HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-4-8, Page 2How Some, Ac*krito voeur,'
"Thes", is, 04-ty one sato Nfty% to hold hand b-4u4mok Theit the que%tioll.' ly. TM4 mQqa�, ia" cif�u'
albammer ore h0c4ot,"'aWa the isur-! " lawdId you. get adA to pity taxes, purchg�e food, e"31 4
veon, W101, a b=, orella, twinkle tu. his, 1 "1!1 Q4 whesio. I did'a"t uOttee mt3r Ino, and t1
Ao nian� Ganadlai -tnada'
4,auis, buudag'03', fhatia W*$, 06 luxurles"that our stan�16rds of living
111TOW16 . " thet� I 4octor I Auath-er case at In atteattoa. dentand, Rk Wths. 111IM1191, &OLIpmlies
d much in Additibil for the pur-
"With bomh hande." Tbau-eQ4 doy 6 youli, man WMI hk% .4
g qpj ting 1 tirn of, machille:ry'and ",,pplies I roll,
Thou,gheaff,erlag some lybivii-eal, pain arm Ili -9 Flix) w wal bl� t
4,011,g witlt 0, great d0Q of ilemor,4%, -for a dreastug. Canadian Inerchants and manofactur-
"Is, yvurs acirl'.010r, he was vrl%ed, "1 01.11111 ers� the sum, Of 20 millions is spont )W1
the walting paitlent, who, 1104 Oruislked,
the Up or a finger by, blie � juad.yexteunt ! "Broken all; the. wrist and. tht', ehoul- pach year for, fuel... and ateetricity
bkow of a. hatellat, could A toilbear'd,or," alone.
"1101v (Hd It haipeu?', Incidentally the �rofxts of the sue -
a U110. r
"I think you're r1glit, doctor " s4id "I was on a bioyaI4 golug dowu a nse
cessf 01 companies. go, to. illcre,
he, "but the war I feel now %, that it road to, go, Out 0-4 1 ba'd liquid capital'asaet� of Ctaxiadian citi-
would ba sater still not to hold one to go. to Itlie, lefit as scon. as, I reachod zsns -who h4xe� Invested in tile Indus- By
at all." the wod,. I Mari I went ont Or the try, Unforturiatoly inany of theso I
have a locrit, at It", goAts a team, of big horses, pulling a profits go. outside the country' since, W. L,
'01111119 towards 1110. 1 had American and. oth er, lilv stors (Ou Witu Uvghter) p,
The pat$ent held 17,P the 1.4aerated draY '*U& (
ln(lex fiaror Of 1the, left hand- and the ez'011911 tPa'ea% Wr crom; Ili rr=6 ortusAm have been shrowd enough to buy in
surgeon (A& he went on with the 4PDII� aind did so but didn't ii.Na an autamo- many. v whiable properties, and the re-
ca.tim of the dre-5sing said,- bile that was vaelag, to Imes t1asin .on wards of - devellopment are naturally Many a wife who taror, nothing for
the other As �Coii as, I c1saxed, theirs hisofar as actual cash dividends her huS,bR12dlIvs5 on his'aocoullit.
11� see bundrsfis of acoldealtst like past thebors-eis. ttztx*o�k, Me. I linAL.It are concerned. Many of the stronger
theeE�, some, mm�e severe, same less. --
interests operating CALadlan Mines An bild F reach ph .4,
Most of' them are accoilub thatisht about the poismiliffity ot pm- -to , -itivest tiosiopher,sodil.
K1 for by other vebl�le beling oa the other a4o, 7, are fat -sighted enough ra Imow ho,,ir to wait Js.Itha, greatast oso-
momoutnaT Inattention. Ili the hand-' es� a good. nistay
',at the telin." COMING -TO LEARN CANADIAN FARMINQ, part of their proats in the acquisition- rat of sliocess-," y
ling of a malDhine orev'su such A, sim., oil agrl-
His casm, Perbax*, might hardly bsi A party of young men from Public and ciec'oudary'siebools in England leaving Liverpool to ialre up and development of additional pro- men Who have dond that haYS 61170d
lite Imptement as a haram-.1er or a hat� as monlelatary I DIoubreal. -ter a s4lovttuitl . On PerlfAl they will work on uCujTJV Ups to bu Pol apartmentl
nattelitimi. Luit'aral 0ourse at Nlacdonaild Gollego, M-CGIR unlvei�� Af parties so that part Of surpluses never ua,� a
chet, the mmoular 4,ctiou efat-eT A time US was alert to Rat. apparelit danger F ortunaWy, 'also, hotve.,�
become.i.,; a, uw4ialiloal- babit. it - i's selooted farma, before rsturnli;g to tile -college.' in Novieniber. Afterwards theY Will slet up r,6� thenitselvres, leave the country.
