HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2002-03-13, Page 8X -TME SWIM tXPOSITOR. March 14, 2001
Classrooms, office available to use
classrooms and the former
front office and library for
"There's room for five or
six more depending on the
space they need," says
Cummings moved her
eight-year-old business from
her home at RR 2 Brussels to
the former Walton school
because she needed room to
"I was here at the auction
and I know most of the
people who bought the
building. This room is
perfect for me and my
business," she says.
A manufacturer of canvas
bags for corporate
promotions, Cummings has
clients throughout
Southwestern Ontario, in
British Columbia, France,
Greece and recently the
United States.
While she is the only full-
time' employee of her
business, Cummings also
employs a list of 15 local
women who sew for her at
home when she receives
large orders.
"Most of them are stay-at-
home moms who take turns
coming in and sewing for
me, she says.
The women sew at home
or on the five industrial
Maplewood Manor
March 21 -April 4
1:00 PM
Proceeds to the
Residents' Fund
Susan Hundertmark photo
Dorothy Cummings is now operating her business at the former Walton Public School.
sewing machines at her shop.
Cummings says her move
will also give her the room to
take on bigger jobs, possibly
opening the door to hiring
some full-time staff in the
Cummings also plans to
offer a showroom for her
wholesale customers.
She says she's generating
interest in the Walton area
and local people are
dropping in to see what's
going on in the former
school building.
"Word is spreading and it
will be nice when we can get
some other people in here.
I'm kind of lonely with just
me, my dog and my radio,"
she says.
While the building still has
the sign Walton Public
School on the outside,
Cummings says there are
plans to replace it with
Walton Ventures Centre and
a list of the businesses
operating inside once spring
Faith kept Bachert from fearing death
From Page 1
was destroyed by the
earthquake, mostly because
they were mud adobes.
Bachert says the work
crews tried to replace the
mud houses with cement
block houses so they would
be more likely to survive
future earthquakes.
"It was the feeling of the
missionaries that we ought to
replace them with something
more stable and secure," he
Bachert helped to build
eight houses in 10 days, a job
he'd never undertaken
"It was hard labor with a
shovel and wheelbarrow and
we were filthy every day on
the way home," he says.
During his two months in
El Salvador, Bachert
experienced three distinct
earthquakes , the second
two being less severe than
the first at 7.9 on the Richter
scale, and many aftershocks.
"It's not something you
could ever get used to or
comfortable with. Some of
the tremours would start soft
and then go away and other
would start soft, get stronger
and end with a good jolt. The
worst feeling is waking up to
Technical training
could be lost
in four-year curriculum,
warn manufacturers
By Stow slater
Special to The Huron Expositor
A coalition representing
manufacturers in Huron
County has sent a letter to
the Huron -Perth Catholic
District School Board,
expressing concern about the
implementation of the new
four-year high school
"It is apparent to us that
the changes in education do
not direct students into
technological studies," states
the letter, signed by John
Grace, chair of the 174- ,
member Manufacturers
Group of Huron County.
"This change in education
will have lasting implications
on our manufacturers' ability
to acquire the necessary
people to compete locally
and globally," it says.
Specifically, the letter
points to a provincially -
mandated increase from 16
to 18 compulsory courses
required for high school
graduation, with most
students predicted to
complete those credits in
four years.
"These two facets reduce
the importance of
Technological Education
simply because of the
emphasis placed on other
subject areas and the length
of stay students will have to
take options courses."
The letter goes on to cite
"reports from our district
secondary schools," showing
enrolment in technological
courses "dropped by as much
as 50 per cent" among
students currently in Grade
10, who will be the first to
graduate under the new
Asked to comment on the
letter during the board's
regular meeting, Monday,
Feb. 26, education
superintendent Ray Contois
agreed it has become less
likely that students aiming
for careers in non-
technological disciplines will
enrol in technological
courses as non -compulsory
But he noted technological
training facilities are
currently being built at both
of the board's secondary
schools, in Stratford and
Director of education
Gaetan Blanchette cautioned
that it's not yet known what
proportion of students will
actually graduate after four
years under the new
On the whole, however,
the comments at the meeting
from Huron -Perth
representatives contained
praise for the Manufacturers'
Group of Huron County and
support for the coalition's
"I commend this group for
taking this initiative," long-
time trustee Bernard Murray
said. "They're not sitting
back complaining. They're
doing something about it . , .
and I think they might get
some results."
Contois concurred, saying
he was pleased to see
"someone else express their
concerns, someone other
than educators ... We do
have a strong technological
base within our communities,
with our industries and our
agriculture, and (the
manufacturers' group has)
good reason to be concerned
about the availability of a
skilled labour force."
Trustee Mike Miller
received support for his
suggestion that the
coalition's letter be passed on
to 'government officials.
the feeling of an aftershock,"
he says.
But, despite the danger and
fear, Bachert says his faith
kept him from fearing death.
"I had to tell my mother
when she called worried that
I was in the Lord's hands. If
a house falls on me, then it's
my time to go," he says.
Bachert, while not
collecting money or aid for
the people of El Salvador, is
planning to speak to area
church groups about his
He recommends anyone
hoping to help El Salvador
earthquake victims to send
donations to the local Red
Cross at 1-800-418-1 1 1 1,
which has raised $14,795 for
El Salvador so far.
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You are imbed bed to attend
these area churches
First Presbyterian
St. W. Seaforth
Rev. Vandermey
11:15 AM
Sunday School during Worship
St. Thomas
Anglican Church
Jarvis St. Seaforth
Rev. Tim O'Connor
Sunday Service
at 9:30 am.
Parish Assistance Call
522-0929 or 345-2023
Catholic Church
Saturday - 5:15 pm
St. James Parish, Seaforth
Saturday - 7:15 pm
St. Joseph's Parish, Clinton
Sunday - 9:00 am
St. Michael's Parish, Blyth
Sunday - 11:00 am
St. James Parish, Seaforth
Father Dino Salvador
Bethel Bible Church
An Associated Gospel Church
126 Main St. Seaforth
Sunday Worship Hour
11 am
Adventure Club for Kids &
Youth Groups
Wednesda s 7 • .m.
United Church
Rev. Judith Springett
Grades 2 to 8 -10 a.m.
Nursery to Grade 1 -11 a.m.
Rev. Sheila Macgregor - Minister
Sunday, March 11,2001
Lent III ... Guest Preachers:
Melissa Whitmore and Friend
9:30 a.m. Cavan . 11:00 a.m. Northside
Winthrop 54 Goderich St. W.
527-2635 or 527-1449
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