HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2002-02-13, Page 10Town and Country LASSIFIEDS t.- ,i nday, ■ 2:00 Noon Call 527-0240 iri`-INTEE •• •rsS14J Real Estate 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (519)527-2763 Sharon Medd 527-0660 Dan Pearce Associate Broker 522-0465 Market Value Appraiser Sales Representative MLS Georgina Reynolds 527-1388 Sales Representative NEW LISTING - Attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow in hospital area of Stratford, close to schools and churches. Central air, hardwood floors, large yard, and much more. COUNTRY PROPERTY! Newer raised ranch, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, large walk out basement, country kitchen, 2 garages, and much more! Ideal for the growing family. $235,000. GREAT BUY! 3 bedrooms, whirlpool 4 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME IN tub, 2 baths, main floor laundry, built-in SEAFORTH - Hardwood floors, single dishwasher, closed in sun -porch with detached garage with cement floor skylights, many updates. $110,000. and wood -stove, private yard, lots of trees. SUPERB 4 BEDROOM HOME IN SEAFORTH - Private treed lot 66' x 190' approx. Quiet area, one block from school, church and park. LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! Double properties zoned commercial on Hwy #8 with dual entry. For Sale or Rent. Free Home Evaluations t1 6 -THE HURON EX>PO$lTOR, February 14, 2001 Corning events ALL YOU CAN EAT Pancake and Sausage Supper, Feb. 27, 5-7 p.m. at St. Thomas Anglican Church, Seaforth. Adults $6.00, children under 12 $3.00. CE -07-1 NORTHSIDE UNITED Church Youth Group has been re -sched- uled for Thurs. Feb. 22. Meal at 5:15 at Northside United. Children should be picked up at 7:45 at Seaforth Public School. Cost: Freewill offering of a toonie. CE -07- 1 EASTER PIE SALE, Sat. April 14, 10 a.m., St. Thomas Anglican Church, Seaforth. CE -07-1 SOUP AND SALAD LUNCH, Wed. May 9, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., St. Thomas Anglican Church, Seaforth. $6.00. CE -07-1 ARE YOU INTERESTED in going to Canada Blooms, Wednesday, March 14 or Thursday, March 15? Please contact Nancy Smith at 519- 522-0488. CE -06-2 SPAGHETTI DINNER sponsored by Seaforth Juvenile Broomball at Seaforth Agriplex. Wed., Feb. 21, from 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Adults $7.00, Kids $4.00. Call Jonathon 519-523- 4362, Jeremy 519-522-1025. CE- 06x3cc QUIT SMOKING 2001 CONTEST Quit smoking from March 1-31 and qualify to win a Caribbean Cruise and more! Entry deadline February 28th. Call the Huron County Health Unit 519-482-3416 to register. CE- 05x4cc INFORMATION MEETING, Blyth Festival needs extras and produc- tion assistants for The Outdoor Donnellys, Thursday, Feb. 15, 7:00 p.m., Bainton Gallery, Blyth. Everyone welcome. RSVP 519- 523-9300. CE-06x2cc OPTIMIST CLUB: Craft Show and Sale, 9:30 a.m, - 3:00 p.m. Dance 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 17th, Atwood Community Centre. CE-06x2cc EUCHRE TOURNAMENT at Walton Hall at 8:00 p.m., Thurs. Feb. 22. Bring your own partner. Admission $5.00 per person. Lunch. Cash prizes. CE -05-4 LEARN TO PAINT. Come see the projects at Wood You Like To Paint. Beginner to advanced decorative painting, pen and ink, landscape painting in oil and acrylic. Spring break kids classes. Something for everyone. Open daily Tues. to Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are just west of Seaforth take Hwy. 8 to the Kinbum Rd, go north approximately 200 feet to Byers St. - we are #41568 or call 519-233-7154. CE - 05 -3 BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parsons Court, $3,855 in prizes; 2 mini jackpots 1 for $350, 1 for $600; regular jackpot $1,500 must go. Lic. #157920. First Saturday of every month, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, same program as Thursday night. Lic. #310856. Super Star Provincial Game every Bingo Night. CE-42-xtfcc 1 Articles For Sale ITALIAN - ALLEGRO electric organ A-205, upper and lower manual. Rhythm & automatic section, full set of pedals Great condition 519-482- 5828. 