HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-3-11, Page 5CI
it C 1 - terse
Winter Term Opens, Tuesday, January 5, 1926
Our PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING will fit you for zhg
HIGHEST paid positions in the BUSINESS WORLD, where eo
is always REWARDED in proportion tp the SERVICE rendered.
Teachers, Civivl Service: and Special Coursea
Special Classes for Hensall and, Exeter Students
4 weeks' additional time given to students on an 8 months' course.
For InforivatioU�. apply to
Com. Specialist, Vice Principal: Principal, Phos 1 RS
On Thursday evening last Zurich
defeated Hensall on the former's ice
4-3. The game ' was, very even and
many believe that the best team did.
not win. Zurich , got a couple of
their goals very easy, one shot from
centre ice went up•over the lights,
and fell into the Hensall net before
anyone could see it, Weber, Hen -
sail's goalie, played a real game and'
was called on to stop several hard
-,'-ones. ,The first period saw the
score tied 1-1, the second 2-1 for
Hensall, the third no score and the.
fourth, 4-3 for Zurich, with Zurich.
winning the round 8-5. Immediate-
ly after the game the players lined
np on the ice and the cup was pre
sented to L. O'Brien, captain of the
whiners by Mr. E. Bates, secretary
of the league. The Hensall boys,
are not downhearted, however, and:
feel they have a good chance to
take the cup next year.
Names in order of merit. Sr. IV.
Billy Joynt, Dorothy Little, Bertha
Soldan, Marie Foster, Dorothy Hos-•
' kins, Albert Passmore, Ray Smele,
Lillian Steacey, Russell Blackwell,
Harold Munn, Mildred Smillie. Sr.
IV Clare Zuelfe, Eldred Smith, R.
Welsh, Lulu Lindenfield, Joyce'
Scruton, Marion Sinclair, Edward
Little. Sr. III—Mary Kenning, ° M.
Workman, Irene Daters, Willie Ni-
chol, Harold Foster, Grace Brack,
Howard Hemphill, Willie Drum-
,,. mond, • , Gladys Passmore, Beryl
Drummond, Mary Gillies, Albert
Wolfe, Hazel Hudson, Edna Wolfe,
Florence McDonnell, Irene Hoggarth
Eleanor Skinner, Lizzie Bean.
• Wm. McKay. teacher
Brick, two and one half storey,
very conveniently located to Post
Office and business section of town,
In addition to this property there is
also a vacant lot. The above prop-
erty' is being offered at a low figure
for immediate sale. The property
referred to above is the former Hen-
sall Methodist church parsonage.
Immediate possession can be given.
Forfurther particulars apply to
J. W. ORTWEIN, Hensall, Ont.
Wall Paper
In the Latest Designs
Prices from lac. to $1.50
g ster.
J. Sang ,Hensall
Ronor graduate of Faculty of
liedicine, and Master of Science,
adversity of Western Ontario.
Member of College of Physicians
Mad Surgeons of Ontario. Office
two doors east of Post Office.
(Mone 66 Residence 114
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au-
Mtion School, Special course taken in
teetered Live Stock (all Breeds,)
erehandise, Real Estate, Farm
Plea, etc. Rates in keeping with
lyrevailing prices. Satisfaction as -
loured, writ0car r3 e Zurich Klopp, Zurich, or
;lee, 'V Snatched dressed on both
sides at
Mrs. Cecil Simpson is visiting re-
latives • in Barrie.
Mr. Wm. Moore,• of London, was
in town on Friday.
:Miss Katie Scott is visiting rela-
tives, in ,Palmerston.
`.; Mr •Jas, Weslake, of Exeter, was
in town- on Saturday.
Mr. A. Whiteside, of Goderich 'was
in to*n%on Thursday.
Mr. Byron •Hicks, of Centralia, vis-
ited`friends in town on'Suturday.
Miss Grace Scarlet visited over the
week -end at her home in Seaforth.
:Miss Dorothy Welsh and Miss El-
va Bolton spent Saturday in London.
Iklr. 3. McDonnell received a ship-
ment of tiew Chevrolet cars this week
Mr. Carl Passmore and. Miss Zetta
Passmore visited in Exeter on Mon-
Miss ,N. Carmichael, of Stratford,
is visiting her mother in town this
w.eek. ' -
Mr. Isreal Lindenfield, of London,
visited on Saturday with relatives in
Mr. Hugh McDonald left last week
for Mitchell where he has secured a
position. -
Mr. John Mitchell is confined to
his 'room with a severe attack of
Miss:Marion Cudmore, of• Homes-
ville, Is 'visiting this week with
Miss E. "Sliaddick.
