HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2001-07-11, Page 10Acknowledging
of our
2001 Young
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10-THH11 H1111OM EXPOSITOR, Jody 11, i0o1
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By Krysta Penhak
Huron Centennial Valedictorian
Dear Parents, Staff, Friends and Visitors:
Change is one of the largest influences of
our lives. We've already seen many changes
and we will continue to see many changes in
many different areas of our lives. The world
continues to change - our environment,
government, friends and relationships. As
everything else changes, we will also change.
We'll grow up and our beliefs, values and
thoughts will mature and change. As we
change so will our opportunities. As we enter
secondary school, it may seem to be a
frightening place, but one fact is certain -
when we're about to step off into the darkness
of the unknown, one of two results will occur:
there will be something solid to stand on or
you will fly to greater heights. High school
can be very intimidating, my own sister
threw up in the morning of her first day in
grade 9. With time, it can turn out to be just
like this school - friendly, inviting and
I have attended Huron Centennial for nine
years, since kindergarten, and the students,
staff and experiences have given me many
extraordinary memories. There are many
students who have attended our school.
Vanastra and Huron Centennial, who have
moved or could not he with us tonight and we
remember their wonderful smiles. their
presence in our lives and school, and
contributions to school spirit and other
projects. In the primary grades, we learned to
read, colour and we had nap time; we were
the littlest always needing help and receiving
it. In junior grades, we had talent shows and
we walked our nature path frequently, and we
were stuck in the middle, not small, but not
yet big, until now. We're seniors, going from
"big fish in a little pond to little fish in a big
pond." Mr. Mount says, "When you talk
about this school, you're talking about
yourself and your classmates. This school is
not bricks and windows - it's you - the
students." In a way that is true, but it is also
of Eke I e3t (.riftvte»ces oma.
the parents, the staff, the trustees and the
community who make this school so
important. The students are the reason for this
school, but there is much more than just us.
There are teachers who teach us more than
just the curriculum. Mr. Cassel is very athletic
and is always helping us improve in physical
education. Mrs. Lockwood shows a passion
for English and makes our days busy and
humourous. French classes are enjoyable with
Mr. Griffin. Then we have our wonderful
parents who support us during everything.
Our trustees and board committee members
make many decisions concerning us. Lastly,
our community looks upon this school as a
positive place.
We're in this building for 6 1/2 hours a day,
five days a week, 10 months a year. Everyone
has formed his own personal opinion of it.
My opinion is that in every situation there are
negatives and positives, but I'd say the
positives definitely win. Huron Centennial,
whether you've attended for nine years or one
year, has amazing staff and self -aware
students. We've learned so much here, how to
read, math, grammar and many life lessons.
Our teachers have prepared us for high school
by showing us how to make tough decisions,
and how to analyze the positive and negative
aspects of life. They know all of the 500
students here, not because they need to. hut
because they want to. Huron Centennial is a
wonderful school and today is our last day.
As we enter high school, college, or
university, and continue with the rest of our
lives, I am sure we will always remember
Mike Graham, Corey Bender, Darren Love,
Jamie Taylor, Nick Cook and Wade Holland
for their super hockey skills, Patrick Long
using his height in basketball; Joey Atkinson
running; Michael Maxwell playing soccer;
Spencer MacMurran displaying basketball
skills; Natalie Tarnawski's beautiful figure
skating; Charlie Sananikone and David
Bounphasaneau break dancing and their great
art work; Lisa Martin and Dean Erb with their
uplifting art; Caitlin Broadfoot and Brittany
Talbot being able to brighten the day; Ben
Y �1 `evh.ori.es vow
By Melissa Murray --Valedictorian
Teachers. Reverend Fathers. Honorable Guests. and
fellow classmates I have been given the privilege of
saying a few final words on behalf of the class and to
begin, I found a quote by an anonymous writer that states
what I find to be very true...
"Look around you...and you'll see only where you are
today...Look within you and you'll know who you are and
where you're going." We are moving on and going to High
The memories of the first nine years of our school lives
have already found a permanent place in our hearts. The
bad is forgotten and the good will always keep teaching us
lessons in life. I know some of the greatest memories of
elementary school we have, will be of school trips, fun
days and times shared with our fellow classmates. Some of
us started together, some of us joined as newer members,
but we strived to become members of a team for the
purpose of learning and building on our strengths.
Many teachers have helped us achieve the best at
everything we did. They've reminded us that, just like our
parents, they see everything. We've had many substitutes
and staff changes and it seemed like they had one common
goal. That was to see us graduate! At times, we may have
been frustrated with them but I believe that without them
every step of the way, we would not be here today.
At graduation, it is a time to remember some of the
memorable times. Remember our school trips? Medieval
Times? African Lion Safari? Niagara Falls? - for some of
us - twice!! and of course the excitement of the Grad
trip?...Do you remember the Friendly Favors in Grade 4?
And the pets we've had in our classrooms? Or the
excitement of being "Star of the Week"?
