The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-4-8, Page 4x'tr1ll.ii1
APRStt4, 1920
dis visiting
in Vix's. ,Coddspee g
Sarnia, •
Mr. L Shier, of Newbury,. spent
.the 'wok-entt with friends in town.
Mr. and, Mrs. Robt. Homey spent
the forepart of the week in.
Gods -
'Mrs. John Walper, street,
is seriously ill suffering from pneu-
Mies Amy Johns, of Bartonville,
is visiting her parents, Mr. axil Mrs.
W. Johns.
'Mr, Wm. Street, of J3artouville,
spent', the week -end at the home Of
IVir. and Aire. W. Johns.
1Viiss Edna Pfaff., school teacher
at Shipka, is spending the holidays
under the parental roof.
Mr. S. Charley and Mr, T. Cousins
liave returned home after spending
a few days with Mrs. A. Cottle.
Mfr. Lloyd Parsons underwent an
operation on Tuesday for the re-
moval of his adenoids and tonsils.
Mr. J. W. Hogarth, who is teach-
ing school at Matheson, is spending
the Easter vacation visiting with re-
latives and renewing acquaintances
in Exeter.
Mr. Harold Kuntz, of Windsor,
visited under the parental roof over
Easter. He motored back in his
Chevrolet coupe which has been here
all winter.
day with the fornier's aunt, Mrs,
Jos. Sutton of town incl took back
to spend the Easter holidays. Joe,
Mrs. Jack Ferguson, of Forest,'
spent Good Friday with 'Miss Beat-
rice Howey,
"Miss Ferrol Higgins is to assist
St. James', l.nglica•n church choir,
London, in Good Friday services,',
taking soprano solo parts in "The
Prodigal •San," Sullivan, and "Come
Ye Blessed," Scott: '--Clinton News -
Mr. W. Harness has rented the
old Dominion store building and will
transfer his grocery business from
the former: Advocate building to the
new stand' this week. ` He has also
rented the .residence of Mr. P. Horn.
on Carlingstreet.
Mr. ptoses Amy reoeived word,
from his brother Toseph that he will
enter ,the Hospital this week for a
six weeks'. rest. Anyone wishing to
communicate with him about cattle
or „other business can write to Vic-
toria Hospital. London.
At the close of the service at
Coven Presbyterian church on Sun-
day evening, the orchestra, under
the leadership. of Mr. Harry Gidiey,
gave 'a •half hour concert of sacred
Selections, which was greatly ap-
preciated. ` •:The numbers were well
chosen and rendered in a manner
which` proved that Caven Sunday
School has an orchestra of unusual
merit. Rev, Mr. Foote had given
an inspiring' address on "Music
linking the' mortal and immortal,"
and the choir 'had sung in their us-
ual capable -manner selections from
an Easter cantata,
Mr. Moses Amy received word
that his brother Wellington, of
Crandell, Man., is in Brandon hos-
pital, and may have to undergo an
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morley and
little son Francis Kenneth, of
Stratford, spent the. Easter holidays
with the former's mother,
Frank Morley.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coates re-
turned Monday evening from their
honeymoon in Detroit. They will
visit for a few days before leaving
for their home in St. Thomas.
Mrs. G. Hockey and Mrs. F. M.
Boyle left Monday, for Lansing,
Mich., to attend the funeral of their
sister-in-law, Mrs. •Aquilla Sheere,
who died Sunday after an illness of
several months.
Mrs. John Mallett, of London, a
former resident of Exeter, on Tues-
day last underwent an operation at
Victoria Hospital for the removal of
a large internal tumor.
Mr. Archie Davis, of the Times -
Advocate staff, returned to work
Monday after being off for two
weeks through illness. Mr. Lloyd
Foote, who was also off for two
weeks, returned to work Tuesday.
Mr. Borden Cunningham, of Hur-
on College, London, visited here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Cunningham, over the holidays and
assisted in the Easter services at the
Trivitt Memorial 'church on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson and
small son Robert, of the C.N.R. of-
fice staff, London spent Good Fri -
keeper and sonxe friends was 'at d n -
nor when a, passerby noticed that
the. whale roof was in flames, A.
high wind and a. driving' snowstorm
frustrated any attempttA to save the
house, the occupant barely having
time to escape before the roof crash-
ed. The loos is estimated around
$7,000, partly covered by insurance.
