grown for sole. Hardinese in fruits
ie isf coulee, of great impoetame.
Strawberries—There have been few
outstanding new verieties of etraere
berries introduced in recent years, and
the main depend -mice is -still on each
well known sorts of good quality al
'Senates. Dunlap, Parsons Beauty and
Glee Mary. Of newer varieties, the
Portia, originated by the Doratniori
Experimental Farms, is one of the
best, being an exoellent variety beth
for "eating raw and tanning, Delicious,
Willsed, and Vanguard are well tvorth
a test for home use, .
Raspberries—There ate seeseal new
varieties of red respberries which
should be mentioned. Brighton is a
hardy early sort, which is one of the
best to open the raspberry season.
Newman is a hardy estriety, bearing
large fruit of good quality, especially.
valuables eel. canning. Viking is an-
other of good quality and vigorous
censtitution, which is very promising.
Latham, , a Minnesota variety, bears
very large fruit, but the quelity is not
so good as sonie others. None of these,
hoesever, serPasses the Herbert for
hozrie use, a well known reliable hardy
e•ariety oe geed quality.
Grapes—The older earieties of
are still the opular ones and
• it is Only in pails of Canada where
re necessary in
eaeller than the Cepeehageii Market
' and etherwisedits geddeise thee,varietY.
The Easy Blanching ce.erysan 9 ”
den Plume, smeetlines knoeve as Won-
derful, are two,goed varietie$ of COM-
A . • •
Peratively reeent introductien. Ane
long varieties of corn, the new early,
eorts introduced by the liortieelturel
Division, Ottawa, have 'proved very
valuable. - Pickaninny and Early Mal -
Dry Rot in Gladiolus.
Dry rot is a disease which is likely
cause considerable loss in the
gladiolus, eh., P. L. Drayton, Plant
• rathologest at the Central Experi-
mental Farm, has been making in-
vestigations into its cause and extent. ed in New 'York State, is very promis-
It has been found in shipments from ing., Some of the best of the older
Belland and therefore inuxrters are varieties for >Nue use are: Winchell
advised to inspect their importations
earlyripening sorts a
colin are two of the best tested of these
early sorts, but the }tenting, an early
• yelfew varlet, is v promising. No
new varieties' of cauliflowers, lettutted
onions, or radigh of greater merit than
the older ones have beep inti•oduced
in decent years. The muskmelon
known as Heart a Gold is an• int-
provehient on the ordinary type ofe
IHoodoo. Among the Manir neW VRV-
ietiee of peas introduced in recent
years, the Lincoln is one of the most
outstanding. A good new variety of
rhubarb now an the market is the
Macdonald, and Ruby, originated in
,tb,e Horticultural Dielsio-n, and being
/ widely tested, is a good one. Victoria
spinach used to be the best variety,
/ but now is surpassedeby King of Den-
enaric, wlech stays in condition longer.
New Zealand spinach which can be
used all summer, is not yet as getter-
tally planted as it simuld be. It must
be a very good new varieey of tomato
' to be better than Bowie Best and
Chalks Early jewee-two of the hest
standard sorts. John Baer, which is
very .similar to them, is. considered
, better by some but there is very little
difference betWeet it and the best
order that they may mature before strains of Bonny Best. Perhaps ie
frost that newer varieties have, so best extra early sort of the Earlitina
far, proved valuable. Sint Ottawa, the type is the Avon Early. There are, as
Early Daisy, a rather small black yet, no new varieties of potatoes to
grape, ripens very regularly, and replace the Irish Cobbler Early Ohio,
should prove good for home use. Port- Early Rose, and Green Mountain, and
land, an early white variety, originate Dooley of the, Rural type, which are
excellent sorts for the home garden.
Canada's Dairy Production.
(Green Mountain), Moore's • Early,
carefully. Gladioli have greatly in- Brighton, Delaware, Lindtey, Aga -
creased in popularity in recent years, wam, Verg,enees, Niagara, Concord.
