HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2001-12-12, Page 5News
Building character through sports
is citizenship award winner's goal
This is the first of three
stories about this year's
winners of the Seaforth
Cititens of the Year.
By Susan Hundertmark
Expositor Staff
Bill Weber was not at this
year's Business Improvement
Area (BIA) Christmas party
to pick up his citizenship
award for his involvement in
Seaforth sports..
Instead, he was where he's
been during most of his spare
time over the past 30 years -
at a hockey arena, this time
with his midget girls' hockey
team at a tournament in
The retired Central Huron
Secondary School teacher,
who lives in Egmondville,
has a long list of involvement
in local sports, from
beginning Seaforth's minor
hockey houseleague program
to coaching about 30 different
boys' teams in minor hockey,
high school hockey and
junior D and C hockey to
startingjand coaching the
Seaforth Stars girls' hockey
team, which was a provincial
finalist last year.
But, more than building a
winning team, Weber says
he's always been most
interested in building
character in his players.
"Hockey is a medium to
teach values. It puts kids in a
crucible that tests their values
and strengths in a way any
other experience does not.
And, those skills will carry
them through tough times in
school or in the competitive
job market," says Weber.
"I like to have a program of
skill development so they can
see themselves improving as
individuals and making the
team as a whole stronger so
they're able to perform at
higher and higher levels," he
Bill Weber
One of his favourite teams
over the years was the group
of boys who played pee wee
and bantam in Seaforth in the
early 1990s, including current
NHL players Boyd
Devereaux and Mike Watt.
"John Watt coached them
for three or four years and
then I had them for• four
years. They were a great
bunch of kids and most of
them graduated from
university. It was fun to
watch them grow up and
achieve," he says.
As well as being a former
vice president and executive
member of the Seaforth
minor hockey for more than
10 years, Weber has also run
minor hockey schools in
Seaforth for three years,
achieved his level four
hockey coach with the
Canadian Coaching
Association and coached
mites for three years, tykes
for one year, novice for three
years, atom for two years, pee
wee for two years, bantam for
two years, high school
hockey in Clinton for more
than 15 years and junior D
and C hockey for eight years.
Weber says he helps his
players achieve in other areas
of their lives as well, such as
school, by encouraging them
to look for a balance in their
"When you're involved in
sports, time management and
multi -tasking become
involved in your life and that
serves you later in life as
well," he says.
After taking the Seaforth
Stars midget girls' team from
the B level in its pee wee year
to BB and now the A level,
4-H and Advanced Agricultural
Leadership program join together
From Page 4 .
Gordon, said, "Having a shared position
involved in fund development is unique
among agricultural organizations."
Ann also said, "the development of a
complementary fund development
strategy, versus competitive, will be
viewed favourably by current and
potential donors."
Rob Black, executive director, 4-H
Ontario, said, "There are two positive
messages out of this alliance. The first
is that we will not be competing with
each other, but working together to be
more efficient and effective."
"The second is demonstrating our
interest in the stewardship of the dollars
that are entrusted to us for the
development of tomorrow's leaders."
4-H Ontario and the AALP arc totally
responsible for the development and
delivery of their programs.
While both organizations do receive
funding from the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs,
funding from corporate and individual
donations is extremely important and
Will become more so in the future.
The Advanced Agricultural
Leadership Program has provided
intensive leadership development to
over 230 graduates that represent a
spectrum of agricultural and food sector
occupations in Ontario.
Established in 1985, the program,
which is- administered by the
Agricultural Leadership Trust, has a
proven track record of developing
participants that influence and direct
change within rural Ontario.
Molly will be working with a fund
raising team at AALP, which includes
Brenda Trask, AALP's Events Manager.
For more than 87 years, the Ontario 4-
H program has provided thousands of
young people the opportunity to develop
self-confidence, leadership skills and
citizenship qualities.
In "April 2000, the Ontario 4-H
program became totally responsible for
the delivery of the youth program to
almost 8,000 young people in the
province. •
To contact Molly Ross about Ontario's
leadership investment opportunities call
either 4-H Ontario at 1-877-410-6748 or
AALP at 519-826-4206 .
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Weber says he's excited how
well they're doing.
"They've moved up every
year and grown as students
too," he says.
Weber says it's interesting
to notice the difference
between coaching boys and
girls in hockey.
"Girls seem to work hard
and play the game but they
don't dwell on it while the
boys linger on it for awhile.
Girls seem to have broader
interests - they're not just
interested in hockey while
boys can get one-
dimensional," he says.
While women's and girls'
hockey has really taken off
during the past 10 years,
Weber says he believes "quite
a few" of his Seaforth Stars
players will have a good
chance to play university
hockey when the time comes.
"This year, we're second so
far in our league so
anything's possible," he says.
Other than hockey, Weber
has also coached minor
soccer in the area for six
years, has coached high
school wrestling and track, is
a member and past chair of
the board of directors of the
Huron -Perth Centre for
Children and Youth, is a
member of the Huron County
Youth Needs Committee, is a
member of the Egmondville
United Church, is an, avid
golfer and plays hockey for
the Seaforth Beaver Oldtimer
But, while he's been
coaching since he was 16,
Weber says next year may be
his Last for coaching.
"I think I should be doing
other things. My wife
certainly thinks so," he says.
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YOU are invited to
attend these area churches
First Presbyterian
Goderich St. W. Seaforth
Rev. Nick Vandermey
Worship Sunday
11:15 am
Sunday School during Worship
St. Thomas
Anglican Church
Jarvis St. Seaforth .
Rev. Michael Atkins "
Sunday Service
at 9:30 am.
Parish Office 482-7861
Catholic Church
Saturday - 5:15 pm
.St. James Parish, Seaforth
Saturday - 7:15 pm
St. Joseph's Parish, Clinton
Sunday - 9:00 am
St. Michael's Parish, Blyth
Sunday - 11:00 am
St. James Parish, Seaforth
Father Lance Magdziak
Bethel Bible Church
An Associated Gospel Church
126 Main St. Seaforth
Sunday Worship Hour 11 am
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Adventure Club for Kids
Wednesdays 7 p.m.
United Church
Sunday School
Gr. 2.6. Adults - 10 am; Nursery -Gr. 1 - 11 am
Worship 11 am '
Sunday, December 16
Sunday School Christmas Program
December 23 - 11 am
December 24 - 7:30 pm
Steve Hildebrand - Worship Leader
Rev. Sheila Macgregor - Minister
527-2635 or 527-1449 54 Goderich St. W.
Cavan 9:30 am - Northside 11:00 am
Sunday December 16th Advent III
(Cavan Fellowship Hour After Church)
Christmas Open House at the Manse
following Worship
Youth Group - 5:30 p.m., Thursday at Northside