HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-3-11, Page 8THE EXETER "rmusi vocAT n�V� \ �, yr ,.. ��...����,\�•.. g• ��;..- `N\ l or Nf:W...QOATS FOR' S]PRIN( Titus ;ere here, those new goats for spring, andearly buyers tare now making their selections Bating long since proven that 4• first choice is always " hest choice. Colne in at wont* first vppor- tuuity aand see the new styles and izxaterials . and (learn about our •S 4 popular low prices. We are featuring the pretty peas tweed effects in au big 'var.. Ity of styles :and patterns along with plain poirets and tricotines. in blade, navy blue, sand and- the new bright shades; the nus,+ jority of these tailored coats have attractive fur tr,iaunIngs, POPULARLY PRICED AT $14.85; $17.Q;$1.8; 524.05 Spring Dress Materials Featuring Bordered Dress Lengths Rover in years have Spring dress materials been so attleicte ive+ and so reasonably- priced. Instead of l axing one or two nett• dresses this season you will be able to afford several. and so we would advise an early choice from the range of beautiful terials and exclusive dress lengths which we are now displaying', NEW VOILES WITH SATIN AND BEADED BORDERS NEW SILK FIGURED CREPES NEW BORDERED RAYONS NEW SILK CREPES NEW SILK KNIT MATERIALS NEW FANCY BROADCLOTHS NEW PLAIN BROADCLOTHS NEW GINGHAtM NEW DELAINES • NEW RAYONS $24.95 DINNER SETS $24.95 These are full 97 piece (limier sets, 2 patterns are genuine china and there are 4 other patterns in guaranteed semi. -porce- lain; wing you a choice of six very attractive patterns. .Every- one of these sets show the buyer a real saving as We could not duplicate then to retail for less than $52.50 Our special price per 17 piece set is only $24.95. Stewart's Grocery Prices Send us an order. We save you money. Rice, choice quality, 3 lb 25c P. & G. Soap Chips, 2 lb 25c Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs for 25c Sweet Seedless Oranges 39c dz 6 lb. Quality Oatmeal for 25c Castile Soap. 7 cakes for 25tc 4 cakes Palm Olive soap 25c Tasty Cheese 29c Ib 18 bars P. & G. soap for $1.00 Tasty Sardines 4 boxes for 25e Matches, 3 large boxes for 29c Toilet Paper, 6 large rolls 25c Telephone and Delivery Service J. A. Stewart c 4' 4 2.-y ... .,,..:.147.4* 111 FURNITURE WHOSE COMFORT WELCOMES YOU THIS IS THE KIND WHICH WILL GREET YOU WHEN . YOU CALL AT OUR, STORE ON A. VISIT OF INSPECTION. SOLID COMPORT COMBINED WITH UP-TO-DATE STYLE AND FINISH AND A DURABILITY BEYOND COMPARISON. THERE'S REAL VALUE IN EVERY PIECE. "THE HOME FURNIS N H1R" BB GA Di FUNERAL- DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST- MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASS DAY AND NIG-HT SERVICE • LONG DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Phone 74j OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Nig ED ht Call 74w Men's Store Phone 81w Men's Store 1;Y StockTakingSale Suitings, Overcoatings Odd TrousersL. Men's Furnishin s Underwear, Gaps, Hats, Shirts, Socks, Sweaters, Scarfs, - Sweater coats t AA ,t Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter �:.,.��� .�-- \ ,max:'.. � .. �,1•��.:�.. s-a,� l GOVERNMENT BONDS ALWAYS ON SALE I. ALWAYS SALEABLE NO TROUBLE ABOUT INTEREST MORTGAGE LOANS. -• 1. r�E LE4..rT}�D FARM HIGHER INTEREST COLLECTION MADE WE maim NO CHARGE FOR %7. E SAIi'E-KEEPING OF YOUR, PAPERS IN OUR .'VAULT EXETER Gladman & -. Stanbury IIENSATZ • Exeter Markets Wheat $1,23, Oats 454. Baxley 600. 