a fact that is proven by the increase Plums—The European or Domestic
in the number of growers in Ontario plums have been under cultivation so
alone fr.= two or three in 1920 issu- long that it is rarely that a new var-
ing catalogues to IS or 20 in 1945. In iety appears that is any better than
dealing with symptoms of Ihe disease, those already cultivated, but, • when
Mr. Drayton gays thatep:anta that
ultimately become affected grow with- plistns a this type ean be made hardier
by crossing with other species, there
tout external symptoms for sie or eight
weeks,' then the leaves of the Plant in will be a. great probability that new
grout% in the rows turn yellew and sorts of rnerit will be originated and
made available. There is none of these
later become leroevn and dry. At this
stage the stem bends, decays at the Japanese
at present, bet,' hi the crossing of the
plum and the American,
surface of the soil and nunterons small
hardened septa are found at base of
' ethe leaf sheath:
AiA ' f
As to measures o eontrol, Me,
' Drayton points out that areas where
the disease has been found must be
as the fungus which causes it
lives there for years. Corms having
infected spots should not be planted
ing varieties of pears of recent intro -
and to make sure that they are
duction. Many plant breeders are,
healthy the corm scales should be re-
puting however, at work, and it is expected
*moved just before planting.
that before many years are over some
the growing season, when cultivation
hardier and more blight resistant
There was an increased production
last year of 1,769,846 lbs. el butter
and 18,361,364 lbs. of cheese in Can -
tele compared with that of the prev-
ious year. All the pretences excepting
Ontario, which was atationam and
Alberta, which shows a, degrease of
12.8 per cent. show an increase in but-
ter, Saskatehewan taking the lead
with 17.7 per cent. of an increase. ',In
cheese Prince Edward Island shows a
decrease of 2.4 per cent. and Alberta ED BY Bi• RT ' doubt of the goodness and justice of
and the suggestion that some -
19.9 per cent. the other provinces A charming colorful expression of God
show an increase, Quebec of 33.4 per printed silk, in conjunction with thing very good and very desirable is
•-elybrids have been obtained of great teM b f 28.3 r cent., Sas- Plain contrasting color, is portrayed being withheld. Then one eats and
value as the quality of the best of the katchewan of '70.2 per cent., NeW in this simple straightline frock. It is tern.Pts- the ether to e same iso -
Oh My Head! 'LESS.0,
...How .:.Ach.es:"..- .
Qaca the beret erearts to tithe end,
pate yeti, may refit tkaanri'd that Pp
eauSe' 4,"entes Seale. •ttia stenuiele liver
or bowels, and the egiese inust e re.
moved before pent relief eau
be had.
There is no better remedy ea the
market to -day for the relief of had.
abs of all ideas aud of every dee.
ertptioe 'thee
It removes ,the cause of the bead -
and irith the es use removed you
not be troubled azie' more,
Put up or the past 4:ears y * quenees of elite -It vras quite evident y g
---- taken as a literal and detailed histery.
The details are to hies ymbols of
April 18 The, BegInnin of' 'Uhl.
, 0 fl
IAg_eldanii-444.11 drdseeneisTeeelet--oehorristasshairi
' '
all be rnede alive ---1 Oer lel AZ .
' ANALYSIS. ;eve found them. ebe most oonvement
I:USA esevirseertoe, 1-6. reetine of introdueing unceeked freels
In the menu. Silica they usually -pee
II,. Tile SIN, 61 1. „ eiede from fruite and vegetables they
411. Tree J GuCIKENT AND PENALTY, ti -ea. are g, heineee le, the airmen Whieh
Sala& are Wehelly of a place in
every dines)* arid - I alwaYe
INTRODU'VION--le this ehaptei. otherests,e meths ee, too heavy en aes
have an.aceoune of the temPtation ,.de,,ssotztft. A
1-6), the sinful act (vs. (, 7), the disi el)" meats, fatty 400es and Sweet
vine jade:merit and penalty (vs, 8-19),
and other incidents of the primitive' Most %Oath; furnish vitamins and,
story, includ4ng the expulsion from the mineral e as well as ether ingredients
gerden, vs. 20-24. It is a continuation which are needed for goodliealthr. As
of the second story of creationwhieh. examples of some of the creations of
begins in chapter two, v. 4, and 41,1 my kitchen I offer therecipes
apparently, from the hand of. the sera*
laitephr•oeioe Tillie Hebrew' Writer, matt riderTN4ss sALAD,
o het c understanding and vision, Through the food chopper force tine
usethethhee afitgtienrntaRntolindeivrothnentg:rden, small carrot which has been washed
and arid scraped, one-fourth green pepper
the trees, and tbe serpent, to coneeY froze. which the s,eeds have teen re,
profoundly true lessons regarding man
moved and two slices of onion. Mix
and. rharaeter of sin, end the (wise- with ono and one-hulf eups of shred -
T, Milburn So., Limited, oronto, Ont. not hie intention that: it should lae bage leaves with Cream Salad Dress-
ded calab e Serve in nests of cab -
ea his relation bo God, and the °right /
7 b T 1
man's spiritual history: t e garden • °mks' sALA-13 na2ssn".