buit not to the posallitItty Of a secu-nd for Canada. wages and other oPerat,
the -11 tliat the, aittention j,4 alit to, stray
thlou'gh. unappaxent. one. 1-11.1 )$tlon of and n warm as Chinesis trig expenditures havkbo be made in Ir 4, ali-an Iovea his wife he �shbws It
fronx the w4k in hand and while, the garding clothes. It is all a qat othing like - as "" -a foi, her. .'Ditto hio,
. experience illusit-vate;s, how alert the Canada, Mthough 'in some histaileas by 41619 thil4s,
antamn,ti. - . KEET CLOTIRIES layers', governed by thelateaSan. TWO'Olatbes,, which are �added 'a -d perfeqt�
rider or driver Of. a vehiole on the road. ' "I I arned a the ores are shipped to plants in the home t6wiv
0-"llY through -tile air, the mind inay' layers I'm summer and six Ili, Winter it, ly, coldpraof,". he says., a a d States or Europe for tr'sat7
Swerve. to eome�tlllng eltel It is In :must be to all possible s4tuavans of a,. ay.�Tage, to be Increased or i lot , from my residence in W&5tern Units
t danger. A few seconds' prause Would � never Von' ON alvaoven t,s, perpetual hard thnes. for tho,"fol,
, , I a op about th I emplo5mieut and lo�\, �,ho Nv&its farsaft suapa.
J� t'4jit mo�ment I PAWN decreased according to the degree or countries but I Was �e,�' me"', and otb,,�r'oountrias race
MY heat, A man's bulk in -%Ill
of lnattentl"5a tllat ac�c"" I a shown the danger in his Iter is just Ito your Ideas on clothes. You wear greater benefits
d a I -think that inwn 4of I -lie
All aooldents are not caused by in -1 abou wice as nine
occur through attention. Some ars aftideli-ts P -are st hot Yoom -an, day -anA then go alit int<i which has furnished the raw material, Civic i3ridle is just another n%,me, for
��l 011, t t, h alsi It Is In sum- thiii and impractical clothesp, sit In a investment than delits, the countrY
fly infittelitiall on soineboayls,' hange which mo
ul and slnij)le, unfonseeable and unlim. PADDED GARMENTS FA. mer and t1vis is the r ud catch a cold. -For- It- In ooves us, therefore, as goV pat�jutis,nj loeally applied.
part. la dealing vvioth weapons too!- foreigners always regard carefully. It tile cold staeets a
illlp'emeuts., . utallsil�q 1 11 ventable. But according to th VORED IN COLD SNAPS, Is no disgiace for a Chinese lady of sign clothes are just death traps. Canadian citizens, to a" that, Wi-
machines art 4 -is A , The sh-ortokIr I; has, 4100 reveal.%Ltho
gc-Oyls, Who sesit the broken bon: fashion to appear in the streets we1X_' adian oles are, tteated, so far
beavY WellghW, -the mind ihould never bind up t . be N�rouyjds that arlse, alit of hig clothes - which give her theappear- practicable, in Canadian niills and Ye- ract�thvt all family almletous- ",a l�ot
be allowed to wander, 110 nratter how! accldal1t$, a la.r using Canadian power, all"- kept In closets.
proDortlon Or The Muzic in the Air.
skilful the Lban or bow accus.tomp�j ha Small Hot -Water Bottles Are anoe of a ba�rel, or the fat lady at -the
I dents axe cau-sed ily a.mowing tile mind silow. Her -progress may be sIo*,:bu:t IThere's muslo, in the upper ;lr, not ploying C63T-adian workmen. andbuy-
is, to tale, taSl,-, a', -y and supplies. Old Aliald—"In: all Lly life 1 liftva
I I to 'wander while haudlIng id ngerouis. Used, But Western Ideas of she knows she is. fortified agairtat the just when-'r6orn I& nigh ing. 0alladlan machinei
A day or tiro alce inapil
the surgeon � weaipow, Implements, or powerrul, and But 'when the twilight shadto;�s come It must not be forgotten that, rain- Layer lsean'a, Man in, or
cut. on, "4 man came here with a s,,vIrtIT moving nr 11 11 Heatin- Spread. piercing wiuds.� A slim and Aelider
ac I as And it is ummer be- 43 to veil the evening sky. eral resources, urilike, water powers &dvaac-e! ;to me."
