HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-3-25, Page 8THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE irettro: \ Is .2407600:1040 Good Friday Only One Week from To -morrow WM you be prepared for the Easter he/idays with the smart . , new wearing apparel which you have been planning to have for the Spring Season, . . This store is ready to meet your wants with a carefully se, leeted stet* of new Spring goods, attractive styles and at popu- lar prices. Your New ,Spring Coat This Week is the logical. time to choose your new coat so that you can be certain to have it ready for next Friday. Our stock is now at its best witha. good 'selection of.both tweeds and tailored coats in black, navy ''blue, sand and the nets bright shades; many of •these tailored coats have attractive fur-triin- miags, POPULARLY PRICED AT $14.85; $17.95; $19,85; $24.95 Easter Dress• Materials %#4 Bordered, Figured and Plain, Silks and Rayons • Never in years have Spring .dress materials been so attract- ive and so reasonably priced. Instead of having one or two new dresses this season you will be alble to afford several and so we would advise an early choice from the range of beautiful ma- terials and e'xclusive dress lengths which we are now displaying. NEW VOILES WITH SATIN AND BEADED BORDERS NEW SILK FIGURED CREPES NEW BORDERED RAYONS NEW SILK CREPES NEW SILK KNIT MATERIALS NEW FANCY BROADCLOTHS NEW PLAIN BROADCLOTHS NEW GINGHAM NEW DELAINES NEW RAYONS New Hosiery and Gloves IP4.6' This season we are featuring the genuine Holeproof Qual- ity Stockings for ladies and girls. The new shades are now in stock in the different weights of silk and lisle. Holeproof Silk ed Rayon hose in the new shades at 65c. a pair. We also show a nicely finished Hose are priced as low as 98c. The new silk gloves for Spring are very attractive and are reasonably priced. ,i11111MMMINO•MMIMMI•111.•.....• Stewart's Grocery Prices , Tasty Cheese 29c /13 4 cakes Palm Olive soap 25c Tasty Sardines 4 boxes for 25c 18 bars P. & G. soap for $1.00 Toilet Paper, 6 large rolls 25c Matches, 3 large boxes for 29c MI=.11111MIOMONIMENININIIMIW. J. A. Stewart 14 4 v - - v-vovo-.4or.dirdirmor.ffil ..&> ...a. .4 „6. • FURNITURE WHOSE COMFORT WELCOMES YOU THIS IS THE KIND WHICH WILL GREET YOU WHEN YOU CALL AT OUR STORE ON A VISIT OF INSPECTION. SOLID COMFORT COMBINED WITH UP-TO-DATE 'STYLE AND FINISH AND A DURABILITY BEYOND. COMPARISON. THERE'S REAL VALUE IN EVERY PIECE. "4pt-HOME-NFITRicISIIER" M. E. GRINNER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE -- •LONG- DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Phone 74j OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Night Call 74w • • P. 17 Tr" Men's Store Phone 81w Men's Store Get Ready for. Spring NEW SPRING READY-TO-WEAR SUITINGS ARE*J-IERE FOR YOUR INSPECTION „. THE STYLES THIS SEASON ARE VERY SPECIAL AN'D ATTRACTIVE Prices $18, $20 and $22:. mIMMAIMTMO. NEW HATS , ° in BORSALINO and KING - $4.00, $5.00 and $7.00 NEW CAPS In 8 -piece tops, plain and fancy patterns Prices $2.00 to $2.50 • W. TR, Exeter Markets Wheat $1.25, Oats 45c. Barley 60c. Manitoba Flour $4.60, Blended Flour $4.10. • Pastry Flour $.3.60. Feed Flour $2.00. - Bran $1.70 Shorts $1.70 Creamery Butter 49c. Dairy Butter 39 to 42. Eggs; extra 28o, Eggs 23e, Lard 20c Potatoes $2.25. Hogs $12.75. Hogs, Selects $14,03. ....••••••••••••••alli...ell••••••••••••••••1*...6000 +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 LOCAL 44444+4.4., 4444444 Miss Alice Handford and Miss M. Jones spent Monday in London. Mr. T. 0. Sothcott, spent a few days in Toronto on business this week. Mr. Trueman Elliott spent a few days in St. Thomas on business this week. Mrs G. F. Roulston returned Fri day evening after sending severa, days in London. Mr. Geo. McTaggart, of Watford visited over Sunday with his mother Mrs. P. McTaggart. Mrs. I Hall and Mrs. F. Witwer, ar in Ann Arbor, Mich., owing to th death of their niece. The Peerless Jubilee Concert Co all star artists, who broadcasted fo two hours over the largest govern ment radio station in the Unite States, will give a concert in Cave church, Friday evening, March 26th They come highly recommended b the press and the pulpit. Admissloi 50c. tax 5c. Farmers and anyone else interest ed in Power Farming are invited t 'attend the Ford Motor Co's Tracts School in the Town Hall, Exeter, o: Monday afternoon, • March 29t1 under the auspices of the local For Dealer. The lectures and motion Pi tures will start at 13:30 o'clock an conclude at 4:30. No Admission. 'TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up t April 10th, 1926, for the erection a brick house on the premises of th undersigned, William St. The lo est or any other not necessarily a cepted. Please apply to Mr. A. Harness, Box 257, Exeter. ' NOTICE Miss Mary Tom has returned fro Toronto, and will re -open her dres making rooms at her home. Cuttir patterns to individual measure a alterations of ready-to-wear a spe ialty. An apprentice wanted. FOR SALE Brick cottage, electric lights, thr lots, 'stable, good well. Residen of the late Mrs. R. Poplestone, Ma St. Exeter. Apply 0 la premises Mr. S. A. Poplestone, Blyth. COOKING SALE 111 A cooking sale will be held and the auspices of the Trivitt Memori church Chancel Guild, on Saturda March 27th, in the store former occupied by the Dominion Store from 2:30 to 5:30; and tea will Fi served from 9:00 to 10:00. 4 Agricultural lime for garden pu poses for sale at R. G. Seldon warehouse. John Hey, Jr. NOTICE -The public will kindly take,noti that the Medical Practice and Ho pital established and, heretofore ca ried on by the late Dr. 11: K. Hyn man, at the Village of Exeter, wi be continued by his friend and forr er associate, Dr. M. C. G. Fletch of London', Ont. Victoria (Mrs. Dr. H. K.) Hyndm L. 0. L. No. 924 will hold special meeting on Friday, March 2 for the initiation of candidates: members are requested to be press WANTED—Someone to raise 5 to 1000 chicks for me this summ in quantities from 50 to 150, price agreed upon. Apply to W. Abbott, Exeter. Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter 0,- CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHUR,CII 1-tev, James Foote. ll,A.. Minister 10 tt..m—SulidaY School., 11 a.m.—"Life' Inner Void. Ex- pressed and Aoswered.” 7 p.m.—At the first celebration of the Lord's Supper in the Presby- terian, Church of the Reformation Period. • The Minister — - All JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OP • CANADA Rev. E. Sheppard, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.m.—Look towards the Light. 3 p.m.—Open Session. Illustrated talk. How Satan catches our girls and boys! How Jesus saves them 7 p.m.—"Can the Lord count on you?" The closing of our financial year. Are you giving the church a square deal.? Would you like to live here if we had no church?. What hap- pened on Calvary concerns us. 1 ., . GOVERNMENT 1360NDS ALWAYS 'ON SALE " .-....--..........- ALWAYS SALEABLE NO TROUBLE ABOUT INTEREST • MORTGAGE LOANS SELECTED FARMS HIGHER. INTEREST COLLECTION MADE WU MAKE NO CHARGE FOR THE SAFE -KEEPING- OF YOUR PAPERS IN OUR VAITLT Gladman & Stanbury tXtV111/11 HENSALL 0,- CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHUR,CII 1-tev, James Foote. ll,A.. Minister 10 tt..m—SulidaY School., 11 a.m.—"Life' Inner Void. Ex- pressed and Aoswered.” 7 p.m.—At the first celebration of the Lord's Supper in the Presby- terian, Church of the Reformation Period. • The Minister — - All JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OP • CANADA Rev. E. Sheppard, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a.m.—Look towards the Light. 3 p.m.—Open Session. Illustrated talk. How Satan catches our girls and boys! How Jesus saves them 7 p.m.—"Can the Lord count on you?" The closing of our financial year. Are you giving the church a square deal.? Would you like to live here if we had no church?. What hap- pened on Calvary concerns us. Trivitt Memorial • Church lla.m.—"Servants of the Cup" 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—"The Heroic Chirst" MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E..Clysclale. Pastor 11 a.m.—Special W. M. S. , Service Easter Thank Offering. Speaker . Mrs. Dr. McCrae,:London. 1 3 p.m.—Musical Service in the Sun- day School. • 7 p.m.—"Palm Sunday Meditations" i• We. are reminded of the approach of "Passion Week'e—Prepare to ob- serve. Good Friday when it comes - and to recognize the High Festival of Easter Day. ) r 1 , oP well's Bazaar 1 - The Big Variety Store 1 SOMETHING NEW all the time at POWELL'S BAZAAR said a child looking in Our Windows last week, yet still we received the past week, the following:—Householder Re- minders, glass eggcups, Fancy color- ed Serving trays, Bud vases, mugs, e fancy jugs, plain white breakfast plates, dainty salt: and peppers, mustard pots, Alumium egg cups, dishpans, 3 way cookers, omelette pans, potato slicers, • New Columbia Records, Blue Amberol records—and the prettiest Gingham gowns selling at $1.50 you ever .saw. We invite a every lady, man and child in the neighborhood to visit this store g Every dollar you ..spend here yoi d save cents. • . 