HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-4-1, Page 8ew THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE or Laster .... And For the Spring ,Days to Follow There are Many thins yon will went new for 'Easter and. for the waren Spring days that ar're soon to hollow anti you will find thi;s store well prepsered to meetyour needs, s , The styles this season sere very pleasing and the new materials are beautiful, serviceable and unusually reasonably priced. A New Goat for Easter l yervone is planning or wishing they could plan to wear their 'new coat on Easter Sunday., The weather man . promises to smile so snake certain of your new coat by choosing from the large stock which we will have assembled for this week -end's business. 51`any of these coats will be here on consignment fete this week -end only and we eau promise you some real special values in this season's very latest styles. New Tweeds and. Fur Trimmed Tailored Coats POPT:LARLY PRICED AT $14.M $17.95; -$19.86; $24:.05 For New Spring Dresses 1 Bordered,: Figured and Plain Silks and Rayons vi sea 't; ssose enar`e; sold more dress lengths up to -date this,seasou than -, wedidn last year's entire season., ,The reason is found in our large and carefully chosen stock and the snaprisini,ly. low prices , of our attractive materials, Coarse .in and see our dtspltiy you'll '.,(A be delighted. NEW VOILES WITH SATIN AND BEADED BORDERS` NEW SILK FIGURED CREPES NEW BORDERED RAYONS NEW . S1LI1 CREPES NEW SILK KNIT MATERIALS NEW FANCY 13ROADCLOTHS NEW PLAIN BROADCLOTHS NEW GINGLIAhiiS NEW DELAINES NEW RAYONS Pretty Complete Dress Lengths as Low as $3.,05• Easter Dress Accessories • Hosiery, Gloves, Scarfs, Slippers) ,Oxfords You can complete your spring costume •liere`.vith all the latest accessories... Hosiery., Gloves anti Scarfs inn the newest shades and effects . and {attractive foot wear all at prices you will be pleased to pay. New HoleProof Silk St ockin s only 98c New Sati or Patent Slippers only $4.95 J. A. Stewart Gam, k s.owsamiromm_� -- ■ FURNITURE DOSE COMFORT WELCOM :YOU PHIS IS THE BIND WHICH WILL GREET .YOU WHEN YOU CALL AT OUR STORE ON A VISIT OP ;EIS R,CTION. SOLID,: COMPORT :COMBINED WITH U'P fib=DATE STYLE AND FINISH AND A DURABILITY BEYOND - COMPARISON:• THERE'S HEAL VALUE IN EVER Y PI ECE "TBE HOME FURNISHER" 1 LONG Phone E.uA FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT. FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPAS, SED DAX AND NTGHT SERVICE DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT 4TTENTION 74j OPERA HOUSE BLOCK fight Call 74w 1 ta=e tan s o-.. •vim- -fi=r �� 1►� i ---���'%,_.�� �i__a"�i�.�".:����,s-���.::=r� ti Men's Stora Phone 81w Men's, Store Extra Paifts e Exeter ,Markets. Wheat $1.25. Oats 450. Batley 60c. Manitoba Flom` $4.60. l3lended Flour $4,10, Pastry Flour $3.,60, Feed Flour $2,00., Bran $1.7.0 Shorts $1.70 Creamery Butter 49c, Dairy Butter 39 to 42. Eggs; extra28c. Eggs 23c.. Lard 20c Potatoes $2,00 to $2.25 Hogs $13.00 Hogs, Selects $14,3.0 (AVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURL Rey. James Foote, 13,A=, Minister Sundry• School withdrawn. 1.1 a.;ni,- "Phe Resurrection vital to the Christian Faith: ' The Minister 7. p.m.--"Musio linking Mortal and Innniartal.'.', The Minister A halt' hour or sacred convert et the, close of the evening service in charge of the Sunday School Or- I chestra. JAMES ST,. UNITEDI O•IJB•OU QF CANADA: LOCAL 4�++i 4 4+� 4 +3+3++g+44+i+4 Mrs. A. E. Kuhn spent Friday in London, Good Bicycle For Sale. Apply to W. S. Beer. J. L. Lewis was, in London on Monday, on business. The Imperial Oil Co. has a new oil truck on the road. The road is now open for motors Frain Lucan to London. The robins are back and a few Easter hats have appeared. With Every Suit 4 4 iA A Representative of the ere.; T. iloritg Company Will be at this Store on Thursday, April 8th. We are offering "Clothes of Quality" taiIordd .to.