Crushed ha -ad. He:hatl heen a printing often tile baghiy i3killed as, the Ig_ The firTt cold snap of winter in figure Is fashionable in s Flapper—"But I'll, ])at You've wit-
prez,sman for f(irty years and never be-'norant who are hurt, r, rom pel-r011ia- Chinn, Is not th3 signal for a rus.h. to cause it is, practical; in winter the. So when the chores- at last are done, or forests or agricultural , products,
stout figure is fashionable for precise- pull. up an elasy chair, once used, can never be replaced, nessed some raPik
fare had a it�terlam aeci-dent. By k(le,13- Ing a cartain mu-scular action over and! department stores to lay in a stock of
idg h6 attention on his ta ly the same reasoll. Except for the And tuna the radio to. catch the music Therb is Only the one crop. It is n ' at
have run his prC's,. Nk lie :could over again the action becomes ma- warm clothes. Not tbat the Chine -.e ultra -modern women who have adopt- in the airl �dif Acalt to.understand why that single q(esp' that achoolgirl
safel-Y ta- the dark, chanheal and it Is then that the mind are Impervious to the rigors of winter. crop should be dsyelop�ad only under advisna an advertisement, and every
Tataf1s Of how it'is apt to stray and loss Ita, appreben- As a matter at fact, they prefer thick
I needn't go luilt? t1le't ad the principles of Western fashion
Of'ourred. HIS accident iwas readIty'sion -of danger. The most skilled clothes and a cold room to living in a in their clothes, Chinas -e women do! "The hours I spent with thee, dear such circumstancias as will 'bring ihe driigsist doca'.
.as of momentary I"' therefore sh.Wld be the -most watch- WaTM room With a minimum of clothes., not allow questions of figure Ana . beent-riLinded, PTOfeSSvr thouglit.
illts-lPreted aeg e to dic- heart, are like a string of pearls. greatest prosperity and benefits , to
tate to their bodily "infort. Ili winter. 10 take me back, 0 tgLke me back to the country.
attc-nti�oa aud a printing prcsw hall nD.ful4 ixatchful not only of imple.ments, When the first chill blazvlm of winter � to ran- 'Gin, 'Gin 'Gintly girls,. heillei4ta, iioloa up's-talm
MIDIVY. 1, takes a terrible grip and I And aothe pawnshops continue IINTnio,
or machines theyare handling but also mveep down from the, north they give The price of eggs Is 8-0 cents,* and What 13 He Worth? & that?" ba, called.
velves, the signal for a ruah to the pawnshops, — "Nobody." answared. the burKlar.
thel`,O�s no -saving a hand oncle it goes of them I der their service. The sign tong", I
under a raller. which are the wardrGliesl of millionis or by which W11 pawnshops rendering this i cauliflower's. high. "Jilanny-, I could have sworn I heard
I The -only safe Way is to th-ink safety service are known, Is to be seen in ' For all the la&s they smile On me while. Talking with a group of friends�oz
"There Low," said the doctor as ho'all t93?e timle.—PID. people. coming through the Rye! the subject of children, a mother mado a
I I nearly every Shanghai street aud in
e4amPsd a P1006 of adhesilve, on the� Pawnellopsin Chillado not hidetheir, some cases the big, black _charactw; the proud boast that she would . not
gauz,% "you've loart -the nail, but you'll -iler iv
light under a bushel, -as in the West.; covers the -whole side or front of the!"O honey, honey doan you- know, I'se part with har boy' lor,a million da,p Nmo, Gledya4, a paw -a&aZh 0 Is
have another Ili six montlis,. The fill. Neither are they mere hairens, a rest' got de home-brew blues?
pawnshop, , lars. A* bachelor who was standing not R, cos.moticiane-tradve paptwl
ger won't be -the same but you'll he: fail the financially weary. . PaNvilbrok- Interesting ideas on heat provall. in Your winter hat may be broad-brim-,jilearby, knowing, somel.bbYg of the
surprised how much it win be reetqxed.. In,- Is an old and dignified profession, China. In. the interior the "kang," a med or turban as you choose. iboy's mischievous .nature,, romarked What's the U!:e?
l(l, I I a lie 9.5's of loving?
