HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-3-4, Page 3mereas A Prayer. titer° ie 'r, prayer that evermore sts- cende To the Great Lend ctXAlla From byre and; stall, From Mart and .uotsy street, WVlieiie tread the patient feet Of cattle, sheep awl 'horse•— The vassals of mans force,— From ettec'•lstoothed trap, front liorOlo e. till life ends+; For all we suffer, make us, Lord, amends! Forget urs not hi, our humiliation; The lowiler beings of Thine own crea- tion. Look down upon our anguish and disc. tete, Ob, Theta, who made the Greater and the Lesett Forsake us not, '.Chino bumble furry things. Forsake ua not, Thy feathered folk with wings! Look down and see with what unheed- - ed pains We tread the path of Deatbfor human gains. Look (town and mark how long we. agonize Amidst coarse jeers, and under inack- ing eyes!' Oh,Thou, who made .each wood and stream and mead, lilor us as well as elan, behold ourxieed. The stable, Lord, was "sauctifl.ed by Thee; Forsake us . not in our humility!' treat Lord of 'fife! Great God of all creation! — Thy creatures' pray Thee, •show Thy salvation! —E:- . Sparvei-13ay1y '-In The Animal World, • The : 'Two Untamed. • You may conquer the plain with plough' and drain And theforestt with axe and saw; You inay pierce the hills with powder- drilla owderdrilla And shatter the mountain's awe. But there are two you will not subdue, Though you curb however you can,. They will brave the test of your worst and beet The aea and the heart of bran. The desert may yield ass a watered field, And the wind may grind your grain, The. Rivers' might may be yoked in light Or trig at a factory chain. But muscle no mime' these two can .. and By •cunanin.gest plot or. plan, '.They ehal•i have free play to the Jucl•g- ineu t Day— The sea and the heart of elan., You may note Abair ; creeds and gueee•. . at the creeds "t That go'vern"their" ebb and flow; These aro tales to tell why their pas- sions swell, " Batt the secret you never will know. And, willing or loath, you moat love then' both,. Though Heaven alone may ishan And fathom the breast of. their deep unrest— The sea and the heart of man. --Charles Wharton . Stork in the "Forum." Landscape Art. Some may, perhaps., think that an intense study and love of nature is all that Is needed for the appreciation •of iiandrscape painting:. nothing, however, could be further from the mark. There are many who delight in the study of nature, who revel in a coun- try walk, who are in raptures at the eight of growing corn . . • who yet are absolutely Innocent of any artistic emotion. ion. For appreciationn of nature does not necessarily imply ap- preciation of it as interpreted by art, though as a general rule it may,' e said: that appreciation of nature so inter= preted induces a g'i`eater love of na-9 tiu'e in -itself. There are others who I are solely 'impressed by nature's' atilt - tartan side. I remember once going for aecotmtry walk with a highly Intel I ligent Swede, a passionate student of music and a man with a very fine literary taste. We' -came across a splendid `. stretch of country, a pro• f minent feature in, the landscape being! a majestic elm. Teeny a]miost involun- toryexclamation of pleasure • at the fight of this noble tree, my companion simply remarked that he SSW no 'good in it; it would not repay the trouble of cutting down on account of its age and certain malformations! He 'look- ed at the tree 'from thespoint• of 'view of foe father, as timber merchants, and in 'the came way others •would :only think in looking at, a splendid field of wheat of the • probable aienount of Its yield. . , . Artistic pleasure must be excited by the natural Object itself; 1 its form and color, and though the re- i sponse to its agrpeal • does not neces-1 sexily depend on. the capacity for look- Ing at nature tiirougli art, this un- 1 doubtedly is a powerful stimulant;;` that isy the power" `of" saM at] igine with what, some••great artist has, f'el't ' 1n regard: to sonie landscapo.a portion of, whose Lerflcl, 'so to speak, he has ' extracted and plated en his cenvala Percy Mdore Turner, in Ito previa- tion of Painting.,, Junior Scale.. Ruth was- fond of Mneic, and Wltshed to take piano lovsoi1 f, but icer mother hought fllie, was ,too young, " wog t , f11 with Junkie (sealer?' urged, the little girl, "'With what?" staked -her inothei',11reatIts »pinslexed. "Oh, M4tno* eealen," fA.a'reete 7 " tt repot tego; hise enoaigh *o xatatt`n ; to play minor scale s," HER IMFRgVEmENT �N�.S RE41LE Weak and t tRui'»own.