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Huron Expositor, 2001-12-12, Page 13
Farm machinery parade has i� floats annual Sawmill Road The Road Christmas Parade of Decorated Farm Machinery took place on Dec. 8. The parade departed from the farm of Gord and Irma Pryce on Sawmill Road and travelled a country block. Several more spectators than last year came out at various locations along the route to enjoy this unique effort, which consisted of 14 floats well decorated for the season. In spite of a very busy schedule, Santa Claus was there to hand out goodie bags to all the kids. The Christmas spirit prevailed as several area people attended the annual Knights of Columbus Christmas party Friday in the St. Columban Parish Hall. Amanda Ryan, who was the young lady sponsored by the local club in the annual "Ambassador of the Fair" competition, presented the audience with the speech which she gave at that competition. Chosen "Miss Congeniality" at the fair this past year, talked about the small-town atmosphere which we enjoy in the Seaforth area, and how the community is so important and supportive, especially in times of crisis. Members of the Little family gathered in the St. Columban Parish Hall this past weekend as Neil and Glenda Murray, Brad, Mandy, Leanne, Heather and Kimberly hosted the Little family Christmas celebration. Attending were: Mary Connolly; Regina and Frank Stoffle, London; Ron.and appy 10th Birthday Tanner Ward December 17 St. Columban Elaine Little, Georgetown; Miles Little and Mary Diegel; Grant and Mary Little; and all their families. The students at St. Columban School participated in a fund raising event for the Christmas Bureau. Several items of canned food were donated. The Grade 7 class project was of particular interest to the whole school. Respondin, to a challenge from Mr. Vanden Hengel, their teacher, who agreed to have his hair shaved off if a certain goal was reached. The Grade 7 students came up with more Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce POKER RALLY Sat., Jan. 5, 2002 Rain Date Sat. Feb. 2, 2002 Seaforth Legion Branch 156 WINNERS of Food Vouchers $100.00 Pauline Bennett (Seaforth) $50.00 Tanner Steffler (London) $50.00 George Earle (Seaforth) than double the required amount for the project. This 'was used to buy toys such as lego and play dough. Everyone then gathered in the school gym to watch as Jacquie Wildfong shaved Mr. Vanden Hengel's head. The students are busy preparing for their Christmas concert which will be held on Dec. 18 at 1:15 p.m. and again at 7 p.m. at the school. The whole school is involved in presenting "A Storybook Christmas" as each class has a different part. MCL SOUND FULL Dj SERVICE Book your Receptions, Buck & Does early! opFor more info call John McLeod - Clinton 482-9984 after 6 p.m. or leave a message Dianna's Country Bakery & Cafe St. Columban 345-2804 Winter Hours Mon. - Thurs. 6 am - 6 pm Fri. 6 am - 7 pm, Sat. 7 am - 2 pm Sunday 8 am - 7 pm BAKERY SPECIAL Mini Tarts Pkg. of 12 $2.75 pkg. Assorted Varieties y Reg. 3.00 pkg. NOW 5.00 Breakfast Special 2 eggs with bacon, ham or sausage toast & homefries until 11 a.m. Sat. & Sun. 52.99 SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 am-2pm $6.95 SUNDAY EVENING BUFFET Roast Beef 3 pm - 7 pm ani Tu $7.95 FREE DRAW 21/2 Ib. Christmas Calle. Draw to be made Dec. 20/01 PIE & COFFEE SPECIAL Wed. & Sat. '2.50 Reserve NoV for your Christmas & NEW : YEAR'S Celebrations ocomin¢ events included events included an Advent celebration at St. Patrick's in Dublin and a "Pop and Chip" day. Season's greetingsf om Becky Campbeff ' erect Massage Therapist This Christmas receive a FREE BONUS GIFT that will compliment and complete your GIFT CERTIFICATE for your friends and family this holiday season Apixrintinents Available Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 9-12 and 4.8 Fri. 9-3 527-2058 • • • • • • • • • • • • i 1 • 4 Winthrop Country Corners Cqi sim s OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday December 15 816 11 am -5 pm gips Galore