Come and have it dressed --very da7 0 thou sublime sweet evening star, in an undertone,. "And . I wou n t W I V, t
for at least ;6. week." drawing'a clientele from tbe rich %a %sort of -big stone couch with a 111V LLLL- real on �my spirit's -dream, give tell cents -for- hhm." Moth- It eanuat last alWaYV.
-or, and Performs a very derneath it, it the family sleeping,
As the patient lot ths OMCO two J wall as the pa Red Riding Hood she saw the wolf, I ers - usually inclinsm to the higher 'WilaUs, the, use of hhv,:Zl1l9?
words kept sounding in his brain— aacetsaa-y function -Ili. Chinese social,; place and keeps the house cozy. 1. you'll tir-e-of hilli z6me.� day.
Jff�. Especially in the Yangf-ze Valley, Shanklial, however, despite I and -then let out a screani! va 1
_the many, luation.,�and they are Aghtt T17is po-
"MaMentary Inattention.." pawilshope. play an Important role.'Wesj4ril caut tential va7ue of a boy is beyond con-,- IN -11141-11s: the Ime Of cating?
I 'Cllinese, ideas, of you fat.
armers' trust find erb'd ting do iltit coincide "With Wester _7
*0 -n -Z — ; "Some vegetables require,, of makes
Elley are the f it hea Coin--. putation. Ile may become aL illus- It an1v
mind at tile timle he hanged� the head I r and 1,6 'NVhat's the use -of sleepnig?
oanks. They finance his. crops arid Ideas. Many Caineso Who live in big, a light and sandy loam, I trious leader and belief acto Ma
'Tis just a love nesit (tum te turn) that the whole world his debtor. Ili help- I'd rather be a. bat.
of a hatchet on ;the tip of h-1.3 own fln, ,arry him over the poor seasons, and semiforeign hoLzea do'- not rely on;
ver he felt Inclined to confess to him. s -o extensive are theythat many towns $team heat, Some have small fireJ we can call our home. g a child we can never tell how great What's the, usle of plea%lire?
slelf that they applied atso to his 4�.ue, mpasure, their prosperity by the nu i The price at chicken feet is high, but the service"'we may be rendering to You have to pay -t rrice,-
Next day in the surgeonla waiting 111- places,, but there are many houses , , less in quantity, NV.bat is. there to, treasure?
ber of pawnships. Nor is pawnbrelc-� -where a f*ral' 11 call and, be re-, the nation.
gner wl
room he saw another man with a band. Ing an, undignified profession. calved in a rooni witliout any heat and: So roll 'am, girls,, roll 'em—my Swiss It alway&. end-, Nirl-th life.
aged hand. FeNow suffering was suf- In the old days many wealthy people must sit and shiver in his overcoat, -miss misses lne!" 111king Nature.
'dolent Introduction, so he asked:. There's music in the evening air a -ad My girl Is. so Pat that the only thia�
"How did you get yours?" talrested their money in paNj-nsbaps� Most likely his Chinese bos't, Well si.11, there 1 also spee-ch., There appegms to be no end to 1�71 she oaii buy reitly-to-wear I.,, a llandZ
nall, Li ounded by thick, padded clothing, isl _b rtAl,
"In a stencil -cut -ting Machine,." CbinWs great statesi Hung r I To entertain or edify, to kill the time liking for, Nature, whetlil�r a tree 1,.-, 1 korclhl& and an um a,
"How -did it happen?" Like a Woman. chang, who left marks, of his industrial sitting in a chAir with his, fingers 1 *or teach. so leafy that It reduces the whole
genius in several enterprises he or- grasping a small hot-water bottle of a I
1 So Put Your go'ed old slippers on, and heavens to a fcnw blue eyer., or whether ,Mother, are we going to heaven
"I was working at the same machine "Well, at least I can say I!m a self. ganized in I the Empress Dawager's. tyro which sells by the thousand in; I the twigs axe ;as Uilu and bare as. the
as I have had for eight yeam I w" made actress." " reign, was enough of a Chinese to put Shanghai- The bot -,water bottle idea pick an easychair, I slome day?" " wu
plugging along as if-sual and for a me- ��on!t bother to apologize, dear. I'd a l6t of his money into Peking Dawu- Is very common and no lady af fashion Time up the radi(; and catch the musle, blrds� legs that Use t lillem—it is all the ' "I hov�� Eo,' wi. the r�plv
mant aidn!t notloa where my- h=d just. make the bes
shops. In the air! 7 salne to me.—W. H. Davlee, in "Later 111. wish papa, could po too."