01-06x3 SNOWBLOWER, self propelled, 24" cut with new lntec 7.5 hp. OHV Briggs and Stratton engine. Less than 10 hrs. running time. $600 firm. Call 519-524-4604 atter 5 or leave a message. 01-06x3nxe LARGE 5 -DRAWER chest (cherry), $200.00. Cherry wall unit $200. Call 519-786-3373. 01-05x6nxe 5 Cars for Sale 1990 CHEVROLET CAVALIER, body in good condition. Phone 519- 527-2420 after 4. 05-07x3 1. Articles For Sale 'FREE STARCHOICE SATELLITE Trade in your C -band, Direct TV or Dish Network System and get a Starchoice 301 dual satellite ready system 'Free after programming credits. Call L & A Satellite Systems, 519-524-9595. 01-07xtfcc BLACK SAMACH grand piano in good condition. Asking $13,000. Victorian settee, rose colour, $750. Phone 519-522-1453. 01-04-ff ANTIQUES. Call Us. We buy it all. Antiques, furniture, coins, col- lectibles, glassware, old tin toys, tractors etc. Cash on the spot. Phone toll-free 1-866-501-8848. 01-42xtfcc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star, The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, Lucknow Sentinel and The Huron Expositor. 01-01-tfnxe 7: Snowmobiles & Equipment 1973 340 cc Scorpion. 1978 340 cc Kawasaki Drifter, both in good con- dition. Phone 519-527-2420 after 4. 7F -07x3 1997 SKI DOO Formula S380, hand warmer, 3,580 km., mint con- dition, $3,500 or best offer. 1982 Citation in very good condition, $850 or best offer. 519-522-1871. 7F-07-2 FOR SALE: Ski Doo 98 Formula 500 98MXZ; 97 Formula S. Call 519-887-6708. 7F-06-2 1 1J. Farm Land CASH CROP LAND wanted to rent for no till or conventional. Claussen Farms. 519-233-3198. 11J -07x1 USA PROPERTIES, only 3 - 20 acre parcels available, located in West Texas, $8495.00 each, $150.00 per month, financing avail- able. Call 1-800-875-6568. 11 J- 06x2cc WANTED TO RENT cash crop land in Herisall, Kippen, Brucefield area. Call Ron Denys 519-522-0744. 11J- 51-tf 12. Real Estate for Sale NEAR KIPPEN: Rural property for sale. 1.69 acres, mature treed lot, large 1 1/2 storey, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, newer roof and gas furnace, attached garage, 16' x 32' above ground pool, shed with workshop, fenced backyard, $152,000.00. 519-263-2959.12-07x1cc C Prudential Heartland Realty 1 Albert Street, Clinton 519-482-3400 Gp� *•r 79,900 174 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH STURDY 1.5 STOREY BRICK HOME w/MF laundry, enclosed porch, HW floors, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Gas fur- nace just 5 years old. Heated, insulated workshop/garage for the hobbyist. This is a super value! Serving Seaforth and Area Lorie Zulauf, Sales Representative 519.522.0575 (res.) email: revealonOtcc.on.ca Fax: 522-2131 (res.) Broker/Owner Fred R. Lobb 482-3321 (res.) I::t-•Ils I Iy 5. Cars for Sale $AVE $AVE $AVE Reverse Auto Auction The price of this vehicle will be reduced by $100 Every Day until it's Sold * 1992 Oldsmobile Royale LS * * * * * * * * * Well equipped, certified & warranty available. * * Wednesday Feb. 14 PRICE $6350.00 * THIS CAR WILL BE SOLD! * Donny's Bargain Autos ' 252 Huron Rd., Goderi 524-5398 * ************************** 17. Apartments for Rent THREE BEDROOM duplex apart- ment, available Mar. 15, $500 month plus utilities. References required. Call 519-527-2750. 