1t1anitoba Flour $4,60.: Blended Flour Pastry 'lout $3,69. Peed Fleur $2.00. Bran $1.70 Shorts $1.70 Creamery Butter 49e. - Dairy Butter, 3Se, to 41c. •Egg, extras 3.2c, Lard, 20c Potatoes $2.25. m Hogs, $13.00. Hogs, Selects $14.30.. LOCAL Miss Dorothy Snell is ill with ton- silitis. Miss Ella Jones is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. F. Rice, of Brantford.' Mr. •Wal�:er Spencer was confined to the house for several days through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hodgson, of Granton visited for a few days with Mr. R. Skinner, Division Court will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday morn- ing, at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Ila Sanders, of Toronto, who has been visiting in Detroit, is spend- ing a few days with Mrs. M. Sheere. Mr. Ed. Campbell has been ap- pointed caretaker at Caven church in place of Mr. Fred. Hunkin, who resigned. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was in Toron- to several days last week Where he was engaged as counsel in the Court of Appeal. Messrs W. R. Goulding and Sheere leave to -day for Toronto hear the Mendelssohn choir Massey Hall. Mrs. Wm. Snell and Mrs. Ulric Snell were in Lucan on Friday last visiting Mr. and Mrs. Victor Snell in their new home. Mr.. Trueman Elliott has sold his residence on Main St. to Mr. Roy Webber, wlio gets possession in April. Mr. Elliott is now looking for a• place to rent: Several from Exeter were in Lon- don Tuesday evening attending the London -Peterborough hockey game when London were defeated on the round 7-5 for Sr. O.H.A. champion- ship. Mrs. Rebekah Poplestone, who has been very i11 during the past two weeks, is somewhat improved and is resting nicely at present. She may recover with the return of warmer weather. Rev. James Foote, B.A. of Caven church has been delivering a series of addresses. at the evening service on the Reformation of Switzerland. These are proving most interesting and inspiring. Misses Marjorie and Cecelia Fra cis, of London, visited with Mr. a t o end. Miss Marjorie Francisr mise ., wee parols sang. leasing solo an 1Vrin $t. chur both morning and evening. F. to at a- nd NOTICE k- The public will kindly take notice a ;that t xe 1VTaA, i Pa• ch pital establzshed1 and heretofore car- ried on by the late Dr. H. K. Hynd- man, at the Village' of Exeter, will be continued by,his friend and •form- er associate, Dr. M. C. G. Fletcher, of London, Ont.,, Victoria (Mrs. 15r. H.. K.) Hyndman 7' CAPON. PliESBXTII tIAN CHURCH Ref, $444414i @4, ) Qta, B.A., ¥iu ater 10 4,01,•-,.:B ad;a School 1.1 a.111. ---"The Non-Politieal Nature of tile'.Saviottr's Kingdonn" Tt a IUiinlster Pan,—'41.11e 'First Congregation from the Appstolie church, of the ltfiddle Ages to become Presby- terian." The Minster JAMES ST. 'UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA. Rev. E. ,Sheppard, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir -Leader 11 a,m,--If we had no Bible? 3 P.M.—The Way Home 7 pan . --Seven of the greatest things A friend is one that knows you and loves you all the sante. There is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Do you know Him? Meet Him at Church next Sunday! Trivitt Memorial Church ,11 a.m.="Tile Gospel of the Road." 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m. .Food for a Hungry World." MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E..Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m —"Christ's Man•" 3 •p.m, Bible School, "Jesus Part- ing Message." 7 p.m.---"Ninevah's Message to the 20th Century." "One cannot really touch the Christ without the world knowing it. —A life entrusted with a Christ vision cannot afford to be silent either in message or action." y y S lvester B. Taylor Jeweller, • --Exeter Fitton's Old Stand' WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING GUARANTEED FOR SALE OR RENT The Following Properties Brick Store on Main. St., Exeter Commodious Brick dwelling, fur- nace heated, and wired for Electric lighting, etc. with fixtures in place, John St. Six and a half acres of choice land suitable -for market garden, running through from Huron St. to John St. Choice Saskatchewan farms in. the Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty and "Fro- besher