t of It." ld go out In her sumptlious rick-
was� I was too suraof msysolf. my I wou. —Elele Duncau,�Yalle. DELT& "Well, 4on!t you 01ilik lie will?".
bend vilas just. under the cutter when The thrifty Chinese have developed shaw with its, four electric liglqs W114- 1 0 — "Oh, no. Hecouldn't got away fnmi
Spring at the Pane. the pawnshop to a more useful de- out taking her battle with heF,to keep M
a woman at the next machtne shout- e -lean OhIldren. the offloe",
ad 'look out for your hmd At the When Sprin.- peeped in the window gree. Pawnshops are.lia'w the people's her hands warm. Sister In Doubt.
Mexico hats, no oauns for juveniles, —
imtimt she spoke I had. tripped the- J put my work aside, "wardrobes.. Most People's wealth is Three Kinds of,l eating. "You are the sunshine of ray Wall h I lc%, Any ol I d ca t may 1) a Ilie cat's %Y1115 -
but the Society for Protection of 0
Ike lightning Into I I . P d-eait Calles kers, but it takes a toni-vat to Ito the
machine and- though I -pulled- my hand The tasks could wait, I must away, tied up in Warm winter clothing, such.1 Three different kinds, 'of heating Your smile falls I ran baq ap saled to Preal
&way I didn't pudl It awsyrast enough For oh, the fields stretched wide. R;d- ideas may be cite d. At the liouse.of a my soul. NVUh You by my alde I to round such courts. reat's, paw.
as fur -lined gqwns and tdats and p
and the outter caught this finger.' If ded garmetifs. In the summer these. retired Chinese politician, once Pre -
I would defy all the atorma, Of
it hadn't7been for the warning Vd have i Hex smile, or was it sunshinelP, cloth" are -stored away, at the nearest Mier of China, -,van &i always find Got Light. From.a Tree.
"!s this a PrOposial, or a weather is" many Lille .9 best wbell VIP', gie
Turned rug inancial rea�ona, a crackling log fim burning In winter. 1 t
Icat my whole, lhand." and chair to gold, pawnshop, not for f PC The oil drp.nn fpom the shea, butter trying -to impress, lilp.on the 0,ear pub -
"For a moment�dldu�t:liotdce where 1 And sudden joy possessed Me but because a service has developed; "That is one thing .1 learned in tree of interior Africa. provides ftied 110 lro-w truthful they are,
That was how he des, whereby such clothing can be lietter'lad," he says. "There Is nothil Eitio,
my hand wa,&" And more than I could hold, and light for tlie natives.
cribed 11. preserved in pawnshops than it it were, beat a log fire forbeat and -cheerful- Had His Nerve. "I must see the doctor to-ony. I
urgery ths found her, kePt. at hame stuffed away in 'Some ness combined."
T4at day in the s In garden ways I
The SpTing, so young,and fair, Anothdr political leader, who was a
cheit. Rich and poor use this, useful: _k. customer went into a a -tore and Dernana-for Classy Pigs, d,,on,t like -the look of m.',y 'wife,"
told of a Patient he had attended that, I picked up an article, walked out with More than 250 :pedlgres pigs were "That's an id. a, I'll come with You,
She And all the op'ning blossoms pawnshop valet serviceand. keaifbieir: educated In the United States, favors old ina, I n; I can't beeir thesight of Mine
morning. A womian. was ironing. clotlieg'year I after ye it and told the olerk, to charge it. bought in Great Britain by the Russian either."
was standlag .01,cso to the stave, -which - Were tang'tad in her hair. ar free fro7ra Mil-', steam heat. The heat strikes the visit-,
On what account?" called theclerk. Sov-ernment, alone last year, ant]['the
Was on her iright Holding the heavy —Alix Thorn. dew or moths at a slight charge. .1ifore-'ar as, soon as he.opens his frout door.
I.*. I over, their belongings are In good'r A third man, also* a polltl "Oil account. of not having any export trade genera,117 In British pigs
fron Iii- her haid she drew it back cal leader money with me."
