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Huron Expositor, 2001-07-11, Page 17
US Golf at Par $79CDN 1.800.729.9375 p pip dAP•d USAGoIfatPar.Cum MCL SOUND FULL DJ SERVICE Book your Receptions, Buck & Does early! liftFor more info call John McLeod - Clinton 482-9984 after 6 p.m. or leave a message Monkton Lions Club Annual Tractor -Truck Pull & Beef BBQ Saturday, July 14 Pull starts at 1:30 p.m. BBQ 5-7 p.m. Elma-Logan Arena, Monkton For information call Dave 347-2612 Bob 347-2486 or Arena 347-2650 j NAPPY tis ' BIRTHDAY v. GREAT-GRAMA • (Ethel White) ',.90 YEARS YOUNG +,+. on July 15, 2001' ' SCUBA DIVING: FREE EXPERIENCE Thursday, July 12 at 7:00 p.m. Vanastra Recreation Center Just bring bathing suit, socks & T-shirt 6 -Week SCUBA Course Starting Thurs., July 26 Vanastra Recreation Center For Information Call GROUNDHOG DIVERS 582 Gustavus Street Port Elgin Toll Free: 1-877-389-3629 leBRODHAGEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Annual CHICKEN BAR-B-QUE Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at Brodhagen Hall 4:30 - 7:30 pm Adults - $10.00 Children - $5.00 Tickets at the Door Take-out available. lorCall: 345-2187 Happy 75th Birthday July 12 ff Adrian Timmermans It . .;t ILove, Kasel Dallas ifiXXOO .,i'r.'...••'IY,,•:i.-re.YA�. e:. S•••':•t.4 i 80th •BIRTHDAY Friends and neighbours are invited to an 80th Birthday Open House for Martin Rose Thursday, July 12 8 pm - 1 am • Mitchell Community Centre • Music by Randy Satchell • • Best Wishes Only Please 1' rifiN Seaforth WI Optimist Club 2001 TRAVEL THE WORLD LOTTERY July Trip to Ontario & Quebec Ken and Deb Janmaat $100.00 Consolation Shelly McMillan • Dianna's Country Bakery & Cafe St. Colum an 345-2804 OPEN Mon - Thurs - 6am - 7pm Fri -6am-8pm,Sat -lam-2pm Sun -8am-8pm BAKERY SPECIAL Carrot Cake $300 00 Reg. 3.50 NOW J pkg. Breakfast Special 2 eggs with bacon, ham or sausage toast & homefries until 11 a.m. Sat. Sr Sun. '2.99 SUNDAY BRUNCH 10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM $6 95 • SUNDAY EVENING BUFFET 3:00 PM -8:00 PM Roast Beef and Roast Turkey $7 95 • GRADUATION Jeff Van Loon On June 1, 2001, Jeff Van Loon graduated from McMaster University with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Jeff is the son of Jo Van Loon of Dublin and the late Garry Van Loon. Wow, you did it! Congratulations! Love, Mom, Terri, Debbie, Jan, Sandi and Michelle HAPPY. NOTE' Birthdays Anniversaries Buck & Does Parties from $20 + GST Drop by The Huron Expositor today! i AO r pA nls►� tX�Q- 1'b'�t[Y .utvV 10 H ��� FOR LUNG SAT. NIGHT BUFFET SUNDAY BRUNCH POOL SIDE BARBECUE SATURDAY JULY 14TH Ask about our Special Senior Days, Mon. - Thurs. . Located at ST. JOSEPH. Hwy. 21 between Grand Bend and Bayfield CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 236-7707 vrww.h s•.nland.com HOMEMADE LASAGNA, OR ALL -YOU- CAN -EAT FISH & CHIP $595 Cil•. !trYi 10 oz. PORK RIBS -t OR 95 ROAST BEEF $0. [SUNDAY, JULY 15 SPECIAL CHICKEN BREAST OR PORK CHOPS SQ 95 with Baked Beans 0. Seniors Discount 10% SPARKY'S PLACE FAMILY DINING 527.1964 90 Main St. Seatorth • •� . 7• • 7(appv'ii! • Q 4.1nniversary (om � Dai# ( Alex &4 Eileen i Townsend July 15th •_• • 4 •' _ U Love from your family • & .3• • GRADUATION ADAM AGAR Adam received his Bachelor of Education from the University of Western Ontario at Convocation Ceremonies June 6, 2001. Adam previously received his Bachelor of Applied Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Waterloo. He has accepted a position with the Avon Maitland District School Board at Seaforth District High School where he will be teach- ing math. Congratulations & Good Luck Family & Friends St lilt ford • Cinemas ' 551 Huron St. 273-6780 I 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 The Fast and the Furious /© Nightly at 7 & 9:15 Yawn,, S.•rdry a stndry M.r,. r 7p. Scary Movie II ,© Nightly at 7 & 9:15 T,•.ary. $..rd. & S.I.d., M.al.e r Tpw Cats & Dogs /® . Nightly at 7 & 9:15 Tw•d•r. S..IIdry a Sutd., r.a . r •"" Legally Blonde v® Nightly at 7 & 9:15 Tawdry, So&rdirg • Sunday Wham r 7pw Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within /0 Nightly at 7 & 9:15 4.25 Tuesday -t Iu . ti .uui .,•1 r.110 ,111.,1 tit` w,Iltt•tl,.1.. 601„ 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 50 th Wedding Anniversary is being celebrated by Kay & Leo Ryan who were married at St. Patrick's Church in Dublin July 14, 1951. They have resided in Kitchener most of their lives and have five children and nine grandchildren. Best Wishes Mom & Dad, Bob, Dan, Ben, BettyAnne & Mike. Ralph & Sheild Adams and Roy and the late Mary Scott announce the engagement of their children, Shirley Adams & Steven Scott. An open reception will he held on July 21, 2001 at 9 p.m. at the Seaforth Legion. EXPLOR\G the BIBLE A FREE basic Bible Correspondence course designed to assist you to gain the security and comfort that comes from knowing and under- standing God's Word for yourself. For your copy: Exploring the Bible P.O. Box 154 Shelburne. ON LON 1S0 or explorethebible@yahoo.com Karla. Palmer and Kevin Grisdale June 30, 2001 Congratulations from .Lydia and Don THE HURON EXPOSITOR, July 11, 2001-17 GRADUATION t JOE VANDEN HENGEL Tony & Mary Vanden Hengel are pleased to announce the graduation of their son Joe from the General Machinist Program from Conestoga College, Kitchener Campus on June 20, 2001. He previously attended St. James School & St. Michael's Secondary School, Stratford. Joe is employed at Fisher Bearings, Stratford (apprenticeship program). Congratulations Love Tony, Mary, Karen, Ben & Lori. 50 1 th Wedding Anniversary GRADUATE Gary Cronin graduated from Sheridan College, Oakville with a Graphic Design Diploma from the School of Animation, Arts, and Design. Convocation Ceremonies were held at the Living Arts Centre, Mississauga on June 13, 2(X)1. Gary is the son of Jim & Karen Cronin, R.R. 4. Seaforth. Congratulations Gary and good luck in all your future endeavors! The children of JOHN AND TRUUS KLAVER invite you to a celebration in honour of their parents' 50T" WEDDING ANNIVERSARY on Saturday, July 14, 2001 OPEN HOUSE 2:00-4:00 p.m. R & M DeBrabandere's, St. Marys, ON (2°' farm North of Rannoch, #1842, Road 163) Best Wishes Only Please 11 1 lossimmo graduated from the University'of Calgary on June 14th. 2001 where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Honours Exercise and Health Physiology. She is the daughter of Doug and Debbie Procter and the late Paul Rau. Kelly attended St. James, Seaforth and St. Michael Secondary School, Stratford. She will be continuing her education at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto in September. Congratulations on your achievement. Best wishes for your continued success. Lots of Love from your family and friends. Clinton Lions Club _ _ _ Closest To The Pin Contest iitr Friday, July 27 6 pm - 8 pm .". Saturday, July 28 10:30 am - 2:30 pm Sunday, July 29 9 am - 3:00 pm Playoffs Sunday, July 29 at 3:00 pm at Clinton Lions Park - Hwy. 4 South Clinton Cost $1.0°per ball Winner Is Guaranteed $1000.0° Cash Light Refreshments & Snacks Available FRI.-THURS. JULY13-19 COOEAICH 521.1811 FRI., SAT. & TUES. 4 I 6:45 & 9:15 PM UN., MON, WED & THURS. 8 PM IA( ,f 1 it ,F[3 .-+ter; .. FINAL FANTASY -.�.. e,NekleANTnnv COM �/� 11 t i , , 1 1 t o .11 t -V FRI.,SAT. & TUES. 6:45 & 9:15 PM SUN., MON., WED & THURS. 8 PM LONG DISTANCE? CALL l -800.2b5-3438 FOR TOIL FREE MOVIE INFO Itificardi, 41 ANTIQUE SIiOW & SALE July 14 and 15, 2001 Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 40 GREAT DEALERS ADULT ADMISSION $4 GOOD FOR BOTH DAYS IN THE DAVIDSON CENTRE 601 DURHAM ST. KINCARDINE, ONTARIO Info.: Dale's Hollow Antiques Tel. 519-536-9821 Fax 519-536-9359 Cell. 519-831-7677 F.mall: tbolgeresympatico.ca li i IIi t