— stored by Dr. Williattnsr Pi'rkk Pills, "Two yeah ago," enys Mins.• L. Wright, Satiretan', Sask., "l: was very mmol rundown in health. • I suffered from indigestion, soa headaches and sleepless nights, Faint spells would often Pottle aver' me and 1 would have to -lie down till the fa;intuess passed away. I wee so sbort of breath that 1 Could not walk any dietatrce-or do any- thing that required much • exertione without reeling completely used up. As I was constantly growing weaker, T consulted a doctor who told me I was anaemic and needed building up, I took several bottles of tonic be gave' me, but the lone I got from it was only temporary. At this, Stage I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Fills, which 1 had need in girlhood with much bene- fit It was not long after I began using them that I knew I had at last found the right medicine, I thiol I took altogether some fifteen boxes, and the improvement was remarkable as I was feeling as well aas ever 1 kat beets, and my good health has con-• tinned to this: day.. 1 had also been troubled at times with irbeumatism, and this as well as my other troubles disappeared, I have slice recommend- ed Dr.' Williams' Pink Pille to neigh- bors who have used them with equally good results."'All . Weak, anaemic woolen and girls should follow the example of Iv1rs. Wright, ' and give these pills a fair trial- New health and new strength is sure to fallow. You can get the pills' from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Touch of Good. Down 'mid the fields crusted white with snow, Where the ramp miste hang, and the chill winds blow, And scarcely a gleam from the sky breaks through, And you'd think _that never a daisy grew,— I felt the sun and I"knew the sod Was but awaiting the touch of God. Down where the blues of solitude fall, fall, And` the curtain of loneliness hangs o'er all, And scarcely a glad, brave•lightshines through, And you'd think that a' happiness never grew,— , I felt a presence beside me stand And I touched a hand thathad touched God's hand. Do you get a sensation of pressure on the heart? Don't be SriE;htened L's no henit trouble—it's indigestion. Seigel's Syrup .will fix it. Any drug store. Let Everything Go By. An Indian 'chief had just bought a new car, and after careful instructions,: driven away in it. An hour later he returned . i battered up and drenched to the skin. "Me buy new car -old one heap no good," he grunted. "I start off in car. See trees rush at me. "1` turn 'out and Iet. trees go by. "Then. s•se houses rush at me. "I turn out and let houses go by. Soon -I see bridge rush at me. I turn out to let bridge go by --and "Wham!" s The world is ,better and brighter than when I was a boy. -Mr:. Will Thorne, M.P. • Croup and 'Whooping Cough Guard your children from the dangers of Winter weather. Check their first cough with • Buckley's "Modified" Mature. Pleasant to take and brings instant relief. Buckley's Mixture "Strong" or "Modified" acts like a flash on Croup and Whooping Cough or any affection of throat, chest and. lungis. Keep a bottle handy. ' "" Wonderful at night. A dose stops coughing. 208 BUCKY+ MJXT-tLtRE "Strom" or "Modified" 75c-40 doses ilW. K. Buckley. Limited, a 42Mutetal st.,Totento2 1111111illhi. s /I ,Idit 1lI n Canadian Plan Book, In co-operation with Canadian Architects deeigne of moderate priced tomes are published Its the MatoLeai,p Builders' Gtilde. Detail- ed iafoa+niatiotl on •planning, it a, furtidnhing, decorating and gardening. Profueely ilIusteated. An ideal reference book. • Send 20c fora copy, Ms.eLean Betiding Reports, Ltd.., 944 Adelaide St. West, ToiMnto, HONORED BY INDIAN TRIBE Here is a photograph of Robert Randolph Bruce, new Lieutenant -Govern• - or of the province of British Columbia, being appointed as a chief of the Stoney Indians. . The governor was given a puff at the •Pipe of Pee,ce and seemed to enjoy it, EARTH IS ALWAYS CHANGING Everlasting Hills Exist Only in the Language of the Poets. these formations of granite rock exposed on ahillside iri'the