I durIng the year enjoyed a boam, He Understood 'TatilgUe"
vigorously for the next .8tilloke. Her qqtton In China. hands, safe from burglary or fire. And: who has traveled.in the Ignited States I
elbow hit the sharp oorner of the stove Cotton is cultivated in virtuMly so, as. soan as, winter comes, the pawn -and Europe, has adopted neither meth- 00 DutY Anyway.
shop rush to redeem their -clothing be- ad of heating. I Electric Lights Kelp Fish. A New Aillmal.
with the weight aftfl3e Iron behind the, ev-eTY Province, in China, from Man- He still adheres, to his, In Mr, Seymour Hicks',s al"I"51119
blow and- caiwed a serious laosTation,! ChUrila -in the north to Canton in the! glue. In fact, this rush Is a more de- "kaag" for his bedroom, but the regtl Electric lights. over the Water It fish The hilairize, is a recentlydaveloped bodl�, . Cliqstauts, R�oroas-ted, 'there is
1 finite herald of' winter than. th reck- of his house Is- like a refrigerator. He i hatcheries have been found to attract animM, a cross. betwaenthe Ileum and tble story ot a British ne- -ent tbatt
She sadd she forgot aboat the stove! extreme south. -In total annual, pro- 9 1 gim
Mug so Close. Issly inaccurate 01,hinese calan Os_. VEL -ca, 'Of Peru. waa -stationed some -Year-- ago' in
duotiou"thecoViltry ranks, next to the' dar, with receives callers in a freezing atm Insects and thus aid in reading' the the al
That, too, was inattention and India. its ��ed and arbitrary days Of "Big phere, but sticks,'to the liot�water bot. fish. Egypt.
0 and Two'Long Lakis.
In a de- Uf1lta`11 States 0 Id "Small Gold." tle.
gree, but Inattention neveTtlieless, The fill -I strength wPr0 taken oll a
Layers of Clothine,1. "T
The next day another man Was in The "'human form divirie" was Prob- ]I h
O�lle trouble wit your forelglil A.faithful friend Is a flne linage of Lake 13algal, Sibaria. is nearly as routs March of el%teelt mlles Into the
the Waiting room. Ile had his whole ably discovered by a chiropractor, The Chinese have a sluipmle idea re- cl led Is that they ails not practical the Deity.—Napoleun. lo" as Lake Superior. daisert, ar�d oil i�aing 6rdaved to 1,&A
*,d them, saying,
the colonel R.4dresz<
ha ofrlcer�j, will lunall---the Men c,
MUTT AND JEFF—By Bud Fisher. ThaWs"Carrying a Joke a Bit Too Far, M foirthenis"'lvets." Wben lie and his
r 4-l'. A +1,,I, -
WIAC(ac-'s oE:F -ro Gc-T
YQUF-' SOIJI? r=�JGN w1mvk my
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sHr_-'s Gowc- bkppy ON GeTTIN
GONNA S?C-Nb P\Lt- "c- k
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W(-:t.L WLoVC- ZAlys S"C-
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5 P,
Iteamo to his, Icnawledge that thore was
a great doal of'grunibling amougst the
rank and file, who had belea bad-ly fed
and wpli" foot -s I oi�o and weally�
So v�heu the. OTtlor li�rd been given
for ths men. to fail in he took his stand
bef6re thel)l olirl aslica-,T with some
severity If they 1kmnv,what. dfsCft)-!in,0
Mean't TIb rpllowled, �wlth a tIavere I ec-
tur. on- tlie,ilibjec b- GA,)r-
Ing, "Any,flicn � lie docg Lot want 'bo
tnar(,*h tlie sixtses lijiles lmnk to bar-
racks take three paoca to tho frontl"
Lilts a finsli the,wholo 'reglnl,�,nt
stepped forward with the exception of
& very shiRli-thIL Tomul,,v, who d1d Lot
budge an -inch.
Thecolone1looked rt hiln.,withpride
alid, yating hini on i1e. back, sRld�
"So you, my man, are the only soldier
ly,�V understand,4 wbilt diltY 3'eallar
inep.no I Rill proud of you, You are
d exed1t, to the -regiment. Y04-1 Of all
these Mdn aro ready and'able to warch
ba,ak, the aixta.sii nill'ar, 'atle you?"
"No, I'm liat, sir," said tbe, PAV!lte;
"I'fil ilot able to. walk the, three, Vtoeg