°ybiir..own in- �v diduai measure with EXTRA PANTS FREE/ This is a great spec- ial that thrifty men will be quick to take advantagesoS. "Oiethes. of Quality" are known from Coast to Coast for their beautiful fabric, fine style and superb tailoring. SPECIALROFFER Suit with Extra pants tailored to your• measure, a't';g26.i0. The most outstanding value in the cotritry of choice fabrics are featur- ed for Spring. IVIr. P. B. Browning returned Fri- day evening after spending a week in Toronto. Mr. T. S, Wood's many £riendsare pleased to see him out following his recent illness. Robins, blackbirds, greybirds, and wrens have appeared in Exeter dui- ing the past week. t MAIN STREET UNITED (AWACS Miss Ella Sanders has .returned. Rev. F. E. Clysdale. Pastor home after visiting for a couple of months in Toronto Rev. E. Sheppard, Pastor W. R, Goulding, A.T.C,M. Organist and Choir -Leader EASTER GREETINGS TIli[TRSDA,Y', Al.'I IL ISt, logo iii i i i fl 1 1 11 I III 1 i 1111 111 it 111111 i111 1 1 1 1 1 I Ii 1 1 II I III 1 11111 1 � 1.1111 1.11...1 1 I - 1 11 � 1 11 1.11111,1111.1.11 I I I 1 11111,.11 1 1 1 1 �, I1 IIII11l I11111111I I 111..1.111.1 � � 11 a,m.-What Easter Means. f. No S. S. by Health Board Order'. 7 p,m.---Thr Ever -living Christ This Thursday 8 p.m. 'help make 100 gathered at the Cross. Man doing his worst, God. doing his best. Death, the last of many foes,' Lost his sting when Christ arose. The body goes beneath the sod, Th soul is at Home with God. Trivitt Memorial Church 11. a.m.-The First Easter Day. Sunday School withdrawn. 7 p.m. -Jesus Christ raised. from the Dead. Inroad soolOmp 111111110 MIMS 11101.1011 INNOM MONO 1.11.01 mows IN UMW MEMO 111.1 MINIM 1111.1.11 MINIM ImOsia whIMMea 11 a.m.-"Theo Risen Lord.,, •Mr. and Mrs.' L. Grieve and fain-, 3 pan.- Sunday School.withdrawn ily, of Strathroy, visited with rela- 7 p -m. `-'`Phe Reaonableness of to tives fora few days. mortality." "Easter is the spring -time of the Spirit." -"The Easter Spirit in Men means the ICingdom of God on Earth the federation of, the nations, "the brotherhood of man." Special Eas- ter Music. • Mrs. James Foote, son Llyod and daughter Marjory, are visiting in Belmont this week. During the break-up of the roads trucks are allowed to carry only half of their original load. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Steward, are ex pected home this week after holiday- ing with relatives in New York. Miss Emily Cornish, of Thornloe, New Ontario, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Penhale, on the Thames Road., Week night services are being. held in the Trivitt Memorial Sunday School Hall this Wednesday; Thurs- day and Fs ;, lay evenings. Mr. John Norry was called to Windsor Saturday to attend the fun- eral of his brother's wife, Mrs. Chas. Norry, which took place on Monday. The Peerless Jubilee Concert Corns c c `t of len on ea t •v .excel parry"ga e an b 'Cavell.well selected numbers in 'Cave m e •church on Friday evening, quite a large number: being present. • Arthur 'Bentley Broderick, died at hoarse in Ottawa on Sunday.' He was a well-known figure in banking circles, and was at one time on the staff of the Molsons Bank, in Exeter Merchant Tailor and Gents'OFutfit er '��'�..�.ci' M�✓ 1.i3�`RP•%-i.:.s'��%d-�;cID\�/ � � �.�'°P&iii.-::.Q'�•J/Jisifwi�•w•5'�.�..,G3':'.a��� T' GOVERNMENT ALWAYS ON S NLE ALWAYS SALEABLE• N(IK TROUBLE A,EOur INTEREST .:,GrE LOANS SE,LECTED FARMS HIGHER INTEREST COLLECT ION MADE NDS WE' 1Ufi NO CHARGE FOR THE SAFF,-.IITiEPJ S(I OP YOUR, PAPERS IN OUR VAULT Giadman Stanbury Powell's Bazaar The Big Variety 'Store SOMETHING NEW all the time at POWELL'S BAZAAR said a child looking in Our Windows last week, yet 'still we received the past week, the following - 3ouseholder - Re- minders, glass eggfcups, Fancy color- ed Serving trays, Bud vases, mugs, fancy jugs, plain white breakfast plates, dainty salt and peppers, mustard pots, Alumium egg cups, dishpans, 3 way cookers, omelette