his state of primitive innocence in a - Place in a small Wei six table -
life like that af the animate about him, spoOns heavy meant, two tablespoons
the inbreathing by God of the -breath
of life, his spiritual nature, the treeS enrrand jeller or other tart jellY, two
teaspoons lemon juice, one-half tea -
of life the favor of and coeurtunion •
gorsd and evil the law of God through Per and a <sash et paptilta.
Beat until
with God, the tree a the knowledge a aPc'°n sugar/ one-eighth teasP°°n• pep'
obedience to which that spiritual na- stiff-
ture would be rightly and normally sInZINGTIME SALAD.
developed. The serpent represents the
Stir together one cup ehredded cab -
_power of temptation acting through •
the , appetites and • paspions of the bage, one cup apple, cut in strips, one -
lower or animal nature, and the heidt- foerth cup nut meats and sufficient
age of pain and, toil which farts to the/ •salad dressing to moieten. Serve in
human. lot becomes a significant figure cabbage meth or in red apples bailee,-
odfi ethh,edievil consequences of the sin of maize cups. s a garnish use
ed out toA
s e mice. Fin 1 banishment 1 tiny
a let, strips of apple from which the
from the garden and ex I i from
skin has not been removed.
ual &lath which redillts from dmo-
c us on
_rem SALAD.
the tree of life symbolizes that spirit- red
bedience to God's -law, -which is the
Cut in cubes two slices of canned
law of man's true life, and alienation
from God who is the source and stay PialeaPPle/ twelve dates, one orange
of that life. Compare Ps. 30:5; Prov. which has been pared and freed from
S:18; 8: 35, 36; 11:30; Rev. 2:7 and the membrane). Add three-fourths cup
The .serpent, v. 1, is a part of God's
creation and is not to be thought of
as in itself an evil thing. Here, how-
ever, it becomes the symbol of tempta-
tion, that is of the assertion of the
lower part of man's nature as against
the higher or spiritual part. The ap-
petite craves for the luscious fruit
which the law of God forbids. The
higher nature, the will, which should
have been disposed to obedience, dal -
with the temptation, indulges the
desire by looking, then entertains
brids is better than the American Brunswick of 18.1 pee ,,cent., Ontario cum Of those we,arable styles with trim hedrence•
f 8 t 111
' 1 1 be- Of the' triit, v. 2. In Luther's "Table
seeded white grapes or mauled white
cherries and one ,sliced banana. Mix
thoroughly and serve with Fluffy
„ OLS.
Selad Dressingt .Sprinkle With •eel?-
rika before shrtriege '
eenert sALAD- DRESSING.' '
• In the upper part of a double boiler
heat the following ingredients; (Met
fourth cup . pineapple•juice, one-
fourth cup orange juiee, tete and onee
half tableepoons leutou juice and one,
eighth teaspoon sale Beet the yonce
of two ems until light, gradually add-
ing' two and one-half tablespoons
sugar. Stir into the mixture hi the
double botler and -continue stirring
instil it is thick and smooth, Beat the
whites of two eggs until stiff and to
them add three -tablespoons sugar,
Just before removing from the ere
fold the egg whites into the sated
Select three or four cabbage leaves
to fit inside salad plate. Lay one
on top of the other and then, with a
sharp knife, cut into tiny squares. In
the centre arrange a astound of cooked
'vegetables which have been chilled,
Carrots, beets and potatoes mit in bits,
green peas, lima helms and butter
beans cut in strips may be used. Serve
with beiied or French salad dressing.
Carefully wash tweety-ilve large
prune- Cover with cold water arid
soak six hours, or over night. Cook
slowly until -very plump and tender.
This usually 'requires about twenty
minutes. Remove the stones and fill
thee cavities with this salad mixterei
Chop one-half cup celery or cabbage
and mix with one-fourth cup finely '
cut nut xneatet, four green olives, chop-
ped fine, and one orange cut in sec-,
them and thee in small pierres. Moles -
ten With Fruit Salad Dressing,
Mix one-half cup cottage cheese
with one-third cup cream. Season weR
with salt and paprika. To this add
two teaspoons raspberry or straw-
berry jam and stir in two tablespoons
of lemon juice.
life, the weary toil et men, not evil or
the fruit of evil in themselves, are
made to represent as ht a figure, the
degradation, the burden, • and the
trouble whith sin causes.