Mourne Mountains,. Ireland,' show how the hills are worn away by the elements. The formations sketehted here are known by the -.picturesque title of ': `he Caetlee of Kivvitar:' Secrets of Science. By David Dietz. The earth as we know it to -day is far different from the earth aspic- tured by geologists at the close of the formative period. The continents are not bare rock, but almost :everywhere. arscovered with layers• of loose materials of vari- ous sorts -soil, clay, sand and gravel. If we dig below this loose material, which geologistshave ohristened the rock mantle, we do not always find the primary or Ore -hardened rocks. ' Frequently we find rocks of entirely different: composition. We find rock formations of various kinds occurring in i:,yers or strata. Such formations not could o ha ve restated from the cool- ing of lavas, and other .causes had to be found to explain them. Geologists ' call these the secondary rocks. ' Geologists now believe that the con- ditions which existed at the close of the formative period -great continents of granite rooks protruding above the oceans -endured only momentarily. Immediately a great variety of agents set to work to cause change. ' These same causes have been at work throughout the history of the ,earth and are still at work. These forces can be divided into • sote of opposing foroee. i ~ The first set tends• to continuously wear away the land, The poet who speaks of the "ever- lasting hills" is drawing moat liber- ally upon poetic license. The old Biblical welter, who wrote the. Book of Job, bad a better under- sta.nding of the situation, When he write: "The waters wear away the stones; The dust of the earth" For .water is one of the chief des- tractive . forces in this first set. Its members include the atmosphere, winds, cold, frost, rain, rivers, lakes, oceans, and the tides. These forces wear away the land and, as we shall see later,' -create the secondary rocks out of the debris of the primary rocks - If these forces alone were at work, they would wear away the land until it stretched in flat plains from ocean to ocean. Tho material which they wear away is deposited be the oceans. But their work Is counteracted by a second set of forces. This '>let tends to elevate the land andtto create hills and mountains. They HMO tend to lower the ooem RoorS., As a result of these Opposing sets of forces; the :earth has had a. constantly chiangingsurface throughout its his- tory. Geologists believe that the contin- ents and oceans have always occupied Their present relative positions. But when the continents were lbw. the waters flooded great sections of them. With dilemmas in the size arid height of the land, geologists believethere have been great ohenges in the ell -- mate. There were not always great zones starting with frigid one at the equator There le geological evidence to prove that for long periods, the cli- mate was very temperate at the poles. And at four periods in the earths history --the so-called glacial ages, the polar fields of sae extended far down lntoswbat is now the temperate zone. Next article—The Work of the At- mospbe'e. Boon to Musicians. After seven yearn of patient expert- ment, a "young musician has Invented an ingenious pedal device that makes it possible for a musician to' turn pages of ample without taking hie hand from the instrument he le plays Ing. All that le necessary le td step on the pedal that aetuatee an arrange. Mint oi'' leverd that turn the page of the mnMe aUioniavticmily. The device can be applied to a piano well as to R, music stand, and can xdjtffted CO turn . the pages of a alk at any height, says a writer in opular Science." ''Beit idle it. bolds the pages fiat and frailly do the Ask. Baldness may be due to bad teeth, recording to a n.ew ensiles' theory.. Mittard'a Liniment fat colds, Ail Tired Out—Feel Miserable,' Generally? If you feel oat of sorts, your kidneys and liver are not aotin;g naturally, ikm% delay but go to your druggist and get a botttIe of Was -aerie Safe Kid- ney and Liver Remedy and take wording . to directions. In 'd.` short time you should.