HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2001-07-25, Page 23News TIM HURON "EXPOSITOR, August 1, 2001-11 Hearing ear dog visits as Lions Club hosts event for seniors Oslow with his handler, Jill Stennett By Scott Hilgondorff Expositor Editor Oslow the poodle may seem like a small, unassuming family pet but when his training is complete, he will serve a very important role in someone's life --he will hear for that person. Oslow is a hearing ear dog, trained by the Lions Foundation of Canada Guide Dogs near Guelph. "He will physically alert his handler to noises we take for granted, hearing around the house," said Jill Bennett, a trainer for the organization. She was brought to Seaforth July 25 by the Seaforth Lions Club when it held it's annual afternoon barbecue for residents of Seaforth Manor and Maplewood Manor. The Lions Club of Canada provides the majority of funding for the organization which is more commonly known for training guide dogs for the blind. Oslow is currently being trained to recognize certain sounds and then alerting his trainer to them, taking her to the source. • The dog will be able to recognize sounds like a kettle or fire alarm, taking his future owner to the source of the sound or directing them out of the house in an emergency. "He will physically touch his handler and take him to the source of the sound," said Bennett. While golden retrievers and labradors are largely used in the seeing eye dog programs, smaller dogs are chosen to become hearing ear dogs because they are taught to jump up on their owner when important sounds are heard. Larger dogs would risk knocking down their owners who use them if they are deaf or suffer serious hearing loss. "These dogs have to be on duty 24 hours a day," said Bennett of the hard work they perform. "We need a dog who will hear an alarm at 3 a.m. and get the family out of the house." In public, the dogs wear orange vests, identifying them internationally as hearing ear dogs. Bennett said recognizing the vests is important because, "The dogs are legally entitled to go anywhere with their client." That includes places like a mall or library where animals are prohibited. When training them, they Come See What We Can Do At Lucknow Arts & Heirlooms 594 Campbell Street Opening Fri. & Sat. Aug. 3 & 4 Local handmade crafts, furniture and antiques EXHIBITORS WELCOME COMING TO GO. BANANAS SHANIA TWIN FRI. AUG. 3rd 89 Ontario Rd. Mitchell 348-9081 Tickets:,$15 Advance $20 at the'door Tickets Now Limited & Available Only at Go Bananas Age of Majority Required 344i gettileat %'ere presents August 8 - Sept. 15 McGillicuddy By Local Playwright Keith Roulston Come enjoy this comic tole of the trials of Chief Ezekiel McGillicuddy, a small-town police chief who must deal with penny- pinching politicians, an amorous neighbour and a gang of ingenious juvenile delinquents. Production Sponsor: Media Sponsor: wescwst industries Inc. Afil Arlin 519-523-9300 1-877-862-5984 www.blythfestival.com are rewarded with a toy to play with or a treat after successfully taking a handler to a sound source which Bennett says goes a long way toward helping the dogs come to love doing the work. Oslow has been in training for about three months now and began it when he was a year old. Dogs in the program spend their first year in foster homes with families usually with children and come from a breeding facility the organization runs or sometimes by donation or ELM'S HAIR DESIGN OPEN By Appointment August 1, 2001 PHONE 527-1286 1t?za ieasto& from shelters. Bennett said they look for high energy dogs and sometimes find thein at shelters where families have taken them because they are too hard for them to handle. She said those dogs can often be trained to be good hearing ear dogs. Once they are a year old, the dogs begin training, a process that takes about five months before being sent to a busy family home to get used to lots of noise and distractions. From there, a client will be flown to the Guelph -area BUCK & DOE for Jeff Hunt and Kelly Bennewies Saturday August11 • 9 pin -1 ant Lunch Age of Provided Majority Tickets '5.00 Advance '7.00 At Door For information call Kyle at 345-2.32 or Jackie at 323-2P32 Dianna's Country Bakery & Cafe St. Columban 345-2804 OPEN Mon-Thurs-6am-7pm Fri - 6am - 8pm, Sat - 7am - 2pm Sun - 8am - 8pm BAKERY SPECIAL Cherry Tarts Reg. 3.50 ea. NOW 3.00 Breakfast Special 2 eggs with bacon, ham or sausage toast & homefries until 11 a.m. Sat. & Sun. $2.99 SUNDAY BRUNCH 10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM $695 • SUNDAY EVENING BUWE I 3:00 PM -8:00 PM Roast Beef and Salmon $7 95 Loaf • H :'I-_- • PARK THEATRE • Alp. GOOERICH 524 7811 FRI., SAT. & TUES. 6:45 & 9:15 PM SUN., MON., • WED. & THURS. 