HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-3-4, Page 8\\ \\\Yaer '\\ .YH\V , W \ Y, ,\ \ ths "e would suggest that you see these new dress lengths at your first opportunity. .:"fever before ha ve,,we been table to show so large a range of beautiful dress lengths, Priced as low as $3,9Q for a full dress length, these new spring materials with their attractive borders and patterns elre selling fast, .. The /Majority of these lengths are e elusi e and cannot be duplicated so an early choice is very de- sirable. 111110,10.16.101 New Spring Goods • N1 W DRESS MATERIALS NEW DRESS TRI:IihilN*GS NEW SPRING (:OATS, NM 1' DRESS LENGTHS, NEW COLLAR AND CUFF SETS NEW CREPE TIES A NEW SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS NEW HOISEEY A • NEW GINGUAMS NEW CHINTZ NEW SATEENS. NEW WALL PAPERS NEW LINOLE ThIS NEW RUGS ✓4 NEW DINNER SETS NEW TOILET SETS COATS FORSPRING The new coats for spring are now on display in both.ladies, ahrd misses sizes. The styles this season are very attractive and there is a variety of -new materials. Smart serviceable. tweeds .are very popular and are very reasonably priced.» Blacks and navy blues. in poiret twill and tricotine with bands of • fain -trim- ming in tailored styles will be amongst the leaders for this seas- on. We invite your early inspection of these new garments and we will lay away any garment you' may choose without even ask- ing sking for a deposit. $24.95,. DINNER SETS $24.95 These are full 97 piece dinner sets, 2 patterns are genuine" china and there are 4 other patterns in guaranteed aseini-porde lain; giving you a choice of six very attrajctive patterns. Every- one of these sets show the buyer a real saving as we could not duplicate them to retail.for less than $32.50 Our special price per 97 piece set is only $24.95. J. A. Stewart 0`� �yw �v �p� ��� fie. �� . Angr. . .t�.� �� .� ate ��9 .a�:.��� � �� 111 FURNITURE WHOSE COMFORT* :. WELCOMES_ .,YOU THIS IS THE IND WHICH WILL GREET;: YOU.' WHEN YOU CALL AT OUR STORE ON A VISIT OF INSPECTION'. SOLID COMFORT COMBINED WITH UP-TO-DATE STYLE AND FINISH AND A DURABILITY BEYOND COMPARISON. THERE'S REAL VALUE IN EVERY PIECE. • "THE HOME FURNISHER" - VI• • FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND.. HORSE EQUIPMENT, FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED,. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE ' LONG DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Phone 743. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ,:Night- Ca11 14w ■ Men's Store Phone 81w ' Men'`s. Store tock -Taking Sade Suitings, Overcoatings Odd Trousers ' ...y Men's Furnishing's Underwear, Caps, Hats, ' Shits, Socks, Sweaters, Scarfs, Sweater coats . W. TRMR.Nj' Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter FiRE INSURANCE It will.be too LATE After you have a FIRE To check up your INSURANCES. MAKE an estimate now of LOSS you could count on for CERTAI N and get protection. Ask for rates in Canadian Companies. They are lowest and no Agent's Fee is charged. Cladman;8t Stanbury EXETER I•IENSALL THE EXETER TXM,ESMAE VDCATE Meter Markets '(Wheat $1,,23. Qats 45e. 1 as ley a the li auitelni Fleur $4.60, Blended Flour $4.10. • Pastry Flour $3.50. Feed Flour $2.1 i). .Bran $1.70 Shorts $1.70 Creamery Butter 49e. Dairy Butter. 38c, to 41e. Eggs, extras 34e. Eggs, firsts, 30c. Lard 20e' Potatoes $2.25. Hogs, $13.00. Hogs, Selects $14.30. 4. LOCAL 4. h'"i'h'"1"�'av'1"�+•. `ii.,igg'.g.'i + RESERVE April 3rd for Bazaar and supper in the Town Hall given by Caveu Ladies' Aid. COVEN PItI+su TIijR1'AN CHURCH Rev. Jannis Footer I3...., Minister 10 a.ni.-Sunday School. 11 a.m.-"W.;hat Christ Taught of Ills Death" Tiro Minister 7 P.111, -"The Church making use of Parliament to Serve Its End," The minister JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF ,CANADA Res. E, ,Sheppard, Pastor W, R. Goulding, Organist attd Choir -Leader 11 ran. -"Christ's Question to You" 3 p.m -Render unto God.' 7 p.m. -"The Alan who Missed the Meeting." Often those who :do the least for a cause are its hardest critics. WSrhen-I kneel at night to pray How fine itais, if 2 can say, Lord, I've wronged. no soul to -day. Miss A. Fish is on the sick list. Miss Ross was in London for the week -end, Mrs. J. W, Powell is still confined to her bed. Mr, Thos, Harton, of London, is visiting in town. Mr. Bert. Doyle •was in London Monday, on business. Mrs, Wm, Birney spent the week- end visiting in Wingham. Mr. R. W. Anglin, H. S. Inspector, visited the Exeter H. S. on Monday. Mr. Paul Coates is in Goderich this week acting as County auditor. Inspector J. E. Toni has been in Exeter and district during the past weeek., ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawke, of