Mr. Peppier of the Bank of Mon-
tr_Qel yisited over -the Week—end with
relatives at Hanover.
Mr. MVIills, •of Toronto, High School
inspector, was here inspecting the
High School on Friday.
Quite a number from here atten-
ded -the sale of Mr. Wm. Elder, of
Tuckersmith, on Tuesday.
Mr. J. J., Merner, of, Seaforth
spent a few days in town this week
visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. Tom, of Goderich, public
school inspector, -was here inspect-
ing the public schools on Monday.
Postmaster Sutherland was in
Exeter on Tuesday attending the
funeral of the late H. K. Hyndman.
The dance held in the Town Hall.
on Friday evening last was largely
attended and all report a jolly time.
The Bell Telephone Co. have a
number of men here at present re-
their lines and
Miss Marks, who has been visiting
friends in town for the past month
returned to her home in Brucefield
on Tuesday.
A number from Hensall and vic-
inity attended the auction sale held
at Caldweil's farm, on Thursday of.
last week.
Extra workmen were taken 'on by
the C. N. R. this week to clear away
the snow and ice along the line and
in the yard here.
Mr. Dan Beggs, of Steele Briggs
-Seed Co., Toronto, is here this week
getting the onions in shape for ship-
ment in the spring.
A number from here went to Ex-
eter on Monday evening to enjoy an
evening skate on the Exeter rink
with the band in attendance.
A boys junior hockey team came
up from Exeter on Tuesday evening
last for a game with our local jun-
iors and were defeated 12 to 2.
Messrs. Thos. Welsh, Norm. Cook,
A. W. E. Hemphill, A. J. Flemming,
and Robt. Bell took in the hockey
match at London on Tuesday even-
Little Laurie Price, who under-
went an operation in Seaforth Hos-
pital a couple of weeks ago le recov-
ering nicely and was brought home
on Monday.
Mr. Chas. McDonald is busy this
week improving his home putting in
hardwood floors, fire place and other
improvements. The work is being
done by Mr. Jas Sangster.
Mr. J. Passmore was in London
this week attending, the McClary
Electrical Convention, he also took
in the London-Peterboro hockey
match, on Tuesday evening.
The many friends of 1VIr. Robt.
Morrison Will be glad to hear he is
improving slightly from the bad ac-
cident he met with last week from
falling off his house 'While cleaning
off the snow.
The death occurred in Brucefield,
on Sunday, March 7tli, of Duncan
McDonald, aged 69 years. The fun-
eral took piece from his late resi-
dence on Wednesday, interment be-
ing made in Baircl's Cemetery.
The many friends here ref the late
Dr. Hyiidnian of Exeter, were shack-
ed to .hear of his sudden death at
hie Koine. eii Saturday meriting A
number from herd attended the fun-
eral•on Tuesday afternoon,
Mrs. Vermlyea of Toronto, spent
several days last week with her fath-
er, Mr. John Dinsdale. Mr. Dins -
dale, who has suffered considerably
of late, remains about the same.
Mrs. 'Wm, Peart accompanied by
her sister Miss Clarisa Mitchell left
on Thursday for her home in Wis-
consin, Miss Mitchell who has been
in poor health all winter will spend
some time with her sister out there.
Miss Eleanor • Fisher, who some-
time ago was appointed organist of
the United church, took on her dut-
ies on Sunday last. Owing to some
breakage it was unable to use the
organ and the church piano had to
be used in this emergency..
A large crowd of hockey enthusi-
ests listened in on Tuesday even-
ing to the London-Peterboro final
O. H. A. fixture at London. They
were sorry to see London lose the
round by "7•-5; although• they tied Pe-
terhero on Tuesday evening 3-3.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Joynt took
their little boy, to a London hospital
on Tuesday evening. The little fel-
low ,took sick on .Monday afternpdn
with a bad vomiting Spell., which • it
seemed impossible to stop, so it was
considered advisable to • take him to
a hospital.
Rev. Arthur Sinclair and family.
moved up into their new home on
Monday. The former Manse has
been put into good condition, paper-
ed and painted throughout, hard•
wood floors put in and bath: The
house Mr. Sinclair vacated is being
put on the market for sale.