Mr. Burns, who has a weak heart,
suffered from the shock.
The Methodist section of the 'W.
M. S. of the Main St. United church
have just closed one of the most sue-
cessful years in their history. Fin-
ancially it has been the best year.
ever. The activities of the year
were fittingly brought to a close by
a union thank offering service held
on Sunday morning, March 28th,
when Mrs. McCrae, of London, ad-
dressed • a large and attentive aud-
ience. Her impressive and heart-
searching discourse.. will be remem-
bered, as she impressed upon her"
hearers the effect of "The Touch of
Jesus," on the lives and hearts of
people. The contributions, which
were for the Presbyterian section as
well as theMethodist section, ,that
day amounted to over $175. -These
sections now become united in their
financial endeavor and start. out
upon the work of the new year un-
der very favorable conditions.
iiaii SPRING OF 1885
Talk about winter lingering in the
lap• of, spring this year, it's not the
only time the old fellow was guilty
of, the ..Same, indiscretion. Below
you will findhis record for 1835 -
March `13; 24.. degrees below zero;
'March. 16;, `132 degrees below zero;
March, .17,. 1.„4 degrees below zero;
March :18,,,.f6 degrees below zero;
March 19,,;115 degrees below zero;
March, 20, ;;22 degrees below zero;
March 23,..23 degrees below zero;
March 24,.,26, degrees below zero;
March .25, 5 degrees below zero;
April 12, excellent sleighing; April
13, 14 and 15, excellent skating and
sleighiig April 22, 76 degrees in
the shade, April 28, heavy fall of
snow; Ma 9th, heavy fall of snow;
March 2:4th•, 2' feet of snow on level.
The' , uric' 'dwelling of Malachi
Burns,; o f ,the 7th concession of Hib-
bert, 'together with its entire ` con-
tents, was'"destroyed by fire during
the steriri of last Thursday night.
Mr Burns -together with his house -
ItdDl)Ul:,"i H Y+A111111Rakx DIES
`i'honias Arlixita8e diet' S,Lddeuly
exx Tiur'Sday ,at hxa home tan. ,4 .
fourth concession of 13iddulph,.
ceased waseri pi'omlrient 'farmer and
had been a ulember of the Township
Commit fur' some years, having
headed, the : polls in January last. He
is sxyivivetl`by his wife, Who was,
Susan Carter, of . McQiliivra'' Town•.
ship, and'..on.e son, Percy, at home;
Mrs. T, D. Hodgins and, Mrs, Chas.
Sproyl, Lucan; Mfrs. Richard Hod:.
gine, Saintsjji'iry Mrs. Willie,* Powe
Exeter, are slaters and Joseph` Armi-
tage, Clandeboye and James Armi-
tage, reeve . of Kincardine are
The Executive of the Auxiliary
and Logie Circle pf:' the . W.M.S. of
the Presbyterian section of the Un-
ited churches of Exeter znet at the
home of Mrs. Hillary Horton on
Monday evening, March 29th. The
reports of the two organizations
were made out for the first three
months of 1926; from January lst
to March 31st. The allocation of
the Auxiliary for the three months
was necessarily one fourth of that
of the previous year or forty-five
dollars. The treasurer reported
that not only had the allocation
been reached but that the contribu-
tions amounted to fifty-seven dollars
and forty-five cents. The Logie
Circle consisting of three members,
did not quite reach, their allocation
for 1925, but for the three months
of 1926 met it exactly, namely forty
dollars. Last May and June respec-
tively the Auxiliary and the Logie
Circle assumed - the obligation of
their respective disbanded societies;
the former has succeeded in going
"over the top," its seven members
bringing their contributions up to
two hundred and forty dollars,
while the Logie Cirle, consisting of
three members, breiht their contri-
butions up to two hundred dollars;
thus .totalling for both societies for
the fifteen months, four hundred
and forty dollars. .A i seperate or-
ganizations these societies now cease
to exist, the members of each join-
ing the missionary organizations of
their- respective churches, thankful
for the privilege of "holding the
line" during the period of readjust-
ment of the missionary field.