The promise to the woman, however
(v. 15), that her seed shall bruise the
serpent's head, is a promise of ulti-
mate victory. The better, the true
human nature shall yet triumph. The
spirit of zna.n shall yet have, control.
-This pronuee hes been rightycalled
the "Protevarigele' the first gospel,
fulfilled in the triumphant life of the
Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of sin -
curse man.
rig : T
th s I -low rich •
and the varieties are hardier than the , o . per cert ., u t
'Japanese. Among the best of these 2.3 per cent., and Nova Scotia ofe per coming to women of generous proper- a Go'd is our Gocit He gives enough.1
are the Wa.neta, Kahinta, Emerald, cent. These figures are taken from a tents. The wide, unbelted front and But we do not heed this. He gave
Omaha, and Elliott. recent issue of the News Letter pub- back panels help to retain the slender Adam the whole world; that was no-
ilh ette 'inc cceler Is of the C011- thing Ile was only concerned about
An April Egg' Party.
Why not have an egg party from
five- ;Until eight in the evening, some
school dee when there will be no les -
se s to do at night? I am in full
a passage Ree.111" .
• . the Dominion Dairy and Cold
Pearn ‘There are no new outstand- lished by
Branch. The Commiesioner
requeets all cheese factories and
creameries to send in statements an -
s ou .
vertible type, and may be went high
or low. No. 1042 is in sizes 42, 44, 46,
48 and 50 inches bust. Size 44 bust
rinds in, and prizes should be awarded
the one who finds most and the one
who finds fevrest.
Supper should follow the egg hunt.
Decorate the table with bunnies and
An omelet served_with light, fluffy,
mashed 'potatoes would carry out the
egg idea.. It seems to rue that there
should be creamed carrots, or a lettuce
salad with it; also, plenty of milk to
drink, and rolls or bread arid butter..
Marble cake for dessert, with jelly
eggs dotted round its weete-fxosted-
top, so that one wilt go with
piece. 1,1
After supper let the children play,
"funny bunny" while you make opough
room in the kitchen for the egg boil-
eg.ge ng and coloring. The funny bunny,
the one tree; he had to ask why God sympathy with sua piety,
had forbidden him to eat of it. So it you must explain to them, doesn't
a'plenty and bunnies galore.
is to -day. In his revealed word God
h t 1 W 1 Invitation cards cut like big bunnies wear his ears ell the time, and he
has given us enoug o earn. e ea.ve
- 0 'f 0' • 4. ways has lots of extra ears. When Es
nually of their production to him at requires 4% yards 40 -inch for dress
'that alone and search into his secret
Ottawa. for compilation and publica_ aa of one material; or 1% yards 36- will, and yet we fail to learn it. It
inch plain material for front and backservesas right if we perish througlt
panels, and 3% yards figured, for such conduces, A rebuke to the false
'dress as illustrated. Price 20c, intellectualism of his, and perhaps also
Every woman's desire is to achieve; ofourtviemed.ie, v. s. The sequel
thateemart different appearance which '
ate, but did not immediately
draws favorable comment from the ob- that they
I die. The meaning can hardly be that
serving public. The designs illustrat-
thete lost some primitive gift of int -
ed in our new Fashion Book are °rig- 'mortality (Rom. 5:12-21), for there is
inated in the heart of the style centres , in the story 'no sugestion of that. It Are waiting you at my house,
and will help you to acquire that much:seems more likely that the writer, a
desired air, of individuality. Price of :Hebrew prophet, is thinking of the If with us all you'll meet.
loss of that life of childlike innocence April — from five until eight
and communion with God welds is You'll want eggs of all kind*, of
symbolized by the tr,arden and its course. If you use many, start to beow
or, flower cutting is eing one, a tion in the News Letter.
sharp look out should be kept for all varieties will be introduced.
plants showing the first symptom of Peaches—The Experimental Sta-
the trouble—a leaf yellowieg. Plants' tion, Vineland, Ont., has done much Beneficial Effect of Grading.