On behalf of my fellow classmates, I'd ike to thank our
teachers who guided us from Kindergarten through to
Graduation. And especially our present two Grade 8
teachers - Mr. Haid and Mrs. Waechter - for preparing us
for High School and teaching us this past year. You taught
us independence and leadership - two qualities we will
need in high school. You taught us how to interact with
new people - something we will need for the rest of our
We remember our Principals and Vice Principals. We
remember our French Instructors and Art teachers. We
remember our Priests who prepared us for Sacraments and
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DeGroot, Tanner Glanville, Meagan Gale and
Matt Carnochan being class clowns and
making us laugh; Melissa Sparling and Jentje
Steenbeek always being able to answer our
questions about farms; Tim Butson knowing
everything about records and old cars; Aher-
Dee Mackenzie, Mardelle King, Elysia
Townsend, Sheena McLarnon, Rachel Haney,
Jen Hamilton, Janelle Cressman, Karen
Lively and Krystle Gingerich being the most
friendly girls, always wearing smiles; Steven
McVeeney helping out so willingly in fund
raising for Camp Celtic by sharing and
helping friends; Andrew Kruse, Andrew
Roberts and Corey Van Rooy knowing a lot
of trivia and being able to answer just about
any question about anything; Jeremy
Blackwell knowing a lot about eorptiters; AJ
Sager with his dirt bikes and Nascar racing;
Shan Cooper, Randi-Lynn Wilson, Jesse
Gingerich and Jeremy Vanderhaar always
being willing to help with academics. They
have all contributed in their own ways to
make the last nine years livable, likeable and
entertaining. Thank you, friends. As we enter
high school, some of us might drift from each
other, but we'll always remember our days
together and this graduation night.
In high school most of us will find
ourselves. realize our dreams and try to seek
our purpose in life. Make your dreams reality.
no matter how difficult. If something isn't
difficult. would it really he worth it in the
end? Don't throw away your dreams, no
matter what people think. There is always a
way you can achieve your dream. No matter
how many people doubt your abilities, at least
one person will support you and love you no
matter what you do. Remember - don't chase
your dreams, reach them - before it is too late.
An anonymous poem sums this up:
Forget about the days when it's been cloudy
But don't forget your hours in the sun.
Forget about the times you've been defeated
But don't forget the victories you've won.
Forget about mistakes that you can't change
But don't forget the lessons that you've
l. C
Forget about misfortunes you've encountered,
But don't forget the times your luck has
Forget about the days when you've been
But don't forget the friendly smiles you've
Forget about plans that didn't seem to work
out right,
But don't forget to always have a dream.
Huron Centennial
award winners
Top Academic Girl: Shan Cooper. Top
Academic Girl Honourable Mention:
Caitlin Broadfoot. Top Academic Boy: Jesse
Gingerich. Top Academic Boy Honourable
Mention: Jentje Steenbeek. Best All Round
Boy: Corey VanRooy. Best All Round Boy
Honourable Mention: Darren Love. Best All
Round Girl: Randi Wilson. Best All Round
Girl Honourable Mention: Melissa
Sparling. Friendship Award: Jennifer
Hamilton. W.S. Jeffery Math Award: Jesse
Gingerich. W.S. Jeffery Math Award
Honourable Mention: Jeremy Vanderhaar
Valedictorian: Krysta Penhalc. Athletic
Award - Male: Ben dcGroot. Athletic
Award - Female: Randi Wilson. French
Award: Krystle Gingerich. French Award
Honourable Mention; Elysia Townsend.
Most Improved Student: Mardelle King.
Student Leadership: Janelle Cressman.
Student Leadership: Caitlin Broadfoot. Art
Award: David Bounphasaneu. English
Award: Shan Cooper. English Award
Honourable Mention: Melissa Sparling,
Elysia Townsend. Bayfield Optimists
Citizenship Award - boy: Patrick Long.
Bayfield Optimists Citizenship Award -
girl: Rachel Haney. Ruth Hayman Elliott
Memorial Award: Andrew Kruse. Evelyn
H.B. Newton Brady Scholarship: Shan
Cooper. Faith Award: Jamie Taylor.
Lcr'e peYVNr`A11e1^.G pI.AGe iV1 NY LecnL5
gave us great leadership. We remember our volunteers in
the library; on the playground, on our school trips, plays.
and especially those who cit
ookcd the Hot Dogs!
A special thank you to our Secretaries and Custodians
who made everything in the schools run so smoothly. And
a Big Thank you to our mom's and dad's. Yon are the
Graduation is a time for tears, a time for fears but most
of all - a time for moving on...
"Look around you... and you'll see only where you are
today...Look within you and you'll know who you are and
where you're going." We leave St. Columban School and
move on to higher learning but we take with us our gifts,
our achievements, our memories, and the guidance of our
As the graduating class of 2001, I say to you - "We've
done it!"
St. Columban
award winners
Leadership & Citizenship - Alicia McCreight
Drama and the Arts Ellery Swinkles
Michael O'Rourke Award - Denise McClure
Male Athlete - Tony Dekroon
Female Athlete - Alicia McCreight
CIBC Math Award - Jamie Cronin
English Language - Katelyn O'Reilly
French Language - Linda Verberne
Student Council Premier - Alicia McCreight
Science and Technology - Jayne Van Bakel
History - Dianne Murray
Geography - Melissa Murray and Angela Jordan
Music - Jayne Van Bakel
Visual Arts - Denise Greer
Christian Caring Award - Owen O'Reilly and Sarah
High Academic - Tony Dekroon, Jamie Cronin, Linda
Most Improved • - Brad Soleski and Traci Ducharme
GRADS of 2001
All of your
hard work
has paid
iELLY im
Valedictorian - Mellisa Murray
Christian Caring Awards presented to one student in
each class: Grade 7/8 H - Stacey Van Roesscl; Grade 7/8
W - Chcvonne Carlow; Grade 6/7 - William Swceti: Grade
6 - Niklaus Schicker; Grade 5 - Laura Dekroon; Grade 4 -
Patricia Schicker.
OF 2001
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