The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-4-1, Page 4Our Corner
• Those who live for tbeeneelve
ezeVe not tech to live tor.
**et *** ***
The greatest piece oa eartb, is a
Ways some other place.
*** *** e** **e
ea wife's jealousy seems especiallY
*iguana- after you see leer husband.
*4* *** **.
Bow do girls unerringly select tee
ind of bob they shouldn't?'
A.** ***, *** 104*
Marriage is successful only waett
trausforms the "I" into "We."
*** *** ***
Peace is e, blessed, Period whine no-
body is mad miough to believe lies.
*** *** *** *** ,
A slip a a girl may cello the slip
Of a man.
*** *** *** ***
A. cold snap is when the teal m n
Snaps his fingers at you.
*** *At ***
eanotlier thing; you never see
Monkeys decorate themselves.
*** *** •***
•Going to Ian is mach like a vaca-
tion, The enjoyable part is getting
Wheu a man leaves hie 'wits stie
bKinit lost P.eaTly as much as he *V
*** *** ***
We must admit this happy tact;
there's many a lava -boiled egg that's
*** *e* Itee *4*
A man is eaheg n shoe wercbant
because lais ehoes pinela. Shoe deal-
ers please Maks a foot -note of this.
*** *** 4** 4**
It may • be thet the -mills of the
gods grind slowly because they; get
paid for overtime.
*** *** *** ***
An eye specialist says green quiets
the nerves. Vale is especially true
et green -backs.
le** *** **se
And so the world is losing seed.
Well, that sounds hopeful. .Per -
hales it is onethe up -grade.
*** ***, *** ***
. ea •
No matter which way you drree,
it you don't- drive the right *ay it
may be the way, to jail. e
• *** ****'P*
The nice thing about being a man
Is that you don't have to stay home
after you have washed your head.
Let Your Banker Collect It
, • , '
IF you wish to collect a `debg from a
party in another section,:f4u.',Can,liave
your banker draw a draft On, hi,M;:at sight
or for a given time. reted
through his local banker al i'Arliesi: for
payment from. you. When 'yOyilraft is
paid it is turned over to.tliejp#,Fi 'y is
his receipt for an acconnt'i.paid.
This is only one of
the ni irn erous ways
in which the Ba.nk
of Montreal can
be of service to its
"A Bank Where Small Accounts•Ak..
Established 017
Total Assets in excess of 0.000410o
, isA
District New
her. W. A. Oriole at Seatorth ead
M. H. Bartlett, ot Clinton, have Pere
chased the Blutimer bakery anderese
Murata business, corner of Albert
and Ratteubury, Clinton, and are
taking over ties week.
Local Doings
• Order your Hot Crops 13uns at
• Rev. R. E. Southeott is spending
Good Friday WW1 is mother.
• March came M like a lamb but is
Acting out with head down and tail
• in the
Willie Parker, at Hayfield, raet
With a very painful accident while
cutting wood, having the misfortune
to lout hie foot, While attention
was beieg given, he faiated and fall-
ing against the stove burned his face
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Billyea, Den-
field, announce the engagement a
their claiighter, Alma Margaret, to
Mr. Garuet Rodgins, son, ot 1Vataancl
Mrs. Elgia Hodgins Parkhuii, Ont,
the marriage to take place in April.
Lieut. -Col. H. Torrance,, of Clin-
ton, has been permitted to • retire
from the Canadian Militia after
nearly forty years of service. The
Colonel, who is a naodest man, thinks
he is growing old, but his friends do
not think so.
The remains of Miss Celia Toohey,
who died in Toronto, were brought
to the home a her parents on the
seventh concession of Biddulph, last
week.. Deceased was undergoing
treatment in Toronto, but was not
taken seriously ill until two weeks
ago. Besides her father and mother
Mr. and Mrs. James Toohey, she is
survived by six brothers and, our
sisters. The funeral took, peace to
St. Patrickls ,church and cemetery.
Williaan Sims, formed' -postmaster
and councillor and one of the lead-
ing men of Blyth for many years,
ldied. on Wednesday night following
a lengthy period. of ill -health. In.
1874 he came to Blyth and had been
a continuous resident here • ever
since. In partnership with Robert
Slater he conducted a large blacke
mining and carriage -making busi-
ness here for 25 years. He took a
keen interest in local affairs and*
served as councillor and reeve, while
in 1910 he was appointed postmas-
ter. which position he held until last
year, when he retired.