3- - ' FOR SALE OR RENT The Following Properties ;e Brick Store on Main St., Exeter ;e Commodious Brick dwelling, fur n nace heated, and wired for EIectri, r lighting, etc. with fixtures in plate John St. Six and a half acres of choice lam suitable for market garden, runnim through from Huron. St to John St a! Choice Saskatchewan farms in thi li Carnduff, FillmareoPlenty and Fro 7, besher districts. • Ly For price and terms on above sel s, ROBERT E. PICKARD, Sohn Stree )e EXETER. Agent for Great West Life Aece Co _ HELP WANTED Young women needed to operati power machines on Children's Cloth ing, good wages, and steady work Ideal working conditions, shor hours, Saturday afternoon off. Ap ie ply S. M. Sanders Mfg. Co., Ltd. rExeter, Ont. • -• ,.. 11 ". • "IVIHOLM FARM" a- We are now booking .orders fo r, Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs b • the following breeds: Bred -to -la: 111 Barred Wicks, Leghorns and Ancon as at very reasonable prices. Castor a hatching at 4e. per egg. Having in 6, stalled a meat and hone grinder can supply fresh ground meat :an it. bone for poultry at. 2c. per pound Phone your orders to L. V. Hogartl 10 Exeter P. 0.; Phone Crediton 18r3 r. •. •2-25-8 at F. Stork Cards for sale at the Timee. Advocate. THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1925 1111111011111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111L,1 Snappy Suits for Easter I it is a real pleasure to show the new mater- ials and styles that we have in stock, in new -Spring Clothing. We also have 100 new sam- pies that we make up in any style you want. ET. Cornejo and look them over. Priced at. .110.11 1•1. 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 L 11 11111111111111111111111111 111111 1 ANNOUNG EMENT Mrs. W. IC:PUKE, has been- appointed • local agent for the following INSURANCE COMPANIES NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT CO. NATIONAL BEN -FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HAND IN HAND INSURANCE COMPANY • ENSIGN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Mrs. Fuke is 'prepared to quote you rates and offers you a first claSs insurance service including the following forms:— LIFE INSURANCE SICK AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE AUTOMOI3IL13 INSURANCE , • Agai»st theft, fire, collison, public liability and property damage. INQUIRE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AT PHONE 163 MRS. W. K. FUKE, Exeter ri 1 111111111 1111111 11111111111111111111111111 11111 11111 1111111111111111111111:11111111 1111111111 1 111111111111111 1111111111111111 111111111 111 111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 /0/MIMM 11•0•11•1 IM=MM. • 2O.00 $25.00 ,$35.00 Smart Styles in Ladies' Coats Every week we have. new cloths and 'styles to show you. Easter will. soon be here. We want you to see what we are showing. Felt Hats for Men We are showing the new shap- es and shades for the early, buy- ers. Priced at $4.00 and $5.00. Dresses for -Easter New dresses are arming to hand every week.. Let us show you these before you select your Easter. outfit. • BOXER'S MAXIMUR 30 inch WALL PAPEliS These papers are Claimed to be the finest range of papers that have ever been sent out by any manufac\turer. Papers for any room in your home at per roll 8c. to $1.50. oulhObt 100•101 ma.* mmip=11 /MMOMO MINNOW MMIMIM /8MM• MON., IIMOMM MMININ maws 112,110111111 moo. IMIMOW =NOMA MIMI•MO 1011•••• .WM1 imMIMO OIMMM. MMI/N, MAMIE. MM. Have Your Eyes Examined 'With the short days and the nec- essity of continued use of artificial light—one needs to watch •closer than ever for signs of eye strain. If you are not wearing glasses, make sure that you do not need them. It's well to remember power of vision changes and your glasses need to be adjusted to meet the change. Dr. John Ward enjoys,an enviable repu- tation for expert treatment and hon - opinions. Come in and satisfy your- self everything is in order. Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTIOLILN MAIN ST,. EXETER. ONT. PHOE 70 BIG REDUCTION SALE FURNITURE NOW ON — at — R. N. ROWE • • Funeral Director & Embalmer , phone 20W Night *20J Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, • — Exeter Fitton's Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING GUARANTEED For Sale 3 -burner gasoline stove. Guitar with Hawaiin attachment. Mandolin with case. Ford car, best condition. Oinstove and oveu, cheap. 2 gasoline tanks, a' laders 10 foot and 22 feet. Several god cutters cheap. Good Cream Separator, 450 lbs cap. Use our Service for selling and locating. Inquire POWELL'S BAZAAR, EXETER FOR SALE—Timber Frame of a building 30x60, 14 foot post, all 10 x10 posts and beams, all in good condition. Also 5 room house to let. Apply W. A. Balkwill, phone 123, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE 100 . arce farnt well located for schools and town, being lot 24, con. 2, Hay; fine buildings, level, rich Soil, fairly well fenced and tinder - drained. YO chance for good kome. 75 ares pasture land, well fenc- ed fer sheep and cattle, well Water- ed, for sale or rent, lot 16, egon., 7, Hay. Apply Wm. Pearce, Hensall. Have you reteWed your suberip- ion? ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments Insurance Office one door south Times Office W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and CnoIrmaster James St. United Church Instrucation tfl Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. Box' 57 EXFTER. ONT. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 • • JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality. Farm Stock sales a specialty. Setts tactioa guaranteed. Charges mod erate. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. R.R. No 1, Kirktoa. Phone Ktrkton 54r2. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Mem- ber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of .Ontario; Member of the 'British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Safety Razor Blades " Sharpened (any make SINGLE EDGE c DOUBLE EDGE 4a, Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, WITH • P. J. CHRISTIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns J. IL. ILE VW IS • CONTRACTOR Cement , and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED Houses and Barns EXETER ONTARIO Phone 152W -., Call and see H. Bagshaw Fprt TIRES SPECIAL OLDFIELD CORD $10.00 NOTICE T. H. Elliott 'wishes to announce that he and Mr. W. 'Johns- have (118 - solved partnership and T. A,llllhlott has takenover the business. •Tailor- ing, Cleaning, Pressing and Repair- ing. ELLIOTTT 11 LR. CARLING B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,. ETO. Loans, Investments, Insurance. Office,Carling Block,Main St. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors &c. Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for use et oir. Clients without charge. Exeter London Howl! .1.1=1•111.1101.1•1, Dr. G. S. Atkinson DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrdict Dental, Officer elt Military District, Number One, Loma don, Ont. Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 34J Be open Wednesday afternoons UK April 7th Dr. G. F. Roulston. L.D.S..D.D.S. DENTIST Office over I. R.Carling's Law office. Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D..D.D:S. DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity. • Office over Gladman & Stanbury's office, Main Street, Exeter. DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M.D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P.&S. Glasgow ,Physician & Surgeon Office oyer Browning's Drug Skull Phones Residence 30 Office 11 • ' 1 DR. W. E. WEEKES • •Physician and Surgeon Late Chief Interne Vanbouver General Hospital Office—One door south of the Times -Advocate. Office hours 9.30 to 10.30 a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Phone: Office 67W, Residence 671 DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON • Graduate of the Ontario Veterbaarf College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPT- LY ATTENDED TO Phone 158 Residence Ann St, 111X77ER, ONT. Dr. Adrian B. Gibson, V.S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary, -4-- Veterinary Dentistry -a Specialty All calls promptly attended to Office -,-Frank Taylor's SaleacStabld Pi 1011C a)9W Residence—Xames St., Phone Otli • EXETER — ONTARIO' College ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County • FARM SALES A SPECIALTY 8 'Years Experience, Prices Reasbn- able, Satisfaction Guaranteed er ne Charge. Phone 5748 Dasbwood R. R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT.