HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2001-07-11, Page 13Coming Events TED JOHNS AT NDP POT LUCK PICNIC, Sunday, July 15, 3:30 gather, 5:30 eat, 6:30 performance. Meeting Place Organic Farm. Everyone welcome. For more infor- mation (519) 528-2493. CE-28xlcc COMMUNITY BRIDAL SHOWER for Carla Dalton at Bethel Bible Church (Canadian Tire), Sunday, July 22, 1:30 p.m. Everyone wel- come. CE -28x2 MONSTER EUCHRE TOURNA- MENT, St. Joseph's R.C. Church Hall, Clinton, Wednesday, July 11, 2001, 8 p.m. Over $100 in prizes. Lunch provided. Everyone wel- come. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. CE -28x1 cc Dabber Bingo every Friday, Bayfield Community Centre. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Bingo 7:00 p.m. sharp. Potential prize money $3,000. Jackpot - Up to and including 130 people $750. 131 people and over $1,000. Nevada tickets available. Bayfield Lions and Lioness Clubs. License #M257809-810. CE- 18x19cc MURRAYS' CHRISTMAS House open every day 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Come share the magic of our shim- mering home. Enjoy the ultimate shopping experience. 7304 Richmond, Arkona, 1-888-797- 7760. CE-09x4Occ BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parsons Court, $3,855 in prizes; 2 mini jackpots 1 for $350, 1 for $600; regular jackpot $1,500 must go. Lic. #157920. First Saturday of every month, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, same program as Thursday night. Lic. #310856. Super Star Provincial Game every Bingo Night. CE-42-xtfcc 1. Articles For Sale 3 TON CENTRAL AIR outside unit $250, 2-8' lengths of TV tower and rotor best offer, insulated doghouse 31 /2 x 21 /2 x 2 $50. Call (519)523- 9540. 01-28x 1 cc BLACK CURRENTS, red rhubarb, beet greens at Dougalis Berries and Veggies, phone ahead (519) 235- 1491. 01-28x4cc TRUCK CAMPER, fair condition, stove, fridge, heater all in working condition. Asking $250 or best offer (519)527-2114 or 527-2603. Call evenings. 01-28-1 3 -POINT ROUND RAKE, good con- dition. Asking $400 (519)527-2114 or (519)527-2603. Call evenings. 01-28-1 SWEET CHERRIES NOW! Pick your own or ready picked. Good pit- ting machine available. Pails of pit- ted cherries ready mid-July (order now). Rock Glen Orchards on Rock Glen Rd., Arkona. Chris and Joanne Mead (519)828-3074. Open 7 days a week 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. 01- 28xlcc SOFA BED, slept on once $200. 26" square end table, cherry veneer, pair $60. Large wicker plant stand, never used $60. Phone 519-527- 2400. 01-28x2 DARK WOOD, black glass coffee table and matching end tables, $250.00; solid oak kitchen suite, round pedestal table, Targe extra leaf, 4 chairs, good condition, $575.00. Deep freezer Free, 519- 482-9899. 01-28x2cc CUSTOM FIRING. Bisque and greenware available. Phone 519- 524-6727. 01-26x4cc DANBY 8000 btu window air condi- tioner. Call 519-345-2496. 01- 28xlcc 1 Articles For Sale FIREWUOD FOR SALE: Ready for winter use. CaII (519) 233-3168, $35 a cord, picked up. 01-28x2 INTEL PENTIUM 100, 16MG Ram, 2 GB Hard drive, 28-8 Internal Fax Modem, 6x CD Rom Drive, Soundblaster 16, Keyboard, Monitor, (519) 522-1822. 01-28x1 CHERRIES: Pick your own cherries at Murray Bros. Orchard, 4 miles south west of Thedford on Ridge Road off Northville Road. Black Cherries ready first week in July. 01- 26x3cc USED ROOFING STEEL, various lengths, condition, and colour for sale. 15c - 25c per sq. ft. Call Nostalgic Salvage Inc. 519-323- 0175. 01-26x14cc PAIR OF SWIVEL ROCKERS, dusty rose velvet $85. Round wal- nut end table $30. Call 519-786- 3373 evenings. 01-26x6nxe TESTS FOR P.A.L. $35.00, books $12.00, complete course, test and book $125.00. Restricted and non- restricted available. Call Bill Wilson 519-524-2579. 