• notice the benefit froth Ills remedy made Froin herbe Mad other bene fiaiaa, ingre'ddents. Used for over 50 peas% by miliide a in ell parte of :the world. Fos' your health,* fake *ire care df yoar kidneys and latest Sold by all drugglets, Price $1,25 per bottle. Warner's 'Safe Remedlee Tot'loartto, On teerkttee Oh Mother! What Can I Do now many times a day do .your babies Ask you that question'. And how often are you abie to suggest fotneinteresting game for them„ to Play, some amusing occupation for a rains day? If you'd like .always to have a practical, helpful suggestion for theta, read this snappy now .teas tures Here on trim snug '.:ti appae ),k.0 ate, Get a big bite, firing the apple to me. Here in the center we'll find a surprise, `A very fine fortune for two little eyes. (Core the apple and troll the fortune up in the hollow). FIGHTING -FOR BABY'S .HEALTH Is the. Constant . Care of Every_, Young Mother. The young mother has a constant care in locating after the welfare of her little (nee.. Childhood ailments' come on so suddenly—sometimes with- out a minute's warning --the mother may have a very sick baby on her stands before help can be obtained. That is .unless she has a remedy in the house which she can safely give the baby for any of the many minor ailments of babyhood and childhood. Such a remedy is found in Baby's Own Tablets. Thousands, of mothers throughout the country always keep a box of the Tablets, on hand and they proclaim them to be without an equal for sweetening baby's stomach; regu- lating his bowels and thus driving out constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers, and making the dreaded teething period easy. Baby's Own Tablets are an absolute- ly safe remedy. They are guaranteed to be free " from opiates or any other narcotic drug which are so harmful to the future welfare of the baby. Moth- ers, if you value the life of your little. ones give him Baby's Own Tablets when he is 131, or, better stilt give him an occasional dose of the Tablets to ward off illness." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or will be sent -to aTav ad " _;= F 1A n box by addressin The Williams' g Dr. ti 13 ams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Spring Dance. Up from indolent sleep the eyes of the flowers to wake, Over their faces each dawn e:oadlets of spring water 'shake.. Denitens all of the mead now with new vigor are filled, I That were its foot not secured, Into dancing the cypress would break. From the Turkish of Mesihi (1512) (Gibbs). Nowadays everyone looks down upon pn the woman who does not work. --Mrs. Stamey Baldwin, Yes! Pt Really Does Stp Your LCO J h u ) �c ' Iced ac.' 7a M� 5,ecL crua,r .$19.75 Canediaus Made far Cana- dian Climate. Double wall, Copper Hot Water besting system. Sensitive Automatic regulator, Hutches strong, healthy chicks, Write for FRDF, Circular to J. ,T,. Ma ckcnz ie, Georgetown. Ont. IN ''WA TEt Fortunes are made from simple ideas. Send for, list of inventions wanted. our"a:atent Pro. tendon" booklet end magazine "The Thinker" SHIPMAN & CO. -Tim dna RCUABLE Float Naa,srrsrn NATANT ATTORN8T4. OTTAWA. CAN. An Age-old Ceremony. A ceremonial 400 years old figured at the installation in Westminster Abbey of its dean, Dr. William Foxley Norris. A medieval procession conducted him into the cathedral to read one of the lessons of the day: An address was presented and replied to in Latin, Most impreast'ue of all was when Dr. Norris told a parable from the pulpit. One densely foggy day, when he was dean of York Minster, he had groped his way up to that cathedral hardly able to see the road. "My door led into a lofty vestibule," he said, "where all was dark as night. Again I groped my way, and opened the door leading into the cathedral. To my amaze- ment, the interior was flooded with brilliant sunshine. The lantern tower was high up out of the fog. K need not interpret my parable.. . . I pray to -day that not only in the immediate problems of the puzzling life of this great city, but tar and wide, wherever temporary darkness reigns throughout the Empire and throughout the world, this abbey shall stand like that lan- tern tower, bringing the light of heav- en eaven to pierce the world's darkest shad - owe." Minard's Liniment used by physicians. Black. Butterflies. Flack butterflies come floating down , Ireaeasenese a chimney . of in town. I wish their wings were blue and gold: How gladly then would I be told, That Emily