districts. For price and terms on above see ROBERT E. PICKARD, John Street EXETER. Agent for Great West Life As'ce Co. Mr. and Mrs. CIarence Pickard, who have spent the winter with the fornier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickard, left Monday for Toronto to visit for a few days before -returning to their home at Frobisher, Sask. Mr. Alfred M. Glanville in renew- ing his subscription to the Tinies-Ad- vocate says, "I have moved from British Columbia to Clive, Alberta and haven't been getting the paper lately, therefore I feel • kind of lost as there are still some . old timers down there I know. I ani 85 past but like to get the news from old Ontario." iVrr. W. G. Medd, was in London, on Friday last, attending the Exe- cutive meeting of the London Confer- ence United Church Y. P. S. Plans were made to hold three summer schools as usual, one at Alma Col- lege. St. Thomas, July 5-12; Gode- rich July 19-26. It was also decid- ed 'Co hold a province wide oratorial contest to counmense Sept. lst. For; this event a trophy will be presented to the winner. Inspector R. J. Eacrett, for . the past sixteen years license inspector for the counties of Haldimand and Brant has moved to Woodstock amid has taken over the duties of Inspec- tor for Oxford county in succession to Inspector Ben • Milligan, who has been transferred to Inspector Eac- rett's former district. The new In- spector is well known to many of the older citizens of Woodstock, as 1m.., was , us Formerly one of thestar ath- letes and ball players in Western Ontario. Mr. Eacrett is a "son of the late Michael Eacrett, of Exeter, and. was a former resident here. The Ladies' Aid of .lanes St. Un- ited church held their annual meet- ing on Friday last. The following officers were elected: Hon. Presi- dents, Mrs. Sheppard and Mrs. Kestle President. Mrs. E. Rowcliffe, 1st vice Mrs. Johns, 2nd vice Mrs. Weekes, secretary, Mrs. Sheere, asst, sec's, Mrs. Dinney,, treas., Mrs. Steiner, asst. tress, Mrs. ,Treble, pianists, Mrs, Milo Snell and Miss Vera Es- sery, press reporter, Mrs. Boyle. The ladies report a very successful year i'aisiug $1,235, A few friends and neighbors gath- ered at the home Mr. and Mrs. Geo. a Er .set •t �, n oolc , on Thursday, March the 4th to spend the after- noon in quilting and the evening in games, music and in a good old sociable chat, and to wish the host and hostess many happy returns of the day, it being the 40th annivers- ary of their wedding . day. An ad- dress and presentation was made much: to the surprise of both parties but they each equal to the occassion made a suitable reply: The weather at the time of the wedding was very mild., and sloppy, greatly contrasting With what, we are having at the pro - sent time. THURSDAY, MARCH 11 1 111IIIIII�IIIINI�IIIIIIII�IIIIIIIMIIIIIIM�IIII[I�iI�II1NIININIIN��INlllll,�l(IIIIIIIIIIII�MII�IiNIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIII�lllllil „ ' r SnappyW' dor -- In c.�ud -.,, ng the new- tweeds s Yn small patterns and large,:gvercheeks, as well as a beautiful.range .offs• : fine worsteds a.m. many new atterns. Pricedat " 1 � 5.00 Zp.O � a $25.00 $3.0.00 1.11.011 1101101.111 inapt C ani SMART Yin SPRING COATS FOR LADIES WE OFFER A SPLENDID RANGE OF THE VERY NEWEST STYLES INE Min SPRING COATS INCLUDING THE N'+ BEST MATERIA W FLARES, TAILORED FROM TI3 VERY LS. P1,ICED AT $18.50 $25.00 • to $35.00 inn Mai inn New Caps for Spring Including many new patterns, in styles and cloths that are sure to please. Priced at $1.25 to $2.25 New Checked Broad - Cloth Shirts The newest in fine . shirts for this season, with two collars. Arrow mauve and fast colors. Priced at 13.25 New Felt Hats for Men at $5.00 SHOWIl +�IIE NEW $RIM'S AND TRIMS THAT WILL BE POPULAR THIS SEASON, IN SEVERAL NEW SHADES THAT WILL MATCH YOUR NEW SUIT. Wall Papers Wall Papers, BOXERS MAXIMUR 30 