01-25xtfcc ANTIQUES. Call Us. We buy it all. Antiques, furniture, coins, col- lectibles, glassware, old tin toys, tractors etc. Cash on the spot. Phone toll-free 1-866-501-8848. 01- 42xtfcc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star, The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, Lucknow Sentinel and The Huron Expositor. 01-01-tfnxe MISS YOUR OLD MUSIC? Records and tapes s put on CD J Professional & Affordable 348-8169 anytime SCHINBEIN MUSIC MITCHELL 11'!.E; \RKET i i,t E \1:1 -CER 1 R \AWN (: POS I The Old Mill, Tiverton, ON OPEN DAILY Tues. to Sunday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm July 17 -Sept. 30, 2001 Ron & Addie Starr (519) 368-8667 1 Ch €inemak CW, 3h� Make Your Own Beer, Wine, Coolers and Fruit Wine (deinvir Awe or at hears/) 84 lingston St., GODERICH 524-2323 5. Cars for Sale 1964 MG MIDGET convertible, 'excellent condition. $3500. Phone 519-482-1746. 05-27x2cc THE HURON EXPOSITOR, auk 11, 2001-1 Town and Country LASSIFIED Deadline: Monday, 12:00 Noon Call 527-o2 6. Trucks for Sale 1996 GMC -Z71; 3DR, 350 Vortec loaded, black and grey interior, buckets, console - $18,000. Call (519) 482-1199 evenings. 06- 28xlcc 7D. Bicycles FOR SALE: Boys 24" Norco bike, excellent shape. Phone 519-345- 2519. 70-27x2 BOLER CAMPER, three way fridge, stove, water tank and pump, 110 volt and 12 volt lighting and portable toilet. Price $3,000. Phone (519)482-3450. 7G -28x1 cc 23' SUNSET TRAILER, tandem axle, sleeps 6 to 8. Good starter unit. $2,900.00. Phone 519-482- 7975. 7G -28x 1 cc 10. Pets ANGEL FISH, chiclids and more.. Aquariums. Call Ryan 519-524- 4240 after 5 p.m. 10-26x6nxe Huronia Humane Society has "Sherbert" for adoption. He is a 3 year old orange and white neutered male cat. "Sherbie' loves other cats to play with. If you can give him a loving home, please call 482-8933. Would be best in a home without small children. 1 1F Farm Product FOR SALE: Quantity of Clover Hay in round bales 4x4. Will deliver. Phone 519-527-1356. 11F -28x1 1 1H Farm Services CUSTOM ROUND BALING: 4 ft. wide by 3-6 ft. high (John Deere 466). Phone Scott Consitt, 519-233- 9297 or 519-565-2728. 11H- 24x12cc CUSTOM LARGE square baling (with optional , crop cutter) and round baling. Contact John White at 519-348-4517 or 519-393-6574 or Dave Louwagie at 519-345-2724. 11H-22x18cc 12. Real Estate for Sale WELL MAINTAINED 1 1/2 'storey brick home with attached garage, located on an ideal, large, treed, country lot. Private, drilled well and many recent upgrades throughout. 1/2 mile north of Dublin, Ontario, Perth Rd. 180, #4101. If interested call 519-345-2003 for an appoint- ment to view. 12-27x2cc 14 Vacation Properties LAKEFRONT COTTAGE for rent, 2 plus/bedrooms, 2 decks, BBQ, jacuzzi, $650.00 per week. Call 519-786-3373 evenings. 14- 26x6nxe 17 Apartments for Rent APARTMENT FOR RENT in Brucefield, two bedroom, heat included. Available now. Phone (519)529-3471.17-28x2cc MITCHELL APTS has 2 bedroom available in August, very quiet build- ing, 5525 per month plus utilities. Call Ron (519)887.9605. 17-28x2 HENSALL, furnished or unfur- nished, utilities and cable included, $350.00/month. Phone 519-262- 2314 or 519-263-2314. 17-25xtfcc Culligan R.R. 31 BRUCEFIELD - LIST - $159,900.1- 114 159,900.!- 76 JAMES ST., SEAFORTH - LIST - $109,900.1 - 69 WEST WILLIAM ST. SEAFORTH - LIST - $94,900.1- 22 94,900.!- 22 CHALK ST., SOUTH, SEAFORTH - LIST - $95,500.1 - 32 LONDON ROAD, SEAFORTH -LIST-$109,900.1- 48 GEORGE ST., E., SEAFORTH - LIST • $79,900.! - 51 JARVIS ST., SEAFORTH - UST - $99,900.! - 128 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH -- LIST - $89,900.1 - 2S LONDON ROAD, EGMONDVILLE - LIST • $69,000.I - Seaforth Office: 519 / 527-1577 *MAUREEN WROf0110 amain Street 519-627-1111 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE 141.8 REALTOR OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEKI 78 t300ERICH STREET, SEAFORTH LIST • $89,9001 53 HARPURHEY RD. HARPURHEY - UST -$124,900!