pans, potato • slicers, New Columbia Records, Blue Amberol records -and the prettiest .Gingham- gowns selling- at Bllingat $1.50 yon ever seaw. . We invite every lady, : enar hnd child in the neighborhood toa visit this store. Every dollar yo-rn spend, here you save cents. Easter Lilies, Carnations, and Sweet Peas. Mr. and Mrs. John Johns celebrat- ed their 52rd wedding anniversary on March 20th. Their children and grandchildren surprised • •them in their home and provided an excel- lent dinner, everyone having a most enjoyable time. - The past week was bright sunny weather by. day, but very cold at night. The great drifts of snow are slowly disappearing. Sunday night more snow fell, but it did not last long. A few venturesome -autoists have driven a few miles into the country, but bad roads prevail in the surrounding townships. Even horse travel has been very difficult. On Tuesday evening, a heavy wind storm accompanied by snow and sleet vis- ited this section and continued on Wednesday. The Chancel Guild of Trivitt Mem- orial Church deserves credit for the improvement made .to the chauceof the church. A handsome new ear - pet has been laid. and lights install- ed in the arch of the chancel. The costs runs -into several hundreds of dollars and the ladies are busy rais- ing the money, by various means. They are deserving of every assist- ance. At the James St. Young Peoples' Lague on Tuesday evening ,of last week the following officers were elected for the coning _year: Presi- dent, Miss .Amy Shaptdn; ist "Vice - President, Miss .Rota Powe; and Vise President, Miss Hilda Powe; 8rd vice-president, Clarence Down; 4th Vice -President, Miss Verna Coates; Sea'y, Sylvester Taylor; Treasurer, ,r. May; Pianist, Miss Irene Stewart Ass't, Miss hfay Abbott: The Standard Drug Store, 193 Dundas St., London, of which Mr. Mervyn Camm, an Exeter boy, is as- sistant manager, and Lyle Statham, also an Exeter boy, a clerk, was bur- glarized on Thursday night last, when the crook broke into the store, be way of the back door and secur- ed $300 in cash. To • unfasten the door he had to break a window, and with his hands. or smile Instrument reach through -the pars ori the win- dow, remove the large iron bar,, and release two locks at the top and bo"t- tom offs h door. The police are ,baffled as to how he was able to re - Tease the bolts which were fully 3 feet away from the window. A:u'"order-in-Council has been pass-, cid establishing new regulations gov- ening the sale of. maple syrup, The regulations are as follows: All packages or containers such as bot- tles, jars and cans eontainrng maple syrup exposed for sale, offered for sale, or, sold to the consuming pub- lic, shall be.labelled to show plainly' and distinctly. (a) 'fiie•name of tate of individual or tint assuming re - of an r"ndidual or. firm assuming re- sponsibility for the paekagx-ng.• (c) Volume and net weight of contents. FOR SALE OR RENT The• Following' Properties Brick` Store 'on i,VIain St., Exeter Commodious Brick .dwelling, fur- nace heated, and wired for. Electric lighting•, etc. with -:-fixtures. in place, John St. Aix and a half acres of choice land suitable for; market ;garden, running' through from Huron St. to John St. Choice Saskatchewan farms in the Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty and 'Fro- besher districts. For price and terms on above see ROBERT E. PICIARD, John Street EXETER. Agent for Great West Life A.e'ce Co. Snappy It is a real pleasure to show the new mater- ea i-als and styles that we have in stoc t; in new Spring Clothing. We also have 100 new sarrn- 1 pies that we make up in style you want. any Come in 'and look them . over.. Priced at 0.00 ,� $25.00 $35,00 Smart Styles in Ladies' Coats •- Every week we have new cloths and styles, to show you. Easter will soon be here.. We. want you to see what we are showing, Felt Hats for Men We are showing the new shap- es and hap-es-and shades for the early buy- ers. Priced at $4.00 and $5.00. Dresses for Easter New dresses are coming to hand every week. Let -us 'show you these before you select your Easter outfit. BOXER'S MkX[MUR 30 inch WALL PAPERS These,»apers are claimed to be, the finest range of papers that have ever been sent' out, by any manufacturer. Papers for 'any room in yours home at per roll 8c. to $1.50. �=7v . 