The bad ice storm of Sunday night
last nearly tied up the railway on
Monday, all trains being late. The
early morning train arrived here
about 11 o'clock and did not get
away again till the middle of the
afternoon, owing to a snow plow be-
ing off the track between Exeter and
On Monday evening next the" red
side of the United church league will
entertain the blue side. A good pro-
gram is being put on after which
lunch will be served and a social
time spent. An executive meeting
of the league was held on Monday
evening last after the regular meet-
ing of the league. It was decided
to give $100 to Missions, $50 to the
upkeep of the church and $10 to Mr.
Smith,• caretaker of the church for
the extra work and kindness during
the contest, leaving a balance of $70
in tke bank.
Dr, H.H. Cowen, L. D. S.
D. D. S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash-
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the, Post Office, in
Zurich. last three days of week.
Rev. A. Kellerman, of Tavistock,
spent a few days in town last week.
Miss Rase Rader, of Detroit, is
visiting at her home here.
Mr. Percy Humble, of Sarnia,
spent the week -end with Mrs. C.
Among those who attended the
funeral of late. Mrs. Hartleib were
Mrs. 3. Smith, of Windsor; Misses
Ferrol and Elizabeth Hartleib, of
London; Mr. S; Tohn, of Big Rap-
ids; Mr. Nichol, of Hickson and Mrs
Nicholson, of London.
'The Young Peoples' League of the
Evangelical Church are holding a
St. Patrick's Social on Friday, Mer.
Messrs. C. Gaiser and R. Callfas
attended the hockey match at Lon-
don on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. J. W. Graybiel is visiting in
Dr. R. H. Taylor and Mr. J. W.
Graybiel attended the funeral of the
late Dr Hyndman at Exeter on Tues
day. •
Miss .Verna Birk, took first-class
honors in the Primary theory exams.
Miss Meyers, with honors in the El-
ementary Piano exams, Toronto Con-
servatory of lehisic,
Mr. Thomas Grundy has recovered
from a severe attack of pneumonia,
and has gone to Ottawa, where he
will reside with his daughter; Mrs.
Miss Florence MeRann of the 1st
concession of Biddulph is leaking a
satisfactory recovery from a serious
attack of blood -poisoning in her
right arm and hand.
Ross O'Neil, 2nd concession, Mc-
Gillivray, is' still suffering from
pneumonia, though now considered
out of danger. ;
Mrs. Oulette, of Tecumseh, is nur-
sing her mother, Mrs. Mcllhargey of
the village, who has'been ill for some
Mrs. C. Sunner, of London, is the
guest of her parents, Mr.,: and Mrs.
E. Hodgson.
Mrs. R. .R. Hodgins, is spending
the winter with her daughter, hers.
William Hardy, London township.
The cemetery committee of St.
James' church, Clandeboye, reports
a successful. year, •$635 being raised
for the endow1ent fund, which
brings that fund to the • satisfactory
sum -of.$2.200 ,..,The income for the
'Upkeep of the cemetery was $427:78'
and . • expenditure:.$27.2.3 6, leaving
the' substantial balance of $155.42
in the treasury. '•The committee is
as follows: Rev. Ii . McGoun, chair-
man; George Simpson, treasurer;
Moore Cunningham, secretary; Esli
Hodgson, president; Joseph Armit-
age, caretaker;. las. McRann, Mich.
Cunningham, John- Abbott, Eli Hod-
gins. The auditors ',are, John Ab-
bott and Esli Hodgson.
ed church -held their regular month-
ly meeting in the church basement
on Thurs. afternoon, March 4th with
the president in the chair. Interest-
ing papers were given by Mrs. D.
"Cantelon on America and China's
Real Revolution; Mrs. Ballantyne
on India and Mrs. E. McQueen on
Japan. The topic was ably deliver-
ed by Mrs. W. Dougall. An inter-
esting poen, written by Miss Ida
Coulter was read and enjoyed by all,
also a letter of appreciation for
kindness from Miss C. Mitchell was
read, in which Miss Mitchell ex-
pressed her thanks for the attention
and kindness shown her during her
recent illness.
