HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-4-1, Page 7CANADA'S WU SUGAR INDUSTRY FOUR PROVINCES ARE ACTIVELY ENGAGED. Methods of Gathering Annual Crop Haile Changed Since EarlyJfirnes. The lair of all maples ean:taius' sugar and in pioneer (taws; in times• of scar- eity, detest the Manitoba 'maple, the leftistproductive of the family in tins p arni �* respect, was. tapped 'for the purpose of, bo9lirtg She cap to ebteM sugar. In commercial practice, however, only the hard or sugar maple, (Ater sac- charurn) is tapped' for sugar -making.. In peeving it may be .noted. that it is the leaf of this• tree, the sugar zuaple; which is Canada's natioeal emblem, Indtans.Were First Farmers. When Jacques Cartier Dame to Can- oda he i:ound the Indiana making t#pagar, They Gut •the bark with hast- ehets, and by woodenspouts directed the flow of flap into biroli-bark .:pails (balled "cases' or "redone" by the In- dians) .end boiled it down in earthen - 'Ware pots. In many diistrictat, of course, the lte•eping by a farmer of a "sugarbush" and the making of ;mettle sugar is but a yasising phase of agricultural de- vt3lopruent, but there are others where, owing to parti'cu1ar•Ityi suitable condi- tion; sugar-maldug bids, fair to be- oouis ae .permanent as: apple orchard - lug. These condittvne include a maple grove situated on 'a hilllside of con eiderable extent acid •too steep or too ti stony to be suitable for fteId culture. In each, a situation, where the owner iri.tendu to maintain a - permanent sugar b5ish, the evaporator house ist placed at the bottom •of the slope. In the spring their operations are to begin an array of bright tit. tribes, two inches or soin diameter. en•dtotattleg hundr tie of star d.s� in length, 'are brought out from atoroge and erected. ' in long lines radiating from the evap- orator house up the hill and extending to alt parts of the grove. The sap ire collected:: In tin pails. hung against the trees. Theft are provided with covers whith keep out rain or snow, dead; Heaves and dust. When a pail is full the worker replaces• it by an empty one and:empties the full one into one of •the funnels fixed' at convenient 'in- tervals along the tubes. Prom the tubes' the sap hours into a tank inside; the evaporator house, and from this it as dlratvn of •as• retiuire& through taps placeOE over the evaporator pans: Thesap is then evaporated to the syrup or sugar stage as desired. By this? means, the product at kept free from foreign . substances,also the et4.-- 1 *e minimum.' Wood is generally amount of labor required is reduced to used se fuel and it is customary to go over the grove in the winter andl cut out all dead and•..undes'irabie trees anal to skid these down the hill, into the •woodpile, for the spring operations. In permanent groves, provision ie also melte for planting saplings and en- couraging young trees -to fill open spaces er take the planes of trees that have died. - Climate Conditions. ' The chief centre or the maple sugar industry is that -part of Quebec south • of the St. Lawrence known as the Eastern Townships.. The other pro- vinc•es in which maple sugar Is made are Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, in the order named. The output of 1925, according to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, was larger than in 1924, bust owing to lower griceo the value was somewhat less. The average price was 17 cents, per pound for sugar. and $2;05 per gallon for syrup. t4i4 Spring in Galilee.` Once more the yearly miracle has Made : The patient earth rejoice. Carne in wii•en nights purpureal shade Hid heaven's • Canopy, ,the loving voice That bade the green grass break Its shining. sheath and shake Its myriad spears? that- bade the flowering bush "With 'bloomy ardors• flush? That spake with such a thrill Tl>e• bleseepitabeacons flamed from hill to h1127 .'• Could we but roll The Crowding centuries backward like a scroll, These paths would ]'now his feet; And hear his kindly voice so calm and ' sweet, He must have loved the spring,— The resurrection; the re -bourgeoning, The quickened pulse in nature's every vein, The skyward -mounting strain. Fairer to us is, •all this fairness now, That be once trod Where swaying poppies burn above (:he sod, And stood on yonder mountain's ,holt Towed brow. --,Clinton Stallard, in "Songs. of Suer ries Land." MechamDal Mannequins. Mechanical dolls, which cam walk tvith quitea ,natu•rea ge"aee, are, being uso,d s,s rnaunequi•ns tta display the newest fashions, `tJ'se hot Milkinsteed of col(: when mashing potatoes, and they will mus smoothly l3itd quick1yi. A TIRED FEELING M IN SPRINGTIME Not Sick, But Not "Up to, the Mark ---You Neem the Help of That Sterling Tonic, Dr, lrltilw hams' Pink Pills–hey Glave 1Niew Vitality. With tiro ` pr,ss1ng of winter many peoi)le feel weak, depressed and easily tired. The body lacks the