- www.se11ingseaforth.com 17 Apartments for Rent ONE BEDROOM apartment in Dublin. No pets. CaII 519-345-2314 or 519-345-2792. 17 -21 -ft EASTVIEW APARTMENTS: Mitchell. Large luxury 2 bedroom apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite, laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235- 2961 or 519-565-5062 or 519-348- 0118. 17-18xtfcc IN CLINTON, newer two bedroom apartment, quiet four plex, con- trolled entry, tour appliances includ- ed, laundry facilities, parking and close to downtown, $475.00 month- ly plus utilities. Call 519-685-2264. 17-11 xtfcc COUNTRYVIEW APARTMENTS, Clinton, large luxury 2 bedroom apartment. Controlled entry, ensuite laundry, three appliances, small storage area. Designed for mature adults. Phone 519-235-2961 or 519-565-5062. 17-29xtfcc HEATED ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, close to uptown, fridge and stove included. $295/month. Phone 519-527-0235. 17-01-tf ONE BEDROOM apartment, edge of Clinton, fridge and stove includ- ed. Call 519-235-2559 or 1-905- 852-3754. 17-06xtfcc 18. Houses for Rent 3 BDRM. $525 AUG. 1ST Three bedroom home in Clinton, close to downtown, 1 1/2 baths, large yard, parking, appliances, gas heat. Available August 1st. $525.00 monthlyplus utilities. 1-519-637- 3737. 18-28xtfcc 24. Wanted to Rent LOOKING TO RENT house A.S.A.P. 2-3 bedrooms, fridge, stove included, garage preferred but not necessary. Call Connie or Ben 519- 262-2321 or weekends 519-526- 1069. 24-28x2cc 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED old barns and brick hous- es for salvage. Also scrap and household removal. Call for quote. 1-519-235-1662. 25-09xtfcc 26. Help Wanted MITCHELL MILL SYSTEMS Canada Ltd. has immediate open- ing in their Fabricating shop for a. painter. This is a full-time, tempo- rary position. Please apply in per- ons at our Main St., Newton, Ont. office or mail resume to P.O. Box 10, Newton, Ont. NOK 1R0 or e-mail resume to: mms@mitchellmillsys- tems.com. 26-28x2cc FULLTIME AND PARTTIME poultry catchers needed for local crew. (519)482-8823. 26-28-8 MITCHELL MILL SYSTEMS Canada Ltd. has immediate open- ings on installation crews for welders and installers for the Industrial and Agricultural Millwrighting fields. Please apply in person at our Main St. Newton, Ont. office or mail resume to P.O. Box 10 Newton, Ont. NOK 1R0 or e-mail resume to: mms@mitchellmillsys- tems.com. 26-28x2cc MATURE EXPERIENCED COOK required or will train right candidate. Apply in person to Sparky's, 90 Main St., Seaforth. (519)527-1964. 26-28x1 12. Real Estate for Sale F The Huron Expositor's LASSIFIEDS C.E. Coming Events 01. Articles For Sole 03. GorogefYard Sole 04. Antiques & Art 4A Crohs & Hobbies 05. Cars For Sale 06. Trucks For Sale NMI 7A. For Sale General 7B. Wonted To Buy 7C. Wonted To Rent 70. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs. Etc_ 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies 08 Computers. Videos, Etc. 09 Automotive 10 Pets Vii` sXY: s T ti` t.s 1 IA for Sale General 118 Wanted To Buy 1 1C Wanted To Hire 110 Employment Wanted 11E livestock 1 1 F. Form Product 11G. Form Equipment 11H. Form Services 11J Form land 1 1 K Form Real Estate 12 Real Estate For Sole 13 Mobile Homes 14. Vacation Properties 16 For Rent 17. Apartments For Rent 18. Houses For Rent 19. Rooms For Rent 20. Rooms & Board 22. lots for Rent 23. Commercial Property 23. For Rent 24 Wonted To Rent 25. Wanted To Buy 26. Help Wanted 27. Wonted General 28. Business Opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment Wonted 31 Ser vice Directory 32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal 35. Notice To Creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgoges 38. Auction Sale 39. Educational 40. lost & Found 41. To Give