HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2002-02-13, Page 1Correspondents CPR course offered at daycare centre Senior Shuffleboard is held at the Seaforth and District Community Centres each Wednesday, afternoon from I:30-4p.m.. Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Last week's winners were: Ladies: Inge Lindemann - 320, Bea Stoll - 297 and Velma Preszcator - 278 Men: Jack Desrochers - 357, Art Scott - 354, and Cyril Cross - 293. CPR course offered The Seaforth Co-operative Children's Centre will be hosting a CPR re -certification St. Patrick's CWL installs new executive Dublin St. Patrick's Catholic Women's League installed a new executive on Jan. 30 following a mass. The new executive is as follows: Past President - Theresa Mabb; President - Helen Cook; 2nd Vice - Seline Visser; 3rd Vice - Catherine Flanagan; Secretary - Chris McClure; Treasurer - Julie Van Bakel. They are still looking for 1st vice• president. The Catholic Women's League annual convention this year will be held in Chatham at Wheels Inn from April 23 to 25. Any lady interested in attending can contact Helen Cook by Feb. 9 at 345-2971. The CWL fun night will be held on Feb. 21, storm date is Feb. 22. Registration is at 6:30 p.m. and entertainment begins at7p.m. This will be held at the Mitchell and District Community Centre. Happy. Birthday to David Dixon, son of Ron and Michelle (O'Rourke) Dixon, who will be 3 years old tomorrow, Feb. 8. By Do Di 345 rothy Ilon -2883 COW 111 PAL.* VALENTINE'S 44' DINNER 4 Wednesday Feb. 14 -IA 4.00 - 8:00 p.m.- lkRout Ikef D naer "*, #sa.ry Ich $7 95 4 lit.or> ,Dianna's Country ,f Bakery & Cafe "-St. Columban 345-2804 BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE SWEETHEART DANCE With Rand -Satchel) February 10, 2001 • J Full course meal 7 p.m. f\ d $40 per couple $20 per person FOR TICKETS CALL: 347-4127, 347-2731, 345-2718 Advance Tickets Only Singing Valentines Looking for a unique gift for that special someone? Have a Seaforth Harmony Kings quartet deliver a Rose and 2 Love Songs When: Tues. or Wed. Feb. 13 or 14 Where: Home or workplace in Seaforth area Call cupid (Bob) at 527-2516 by Sat. Feb. 10 to make arrangements. Complete package $30.00 FRI. & SAT. 6:45 & 9:15 PM SUN. - THURS. 8 PM Violence Frightening scenes Not reconwnended for children 91 SAVE THE LAST DANCE r FRI.-THURS. I FEBRUARY 09-15 FRI. & SAT. 6:45 & 9:15 PM SUN. - THUR. 8PM LONG OISTANCE' CALL I.800.265.3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO Woodlot Management and Forest Certification The Huron -Perth Chapter of the Ontario Woodlot Association, the Huron Stewardship Council and the Perth Stewardship Network are hosting speakers on woodlot management and Forest Certification on Saturday, February 17th at 1:00 p.m., upstairs in the Seaforth Arena. Admission is free. The speakers will be of interest to woodlot owners or managers, those who harvest or process woodlot products, as well as anyone with a general interest in our local woodlands. Speakers will include: • Scot Davis, from the Eastern Ontario Model Forest, will speak about a pilot project currently underway in Lanark County to attain Forest Certification for private woodlands in their area. • Terry Schwan, Forester for the Ministry of Natural Resources. will present some interesting information on logging activity and forest health in Huron and Perth Counties. For more information please contact Steve Bowers at 519-482-3661 (steve.bowers@mnr.gov.on.ca) or Ken Maronets at 519-482-3589 (ken.maronets@mnr.gov.on.ca) Recreation preview program on Feb. 21 from 6 to 10 p.rti. Registration fee will be $4 and interested .participants must call 527- 0682 to register. Optimists hold dance The Seaforth Optimist Club invites you to their Valentines Dance on Feb. 10 at the Seaforth and District Community Centres. Dance to the music of ILLUSION froni 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.. Tickets can be picked up at Nifty Korners, Tucker's Meat Shop, Ice Dreams, Bob's Barber Shop or Main Street Video. For more information please call Leanne at 522- 0115. ISSeaforth Optimist Club 2001 TRAVEL THE WORLD LOTTERY Early Bird Winners $300 Ross and Louise Smale Feb. Trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic Bernice Regier and Wayne Pethick $100 Consolation Roy Dalton Art Lessons Special Winter Classes: Adult Drawing Lessons - Always wished you could draw - but thought you couldn't? Anyone can learn to draw. 8 week course 880.00, Wed. Evenings, 7 - 9:30, Feb. 14 - Apr. 18. Beginning Calligraphy - An easy and fun way to learn to write in elegant script. 