HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2001-10-17, Page 5News Drivers escape fiery Dublin crash A fiery two -vehicle accident north of Dublin early Saturday morning resulted in serious but non -life threatening injuries to two area men, the West Perth OPP reported. At 6:30 a.m. on Perth County Rd. 180, north of Line 42 of Logan ward, a northbound 1988 Pontiac driven by Christopher Wilson, 21, of the Clinton area, collided with a southbound 1988 Chevrolet pickup driven by Mark Stolz, 42, of RR 1 Monkton. Both vehicles caught on fire, West Perth Sgt. Joel Skelding reported, accelarated somewhat by the fact that welding equipment was being carried in the back of the pickup. "The fire was pretty spectacular," said Sgt. Skelding. People at the scene managed to pull both drivers out of their respective vehicles. The West Perth Fire Department attended at the scene. The pair were taken to the Seaforth Community Hospital by ambulance. The investigation continues. More students will be placed in portables From Page 4 recommendations for motion routinely brought forward by the staff and chair. No trustee or staff member has asked me for clarification or more information over that period. The background included with my notice of motion made it clear that time was of the essence. 1 expected the motion to he considered at the Oct. 9 hoard meeting. It is imperative that the board give direction with respect to the accommodation target to the hoard's senior staff before the staff develops its "under review recommendations" due at the board's next meeting on October 23rd, otherwise the recommendations could be uselessly out of step with the goal set by the trustees. (These recommendations help set the stage for the next school closure process). The parents, students, teachers, other board employees, ratepayers, taxpayers and communities deserve to know what the board's accommodation goals are. But at the board's Oct. 9 meeting, my fellow trustees voted to not consider my motion but instead, to refer it to the board's staff "for further study." It is a curious thing to me when a motion to set goals for the staff is referred to staff. The staff is to report hack at the Oct. 23 meeting after the staff writes and releases its report which will recommend specific schools for further accommodation review. Will there by any point at all in debating my motion? Most of the board's Oct. 9 meeting was dedicated to public presentations of the Community Accommodation Study Committees (CASC) reports. The Board has assured the hard working people who authored these reports and assured the board's stakeholders at large that "each report' will be reviewed by staff and will be considered in the development of the (staff's) recommendations." The consideration must have been lightning fast because William Gerth, the superintendent in charge of accommodation. issues walked down the hallway immediately after the board's Oct. 9 meeting during which he heard the CASC presentations and, as I understand, informed another meeting of senior staff and trustees that there would be about 23 schools recommended for further accommodation study in the staff's upcoming Oct. 23 report. This second board meeting, running from about 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Oct. 9, according to my understanding, was to have been "a public forum to share information and ask general questions related to the accommodation review." But a meeting cannot be public unless the public and press know about it, and they didn't, so I boycotted the meeting, telling the director over the phone that I had tried to initiate a timely, related debate in the real public session of Oct. 9 and was thwarted and that I didn't think a defacto in -camera session was appropriate. In my view the entire accommodation study is tainted because the public is entitled to influence, not just input. When you think of the monetary and huknan costs related to the purchase, insuring, equipping, installing and maybe removing, and operating portables; not to mention the health and inspection concerns, you must wonder why some trustees and board staff seemingly support far more extensive use of portable classrooms. The answer is New Pupil Funding. The Avon Maitland Board does not get any money under this part of the Ministry's funding formulae but the coterminous Huron Perth Catholic Board does get a substantial amount of this money. With 1,000 elementary children, or most likely many more, in portables and the board's elementary schools otherwise 100 per cent FTE full, the board would receive more than $1,000,000 extra per year, for many years, for capital projects. Close a few high schools and the secondary schools can generate even more capital money. The price is that for many years, in many portables, many students will, by their presence, help pay for new or expanded schools in town and