Mies Maud Miller, of Lumley,
lted. for a few deye with Miss Mar-
guerite Aldworth, of Sexemith
Mr. and Mrs. W. • H. Turnbull
were in Hensel' an Friday laet vise.
iting Rey, Dr. Fletcher, who is ill.
Mr. John Dignan retarued Tueia
day evening after epencling the win -
°tee, with daughter, Mrs, Brown,
Maj. W. J. Beaman was in God-
erich Tuesday attending the animal
meetieg of the officers of the Hu-
ron Regiment. '
There are two good reasons why
you should keep. your hens in at this
time a the year. They will lay
more eggs if you keep them off the
eold ground. Have e heart for
your neighbor's rhubarb, tulips and
springe bulbs,
Dr. D. D. Ross, one of Calgary's
best-known dentists died recently in
that city. He was a native of Bruce -
field and attended high school in
Clinton, afterwards grad -luting from
the Toronto Dental School. He is
survived by tlte following sisters and
brothers, Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton, of
Sault Ste. Marie; Mrs.' D. B. McEve-
en, of Regina; Mrs. Wm. Berry, of
Brucefield; Dr. H. H. Ross, of Sea -
forth, and Mr. Alex Ross, of 'Wing -
County Clerk G. W. Holman is now
etitled to write J. P. after his signa-
ture, having been appointed a Jus-
tice of the Peace in and for the
County of Huron. Mr. Holman. has
been somewhat handicapped hereto-
fore beeecerreeing out his duties as
chairmen ofehe -County Mothers' Al-
lowance Hoard, in receiving declara-
tions and certifying to certain papers
in connection with his work, hence
trfe eeeeeeering of this additional
qualification to -faeaettete his work on
this matter.
to be held on
`" at 2 o'clock p.m. the tollowing
The eheds are 200 ft, long elle 18
feet wide, Good hardwood timber
frames. Will be sold in sections if
necessary, to suit the purchasers,
l'HOS, NEIL, Chairman of Com.
FRANIe TAYLOR, Auctioneer
The undersigned has received in-
structions to 0(311 by Miblie auction,
on Lot 7, Con. 1, 11.4tY •
at 1, o'clock sharp the following
HORSES -1 gray horse, 1 heavy
mare, 1 general purpose mare.
CATTLE -1 cow due time of sale,
NOTICE TO DRIVERS , 1 cow due in August, 2 fano* cows,
1 Jersey cow due in July, 2 cows
As the epi ing of the year advan- milking good, 2 steers rising 2 years,
ces we hear many complaints of de- 2 yearling steers, 5 Yearling steers
livery boys and others driving on an,d heifers, 2 spring calves.
boulevards, And lawns, thug cutting
them up and lea -Oink there in had
411aPe for. beautifying when spring
comes. 1Vie'rehants and these hay-
ing delivery. wagons on the road,
hood` take this matter up. with
tapir dereere'so he to erevezeaee far'
as possible tais practice. it ;is at
least to say provoking toehava boule-
vards and laeens met up this way and
very discouraging to our citizens who
desire to keep 'their place. beauti-
fue. We hop e :those, interested will
give this matter censideration.
AT $639.00
The costs of the election -appeal in
North Huron have been taxed at
$639, payable , according to the sta-
tute, by the unsuccessful appellant.
The appeal was lodged by G. W.
Spotton, „Conservative candidate.
6 .
4:4* trt.-M.PA
tipper'--Iti the Laurels.
Lier Drhrinir tfaskika
around Banff, EX. Tu.
ast-Ski-ing at Moat
anadian vrinta sport enthusiasts feared that the
lack a snow would prohibit the usual activities
Nada year in the realm of ski-ing, snowshoeing cring, , tobagganing and hockey, But "Out Lady of
, e news" lived up to the name bestowed upon her
ty a brilliant writer, and long before the winter was
half through a deep', luxuriously. soft white blanket
had fallen, clothing trees and rivers and mountains
NI a popular shade of white,
To the Laurentian mountains in the province of
qaebee, flew thousands of city dwellers for joyous
helidays at every opportunity, Such swarms of sport
alms were there that the Canadian Pacific Railway
corovided special coaches for skiers where accommods.-
:Oons wore mado for aids, At Mont Rolland, Pied-
mont, St. Marquerite and Shawbridge, resornts wero
)4rvarcLovrded. , )
Once enzong the picturesque hills and vales of the
itiatie, aualerous paraas made eXcursions into
,.,. ..