_MO Omail
ow corirectib
lowest cost
per dal ot"wear�
Because they conform
to the natural shape of
the foot of the grow-
ing child-
-bent and painful .toes are
impossible_ where Hurlbut's
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The soft, flexible uppers give
Support without 'ha;r:shues s. The
cushici`ii tziner-sole`s-pure, live
lamb's wool, free from ridges or
tacks -provide an easy tread and
perfect ventilation. Children fitted
with Hurlbut's tread with a firm,
elastic step and foot trouble in after
years is prevented.
You can now get
Hurlbut's up to
Size 7 for Grow-
ing Girls and Size
5% for Boys.
9 i�
ibi, %J•�"P �f
le SoAgents
JONES' AY, Exeter Ont.
A. play : that reaches': the Heart
will be given in the
a on -
THURSDAY, AMU. 1UL 15th, y926 0
'-at 8 p.m. sharp:-
Adults 35 cents;ISSIOChildren. under
10 years 25 cents
Mr. Herbert. Fahner, of -Detroit,
was . home for the Easter week -end.
Mr. Roy Wolfe, of Detroit, spent
Easter week -end with his father•and
Miss Lulu Moriock, of Ford City,
is spending the Easter vacation with
her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mor -
lock. .
Mr. Carl "Morlock, who is attend-
ing Western University,` ' London,
spent the week -end at his hoine
Miss Matilda Oestreicher, of Hum-
berstone, is spending Easter :week
with her, parents, mi.. and i\ rs: Her-
man Oestreicher. •
Miss Lydia. Oestreicher, of Wind-
sor is in town for the Easter .vaca-
tion, a guest with her parents, •Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Oestreicher.
Miss Helen McIsaac and Miss Nola
Feist, who are attending the West-
ervelt School, of London, are home
spending Easter holidays with their
Mr. and Mrs." William Nlegartlr
and family o'f Battle Creek have re-
turned home after an enjoyable visit
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Heist.
Miss Melinda Edwards, who has
been visiting for some time wth
friends and relatives in Ingersoll
and London, returned to her home
on Monday.,
Miss Pearl" Haist, nurse -in -train-
ing at Ann ,;Arbor Hospital, Mich.,
has returned,Aafter spending over a
week's holidays with her parents,
Mr, and Mre. Joseph Heist. •
The many friends of Mrs. Jacob
Geiser, are pleased to learn that her
condition, which was very serious
for a time, is gradually improving
and we trust that soon she may re-
gain and enjoy, robust health.
Miss= Inez "It''ahiler and 14frs. Ed-
ward Fahnejaae, the
home of .i1'2r....,and' Mrs. John Mallot
of London. The latter underwent
a critical' operation in 'Victoria hos-
pital on Tuesday morning. She is
progressing favorably at time of
"Working for God, how? when?
why?" is the, gospel subject at the
Evangelical church next Sabbath
morning. At the, evening service
the pastor's message will be on the
theme of "Pure Religion."
The Women's Mission and Aid
Society of the Evangelical church
held their annual business meeting
at the parsonage last Wednesday af-
ternoon. The reports indicated that
a very prosperqns year of service
in kingdom extension. The officers
elected are: Pres., Mrs. W. Y. Dreier
Vice Pres., Mrs. G. K. Brown; Secy.
Mrs. G. E. Wenzel; Treasurers, Mrs.
H. M. Faist and Mrs. Albert Mor -
lock; pianists, Mrs. G. E. Faist and
Mrs. H. K. Eilber; Cor. Secy., Mrs.
Chris. Haist; Missionary Sec., Mrs.
G. K. Brown.
Miss Thelma Lamport left. Mon-
day for Detroit, where she will en-
ter the Grace Hospital training
school. We wish her:. every success.
Haggai and Zachariah-Prophets
of the restoration, eleventh in the
series on Painting of the Prophets,
will be the subject in the United
Church next Sunday evening. Dur-
ing the next . few Sunday evenings
Mr. McTavish will conclude his
study of the Old Testament pro-
The Missionary oratorical contest•
at the Evangelical church on the
evening of, Good. Friday was one of
the Wiest enjoyable;, events•, in the
entire- conference year:. All the con-
testants -did admirably. The audi-
ence was delighted._ The .special
musical numbers by the following
were highly appreciated: anthem by
the choir; two harmonica duetts by
Fred Cunningtorrandi Leonard Wein
solo by Mrs. Gordon Morlock; duet,f
by Mr. and Mrs. Writ. Niergath; solo
by Mrs. W. Niergath; organ solo by
Beatrice Heist. Mr. Fred Feist was
the winner and was awarded a beau-
tiful silver medal. Each of the oth-
er following contestants received ap-
preciative prizes: Beatrice Haist,
Gertrude Heist, Marguerite Lam-
port and Edith Sweitzer. The jud-
ges were Mrs.. Lloyd Hodgins, Cen-
tralia; Mr. M. C. Milliken, Zurich,'
and Mr. W. Niergath, Battle Creek
The Crediton branch of the
Women's Institute met for their
monthly meeting in the . Institute
Hall on Tuesday,afternoon. This
being a "Grandmothers' Meeting"
an appropriate .program was given.