vital force and ;energy pure 'blood ,alone can gave. In a word, while not exactly sick, the indoor life of winter has' left its mark upon thein. • A bleed -building, xierve- reato'riug tonio is needed: to give re- newed health and energy. Dr. Wil - limns' Piuk Fills are an all -year-round blood builder and nerve tonic, but are especially useful in the spring, Every doss helps to make new, rich, red blood, and with this new blood return- ing strength, Sheerfuinoes and good health .quickly follow. Ityou are pale, easily tired, or breathless at the least exertion, if your oonplexlon .is poor or you are troubled with pimples or eruptions, Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills are just what. you need to put you right. It you navel twinges' of rheumatism, are subject to headaches and backaches, it you 'age `irritable and nervous, if your sleep does not refreshyou, or your appetite is poor, you need the treatment Dr. Williams' Pink Pills alone can - give— you need the •newblood, new strength anal' new energy this medicine sways brings. Mrs. Emma Fraser, Thessalon, OaL, says:—"Two years ago my ner-- yeas system was in such a condition that life seemed a burden. I could neither work, eat or ileo:: well. I tried several medicines, but did not get any relief. Indeed my condition seemed to be growing worse. Them Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were brought to my attention and I decided to try them. Alter using a few boxes there M.M ;teas no room to doubt -that they were helping nie, I continued their, use un- til I had taken eight boxes, `. when I was competelyrestored to health, and 1 have not any time Since had a symptom of the trouble. When I be- gau'tlle use of the..pills I weighed only 96 pounds,- While under their use with my renewed. health 1 now weigh 125 pounde. I feenit imrossibre to praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too hig'-ly." Keep Your System Toned Up. Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, indi- gestion or nervousness. Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a re- sistance that will keep you well and strong. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr.. Wil- liams' Melteine Go., Biocttviile, Ont. No influence on life is more com- pletely disastrous..than+.that of a home in which there •1s not harmony.=Miss ltiaude Itityden. There are on an average 2,000 sleep - ere to a mile of, railway. • Where Scott Found Romance. The reitianoe hd3 found for l inite?d that first Visited him perhaps in time early tsuznzners under' Itholld•ouns and Shalt was enegeeted by the. genius and tales of a humdredi pia•eele in the 13ois. der eouu.try •he knew se well, was a true roIuaneer end .so pvrves•ivo an;l euthratlin that Scotland to this dray' is the romantic part of Great Britain to the Bng1isb.-spealreee peoples; the world over, Even in Seett's' Uif'etiuze Aneerietuse. began to visit Abbotefot'd and, to this day Tw•eeds:de and tile Trocs•aetei l len's lele and the 1011don' Mlle ere places of pilgrimage becauste the Wizard made there very shrines of romance. I•t xnay be dieiilus•toning to li,ave (t bran with a megaphone an- nounce from a touring 'bus, that tire' stone by nee road from Melrose to Doe burgh Jo that which. swung open and admitted the Queen of Meant' and Themes the Rhymer on their descent to the underworld' It is, n,evertheleen, testimony . to 'Secede power in the, world, for, ae the driver said to us as we started, on: "Isn't it queer, but none of would be here now if it wase.'t for Sir Walter." ante ack here at twilight, when the toui+ists are gene, and you find it still a place of glamour. Above are the Eldon Hills, one of the three lower than itis feltlows. becawt.3 Michael Scott sliced it off with his. spade; to the eastward the red hill of Eroildouune,,a Scottish. Venusburg; not far away a homestead in which the succeeding generations of one ?amity have lived far seven. centuries.; and nearby Mel- rose Abbey, a ruin, but the most beautiful symbol of Scotland's past that has' come down to us. In this haunted countryside, and in literally a hundred others' that he knew well, Soot:t found strangeness and wonder just se surely as raciness. and mange nese, dournessand good -fellowship. . Your, Scot will turn romance into hard.' cash. and still cherish it as romance.