Candles, harries, Ek.) Ruflt Campbell 521-0615 IV* a )1, ti : Stratford 1: Cinemas • ' 551 Huron St. 273-6780 1 1 1 1 1 1111 Harry Potter Nightly at 7:00 Saturday & Sunday / PG Martine* .t 2:00 pm Behind Enemy Lines/( Nightly at 7:00 & 9:15 Saturday & Sunday Matin.. at 2:00 pm Monsters Inc. / El Nightly at 7:00 & 9:15 Saturday a Sunday Matins. at 200 pm gta Fn" Not Another Dec. 14th Teen Moyle Nightly at 7:00 & 9:15 Saturday & Sunday Wli1.. .1200 pm '4.25 Tuesday 'Cher k ..111 our We1T..,t,. ;,I: VJ\v\Y -.1r .111,,,cicirle.11:... co111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • • c�. :ra: �ort�corniizc� •, �arriac9e ▪ Beaver - Rose • (7 Ray & Beverly Beaver are C') • pleased to announce the . • • forthcoming marriage of their daughter Tonya to Darwin son of Fran Rose of Brussels. The wedding will take place on December 31, 2001 at 3:00 pm at Northside United Church. Reception to follow at 9:1x) at the Seafgrth Agriplex. 1 C) • • • • �}1 y \/t " BIRTHDAY Nifty Nifty h B.J. Box is 50! Barb Box December 13'' h 1 1 r1 1 0 Love Travis & Friend: Etefaey eu.4 clef/xi-64a �aad "fejt V--eikated j e S,e� / ems" Hwy. 21 between BAYFIELD & GRAND BEND Reservations 519-236-7707 www.hessenland.com Ali. -ZING CRUISE DEAL Western Caribbean e etas ms HORIZON totter February 1, 2002 #,,r. $869cAD plus port charges, taxes & fees $369 A%ua/cd 17.0 c eaed to • 5- Stam Roti 9 Includes Airfare from Toronto, Cruise, Transfers and Onboard Meals - all In Canadian Dollars! Based on inside gb, ppldbl . taxes Subject to wad reg x2392471 Give the Gift of Travel this holiday Season with ?Trawl Gift Certif aatesl Ilk Jenny Smale Carlson Wagonlit Ellison Travel Exeter 235.2000 or 1-8C0-265-7022 Goderich 524-8692 or 1-877-847-1272 www .ettrivel.coin Goderich open Sat. 9am-1prn • PARK THEATRE •:= .7 GOGERiLH FRI. & SAT. 6:45 & 9:15 PM SU 1.-THURS. 8 PM , r' a rift SEIN 11:i•s5atltTrt sealit Ptllro,a Rlack SHALLOW Ha •zl 0\ M FRI.-THURS. DECEMBER 14-20 3;1. i ;f0 ORO PITT FRI. & SAT. 6:45 & 9:15 PM SUN.-TUES. 8 PM PG STARTS WED. 7:30 PM NIGHTLY FRIGHTENING SCENES VIOLENCE Es1Rcl Or c.1)C FUNCA;; '7he �ello►t►ship © of the -�in3 FREE MATINEES SAT. & SUN. DEC. 15 & 16 GRINCH 1 PM CATS 8 DOGS 2 PM SPONSORED BY: GOOERICH SHOPPERS SQUARE ASSOC. 4 EIS ■111 W MT CM CAIS IIDeGS ?MING., .11 (.0•• . (:1T -.i1, CA$$Tpprr I$1 IAS fi,oa LONG DISTANCE, CALL 1'800.255.3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO 1 1 Bring this coupon in and save 10% off any purchase of Simply Irresistible Childrenswear & Toys. 1 expires 12/24/01 1 • THE HURON EXPOSITOR. DECEMBER 12. 2001-13 PIZZA TRAIN GIFT CERTIFICATE How do you stuff a pizza in a stocking? EASY! With a Pizza Train GIFT CERTIFICATE A Great Gift For Paper Boy, Babysitter, Teachers... Mon. -Wed. 11-9, , Thurs.-Sat. 11-11, CLOSED SUNDAY Wedding announcement Heidi Scrimgeour and Gerry Bontaine were married June 16, 2001 at St. James' Church, Seaforth, Ontario. Heidi is the daughter of Don and Lenore Scrimgeour, Blyth and Gerry is the son of Jack and Carol Bontaine, Monkton. e 4x6 Photo with Santa at s wmthin* SpecA41' 1 1 100 Ma.trty Street, Seaforth, 1 Sunday, December 16 1-3 p.m. (...,Aolts BABEli OF 2001 Make sure you're one of the proud parents or grandparents to show off the newest member of your family. Join The Huron Expositor's "Babies on Parade" A Photo Display of Babies born in 2001 Published Wed. Jan. 2, 2002 DEADLINE - DECEMBER 27th, 12:00 Noon Send or bring a picture of your little one born in 2001, including full name, birthdate and parents' names, $o be featured in The Huron Expositor's "Babies on Parade" on January 2, 2002 for only $15.50 (GST included). Please send picture (with name on back) along with a cheque to The Huron Expositor, P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ont., NOK iWO by 2:00 p.m., Thurs Dec. 27. Photos may be picked up after January 5. This must be pre -paid. Please Complete Baby's Full Name Birth Date Parents' Names $15.50 Enclosed ❑ SAMPLE NAME OF BABY DATE OF BIRTH PARENTS Exoositor 11 Main St., Seaforth 527-0240 (::.•tV••••