that are found to be affecterl should be Work in the breeding of new varieties •There is abundance • of •
evidence that
• :-
removed and destroyed. The Bur_ 'Of peaches, and several new sorts are
the system a grading adopted in Can.-
reunding soil should also be taken being intradluced RS a result of the ada is having a beeeficial effect. To
'away so as to prevent further con- work of this Station. • this fact, Dr. J. A. Ruddick, Dominion
aninatice. It is also advised as a APPles—There haVe been several Dairy and Cold Storage Commissioner,
°utile safeguard, to soak corms, even new apples introduced in recent years 'bears testimony. He further says that
though they appear to be healthy, in a especially valuable for the home gar- improvement, in marketing' conditions
five...percent. solution of formalin for den. The Melba apple, nitroduced by
- has also aided in raising theetatus of
half an hour. -
the Dominion Experimental Farms, is butter and cheese. As regards butter,
a very important addition. This is a heedeclares that nowhere is the ins-
summerr.variety as goad as mantash prevenient in quality more noticeable
Children's Parties.• in quality, which should take the elate than M Ontario. Under the old con -
of the Duchess of Oldenburg in the ditions before grading was establish_
Cook any good fudge mixture. When home gar -den. The Rupert apple, also ed continues Dr. Ruddick, exporters
taken from the fire, dip into it any introthiced by the Dominion Experi- were not always too careful of the
small round crackers, Place these in mental Farms, is 'somewhat like Yel- quality of the different lots vAth which
a cool place on Waxed paper. .They low TranspaAntein appearance, but is they filled orders for "finest" cheese or
are delicious with ice cream. better in quality than that variety butter. With the grades marled on
Children also- enjoy seeing their and a little earlier. There are several thes packages the quality tures out
narries on their little individual cakes varieties better in quality than Weal- more uniformly ag represented. . In
at parties. Paint them on with color- thy to follow the Repert and Melba, recent years grading has greatly ex -
ed frostings and a clean brush. some of the best being Joyce; Petrel, tended end is now applied in the mar-
. Another good recipe is to place Lobo, Pedro, and Patricia: The keting of znany ferns products, include
marshmallows on round thin eraokers. Wealthy should still he planted', how- ing grain, fruit, wool, meats, and eggs
Put thern in a hot oven and brown. ever, especially for cooking, For parts as well as butter and cheese.
--B. tof Canada, where the climate is milder ; • e -
---0—.—__ I than at Ottawa, the Crimson Graven- I
stem, a red sport of Graveesteins is a , Lilies I Have Grown.
egg term wants a pair, he gets some one to
from bright -colored paper and fold
difficult, cut the cards to
rabbit, however crudely, on
them so that one can open the fold and
a large sheet of paper. Cut his ears
write the invitation inside this colored
out separately and put a pin through
egg. You can use this form of invi-
an end of each. Ila.ve as many 611r8
Wien: •
RS guests. Blindfold the children in '
AN APRIL EGG PARTY turn and let each try to put tunny's
Big eggs and little eggs, ears on, just like pinning the tail on
To look at and to eat, the donkey. When you have room
enough, you tan call the guests to the
kitchen for the egg eoloring.
You should have a package or two
of egg dyes, and a box of water -color
paints with several brushes, too. Tiny
Write your name and address plain- fruits. Compare the use of the words these as long as possible before the colored pictures are nice, too, or little
ly, giving number and size of such "live" and "die" in Ezekiel, chaps, 18 party. Gently pierce a hole at either bunny and chicken silhouettes., and
patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in and 33. See also, Ga. 3:11, 12; Eph. v-
end then blow the contents out of the glue to paste them to the eggs. Neither
thimps or coin (coin preferred; wrap 2:1, 2,
larger. This is possible when one is flour paste nor mucilage is likely to
it carefully) for each number, and IL THE Eix, 6, 7,
scrambling eggs, or using them in any work well here. Be sure to allow a
address your order to Pattern Dept., way ie which whole or separate yolks good long boiling period—it is dike).
Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade-
laide et., Toronto. Patterns sent ',y
return mail.
the book 10 cents the copy.
A Pocket Umbrella.
An untbrella that folds into a pack-
age 10 inches. long and two inches in
diameter has been Invented.