INCH WALL PAPERS ARE MAKING A BIG HIT THIS SEASON. WE SHOW A RANGE OF NEW PATTERNS AND COLORS. PAPERS AT PER ROLL Sc., 10c., 15c., to 75 cents. ou S.uthctt 1,„„„,111111111lIIlilllllllllll,Illl,lllillllllilillllllllilllll,II,A„„ Ilil,l,,,,l„ l,ll,l,lll,,Illi,tillllll„,„,l,ll,lll,ll,llll„ Illlllllllli i Have Your Eyes yagyyrt Mink nip inn min omit nig E With the short days' and the nec- essity of continued use of artificial light—one needs to watch closer than ever for signs of eye strain. If you are not wearing glasses,: make sure that you do not need them. It's well to remember power of vision changes and' your glasses need to be adjusted to meet the change. Dr. John • Ward enjoys an enviable repu- tation for expert treatment and hon - opinions. Come in and satisfy your- self everything is in order. Agricultural lime for garden pur- poses for sale at R. G. Seldon's warehouse. JoIin Hey, 'Jr. WANTED—Salesman with car for Exeter and Vicinity, unusual op- portunity• no experience necessary, we train you. 'Apply Box 1'J, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE 100 arce farm well located for schools and town, being lot 24, con. 2, Hay; .fine buildings, level, rich soil, fairly well fenced and under - drained. Your • chance for good home. 75 acres pasture land, -well fene- -ed for sheep and cattle, well water- ed, for sale or •rent, lot 16, con. 7, Hay. Apply • Wm. Pearce, Hensall. PASTURE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT—Being. West half lot 8 and 9, south Boundary of. Hay Tp., com- prising 150 acres more or less of good pasture land,:; well fenced; A.ux Sauble river running through pro- perty. Apply to J. S. 'Amy, 191 Sinacoe St., London. Phone 9767J. "IVIHOLlf FARM" We are now ,booking orders . for Bab y Chicks and Hatching Eggs in the following breeds: Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks, Leghorns and Ancon - as at very reasonable prices. Custom hatching at 4c. per egg. Having `in- stalled a meat :and bone grinder 1; can supply fresh, ground meat and bone for poultry at 2c. per pound. Phone your orders to L. V. Hogarth, Exeter P. 0.; Phone Crediton 18r31 2-25-8t • MELT' WANTED Young women needed' to operate power machines ou Children's Cloth- ing, good wages, and steady work. Ideal working . Conditions, short hours, Saturday afternoon off. Ap- ply S. M, Sanders Mfg.' Cor, Ltd., Exeter, Ont. NOTICE T, R. Elliott wishes to announce that he and Mr• W. Johns have dis- solved partnership and T. H. Elliott has. taken over thin business. Tailor- ing, Cleaning, Pressing and Repair- ing. T. H. •ELLIOTT LOST --In Exeter, on Monday of last week a gold plated vanity case containing three one -dollar'' bilis and about one dollar' in silver, also, small mirror, Finder rewarded by Ieaving at Titles=Office. Dr. John Ward ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments Insurance Office one door south Times Office ., W. Goulding A. T...C. M. -Organist and CJnoirmaster James St.. United Church Instrucction ,n Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. Box 67 EXETER. ONT. CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST, EXETER. ONT. PHOE 70 BIG REDUCTION SALE _,off FURNITURE NOW ON at N. R O WE . Funeral Director & Embalmer Phone 20W Night 20J For Sale Three burner oil stove, and oven; 2 gasoline tanks, 2 laders 10 foot and 22 feet. Several good cutters cheap, Good Cream Separator, 450`, lbs cap. A pair of hockey shoes and skates 2 . thoroughbred White Wyandotte cockerels. WANTED House for rent. Use our Service for selling and locating. Inquire ' POWEL.L'S BAZAAR Phone 55 and 122 Exeter, Ont. Wood for Sale A QUANTITY OF DRY WOOD FOR SALE H. Bagshaw TRY US Phone 58W FOR SALE -13o pure-bred S. C. White Leghorn pullets and sift cock- erels; to be sold in pens of 20 or more with 1 oneCockerel to each pen; also a number of Barred Rock