1 Wl% -- - V�^r- - \ - TH/ \ -f==H \ !:: % iA outhbott .Bros. FOR SALE -Young calves, Durham and Aberdeen. Apply to Clayton Smith, Lot 21, S. Thames Road, Far- quhar, Phone 21-16, ICirkton. WANTED --Someone to raise 500 to 1000 chicks for nae this . summer. in quantities from,' 50 to 150, at price agreed upon ' -Apply to W. F. Abbott, Exeter. ,• Mania G mane IminOm 1. onnfinir f111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111W1111111111111111111011I111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Have Your Eyes Examined With the short days and the nec- essitt of continued use et artificial light -one needs to watch closer thanever for signs of eye strain. If you are- not. wearing glasses, make sure that you do not need them. It's well to remember 'power of vision changes and .your. glasses need to be adjusted to .meet the change, Dr. John Ward enjoys an enviable repu- tationr 'treatment hon- tation for exile tand o nions. Come in and, satisfy your- sef everything, is in: order,, TENDER'S WANTED Tenders will be, reserved up to April 10th, 1926, for the erection of, a brick house on the premises of the. undersignedt St• The low est or any other ribt necessarily ac- cepted. Please apply • to ,Mr. A. T. harness, Boat 257,1,13xeter. FOR SALE. Brick cottage, electric lights,' three lots, stable, goal well. Residence of the late Mrs. B. PPoplestone, Main St. Exeter. Apply 'on. premide;i or Mr. S. A.,,.Eoplostdme, Blyth. Agricultural lime -Tor garden put - poses for sale, at `P.. 0. Selden's warehotise. John Hey, Jr. Stork- Cards for sale at the Times - Advocate. The sale of home-made cooking put on by the Mission Band of Jaynes St. church in one of Mr. Snell's rooms on Saturday last was a de- cided success, thanks oto the ladies who provided•the cooking. The stun realized waif $26.00, The :editor of the Times -Advocate' wishes to express his ;sincere thanks to Messrs C. I•I, Sanders and Ii.. N. Creech, through whose efforts the paper was printed last week. The editor was taken ill with la grippe together with two of the staff, Ar- eh.ie Davis and Lloyd Foote. To take up the work without any warn- ing'and to do the work of three men. was not an .easy task and our reads ers are to be congratulated that they received theirr paper on tirnc, • Dr: John Ward Cm ROPRACTOB & OPTICL4N MAIN ST, EXETER. ONT. PHOE 70 BIG REDUCTION SLE A. -- of - FURNITURE NO* ON - at - R.. N. ROWE Funeral Director && Embalmer Night 20J ['hone 20W Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, - - Exeter ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments ^Insurance Office one door south Times Office --W. . R. Goulding A: T. C. M. • Fitton"s Old Stand WATCH AND 'CLOC1 REPAIRING GUARANTEED .?I Sale . 3 -burner gasoline stove. Guitar with Hawaiin attachinent. Mandolin with case. • Ford :ear, best, condition. Oil stove -and oven, cheap. 2 gasoline tanks, 2 letters 10 loot and 22 feet. Several good cutters cheap. Good Cream Separator, 450 Ib's cap. Use our Service Ler selltug and Ilocating. • Inquire - POWELL'S BAZAAR, EXETER NOT,ErC / I The public will kinclly eke notice that the aledical Practic ed T-IoS- 1 pital established and heretofore car- ried on by the late Dr. H. K. Hynd- man, at the Villr ; of Exeter, will be continued by hr,,..riend and form- er associate, Dr. M. C. G. Fletcher, • of London, Ont. Victoria (Mrs. Dr. R, K.) Ilyndman• .. "'tVIROLM. FA-R1VL'r We are now. booking. orders for Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs in the following breeds: Bred -td -lay Barred Rocks, Legltorng'and Ancon- as at very reasonable prices. Custom Batching at 4c. per egg. Having in- stalled a meat and I bone n can supply fresh ground r and •meat and bone for. poultry et 2a, per pound, •Phone year orders to L. V. Hogarth,. Exeter. P. 0.; Phone Crediton. 