had lit the fire. How often too would I inquire, If Emily had list the fire. —Robert E. Key, rO „tm0111MP041ittir11.3. v ®.o av,.,a'mrl W o.,®.r,o,. Sell' f'- Poisoning Increasingly Common Modern Living Habits Pro- mote Self • Poisoning — Thousands are Victims i The average man or woman does not enjoy consistent good ,health. Loss of appetite, headaches, biliousness and a lack of enthusiasm for either work or play are constant complaints. Scientists haveascertained that such a condition is usually caused by self- poisoning resulting from constipation. Due to modern living habits, the natural secretion which promotes regu- lar elimination by softening the bowel contents, is often deficient --especially among middle-aged people. The poison from waste matter remaining m the systems of people thus affected is the insidious enemy of good health. Such people need Nujol, because Nujol softens the waste matter and permits thorough and regular bowel elimination without overtaxingthe intestinal muscles. It helps ature help you. Ask your druggist for Nujol to -day -- and remember, look for the name "Nujol" in red on both bottle label and package. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for olds - Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART e__+bwlllch Accept o "Bayer" package contains proven direct- ion Hand "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabletat Moo bottles of 24 and 10o---Drugglats. :asetria is the trade nark (rogietefed io tlafnda) off •ether lalannfsetnre of htenot.eettw +teldeeter of Snlloylicacld (Acotti Sstterlte Acid; while It ib well .knOWh that Aerate mesas Bayer exelsefeeture, to assist the pubic againstinifataons, the trabkt Pf Baser Company rami to stettped with their gcteetat trade souk, the 4,00er.Cafvtp, AGENTS WANTED WANTED—Otte reliable man in every town, merchant preferred, to take orders for best . Custom -Made Clothes in Canada. Highest commissions, REX TAILORING CO, Ltd. TORONTO 2 WANTED CIGAR STORE INDIAN Formerly used In front of Tobacconist. Store Must be in flood condition. State price andwhere can be seen. H. WA,TKINS 73 W. Adelaide St. Toronto Brush turkeys, natives of Australia, are fully clothed in feathers when they hatch out of the egg, and can fly within an hour of their birth. AnidreWsI u*S STOPT04T ACHE„INY. Temperary Filliaga-.,Nhlc6 Lint a Long Time.” 15,1,_ SOLD EVERYWHERE rt • «amen &'lobi a Co., I.imitsd, Di,Mbwlao,Taeca*s O SE EN There is no better friend in the stable than Minard's. Splendid for` sprains, swell- ing, stiffness. I tliWOMAN Restored to Health byLydiaa E. Pinkham's Vegetable hie Compound Stratford, Ontario. — "After my first baby was born I started to work on the tenth day and did a big wash- ing on the twelfth day. Being so young (I -was married at 19) I did not know what was the matter, so let it go until I was all run-down., weak and nervous, and had a bad div lane- ment. For nearly two years_1 could not sleep and I would always complain of having 'not a head -ache, but a brain -ache.' My mother is taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound during the Change of Life and she recommended it ;o me. After taking bottles began g two b sI a to et a g little sleep and to feel better and I have never left off since then, except for about three months. I can safely say I have taken thirty bottles since my second baby was born. I think it makes child -birth easier as I had terrible pains with my first three children and very few with my fourth as I was so much stronger. I am now able to do my work alone but I am still taking the Vegetable Com- pound as Iam nursingbaby."---furs. OMER PAULI 49 Cherry Street, Strat- ford, Ontario. If you are suffering from any weak- ness which causes such symptoms. as pains in the side and back unit nervous feelings, give Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound a trial now. 0 Cuticura TA= Ie N delicately medicated, anti., aeptic, deodorizing powder ideal for both children and adults. It Is cooling and refreshing and impute a pleasing fragrance a leaving the i granc e 1 g elfin •Sweet and wholesome. Sample is'aLh ;Prop by 2,16!.1, Athiss 01001"61 a)opo : ' *atWAW, Ltd. sonar ol." yrtae, l3oiip to. in 0$t ti and Glc. Tatef�q Itba :. CuntureSAiaVrid Stick 1 0, �'. 4I ISSUE No. 9-10,