villages and communities not likely their own. The communities stripped of schools will helplessly stand by as their schools arc sold off at seven or eight per cent of the cost to build new additions or schools elsewhere. I'm going to vote against this every chance I get. Charles Smith Avon Maitland District School Board Trustee, Huron, Area 2 Dropped -in food a contradictory gesture From Page 4 Afghanistan. ,But,,I have to wonder what the'Americans to ,( think�tne tiihmate.ii response will be to such a contradictory gesture. I'm ashamed to admit that before the World Trade Center towers came down, I had only the vaguest knowledge that the people of Afghanistan and other Middle East countries were suffering so much. As a typical insulated North American, I've been just trying to pay my bills, keep my family housed. clothed and fed and with any leftover cash, accumulate more stuff. But, after recent events and an evening of particularly fussy eating when my kids turned up their noses at several choices of nutritious food at our dinner table, we sat down and surfed through several webpages of world relief organizations. We viewed the pictures of the refugee camps in Afghanistan and pondered how much of our "stuff" we could fit into their tents, whether or not there was any way to store food if any was available, whether or not there was any clean water and how we thought the people would be able to keep warm in a tent with winter coming on. And, we wondered what it would feel like to see war planes flying overhead and hearing the bombs dropping, wth any luck, in the distance. I was not trying to terrify my eight-year-old and five- year-old. I only wanted to show them and remind myself how very affluent Church Services You are invited to attend these area churches First Presbyterian Church Goderich St. W. Seaforth Rev. Vandermey Worship Sunday 11:15 am Sunday School during Worship St. Thomas Anglican Church Jarvis St. Seaforth Rev. Michael Atkins Sunday Service at 9:30 am. Parish Office 482-7861 Catholic Church Saturday - 5:15 pm St. James Parish, Seaforth Saturday - 7:15 pm St. Joseph's Parish, Clinton Sunday - 9:00 am St. Michael's Parish, Myth Sunday - 11:00 am St. James Parish, Seaforth Father Lance Magdziak Bethel Bible Church An Associated Gospel Church 126 Main St. Seaforth Sunday Worship Hour 11 am Youth Groups Tuesdays 7:15 pm Adventure Club for Kids Wednesdays, p.m. Egmondville United Church Rev. Judith Springett Sunday School Gr. 2-8, Adults - 10 a.m. Nursery -Gr. 1 - 11 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. NORTHSIDE - CAVAN • UNITED CHURCHES Rev. Sheila Macgregor - Minister 527-2635 or 527-1449 54 Goderich St. W. Sunday, October 21st at 11:00 am Northside United Church Anniversary Service "'Special Guest Preacher. 'Rod Black" from CTV"' Lunch to follow service - All welcome!! (West side: sandwiches; East side cookies and squares) No service at Cavan this Sunday only. Coffee & Muffins at Northside at 10 a.m. prior to worship. and privileged we are, terrorist attacks and all. And,.I wanted to begin building the empathy an4l understanding that's so very needed to redress the huge inequities between the planet's haves and have-nots that, if left as is, will .continue to fuel' the hatred that creates terrorism in the , first place. Clinton Health Centre FLU SHOT CLINIC5 Patients of Dr. Salsbury/Dr. Salte NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Thursday, Oct. 25 7-9 pm Monday, Oct. 29 7-9 pm Thursday, Nov. 1 7-9 pm 482-3000 Patients of Dr. Hag PLEASE CALL 482-5512 for Appointment Friday, Oct. 19: 10 am -12 noon/1-3 pm Friday, Oct. 26: 10 am -12 noon Thursday, Nov. 1: 7 pm -9 pm PLEASE CALL 482-1442 for Appointment Tuesday, Oct. 23/Thursday, Oct. 25 Tuesday, Oct. 30 - each day from 10 am -12 noon Patients of Dr. Smith/Dr. PLEASE CALL 482-7976 for Appointment Patients of midDr. Bokho PLEASE CALL 482-5528 for Appointment Clinton Health [entre 105 SHIPLEY STREET TI!! HI MION IMPOSTOR. October 17, 110814 1 0140., Kara L. Pepper, RMT lisasyTherapist Contact Chiropractic Clinic 527-1242 for an appointment NOTICE For the convenience of our clients SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC will be open THURSDAY EVENINGS by appointment only Please call far appointments 519-527-1760 _HEALTH ON THE HILL A Review of activities at SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY GIFT SHOP, extended new inventory line now includes Battenberg and Christmas nighties, Dagoli leisure clothing, decorative candles, wheelchair cushion covers, novelty cotton boxer shorts, jewellery and numerous other items. Auxiliary Volunteers welcome you to come on in. October Hours: Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sat. & Sun. 2-4 p.m. COMMUNITY INFLUENZA IMMUNIZATION Seaforth Medical Clinic is offering free flu shot to everyone over the age of 6 months. Mark your calendar and plan to attend