HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-2-11, Page 8\`•\\ \ \\�\. ie,. a.A44.rt.\.iMe a\�n\ w\fi\i\...• • l ' arm Y 4,1 371. • BRUAR This month it. will pay you well to come to this store to examine the special values we are offering in seasonable me ►chandi e. Spring. goods 'are also arriving every few clays and it will • be a pleasure to show you the latest in' dress inateri ls, ready-to-wear and house -fur- nishings,, Wool Delaines and Fancy Crepes $1.49 These materials are very suitable and attr'aeti;Ye,_fot.lnaking into dresses ar blouses ar for use in combination with other ma- terials. Serviceable and reasonably priced at $1,49 a yard. Flannelettes and Prints 25c. ay'ard ... . These flannelettes are yard wide and the Prints are regular width. You will, find a real good choice of patterns and the. qualities are equli1 to the average 30c rifaterials_, Our_:special price now 25c a yard. 36 in. Figured Chintz; now 28e.a yard This is the ideal material for comforters, 'side drapes, box. covering and 'cushion tops. We have a big range of„ ptltterns all 36 inches wide. Our special price now 28c yard I Warm Cashmerette Stockings.25e 135c These warnr cashmerette stockings for ,ladies and children are here in all sizes from 6 ,to 10, The colors are black, brown, sand and'grey. Ladies sizes 35c a pair; childrens sizes 25c pair. Ladies' Coats and Men's oyercoa#se All at. Greatly Reduced Prices Yon will be astonished at the amount of money yen'oan.,save by buying a winter coat at this season of the }year.' 'ggnie in and see if we have one left that will suit you and then we will make the price talk. A. .Stevi4,/at FUR. N ITURE WHOSE COMFORT : WELCOM S :YOU THIS IS THE. KIND 'WHICH WILL GREET 'OU WHEN YOU CALL AT OUR STORE ON A VISIT OF LNSFEO,TION. SOLID COMPORT COMBINED WITH UP-TO-DATE STYLE AND FINISH AND A DURABILITY BEYOND(lvvli'ARISON'. E THRE'S REAL VALUE IN EVERY PIECE."" "TTE HOME FURNISHER" r - 4 • • 3 4 l4 1• 14js E. J 1M FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED— DAY NSURPASS •DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE F,:: . LONG DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Phone 74j OPERA ,HOUSE BLOCK 'Idig `"Ca11 74w ■ .�e en}s, Store Suitings, Overcoatngs Odd Trousers Men's Furnishing 4 Underwear, Caps, Hats, Shirts, Socks, Sweaters, Scarfs,. "% Sweater coats.: 1 Y W:• Merchant Tailor and Gents'Outfitter FIRE „ I NSU•RANCE,, It will be too LATE After yoti have a FIRE To check up your INSURANCESS. MAKE an estimate now of LOSSyou could count on ° for . . CERTAIN A. and get protection. Ask for rates in Canadian, Companies. They`'are lowest and no Agent's Fee" is charged, Gladman & Stanbury %jT,EJtG ; ENSALL THE EXETER TIMES -A Exeter Markets Whoa $1.32 Oats 45e. 13arley, .bac Manitoba, Flour. $5,00. Blended Flour $.4.50. Pastry 4'1uur $4.00 Feed Flour $2.10. Bran $1.70 �- Shorts. $1,70 Creamery :Sutter 49e. Dairy Butter 35e. Eggs, extras, 36c. Eggs, firsts, 30c. Lard 20c Potatoes $2,25. ,flogs $13.25, °Hogs, Selects $14,57. 41. LOAL 4444+44+If you wish to buy, .seUl or trade your :farm see R. E. Pickard, Exeter Ont. • Remember the Ladies' Aid Toa meeting and Concert, Friday 12th in Main St. United Church. Best of everything for everybody. LOST—In. Exeter, on Feb. 2nd a nicicle watch, 15 jewels, bearing J. Lawson's name on the face. Find- er rewarded by leaving same' at Times -Advocate. The Exeter` Women's Institute in- vite you to come to the oratory con- test by Exeter High School students on February 18th in Main St. Unit- ed church. A good evening's enter- tainment of music and speeches.,, Admissions 25 cents. Mr. Sylvester B. Taylor, Jeweler, will hold a Blue Bird Pearl guessing contest commencing Feb. 16th, . last= ing one week: A siring of pearls given to the one picking out the real pearl. Everyone invited to choose, without obligation or charge. The James St. Mission Circle will hold a Rainbow tea on Wednesday, February 17th, commencing at 5.30. Program and music. Admission40c. and 25c. Mr. Will Davis spent the end in Ingersoll. Miss Vera Essery, spent the week- end in Centralia. Mr. A. E. Fuke'ivas in London on Thursday last :on business. Mr. Don. Davis, of St. Thomas, visited in Exeter over the week -end. Mrs. C. Wares returned Monday evening after speeding several days in London. Mr. Wm. Geiser, of New York, is visiting for a week with his niece, Mrs. Ed. Westcott. Mrs. John Hind ,is visiting her sis- ter; Mrs. Sidney Clark, Euclid Ave, London, this