. •
•••••%. 40, namtift#00?)*f
k..0, r
the fastnesses of the ghostly forests. Some climbed,(
to the tops of the mountains to eee more clearly the
marvels of nature' a beautiful colors in the 'heavens,
Others, driving along the roa.cle In crammed sleighs,
Watched the sun, like some golden orb in the distance,
roll over slowly on one side as it descended at the'
end of a gorgeous day to give the World rest in dark;
Ae Revelstoke, British Columbia, Mountain glis-
sading gained its popularity overnight. A long thin,
11112 of hardy enthusiasts would stand at the top of b
hill,, Then the line .would break as they went plung*
ing downward, scattering in all directions, through
trees andshrubs, to the road thousands of feet below,
At Banff the Winter Carnival provided thrills for
the large number of visitors there. dQueen Gabrielle
officially opened the tee Palace, a number of young
ladies erganieed hockey teams while others donned
the garb of the Indian guide and 1ear4 to drive
ttizttina OX Week:lea
PIGS -1 sow with -10 pigs, 1 sow
dite-at time of sailer.'
-IMPLEMENTS—M. H. binder; F.
'&•W't inower; cultivator, side deliv-
ery eitake,awalltine plow, riding 'plow,
seed' drille;eet harrows, fanning mill,
root IiiiIpera wheel barrow, cutting
box, .2 wagons, hay rack, wagon box,
gravel box:alight wagon, pig rack,
scarier, pet scales, onion screen and
crates, cream separator, sap buckets,
quantity of hay, 75- bus. of oats, 10
bus. of seed beans and other art-
icles too numerous to mention.
REAL ESTATE—Farm of one hund-
red acres being Lot -7 on Con. 1, of
Hay. This is a good Wm in good
repair. Good brick house and bank
bara, drive shed and garage, 10 ate -
res bush, 8 acres of wheat, 35 ac-
res in bay and pasture, balance fall
ploughed. Hydro eip house and barn,
geed wells; also well 'fenced and
drained. '
All sunis -of $10 and under, cash;
over thatamount 7 months credit.on
furnishing approved joint notes, or
per cent per annum off for- cash.
Terms of farm Made known on
Iday of sale.
A. J. FORD, Proprietor
F. TAYLOR, Auctioneer
In -the play-off between Ottawa
Senators and the Montreal Maroons
Lor thee aleitienaleHockey title, Babe
Siebert, of the afiroons, formerly of
the Exeter Hockey Club, scored the
one lone geol that gave the Maroons
the title. The report. says—
The only goal of the game came
from the cleverly handled stick of
Babe Siebert 'five minutes and 45
seconds atter the second period com-
menced. 'Alpe Smith, who was •re-
lieving Dennegy, eushed With the
pack to the'Maroon . defense. Bill
• Philips teele,:the blocked .puck and
hit away thiongh the Centre, with
Siebert on left wing. He fed Sie-
bert a pass as they !abed past centre'
and, although King Clancy checked
Siebert, the Babe got a smoking shot
that ,crashed against ConneIl's
pada'. The,04, bounded Out to the
side itid Sfelierk raced in like 'a
storm forAikrehound. He fasten--'
ed'on te the rubber and While tlia
defense eaid epereiatilar attention to
Phillips in centio he Siebert drove
the .disc over[the' prostrate body -of
Connell, who* had gene:down in
desperate effert to avert a score.
"Babe" Siebert, who nicored the
winning goal for the Maroons at
Ottawa on Saturday night, 'paid the
price for greatzrest" on his arrival
in Montreal, witiethe Montreal team.
Five hundred' rabid club supporters
were in the concourses when Siebert
came through the Windsor station
gates. He was lifted shoulder ).'zigh
and marched around the station. He
was, dropped several times, pounded,
pummeled and generally mauled by
frantic, frenzied admirers.
- He finally Was allowed to go aft-
er a few final bounces, clothes dis-
reveled, hat ,crziehed, and remark-
! Inge "You'd think I Was the King
of Egypt, or soniething."
The undersigned auctioneer ha,s
bAeueont i 0 instructednn
oto sell by Public
LotNeD, ACyon, cearssiRonEr4125,th$,ter016a
at 1 p.m. sharp, the folloWing:-
HORSES—Heavy draft mare, 7
Years old; heavy draft horse, 7 years
old; 1 general purpose horse.
CATTLE—Cow due April 20; cow
ebre.y;a es tnd 4;‘ynoluNrnessi_h htlizersi pigs weighing wrisingeighi'n ag
o iG 45
years old; 1 farrow cow; 2 calves.