cock- erels. Apply to W. F. Abbott. PORI IMMEDIATE SALE — One 360 arfd three 600 -egg Buckeye in- cubators to make room for new Mammoth. Apply to W. F. Abbott, Exeter. FOR SALE—Timber Frame of a building :30x60, 14 ,;foot post, all 10 x::t0 posts and beans, all in good. Condition., Also • 5 room house• to let. Apply W. A. ' i3nl'lt`Will, • phone 123, Exeter. —. _ -AITT,O.R LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY • Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING 188 JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality Farm. Stock sales a specialty. Satix faction guaranteed. Charges mod erste. Orders left at this office wil be promptly attended to. R.R. No 1, Kirktots. Phone Kirktom B4r2. DR. M. C. G. FLETCIIER Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Mem- ber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of• Ontario; Member of the British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office .of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE 3c DOUBLE EDGE 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist FIRE ISU ANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, WITH E. J. --1H:R'E5TI OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns J. E. LEWIS CONTRACTOR Ceinient and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED Houses and Barns EXETER---: ONTARIOPhone 152W 1 scales Tal ARITUA.IJ LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY ,OF CANADA. 'WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NortwioH' UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY LTD. Life,-.Vire---Auto;nobile, etc r C.. fc� . �y� .�.R V' EY Agent, Exeter I. R. CARLING B.A. BARRIS'ER, SOLICITOR: ETC.- Loans, TC.Loans, Investments, Insurance Offlce,Carling B1ock,Maip St Exetetr GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors &c. Money to Loan, Investments 31aa.f* Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for use of of Clients without charge. Exeter London Hewitt Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.L,, DENTAL SURGEON -Late Listrict Dental Officer at Military District, Number One, hon. don, Ont. Main Street, Exeter, Out. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 34J Be open Wednesday afternoons till` April 7th Dr. 6. F. Roujston. L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's Law office. Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D.,D.D.S. DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity. Office, over Gladman & Stanbury'a office, Main Street, Exeter. DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M.D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P.&S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon. Office over Browning's Drug Stortt Phones Office Residence 30 DR. W. E. WEEKES Physician a,id Surgeon Late Chief Interne Vancouver General Hospital Office—One door sout h of the Tines -Advocate. Office hours 9.30 to 10.30, a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. and 7,to 8 p.m. Phone:• Office 67W, Residence 67.t DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON* Graduate of the Ontario Veterinar . College < DAY° AND NIGHT CALLS PROMP°1£'4 LY ATTENDED TO Phone 158 Residence Ann St, EXETER, Orrin. Dr. Adrian B. Gibson, VS. Graduate of ;the Ontario Veterinary College Veterinary par en ^ t All calls promptly Dtzs .ry a Specialty! promptly attended to Office-Fj•anlc Taylor's Sales Stable Phone 99W Residcne ..,paniee• St., Phone 99X =Final _ ONTARIO ARTHUR WEBER, LICE SIEIT AUCT.IONEER For l•8'mn'oa County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY 8 Years Experience. Prices Reason- able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge. Phone. 57.18 'Dashwood 1Cio. R. 1, DASmvc$OD, ONT. 40 41 411. Qin 4.110 t�inninnminkin aim inn Aininn .111111.11. 4111.111111 onnoin aminodinMint inn 00i r<i 1' She SI °"The. A