during one of the following clinics: Wednesday, October 24 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Thrusday, October 24 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 31 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Thursday, November 1 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. No appointment is necessaryt please bring your health and yellow immunization cards. Wear a short sleeved top. LITTLE HANDS SIGN PROGRAM preverbal babies and toddlers can tell you what they want, long before they can talk. Parents and childcare professionals will learn which signs are most useful for babies, how to make the signs, when to begin using signs, and how signing can accelerate language development in babies. Course date: Sat. October 27, 2001 10:00 - 12:00 at Seaforth Community Hospital. Facilitator: Lorianne Horan. For further information call 345-2829. PUMPKIN DECORATING Once again our Student Volunteers are eagerly anticipating display of their creativity by decorating pumpkins to be displayed throughout the Hospital just in time for Hallowe'en. If you have any pumpkins to donate to the cause, please contact Frances Teatero: 522-1979 or Grace Dolmage: 527- 3001 no later than Oct. 19th. CPR/FIRST AID Basic Rescuer CPR/Standard First Aid certification/recertification, Fall schedule: Oct. 27 & 28 and November 24 & 25. For further information and to register, please contact the Canadian Red Cross Society, (519) 273-9339. ,Turf- pI8y7N9 • ball*"mrfr IN THE'COURT OF THE DRAINAGE REFEREE IN THE MATTER OF the Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter D.17 AND IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater for the opin- ion, direction and advice of the Referee with respect to the proposed AUSABLE RIVER MUNICIPAL DRAIN; BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BLUEWATER Applicant and THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH HURON, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST PERTH, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH MIDDLESEX, THE CORPO- RATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF LAMBTON SHORES, THE AUSABLE BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORI- TY, STANTEC CONSULTING INC., BERT VISSCHER, LEN VERI, JIM NEIL, JAMES VERI, MICHAEL VERI, LYNN VERI, CATHERINE (KATE) FLETCHER, WALLACE FLETCHER, JACK GLAVIN, ROSS BEAVER, MARGARET BEAVER, MICHAEL BEAVER, GERALD WEBB, DONALD BENDER, WILLIAM MARKLE, SHEILA MARKLE, FRED- ERICK CULBERT, STEPHEN KENDAL and NANCY KENDALL Respondents NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE THE Referee will conduct a PREHEARING CONFERENCE with respect to the Applicant's Motion at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on Friday, OCTOBER 26TH, 2001 at the Goderich Court House located at 1 The Square in Goderich. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE PREHEARING CONFER- ENCE, THE REFEREE MAY PROCEED IN YOUR ABSENCE AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO FURTHER NOTICE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS. The Applicant's Motion is for the opinion, advice and direc- tion of the Referee with respect to the following questions: a. Is the petition received by the applicant on January 15th, 1999 with respect to the proposed Ausable River Municipal Drain a valid petition for the purpos- es of section 4 of the Drainage. Act, RSO 1990, Chap.D.17 ? b. If it is not valid, as between the applicant, those that signed the first petition received by the applicant on August 29th, 1996, those that signed. the second petition received by the applicant on August 10th, 1998, those that signed the third petition received by the applicant on January 15th, 1999 and the engi- neer, who should bear the costs incurred to date in connection with the proposed AusablA River Municipal Drain project, and in what proportion? c. If the third petition received by the applicant on January 15th, 1999 is not valid, is there an opportu- nity to present a further petition as contemplated by sub -section 9(5) of the Drainage Act, RSO 1990, Chap.D.17 and, if so, when does the 60 day period commence? • The PURPOSE OF THE PREHEARING CONFERENCE is to deal with preliminary and procedural matters, including the identification of parties, the identification of issues, the starting date of 'the hearing, the duration of the hearing, possibility of settlement of any or all of the issues and such other matters and the Referee considers appropriate, A copy of the formal Notice of Motion and the supporting affidavit of Janisse Zimmerman will be available for inspection during normal business hours at the offices of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater located at 14 MIN Street in Zurich, Ontario where the telephone number is (519)238.4329. Dated at Pembroke, Ontario October 3rd, 2001 DELBERT A. O'BRIEN, O.C. ONTARIO DRAINAGE REFEREE