She took the fruit, v. 6. The sin lay
in yielding to the sedicitation of the are not necessary. Have as many as pointing as well -as dmastrous to play
flesh as over against the warning voice • • , •
you can spare for boiling hard, too. "upper aig," and find the "aig in
of the spirit. There eould have been
Also have one not -too -large chocolate question soft boiled.
nothing wrong in the desire for thati
rTfhoeo food" tee and "lpelye a isn-
negagme on, if possible—and a lot of jelly the package. Be sure to have plenty
for each child, with his or her Full directions for dyeing come on
whichantto wtalise4eL "good for
disobedience to the higher law. Such eggs. It has been my experience that of old rags to rub the eggs, and old
wrong we see in our own lives when, the average child will eat an the aloe- .a.prons for the entail guests to wear
we put appetite and ambition and; olate eggs he has, a pretty nearly one while dyeing. The blown eggs may be
pleasure, however right these may be •
si ing unless adult restraint is used
tt• • ' , deoorated 'with the boiled ones, and a
prize or two—perhaps a chocolate
bunny --offered for the guest who
paints, or decorates with pictures, the
It has been figured that a nickel's in themselves, before love, and honor, so I should. guard against that over -
worth of gas wilt separate 8,000 and truth; when we put self-gratific4
dose of sugar by prOviding sma:1 eggs,
pounds of milk, pump 6,000 gallons se tion before the. service of God and of .
f P venen
To avoid having the party under
a teaspoon of peanut butter is ' valuable recent.introductioe, and, fax 1 like lilies and have g The eyes . . were opened, V. rt. The foot while you are getting supper, it most attraetwe eggs.
e rown several water, grind twe_ve buslie.s of feed,
• . shell fifty bushets of corn, cut two
added to powdered sugar frosting, it, winter, the Stirlcirig, a red sport of / kinds in the garden; but orgy three tons of ensilage, churn 400 potinds .t4
opening of the eyes aptle symbolizes' would be better to start it with an egg .
wakening of eseedente. So News,' hunt If jelly eggs are hidden in all A cement that will dry in. ten or
makes a delightful hurry -up filling for , Dellcious, and Goiden Delicioes. are / that I really can say are satisfactory
butter or bare a ton of hate . man says, "They lostEden, aria they sorts of places, and through as many
a cake, two of very fine quality, as 35 RAO t� the full extent I have expected. The .
• gained a conscience.", The innocence eyelet; s.s yott wish to allow, the chil-
i Niobe, and Lawfam, the two latter candidum is my 'favor•ite. It is. a orehildhood was .g one, and shame and d t ill have lots of fun in Searching
h• k d ear these Each child should be iven
T 0 ad Cold of To.;day fear came in its place. No doubt the trn v
introduced by the Dominion Experi- , pure -white ley that blooms from Juno! h 0
Women. With
mental Fantle,
twelie hours and be as hard as stone,
is made by mixing. up erdinaryteement,
using waterglass instead of water.
This cerrient can be used satisfactorily,
Weak Kidneys
varsetes of goeseberries, lc axe is straight and stands erect, with the
• , e h, • , , MavlBeSellous Tomorrow P
conscience. inl lies would, have been a r ----------------------. t hp even in freezeng weather. ,
1 01110101.M......11111010,..1.1.4!
meta ma y
,Goosebeeriee.—Some of the new' er the locality. The stem of this varietY
• reached, but more Slowly, by the, way —
S�uld Utio
to the e o .y, eaccer ing o
ho cold we start with a little ran- of obedience. It ie a familiar fact ofl
supertoe to Downing in size are: Poor- ' flowers serrounding the top, as -many
• stu ed up, but little attettfion is paul more rapid The eh rnore
; very Prodectiee variety, but little dif- My next choice is the speciosurn, and • • •
man Clark and Silvia. Mabel is a as, a dozen, sometimes, on old bulbs.1 z"e
Jig of the mai, the head ,ebeeoraF. life that the unhealthy' growth is the
ild ages
h ' •
ferent in size from Downing. , there are three varieties of these I •away in 'a day or two, You neglect it,
to thinking perhap will Pass boy useally knows much more of life's.
Currantse-There are no very new / have grown—the rubruni, desere, and mid then it gets down bile the throat quickly it ways of sin, and thnd evil than the healthy, nore e badi
There was once a fire and an iciole.i the point at the iciele's astonished
good a
better titan the older ones, but the Per- pare white in the album. to white with comes a case of etohughling 'mornia Irt,1,1,11' rig 1 min
f h' ,1 The fire had its use, arid the icicle self, ,Apd right after that another.