W. mower, F. W. Cultivator, 11. W.
disc, Cockshutt drill, Maxwell hay
rake, set harrows, gang plow, Adams
wagon nearly new, 16 -ft. hay rack,
gravel box, buggy, cutter, set sleighs
tanning mill, root pulper, wheelbar-
row nearly new, set heayylititchen
harness, 'set light harness.
GRAIN and KAY,. Cash -5 tons
Alfalfa, hay, 250 bushels' seed barley
200 bushels seed oats, Banner, ,
range, Deleavel cream separator,
nearly new, Congoteum rug, cup-
board, dining 'MOM table, dresser,.
some chairs, 2 bedroom suites com-
plete, new washing Machine, robe,
Ford car in good running order, and
set of beasamounted double harness,
heavy wagon with springs, set sleigh
light wagon, light sleigh, barn so-
itott lc; in good shape Etedeoeher ar-
ticles too numerous to, nienlau.
Positively no reserve. '1
All suYits of $1.0.00, aiid 'under,
cash; over that amount v. months'
credit will be given on furnishing
approved joint notes'. 5 .per cent. for cash.
JOHN GUINAN, Proprietor
PRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
: •
It might help some if the car Man-
ufacturers would use a neinature fig-
ure of a coroner as a radiator orna-
Condensed ' from the Chatham
Daily News. • ' .
The following results of feeding
pigs at the Experimental Fam, Rid-
getown, Ont., wile be Interesting bo
farmers around Exeter. Many farm-
ers in Essex and Kent ,thought they
could not produce selectPigs while
feeding such et large percentarge of
corn, but the experiments conduct-
ed on the farm have convinced them
they were wrong. • The experiments
Were carried on during three years
with the eight leading breeds of
pigs, and the , results have peoved
coaclusively that a balanced ration
is necessary to produce the best type
of pig, and they found that tankage
enabled them td provide a balanced
ration very easilY. '
The pigs did not receive any corn
until 12 to 14 weeks of age when it
was Introduced and ;gradually in-
ereased up to 7 -0, -.per cent of the
total ration. The final ration was
70 per cent. corn, 22 per eent. oats
and 8 per cent Tankage. In regard
to cost of production the .lang
rangy type in any of the breeds give
the best results. Alai, it Was not-
ed that the cost Of production per
100 lb. was considerably less' whea
a balanced ration was,ersed. In the
Tams and Yorks. the differenee was
$2.34 per cwt, in feior of the bal-
anced rationr1 also gave a dif-
ference in time for finishing amount-,
Mg to More than time weeks in
many cases. Again the unbalaneed
ration gave practitally no selects
and during the feeding period look-
ed unthrifty. The balanced ration
nise a large percentage or selects
ea some cases reaching 100 per cola.
One important fact erought out
by these experiments Was the that-
,' hilftY of Digester Tankage when
mixed with other feeds to produto
balanced ration. Another was that
ihe Yorke fed with Flynt difficulty
on the 1/n1)0e/teed ration and the
Tains thee eoneiderably leeger thaa
on the balaheed ratitin,
Farm for. Sale
feriae shevels, and cliains.
churn, glass cupboard, pails,
steads with mattresses, 2 bureaus, a
stretcher,, organ, Edison Pepaogrape,
Ititchett chairs, 2 tables, carpets and"
linoleum and other.,urticles too num-
erous to mentan.
• BEA1-4 ESTATE -10 per emit. of
purchase money on day of sale, l-
ance in 30 days. Sold subject to
reserye bid.
CHATTELS— $10.00 and under,.
cash; over that amount a months'
credit on furnishing approved :joint
notes or a discount of 6 per eent.:
per annum off for eash.
GORDON RUN'rliIR, Proprietor
PRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
Notice to Creditors.
all persons having claims against the
estate of Mary Delbridge, late of they ,
village of Exeter, who died on the
•25th day of February 1926,' are re-
quired to forward their claims duly
proven to the undersigned/ort or be-
• fore the 12th day of April 1926.
EN that after the said' date the Exe-
cutors will proceed to distribute the -
estate having regard only to the
claims of whichthey then. shall haveaotice, -
• DATED at Exeter this 22nd day
ot March 1926. • ;a
•Solicitofei for Betecutorte
Containing 160. acres Wee .one ac -
ratan which .is becemel, hetes°, in the
Township of USboen,e, being Lot ;6e
Con. 3, • The farm is in a, geed state
of mileiiiiime•well,erained and fen-
ced with 8 acres !awn, in "fall wheat.