The meeting of the Young Peoples
League of the United church was
held on Monday evening. The meet-
ing was in charge of Miss E. Mur-
dock with the president, Miss Viola
Higgins presiding. The meeting
was opened with the singing of a
hymn, ofter whch Miss Nellie Boyle
led in prayer. The minutes of the
last meeting were read by the sec-
retary, Mr. Gerald Farquhar. The
Bible lesson was read by Miss Grace
Pepper. A piano duet by Misses
Smillie and Pearl Elder, reading by
Master Billie Glenn, reading by Mr.
Peck, violin solo by master Glenn
Slavin, solo by Mrs. Lee Hedden,
instrumental by Miss Gladys Luker
and the topic by.'VIiss Johnson were
all greatly appreciated.
On Monday evening last a hockey
match was staged on the looal rink
between Hensall and Tinkertown
which the latter won 8-6. It was
quite a game, George Brock and 3.
Hudson holding down Tinkertown's
defence while Scott Welsh minded
their net, "Dinty" C. lvfoore started
as referee but in the last period the
fans thought he was favoring Tink-
ertown, and carried him off. He was
replaced by Mr. Flemming who fav-
ored Hensall and was also carried off
and the game ended with Al Bell re-
fereeing. The game was real old
time shiny and anything went, but
the ice was bad and the players took
numerous falls. At the close of the
game C. Shaddick, captain for Tink-
ertown was presented with a suitable
C. C. Powers, who has conducted
a farm implement business here, has
sold his property and business to
Kenneth. McRoberts, son of C. W.
McRoberts, local mill operator, for-
merly of London. Mr. Powers has
become interested in the amusement
facilities of Lake Huron summer re-
sorts, and, it is reported will devote
his time to this work. As local
hydro commissioner he has shown
splendid efficiency and his depar-
ture is regretted,
Reconstruction of • the poultry
hatchery of A, H. S.witser & Softs,
which was destroyed by fire a little
over a week ago has been rushed In
spite of the cold weather and the
plant is ready to begin batching op-
erations right away. New inoubat:
ors have been rushed from the man-
ufacturers. Mr,. A. H, Switzer
expressed his appreciation of the
splendid efforts of the workmen em-
ployed in rebuilding the plant so
W. M. S. Missionary
Supper and Lecture
s_ en --
Thurs. Eve., March 11
The Women's Missionary Auxil-
iary of the United church, Crediton,
will serve supper in the basement of
the church. After supper a pro-
gram will be given in the auditor-
ium of the church. Musical selec-
tions, etc., will be rendered and the
pastor will give his lecture, "The
MISTY FLATS," or "The Drifters of
Life.". An hour of splendid enter-
tainment, full of sense and non-
sense. Come and enjoy yourself.
ADMISSION: 500 for adults. 25e
for children.
Miss Alexander, who has been a
Missionary Nurse for two years in
China, gave a very interesting lec-
ture in the Chiselhurst United church
on Tuesday evening under the aus-
pices of the Ladies' Aid.
Mr. Robert Cole had a successful
sale of farm stock and implements
last Wednesday, March the 3rd. Mr.
Cole has rented his farm to Mr. Ed-
gar Allen a neighbor who lives near
by. Mr. and Mrs. Cole will still
live on the farm.
Mr. Lorne McNaughton has mov-
ed on to the farm that he has rented
;from Mr. Win. Passmore on the
Thames Road about one mile east of
the Thames Road United church.
Mr. Wm. Martin had a wood bee
on Monday afternoon of this week
and a dance on Tuesday evening.
Everybody had a real good. time.
Mr. Wm. McLaren and Mr,. Christ-
ie, have gone to .Florida on business.
We wish Mr. McLaren and Mr.
Christie a pleasant trip to the land
of sunshine. -
Mr. G. T. Wren was in Stratford
last week on jury duty, he visited
also with his sister in St. Marys.
Mr. Cecil Harris visted at his
aunt's Mrs. John, Oke, of near Ex-
eter, over the Week -end.'
On next ,Sabbath morning the gos-
pel message at the Evangelical
church will be based on the subject
"Churchanity" or "Christianity"
and at the evening service the sub-
ject under discussion will be "Pure
The Senior Young Peoples' Leag-
ue of the Evangelical church again.
treated the audience to a special pro-
gram last Friday evening. The
meeting being in the form of a mus-
ic program. Clara Moriock was in
charge .. and discussed the topic,
"Some great Hymn's ,of the Church."
Irene Fahner read the Scripture les-
son. Biographical sketches of
some of the eminent musicians were
then given, such as "Schubert," by
Clara Oestricher; following this Beat
trice Haist. played- "Schubert's Mo-
ment Musical" as a solo.. "Handel"
by Kathleen Moriock after which
Mrs. Gordon Moriock sang a select-
ion from "Handel's Messiah." He
shall feed his flock like a shepherd.
"Beethoven", by Royal Geiser. An
interesting music contest brought
the meeting to a close.
Mrs. Jacob Geiser, of Shipka, is
very ill at present, having been con-
fined to her bed for about five weeks
We hope she will have a speedy re-
A very successful Worker's Con-
ference was held last Monday night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Either.
After the transaction of business a
very dainty lunch was served. The
orchestra furnished excellent music.
Mrs. Daniel Finkbeiner has re-
turned home • from London and re-
ports that their son, Gordon Char-
les who is still in the hospital is im-
proving favorably. The bright little
lad had to submit to a double oper-
ation for mastoid. We are glad that
his complete recovery will only be
a matter of a short: time now.
Mr. and Mrs. William Watson(
spen a few gays wife. rn rornie a
parets, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heist.
Mrs. Brown, of Apsley, Ont., who
has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John
Bedford for a few days, has return-
ed home.
We are sorry to hear of the illness
of Lois Orme who is quartined with
Scarlet Fever. We wish her speedy
A number of hockey fans from the
village t ent to London on Tuesday
evening to see the London-Peter-
boro game.
Miss Donella Ruby left for Strath..
roy, where she has accepted a posi-
tion as milliner..
Mr. and Mrs. David Schnell, who
visited friends 'here left for their
home in Aberdeen, Sask.
The death of Mrs, Maggie McCor-
mick, a former well known resident
of Zurich took place in Detroit,
March 2nd. The remains were
brought to the village and the fun-
eral took place on Thursday morn-
ing from the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wendel Smith to the. R. C. Cemetery
for interment.
Hay Tp. Road Supt. H. IL Neeb,
attended the Road Supts'. Conven-
tion at Toronto.
Death came ,`suddenly to Samuel
J. McLinchey, of Stephen Township
early on Feb. 27th. Mr. McLinehey
had been in his usual health on Fri-
day and ate a' hearty supper. Later
he complained of indigestion pains
and. about 3 am.. these became so
severe that a doctor was called.
However, before he arrived Mr, Mc-
Lincliey died. Ile is survived by
one son. and one daughter, both of
whoarl live with hint on the home -
=dead, He was '64 years of age.
Perhaps the easiest way to acquire
a dominating' personality is to be
born female,
propriate lush song, sung by Miss
Clara Oestrioher. A paper entitled
"Canadian :A tithors," by: Mrs.
Orme, proved :';very istructive and
was apprei sled by all present.' A
delightful i3 Patriek's lunch 'has
then servedbyr.'the hostesses Mrs. C.
Zwicher, Mrs. H. K, Either, Mrs., D.
Maclsaac, Mrs. I. "X'oung and Mrs, J.
W. Orme. '
Miss Grey, of Toronto, will start
the course in Domestic Science, on
Tuesday, March 16th, at 2:30 p.m.
in the Institute rooms. All desir-
ing to take the course hand in your
name to Mrs. Dan Mclsaac or come
to the first class.
A very successful men's banquet
was held in the- Institute Hall last
Wednesday evening, about 70 men
of the village being present. A very
dainty supper was served. Mr. G.
G. Maynard acted as toastmaster in
his usual happy manner. After din-
ner toasts were giver by the Clergy
and others. The committee in charge
are to be congratulated on the suc-
cess. It was unanimously agreed, to
make this a semi-annual affair.
The last quarterly conference
board of the Evangelical church was
held last Thursday evening. Rev.
H. A. -Kellerman, of Tavistock, dis-
trict supt., was present and conduct-
ed the meeting. The reports show-
ed that all the departments of the
local church are in very healthy con-
dition. J. H. Holtzmann was elect-
ed delegate to the annual conference
and also as a candidate to ' General
Conference to be held in the State
of Pennsylvania this fall.
Sunday, February 28th was ob-
served as Temperance Sunday in the
Evangelical Sunday school, and since
all over the province a campaign is
on for pledge signing, this was tak-
en up also, and over 100 signed the
pledge of total abstinence. The
temperance people are realizing that
if they want to hold their ground
they must continue to educate .the
young ; concerning the dangers of
`Habakkuk, the Prophet of Faith'
9th .in the series on "Paintings of
the Prophets," will be the subject
in the United Church next Sunday
evening. Habakkuk Is the heretic
of his day who refuses to be satis-
fied with the theology of the past.
He teaches the problem of why the
righteous stiffer as none other had
up until that time. Come and get
acquainted With him.
The March meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute was held on the ev-
ening of Tuesday, March 2nd, in the
Institute Hall, Tho Vice -President..
Tr . H K. occupied h
14 s Either the chair
The meeting opened with the sing-
ing of the Institute Ode, after which
the Lord's Prayer was repeated in
unision. The Roll -Call was then re-
sponded • to by the telling of Irish
stories which were humorous, and
then typical of the Emerald Isle.
The talk on current events was tak-
en by Mrs. T Trevethick, who spoke
on "The 1+lxtermination of the Crew"
After the general routine of busl-
ness Miss Addie Gaisar gave a very
complete and interesting paper on,
"The Story of St, Patrick," A. pi-
ano solo was much enjoyed played
by Miss I3erilice Eiiber, also anap-
The regular .meeting, of the Hur-
ondale W. L was held on February
25th ,at the home o't. Mrs. G. Ether-
ington, who kindly loaned her home
owing to the illness of Mrs. 13. Case.
It was arranged to hold a cooking
sale in Exeter on April 10th. A
very interesting 'debate was given,
resolved that "Social efficiency is a
greater asset to the home maker of
to -day than is a practical education
in the art df house management."
The affirmative was taken by Misses
Maud Millar, and Myrtle Pym, the
negative by' ,Misses ` Jennie Strang
and Dorothy Armstrong, The judg-
es deci4ed 'iii" favor of the affirma-
tive. Readings "were' given by Miss
H. Keddy and Mids. A. Jeffrey, The
meeting closed 'after which lunch
was served. The -next meeting will
be held at the"iionie of Mrs. B. Case.
Roll Call. A beautiful'thought from
poetry. '
` Cen ralia
The regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies' Aid eases held last Thurs-
day afternoon' iii,'the school room of
the, church: `. 'The president, Mrs. W.
Parsons presided. After a successful
business meeting' lunch was served
by Mrs. N • Baket'and Mrs. W. Bow-
Miss I1 eneBird,',; of -London, spent
the week kd:'with her cousin Miss
Wanda WUi1s. '
Miss .Kett Teen hicks; of Victoria
Hospital, London,"spent 'the week-
end -with heiee parents, Mr-. and Mrs.
A. Hicks
Profound jregret was felt in the
village• over the death of Dr. Hynd-
man, of Exeter.
Early Monday morning the sncw
plow on a trip" north ran off the
track about a 'mile and a quarter
from Centralia. ,Fortunately none of
the crew' eiv!ere hitt. '-The regular
morning trains were unable to pass
through the wreck' until after one
o'clock in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson;', visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques, on Sun-
Mr. and'hirs;:;Albert Duffield vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Shipley, of
Lucan over ,the week-enl.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley and son
Billy spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs.-Melvin.,Denn and Mr. and Mrs.
Sliervilie, *London Tp. last week.
Miss Lacerna.Haeness spent a few
days last 'eiid : t. e' guest 'of 'Miss -
Elva Morley..:
Mr. and Mree Bruce Jones treated
a number ofithe,friends to an oyster
supper on Wednesday evening. All
report a yea.'y good time.
A number :from herespent a very
pleasant• ;time at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Arkspy. on Monday
Mr. Mervin Johnston. visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston, of Zion
over the week -end;
1Yrrs. Arthur Francis of Stephen,
is spending a,few days with her Sent
Mr, Ray Francis.
Miss Verna Brock and Mr. toy'
Brock spent the week -end with rela-
tives in St. Marys,
Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Fletcher''
visited with. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Davis
of Saintsbury, on Thursday,
Miss Rhein, Pollen, of Mitchell,
spent the week -end at her home.
Mr. Dave McNicol, of Toronto,
visited his mother Mrs. Jane MoNieo),:
over the week -end.
This is the second week of the
nursing courses being held at the
home of Mrs. Wm.. Glenn, under the
auspices of the Hurondaie Institute
and are well attended for a rural
community and considering the con-
dition of the roads.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Penhale enter-
tained a number of their friends and
neighbors to a euchre and dance on
Friday evening.