week. Mrs. A. Campbell left last week to visit .her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Lannin, of Hamilton. • Miss Mildred'Nory, of London vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nory over the week -end. Mr. Milton Rusell, of Sexsmith, is drawing the material for the erec- tion of a new house next summer. Mr. Silas McFalls of the Canadian frank Comtherce-gaff; Hespeler, is home for three week's holidays. Dr_ L. L. Folliek, an Exeter Old Boy, has been elected chairman of the St. Marys Collegiate Institute Board. Mr. Jos S. Harvey was in Toron- to this week attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Horticultur- al Association. •• Mr. G. J. Dow shippd a load of horses to Montreal on Wednesday df last week. Mr. C. Webster ac- eompaninethem. Mr.' J. G. Stanbury was in Toron- to Tuesday and Wednesday where he was engaged as Consul in a will case at Osgoode Hall. Miss Evelyn Irene Gill, night sup- ervisor in Highland Park General Hospital, Detroit, visited her father Mr. F. Gill' over the week -end, re- turning Monday evening. Mr. Clarence Stanley, formerly of Lucan and now manager of the Bank of Montreal at Delburne, Alta., was married in Calgary to Miss Flossie Irelandson, on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd. Mr. Ed. Taylor, ,of the Bank of Montreal staff, Glencoe, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Jas. Taylor. Mr. Taylor was off, duty for a couple of weeks through ill- ness. The Public Utilities Commission have placed two transformers on James 'St. and the power for -the S. M. Sanders Mfg. Co. is now being stepped down from the high tension wires. Mr. R. N. Rowe is remodeling his furniture store and is 'fitting up a, funeral parlor. He is making. the workroom smaller and is using the room to fix up comfortable accom- modation for,the holding of funeral services. Mr. Ira Spicer, of Denver, Col., who was called here owing to the illness of his sister, Miss J. Spicer, who has been removed to London where she is being cared ,for, left the latter part of last ,week for his home in Denver. week-. VACATE '7 Jfl USDA K,. 1r'I�li3ZIUAEY 11, 182(9 (jA'V'k�N PRkI �I�'ix'T MAN HulEtCz�l „„J ,� ,�MIIIIIIIIIIII.ILII(IIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII•IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIlIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIg;ll;l°IlklM Rev..Tainos FootQ� 10 a in,-- ui ay 8ohool 11 a.m.- `Tb' Pak) -el intent Glc y of Christ." The Minister 't p,111,—•"Tba Lobining Grave," The Minister JAIFnns ST. UNITED OITURCR OF. CANADA Rev. 'E. Skeplard, Pastor W. R. Goulding, •A.''M. Organist and Choir -Leaser 11 a.m.:--Divine Guidance Guaran- teed. 3 p.m.—Jesus,. the ,Good Shepherd, 7 p.m.—Semi-toil to Young Men,. Be strong la the Lord and -the Power of Ilia .might. Trivitt Memorial Church Rev. A. A. T1 V:lnper, L. Th-' Rector 11 a.m,—"Vision," 3 p.rii: Sunday School - 7 p.m.—`The Church's Secret of Prosperity," MAIN STREET- UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. 'CIysdale, Pastor 11 a.m—"TheNiViaster's way" 3 p.m.—Sunday'•gctlool. 7 p.m.—"A Modern. Marathon." Tuesday, Feb; 16th, Y. P. S. Lan- tern Lecture "Missionary work in: Japan.';;_ No admission, EVERY- BODY INVITED. Sylvester B. ,Taylor Jeweller, — Exeter Fitton's Old Stand WATCH AND G<LOCK REPAIRING GUARANTEED • T Powell's Bazaar BIG VARIETY STORE February the month of extra val- ues at this store. i• See what you can. save on Men's, Women's and Child- ren's Hosiery •at 'this store; also Boy's Tweed and English Corduroy Bloomers, different patterns and sizes. You will Buy them at Our. Prices. We cannot afford to Sell poor articles, even 'if the' price is lower. Repeat .Sales make the Suc- cess of Our Business° ' w1 EJS-END •-SPECIALS• Cut Flowers, Carnations and Daf- fodils. Rarinony Records; fit all 'Disc. needle Phonographs,' trig 'Assortment ' r9c. each. Clothes Pins, 46'fbr 10c. ' .44,001 4011110.4 4,141.1441 1401.141.1 4444. loYmig ilmomm alsomm 112 .111.1.11 vercoats en, now• is the.tirne to' b�y an overeoat.. still'have a • ood assortment � o tn,.exx for Boys as well a.s Men. See the values we are showing Boy's Boy's $12.50 Men's'" $16.50, $18.50 Tea Towelling Regular 25c a yard. A limit- ed quantity to sell this month at per yard 18c, d2 yards for' 35c. Breaded Table Linen This is''a ,splendid cloth, washes and laundries well, and is good • value at per yard 75c. Men's- Fine Shirts'. Sizes 14 to 16. These are well made and are good washing terials. Arrow make and are, worth in the regular way your supply $1.48 or 3 for $4.00. ma- Get Ladies' Silk and Wool . Hose 60 pair ' of -English Silk and Wool Hose. Regular $1.25 valu- es. °A bargain • for , you at per pail' 79c. ' New Wall Papers We' are :showing the new wall papers for 1926. Ask to see the new•Maximur 30 inch .papers ,,You will•,surely like them. Ladies' Winter `Coats We have 10 winter coats left that must be- cleared. These sold at $19.50, $25.00 axed $30.00. We "place .them n sale this at your choice of any $12:95, $14.9'5,, • coats • week r \• � %��ytttr�-�-€ Vii' \mssri�� "c �- �� �-'-lam, �.:e,a �cr.