—Cornelius Weygamdt, in "A Century of the English Novel." l(1W lgli lip) IdliV diN,lillil iii lilBlll��l r "You weigh 196 and are reducing a pound a day on your treatment?" "Yes. • My husband wants me to take it 196 days." Wax From a -Weed. Candolilla wait, used in making candles and polishes, is obtained from a weed which grows abundantlyin northern Mexico. • t ;e 0 e Newer Silage C WEALTH' of valuable in- formation regarding the newer Silage Crops is contain- ed in. Bulletin No. 60, "Silage Sunflower, Corn, Sweet Clover and tither Silages," recently issued by the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. • The Bulletin is a distinct contri- bution to our knowiedge of silages other than cern, which may be grown in districts tit. Ps where corn cannot be profit- ably raised,'" or where corn 'borer prevails: Recent publications include "Silage," "Poultry Feeds and Feeding," "Cultivation of the Apple in Canada," and "List of Five hundred Publications". Check off those desired on this form- and return, without postage- to Publications Branch, Dominion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa Name - R.R. No Post Office Province E18. reelin6 Blue Everything seem all wrong and you ,don't care much 'whether school keeps or not? Probably all you need is a little Sal Lithofos. It gently eliminates waste products that clog the system, causing de- pression and a train of minor but intensely dis. ? ? agreeable__physicall ' ailments. Eas' ypre- a pared ancl pleasant to take, having a sparkling fresh- ness super ler to mineral waters, ' Also a recognized specific for the treatment of rheu matic and gouty conditions. At all drug stores: Three sizes. Pre- scribed by doctors. for over 20 years, : . ?''}le Effervescent Saline Laxative The Wingate Choi -meal Co, Limited, Motatreltf. Same kind of dye Professional Byers use, Fast and Seautiitil Colors.. For Dyeing and Tinting all materials with the SAME dye. No chance of mistakes. Semi anem typarltageandScents-` far' RagDolt and Helpful Hints on 'Home - Dyeing. Johnson-Richardeen Limited Dept. Qi Montreal Demand for Birth Certificates Steadily Increases There arra more babies born in. March lir Ontario than in any other single month of the year. Our popu- lation is increased yearly by about 72,000 births within the province; or to be exacts71,150, births were regis- tered during 1225,. Are• all births' registered? Ninety out of every one hundred, it is esti- mated, are now registered within the time set by law ($0 days). To regis- ter later means a great deal of trouble in securing signatures to a declara- tion, etc. The time to register is when.. the child is born and the person held responsible by law is the parent. So great is the demand for certifi- cates that the record office is one of the busiest spots in the government buildings; 4,000 applications are be- ing received every month, whereas formerly they --rarely exceeded one- tenth of that number. Pass lerts for travel outside of. Canada, insurance,. soldiers' pensions,mothers' allow- ances, marriage licenses, etc., are ar- ranged for now only upon record of birth which is accepted as proof of citizenship and: age. There have been some recent changes in the schedule of prices for certificates which now reads: 50 cents for search and ` $1.00 additional for each copy of certificate required. - If • you should want to know whether your own .birth is. registered, or wish to secure information regarding re- gistration of a birth, marriage or death occurring within Ontario, write to the Division. of • Vital Statistics, Depart- ment of • Health of Ontario, Spading House, Toronto. Badly digested food, acidity of the stomach, and sluggish liver cause headaches. Seigel'sSyrup will remove these causes. Any drug store. Discover Kitchen in Teple - in Mesopotamia. The kitchen of a temple of the moon goddess at Ur of the Cheldees in Meso- potamia, with pots, clay pans and other cooking utensils just as they were Ieft in 2068 B.C., when King Sam- ua-Iluna of Babylon coptured the city and burned the temple, has been un- earthed by the joint expedition of Pen- nsylvania University and - the British .Museum, Dr. George B. Gordon, Direc- tor of the university, announced re- Gently. Another important discovery report- ed was a statue of -the goddess Bau, patroness of the 'poultry yard, a squat and solid figure who sits in an elaborately flounced dress en a throne supported by geese. Dating back more than 4,000 years, this .is the only female figure of such early date ever found in Mesopotamia, The temple in which the kitchen was found, with the signs of- a meal in preparatieu, is that 61 the :noon goddess Nin -Gal, All during January more than 200 men were employed ia. clearing debris from .the mound- which covered the temple sae. Now we have almost finished," re- ported Major C. Leohard Woolley in his message to Dr. Gordon, "laying bars the- really magnificent structure built originally in mud brick by Bur - sin, Ring of Ur (in about 2220 B.C.), and rebuilt in flue -burned brick 150 years later by E'nanatme, "In the sanctuary and in the rooms about it, and in the courtyard,, numer- ous discoveries were• made. " The temple had been sacked and burned, probably as a result of a rebellion, in the twelfth year of Samnsu-Iiuna, king of Babylon, against the suzerainty of that city, which had recently been es- tablished by the great Hammurabi. "Of one finely