Clinton ;attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Delbridge. Mr. Fred. McPherson is visiting with his brother, Mr. 0. McPherson, of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Neil, of Lon- don; spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones. Miss Vera Essery returned Fri- day after attending the millinery openings in Toronto. Mrs. W. H. Dearing spent a few days this week visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Mallett, of London. Mrs. Reg. Knight, of the London Rd. south. is visiting with her. sis- ter, Mrs. Burritt, in Detroit. Miss Ella Link left Monday for Seaforth, to take a position as mil- liner with the MacTavish store. Mr. Silas McFalls returned to Hes- peler last week after visiting his parents in town for three weeks. Mrs. (Dr.) 0. G. Tremner, of To- ronto, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E: Winer. • Mrs. D. McInnis has returned to her home near Paisley after visiting her --parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sweet. March came in like a iamb. Rain 1-44ting the night --BPS lia3z was mild, butitturned 'colder to- wards evening. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.--"Rooted .. in Life like a Tree. 3 p.m. -Sunday School 7 p.m. -"The ' Sternness of the Transfiguration." , Mr. Harold Wood returned to London on Monday after attending the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Delbridge. Mr. H. Ford, of the Lake Road, has installed a radio and on Wed- nesday evening of last week invited in a number of intimate friends. Mrs. J. Strowbridge has returned to Ingersoll after visiting for several - weeks with Rev. E. and Mrs. Shep- pard at the James St. parsonage. "The Man They Could Not Hang" drew a large crowd at. the Dome Theatre on Thursday evening in spite of the very clisagreable weather. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Anderson, re- turned on Tuesday to their home in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., after attend- ing the funeral of the latter's moth- er, Mrs. Delbridge. Mr: Sani. A. Poplestone, of Blyth, has been with his mother and sis- ter since Feb. 24th. Janette was in town on Friday to see her grand- mother and aunts. Mr. C. R. Howard, of New York, travelling representative for the Canadian Bank of Commerce, visit- ed his mother, Mrs. J. 'N. Howard, in town for a couple of days last week. On Friday evening last, Clarence Down and Horace Delbridge attend- ed. an •Agricultural Short -Course banquet at Fordwich, being dele- gates from the local Junior Finers Improvement Association. MY IRISH ROSE A comedy drama of Irish Life - in 3 Acts, will be presented in Main St.. United Church WED. and THURS., MARCH 17, 18 FOR SALE -Timber France of a building 30x60, 14 foot post, all 10 x10 posts and beams, all in good condition. Also 5 room house to let. Apply W. A. Balkwill, phone 123, Exeter. LOST -Gold bar -pin, with initials E. T, R. set in pearls. Finder please leave at Times -Advocate office. Re - Ward. NOTICE -All farmers wishing to ship cattle co-operatively may do so by dropping a letter to Geo. Sanders, Exeter. Rates $1.00 a head, OWNERS OF DOGS Must secure a dog tag for the year 1926, tags to be secured from the Municipal Clerk. Every dog found on the streets without a tag, the owner of said dog is subject .to a summons and an action by a magis- trate. ,. Secure your Dog Tag. DOG STRAYED OR STOLEN- Irish Terrior that answers to the frame- of Barney. Anyone found harboring this dog after this notice Will be prosecuted. Information re - Warded at Browning's Drug Stone, Exeter. MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Olysdiale, Pastor 11 a.m."Our Father," 3 p.m. -Sunday School -Final Mis- ' sionary offering of the year. 7 p.m. -"Mystery and Might. It's not what you'd do with a million If riches should e'er be your lot, But what you are doing at present With the dollar and a quarter you've got. No churches, no hospitals, 'no nurses, no healing. Ask the heathen. Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, - Exeter Fitton's Old, Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING GUARANTEED Powell's Bazaar B -IG VARIETY STORE THURSDAY, MARCH 4th, 1920 .„w...!rx•'.w.wmva a.•.w,uea..rr.ww++�-rro.w.wn,S. r Www, !l11111111111111111illilllUll1111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111IIN111111111111111IlIIIIIII11111111IIII IIIIIIIIIIIl11IlIIIll►IIR am▪ oral.wollood ▪ .r 0.01.10001 Onor▪ doiok ranolgOlt We Sell only Goods Which We can Sell Easily and Profitably, and we have many of .them. Parents who buy Boys Ogenalls and Knick- ers should see.: caul' . Samples and Prices. People who eat good candy always patronize this Store. Ladies needing everyday dishes find their way to our Bargain.. Shelves. Others in quest of Wedding, presents find many ideas here. IIe who wants a good Violin,. Mandolin or any other instrument, doesn't 'need to go to the city, just come, here. ,��.,Y}yW.e want a aaajaaa iety Store, use.. it. . 