-� �.-: �� �� wi�\9*:`- �i �.�-;ra-�� =-•'i w-, r i`w:..... uthcott. Bros. 111114▪ 11111314 twoMPOM 14▪ /8.041 minimum C S rami11111111iiim1111 llimiIIi umillllllllllllllllllllll • Illllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll llllllllllllllillllllllv FOR SALE OR `RENT The Following) Properties $Y�VCSI3Ta onar sin ai:7E7€eter`-- Commodious iftri4k1,4Welling, fur- nace heated,-a°nd wiied'for'Electric lighting, etc. with futures.: in place, John St. Six and a half acres of''choice land suitable for market garden, running through from Huron' St. to 'John St. Choice Saskatchewan farins in the Have Your Eyres Examined With the 'short days and the nec- essity of continued use of artificial light—one needs to watch 'closer than ever for signs of eye strain. If you are not wearing glasses, make, sure that You. do not need them..It's. well to remember power of vision changes and your glasses need -to be adjusted • to meet the change. Dr. John Ward enjoys an enviable''repu- tation for expert treatment and hon- opinions. Come in and satisfy' -your-` selh''everything is in order. '• r. John Ward CffiROPRACTOR & OPTIOLIN MAIN ST, EXETER. ONT. PHOS 70 Carnduff, Fillmore Plenty and Fro• basher districts. " t ,131G REDUCTION For price and terms' on•'abovs see ROBERT E. PICKARD, John Street EXETER. °' Agent for Great West Life As'ce Co. NOTICE—I have•taken a contract with the International Ylarvester Co. as salesman and service man. All International farm machinery, trucks tractors, etc., for sale;:;also some se- cond hand machinery Phone 172r3 Exeter, for service. A. Dayman PASTURE FARM;.F;OR`.SALE .OR RENT—Being West half lot 8 and 9, south Boundary of Hay Tp., com- prising 150 'acres 'more or less of good pasture land, well fenced; Aux Sauble river running through pro- perty: Apply to J. •'S. - Amy, 191 Simcoe St., London. •'Phone 9767J. DOG STRAYED 'OR STOLEN— Irish Terrior that answers to the name of Barney. Anyone knowing of his whereabouts: please notify Browning's Drug Store., Exeter. TENDERS WANTED ' Tenders will be xeeeived by the undersigned up to March 1st, 1926, to rent the unoccupied portion of the cemetery, being nine acres. The same to be sown With grain and prepared so that it can be seeded down with alfalfa. The board will furnish and sow the' alfalfa seed. The highest orany tender not nec- essarily accepted. Wilbur Martin, Secretary, Exeter. FOR SALE"" .CHE`A`P—Good blue overcoat, apply at Times -Advocate. Stewart s Our Grocery Prices Save You Money • . Crisp Sardines ,,.. 15c Ib •., Tasty' 4boxes for 25e G ' Mixed Tea, our special 59a 1'b Matches 3 large a boxes for 2 g o 9c Vanilla, 8 oz., battle for 250 Extracts; any flavor, 3 for 25c /\ • Ammonia Powder, 3 pkgs 25c. 'Toilet Paper, 6 large rolls 25c 74Pink Salmon, 2 Targe tin 350. Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs ,25e ,kellog's Corn Flakes 3 ,for 29c 111ixed d ekies, 2 Ib for 35c iCrisp Ginger Snaps, 2 lb 25c k'lrtine 16WTele •. phone and , is .ate' . iM"`.. Royal Yeast Cakes 5e pkg. Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs fol• ' 25e. 6 Ib. Quality Oatmeal for 25c 4 cakes Palm Olive soap 25c 18 bars P. & G. soap for $1.00 Seedless Raisins, 2 lb for 25c Rice, choice quality, 3' Ib 25c P. & G, Soap Chips, 2 lb 25c Sweet Seedless Oranges 39c dz Castile Soap, 7 cakes for 25c Tasty' Cheese' 29e Ib Canned Corn, 2 tins for 25c Choice Dairy Butter ..,. 29e lb,. Delivery Service riie lydw' SALE • — of FURNITURE NOW ON —at - R. N. RsOWE Funeral., Director 4 Embalmer Phone 20W Night 20J For- Sale Large base burner, parlor stove. Refrigerator, good as new. Hair -cloth covered piano stool. Set,,of sad irons, copper boiler, galvinized boiler; • ash sifter. Double • seated cutter with pole, Single cutter, single sleigh, 'clip- ping machine. A pair of hockey shoes and .skates Table. 12 -ft. by 27 -in. wide. Dayton scale 3 lb. capacity. 