17- 07-tf COZY TWO BEDROOM upper apartment. Nicely decorated. Close to uptown. Ample parking. Heat included. $375.00/month + utilities. Available April 1st. Phone 519-527- 2581. 17-06x3 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Seaforth, fridge, stove, heat, park- ing included, $290 per month. Call 519-527-0675 anytime, 17-06x3 A LARGE ONE BEDROOM in Seaforth. First and last required. Great for a working couple. Parking, stove, fridge included. Call Chris in Stratford 1-800-353-1036. 17-02-ff EASTVIEW APARTMENTS, Mitchell. Large, luxury 2 bedroom apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235-2961 or 519-565-5062. 17-51 xtfcc LARGE SECOND FLOOR, one bedroom apartment for rent. Rent includes heat, (hydro extra), fridge and stove. Also small bachelor apartment available. Quiet building. Call 519-527-2369. 17-40-tf COUNTRYVIEW APARTMENTS, Clinton, large luxury 2 bedroom apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235-2961 or 519-565-5062. 17-29 xtf cc HEATED ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, close to uptown, fridge and stove included. $295/month. Phone 519-527-0235. 17.-01-ff ONE BEDROOM apartment, edge of Clinton, fridge and stove includ- ed. Cali 519-235-2559 or 1-905- 852-3754. 17-06xtfcc 18 Houses for Rent 3 BD $525 MARCH 1 THREE BEDROOM home in Clinton, close to downtown, 1 1/2 baths, large yard, parking, appli- ances, gas heat. Available March 1st. $525.00 monthly plus utilities. Phone 519-637;3737. 18.07x 1 cc TWO BEDROOM house, central location in Clinton. Large rooms, recently renovated and updated. Discover a house that is very appealing with' plenty of charm at an extremely affordable rate. (519) 482-8113 (leave message). 18- 07xlcc THREE BEDROOM house in Seaforth, $650/month. Available March 1st. Phone 519-522-1508. 18-06x2 25 Wanted to Buy BUYING OLD brick farm houses and other rural brick buildings for wrecking and brick salvage. We also buy old bricks: loose or on pal- lets. Call Ross Lumley at Cadillac Brick Co., Samia (519) 383-2024, most anytime. Wrecking people's homes all over Southwestern Ontario since 1969. 25-07x2cc WANTED: Chev or GM 305 or 350 fuel injected motor. Must be running well. Phone 519-523-4233 or 519- 523-4260. 26-06x3cc USED INSULATED CHIMNEY accessories for an 8" (on the inside) stainless steel chimney (roof flash- ing and ceiling mount). Must be in good condition. Call Dan at 519- 236-7545. 25-06x6nxe For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star, The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, Lucknow. Sentinel and The Huron Expositor. 01-01-tfnxe Go figure! 1 jug Its mei fair ,art ties oir AIM, aur glop Y tremas corn coil M■ .dm Smoo:ix Storiry u ril e., hna. - - - rgar,nt a i - The Huron Expositor's CLASSIFIE C E. Corning Events 01 Articles For Sale 03. Goroge/Yard Sole 04. Antiques & Art 4A. Crafts & Hobbies 05. Cars For Sale 06. Trucks For Sale 7A. For Sale General 78. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, Etc 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 76. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies 08. Computers, Videos, Etc 09. Automotive 10. Pets 11A For Sale General 118. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wonted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. livestock 11F. Farm Product 11G. form Equipment 11H. Farm Services 111 Farm land 11K. Farm Real Estate LIMWSibitlAtztatteil 12. Real Estate For Sale 13 Mobile Homes 14. Vacation Properties 16. For Rent 17. Apartments For Rent 18. Houses For Rent 19. Rooms For Rent 20. Rooms & Board 22. lots For Rent 23. Commercial Property 23 For Rent 24 Wanted To Rent 25 Wonted To Buy 26. Help Wanted 27. Wanted General 28. Business Opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment Wanted 31 Service Directory 32 Babysitting 33 Miscellaneous 34 Personal 35 Notice To Creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction Sale 39 Educational 40. Lost & Found 41 To Give Away 42 Deaths 43 Births 44. Engagements 45 Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47 Cards of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY moo NOON For other papers Deadline is MONDAY ix:oo AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One Week S6.5o, two weeks S6.00 ea. week, three weeks 5S.5o ca. week. Additional words zo cents. An additional Sz.00 will be added if billing is necessary. In Memoriams - S6.5o plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of -Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words S6.00. Each additional word .to cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional 53.0o. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM COLDWQU. BANKCR LI RR`2 DUBLIN - S184,900 W fir 2.01 ACRE HOBBY FARM, 23 X 40 SHOP, BARN, 4 BEDROOMS A-1 BUNGALOW - 93.000. TOUR GREAT RETIREMENT OR STARTER HOME, MAIN FLOOR LIVING, FAMILY ROOM NEW PRICE INCOME PROPERTY 90-94 MAIN ST. RESTAURANT, 2 STORES, 4 APARTMENTS, BUILDING AND LAND ONLY. COLDWELL BANKER VIRTUAL TOUR THE ONLY LOCAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY WITH THIS LATEST TECHNOLOGY 1. Click on our website www.codwellbankerfc corn 2. Click C.B. Property Listings 3. Under city, type Seaforth include 100 km, surrounding area, choose Price Range & begin search 4. Open Houtu» 24 hours a day. 365 days a year NEW LISTING - 75 JAMES ST. • BEAUTIFUL 11 STOREY HOME.WELL MAINTAINED - MOVE -IN CONDITION, PINE FLOORING, ORIGINAL TRIM. ENCLOSED FRONT PORCH, FAMILY ROOM, GAS FIREPLACE AND HUGE DINING ROOM. COLD\VELL BANKER VIRTUAL TOUR OPEN HOUSE "LIST NOW" LIST NOW FOR THE NEXT TAPING OF OUR TV SHOW. HAVE YOUR PROPERTY VIEWED BY THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL BUYERS ACROSS SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO "CALL NOW" NEW LISTING - DOUBLE LOT • LARGE HEATED WORKSHOP • VERY PRIVATE - MATURE TREES • WELL MAINTAINED 4 - 5 BEDROOM HOME • FAMILY ROOM AND DEN • CARPORT • :I • •T S 17 •dee. IMPRESSIVE TOUR' H STORIC HOME, FIREPLACE, GRAND STAIRCASE, CENTRAL AIR, NEW FENCED YARD 77 CHALK STREET .33 ACRE LOT, MAIN FLOOR LIVING WITH FAMILY ROOM & LIVING ROOM, NEW BATHROOM RRit1 SEAFORTH Sb6.900 • COUNTRY SIZE LOT • NEW BATHROOM •LARGEPATIOATREAR • GARAGE WITH W000STOVE • NEW FLOOR71<IG Property Details you nosed 24 hours a day If it isn't open 24 hours --- is it really an open house. CulligATE a R.R.45, SEAFORTH - LIST - $199,900.1 - 37 HURON STREET, SEAFORTH LIST - $89,900.! - 8.8.44,SEAFORTH - LIST - $149,000. 154 ST. DAVID STREET, MITCHELL - LIST - $129,900.! - 46 GEORGE STREET, EAST, SEAFORTH - LIST - $79,900.! - 115 JOHN STREET, SEAFORTH LIST • $149,900. - SATURDAY 9:30 - 10:45 OPEN TO OFFERS 146 JARVIS STREET, SEAFORTH 10 FAI • AY RD., e • OVILLE - LIST - 5189,900.1 - 28 LONDON RD., EGMONDVI LS E - LIST - 589,000.1 45 MILL STREET, EGMONDVILLE - LIST - 5169,900.! - 151 JARVIS STREET, SEAFORTH -LIST-$189,900.1- R.R. 45, SEAFORTH - LIST -1129,900.! - Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 /11A/J519-527-111 MAS 1 10F� 8 Main Street 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE MLS REALTOR Nit OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! A WANTED FARM LISTINGS!!! 94,50 ACRES of vacant land in Hullett $299,000. 97.25 ACRES 88 workable. Vacland Hullett. 196.69 ACRES 180 workable Hullett. 100 ACRES 100 workable. List $300,000. MORRIS: 108 acres 95 workable. List $380,000.