Away 42. Deaths 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. in Memoriam 47. Cards of Thonks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY moo NOON For other papers Deadline is MONDAY iz:oo AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One Week S6.5o, two weeks $6.00 ea. week, three weeks Ss.so ea. week. Additional words zo cents. An additional Sz.00 will be added if billing is necessary. In Memoriams - S6.5o plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words $6.So. Each additional word .50 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional S3.00. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 26. Help Wanted I LOST 40 LBS. in two months. 1- 877-263-4249. 26-12xtfcc 12 Real Estate for Sale THAMES RIVER PLACE Mitchell, 5 year old, 2 bedroom condo backing onto river and golf course. Call 348-9786 for appointment to view. ivi`INTEEj Real Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 *************************** Tony & Mary Vanden Hengel Sales Representatives 233-3168 OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY JULY 13TH 146 Main St., N., Seaforth: Victorian style spacious 2 storey brick home on expansive lot. Near schools & community centre. Beautiful, natural oodwork, open staircase, formal dining room. 3 bedrooms. Beautiful perennial beds. $119,000. MLS# D8137. $89,9001 4 acre country property with buildings. Beautiful secluded setting in Hullett Twp., close to river. 4 bedroom house has new steel roof, soffits & fascia. 3 floor former poultry building 48' x 25'. MLS# 08151. 2 acre Hobby Farm! 1700 sq. ft. one storey home and large barn or workshop on 2 acres. Located on paved road within commuting distance to Stratford or Goderich. Great for the Horse Loved $89,900. MLS* D7310. Linda Dzioba' 527-2103 Sandra Dale* 527-0801 $g9 yap .11 Totally Redone New Kitchen 3-4 Bedrooms Above Ground Pool ,!r 73 Market Street Beautifully Restored 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms New Kitchen Huge Back Yard Lots of Woodwork TOUR 1r ` • S96,500 40 inO .' D i Se • ooms Full Basement V . 1 Yellow Brick Beauty New Kitchen Grand Entrance Well Landscaped Pine Flooring Only $123,900! wt Wood Burning Fireplace _ Eat In Kitchen w/Island - 1 Grand Staltcase 1,-,, 3 Bedrooms : ,,r.,k; ., .., -.-. - ;,� Huge Brick Home Country Property 3 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms Large Country Kitchen ,- ,, 1 F !l' -it c':• pit li i }b, 4 Bedroom Brick Home Immaculate Landscaping New Loft Master BR Close to Amenities TOUR 90 Victoria Blvd. Vanastra 3 Bedrooms Partly Fin. Basement Large Quiet Lot $110,000. Why Pay Rent!!! ONLY $81,900 Hardwood Flooring Nicely Decorated 2 Sun Porches Priced to be Sold! VIRTUAL TOUR • ' \ . :i. - �� 3 Bedrooms Well Maintained Lg. Attached Workshop Hardl!wQoeoddy�Floors 868,900. , TOUR .`>w it c.r. r A, coLDweus. BAN Kell o All Points Festival City Realty 34 Main St., Seatorth 527.2103 OR 1.877.599.0090 Email Us at: allpoint@tcc.on.ca Website: www.coldwellbankerfc.com aill;$115,000 r• Totally Redone New Kitchen 3-4 Bedrooms Above Ground Pool TOUR t; ; _ ` Huge Living Room ..1Milr,' - Wood Fireplace Central Air ,. - . Separate Dining Room Main Floor Living S96,500 40 inO .' D i Se • ooms Full Basement • 1 $102,000 ‘ Hardwood Floors Family Room wt Wood Burning Fireplace _ Eat In Kitchen w/Island - 1 Grand Staltcase 1,-,, 3 Bedrooms : ,,r.,k; ., .., -.-. - ;,� Huge Brick Home Country Property 3 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms Large Country Kitchen THINKING OF BUILDING YOUR DREAM HOME? I.ot in Egmondvillc $3S,000 Septic Installed Already! 3 Acre Lot Near Public School S24,900! Beautiful Lot Racking Onto Golf Course $45,000! 2 Lots on Isabella Street 538.000! HOUSE HUNTING JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT EASIER - www.coldwellbankerfc.ca