3 good building, lots. 3 notion counters for store use. Good hall rack, $5.00. 3 Tube radio, cheap, will install. Business, Money Maker 100 acre farm, well fenced and drained.'-' Good brick house and large bank barn, cement silo, drive shed and pigpen. Hydro installed, 2 never. failing wells, 2 miles from Exeter. WANTED Yearling calves, also suckers �. Use our Service for selling and locating. Inquire POWEL.i/S BAZAAR • Phone 55 and 122 Eketer, Ont. NOTICE -.4J1 farmers wishing to ship cattle co-operatively may: do so by dropping a letter to Geo. Sanders, Exeter. Rates $1.00 a head. 4 THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA • /01 WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NORWICH UNION DIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY LTD. i I'Lite,—Vire- iitoinobilc, etc E. C. HARVEY .Aant E gen xeter ERNEST ELLIOT • • Conveyancer, Investments" Insurance Office one door south Times Office W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. ' Organist and Choirmaster James St. United • 'Church Instrucction .gin - -Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of 'Music in" Stchools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St. Box 57 EXETER, `%NT. ,,'• F RANK' TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction - guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138'' JAMES W. WATSON, Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any localit7 Farm Stock sales a specialty. Satin faction guaranteed.' Charges nod orate. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. R.R. No 1, Sirkton. Phone Xitkton 640. 4.- ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SAL1 S A SPECIALTY - 8 Years Experience. Prices Reason- able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge. Phone 57-13 Dashwood R.. R. 1, DASRWOOD, ONT. ' NOTICE - T. H. Elliott wishes to 'announce that he and Mr. W. Johns have dis- solved partnership and T. H. Elliott has taken over the business. Tailor-. ing, Cleaning, Pressing and, Repair- ing. Safety Razor Blades' Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE 3c DOUBLE EDGE • .4c Perfect. Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, \VIT.H E. J. L1 RISTIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns .. I-4- LL WaS CONTRACTOR Cementn d Carpenter anWork ESTIMATES FURN HED. Houses and Barns EXETER :-- : ONTARIO Phone 152W t Wood for Sale A QUANTITY OF DRY WOOD.' ''OR ,SALE . Bagshaw Tay Ug Phone '58W 1.'R. CARLING B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR: DTC., Loans, Investments, ,In.uranos`.. Office,Carling Block,Main St. Exeter GLADMAN '& STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors"Jtc. Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance. Safe-deposit. Vault for use of ops. Clients without -charge. Exeter London • ' Haman Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENT• AL SURGEON • Late Listrict Dental, 'Officer el Military District,Number One, Loll. don, Ont. Main Street, Exeter, 'Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 341 ` Be open Wednesday afternoons till ° April 7th Dr. G. F. Roulaton, DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's Lam • office. Extractions Under Oxygen Gas, Dr. A. R. Kinsman, L.L.D., D.D.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of Toronto Usher. sity , Office over Gladman & Stanbnrrit office, Main Street Exeter. DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M,D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P. ;& S. Edinburgh L.F.P.&S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office over Browning's Drug Stern Phones Residence 30 Office Si DR. W. E. WEEKS Physician and Surgeon Office—One door south of the-, Times -Advocate. Office hours 9.30 to 10.30 a.m. . 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Phone: Office 67W, Residence 67J DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary? College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPT- , LY ATTENDED TO Pone 158 Residence Ann. St: EXETER, ONT. pr. Adrian 13. Gibson, V.S. Graduate "of the Ontario 'Veterinary, College Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty, , Office—Frankll alls promptly {attended to Taylor s Sales Stable Phone 99W Residence_ fames St., Phone SSW EXETER ONTA.tUO J. VICAR MUNRO REGISTERED ARCHITECT Plans, Specifications prepared for Residences, Churches, ..Sehoole etc. • Best References r Manes; Office l889w, 'House 5141w Room 8, Coote Chambers, Market Lane, London