carved figure we found, unfortunately, ants fragments. It represents the goddess Nin -al, and was presented to the temple, as. the long inscription on the throne dhows, by the High Priest I7nanaturr, the building'.s second founder.. But be- fore ever Bursin huflt the mud brick walls, which form the lowest level yet reached by to on the ran, Nin -al had luta her temple itt Ur," • Slx :losses. ' "Hello, Joe, who are you working tornow?" "Steno bunch. The wire and five: kids." Two or three etaiks of celery bolted with eab'bages improve the flavor and Weser the disagreeable odor or cook- I ingr. Minard's Liniment USW by physicians, When llopics Are Friends. Utily the boe1i YOU !lave given your- self up 'to for-do.ye ata tittle 'remain fast trioxide. It Is as' km. . ] rowui-ng said: We Kitt no good 13y being generous', even to a hook, And celeulating proltta,—so u'.luoh help 13y so rnuolr'reading. It is rather when 1i'tr ,gloriously forget ottr elves• and plunge Soul -forward, Headlong, into a book's protound, Ilnpas•ioned for its beauty and salt of truth-s- ine ruth--Tie -ii ep we got the right good of a book. MARCH WEATHER DANGEROUS TO On Account of the Very Sudden Changes in Temperature. Our Canadian Mara. weather—one day bright, but sloppy, the next blus- tory and cold—is extremely hard on children. Conditions make it mimed sary for the mother to keep the little ones indoors, They. are often con need tooverheated, badly ventilated rooms and Catch colds which rack their whole system„ To guard' against these colds and to keep the baby well till the better, brighter days come along, a box at..Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stomach sweet and his bowels working regularly. - Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which never fail to regulate the stomach and bowels and thus relieve colds and simple fevers . °and keep baby fit, The Tablets are sold. by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Moie Beauty. There is always room for beauty; memory A myriad lovely blossoms may en- clone, But, whatsue'er hath been, there still must be Room for another rose. Though skylark, throstle, white throat, whippoorwill, And nightingale earth's echoing chantries throng, When comes, another singer, there 'ai l be Room for another ,song. —Florence Earle Coates. When Sea -Birds Wally. At sunrise, all the sea -birds Upon the beaches cruise, And•fill the air with foreign words Such -as sea -folk use. They roll ashore in twos and threes And iiotter up and down Like captains from the seven seas Met in an English town; But only those who rise from bed In early morning weather Will ever know what things are. said When sea -birds walk together. —Oswald H. Harland, in "Inhabitants." Minard's Liniment for colds. In the Shadows. It was positively and absolutely the last good night. In a farewell embrace, they stood in the dim entrance -hall. And stood. And stood. Thus little Algy found them. "Oh!" said be. . "We were seeing which is the tall- er," explained the young man, in some confusion. "You are about ten inches taller " piped the little fellow. "But Alice is about, ten shades redder!" Most spiders have poison fangs, but few are dangerous to human. beings. ECZEMA CUTS, BURNS, BRUISES, and all Ir- ritations of the Skin, instantly respond to the first application of TISIT. Banishes that .itching soreness at once, and continued use effects sure relief, especially of Babies' Skin Rashes. Send Postal Note of fifty cents and a trial pot will be mailed at once. Ilett Mfg. Co.,` Bain Ave., Toronto S . icewood., : Tlie spleewocdl burns along the gray, spent sky, In moist unchimneyed places, in a wind That, whips , it all before, and all be- hind, Into one , thick, rude flame, now low, now high, It la the linet, the homeliest thing of all— At night of it, that lad that by it fares, Whistles afresh hie foolish tow- ccaught airetee ' n A thing se honey -colored and so tall! It is as though . the young Year, ere - he pass To the white riot of the cherry tree,. Would fain' avettsbom us, or here, or there, To his new sudden ways with bough and grase, So starts with what fe humble, plain to see, And all familiar. -as a cup, a chair. --Lizette Woodworth Reese, in 'Spice - wood." Cherries on the Roadside. e There are three miles of cherry trees bordering the driveway of Po- tomac park in Washington. He .who would write heroic poems should make his whale fife a. hereto poem.—Thomas .,Carlyle. Warner's Used For Fifteen Years In One Faitnily No better r•eoommendatioe for the medicinal value of this 50 year old herbal remedy could t'c asked than this. "Your remedies have been used in our family for about 15 years. We are never without a bottle of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy in our home. - It isa wonderful medicine for diseases of . the kidneys and Ever." (Name on request). " If you have pains in the back or other symptoms of -kidney trouble, you should Tose no time in going to your drug- gist to get a bottle of War- ner's Safe Kidney and Liver xt Remedy and taking it as per 9 f.