8 week course $80.00 - Thurs. evenings 7 - 9:30, Feb. 15 to Apr. 9th. Crafty Saturdays For Kids. 8 UR - Make 2 to 3 fun crafts each time! Sat. afternoons 2 - 4 . Feb. 10, Feb. 17, Feb. 24, 815.00 per session. Regular Classes - Oil painting - Mon. afternoons 1 - 3:30, Kids' Crafts. Tues. afternoons 4 - 6. Gina Painting. Wed. afternoon 1 - 4. Call Marilyn Swartz 482-7655 St rat ford • 1 Cinemas46 •. • 1 551 Huron St. 273-6780 1 1 1 1 Valentine Nighty at 7:00 & 9:15 / S.lurd.y f. Sun Matinee • 2 pm — Miss Congeniality Nightly at 7:00 3 9:15 S.n.daf i Sun. Wire • 2 p The Emperors Nightly at 7:00 .1D S.Oeda 1 Suit Win.. • 2 pm corm"'102 '. , • $ S.tuda,asu2WMw•2pm Cast Away .4-.D Nightly at 9:15 s,.M. Hannibal / lightly at 6:45 & 9:15 1 Saving 'Iverman „rai Nightly 81789:15 saws,' sun. Wan.. • 2 pm I4.25 Tuesday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Free skating continues Come to the Seaforth and District Community Centre for free family skating each Sunday afternoon from 2:30 to 4 p.m.. Local businesses and community groups sponsor this ice time. Next skating date is on Feb. 11. There is no skating un Feb. 18 due to the ringette tournament. Marty Bedard Huron East Recreation Dept. Phone - 519-527-1272 Fax - 519-527-2770 Email - c4threc@tcc.on.ca Dianna's Country Bakery & Cafe St. Columban 345-2804 BAKERY SPECIAL CHERRY CHEESECAKE $M 00 Reg. 5.75 NOW • 2 eggs with bacon, ham or sausage toast & homefries until 11 a.m. Sat. & Sun. $2.99 SUNDAY BRUNCH 10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM $695 • FREE DRAW PIE OF YOUR CHOICE Draw on Sun. Feb. 11th at our Sweetheart Buffet SWEETHEART BUFFET,.. Sunday Feb. 11 3:00 PMTO8:00PM Roast Beef Chicken Parmesan795 'et`wna+, Argo atiob- 41"" UPCOMING DANCES at the Brodhagen Community t Centre Saturday, February 17th Moonlighters Saturday, March 17th Royce Riehl Saturday, March 31st South Bound Saturday, April 7th Diane & Country Cavaliers For information call 347-4127 or 347-2731 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, F.b.wry 7, 2001-15 Home & Hearth Bed & Breakfast Celebrate VALENTINE'S DAY Sat. Feb. 10th & Sun. Feb. llth with a candlelight dinner at the Home & Hearth Call Marie at 527-2159 for details and reservations. Always a bridesmaid Never a bride. Happy 50th Brian Barry ALL YOU CAN EAT it T BEEF FISH CHIPS 3 5. NAV YORclire T $4.90 wl French Fnes . UNDA147PM .IIt 5ta LIVER &oONIONS CHICKEN SWISS - Includes soup or garden salad, mashed potatoes or homemade fries coleslay% vegetable,dinner roll, coffee or tea and essert g 95 Seniors DYount 10% SPARKY'S PLACE FAMILY DINING 527.1964 90 Main St. Seaforth M.C.L. SOUND FULL D.J. SERVICE Book Your Receptions, Buck & Does early! For more info. call John: Clinton 482-9984 Q• Barry/Donna: Mitchell 348-0516 • • ••• � A VALENTINE'S DAY DINNER SATURDAY, FEB. 10 Heart BkStroke Draw for a 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Teddy Bear STEAK DINNER FOR TWO! $5 90 1 SPARKY'S PLACE FAMILY DINING includes Coffee or Tea and Dessert plus taxes. 90 Main St., Seaforth 527-1964 44:.?.. Seaforth Optimist Club 41P , VALENTINE'S DANCE sponsored by SEAFORTH OPTIMIST CLUB Presenting... ILLUSION February 10, 2001 Seaforth Community Centre 9:00 p.m. --- 1:00 a.m. (doors open at 8:30 p.m.) Tickets — $10.00/person (age of majority req.) Available at Nifty Korners, Tucker's, Ice Dreams, Bob's Barber Shop' Main Street Video Call Leanne 522-0115 TWIN 527-0180 iWt -- NEW HOURS Due to unforseen circumstances our hours at Pizza Train will change temporarily. Effective today, until further notice, our hours will be... MON., TUES., WED. 11 am to 9 pm THURS., FRI., SAT. 11 am to 11 pm SUNDAY CLOSED omit 1 nom 1111 (II \\!!'\(.sq I IIF.11111 IN BR y,,,mrs.. \11Nst v, a, ''Live Lawrence Show ,) Welk k\ I \\:)rill f,illious up, i ():pct tic r, 1.1 \ 1. 011 til,I:,c MON. MARCH 5 2001- 2PM & 7PM CENTENNIAL HILL - LONDON, ON Tickets Now On Sale at Centennial Hall Box Office. Charge by Phone: 519-672-1967 Group discounts available b 1-800-465-7829 • • .,. ��•. B&W TRAILBLAZERS SNOWMOBILE RADAR RUNS & VALENTINE'S DAY STEAK B.B.Q. Feb. 11, 2001 at the B&W Clubhouse (In Brussels) On Top Trail B 108 BBQ Tickets $12.00 per person Dinner from 5 pm to 7 pm Radar Runs 12 noon until 5 pm $10.00 for 3 runs Prizes, fun and bragging rights Bring your sweetheart or the whole family! ADDED ATTRACTION See a 2002 Yamaha Viper 1 - 5 p.m. at the B& W Clubhouse in Brussels courtesy Southwestern Equipment • For info contact Darryl at 348-9648, Ted Owen 34S-2012 or any Club Executive. Tickets on sale now. Buy yours before it's too late"! '••THE SHOW GOES ON RAIN, SNOW OR SHINE***'