The meeting opened with the pres-
dent, Mrs. C. Zwicker in the chair.
After singing the Institute ode the
23rd psalm was repeated in unison
followed by the singing.. of "Long
Long Ago." The roll was then cal
Ied, after which 'Mrs " W. ( 7ai;k
and Mrs. Jas Woodall sang "§{Iver°
Threads Ainong the Gold," ;'Mrs, .Y.
H. Holtzmairn gave a splendid paper
on "Causes of Unhappy Marriages."
A flowering plant Was presented to
the great grandinether preseriteAfter=
an interesting contest a dainty lunch
was served liy the hristesses in
" The amazing feeding proeesk that
cuts feeding posts in' half, BY this
Method you can convert all rbugh-
ages, such as sweet clover, alfalfa,
corn fodder, cloverand •timothy;
millet, etc., or any of these crops
after they have been threshed into
a more palatable state and have
stock thrive an,,one,lialf the amount
of feed `which they ordinarily eon-
sumed. Call at the Massey -Harris:
shop and inquire.
Are pin in need of any repairs for
spring? A.full` line of genuine Mas-
sey -Harris repairs always kept in
stock. Plow- .pointsforall general
purpose `.plows Tudhope, Anderson
&. Wilkinson' agency, We • alsa
handle stable fittings, barn door
track, hay track, garages, roofing,
buggies?, windmills, washing machin-
es, pumps, etc. We can; save you.
money on. roofing, Bet' us quote
The B & B C. N. R. gang are ov-
erhauling the bridge between Clan-
deboye and Liman Crossing this
Mrs. R. L. Atkinson has returned
'homeafter visitxn'g: relatives in the
Mr eEslie` Hodgson has returned
home .from Detroit.
Mr.• Jos. McRann and W. Lewis
are attending the school convention
in Toronto;' 'this week.
Miss Mabel Hodgson who teaches
school in Toronto, is spending the
Easter holidays with her parents
of thi"s place.
Joseph Armitage is i11 with a se-
vere cold,
• Mrs. Crowhurst left for St. Thom-
as where she has secured a position.
A large •crowd from this town at-
tneded the L. O. L. Dance in Moores-
ville Tuesday evening.
Sleighs, buggies and cars are run-
ning -in this locality. The roads are
.in very poor condition.
The doings of the day are maple
syrup making.
The funeral of Thos. E. Smith,
who died at his home in Clandeboye,
after a lengthy illness, was held at
Mooresville cemetery. The service
was conducted at the house by Rev.
Y. Brown, pastor of the United
church, Lucan, and Clandeboye. Mr.
Smith was a younger son of the late
William Smith, a pioneer of this
section, and his life was spent in
the neighborhood. He is survived
by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. S.
Patterson, of Detroit and one son,
Alvin Smith, also of Detroit; also by
two sisters, Mrs. Aikens, Moores-
ville, and Mrs. Forrester, Moose Jaw
and by two brothers, John of Cen-
tralia and Henry of Sarnia.
The March meeting of the Huron -
dale Womens' Institute was held at
the home of Mrs. Ben Case, the at-
tendance was small owing to the
very bad roads and weather. It was
decided that the cooking sale that
had been planned to be held on•
April 10th be postponed until the
roads are better. The address of the
afternoon was ably given by Rev. G.
M. Chidley on "Scotland and its ear-
ly religious troubles." Miss Hattie
Etherington also gave a good read-
ing. Lunch was served at the close
of the meeting by the committee in
charge. The next meeting will be
held April 28th at the home of Mrs.
L. Reynolds when there will be a
contest in patching.
The barber shop in Centralia,
conducted by Mr. M. Mitchell, has
been closed.
-- of --
The undersigned auctioneer has
been instructed to sell by public
auction, in
- on -
SATURDAY, -APRIL 10th, 1926
at one o'clock sharp the following
• REAL ESTATE -Parcel Nd 1,,
Lots 308, 309, 310 and 311. France
house with kitchen attached, stable
1,4 x 24, good 'well,' north side' Lake
Parcel No:` 8, Lots '84, 851, frame
house, good well, plum and pear
trees, Elizabeth Street,' west side.
Parcel No. 3, Lot 44, frame house
good well and hen house, Elizabeth
stree, east side.
FURNITURE - Kitchen range,
heater, 2 burner coal oil stove, glass
cupboard, kitchen cupboard, drop-
leaf table, 2 small tables, 4 8 -day
clocks, 2 30 -hour clocks, quantity
canned fruit, 18
chairs, lounge, bedsrs,2 springs, 2 *,
single bed, sewing machine, 3
'trunks, 4 lamps, 2 tubs, clothes
basket, boiler, onion seeder and
scuffles combined; wheelbarrow,
cross -cut saw, 2 'buck saws, 2 axes,
block and tackle, bedding,' carpen-
ter tools, empty sealers, wor bench,
shovels, hoes, forks, rakes; 6 mir-
rors, lantern, 5 gallon oil can, quilt-
ing frames, scythe, anvil, 3 chains,
4 barrels, grain bags, sacks, step-
ladder, long• ladder, 4 ' tea kettles
dishes, ,pots, pans and numeroa's
other articles.,. ,
Cash, 'except real estate. 10 per
cent. day of sale, 40 per ,cent • on
May 1st when possession :will be
given.. Balance may ,.remain; on
,mortgage at ' S' per cent; '
OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer
ot e Sl
Uxxdei• andby virtr3q of the pow-
ers d a contained in rtaixx mortgage
f `k�q '
whioli will be produced at time of
sale, those will be offered for sale
by public auction, on
Friday, APRIL 23rd, 1920
at 2,30 o'clock in the afternoon at
in the village of Crediton, by Frank
Taylor, auctioneer, the following
property, namely;
in the county of Middlesex, contain-
ing one hundred acres more or less.
On the property is a good frame
house and bank barn and . frame
gar. ge, about 10 acres or hardwood
busy and an orchard, good water•
supply,. The land is well drained
and fenced and is..convenient to both
Crediton and Parkhill.
Ten per cent. of the purchase
price at the time of the sale and.
balance within 30 days.
For further particulars and con-
ditions of sale apply to
Exeter and Hensall
Solicitors for Mortgagee
Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain mortgage.
which will "be produced at time .of.
the sale, there will be offered for
sale by public auction, on
SATURDAY, APRIL 1701, 1926
at the hour ,of 2:30 o'clock in the
afternoon, at the - E
in the Village of Exeter, 'by, rank
Taylor, Auctioneeer, . the fllowing
property namely,- •
Parts of Lots numbers '24 and 25
in the first Concession of the Town-
ship of Stephen, now in the Village
of Exeter, containing 53 and 1-2 .ac-
res more or less.
The land is well situated near Ex-
eter Station and immediately ' north
of the Salt, Well. Onthe. property is
a good bank barn and the land. is
well fenced and drained and in ,good
condition for crops..
Ten per cent. of the purchase mon-
ey to be paid down at the 'time of
sale, balance within 30 days.
For further particulars -.and con-
ditions of sale, apply to I •'
Exeter and Hensall,
Solicitors for Mortgagee
Farm forkSale
(mired to forward their olailns'; duty.,
Proven to the undersigned on be,,
fore the 12th day of April 192,
EN that after the Said, date the Exe-• ,
cutors will proceed to distribute the,
estate Having regard only to the
claims of which they then shall have
DATED at Exeter this 22nd day
of March 1926.
Solicitors for ExeeutIi.r
Notice to Creditors.
all persons having claims against the
estate of Rebecca Poplestone late of
the village of Exeter, who died on
the 16th day of March 1926, are re-
quired to forward their claim duly,
proven to the undersigned on or be-
fore the 12th of April 1926.
EN that after the said date the Exe-
cutors will proceed to distribute the,
estate having regard only of the
claims of which they then. shall have.,
DATED at Exeter this 22nd day
of March 1926.