• "Dear me. I am beginning to
, varieties Of red currants, which are; melpomene, varying in shade /rem
faction, thoug,h introduced.quite a few I a wide stripe of "deep wine -red down 9. had its p.ace. The 'fire burned, some -
nom mid night. ' THE Tin-01MM AND PENALTY,
brightly—for it had a bit of
SYeale age, is not as well known As it • the midle,of each petal and red snots However slight a told you have you Hast Guilt entre v. 11. With the' tunes
shoule •
never negleet it, for if you at, mmi.,8 Confession of his sin there ap- the senshine in its heatte-and some-
, might be. It is one of the best. Am -Ion the white ground in the rubrum.
, No wpreen ean be strong and healthy ties, Saunders, Magnus, Climax, and , tiger illy—liaedy and rugged as an
unless her kidneys are well, and 'nine Kerry are al excellent for home use. oak and beaetifte at that.—A. IL
times out of ten the kidneys ere to I Vegetablos—There- have been see.
Mame for the weak lame and aching , e.ral new varietiee of veg'etableo intro -
back from, which sho suffers so mech. .
ducect ie recent 'steers, which shotdd be
When you led your kidneys Out of ps.anted in preference, or; in additien,
Order, when Yellr bnek 40,1" and Pains to the older sorts. Dealing. with the for iteele inside of two years by saving
and gives you endless •nesery, all yet vegetables 'alphabetically, the Mary about ote-third of the corn I give my
y Concrete flog Floor.
y coterete, hog -feeding floor paid
have to do is tees a few oee o
ptan,a xidney pins and you win And Washingtoreesparague is more viger-
that, tho aches anci, pains will vanish, "S and freer from disease than the
and eako you teethe and happy and ceder varieties. In beans, beets and
able to enjoy lifo to the uttiost. carrots, there 18 nothing very new that
hogs while they are on full feed. I
built the floor myself after I found
that unless the ground was frozen.
hard most of .the tore that spilled out
JIM deuegesse „„a aeteer,, eenet . e er an . of the :feeder wait trampled into the
thom, pat ap only by The T. Milbure den Acre cabbage is an earlY sort, the ground before the hogs could pick
Limited, Teronto, Ont. best strains, • of which aie a little it up.—C. C.
melt!" saki the icicle. "And just as,,
he said that, he felt a warmth spread-
ing all throtigh him. And his heart
it is just possible that it will develop rcars his desire to excuse imse. Ie times ovv. .was , e
cold, that had been frozen so long just gave
into ' ,bronchitis, pneumonia, or some puts the blame teem the women, and and hung motiomess; WAS Ilozen way all at once—and the icicle --the
other serious throat or Meg trouble.- she acceses the serpent. Again the and as hard as stone end in its heart icicle had turned to a little stream of
• • ' I
•' ong black currants, the newer varle- Theother favorite is the old-fashioned
Or; Wood's
is at universal remedy for all those
who suffer from any ;tone of bronchial
trouble, as it etiniulates the weakened
• orgasm, soothes tied heals the irriteted
earts, loosens the phlegm and seucoue,
and aids nature to sleet *wee the
morbid reetratiletiorla
story rings tette to the weaknesses of it critieized the flre.
•'weter, dropping, and , eurving, and
our human nature. The fear inspired '11 eh lege it " thought the 11
by a guilty come -owe appears in their , . wet- sPtelk rtle and singing.
tee flro tint bu.rned on, "It must have been the heat," it
hiding themselves -from God, "In the leidle. s seet
and said nothing, and its light and thought, settling near the ,pleasant
'ewe (lit, wind), of the day" they her
e his veice. The rustling f the leaves
;in the everting weld, When the night
'shadows fell, is full of terror. Then
cowardice appears in the effort to shift
the blurts upon ethers. The uniove.
liness of sin is, skilfully -portrayed.
1 In what follows the symbolism of
• i
the story s- very clearly seen. The
prostrate writhing loan of the set -
heat' filled the stir, even reaching the Werrah Of the fire a contented little
"I tin beginning to feel queer," And just then a few drops that had
said the Miele. "I never felt so before. strayed very mar rose up it a lite
Somethirtg strange is happening," curl of cloud to tide away irito space.
And looking down, whet do you think "How ltappy I eta," staid the icicle.
i1 saw? .A little drop of water, gather- tut the fire said nothing. It just
ing itself together iyt a little round burned on, with a bit of the sunehitte
1 pent, the part meident to woman's shinirig Sphere ised jute dropping el itt its liestre