Plenty of water at all seasons with
wind mill over a good' supply of Wa-
ter near the dwelling, also water in
the stable. The buildings are prac-
tically new and up-to-date, a large
hip -roof, bank barn with stabling
complete, also good brick dwelling,
and drive shed, hen house etc. 3
and 1-4 miles from the village of Ex-
eter, in which village is a good mar-
ket as well as a canning factory. A
quantity of straw to be sold with
the farm. If not sold the terra will
be rented.
Apply to Andrew and William Dolg
Jr., R. R. No. 3, Kippen, Ont.
all persons- having claims against
the estate of JANE 1VIcKAY, late of
the Township of Tuckersmith, de-
ceased, who died on or about the of December, A. D. 1926,
• are required to deliver to W. Ery -
done, Solicitor for John Torrance,
Executor of the said estate, on or
before the 17th day of April A. D.,
1926, a full statement of ;their
claims together with particulars
'thereof, and the nature of the ,se-
curities, if any, held by them all
duly _verified by affidavit.
• AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said lastmentioned date •the
said John Torrance will proceed to
distribute the estate of the said de-
ceased amongst the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to such
claims as he shall have received due
notice and in, accordance therewith:
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22
day of March A. D. 1926.
Clintien, Ont.
Solicitor for the geld- Executor
In giving judgment against a de-
linquent‘subscriber recently, Judge
O'Reilly, of Cornwall, made the
statement that newspaper publish-
ers had a hard enough time in fin-
ancing the business without being
done out of their subscriptions. If
a person desires to stop a news-
paper, the proper way Is for him to
pay all arrears and get a receipt, or
if he is paid, refuse to take the
papet" at the post office and have
a record made of hie refusal. A
man who owed for a newspaper
could not stop taking it and expect
the publisher to go without his pay.
It may be added that no erablisher
Wishes to force his paper on any-
one and any subscriber desiring to
diseontinue his paper will not have
the slightest trouble if he does; no
In an honest and businesslike way.
:Hundreds of dollars are lost every
year to Dubliners by those, who
after a subscription has expired for
three or six months, diseontinue the
paper and send it back as "Re-
fused," The amount Le too small
for the publisher to make a fun
over, but an the same, ir amounts
to a neat little sum In a year.
• Female etylee glIVAr about eveiy-
thing but individuality.
Under and by Virtue ortbe _powers
contained in a certain '-mbrtgage
which will be produced at time of
the sale there will he offered,,for
gale by public auction,: on • , •
at the hour of • 2f30' cieeloCk -en the
afternoon, nt the" ; .,j
in the Village Of Exeter,. by, Frank
Taylar, Auctioneeer, .the ,4o11.0.10;1g
property ,
Parts of Lots atunheis .24 and 25
In the first Concessioneoi the Town-
ship of Stephen, now in the Village
of Exeter, coatainieg 53 and 1-2 ac-
res more Or less. 1
' The land -is 'well Situated near Ex-
eter •Station and.eininediatialy; north
of:-.the.Bait Well. On the proPertyrie'
a good -bank laarn and the land is
well; fenced :and drained -and. in good
condition for -crops..
• - • TER -MS
Notice to Creditors.
all persons having claims against the
estate of Rebecca Poplestone late or
the village of Exeter, who died on
the 16th day of March 1e26, are
•quired to forward their claims duly'
• proven to the undersigned on or be-
fore the lath of April 1926.
EN that after the said date the Exe-
cutors will proceed to distribute the
estate having regard only of the
claims of which they then shall have
DATED at Exeter this 22nd day
of March 1926.
Solicitors for Exetcutorte
Ten per cent. of the perchase mon-
ey to be paid down at the time. of
sale, balance within 30 days..
For further particulars and con-
ditions of sale, apply to
Exeter and Bengali; •
Solicitors fit" Mortgagee
--. of
The undersigned has been instracted
to sell by public auction, on '
TUESDAY, APRIL 6th, ,1926
at one o'clock sharp the following—
REAL ESTATE—One hundred ac-
res of land being Lot 5, Con., 4, Us -
borne. On the place Is a large bank
barn 40x72 ft., straw barn 26x40 ft„
driving shed 24x20 ft., good, brick
house; well fenced and drained; 12
acres -of fall wheat, 28 acres plowed,
balance in pasture and hay, 2 good
wells, a good windmill, litter denier,
water works in the barn. and house,
silo 13x40 ft. ' This is a first class
50 acres west half Lot 3, Con. 4,
fisborne, 25 acres plowed, balance in
hay, 1 good well and windmill, well
fenced and drained; this is also a
good farm. e
HORSES -1 bay aorse, 8 year old,
grey mare rising 7 years; '1 grey
horse 9 years old; 1 pacing mare,
Etoacintester, in foal to Peter .Molai;
• 4ubenie Smith, with mark of 2.19
1.-4, in foal to PetereMoko; 1 suck-
ing colt; sired by Peter Mace
• CATTLE -1 cow just freshened;
1 cow due,in May; 2 cows supposed
to be in calf; 1 farrow cow, railking;
7 calves rising 1 yew; old; 2 fall
Deletes. •
PIGS —1 York sow, bred; 16
young pigs about 7 weeks old.