Solicitors for Exetcutors
Containing 100 acres less, one ac-
re on which is a school house in the
Township of Osborne; being :Lot 6,
Con. 3. The farm is in a good state
of cultivation, well drained and fen-
ced with 8 acres sown in fall wheat.
Plenty of water' at all Seasons with:
wind' mill over a ,good supply of wa-
ter near the dwelling, also water •in,
the stable. The buildings are .prac-
tically 'new and up-to-date, a large.
hip -roof bank barn with stabling
complete, also good brick dwelling,
and drive - shed, hen house etc. 3
and 1-4° miles from the village of Ex-
eter, in which village _is a good mar-
ket as well as a canning factory. A
quantity of straww to be sold with
the farm. If not sold,the farm will
be rented.
Apply to Andrew and William. Doig
Jr., R. R. No. 3, Kippen, Ont.
all persons having claims against.
the estate of. JANE McKAY, late of.
the Township of Tuckersmrthe,de-
ceased, who died on or about the.
eight day of December, A..D.,1925,
are required to deliver to W. Bry-
done, Solicitor for John- Torrance,
Executor of the said estate,on or
before the 17th day of April A. D.,
1926, • a full statement of their
claims together with particulars
thereof, and the nature of, the ,se-
curities, if any, held by- them all
duly verified by affidavit."
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned" ;late the
said John Torrance will proceed to
distribute the estate of the 'said de-
ceased amongst the persons' entitled
thereto having regard only to such
claims as he shall have ,received due
notice and in accordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22
day of March A. D. 1926.
• Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for, the -said • Executor
Notice to Creditors:'`'
all persona having claims against the
estate of Mary Delbridge, late of the
village of Exeter, who died on the
25th day of February 1926, are re -
all persons having claims against the,
estate of PETER McGREGOR late of
the Township ' of Stephen, in the,
County of Huron, who died on Janu-
ary 5th, 1926, at the Township of
Stephen, farmer deceased, are re-
quired to forward their claims ,duly,
proven to H. Silber & Son, of Credi-
ton, on or before the 17th day of
April, ' 1926.
EN that after the said date the Ad-
ministrator will proceed to distri-
bute the estate having regard onl
to the claims of which he•then sh
have notice.
Dated at Crediton, this 29t1i`day of
March, 1926.
all persons having claims against
the estate of THOMAS OLVER late
of the Village of Centralia, in the -
County of Huron, gentl'e'man, de-
ceased, who died February 21, 1928,:
at the Village of Centralia, are re-
quired to forward their claims duly
proven to either the undersigned:
Executrix or H. Eilber & SOn, Credi-
ton, on or before the 17th day of
April, 1926.
IVEN that after the said date the
Executrix will proceed to distribute -
the estate having regard only to the -
claims of which she then shall have
Dated at Crediton, this 29th day of
March,; 1926: ;'
all persons having claims against the°
estate of JOHN SHARP, late of the
Township of Stephen, in the County -
ountyof. Huron, farmer deceased, who died.
on the 17th of February, 1926, at
the Township of Stephen, are re-
quired to forward their claims duly
proven to H. Eilber & Son, of Credi-
ton, on or before the 17th day or.
April, 1926.
EN that after the said date thel"141...
ministratrix will proceed to distri-
bute the estate having regard only,
to the claims of which she then shall
have notice.
Dated at Crediton, this 29th day of.:
March, 1926.
R. 2., Dashwood;
all persons having claims against the
estate of EZRA WEIN, late of the
Township of Stephen, in the County
of Huron,farmer, deceased who died'
December 30th, 1925, at the Town-
ship of Stephen, are required to for-
ward their claims duly proven to,
either the Administrator or H. Eil-
ber & Son, Crediton, on or before
the 17th day of April, 1926.
EN that after the said date the(d--
ministrator will 'pro.ceed to di tr
Mite,' the estate having regard only
to the claims of which he, then shall
have notice: '. ' "
Dated at .Crediton, this 29th day of
March, 1926.
Crediton P. 0,.
rVictory Loan Coupons
AT any of our branches you
may either cash them, or
deposit the proceeds in a Sav
ings Account, where they will
draw interest regularly and
make the foundation of a
second. investment. 25
c'apii'a1 Paid.Up $20,000,000
Reserve fou
020g000,000 '
'tTBxetkr' Nana
Crediton Branch - M. B' Complin, manager,
.G. G. Maynard,""'Manager