-540--;,—„, directions. Sold by all druggists. Prioe $1.25 per bottle. Warner's. Safe Remedios Go., Toronto, Ontario. !HES.,46,0N2.1,.�:...,.ar.,,.tra.0O. oma, Self, Poisoning Modern Living,Habits ,�%p.. Pro- mote Self - Poisoning — 'I Rusands are Victims, .71:1€:r.easin y Common The average man or woman does not enjoy consistent gond health. Loss of appetite, headaches, biliousness and a lack of enthusiasm for either work or play.are constant complaints. Scientists have ascertained that such a condition is usually caused by self-- poisoning resulting from constipation. Due to modern living habits, the natural secretion which promotes regu- lar elimination -by softening the bowel contents, is often deficient—especially among middle-aged people. The poison from waste matter remaining in the systems of people thus affected is the insidious enemy of good health. Such people need Nujol, because Nujol softens the waste natter and permits thorough and regular bowel elimination without overtaxing the intestinal muscles. It helps Nature help you. Ask your druggist for Nujol to-day— and remember, look for the name "Nujol" Nu o to red on both bottle Iabel and package. Proved safe, by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lurnba.go Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT 'AFFECT THE HEART . ... ao."rciiamar Accept on1 "Bayer" .package which contains proven directions.. Merely ":!layer" boxes of 12 ta•blete Aldo bottles of 24 mad. 10(1—Druggists. 4raplrfrt is tit0 tra90 mask (registered In Canelo) of Ilayer ;llannteetnre rot Mtsnoncetle- aot;1"t,'r of tial'or.fetrltt acetyl Selleytic •A.ctti, '•et.:+, t '"). White It is IVO FKnon'n that Aspirin tooth, *Payed tonnurw.tutl, to z tlttt rite pabli,t aguht"t intitattuns, the 'rrttl'tn et Sayer 'OempiteY will he ritativta. tothelx general trade tri itf tltd' "Payee d,roue, !:IUI%-ii THEB •. H { N W OMEi Prune one of the attraetive de - steno iilutt+trated in the Ma.cLAn Buiidere' Guide, Each lssette Don,• tante several plana of modiexate • priced homes designed by Oana-. Oman - diet. Areldtecte. Aiso interesting articles on; furnishing, decorating and gardening. Send 20e, Mac- Lean it -I•ean .Building' R.aposts, Ltd., $94 Adelaide St. West, Tore/tate. A man of little ieariting'denms that little a great deal; a frog, never hay- ing sewn .the Oman, eon'sddess_ 'tits well a grodtt sea.—Burmese. A LADY who tried everything In vain and atlast: discovered a sate, simple and rapid ,comedy will' now mall particulars to sufferers. Send Address.don't send stamps, to Alice May, -Pelletier' Villa f, Windsor, Ont. c� A . ireW$9 1n. s S ilr N T. .! -. AN8'Ll Temporary Mange - • *which • Laic a Long Time. SOLD EVERYWii'ERE, 15c. a tV.rmm S. VVright ti. Co., limited, AistSbalor,,, 'roma* AFTER SHAVING Dilute Minard's one-half with cream or sweet oil and apply to the face. Very soothing and rofreshir.g. OPERATIONFUR RL PENN She Escaped It by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table ege-table Compound Windsor, Ont.— "After thebirth of my first baby I was very much =- down in health and the doctor said I must have an operation as I was suffering from a displacement. A friend wanted me to try your medi- cine—Lydia E. Pinkham,'s Vegetable Compound—and I took it steadily for a year. During this time I was carry- ing my second baby and I felt real well all the time 'and did not have a hard confinement. I feel sure the Vegetable Compound did me a lot of . good, and all my people do, too. One sister in Leamington, Ontario, takes it, and both sisters praiseit as a good medicine. 1 am more than pleased. with the result." — Mrs, W. PENN, Windsor, Ontario. Mrs. Corbin Relieved from Pain Stewiacke, N. S.— "I had pains across my back and in my side for two years after my first baby was born. My mother had taken Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound and I read about it in the papers, so 1 tried it and the pains all left rne. 1 have a family of three children now, and the medicine helped me during the months before they were born. I rec- ommend it to my friends."—Mrs. CARY W. CORBIN, Main Street, Stew - lecke, Nova Scotia. o C iticnra Loveliness A Priceless Heritage For generations mothers have been using Cuticula Preparations for all toilet purposes and have been teaching their daughters that daily use of them produces clear, smooth skin and healthy hair, They find the Soap pure and .cleansing, the Ointment soothing rand .:dealing, Should any irritations arise, and the Talcum ideel eeilet powder. Eaten teat ires by Vail. Marone Canadian Depot:ftenhowse Md,3i tftreale Nice, Soap (tintment rs a d UM. Tnlauw 24e. ib "•.Cutikeers Sher e e Stick 25c,