8 PM PG • ggat �ANEf ""APES FRI.-THURS. AUGUST 3-9 FRI., SAT. & TUES. 6:45 & 9:15 PM SUN., MON., WED. & THURS. 8 PM PG LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-255-3438 FOR TOIL FREE MOVIE INFO rwm .• iRIN L 527-01 80 We Ott Be Dosed Civic %WOW 6` Monday. MON. - WED. 11 AM - 9 PM THURS., FRI. & SAT. 11 AM - 11 PM SUNDAY CLOSED ..•I CA 1LLE1N ad Baa TEAJZ a UFCW LOCAL #175 OF SRAFORTH CO-ED SLO-PITCH TOURNAMENT August 17, 18, 19 (RAIN OR SHINE) OPTIMIST & LIONS CLUB PARK SEAFORTH $175.00 Per Team - Guaranteed 4 Games SPONSORED BY tABAT7''S • facility where he or she will spend two weeks to a month living and working with the dog. "We teach thein how to work with the dogs," said Bennett. The trip, accommodation and dog are provided at no cost to the client but once in the client's home, the new owner is responsible for feeding and caring for the dog. Buck & Doe Kelly VanBakel and Tina Glavin Saturday, Aug. 11 Hensall Ice Surface 9 pm - 1 am Age of Majority Tickets $5 each For info. CO 348-4973 or 345-2553 1 Stratford Cinemas 1 551 Huron SI. 273-6780 ' 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 I IlalYn...t tp" 1 `4-25 Tuesday 1 ti1...11,,.11 r ,I,1 i 1 1 Jurassic Park III Nightly at 71} 9:15 Moines Vaial Tuesday. S.b.un d.y & Sunder, l� Planet of thlApes i Nightly at 7 419:15 n. Sha. M 2p. Tu..ds% sm.d.y S Sund., ,,.a The Princess Diane Nightlyt�7 419:15 �� WO Sa&.dry & sundry Rush Hour 2 Nig htly at 7 & 9:15 TU«e.K Sa-udry & Sunday FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 SPECIAL LASAGNA OR ALL -YOU- CAN -EAT FISH & CHIP $595 • SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 SPECIAL 10 oz. PORK RIBS ORROAST BEEF 895 SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 SPECIAL SWISS CHICKEN OR PORK CHOPS $895 Seniors Discount 10% SPARKY'S PLACE FAMILY DINING 527.1964 90 Main St. Seaforth Oslo% will work until he is shout 1(1 or 12 year's old. "When the dog starts to slow down. we decide with the client. if it might he time to retire the dog," said Bennett. • The dog can still end up staying with the owner or will be given to a family to live an easier life for the rest of its life. St. Columban's First 3 -on -3 Road Hockey Tournament at UTES School, Mitchell Sat., Aug.11/01 9:00 a.m. Boys & Girls Divisions Junior (age 7-9) Intermediate (10-12) Senior (13-15) Registration Deadline July 27/01 510. per player To register call: Bev Shea 345-2048 Blaine Myers 348-0070 All proceeds go to St. Columban School Play Equipment A Buck n' Doe" A for V :Blaine Marks & Kelly Bosman Saturday, August 4 A A A A 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. V at Seaforth Arena Music By Neat Guys Age of Majority Tickets $5. For more info contact 111 A Lisa: 887-6970 j A Ben: 527-2937 V A Bus leaving from the Fish • A & Game at 9:45 p.m. A Please join us for the celebration of our GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Yes, Mary & Ken Doig are hosting family and friends on Saturday, August 4, 2001 in celebration of 50 years of marriage! Open Reception at Seaforth Golf & Country Club RR #4 Seaforth 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Social hour 8-9, Dancing 9-1, Short Program 9:30-10, Lunch 11:15 (Best wishes only please) .�3 Come play Huron County's premier Golf Course 42 4- 1•41%„,... 40041,4..4,0,3 J am to play Golf BEGINNER GROUP LESSONS -CLASSES START AUGUST 8 AND RUN FOR 5 WEEKS 10 am -11 am ,, 6:30-7:30 pm 7:30-8:30 pm Learn a game that huts a lifetime! All lessons taught by CPGA professional Fee: $50. for 5 one hour lessons WEDNESDAY AUGUST 8: THURSDAY AUGUST 9: • Club House open 6:30 am -dusk 482-7144 PAR 72 CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE ON HIGHWAY 8 NWIWIIIN OODERICH AND CLINTON $ kee. west of Clinton •