The W. M. S. meeting was held at
the home of Mrs. Goliings on Thurs-
day, The meeting was in charge of
!Miss Monteith, the president being
absent through illness. A paper on
Japan was given by Mrs. John Cann,
which was very interesting, also a
reading by Mrs. Fenwick, entitled
"Speaking to the King." It was 'de-
cided to invite Mrs. (Dr,) McCrae of
London for the evening service of
March 2 Sth, to give an address.
Mrs. Little visited with: Mr. and.
Mrs. J. W. Hackney last week.
A U.F.O. meeting was held at the
hall, Farquhar on Tuesday, the
speaker being Mr. J. J. Morrison.
The attendance was not as large as
might have been expected, but those
present reported a very interesting
Miss B. Gollings has taken a pos-
ition in St. Marys.
Mrs. S. J. Pym and Miss Edna
have been on the sick list.
Rev. A. E. Johns was at Anderson
Appointment last a Sunday taking
charge of the services in that church
Rev. Ridout, of Toronto, preach-
ed a splendid sermon on Missionary
work on February 28th in this
church. A subscription -was taken
up after the service for the Mission
Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwards, of Sask
atoon are visiting their' daughter
Mrs. Edward Johns.
The Mission Band of this church.
are preparing for an evening's en-
tertainment on Friday, March' 19th,
Rev. A. E. Johns will give an illus-
tated lecture and members of the.
ed 1 _ive'songs,,recit
The funeral' of. Stewart Wilburt
McFalls, who . died on Wednesday
afternoon ' at his : home on concession
2, of Biddulph, following an illness
of only nine days, was held Friday
afternoon , to the Nursery Cemetery
Mooresville. Mr. McFalls, who was
in his 51st year, was the son of
Robert McFalls and was born and
lived all his life on the farm
he died. .He.es survived by his wid-
ow, who was formerly 11Riss Jen-
nie Cooper, two daughters, Mrs.
Garnet Flynn and Miss Madeline at "
home; his father;,,who is now 84
years of age; two brothers, Marshall
of Lucan and James of Bryanston,
and one sister, Mrs. Andrew Maguire
of McGillivray.
Wedding bells will soon be ring-
ing near Khiva.
Mrs. M. Hewlett, of Exeter, is vis-
iting at present with Mr. and Mrs.
D. Lippert.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade spent a
day last week with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Rader, Town Line.
Mr. Gordon Miller, of Zurich, vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ziller a few
days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witzei spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Lam-
port, of Crediton.
Miss L. Turnbull spent Thursday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. D. Lip-
The Shipka Club have got in a
car load of good cedar posts.
as* *** *•s * *
Maybe these super -six, high-power-
ed costly autos should have horns
that sneer.
ations, etc.
The many friends of the late Dr.
Hyndman in this vicinity Mere
shocked to hear of his very sudden
death on Saturday morning last and
extend their sympathy to the be-
The Young Peoles' League were
at Main St. church last Tuesday ev-
ening and put up the program. They
report a very enjoyable time.
Mrs. Webber from the West is vis-
itig at the home of her father Mr.
Robert Woods.
Mr. Samuel Horne is quite ill at
the home of his son, Mr. Wes. Horne
Last Sunday four new members
were received into the church at the
morning service.
Miss Mildred • Bell, is spending a
week at her home here.
Mr. Garnet Miner's
the brick ers had a bee on
Moeda last to era home
from Exeter for his new house that
he intends building this summer.
The roads became quite heavy during
the afternoon the had some difficul-
ty in getting along with their loads.
There has been a great deal of
sickness in our neighborhood, espec-
ially amongst the children, there
being few who have not been eon -
fined to the house with the Cold
some form.
Mr. Harry Mnrch has engaged to
work for Mr. Harvey .Perkins.
Head O11$ce, Farquhar, Oat.
Vice -President, JAS. 'McKENZIE
JOHN ESSIJRY, Centrafa, Agent for.
Usborne and Biddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Ageit foi
Ribbert, Fullarton aad Logan.
W. A. TURNBULL Secretary -Treasurer
Box 98 Exeter, Ontario,
Solleitdrs, Exeter.
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•--Writcs a itar'dwarc 11Ierchant ,
ii"h3) take �; week to eus'toiners
who ca -n be sold arta morning
--ley Long Di.sttzntce