'lowers for the sick, etc., are ,found'here each week end. This week Sweet Peas, Daffs, Carnations and , Snap's. Our other remarks are use NAMELESS for colds and for earache.. FOR SALE Oil RENT The Following .Properties Brick Store on Main St., Exeter Commodious Brick dwelling,. fur- nace heated, and wired for Electric lighting, etc. with fixtures, in place, John St. Six and a half acres 'Of choice land suitable for market garden, running through from Huron St. to John St. Choice Saskatchewan farms in the Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty. and Fro. besher districts. For price and terms on above see ROBERT E. PICKARD, John Street EXETER.' Agent for Great West Life As'ce Co. PASTURE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT -Being West half lot 8 and 9, south Boundary of Hay Tp., com- prising 150 acres more or less of good pasture land, well fenced; Aux Sauble river running. through pro- perty. Apply to J. S. Amy, 191 Simcoe St.; London. Phone 9747J. FOR SALE -Seed Peas. These peas were awarded the first prize at Exeter Fair. $1.50 a bus. Apply to R. Williams, R. R. 3, Exeter. 2-25-2t "IVIHOLM FARW" We are now booking orders for Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs in the following breeds: Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks, Leghorns and Ancon - as at very reasonable prices. Custom hatching at 4c. per egg. Having in- stalled a meat and bone grinder I can supply fresh ground meat and bone for poultry at 2c. per pound. Phone your orders to L V. Hogarth,' Exeter P. 0.; Phone Crediton 18r31 2-25-8t HELP W,IANTED • Young women needed to operate power machines on Children's Cloth- ing, good wages, and steady work. Ideal working conditions, short hours, Saturday afternoon off. Ap- ply S. M. Sanders Mfg. Co., Ltd., Exeter, Ont, • NOTICE 0 TO PARENTS ARr,NTs Children attending school. and in the class room as taught by Miss Medd, and have not before this date had German Measles, must not re- turn to the school for a period of 21 days, dating from Wednesday, Feb. 17th, 1926. Students or pupils that have had German Measles 'will be admitted upon a •certificate being secured from the family doctor and presented to the principal, Mr. G. S. Howard, showing no existance of desease. 13y Order C. II, SANI)T;U'l. Cheirnran . . DR. J. W, 1Dl'iOWNIN( , Medical Offieer Of Health ftwola mamma 1.1111. Sim\ 3y Clothes for Youiig en Including the new tweeds in small patterns and large overehecks, as well as a beautiful range of fine worsteds in many new patterns.. Priced at $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 VitaittNaMetaltalf -SMART SPRING COATS. FOR LADIES WE OFFER A SPLENDID RANGE OF THE VERY NEW1ST STYLES IN SPRING; COATS INCLUDING THE NEW FLARES, TAILORED FROM THE VERY I3EST MATERIALS. PRICED AT r .$18.50 $25.00 . to •. $35.00 NewrCaps for Spring Including many new patterns, in stylet and cloths that ,are sure to please. Priced at $1.25 to $2.25 New Checked Broad - Cloth Shirts The newest in fine shirts for this season, with two collars. Arrow mauve and. 'fast colors. Priced at. $3.25 New Felt Hats for Men at $5.00 SHOWING THE NEW BRIMS AND TRIMS THAT WILL BE POPULAR THIS SEASON, IN SEVERAL NEW SHADES THAT WILL, MATCH YOUR NEW SUIT. Wall Papers Wall Papers BOXERS MAX.IMUR 30 INCH WALL PAPERS ARE MAKING A BIG HIT THIS SEASON. WE SHOW A RANGE OF NEW PATTERNS AND COLORS. PAPERS AT PER ROLL Sc., 10c., 15c., to.25c • ,rt \�'f ;?�i \V.?,R:Y,/�r"_ � �l^'ri'v � -i �i r::.ia ��-::Yi si \mac: �� \��:::ai' \ _:a �: �a� � :..: i �. i•:�i mac.^.y�."r Southcott w.11.011, .141011..0001.111 11.1111111 posoraf Imender 0.10.10111 w pmnisa ailMONO • ..:.r- Immint gmomil �l lllilllllllllllllllllllllllllillillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilllllllillllllllllllllllllliilllllllllilllllllllllllilllllllllllillllllllllir I. R. CARLING B.A. Have Your Eyes Examined With the short days and the nec- essity of continued use of artificial light -one needs to watch closer than ever for signs of eye strain. If you are not. wearing glasses, make sure that you do not need them. It's well to remember power of vision changes and your glasses need to be adjusted to meet the change. Dr. John Ward enjoys an enviable repu- tationfor expert treatment and hon~ opinions. Come in and satisfy your - everything is our- everything"'is in order. Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST, EXETER. ONT. PHOS 70 BIG REDUCTION SALE _ot_ FURNITURE NOW ON_ - at - R. N. ROWE Funeral Director & Embalmer Phone 20W Night 20J For Sale Several good cutters cheap. Good Cream Separator, 450 lbs cap. Pandora range, 'with. waterfront Onion scuffler, copper grader and screen, horse clipper. Large base burner, parlor stove. Set of sad irons, copper boiler, galvinized boiler, ash sifter. Double seated cutter with pole, A pair of hockey shoes and skates 3 good building lots. 2 thoroughbred • White Wyandotte cockerels. A quantity of'nsed pine and maple flooring. WANTED House for rent. Use our Service for selling and locating. Inquire POWELL'S BAZAAR • Phone 55 and 122 Exeter, Ont. vv oocl for ►°ga A QUANTITY OF DRY WOOD FOR SALE H. Bagshaw TRY ITS Phone 58W FOR SALE -±30 purt-bred S. C. White Leghorn pullets and -six cock- erels; to be sold in pens of 20 or more with one cockerel to each pen; also as number of. Barred Rock cock- erels. Apply to W..F. Abbott. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE - One 360 and three 600 -egg Buckeye in- eubators to make room for new Mammoth. Apply to W. F. Abbott, Exeter. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments Insurance Office one door south Times Office W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Cinoirniaster James St. United Church Instrucction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of• Music int Schools ' • Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. Box 67 EXETER. ONT: FRANK' TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesei FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed . EXETER P. 0. or RING 188 JAMES W WATSON n DENTIST k BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Loans, Investments, Insurance Office,Carling Block,Main St. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors &e. Money to Loan, Investments Mali ,Insurance. r, Safe-deposit Vault _ for use of oa Clients withoilt charge.is►Heim*Exeter • London Heim* Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.$,a DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrict Dental, Officer if Military District, Number One, Lo1f+ don, Ont. Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 34J Be open Wednesday afternoons till April 7th • de Lice used Anctloiaeei • I Dr. G. F. Roulston. L.D.S.,D.D.S ° Sales co ducted in any locality. Office over I. R. Carling's Law Farm Stoc sales a specialty. Satin faction gna ranteed. Charges mod erate. Or rs left at this office oil: be promptly attended to. R.R. No 1, Kirktois. shone Etrkto* 64r2. NOTICE T. H. Elliott wishes to announce that he and Mr: W. Johns have dis- solved partnership and T. H. Elliott has taken over the business. Tailor- ing, Cleaning, Pressing and Repair- ing. T. H. ELLIOTT Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE 30 DOUBLE EDGE 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W.S. COLE, - Druggist FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF .AGAINST_ - LOSS BY FIRE, WITH E. J. CHR1STIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and John CONTRACTOR Cement and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED Houses and Barns EXETER :-: ' ONTARIO Phone 152W INSURANCE TILT; MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NORWICH UNION I+`I'R•E INSURANCE SOCIETY LTD. Lifc--l?irc--Autoniebile, etc E. C. HARVEY Agent, Exeter office, • Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. • Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D.,D.D.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity. Office over Gladman & Stanbury'e office, •Main Street, Exeter. DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M.D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P.&S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office otter Browning's Drug. Store) Phones Residence 30 Office If _ k DR. W. E. WEEKES Physician and Surgeon Office --One door south of the Times -Advocate. Office hours 9.30 to 10.30 a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Phone: ,Office 67W, Residence 67S DR. E. S. STEIN'ER VETERINARY SURGEON ' Graduate of the Ontario . Veterinar7 College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO Phone 158 Residence Ann St: EXETER, ONT. Dr. Adrian B. Gibson, V.S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College Veterinary Dentistry .a Specialty, ; All calls Promptly attended to Office --Frank Taylor's Sales Stabil Phone 99W Residence -James St., Phone 901 EXETER -- ON!L'ARt° ARTHUR WEBER LICE1YSTD AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY 8 e.'eai s Experience. Prices Reason-. able, Sati:;faction Guaranteed or no Charge. Phone 7-1:3 l)aslt?s'ood R. R. 1, DASlm(o!), oNT.