18r31 2-25-8t Organist and Unoirmaster -• James St. United Church Instrucction ,n Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Acceptedted rj St. Studio Picto a , Box 67 E3•,ETER. ONT. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES •A SPECIALTY f 'a r Prices reasonable and satis et. a , • guaranteed EXETER p. O. or. RING 135 JAMES W. WATSON -Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted In any locality Farah Stock sales a specialty. Satin faction guaranteed. Charges mod erate. Orders lofi at this office wil be promptly attended to. R.R. No t, Kirktora. 'noise r ft:r'ktn' 64rs. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER Graduate of Faculty of Medieine, University of Western Ontario, Mem- ber of the College .of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the British Medical Council. Phone 6 -(The office of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) 1. R. CARLING B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR: IITa. Loans, Investments, Insurance OftIce,Carling Blook,Main St. Exeter GLADMAN & . STANBURY Demisters , Solicitors mac. Money to Loan, Investments UCaide Insurance. • Safe-deposit Vault for use 'of cur• • Clients without charge. Exeter- London Hawn ,r - Dr. G. 5. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D$. DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrict Dental Officer a. Military District, Number One, Los don, Ont. Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Phone 34W ' Residence Phone 341, Be open Wednesday afternoons till April 7th • Dr. G. F. Roulston. L.D.S..D.D.S. DENTIST ff Office over I. R.' Clingg 's La'w •k Carling's office. Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. Safety.Razor Blades Sharpened (any make STNGLE El I)GifdY Se DOUBLE EDGE Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S, COLE, Druggist is FIRE INSURANCE PROTE'C'T YOC1ISELls AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, Willi C•- ,' '• ti"';ib, r}r 1- ii .ir 4E.,1 i ltttt, J. it.„. 'WI g t Ii 't.11,l$Ili°G and pONTP,ACTING Houses and. Barns ESTIMATES AND wiIJCGEv 3TIL'NS GLADLY FURNISiIED tshone 152w John St. East,, Exeter call and see i,a ashaw ---FOR nuns SP CL Ji OLD'F/ELD CORD $10..00 NOTICE T. H, Elliott wishes to announce that he and Mr, W. Johns have ciis- soltred partnership and T. a Elliott has talcen over the business. Tailor- ing, Cleaning,' Pressing and- Repair- big. epair-iiig. T. H ELLIOTT Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D..D.D.S. DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity, Office over Giadman & Stanbury'q office, Main Street, Exeter. DR. HARRY J. BROWNING - M.D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P.&S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office 0-rer Browning's Drug Storer Phones Residence 30 Office E. DR. W. E. WEEHES Physician and Sal.geon Late Chief Interne Vancouver General Hospital Office -One door south of the Times' -Advocate. Office hours 9.30 to 10.30 a,m. 2t to 4 pm. and 7 to 8 p.m., Phone; Office .67W, Residence 673 DR. E. S. S'l EINER VETERINARY At':Y SU} GEO?; Gratitude of the ONtorto Veterinary, College • DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPT- LY 'IIOMPT-L ( ATTENDED TO Phone. 158 Residence Ann St EXETER, ONT. Dr, Adrian "B B. ibson V.S. Crarluate ' of the Ontario Veterlasar, Collage All calls proMptly attended to Office -Frank • Taylor's ,Sales Stable 1''Irbne 01)'1V Residerrnes--Jtnies St., Phone f►f#I EXETER ONTARIO, ARTHUR VE13ER. LICENSED ACIC"TfO;'+ IS R m - For Huron comity PAR14I S.&l",I'aS A SPECIALTY , 8 Years Experience. Priees l:easei • able, Satisfaction Guaranteed of Charge. Phone 5'7-t:3 lSasiew nel H. ,11. I, D lSyf" VO011, to i`.,