POULTRY -3 turkey hens, 2 gob-
blers, 2 geese, 1 gander, 60 hens.
IMPLEIVIENTS—M. H.. binder 7 ft.
cut, nearly new; 1 McCormick mow-
•er, 1 M. H. hay loader, new; 1 culti-
vator, 1 M. H. seed drill, new; one
ivr, H. disc harrow, 1 4 -section Dia-
mond harrow, 1 M. el, roller, 1 M.
H. sulky rake, 1 shoe drill, Bain wa-
gon aed box, nearly new; heavy Wa-
gon, light wagon, set sleighs and
flat rack, 2 gravel boxes, sliding haY
rack, NI, eream separator, stock
rack, fanning mill, rubber tired bug-
gy, cutter, 4 -wheel trailer, new; 75
saP pails and two pans, 2 -furrow
walking plow, Maple Leaf Cockshut;
root pulper, pump jack, 3 barrels,
hay fork, sling chain, rope and pul-
leys, 2000 ',weed scales, set small
scales 200 pounds., 2 gas. barrels,
coal oil barrel, buggy and cutter
pole, light wagon pole, lawn 13101W01',
a sets of heavy harness, set double
light harness, set of single harnees,
2 orosscut saws, cutting box, some
buckwheat, quantity of oats, 20
bets. barloet, ilay, etraev to bo fed on
the piece, iron kettle, JO cords weed,
all persons having claims against the;
estate of PETER McGREGOR late or
the Township at Stephen, in the
County of Huron, who died on Janie-
ary 5111, 1926, at the Township or
Stephen, farmer „ deeeased„ are re-
quired to forward their claims duly
proven to H. Eilber.,& Son, of Credi-
ton; on or before the VTth day ot
April, 1926.
'111Ni'hat7utter...tlie said:7dte the All•
painistrator will proceed to dist -
liute the estate having regar
to theclaims of which he then s a
have notice.
Dated at Crediton, this 29th day or
1Vlareh, 1926. .
all persons having claims against
the estate of THOMAS OLVER late
of the 'Village of Centralia, in the
County of Huron, gentleman, rde-
ceased, who died February 21;1- , 0....
at the Village of Centralia, are e-
quired to forward, their claims d' br -
proven to either the undersigned
Executrix or H. Eilber & Son, Credi-
ton, on or before the 17111day a
April, 1926. .
EN that after the said date the
!Executrix well proceed to distribute -
the estate having regard onlY to the
claims of which she then shall have
Dated at Crediton, this 29,th day of
March, 1926.
'• Executrix
all persons baving-claime against thee
estate of JOHN SHARP, late of the
Township. of Stephen, in the County
of Huron, farmer deceased, who-4id
on the 17th of February, 1926e. ae
the Township of Stephen, are re-
quired to forward their claims duly
proven to H. Eilber & Son, of Credi-
ton, on or before the 17th day ot
April, 1926,
EN that after the said date the Ad-
ministratrix will proceed to distri-
bute the estate having regard only'
to the claims of which she elleri ellen
have ziotice,
Dated at Crediton, this 29111 day of
March, 1926, •••
• Administratrir
R. go, Dashwood
all pereons having claims against
estate of EZRA WEIN, late of he
Township of Stephen, in the County
of Huron, farmer, deceased who died
DetteMbee 30111, 1925, at the Town-
ship of Stephen, are required' to foe -
ward their claims duly proven to
either the Administrator or H. nil-
ber et Sore Crediton, on .cir before
the 17th day of Awe, 1920,
AND NOTIC,ID IS latiliel'illere OW.
ree thee ,after the said date the Ad-
minietrattne will proceed • to distri-
bute the estate having regard oniy.
to the elaime of which he then shall
lutes uotice,
Dated at Orediton, this 29th daY oC
March, 1926. "